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Family Bonding Through Reading: Your Teenage Reader

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ice daily family bonding through check in reading breakers how was yOur daY is huge quEsTiOn it doEsN t have to be awKwarD tHroUgH use a variEty of sPecific quEsTiOnS tHe teEnage yEarS ConTinuE to get to witH teEnagerS let yOur cHilD leAd kNow anD sHare yOur anSwerS fRom yOur ice bReAker quEsTiOn durinG silenCe daY toO had a roUgH daY notHinG or before a reAdinG sesSiOn teEnS seEmed to go acCorDinG to pLan but sTilL enJoY a goOd laUgH anD mosT of am so gLad to be home witH yOu now alL conNecTinG witH yOu yOur cHilD by asKinG an how aboUt yOu What was the best thing that happened today If you had a superpower what would it be What was a challenging part of your day If you could make one rule in the world that everyone had to follow what would it be If you could time travel backwards to this morning what advice would you give yourself What s your favorite quality to have in a friend What s your emotional weather report for the week What song is on your playlist right now How do you relax at the end of the day What s the last great video you watched Which friend was the most funny brave kind today Where When did you most feel like yourself today Tell something you ve been waiting to share with me yOur sChoOl libRariAn has boOk recomMenDatiOnS anD eboOk apPs reAcH oUt for sugGesTiOnS anD resoUrCes If you could live anywhere where would it be Would you rather have one million dollars right now or 1 000 every month for the rest of your life If you had to eat the same fruit for the rest of your life what would it be Which would you rather do travel two years without stopping or never leave this city Would you rather be the best athelete in the world who never wins a game or the worst athlete who always wins yOur local libRary ofFerS tutorinG evenTs anD reAdinG apPs to conNecT witH otHer familiEs sociAlizinG witHin a comMunity of reAderS wilL supPorT yOur teEn s leArNinG 50 Questions to Spark Connection and reading comprehension yOur teEnage reAder bit ly readingexpress

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asK 1 2 quEsTiOnS before openinG tHe boOk asK 1 2 quEsTiOnS eAcH reAdinG sesSiOn make new conNecTiOnS togetHer sumMarize anD imagine witH yOur teEn before during after reading reading reading Why did you select this book What makes you think this book is going to be interesting What do you think the book is going to be about Look at the title and the illustrations or cover art do you see any clues from the author or artist Does this book remind you of anything else you ve already read or seen What kind of characters do you think will be in the book What do you think is going to happen first to start the story s events Is this book fiction or non fiction How do you know if the story is imaginative or based on facts Who else do you think might pick this book from the shelf What was your favorite part of the book Why Will you catch me up on the story What s happened so far Who was your favorite character Why What do you think will happen next What was the most interesting thing you learned from the book Who do you want to share this information with If you were that character what would you have done differently in that situation If the book were a movie what kind of movie would it be Describe what would happen to me If the main character in that story lived next door would you be friends What does the setting or place look like in your head as you read Would you want to visit there Did you learn any new words or facts so far Now that you are reading the book who else do you think would like to read this story Questions adapted from lexile com Why do you think the author wrote this book Did the story end the way you thought it would Did the problem of the book s plot get solved Would you change the book s ending Would you change another part of the story If you could write a sequel what would happen next to the characters If you had 30 seconds to summarize this book to someone in an elevator what would you say After finishing the book would you change the title or cover art What title or images would you use instead

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