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Father's Day / 5 Star Power Mag

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C O N T E N T SFIVESTARP O W E R3.The Power Code5. What kind of Entrepreneur....16Pastor‘s Wives- The BalancingAct34 Why is Healing so hard....?40  4 Types of dreams55 Check out ourSpring/Summer Edition28Sowing Into Legacy6Expression of LoveI S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R S P E C I A L F E A TU R EMilton M. White, Sr. PastorMentorTeacherPasadena, CAPublication StaffExecutive Director~Romaine JonesCreative Director~Nailah JonesEditor ~ Melendy Butler

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THEPOWERCODEMany believers are content with knowingthat heaven will be their final restingplace; but have not fully processed whattheir time on earth really looks like,spiritually.od has strategically givenus all that we need tohave a successful spirituallife while on earth. Thequestion is: Do we havethe desire to receive whatHe has so freely given? GWe must understand that God has madeprovision for us by giving us individualsthat have made a commitment to God toequip His people: This can be illustrated through the Five Fold Ministry.The five-fold ministry is a biblicalteaching based on Ephesians 4:11-13,and it comprises five specific roles orgifts given by God to the church to fulfillits purpose. The five roles are apostles,prophets, evangelists, pastors andteachers. Each role is meant to serve,equip, and edify the church.Here is the breakdown:Ephesians 4:11-13 (KJV)11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto themeasure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:Firstly, we have Apostles, who areappointed by God to establish churchesand oversee them by the principles of theGospel. They are urged to plant andstrengthen churches through wiseleadership and a clear understanding ofGod's will.Next, we have Prophets, who are calledto speak into the future, proclaimingGod's will, and foretelling events tocome. Their role is crucial in guiding thechurch and the people of God in thedirection of the Lord's will.Then, we have Evangelists, who arepassionate about preaching the Gospeland leading people to Christ. They play avital role in helping people understandthe love of God and the need forrepentance.Pastors are called to shepherd, guide,and protect the flock. They have a heartfor people and are entrusted with theduty to care for each member of thechurch. They have to provide spiritualfood so that each person may grow intheir faith.Lastly, we have Teachers. Teachers areexperts in the Word of God. They have a passionto train others and to equip them to teachothers also. They play a critical role in equippingthe rest of the 5 Star Power and, ultimately, therest of the Body of Christ.5 Star Power also referred to as Five FoldMinistry is a manifestation of God's grace, agift from the Father to help equip the church todo the work of the ministry. May we all strive touse our gifts and roles effectively in the body ofChrist, for His glory. Amen!I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R 3

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SocialEntrepreneurSerielEntrepreneurInnovatorAre known for their abilityto come up withgroundbreaking ideas andcreate entirely newindustries or products. Theythrive on thinking outsidethe box and challenging thestatus quo.WHAT TYPEOF ENTREPRENEURARE YOU?Small BusinessOwnerTechnopreneurTypically have a more traditionalapproach and focus on growing andmanaging small businesses. Theymay open a local store, restaurant, orservice-based business and aim toprovide value to their community.Those who are CEOsor major shareholdersof large corporations.Enjoy starting and runningmultiple businesses overtime, constantly seekingnew opportunities andchallenges. They often learnfrom their failures and usethose experiences toimprove and succeed infuture ventures.Focus on leveragingtechnology to create andgrow businesses. Theyoften work in the techindustry and developdigital products orservices that solveproblems or enhancepeople's lives.I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R SolopreneurChoose to work alone and runtheir businesses single-handedly. They may offerconsulting or freelancingservices, or sell productsonline.FranchisesPurchase the rights to operatea pre-established businessmodel, often benefiting fromthe brand recognition andtraining provided by thefranchisor4

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Y E L L O WSimilar to numbers, colors have significant meaning in the Bible. Understanding what certain colors symbolize canhelp us gain a deeper understanding of Scripture and provide revelation in our faith walk.When the color YELLOW is revealed in a dream- the context of the dream is important in understanding what God iscommunicating to us. There are several symbolic meanings to consider: 1) its welcoming 2) it could representfearfulness or cowardice 3) it could symbolize attention seeking 4) it could represent the Glory of God. Make specialnote of other things occuring in the dream when the color is revealed and how you feel in the dream environment.As with all things, it's important to seek the Holy Spirit to gain full understanding(Reference Book :The Divinity Code To Understanding Your Dreams and Visions)PropheticI S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R

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Our beloved Bishop has had the privilege of serving theVictory Bible Church family for over 20 years, leavingbehind a rich legacy of honor, leadership, and family.With a compassionate heart and a non-judgmentalposture, he has raised up countless individuals andcontinues to inspire and guide us. It is a gift to be part ofthis remarkable journey.As we celebrate his remarkable tenure, we were honoredto capture the testimonials of a few individuals who havebeen impacted by Bishop's leadership. Here are theirstories:SPECIALFEATURE.I S S U E 3 5 S T A R P O W E R 96

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I think there is a lot that we can all say about Bishop White’s legacy but I’m justglad to be a part of it. Before I became a member of Victory Bible Church, Ialways told people that I was an honorary member for a very long time.Without being a member, Bishop allowed me to teach the High Schoolstudents for Family Enrichment Night for 4 years and he also allowed me totake the lead on the “Voices Youth Conference” in July of 2016. To say theleast, Bishop White has invested his time, resources, and wisdom into my life. Iam forever grateful for God bringing him to Pasadena. PASTORBRANDON LAMARTributeFROMSTRONGSTRONGSTRONGLegacyLegacyLegacy1 4

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What advice would you give to currentpastors' wives who may be navigatingthe demands and expectations ofministry life?As Pastor's Wives, I want to encourage you toremain faithful to God first, prioritizing dailytime with Him to seek His direction for yourlife. Without His guidance, the journey canbe tough and challenging. However, Ipromise that if you take time for God and foryourself, ministry will become easier, and theroad will become less bumpy and lessdifficult. As wise older Pastor's Wives haveshared with me, "Turn it over to Jesus and letHim work it out; while you're trying to figureit out, it's already worked out!" So, stayprayed-up, stay focused, stay submitted, andcommitted to your husband, family, andministry. Don't throw in the towel or give upquickly; God called you just as He called yourhusband. Seek His direction and begin doingthe things He has called you to do.Remember, in God's eyes, you are somebody,the apple of His eye! Stand strong Wives, takeyour place in God, and work alongside yourhusband, not against him, and victory will beyours!I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R DEDICATIONDevotion

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I S S U E 3 5 S T A R P O W E R 1 7Reflecting on your years as a pastor'swife, what are some notablememories or moments that haveshaped you and your understandingof faith and community?As I reflect on my 47-year journey as aPastor's Wife, I'm filled with anoverwhelming sense of gratitude and awe.The countless memories that have unfoldedbefore me have been a testament to thegrowth of my faith, and I've come to realizethat without faith, even our work ismeaningless. But with faith, we canexperience the mighty hand of God movingin our lives, and it's been a privilege towitness this firsthand. From salvation tohealing, renewal, and transformation, I'veseen countless people's lives changed, guided,and delivered. I've watched as God has healedmy children from illness and disease, andeven spared them from death when theenemy tried to take them out of their lives.My grandchildren have also been sparedthrough my prayers and faith, and I've seenmembers of our local church experienceprofound life changes through counseling.Through it all, I've come to a profoundconviction: God is real, and He still performsmiracles in the lives of those who believe.FAITHCommunity

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I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R Can you elaborate on any lessons orspiritual growth you personallygained during your time as a pastor'swife, and how these experiencesshaped your perspective on faith andministry?As I've navigated my spiritual journey, I'vecome to understand the profoundimportance of being both prayerful andpatient. When I pray in faith, I've learned thatit's crucial to wait patiently for God'sresponse, trusting that His timing is alwaysbest. As I surrender my trust to Him, I'm ableto tap into a deep sense of peace that quietsthe negative thoughts and doubts that theenemy and others may try to instill. Thispeace is a powerful antidote to the chaos thatcan surround me, and it allows me to walk byfaith, not by sight. What I see in the present isfleeting, but when I walk by faith, I'manchored in eternity. The most profoundlesson I've learned is to trust God above allelse - not my mind, not my thoughts, not myactions, but God alone. He is the source of allprovision and guidance, and when I submitto His wisdom, I'm empowered to live a lifethat's truly successful, enjoyable, andproductive.PRAYERFULPatient

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I S S U E 3 5 S T A R P O W E R 1 7How do you recommend retiredpastors' wives stay engaged with theirlocal church community andcontinue to use their skills andexperience to benefit others?As I embark on this new journey, I'm seekingguidance and wisdom from fellow Pastor'sWives who have navigated the transition oftheir husband's retirement as Senior Pastor.With a deep trust in God's direction, I'mcommitting to daily prayer and submissionto His will, as well as my husband'sleadership. As I yield to both, I'm confidentthat I'll receive clear guidance for my nextsteps. Rather than resting on my laurels, I'mpreparing myself spiritually, physically, andmentally to receive the opportunities that lieahead. I'm excited to stay active in my localchurch and community, using my skills andexperience to serve and support others. And Iknow that God is not yet finished with me -He has more in store for me, and I'm eager tosee what He has in store.GUIDANCEWisdom

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D E J I O L A J I D E _FORMER NCAAFORMER NCAAFORMER NCAAFOOTBALL CHAMPIONFOOTBALL CHAMPIONFOOTBALL CHAMPIONSpecializes in...•Weight loss strategies •Diabetes management •Online workoutprograms •Meal planning support •5 Day Juice cleanseEmpowers his clients tolose weight, gain muscleand live an abundant lifeHEALTH AND FITNESSLIFE COACHI S S U E 3 5 S T A R P O W E R

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Shantelle Jacobs, MA, LPC-SI have also seen an increase in companies andchurches reaching out to me to request training tomeet the emotional challenges of the employees andcongregation. The community is investing more inmental health and the welfare of othersThe pandemic amplified the voice of mentalhealth, and the world took notice. I witnessed asubstantial increase in people seeking therapy overthe years. This is a positive shift in our culturallandscape. Seeing people in the world candidlyshare their experiences with therapy, andencouraging others to put their mental health first,gives me hope. The perception of mental health,therapy, and self-care is changing. I foresee asustained increase in the demand for therapy as wecontinue to advocate, raise awareness, fund, andwork toward reducing stigmatization. There are so many factors that contribute to theincrease such as the aftermath of the pandemic,natural disasters, stress, anxiety, depression, griefand loss, marital issues, loneliness, humiliation, lowself-esteem, trauma, racism, addiction, financialissues, and the current state of the world we live in.Oftentimes, we do not place a genuine investmentin ourselves. There is a huge emphasis on ouroutward appearance and how people perceive us,with less consideration for our internal well-being. Our well-being and mindset are fundamental inshaping who we are, influencing our daily routines,our interactions with others, and ultimately, thetrajectory of our lives. Investing in our well-being,cultivates resilience, emotional intelligence, and apositive mindset. This can position a better state ofmind to navigate life's challenges and enjoy thetangible things we choose to invest in. Counseling is so vital because it helps people toprocess their thoughts, behaviors, and feelings in asafe and nonjudgmental environment. Thechallenges my clients are faced with the most are:How have you seen the demand forcounseling services evolve in recent years,and what do you predict for its future in2023? In your opinion, what factors contributeto the increased need for counseling intoday's society and why is it particularlyrelevant in 2023? Can you shed light on the specificchallenges people face in 2023 that makecounseling such an essential resource? Mental health conditionsTraumaChildhood issuesGrief and lossCoping with stress, depression, and anxietyPublic humiliationWork-life balanceRelationship issuesLonelinessDifficulty saying no to others/standing upfor selfLack of self-careContracting STDsFinancial issuesLow self-esteem; comparing self to otherson social mediaFeeling the need to meet society’sexpectations and timeline UnforgivenessIdentity and purposeI S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R Pure Mind: Counseling & Wellness( 2 2 5 ) 2 1 7 - 2 8 9 8I N F O @ P U R E M I N D C O U N S E L I N G . C O M~ Introducing ~2 4

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TestimonialShantelle is amazing! I ran across her as my first search onlineto finding a therapist. I have attempted counseling before,and I felt it was a waste of time. Now, after seeing Shantelle Ihave a completely different perspective on counseling andwhat it takes to mentally be healthy. I understand it doesn’thappen overnight and it takes conscious work every day tobeing a better you! I would recommend her with nohesitation.I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R ( 2 2 5 ) 2 1 7 - 2 8 9 8I N F O @ P U R E M I N D C O U N S E L I N G . C O M

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In my counseling practice, I weave together biblicalteachings, faith-based guidance, and psychologicalcomponents. I help individuals recognize behaviorsthat may be inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible.Therapy provides a safe space to talk and processthoughts, feelings, and behaviors without beingjudged.Through this recognition, we work together toalign their lives with God's will, fostering personalgrowth and spiritual development. It's about helpingthem strengthen their relationship with God whileaddressing their mental and emotional well-being andmeeting their personal goals.Pure Mind Counseling & Wellness was birthed out ofmy commitment to obeying God's calling and purposefor my life. Weekly, I seek God's wisdom and directionin assisting the individuals I serve. My approach isunique in that it incorporates biblical principles, faith,psychology, and practical life skills to assist individualsin addressing their life challenges. It is a collaborativeapproach focusing on the needs of the individual andtheir desires.The integration is powerful because it acknowledges the holistic nature of individuals—mind, body, and spirit. By combiningpsychological principles with faith-based guidance, individuals can address not only the external challenges they face butalso the internal struggles and conflicts. This approach provides a comprehensive framework for personal development andhealing, considering both psychological well-being and spiritual growth.In Christian counseling, we highlight the unique challenges that people encounter in today's world. When it comes to digital distractions,we often recognize the importance of biblical wisdom on focus and being intentional with the essence of time. We guide individuals toapplicable scriptures that encourage intentional living and provide practical strategies, such as incorporating reading, prayer, andreflection into their daily routines and eliminating distractions. How does your counseling align withChristian values and teachings? How canit help individuals navigate andovercome challenges while staying trueto their faith? With the fast-paced and uncertainnature of our current world, how canChristian counseling provideguidance and stability to individualsseeking clarity and peace in theirlives?How does Christian counseling address unique challenges faced by believers in thismodern era, such as navigating digital distractions, social media comparison, andincreasing secularization? In what ways can Christian counselingaddress mental health concerns in aholistic manner, considering both thespiritual and emotional aspects of aperson's well-being?The Bible contains many scriptures that encourage us to live an intentional life such as:Proverbs 16:3 (NIV): "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV): "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a futureand a hope."Ephesians 5:15-16 (NIV): "Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity,because the days are evil.I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R ( 2 2 5 ) 2 1 7 - 2 8 9 8I N F O @ P U R E M I N D C O U N S E L I N G . C O M2 6

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Gridiron Grace: The UnshakeableFaith of an NFLChampionI S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R

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SOWINGSOWINGSOWING INTOINTOINTOLEGACYLEGACYLEGACYSowing into legacy is a perpetualspiritual process from generation togeneration and to generations. SEEDTIME and HARVEST is GOD’SFIX LAW, as stated in Genesis 8:22“While the earth remains,SEEDTIME AND HARVEST, coldand heat, winter and summer and dayand night SHALL NOT CEASE.’’ Sowing is seedtime, it is our spiritual,physical, material, emotional andfinancial deposits, Legacy is ourharvest; 1. God’s provision for us 2.God’s blessing for the Kingdom,family, friends, colleagues evenstrangers. Only God determines how,who, when and where your seeds willproduce a legacy. As I paraphrase 1 Corinthians 3:6-8, “Some plant,some water, but God gives theincrease…and every man shall receivehis own reward according to his ownlabor.I believe different seasons requiredifferent seeds for different reasons.Two examples that come to mind are:when Job prayed for his friends theLord restored his fortune, in fact, theLord gave him twice as much asbefore, which blessed him and hisentire family for generations. Personally, I have always been a giver,thus I am blessed to continue to blessothers; God anointed me to preachand teach the Word of God and I amblessed by the Word that God uses tominister to others; I was blessed tohave owned and operated several“Ministry of Helps” type businesses,which blessed me financially and Godused to encourage, empower andenhance the lives of others. Therefore,our legacy becomes the sum total ofour sowed seeds. In the natural seeds produce aftertheir own kind. The ground does notdistinguish between what seeds itreceives. It grows whatever seed isplanted; this is how life works-turningour spiritual seeds into legacy. Let’scontinue to be intentional about theseeds we sow today, as they willbecome our legacy tomorrow. .by Toni Tryon-DicksonI S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R A L L T O T H E G L O R Y O F G O D ! 2 8

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Anything worthhaving takes time.THEKING’SMENTHEKING’SMENTHEKING’SMEN1. The King’s Man is equipped witheverything necessary to build and lead thefamily2. The King’s Man is Purposed to carry God’spresence3. The King’s Man is focused on teaching theways of our King.4.The King’s Man’s ego is built on God’sword5. The King’s Man has the ability to multiplyand make his area of influence better.I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R

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WHY ISHEALINGSO HARD?A R E V I E W O F R A P P E R J E E Z Y A N D A C T R E S SN I A L O N G ’ S C O N V E R S A T I O N , “ I M I G H TF O R G I V E … B U T I D O N ’ T F O R G E T ” Rapper Jay “Jeezy” Jenkins is a pioneer ofmainstream trap music, a subgenre of rap music thatcenters around selling drugs, gang life, and survivalof the fittest in the mean, non-touristy streets ofAtlanta, GA. Starting his rap career in 2001 under themoniker Lil J, Jenkins didn’t hit mainstream until2003, under the new moniker Young Jeezy. Fromthere, his career skyrocketed. In 2013, he droppedYoung and has since been known as Jeezy. Although short-lived, Jenkins made headlines in2021 with his marriage to celebrity talk show hostJeannie Mai. In 2023, Jenkins made headlines againwhen he filed for divorce. Rumors of infidelityquickly spread with no concrete evidence to supportthe claim. Jenkins and Mai went to social mediarequesting that fans respect their privacy. Holding on to the street mentality of do or die whileconstantly in the public eye with unhealed hurts,masking his childhood trauma and a host of celebritypains, kept him guarded and made his heart cold.Yet, he pressed ahead and, in 2023, published hisNew York Times Bestseller, Adversity for Sale: YaGotta Believe.I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R by Tonya T.Writing Waves

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On his book tour, Jenkins surprised fans witha sidebar conversation with actress Nia Longon his YouTube channel titled I MightForgive … But I Never Forget. Long madeheadlines late last year when her engagementto then, Boston Celtics Head Coach ImeUdoka ended due to infidelity. Fans swiftlylistened as Jenkins and Long discussed theirhurts and healings.The editing for this video was odd andjumped around. It wasn’t a seamless view atall. Odd! Towards the end, Jenkins gives Longher proverbial flowers when he tells her,“You’re America’s sweetheart. … You don’tknow that? … I wanted to have thisconversation with you because I wanted topersonally tell you that you embody what awell-minded, grown-ass, Black woman issupposed to be like, and we stand with youalways.” I think this should have been at or towardsthe beginning, yet I understand why theysaved it for the end.He goes on to explain, "And the reason why Iwanted to talk to you is because you are mysister and this is a safe space for me to saywhat I needed to say. Because, at times whenwe are at our lowest, we need our sistahs! Justlike you guys need your brothas! And that’swhy this conversation was so real because Ihope and I pray that this conversation canopen up different conversations in ourculture about being there for each other andnot being at odds with each other no matterwhat we’ve been through.” WHY NIA LONG?WHY ISHEALINGSO HARD?(CONT.)I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R 3 5

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“Train up a child in the way he should go,and when he is old, he will not depart fromit,” - Proverbs 22:6. Jenkins opens thediscussion with reflections on hisgrandmother being religious and raisinghim in the church. He laughed whilereminiscing about Sunday School andEaster speeches and said, "I didn’t realize itthen … but it came to some points in mylife where things just happened that wereso real that there was nowhere to go butwith God.” Molestation from a babysitter. After watching the man pull the gun from the bedroom closet, heheard an attempted murder while hiding under the bathroom sink.Never felt love, compassion, or acceptance from his mother because helooked like his father. Father said he’d never love another woman again, and Jenkinsaccepted that fate for himself.“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear noevil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me,” - Psalm23:4. Jenkins said, “... at eight years old, I was already desensitized.” Along withso many other issues in his childhood life, by the time he was 13/14, hedisconnected from his family and found love in the streets.A F T E R T H I S R E V E L A T I O N , H E D E L V E S I N T O F O U RT R A U M A T I C E X P E R I E N C E S O F H I S E X T R E M E L Y T O X I CC H I L D H O O D :“The Lord is near to the heartbroken and He saves those who are crushed inspirit (contrite in heart, truly sorry for their sin,” - Psalm 34:18.) Later, Jenkinsmentions being in a boot camp as opposed to a juvenile detention centerwhere he got his GED, learned life skills, and it was his first time being awayfrom his environment. It propelled him to see a different life for himself andamp up his hustle. Upon his release, he was back in the streets with a plan toearn money for his record label. When that didn’t pan out, paired with hisdetermination to leave the streets for good, he became a rapper. WHY ISHEALINGSO HARD?(CONT.)I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R 3 6

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HE SAYS, “YEAH, YOU CAN’T!” “I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn’t fragile likethe peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid,” - John 14:27. Since 2014, Jenkins’ self-healing journey has granted him peace that passes understanding and he often mentionedhaving love instead of fear, and moving in love vs. fear. In 2021, Jenkins’ mom passed awaywithout him being able to hear, “I’m proud of you,” or “I apologize,” or, “I love you.” He talksabout writing a letter, going to her gravesite, and reading it to her. Later, he mentions a visionhe had during meditation where he asked his mother to forgive him for not “sending her offright.” “Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace; Thereby good will come to you,” - Job22:21. Jenkins is a premiere investor in spirits and real estate. He also has a new album comingout that’s titled the same as this conversation. In an interview with Angie Martinez, she asked, “... inyour life like today, how happy are you on a scale of 1 - 10?” He said, “I would say a 9.” Sheasked him what he prayed about and he said, “Peace and my family.” Going back to his conversation with Long, Jenkins’ said, “God has put me [on] a different path,and what that path is going to entail for me to take care of myself and to love myself and to bein the best situation that I can thrive as someone who’s been through all the things I’ve beenthrough.” Long says, “It’s kind of something where you can’t explain it.” From 2001 - 2014, Jenkins wasliving fun and wrong. “I got analbum out that’s doing well, I’mgoing around the world andI’m at war losing friends leftand right.” He was drinkingCrystyle and eating WaffleHouse for breakfast. He hadpeople attempting to kill him.He lost his vocal cords and paidfor the surgery with a brownpaper bag because he didn’thave insurance or a bankaccount. He got hit with Bell'sPalsy, among so many othertraumas he faced. Eachsituation had him back upunder the sink in fear with hisguard up in survival mode. “Come to me, all you who areweary and burdened, and I willgive you rest,” - Matthew 11:28.Eventually, Jenkins brings uphis 2014 two-week jail stint inCalifornia where he waswrongfully arrested. He thendiscusses how that downtimeallowed him to think aboutwhere he wanted to go with hiscareer, and what he wanted todo as a man and a father. Afterpaying $10M to bail out 10people, he learned while hewas in, none of his loved oneschecked on his children. It wasthis situation that prompted hisself-healing journey. WHY ISHEALINGSO HARD?(CONT.)I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R

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types of DreamsOur Dream Life is vitally important, and we should pay attention to whatgoes on in the details. Don’t dismiss.... Seek God for understanding andwatch what happens. Here’s a little insight SOULICAL DREAM ~I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R 4PHYSICAL DREAM ~SPIRITUAL DREAM ~PROPHETIC DREAM ~PROPHETIC DREAM ~A dream that reflects the focus ofpeople, things, and or objects. (The object of our imagination)A dream that reflects the engagement with peoplethrough conversation, relationship and/or atmosphere.(especially if the person or environment evokeswickedness)A dream that reflects symbols, whichcold be colors, numbers, or animals.(This dream requires interpretation)Job 33:14RECOMMENDEDRESOURCERECOMMENDEDRESOURCE4 0

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meditate.meditate.meditate....his delight is in the law of the Lord...his delight is in the law of the Lord...his delight is in the law of the LordI S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R

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DGDEPLOYEDGENERATIONWe believe that every individual has a unique calling and purpose, andthat their sphere of influence is a crucial component in fulfilling thatpurpose. By educating individuals on the 7 Mountain Strategy, weempower them to understand the importance of their role in shapingculture and society. Our mission is to equip them with the tools,resources, and knowledge necessary to effectively impact their assignedmountain, whether it be business, government, media, arts andentertainment, education, family, or religion. Through this approach, weaim to create a society where individuals are empowered to fulfill theirpotential and positively impact their community and the world.I S S U E 5 5 S T A R P O W E R

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