Table of ContentsAcademic CalendarFALL 2024 Events Learning Resource CenterMandatory TrainingW Grades257811121315&C O N N E C T I O N SC O N N E C T I O N SC O N E X I O N E SC O N E X I O N E STips to Kickstart the SemesterBrightspaceBMCC Campus Abbreviations4Advocacy & Resource CenterMentorship16Financial Aid 10117Internships19Getting Ready for a Career Fair21Transfer Checklist 23
IMPORTANT ACADEMIC DATESAugust 31 - September 2: Labor Day - COLLEGE CLOSEDSeptember 2: Consider this date if you're contemplatingdropping a class. Last day to drop with 75% Tuition RefundSeptember 3: Course WD Withdrawal Drop begins (student initiated drops during 2nd and 3rd week of classes) September 2: Last day to change a classLast chance to adjust your class schedule. Make any necessary changeslike adding or dropping courses by the end of the day to avoid issues. September 10: Last day to drop with 50% tuition refundCome speak with your bilingual advisor if you need to drop, withdraw orchange your major at Conexiones, Room S136/S137C | Main Campus.September 15: Priority deadline for CUNY Transfer application! Transfer in three easy steps here:https://bit.ly/cunytransfer Academic Calendar 02
View full calendar here: https://bit.ly/Fall2024Calendar IMPORTANT ACADEMIC DATESSeptember 17: Last day to drop with 25% tuition refundSeptember 17: Course Withdrawal Drop (WD) period ends.Last day to drop without the grade of "W"September 18: Course withdrawal period begins (A grade of"W" is assigned to students who withdraw from a class)September 25: Last day to apply for Fall 2024 GraduationSeptember 19: "WN" Reversal Form Turn On at 10:00 a.m.September 17: Last day to change a major for Fall 2024.Check how to submit form here:https://bit.ly/ChangeMajorFall2024 Academic Calendar 03
ThursdaySeptember 5th1:00 - 3:00 pm RHTSuper FairFridaySeptember 13th10:00 - 2:00 pm BMCC GymnasiumHBCU College FairWednesdaySeptember 18th2:00 - 4:00 pm BMCC GymnasiumClub FairMonday September 23rd1:30 - 3:30 pmRHTWelcome BackFiestaWednesdaySeptember 25th1:00 - 4:00 pmBMCC GymnasiumCareer FairSign up for any event by scanningthe QR code or clicking the linkhttps://bit.ly/FALLCONEXIONESFall 2024 Events04
F rooms Fiterman HallM rooms Murray BuildingN rooms North side, main campusS rooms South side, main campusMs/CITH Cuny in the HeightsQUICK TIPLOCATE YOUR CLASSES!Abbreviation For BMCC classrooms For instance, If your class is in Room F345, it’s on the3rd floor of the Fitterman building. Similarly, M421means the 4th floor of the Murray building. The first number shows the floor, and the first letterindicates the building!BMCC Campus Abbreviations05
BMCC Campushttps://bit.ly/bmcccampusmapFind more here:BMCC Campus Abbreviations06
Establish that line ofcommunication early on. Get toknow your professor and askthem how you can be successfulin their course. Talk With Your ProfessorWrite important dates inyour planner.Know when your professor'soffice hours are.Know professor's contactinfo.Read Your SyllabusCheck if your professors havealready started emailing youimportant information aboutthe course.Check Your EmailLog onto Cunyfirst. If yousee an “incorrect password”message, just refresh yourbrowser. Check when andwhere your classes are (inperson, synchronous,asynchronous).Check Your Schedule!04030201FALL SEMESTERFOUR TIPS TO KICKSTARTTips to Kickstart the Semester07
Navigate to the BMCC home page and select the “Log In” drop-down to access the portal.Student EmailFederal Work Study InformationLibrary DatabasesCampus WiFiCampus ComputersExplore more at: https://bit.ly/BMCCTechLearning Resource Center08To access the Wi-Fi, use your BMCC email and passwordto connect to the secured network. Please note thatstudents need to drop the "stu" from their email addresswhen logging in. For more details, you can refer to:https://bit.ly/BMCCWifi Accessing ID CardZOOM for Students BMCC PortalBMCC WIFIGet your physical student ID card from theservice desk located at room S-141.Make a seamless setup and quick activationof your Virtual ID. https://bit.ly/virualidcard.Zoom accounts are now available to all students. Forsecurity reasons, some courses may require you to useyour BMCC Zoom account. To access it, sign out of yourpersonal account and sign back in with your BMCCemail. Visit this link for more information:https://bit.ly/bmcczoom You may have to enable GPS and Bluetooth on your phone, or unpairheadphones for the virtual ID to function properly.
Peer-AssistedLearning (PAL)Study SkillsWorkshopComputer LabServicesFor more information on the Learning Resource Center, please visit https://bit.ly/LearningResourceCenter–BMC AcademicCoachinghttps://bit.ly/PeerAssistedLearninghttps://bit.ly/LrcWorkshopshttps://bit.ly/Academiccoachinghttps://bit.ly/IRTechnLearning Resource Center09
BorrowingLaptops, tablets,calculator, chargerYou can borrow equipment fromthe Circulation Desk. You must beregistered for the semester. Proofof registration, such as a classschedule, is required. https://bit.ly/borrowrenewThere are eight rooms in FitermanHall that can be reserved by groupsof students who need a place toresearch, study, or work on groupassignments. https://bit.ly/FitermanStudyLibraryDigital bookstore,journal and magazinesAccess all databases and journals, andall CUNY resources at each campus.CUNY wide databases here:https://bit.ly/CunyLibraryBMCC databases here:https://bit.ly/BMCCLibrary Study RoomsPodcast BoothReserve a group studyroomsPodcast/ AudioRecording BoothWant to share your ideas with theworld? Use the Library’s PodcastRecording Booth, equipped with 2mics, a sound mixer, and an iMacwith Audacity. Available to allBMCC students, staff, and faculty.https://bit.ly/BmccPodcastMain building, 4th floor, Rm S410The Library has two studyrooms that can be reserved https://bit.ly/47S0232Learning Resource Center10
G e t a d v i c e a b o u tb u d g e t i n g , d e b t r e d u c t i o na n d o p e n i n g b a n ka c c o u n t s .I f y o u ’ r e e x p e r i e n c i n gh o u s i n g i n s e c u r i t y , y o u c a n a p p l y f o r s t a b l eh o u s i n g ( s p a c ep e r m i t t i n g ) .R e c e i v e f r e e a d v i c e o nm a t t e r s r a n g i n g f r o ml a n d l o r d / t e n a n t p r o b l e mst o i m m i g r a t i o n i s s u e s .T he P a n t he r p a n t r yp r o v i d e s a 3 d a y s u p p l yo f f o o d i f y o u ' r e f a c i n g af o o d e m e rg e n cy .A d v i s e a n d a s s i s t s t u d e n tt o e n r o l l i n a h e a l t hi n s u r a n c e p l a n .F O O D A S S I S T A N C ET A X P R E P A R A T I O NF I N A N C I A L A D V I S O RD O R M P R O G R A ML E G A L S E R V I C E SI f y o u ' r e f a c i n gf i n a n c i a l h a r d s h i p , y o um a y b e e l i g i b l e f o re m e r g e n c y g r a n t s .E M E R G E N C Y G R A N TADVOCACY & RESOURCE CENTER199 CHAMBERS ST., ROOM S-230(212) 220-8195ARC@BMCC.CUNY.EDUMON.–FRI. 8 A.M.– 6 P.M.G e t h e l p e n r o l l i n g i n ah e a l t h i n s u r a n c e p l a n .H E A L T H I N S U R A N C EAdvocacy & Resource Center11
GradeWhat does itmean?Affectsmy GPAShows onTranscriptFinancial AidPays forCourse?Impact on MyTransfer GoalsWDYou officiallywithdrawclassNoNoUsuallyRetake CourseDelay TransferWYou officiallywithdrawby deadlineNoYesUsuallyRetake CourseDelay TransferPotential RedFlagWUYou unofficially“withdraw” byhavingexcessiveabsences or bynot taking thefinalNo (but itaffectsyouracademicprogress)YesAid may berecalculatedfor thesemesterRetake CourseDelay TransferPotential RedFlagWNIf you neverattended thecourse, BMCCgives this gradeNoNoNo Aidreturned fornonattendance.Retake CourseDelay TransferPotential RedFlagWD, W --- You decide to withdraw Thinking about withdrawing from a course? Read this first,and then talk to your professor and advisor.What’s with all those W Grades? Important!Should you receive any of these grades in a mandatory course, you will be obligatedto repeat the course. This might extend your time in school, increase expenses, andpostpone the transfer process. Additionally, having W on your transcript could raiseconcerns for certain four-year institutions. Find out what happens to your financial aidand how to appeal by reaching out to the Conexiones office! WU, WN -- The school counts you as withdrawnWN Grades12
S T E P 1Log in using your CUNYfirstusername and password (sameas your Blackboard login).Access BrightspaceS T E P 3 Download by searching"Brightspace Pulse" in GooglePlay or Apple store. Mobile AppS T E P 2Find them under "My Courses" onceprofessors activate them. Issues logging in? Contact BMCC Service Desk.Find Courses010203BRIGHTSPACEBrightspace13
S T E P 4 Search for "City University ofNew York" and log in with your(@login.cuny.edu) account.Your courses will be accessibleonce activated by professors.Prepare early by taking the BMCC Student BrightspaceOrientation.App SetupS T E P 3 OrientationVisit the Digital Education website:https://bit.ly/Studentsupports oremail digitaleducation@bmcc.cuny.edu.Support services are also available inLearning Resource Center (LRC).NEED HELP?0504Brightspace14
MANDATORY TRAINING1SPARC is an online training required by New York StateEducation Law 129-b. It covers:The college’s sexual misconduct policiesReporting proceduresCampus resourcesSPARC TrainingWho Must Complete It:All new, transfer, and readmitted studentsClub officersStudent Government Association membersWhen to Complete:Within the first semester at BMCCImportant Notes:Check your CUNYfirst ‘to do list’ for detailsEven if completed at another institution, it must be retaken at BMCCThe training takes about 30 minutes Find more information on the SPARC training at https://bit.ly/bmccsparc Mandatory Training15
Receive amonthly giftcard Specializedand bilinguelsupport Exclusive hispaniccareer developmentevents Financialsupport andscholarships ExcitingOutdoor trips 1-1 PeerMentoringProgram.FIND YOUR MENTOR AT CREAR FUTOROSMentorshipsuch as (broadway,opera, Yankeestadium, bowling).CREAR Futuros is a peer-mentor program designed to help you succeedin your college career. We assist you in setting goals, exploring interests,and enhancing academic skills through various events. Plus, activestudents can earn awards and prizes ! https://bit.ly/Apply2CrearBMCC Apply to be a mentee here:Mentorship16
Resume: Tailor your resume tohighlight relevant skills, experiences,and coursework.Cover Letter: Write a personalizedcover letter for each application,explaining why you are interested inthe position and how your skillsmake you a good fit.Determine the field or industryyou are interested in.Set clear goals for what youhope to achieve through theinternship/apprenticeship.Research potential companiesor organizations that align withyour interests and goals.03Prepare YourApplication Materials:04Follow Up Email:01 02Identify YourInterests and Goals:ResearchOpportunities:Use online platforms likeLinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor,and company websites to findavailable internships orapprenticeships.You can visit BMCC Handshakefor resources and job boards. The Center For Career Developmentcan help you tailor your resume andwrite a personalized cover letter.https://bit.ly/BMCCCareerDevelopment.Send a thank-you email after theinterviews.Follow up with employers if youhaven't heard back within areasonable timeframe.https://bmcc.joinhandshake.com/Internships17
06 07Practical Experience: Skill Development:Internships and apprenticeshipsprovide hands-on experience in areal-world setting, allowing you toapply what you’ve learned in theclassroom to practical situations.They may help you develop both hardand soft skills, including technicalabilities, problem-solving, teamwork,and communication skills, which arehighly valued by employers.08Career Exploration:These opportunities can allow youto explore different career pathsand industries, helping you to makeinformed decisions about youfuture career.09Networking:Internships and apprenticeshipsprovide valuable networkingopportunities. You can buildrelationships with professionals in yourfield, which can lead to mentorship andfuture job opportunities.10Increased Employability:Employers often prefer candidates whohave practical experience. Internshipsand apprenticeships can makegraduates more competitive in the jobmarket and increase their chances ofsecuring a full-time job after graduation.11 Potential Job Offers:Many internships and apprenticeshipslead to job offers. Employers often hireinterns and apprentices who haveproven their skills and fit within thecompany culture.INTERNSHIPSHow to apply for Internships/Apprenticeships - Reasons why it’s beneficial Check BMCC Internship & experientialdepartment to learn about:Academic InternshipsStudy AbroadAdditional global learning opportunities https://bit.ly/AcademicsExperientialInternships18
FINANCIAL AID 101 Submit the FAFSA early to receive aidfaster without needing estimated taxinformation.Apply Early1CostLearn more about FAFSA here:https://bit.ly/cunyfasfahttps://bit.ly/panther-stationLook into BMCC specific scholarshipssuch as the BMCC Foundation andCompletion Grant.Scholarships2Consider taking advantage of stateand federal sponsored grants such asTAP or APTS to pay for college.Grants3Avoid private student loans as theygenerally have higher interest rates andfewer consumer protections, and opt forfederal loans, grants, & scholarships first.Avoid Private Loans 4Spread the cost of tuition over thesemester through payment plansbased on your tuition and fee costs. Import tax information easily using the IRSData Retrieval Tool on FAFSA to minimizeerrors and speed up the applicationprocess.Tax Retrieval65Financial Aid 10119
The BMCC Accessibility Office is here to help yousucceed! If you have a disability and needacademic accommodations, they can assist you.They offer a variety of services to supportstudents with disabilities, including:Notetaking servicesExtended time on examsAssistive technologyAnd much more!C o n t a c t I nf ro m at i on P h o n e : ( 21 2 ) 2 20 -8 1 80E m a i l : a cc e ss i bi li t y@ b mc c. c un y .e duW e b s i t e : ht tp s :/ / bi t. l y/ O ff ic e of A cc es s ib i li tyThe Accessibility Office is located at Main Campus, R oo m N -3 6 0(Accessible entrance is located at 77 Harrison St.)O f f i c e H o ur s: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm Free entryEQUAL ACCESS FOR All at BMCC
GETTING READY FOR A CAREER FAIRPrepare your materials:Update your resume: Update your resume: Tailor your resumeTailor your resumeto highlight skills & experiences relevantto highlight skills & experiences relevantto the companies you're targeting. Useto the companies you're targeting. Usekeywords from their job descriptions andkeywords from their job descriptions andshowcase achievements thatshowcase achievements thatdemonstrate your value.demonstrate your value.Print resumes:Print resumes: Bring plenty of copies Bring plenty of copies(around 10-15) to hand out to recruiters.(around 10-15) to hand out to recruiters.Prepare questions: Prepare questions: Have thoughtfulHave thoughtfulquestions ready to ask recruiters aboutquestions ready to ask recruiters aboutthe company. Ask recruiters about thethe company. Ask recruiters about thecompany, it's culture.company, it's culture.Research and Prioritize:Identify your interests:Identify your interests: Figure out what Figure out whatkind of companies and roles align withkind of companies and roles align withyour career goals.your career goals.Research attending employers: Research attending employers: Check outCheck outthe list of participating companies andthe list of participating companies andresearch the ones you're most interestedresearch the ones you're most interestedin. Learn about their mission, values, recentin. Learn about their mission, values, recentprojects, and open positions.projects, and open positions.BMCC Job FairBMCC Job FairSep 25Sep 25, 2024, 2024Getting Ready for a Career Fair21
During the Fair:Arrive early:Arrive early: Arrive early to stand out Arrive early to stand outamong recruiters who haven't interactedamong recruiters who haven't interactedwith many students yet.with many students yet.Be confident and positive: Be confident and positive: Smile, make eyeSmile, make eyecontact, and project enthusiasm. Expresscontact, and project enthusiasm. Expressyour interest in the company and theyour interest in the company and thespecific roles you're targeting.specific roles you're targeting.Engage in conversation: Engage in conversation: Highlight skills andHighlight skills andexperiences relevant to the companies.experiences relevant to the companies.Practice your elevator pitch:Practice your elevator pitch: Ask a friend Ask a friendor career counselor to listen to your pitchor career counselor to listen to your pitchand provide feedback.and provide feedback.Connect on LinkedIn:Connect on LinkedIn: Connect with Connect withrecruiters and company representativesrecruiters and company representativeson LinkedIn before and after the fair toon LinkedIn before and after the fair tostay in touch and build your network.stay in touch and build your network.After the fair, send personalized thank-youAfter the fair, send personalized thank-youemails to the recruiters you spoke with.emails to the recruiters you spoke with.Reiterate your interest and briefly mentionReiterate your interest and briefly mentionsomething specific you discussed.something specific you discussed.Utilize Center for Career resources -Utilize Center for Career resources -http://bit.ly/ccdvfrontdeskhttp://bit.ly/ccdvfrontdesk Additional tips:GETTING READY FOR A CAREER FAIRGetting Ready for a Career Fair22
Transfer ChecklistMake a List of your Admissions EssentialsResearch and understand key applicationcomponents: transcripts, tests, essays, andrecommendations.Refer to your schedule of application deadlinesand processes. Make sure to gather all thedocuments you need in time for the earliestdeadlineClear any holds on your account. Holds delaytranscripts and that impacts application.PLANNING A SMOOTH TRANSITION TO A 4-YEAR COLLEGE?IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO START THINKING ABOUT TRANSFER!Meet with your AdvisorVisit the AATC or meet with your Conexionesadvisor to review your transfer opportunitiesand create a more in depth plan. For moreinfo click here: https://bit.ly/transferadviseBuild Your PortfolioShowcase extracurriculars, internships, and leadershiproles; highlighting your skills and achievements.Visit the Center for Career Development to review yourresume and practice your interview skills. Check thiscareer toolkit for more information:https://bit.ly/careertoolkitbmccTransfer Checklist23
Choose Your Colleges of Interest Use online tools to compare colleges based onyour interests and goals for considering collegemajors and campus locations.After submitting your CUNY application, you cancheck your status by clicking on this link:https://bit.ly/cunystatus to finalize the schoolyou want to choose.Work on Your Essay/Personal StatementCraft a compelling personal statement highlightingyour strengths and experiences.Visit the Writing Center for advice on how to make yourstatement more impactful.For more information click here: https://bit.ly/writecenterLook for Financial Aid OpportunitiesExplore financial aid options: grants, scholarships, loans.Learn about application processes and deadlines. Formore information Click here:https://bit.ly/TransferPartnerScholarshipCUNY TransferCUNY Transfer Sep 15Sep 15, 2024, 2024PRIORITY DEADLINETransfer Checklist24
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot!The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot!- Michael Altshuler- Michael AltshulerTIME MANAGEMENT01 02 03Allocate time byfocusing on priorities. Itcould be based on thedeadline, availablemembers to work or itscalculated impact.View and manage yourschedule using toolswith reminders that alertyou of upcomingdeadlines or tasks thatneed attention.To-Do List focuses onkeeping track of tasks.Tasks are more specificthings you need toaccomplish.PRIORITIZEBreak downassignmentsSet Up a To-Do List04 05 06Find a quiet and well-lit space where youcan concentratewithout interruptions.based on yourresponsibilities. SpecificMeasurableAchievable and Time-Oriented View and manage yourschedule using tools withreminders that alert you ofupcoming deadlines ortasks that need attention.Create a conducivestudy environmentIdentify SMART GoalsTake advantage ofdigital tools or apps
What are some funfacts about BMCC‘Panthers’ is the nickname ofthe BMCC college team.Queen Latifah enrolled in BMCCeven as her fame was on the rise.The Icarus sculpture stands proudlyin front of the BMCC Main Campus.
“The expertin anythingwas once abeginner.” — Helen HayesThank You!The Conexiones &Connections program helpstudents explore and refinetheir college experience, withincentives for activeparticipation such asstipends, tuition waivers, andopportunities for paidsummer programs.Discover ushttps://bit.ly/m/conexiones_social-mediaCatch us hereOffice S136 and S137 Main Campus 199 Chambers StreetGet in touch |(646) 655-8445 | CONNECTIONS@BMCC.CUNY.EDU