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"The people who are crazy enough to think they canchange the world are the ones who do"Steve JobsAdobe Stock image

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4Introduction8CourseMaterials10Learning Outcomes12CoursePolicies16Attendance20Participation& Teams222630 32 37Internet Access & CellphonesAssignmentsUniversityPoliciesLearningGoalsCourseSchedule

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M450 MARKETING STRATEGYSYLLABUSPAGE 05COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis is the capstone course for marketing majorsand emphasizes the application of key marketingconcepts and the application of marketinganalytical tools to ultimately develop a strategicmarketing plan. This class is where you put it alltogether…Prerequisites: Admission to the Kelley School ofBusiness, Indianapolis. Completion of F371, M371,P371 and Z371 with a C or better in each OR, F374,M374, P374, and Z371 with a C or better in eachand senior standing. Successful completion ofM303 and one 400-level marketing course. Anystudent not meeting these requirements is noteligible to receive credit for the course and may beadministratively withdrawn from the class.DR. TONY STOVALLClass time: T/TH - 3:00-4:15 pm |Classroom: BS - 3009 | | Office: BS – 4126 (4th floor ofKelley)Office Hours: T/TH 1:00pm - 2:00pmAdobe Stock image

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SYLLABUSPAGE 06What does that even mean? By the end ofthis course, you will be able to confidentlyanswer that question and be able toarticulate marketing’s role in gaining asustainable competitive advantage. This isthe capstone course for marketing majorsand emphasizes the application of keymarketing concepts and the application ofmarketing analytical tools to ultimatelydevelop a strategic marketing plan. This class is where you put it alltogether…"When I see twoPorsches on thesame street, I beginto worry." (Ferdinand Porsche – son of founder) We’ll tackle these questions and many more. You’ll learn that strategicthinking is a skill that can be acquired and improved. My goal is to make sureyou can comfortably speak the language of marketing – to develop yourcompetitive advantage. You will learn a lot, but most importantly, I want you torecapture the JOY of learning…HAVE FUN!Did you know???… that effectivemarketingstrategy is likeplaying chess? …that we’re stilltrying to figure outwhat LOYALTY is?…that getting thecustomer is onlyhalf the battle? Adobe Stock image

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Adobe Stock image"Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat"Sun Tzu

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1) Your “text” for this course will beprovided with access to the “mini”concept simulations you will becompleting during the first severalweeks of the course. Each simulation hasa short reading and quiz to reinforce theconcepts on which you will focus for thatsimulation. You will purchase thesimulation and access it via Canvas. 2) You will also need to purchase accessto the course pack I have curated fromcases you will be presenting, and we willbe discussing during the “second phase”of the class. This packet contains all thecases we will be reading as well as thereading Framework for MarketingStrategy. This coursepack is available byclicking the Course Materials icon onthe Canvas site Homepage..3) You will complete 6 Management-by-the-Numbers modules. The link for thesemodules are available in Canvas.SYLLABUSPAGE 09Adobe Stock imageAdobe Stock imageCOURSE MATERIALS

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Develop a positioning andbranding strategy (UBLGSLO 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 1b.1, 1b.2,1b.3 and 3.2)Successfully complete aproject that considers theorganization’s goals, marketknowledge, customerinsights, positioning andbranding strategy and the 4Ps needed to accomplishthose strategies (UBLG SLO2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 1b.1, 1b.2, 1b.3,1a.1, 1a.2, 1a.3 and 3.2)Reflect on your experiencesin this course and how theyrelate to a professionalcareer in marketing (UBLGSLO1a.3 and 3.2)Assess an organization’sstrategic goals and howmarketing can help it achievethose goals (UBLG SLO 2.4 and3.1)Translate marketing research toshare customer insights that canaffect the success of a marketingstrategy and marketing plan(UBLG SLO 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and1a.3, and 1c.1)Identify market segmentsincluding a specific marketsegment to target (UBLG SLO 2.1,2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 1b.1, 1b.2 and 1b.3)Identify product, pricing,distribution and promotionsstrategies to meet the needs ofthe target market (UBLG SLO 2.1,2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 1b.1, 1b.2, 1b.3 and 3.2)The learning outcomes for M450 include (please see the complete of UBLG and their SLOs at the end of thissyllabus):SYLLABUSPAGE 11Adobe Stock image

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MIXINGORGANICMATERIALSKelley School of Business Honor CodeSYLLABUSPAGE 13Students must adhere to all Kelley School of Business(KSB) Student Policies and Guidelines, including the KSBHonor Code. Students are required to read the Universitypolicy on dishonesty and cheating. Dishonesty andcheating will result in involved students receiving an “F",or a reduced grade. A student assessed this penalty willnot be allowed to withdraw from the course.Adobe Stock imageAdobe Stock image

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SYLLABUSPAGE 14Additional Course PoliciesThe Kelley School of Business requires that all members of its community—students, faculty,and staff—treat others with an attitude of mutual respect both in the classroom and duringall academic activities outside the classroom. A student is expected to show respect throughbehavior that promotes conditions in which all students can learn without interruption ordistraction. Failure to follow class policies can lead to deductions from Participation points. Students must regularly attend and be fully prepared for all scheduled class sessions.Students must arrive to class on time and stay for the entire class. Students must obtain authorization from Dr. Stovall BEFORE CLASS BEGINS in order toarrive late or leave early without a penalty.Students must refrain from sleeping, reading the newspaper, doing work for another class,talking out of turn, packing up or leaving class early without permission, sitting in areas ofthe classroom that are not allowed, or using computers for a purpose other than takingnotes or working on assignments associated with M450.Students must refrain from disrupting the class or creating distractions with sound orbehavior.Students must sign the Attendance sheet ONLY FOR THEMSELVES. Students must follow the Professionalism and Professional Courtesy guidance provided.Students must refrain from using cell phones in class at any time. A 10-point deductionwill be applied for each instance of using a cell phone in class, unless pre-authorized bythe instructor. Students must refrain from copying, photographing, writing down, recording, buying,selling, or sharing quiz, or exam, or homework questions. Students must maintain at least two (2) ways to access the Internet, Canvas for theentire semester.Students must NOT collaborate on individual assignments. Students must refrain from littering, destroying, or defacing classroom property.Students must actively, enthusiastically, and responsibly participate in class activities.Students must address faculty members, other students, and others appropriately and withrespect, whether in person, in writing, or in electric communications.Students must show tolerance and respect for diverse nationalities, religions, races, sexualorientations, and physical abilities.Students must check class Announcements on Canvas at least twice per week. Students must take notes during lectures. Instructor slides are not released to students.Students must obtain missed notes from another student in class.Students must cite all references employed in written documents. Assignments will bechecked for plagiarism. If plagiarism is indicated, a minimum penalty of a zero (0) on theassignment will be assessed.Students must notify a non-contributing team member AND Dr. Stovall, a minimum of96 hours (4 days) BEFORE a submission is due of the team’s intention to list a memberas non-contributing to allow time for those members to contribute.Students must submit requests for religious accommodation by the end of the 2nd week ofclass. The form can be found at Stock image

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Don't think outside the box...Think like there is no box.

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One aspect of matriculating ata school of business is toprepare yourselves forworkplaces in which disciplineand participation areconsidered part of theirperformance. I, therefore,expect students to attend allclass meetings, because thedialogues, presentations, andlectures are critical and cannotbe substituted by meretextbook readings and testsubmissions. As is often thecase in the corporate setting,learning happens by beingthere: through listening,sharing, asking, and othermeans of constructivecommunication. If you missclass on the day anassignment is due, theassignment deadline stillapplies.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscing elit. Nam commodo molestie lectus,vel dapibus leo fermentum non. Praesent turpisex, lobortis at quam sit amet, pretium aliquamdolor.SYLLABUSPAGE 17In twice-a-week traditionalcourses, students willexperience a course gradereduction after missing 4 classsessions. On the 5th absence,the final course grade willdrop a full letter grade andwill subsequently be droppedan additional letter grade foreach additional absence.In once-a-week traditionalcourses, students willexperience a course gradereduction after missing 2 classsessions. On the 3rd absence,the final course grade will dropa full letter grade and willsubsequently be dropped oneletter grade for each additionalabsence.Signing in and leaving beforeclass is dismissed without priorpermission from the instructorwill be considered an absence.Tardiness policy: every 2 lateattendances is the equivalent of1 absence.Special cases will be dealtwith on a case-by-case basis.Adobe Stock image

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If you miss more than half the class meetings within the firstfour weeks of the semester without contacting Dr. Stovall,you will be administratively withdrawn from the class.Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, andfinancial aid implications. Administrative withdrawal will takeplace after the full refund period, and if you areadministratively withdrawn from the course you will not beeligible for a tuition refund. If you have any questions about the administrativewithdrawal policy, please contact your advisor. SER (studentengagement report) will be employed to notify the studentand his/her advisor of any issues observed by the Instructorearly in the semester so that the student has time to correctany issues. SYLLABUSPAGE 18Adobe Stock imageAdobe Stock image

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Students are expected to be engaged in theclass sessions, whether in-person or virtual, andparticipate actively in the discussions. Toachieve quality participation in the course, youare expected to read each case or any otherrequired reading, prior to the date assigned inthe course schedule. Keeping current with thereading and simulations is essential to yoursuccess in this course.Students must be prepared to discuss currentand controversial marketing issues. Studentsare highly encouraged to read business newsperiodicals and bring examples to class fordiscussion. Excellent source to these businessissues includes The New York Times, Wall StreetJournal, Fortune, The Economist, andBloomberg Business Week. Remember,attendance does not equal participation.Additionally, showing disrespect to the learningcommunity by arriving late, leaving early,having side conversations, working onassignments for other classes, readingnewspapers/magazines or any other materialnot related to the class session, and takingexcessive (eating, telephone) breaks duringclass time will result in lowered class grade.ParticipationSYLLABUSPAGE 21TeamsManagers seldom work by themselves whenmaking strategic decisions; therefore, it is thegroup’s responsibility to produce qualitypresentations and reports on a tight deadline.When working in teams, there are certainconditions assumed this semester regardingteam performance and consideration for oneanother. Each team member is expected tomeet, either in person or virtually, at theagreed upon times. There are many free tools available to you tofacilitate virtual meetings. Team members areto engage equitably in all behind-the-scenepreparations (including research, outlining theapproach, analysis, write-up, and presentation).Team members will evaluate the contributionsof their fellow team members. While thesepeer evaluations are confidential, they canaffect your individual team assignment grades.For example, if a team member is consistentlyrated poorly by other teammates, his/her teamassignment grade will be discountedaccordingly. This can result in an individualreceiving a score that is one or more lettergrades below their team members if theirperformance/participation was unanimouslyrated as being particularly poor.Adobe Stock imageAdobe Stock imageAdobe Stock image

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STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ACCESS TO the Internet and CANVAS. USE of a VPNis recommended for accessing Canvas, esp. for quizzes and assignments.ALL STUDENTS are required to establish at least two (2) ways to access the Internet and Canvas, in theevent that one access path fails. For example, Access Path 1 may be via wi-fi and laptop and Access Path 2may be via the Canvas app on smartphone or via wi-fi at a coffee shop close to the student’s home, or viaa computer in the library at IUPUI. Outages of personal, or dorm, wi-fi, crashes of personal laptops/tablets, loss of a DUO token or cell phone,delayed flights, or other issues that affect individual access to Canvas will not generate an excused “miss”,or a reopened quiz or assignment, or an extension of the deadline.IMPORTANT: Due to the variety of issues concerning personal laptops, browser-Canvas incompatibility,etc., students are required to contact UITS, rather than the Instructor, to get assistance with technicaland technological issues. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM ACCESSING THE INTERNET: Rely on your secondary access path to gainaccess to the Internet. If that does not work, contact UITS for assistance. UITS: 317-274-4357 (HELP). UITS is available 24/7 and always answers. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM ACCESSING OR USING CANVAS, OR SUBMITTING AN ASSIGNMENT ORQUIZ ON CANVAS: Immediately CALL UITS for assistance BEFORE the submission deadline passes orbefore the quiz timer ends. UITS: 317-274-4357. UITS is available 24/7 and always answers.SYLLABUSPAGE 23Adobe Stock image

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Cellphones & LaptopsLaptops, tablets, cellphones, or otherelectronic devices are NOT allowed inthe classroom unless the Professorspecifically asks you to bring them toclass. Although sometimes helpful,electronic devices not only distract youfrom being able to participatemeaningfully in the class, but they alsodistract anyone around or behind you.All cellular phones must be on silentmode or turned off during class. Thisalso includes text messaging & E-mailing. All video and recording devicesmust be approved by professor prior touse. If an emergency or extenuatingcircumstance exists, an exception will bemade. Please double-check yourelectronics prior to every class to ensuresuch silencing.SYLLABUSPAGE 24Adobe Stock imageAdobe Stock imageAdobe Stock image

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"Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make,but about the stories you tell."Seth Grodin

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Assignment SubmissionsAll the assignments must be submitted through Canvas by the designateddue date/time, unless otherwise indicated. Assignments will NOT beaccepted via email. It is your responsibility to make sure that assignmentsare uploaded/turned in on time. Corrupted files will be counted as late. Toensure proper uploading, log out of Canvas, log in again and open the fileyou uploaded. NOTE: Saving the document as a PDF greatly decreasesplatform compatibility issues. Late/Missed AssignmentsLate assignments will NOT be accepted without a valid documentedexcuse. “Valid, documented” excuses fall in the following categories:medical, legal, or serious personal issue beyond your control (e.g., seriousillness; car accident). Excuses that are NOT valid include having deadlines inother classes or at work, “winter is coming”, having a fight with a significantother, etc. Not being aware of an assignment due date, or being unaware ofthe project due date are NOT valid excuses. Refer to the COURSESCHEDULE & CANVAS for these very important dates.It is your responsibility to contact the instructor promptly to provide yourexcuse documentation and to schedule a makeup assignment and toagree when you will submit the makeup assignment. Valid documentationmust be given to the instructor prior to scheduling a makeup assignment.It is expected that if excused, missed exams and assignments will becompleted promptly.SYLLABUSPAGE 27Adobe Stock image

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970-1000 = A+930-969 = A 900-929 = A- 870-899 = B+ 830-869 = B 800-829 = B- 770-799 = C+ 730-769 = C 700-729 = C- 670-699 = D+ 630-669 = D 600-629 = D- SYLLABUSPAGE 29(Total points/letter grade)Your letter grade for the course will be determined using the table below. Requests to have your points“rounded”, artificially inflated, or “bumped up” are unethical and cannot be granted.GRADING SCALE0-599 =FAdobe Stock image

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Students with Special NeedsStudents needing accommodations because of a disability will need to register with AdaptiveEducational Services and complete the appropriate forms issued by that office beforeaccommodations will be given. The Adaptive Educational Services office is located in UC137 in TaylorHall. The telephone number is 274-3241. IUPUI policy states: "No qualified individual with a disabilityshall, by reason of such disability, be either excluded from participation in or be denied the benefitsof the services, programs, or activities" of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Pleasebe aware, “faculty and staff are prohibited from discriminating or retaliating against any individualwho has opposed any act or practice that the individual believes is discriminatory, or because theindividual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an OCR or EEOCinvestigation.” Moreover, university faculty and staff shall not coerce, intimidate, threaten, orinterfere with any individual in the exercise of enjoyment of the protections or rights granted bySection 504 or Title II.Students that find life stressors are interfering with academic or personal success, considercontacting Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). All IUPUI students are eligible forindividual counseling services at minimal fees. Group counseling services are free of charge. CAPSalso performs evaluations for learning disorders and ADHD; fees are charged for testing. CAPS islocated in Walker Plaza, Room 220 (719 Indiana Avenue) and can be contacted by phone (317-274-2548). For more information, see the CAPS web-site at: HonestyThe Kelley School of Business Honor Code mandates that students conduct themselves in an ethicalmanner in all aspects of their academic lives. Academic dishonesty is a threat to the intellectualintegrity of the Kelley School of Business. Indiana University, and Purdue University. It is intolerablein both the academic and professional communities. Possible penalties for violations include but arenot limited to failure in the course. All students are advised to obtain and become familiar with theCode. A copy of the Code is available at the Undergraduate Student Services Office.IUPUI Sexual Harassment PolicyIUPUI does not tolerate acts of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and all forms ofsexual violence. If you have experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, theUniversity can help. It is important to know that federal regulations and University policy requirefaculty to promptly report complaints of potential sexual misconduct known to them to theircampus Deputy Title IX Coordinator(s) to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resourcesare made available. The University will work with you to protect your privacy by sharing informationwith only those that need to know to ensure the University can respond and assist. If you areseeking help and would like to speak to someone confidentially, you can make an appointment witha Mental Health Counselor on campus (contact information available at Find more information about sexualviolence, including campus and community resources at 31Adobe Stock image

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Principles of Undergraduate Business Learning (UBLG)The Kelley School of Business has adopted and supports these Principles of Undergraduate BusinessLearning. These principles are tailored and prioritized to the needs of a business education and reflectthe intellectual competence and cultural and ethical awareness that every Kelley School of Businessgraduate should attain. Faculty members in each discipline have been charged with determiningwhich of the principles will be taught and assessed in each of their courses – and what graduates inthat major will know and be able to competently do in each of the six areas addressed by theseprinciples. Listed below are the Kelley Principles of UBLG cross-referenced with IUPUI’s Principles ofUndergraduate Learning (PULs). The specific principles covered by this course’s assessments arehighlighted.1a. Business Language (Maps to IUPUI PUL 1a – Language Skills)Students will prepare and deliver written and oral messages that effectively express ideas and factsto others. Students will prepare and deliver effective oral and written persuasive arguments.• SLO 1a.1: Prepare and deliver both planned and impromptu oral presentations on selected businesstopics. • SLO 1a.2: Critique, revise, and improve written and oral communication for both self and others.• SLO 1a.3: Express business ideas in writing, taking message structure, audience, and content intoconsideration.1b. Business Quantitative Skills (Maps to IUPUI PUL 1b – Quantitative Skills)Students will perform quantitative analysis and use the results to make business decisions.• SLO 1b.1: Identify the appropriate technique, tool, or concept needed to analyze and solve a businessproblem or make a business decision.• SLO 1b.2: Apply a technique, tool, or concept to solve a business problem or make a businessdecision.• SLO 1b.3: Interpret or evaluate the results of quantitative analysis to solve a business problem ormake a business decision. 1c. Information & Business Resource Skills (Maps to IUPUI PUL 1c – Information Resource Skills)Students will analyze business problems, situations and opportunities by identifying and applyingappropriate and relevant information.• SLO 1c.1: Identify and use current technologies to transform raw information into usable formatsthat enable decision-making. • SLO 1c.2: Use technological concepts and relevant computer programs to solve business problems.• SLO1 c.3: Apply technological concepts to organize, streamline, or improve contemporary businessevents.2. Critical Thinking in Business (Maps to IUPUI PUL 2 – Critical Thinking)Students will arrive at reasoned conclusions and make informed decisions in assessing current andpredicted business situations by applying course concepts learned across the curriculum.• SLO 2.1: Identify and describe the problem, issue, or dilemma in a given business situation.• SLO 2.2: Gather, analyze, and evaluate information relevant to solving the business problem, issue,or dilemma. • SLO 2.3: Articulate possible solutions to the problem, dilemma, or issue, supporting each with dataor analysis.• SLO 2.4: Select and defend the best solution to the business problem, issue, or dilemma.• SLO 2.5: Analyze business situations, problems, or issues from an international perspective.SYLLABUSPAGE 33

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3. Professional Skills & Competencies (Maps to IUPUI PUL 3 – Integration& Application of Knowledge)Students will apply substantial knowledge and understanding in theirchosen major in the study of business.• SLO 3.1: Explain how decisions in one business functional area affect otherfunctional areas of business.• SLO 3.2: Meet professional standards and demonstrate competence inimportant skills and knowledge in a chosen field of study.4. Integrative Business Reasoning (Maps to IUPUI PUL 4 – IntellectualDepth, Breadth and Adaptiveness)Student will assimilate data from different sources, and use more than onebusiness discipline to develop a model to solve a business problem.• SLO 4.1: Define and analyze unstructured problems and ambiguoussituations. • SLO 4.2: Solve business problems requiring analysis and deductivereasoning.• SLO 4.3: Explain the cross-functional implications of problems andsituations.• SLO 4.4: Propose solutions to problems and situations that include cross-functional perspectives.• SLO 4.5: Explain the impact of the global economy on business strategiesand operationsPrinciples of Undergraduate Business Learning (UBLG)SYLLABUSPAGE 34

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5. Diversity & Collaboration in Business (Maps to IUPUI PUL 5 –Understanding Society & Culture)Students will use their understanding of the importance of diverseworldviews and practices, cultural competencies, and socioculturaland socioeconomic factors to foster cooperation and teamwork.• SLO 5.1: Identify the strengths and weaknesses of multipleviewpoints and incorporate multiple values in business decisions. • SLO 5.2: Explain the dynamics of culture in work groups, teams, andorganizations.• SLO 5.3: Apply intercultural communication skills to communicate,solve problems, make decisions, and resolve conflict.• SLO 5.4: Explain the dynamics of motivation in the business context.• SLO 5.5: Identify and apply effective responses to different socialnorms and cultural practices in a global economy.6. Business & Management Ethics (Maps to IUPUI PUL 6 – Values &Ethics)Students will make business decisions that seek to align their personalvalues and beliefs (integrity) and respond to the expectations ofothers, the organization, and society.• SLO 6.1: Articulate the link between one's personal value system andthose of others in business or society.• SLO 6.2: Identify possible ethical problems or issues in a givenbusiness situation.• SLO 6.3: Select and apply appropriate analytical frameworks of ethicalthought and reasoning to a given ethical dilemma.• SLO 6.4: Identify potential resolutions to ethical dilemmas and assessthe impact on stakeholdersPrinciples of Undergraduate Business Learning (UBLG)SYLLABUSPAGE 35

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“Marketing is all about creating a sense of desire” Daniel Ogilvy