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Fall 2024 On Mission Magazine

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O N M I S S I O NF A L L 2 0 2 4L A F O N T A I N E C H R I S T I A N C H U R C HQ U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | 1 S T E D I T I O N

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SUNDAYMORNINGSERVICESOctober-December 2024LCC ON MISSION MAGAZINE202 Bruner Pike, LaFontaine, IN 46940765.981.2101 | lafontainechristian.comPage 1Real People. Real Hope.202 Bruner PkLaFontaine, IN 469401st Service9:00 AM2nd ServiceIn Person & Live @ 10:30 AMSunday School classesduring the 9:00 serviceJR/SR High in The BARNAdult Class in The BARNLiving On Mission Adultclass in Classroom H(south hallway)Children’s classes forinfants - 5th Grade (check-in at Kids’ Check-In Table)

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Mission & vision valuesWe are Real People following Jesus, being changedby Jesus, and committed to the mission of Jesusbecause of the Real Hope we have in Him.Welcome to our first ever LCC MAGAZINE: on missionBy Becca PritchettI want to begin this by saying thank you!Thank you for opening this link or pickingup a copy and reading our very firstmagazine/newsletter! Two years ago Istarted as the Communications Directorhere at LCC, and Pastor Brad and Idiscussed starting a newsletter then. It hasobviously taken some time to get the ballrolling, but I recently gathered a greatgroup together and started aCommunications Team that has helpedgive that ball the push it needed. I am sothankful for them! We have been workingto get this put together for a few months,and are very excited it’s finally ready foryou! Our goal with this magazine is to divea little deeper, not just into who we are asa church, but also into who you are thatcall this church your home. Our hope isthat these quarterly magazines will helpkeep you up-to-date on what’s happeninghere at LCC and also give you a deepersense of community and belonging. Youcan expect a quarterly edition of LCC’s “OnMission” magazine. You can sign up toreceive it via text or simply by grabbing acopy at the Welcome Center. It also willalways be available on our app andwebsite!Page 2Real People. Real Hope.Biblical AuthoritySpiritual MaturityBelonging CommunityUnwavering Generosity

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Staff spotlightStaff spotlightPage 4Real People. Real Hope.The LCC staff spotlight is a chance to get to know our staff! This section will shareabout their life, how they got involved in LCC, and even things you may not knowabout them!WHAT AREA DO YOU WORK?HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WORKING?HOW DID YOU GET TO LCC?WHAT DO YOU ENJOY?I enjoy chickens, caramel macchiatos, andtaking Charli on adventures. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WORKING AT LCC?IF THERE WAS A WAY TO ENCOURAGEPEOPLE TO COME TO LCC, WHAT WOULDYOU TELL THEM?Lizzy MakinChildren’s DirectorHusband- Joel MakinDaughter- Charli MakinInfant - 5th grade Children’s Ministry DirectorJune marked 6 years working at the church.Our Worship Pastor Dustin Hurst is my brother-in-law, and when the position of Children’sDirector and weekly preschool program openedup, Rachel, his wife, knew that this was a positionthat I had always been interested in. I went tocollege for Elementary Education andSpecial Education, taught for 5 years straight outof college, and when I taught with preschoolers, Ifell in love with it! I love all of the relationships I have built withboth the kids and adults. My favorite partoverall is watching the kids grow and digdeeper in their walk with Jesus. It is a blessingto be able to be a part of their stories.You are welcome as you are. Fancy dress andtie, or t-shirt and jeans with holes in them.We want you here for who you are!

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Page 6Real People. Real Hope.I know it’s only October, but I want to talkabout Christmas. Snow, trees, gifts, family,sledding, and good food, to name a fewChristmas-time activities. All those thingsrepresent Christmas, but the CHRISTMAS Iwant to discuss is - JESUS. Specifically, WhyHe Came.“For even the Son of Man came not to beserved but to serve, and to give his life as aransom for many.” [Mark 10:45]Bottom line, the reason Jesus left Heavenand came to earth: TO RESCUE US. Wewere lost, doomed, without hope, sinkingfast without a life jacket... then Jesus came. God the Father knew we needed rescuedand the only way to rescue us was to sendHis son (Himself) in the form of a baby(which we celebrate at Christmas and year‘round) to fulfill the Old Testament promiseof a Savior to be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14)in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). The baby growsinto a man and gives his life as a ransomfor all mankind (Mark 10:45).I love the Christmas-time stories of sheepand shepherds. Wisemen and camelswho come from afar. Babies making nonoise in a manger (that’s not Biblical - butSilent Night is a fun song to sing). I love itall and look forward to it every year... butJesus did not stay a baby. Join us this year as we spend severalweeks looking at why Jesus came. Here isa sneak peek:Do the Will of His Father [John 6:35-40]To Be With Us [Matthew 1:22-25]To Preach [Luke 4:17-19]To Be a Bright Light [John 12:46]To Hold Things Together [Colossians 1:17]The best gift you and I can open thisChristmas Season: the gift of eternal life inand through Jesus. Merry Christmas inOctober!Quarterly Encouragementby Pastor Brad

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Zach & Margaux shared with us their storyabout how God has worked in their lives,specifically through Foster Care. To listen tothe full touching story, scan the QR codebelow.Zach & Margaux vogelPage 7We’d love to hear your story!If you’re interested in sharingyour story, let us know byscanning the qr code to fillout a form BELONGING

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Get to know your church family!The LangebartelsPage 8COMMUNITYWant to be featured next quarter? E-mail becca@lafontainechristian.comLaura grew up in LaFontaine, while Grant was raised in Indianapolis. The two met when Laurainterned for a summer at Grant's church in Zionsville, IN. They were married in 2010.Grant is a Deputy with the Wabash County Sheriff's Department, and specifically serves as aSchool Resource Officer at Southwood Elementary. Laura is the Director of Communication &Community Engagement for MSD of Wabash County and runs a side business called StartingLine Communications (check it out at Braya and Colt are in 3rd grade at Southwood Elementary. Braya loves art, while Colt isinto sports, building things, and helping on the farm. Archer is a fun-loving toddler who lovesbossing everyone around. The family lives in the countryside of LaFontaine and has a hobby farm called County CornerFarm. They raise chickens, cows, and pigs and even sell their delicious and super-healthychickens to customers (check it out at LCC, Grant serves on the security team, and Laura serves with the youth group and on thecommunications team. They most appreciate the community at LCC.Attending LCC Since: 2021Typically Attend: 2nd ServiceFamily Members: Grant, Laura, Braya &Colton (age 9), Archer (age 2)(pronounced Lang-ee-bar-tols)

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See what’s happening at LCC!MARK YOUR CALENDAR!UPCOMING EVENTSUPCOMING EVENTSPage 9Real People. Real Hope.Vacation Bible SchoolPasta With The Pastors Gratitude Worship NightWomen’s Advent StudyFall Baby DedicationWomen’s Friendsmas11.3,10,1711.2411.2612.411.2411.24Q3 Men’s Prayer Breakfast Women’s Bible Journaling10.29Unmasking Emotions w/ Staci Hyden11.410.2610.26Women’s Indy Shopping TripMen’s Clay Shoot Day11.9

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Interested in serving? November is volunteer month!Sign-up sheets for 2025 will be in the lobby through the month of November

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Back To School Carnival August 3, 2024DATESUBJECTDATESUBJECT First FridaySummer 2024DATESUBJECT 5K RunJune 29, 2024DATESUBJECTThe BARN Laser TagJuly 28, 2024Page 11Real People. Real Hope.

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DATESUBJECT LCC Family Fall FestivalSeptember 29, 2024The BARN Pool PartyJuly 28, 2024DATESUBJECTDATESUBJECTLCC Family PicnicJune 30, 2024DATESUBJECTFounders FestivalSeptember 14, 2024DATESUBJECTIvanhoe’s Lunch BunchJuly 17, 2024Page 12Real People. Real Hope.

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Evan & Lydia SmithLocation: Evan & Lydia serve with Cru (CampusCrusade for Christ). They are located at theUniversity of Illinois. Evan serves Cru nationally onthe Mobilization Team, and Lydia serves with theteam at the University of Illinois where she givesleadership to their Cru staff team and helps leadthe greek Cru movement.Family: Evan and Lydia have two boys, Thatcher (5)and Henley (3)Prayer & Praise from the Smith’s: Praise God for the 1000+ new students that werepursued at the beginning of the school year at theUniversity of Illinois with the hope of connecting mission focusPage 13Real People. Real Hope.IMPORTANT UPGRADES COMING SOON!Over the next 60 days, LCC staff will be working on some upgrades and updates toour mobile app and management features. You wont notice many changes, buthere is what you can expect over the next coming weeks:Child check-in kiosks (changes on october 20)last 4 digits of phone number instead of full phone numberapp layout updates - same app, new look!ytd giving statements e-mailedOnline giving will NOT change. Checks will be processed through a new system onthe backend, so we would like to ensure YTD numbers have been processed correctlywith our system changes we’ve made this year. Please let us know if there are anydiscrepancies in your YTD giving once you receive your statement.them to Jesus!! We are speaking at Ball State Cru’s Fall Retreat Oct. 11-13, pray for Spirit-ledpreparation & that God would use us to stir hearts toward Jesus and encourage our almamater’s Cru community! Pray as we prep for an event in November at U of Illinois that willgather sorority and fraternity students from their houses across campus to equip them to walkwith God in Greek life (& pray that Greek students would trust in Jesus)! Also, pray for Evan’sMobilization Team as they prepare for Winter Conferences, where they provide resources andevents for students across the country to know how to take their next step of faith in followingJesus “to the ends of the earth”.

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Page 14Real People. Real Hope.CONTACT USCall: (765) 981-2101Text: (833) 205-7375info@lafontainechristian.comwww.lafontainechristian.com202 Bruner Pk, LaFontaine, IN 46940Real People. Real Hope.CREDITSThe next issue of “On Mission” will be available on the first Sunday in January 2025.Edited & Design: Becca Pritchett &Natalia GuillermoPhotography: Hannah Colyer &othersArticles by Brad Wright, LauraLangebartels, and Becca PritchettSURVEYWe would love for you totake a brief survey aboutCommunication &Community here at LCC.

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