AD DIGESTThe Ofcial Newsletter of the CIAAAFALL 2024Content:CertificationsCoaching Effect of CanadaLTP WebinarsResource of the Month 2025 NADCPartnersciaaa.cainfo@ciaaa.ca1.888.618.4530Let’s Get Activated!Congratulations on surviving the rst month of the new school year! With classes and sports teams in full swing, a gentle re-minder to activate your annual mem-bership and take advantage of the sup-Included is our membership pricing for Leadership Training Program Courses, access to our Resource Bank and Dis-cussion Forum, and ability to schedule/attend free workshops presented by the CIAAA. Check out or click the icon to get started today. *High school athletic directors in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and PEI please email for your annual activation code prior to registration! Keep reading to check out our Fall Course Calendar, new part-nerships with the Coaching Effect of Canada, Certication information & news about the 2025 National Conference!
AD DIGESTWant to add designation to your Resume and your Ofce Wall?Interested in completing your CIAAA Certication?Check out our website for details & application forms.Note: LTP 501C & 504C is needed for all certication levels - sign up today!
QUESTIONS? REACH OUT TO US ATLKELBA@COACHINGEFFECT.CA OR USE THE QR CODE TO BOOK AMEETING WITH US DIRECTLYAt the center of every student-athlete experienceis a coach. COACHING MATTERS.A FREE RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP THATHELPS YOU TELL YOUR STORYSUPPORTED BY:KEY EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES: A CASE STUDYSMStudent-athletes miss 11 fewer days of school per yearwhen compared to non-athletes with a highly effectivecoach in building relationships.TWO MORE WEEKS IN CLASS In a diverse population, student-athletes with a highlyeffective coach who pushed them out of their comfort zonesearned a 77% average compared to a 61% for non-athletes.+16% IN AVERAGE GRADES77%Of student-athletes have funplaying the sport because of theircoach.84%Of student-athletes agree theircoach helps them learn frommistakes.WHAT IS THE COACHING EFFECT?Student-athletes share countless stories about theimpact highly effective coaches had on their lives; TheCoaching Effect takes it one step further. By measuringthe coaching behaviors that lead to the best experiencepossible for student-athletes.Taking a more informed, data-centric approach providesa framework that helps all stakeholders understand howthey can enhance the student-athlete’s experienceand impact academic performance, including grades,graduation, and attendance, allowing us all toadvocate for the benefits of education-based athletics.YOUR IMPACT80%Of student-athletes feel that theircoach cares about them as aperson.
AD DIGEST*Reminder: Provincial Partner Members (High School ADs) from Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba & PEI, you will re-ceive an annual discount code for $25 an LTP or Conference Registration. Check your email for more information or send an email to
Check out the Welcome Package for full infor-mation about the CIAAA board, membership benets, certication and ways to get involved. Looking for more information about the CIAAA?
Know a deserving Athletic Director? Nominate them for the Dave Rozdeba 2025 Athletic Direc-tor of the Year Award. This award is presented at our National Conference to celebrate our ADs. The 2025 National Athletic Directors Conference will be held in Calgary, Alberta. This event has been our highlight in-person event for the last two years. The conference is three days packed full of Leadership Training Courses, Workshops, Vendor Exhibits, Networking, Awards Banquet and Conference Social. It is perfect Professional Development piece for Athletic Directors to be surrounded by relative content & like-minded individuals. Talk to your administration and check out what grants/support are available in your districts. Registration & Hotel Booking codes will be available soon. ATTENTION ATHLETIC DIRECTORS!Call for 2025 Conference Workshop PresentersThe CIAAA is looking for volunteers to develop 60 minute workshops to present to an audience of Athletic Directors at our National Conference. Presenters will receive an $125 honorarium in gift cards or as a conference discount. Grace College Masters Students can often use the development of a workshop as part of your degree. We rely on our Athletic Directors in our community, please email if you are interested and we will support you in any way possible! Note: anyone presenting a workshop agrees that the CIAAA will retain your presentation on le to present in the future. Initial workshop authors will be properly recognized in future presentations.