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Fall Journal 2024

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ournalIntentional Love and Good DeedsBy David Rudy, Chief Advancement OfcerIn Hebrews 10:23-24, the writer gives us these words:23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, Do you see the intentionality that is being instructed in this passage? Verse 23 instructs us to intentionally hold onto our faith in Christ, without leaning, bending or wavering. Why do we do this? It is not because of anything we do, but because He is faithful to all that He promises. Campers and 4.12 LTP students are taught this truth. We have all had moments in life that have challenged us in this way. One thing we can count on in those challenges is His intentionality. He is faithful to be with us during all trials and lead us through them. The next verse leads us to another act of intentionality.Verse 24 tells us to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds”. Again, the meaning of these words pushes us into intentionality. For example, the word Scripture uses for “consider” is also translated as: to perceive, behold and discover. another on also comes from intentionality. It means we are inciting, provoking or even creating an irritation. Have you ever known someone that was always irritating you to be the as well as each other, towards faith, love and service because they are taught of God’s great potential in each of us. Be thankful for and hang around these irritants!Another act of intentionality this passage reveals is to be actively encouraging others- encouraging them in love and good deeds. So, I ask, when was the last time you you may provoke someone around you to love and good works? At Joy El, this is intentionally taught and practiced through service.I don’t believe this infers how we can be kind to get someone to do something for us or to be loving to another to have them join in our works. See this is what gets challenging as we run the race of life, and especially in ministry. We all get very busy and have important work to do for God, but our work is never more important than the people God places around us. And what I am seeing from this passage is that we must be intentional to put aside our works, our preferences and Volume 43 Fall 20241. Intentional Love and Good Deeds 2. Intentional Encouragement Love in Action Honorarium/Memorial3. Investing in Others Good Deeds Multiplied4. Mark Your CalendarsOur commitment to you:Joy El is a member of ECFA (theAccountability). The ECFA seal (seenhere) is an expressionof our commitment toof our ministry. PleaseECFA. All donations to Joy El are tax-deductible.Miriam Ankerbrand at 717-369-4539 717-369-4539 • •As a life-change partner, you have access to highly reputable tax planning and charitable giving resources from you explore the best options to wisely steward your resources and make the most impact through your generosity.Visit our website to learn more about year-end giving options:’d. on page 3Each camper is given intentional time to share

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Intentional Encouragement By Jarren Jenkins, Male Junior Staff Coordinator However, it is typically noticed the most in the campers He brings. If you have ever had the worked with who was concerned about his ability to perform to the level of his peers. He was worried he  or that others would be less willing to talk to him. While mentoring him as he was serving at camp through the summer,to step out of his comfort zone and share his faith with others. During his scheduled free times, he was often found talking with campers, focusing on helping them learn about Christ and listening to their camp experiences. In meetings, he became eager to share, and shared things He grew to be passionate about serving Him. The changes that I witnessed in him, set him apart as one of the most intentional and encouraging am thankful for the privilege of experiencing God working through him. It is exciting to consider where he’ll go from here!Love in Action By Miriam Ankerbrand, Bookkeeper and Angel Tree Liaisonweek of camp. Previous summers, he would act up and get sent home early. But last year, another Angel Tree camper and Thomas forged a friendship, and his new friend ever full week of camp. After summer was over, Thomas told his mother he wanted to join the 4.12 Leadership Training Program (LTP). Hesitantly, she agreed to let him sign up. He was accepted into the program but knew that if previous behaviors began to be a problem, he would not be able to continue with the program. He assured us that he had changed. Thomas attended every one of the special training weekends we have each year for the 4.12 LTP students.This summer, Thomas not only came as a camper for Leadership Experience, the senior high week of camp, he also served on the work crew and in the kitchen ALL Summer long! His last week of serving, he had demonstrated enough maturity that he was invited to be a junior counselor, and he rocked it!!! At the closing program that week, watching Thomas on stage with his campers leading them in reciting one of the verses they had learned during the week complete with motions, brought many to tears. Thomas’s mother is so grateful that many years ago, he came to camp through Angel Tree and for the impact that has had on his life.  she tells me every in his life. HONORARIUM /MEMORIAL LISTIn Honor of: Given by:Elaine Hengst and Julie Druck of Canadochly BA Canadochly Bible AdventureIn Memory of: Given by:Doris Barrett Janet ShirleyDonald Helfrick Pauline Helfrick Rodney & Donna WidneyDavid Arnold Homann John & Lois HomannJanice Oliver Glenn & Joanne Wingert Franklin County Youth Dairy ClubKim Shatzer Deb Gorbsky omas ShatzerAudra Shier Harry & Julia McCormick John Smoker’s UnibodyMary McClure Richard & Kimberly Cornell Demaree Deardor Dean & Phyllis Drawbaugh Aletta Freeman John & Judy Greenawalt Rebecca Hoover Daphney Martin Barry & Shirley Martz Ocielee McClure Ed & Anna Belle Myers Ron & Jackie Pegram M. Louise Seilhamer Ruth Shannon Dennis & Karen Statler Darwin, Joyce & Amanda Zook Fort Loudon United Methodist Church Franklin County Chapter- AARPSummer camp provides intentional opportunities for growth to both campers and staSummer sta learning to love those with whom they serve*Photo does not reect actual sta member*Name has been changed and photo does not reect actual student

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can I help provoke this person to love You and others even more and to engage in the good works You have created them to do?” We have Christian community so that we can encourage one another in this way, but it requires us to intentionally consider others more highly than ourselves (Philippians 2:3-4).Joy Ela routine for us and that it not be about us, but that we would always be looking with intentionality how we can encourage our brothers and sisters around us towards love and good deeds.Good Deeds MultipliedBy Kim Sanger, Assistant Director of Bible Adventure/CIAon the front lines. However, when I think about spurring others towards love and good deeds, there is one particular Bible Adventure volunteer who comes to mind. Edith has faithfully served as a listener and a school coordinator for the past several years. Unfortunately, she experienced a major physical illness and is no longer able to be at the program. However, that has not stopped Edith. She continues to spur others on by handling all responsibilities that she can remotely as the coordinator to ensure the program continues, that volunteers can serve, and children can hear the Gospel during their school day. In addition to this, Edith actively advocates and recruits for the program. She is currently training and equipping her pastor to perform all the in-person duties of the coordinator, while she orchestrates things behind the scenes. Through Edith’s intentionality, many lives will be impacted far beyond even  She has truly multiplied her impact by spurring others towards love and good deeds. Investing in Others By Rachel Shively, Director of 4.12 Leadership Training ProgramRandy said.Richard is starting his sixth year of the Bible Adventure/Christians in Action (CIA) program. Until last year, CIA wasn’t available in his school district. He began asking in fourth grade if a program could be opened by the time he reached middle school. By God’s grace, a team assembled last year, allowing him to continue his journey. He has already earned two weeks of free camp, with a third week being a very attainable goal.“I began a relationship with Jesus when I was very young, but I didn’t know what it really Richard attended wilderness camp two years ago, where he decided he would join the 4.12 Leadership Training Program when he was eligible. He was given the opportunity to serve at camp to see if this was something he wanted to pursue. He knew without a doubt that he would apply to the 4.12 LTP. Upon submitting his application, he was missing one key element: a mentor. to participate in the program because of this.he was a worthwhile investment.“I saw Richard growing in his walk through those years,” Randy said. “That is when I saw that I should invest in his life in his teen years…we are both trying to get more time to study God’s Word together.”It’s a blessing to see children like Richard grow up through Joy El’s programs and witness the impact godly adults and mentors can have on a student’s life. Your prayers and support help make these stories possible.Bible Adventure volunteers impact lives through connections4.12 LTP student Richard and his Barnabas Mentor Randy*Name has been changed and photo does not reect actual studentIntentional Love cont’d. from front

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*Email or call 717-369-4539 to RSVP for a banquet or work day.Call 717-369-4539 or visit our website at for info on additionalevents and for online registration for camps and retreats.NON-PROFIT ORG.U.S. POSTAGECHAMBERSBURG, PAPERMIT NO. 233PAIDJournalreturn address service requested3741 Joy El Dr. Greencastle, PA 17225Mark Your CalendarsDate Event Time(s)Nov 1-3 Momentum Jr/Sr High Retreat 7:00 PM Fri to 2:00 PM SunNov 7 Stewardship Banquet Lancaster* 6:30 PM Shady MapleNov 8-10 Father-Son Retreat 7:00 PM Fri to 2:00 PM SunNov 12 Stewardship Banquet Joy El* 6:30 PMNov 14 Stewardship Banquet Joy El* 11:30 AMNov 15-17 Momentum Jr/Sr High Retreat 7:00 PM Fri to 2:00 PM SunNov 21 Stewardship Banquet York* 6:30 PM St. David’s Evangelical ChurchDec 6-8 Bible Adventure Weekend 7:00 PM Fri to 2:00 PM Sun Grades 2-6Dec 31 Dessert and Sauerkraut Dinner* 12:00 PMJan 17 Barnabas Training (mentors only) 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Jan 17-19 4.12 Leadership Training Summit 6:00 PM Fri to 2:30 PM SunFeb 6-7 Home School Retreat 9:00 AM Thur to 3:00 PM Fri Grades 1-8Feb 21-23 Bible Adventure Weekend 7:00 PM Fri to 2:00 PM Sun Grades 2-6March 7-9 Mother-Son Retreat 7:00 PM Fri to 2:00 PM SunMarch 22 Work Day* 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM (Lunch provided)April 5 Work Day* 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM (Lunch provided)April 10 Barnabas Training (mentors only) 6:30 PM to 8:30 PMUpdates and EventsNow you can get the most up-to-date information on Joy El events along with updates on what God is doing through our ministry. Follow us on Facebook: us on Instagram: to our YouTube Channel: