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Fear Booklet

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Director’s NotesWe have two very different plays on offer tonight. One, a fun satire of the familiar murder mystery, and the other an exploration of that all-too-human emotion - fear. It’s a delight to be able to present a play by the Year 12 class and have the Year 10/11 class be involved. Both plays have taken a lot of work, time and effort from the students (and their families). Where possible, design choices and creative input was left to the students, and I think they’ve done a pretty amazing job. Some of the ideas in the plays are quite serious, and I’ve been impressed with the maturity the students have shown in presenting them.FInally, I want to say a special thank you to my family and my school family for supporting me personally. Some House Keeping• The performance runs for about one and a half hours, and there is a short interval• Please turn off mobile phones or put them onto ‘silent’ mode during the performance• The toilets are located outside, at the side of the building• Parents are asked to please wait for a few minutes while their children help pack up• Please note that the second act contains some scenes that small children may nd scary

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ank You to:• The staff at Kadina Memorial School who always support the work we do in Drama and the Arts• Sandy Hahn for his support and not minding too much when I need help with the sound mixer. Or microphones. Or cameras. And lots of other things.• Jacq Barry and Karen George for lending us props and encouragement• Thanks to Georgia Wells and Aaron MacDonald for letting us use their names for a punchline• Verity, Al, Chris and the rest of the Leadership team for making two days of rehearsals possible• All the staff at Kadina Memorial School for being exible and enduring my reminders about up and coming shows every staff meeting• Arlene for always being there to tell me it’s going to be al-right on the night• And nally, but most importantly, to the parents who helped nd costumes and props, who learnt lines with their kids, and who ferried them to and from rehearsals. Your support Kadina Memorial School would like to acknowledge the land we perform on tonight is the traditional land of the Nharangga people. We acknowledge the stories they have told in the past, the stories they tell today, and the stories they continue tell into the future.

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