Bethesda Lutheran /Moorhead
& St. John Lutheran/Dulap
the monthly newsletter of
Pastor Chip
New ways of relating to others and
working together in community are
often a little unsettling at first. Married
clergy were unthinkable before Luther.
But with a group of nuns no longer
welcome in the Catholic church, a new
way of being church came into being.
This new way of being has been with
the church from the very beginning. In
Acts 6, the apostles were faced with a
problem-- a group in their midst was
being missed because the apostles had
to focus on preaching and teaching. So
they decided to try a new form of
leadership-- deacons. They selected
seven people from the church to focus
on this newly recognized need. And it
Today, the church is seeing that some of
our practices aren’t meeting people’s
needs. And we are looking to the Holy
Spirit to guide us in finding expressions
that will insure that God’s Love is Made
Our work together with Soldier and
Faith may be the Spirit at work in our
area. There may be some decluttering
we do, and we may see some
relationships that are new to us. But we
pray that God’s Love is Made Known
because of our faithfulness.
Pastor Chip's contact information:
Mobile 402.670.6055
Now the Church is not wood and stone, but the
company of believing people; one must hold to them,
and see how they believe, live and teach.
Martin Luther
Rita and I recently did a deep
decluttering of the house we’ve lived in
for nearly 30 years. Wow. We had stuff
we didn’t know we had and hadn’t used
for ages. Some of it was hard to get rid
of, but with the help of our daughter and
son-in-law, we found room to enjoy what
we kept.
Phyllis Tickle was a long-time observer
of patterns in the church. She often said,
“Every 500 years or so, the Church
holds a ‘great garage sale,’ and gets rid
of things that aren’t really needed so
that it has space for things that are.”
A little over 500 years ago, Martin
Luther focused the realities of his time
and helped the church examine its
practices to better articulate the gospel
to people. That new focus fueled what
we call the Reformation.
500 years. A great garage sale.
Decluttering. Maybe we are also in a
time when the Holy Spirit is shaping an
expression of the church that better
communicates the message of God’s
amazing love.
Photo by Morgan Wadsworth
Four Congregation
Four Congregation
, October 27
, October 27
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
Soldier Lutheran
Soldier Lutheran
Reception following.
Reception following.
Join us as we gather and celebrate the
confirmation of three youth from our churches.
Faith · Bethesda · Soldier · St. John
Faith · Bethesda · Soldier · St. John
All are welcome.
St. John, Carroll
Pastor Cindy Johnson
Bishop Lorna Halaas
Synod Authorized Minister, Travis Brincks
St. John in Carroll has offered the community a
weekly fellowship meal since September 2014.
This year they celebrated the tenth anniversary of
that “God’s Work Our Hands” meal which has grown
from 75 people to 170-180 people a month. St. John
has kept God’s Work in the forefront as they love
and care for their neighbors.
Build a longer table, not a higher wall
Feeding those who hunger, making room for all
Feasting together, stranger turns to friend
Christ breaks walls to pieces, false divisions end
All Creation Sings 1062
On Sunday, September 8, 2024, underneath beautiful
blue skies with a nice breeze, the members of Bethesda
Lutheran Church, Moorhead, IA, hosted a cookout for our
community at our town park.
While the guys grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, the
ladies set out all the fixings to go with the burgers and
dogs and set up a food line to include baked beans, mac
& cheese, coleslaw, potato salad, a variety of bagged
chips with ice tea, lemonade and water. Brownies with ice
cream and toppings rounded out our meal for dessert.
Those attending, from infants to the more mature, shared
smiles, much laughter and some hugs with each other.
For all of us preparing and serving this meal for our
community, our hearts were full seeing all come, eat, and
enjoy this time with each other. We received back much
more than we put in. “Thank yous” were heard
throughout our time together with many expressing what
a wonderful way to spend time together with a good meal
and conversation.
Our heartfelt thanks to Thrivent for the funds provided to
provide this meal for our neighbors.
Bethesda, Moorhead
article by Cathy Stephens
from the Synod news magazine...
Jon Merritt
Emily Anderson
Cece Mickells
Billie Jo Shahan
Grace Baumgartel
Lynn Egesdal
Paige McGrath
Susan Rohan
Kim Kacmarynski
Mike Gaffey
Damon Hopkins
Russell Stanislav
Western Iowa Synod
Please pray for our seminarians as they prepare
and serve Western Iowa Synod congregations.
address the empty pulpits that are prevalent in every synod across the country. Hearing from
our TEIL (Theological Education for Indigenous Leaders) team, churchwide, from professors,
etc., gave me hope in a church that is looking at the future and finding a way to continue
doings God’s work in the world with the resources that are already sitting in the pews.
I was already very glad for the TEEM (Theological Education for Emerging Ministries) program
because I don’t have an undergrad degree and there was no way that I would have been
able to uproot my life to go to college for four years and then seminary for another 3-4 years
full time. But I learned from this conference that TEEM & TEIL are both so much more than
that. I was able to connect with people from around the country and people who come from
around the world. Hearing amazing faith stories that helped inspire me to better serve my
At the conference we looked into what the future holds for us as a church and how education
fits with that vision. The overall thoughts that I took away from the speakers during the event
was that the way that we used to do things is no longer working, and what can we do
differently. Of course, we have TEEM and TEIL but churchwide is also looking at ways to
make things easier and more approachable to synod call staff to process candidates, how
education today does not have to look the way that it did 10 to 20 years ago, and
encouraged us to challenge the status quo of the church so that the Spirit might lead the
church into greener pastures. Putting our trust in Jesus that he guides our faith into the
I thank St. John’s in Dunlap as well as the Synod for allowing me the opportunity to visit PLTS
and get to know some of the people that I will be connecting with over the next few years. I
also want to thank Dr. Moses for arranging the conference filled with great speakers.
Some Thoughts on the PLTS Fall Conference
by Vicar Hopkins
Recently Vicar Cece (from Essex), Pastor Chip and I
went out to Berkley, Californa, for the fall conference at
PLTS. The theme of the conference was “Theological
Education and Future Church”. Over the several days
we were there we got to see what the ELCA is doing to
Workshop Dates
Grandparents: Oct. 1 @ 10 a.m. & Oct. 24 @ 7 p.m.
Sign-up link:
Parents: Oct. 9 @ 1 p.m. & Nov. 7 @ 7 p.m.
Sign-up link:
Triple-A-Adults: Oct. 15 @ 1p.m. & Nov. 21 @ 7 p.m.
Sign-up link:
Learn to be that grandparent who is remembered for your faith and life! Did
you know that faith is CAUGHT more than it is TAUGHT? Everything kids
do at church is great. Even greater is what your grandkids see, hear, and
sense about your faith. You play a vital role in shaping the faith of your
Please join us for one of our upcoming workshops. If you live nearby or are
far away from your grandchildren, you will learn...
· Five faith practices
· Ten intentional fun ways to share your faith and life
· Learn from other grandparents’ faith ideas
· How to receive and use weekly resources
Who is the primary faith influencer for your children's faith? - You are!
Worship, camps, youth groups, and Sunday school all are good! But, not
nearly as influential as your own conversations, rituals and traditions and
faith practices. Your home is church too!
Fear not! Sharing faith can be fun and easily woven into your normal life
routines. Please join us for one of our upcoming workshops. You will learn…
· Five faith practices
· Ten intentional fun ways to share your faith and life
· How to partner your home with your church
· Learn from other parents’ faith ideas
· How to receive and use weekly resources
Whether it is your daily interactions while at church, over the
neighborhood backyard fence, or being invited to have intentional one-
to-one conversations at a coffee shop, your willingness to listen and
care is memorable and meaningful to young people. Come to this
workshop to learn the surprises of how your life and the simplest and
smallest things influence the faith life of young people around you.
Come to learn the five faith practices that are easy to model and
mentor, as well as the importance of and the skills to...
•become gift-namers for young people
•listen more and talk less
•use mentoring conversation tools to engage in deeper conversations
•keep relationships in safe places, with safe people, and to have safe
Sharing The Joy
Sharing The Joy
Of Hope Now
Of Hope Now
Photo by Morgan Wadsworth
All Saints Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024
All Saints Sunday is always the Sunday following “All Hallows Eve” (better known as
Halloween—the slang word created by fusing the three words together). All Hallows Eve
was set on a pagan holiday. It was believed that on this day the dead would roam the
earth. People put on masks and hid their faces in fear and in hopes of scaring off the
ghosts...The church placed All Saints Day on the day after “All Hallows Eve” to remind us
that we need not fear death. Through Christ we are joined to the family of God and as
forgiven sinners we are given life...saints in the kingdom of God. All Saints Day is always
Nov. 1, but All Saints Day is always celebrated on All Saints Sunday or on the first Sunday
following All Saints Day this year it will be Sunday, November 5th. On that day we will
remember all those from St. John who have died this year and live in Christ.
Wayne “Doc” Melby
Patricia Hein
Rita Christiansen
Please keep their families in your prayers as they entrust
their loved ones to the Lord and find hope in the life of Christ.
Its hard to believe that Advent is almost here. Mark your calendars now so you can
join us for the special worship opportunities that help prepare our hearts for the
coming of Christ at Christmas!
Nov. 3—All Saints Sunday
Nov. ?—Community-wide Thanksgiving Service; plans are in the works on this service .
Dec. 1—Hanging of the Greens Worship Service
3—PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship at St. John
5—PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship at Bethesda
Advent Is Coming!!!
Digital Giving for Your Church
Simple and secure online giving
Giving to your church should be meaningful, simple, and fast. That is why
built a complete set of digital giving tools for your church.
You can still set up an online account. If you type in and under the official
site it will say Give to your church, click on that. Once there, Download the
giving app or click the “give on line” button to give. Your gift is safe/secure and
goes directly to you church. Plus, you'll be able to track all your gifts, setup
recurring and more. If you click "give online" it will ask you to set up an account. It is
simple and will not take long. Or you can mail your donation to the church address:
St. John Lutheran
902 Montague St.
Dunlap, IA 51529.
August Service Schedule
Church Council Monthly Jobs...
Thank you to everyone for serving on
church council. Council members have
signed up to serve in the following ways.
Thanks for completing these important
October Service Schedule:
Snacks and Devotions: Amanda
Offering Counters: Amanda LeFebvre &
Steven Wingrove
November Service Schedule:
Snacks and Devotions: Jay Petersen
Offering Counters: Jay Petersen &
The Lay Ministry Coordinator arranges the
schedule a month in advance. Scriptures readers
will be receiving a copy of the readings in the mail
soon. Please mark your calendars and plan to
serve. If you are unable to serve that day, please
find a replacement. Thank you for your leadership,
it is greatly appreciated!!!
Sincerely, Michelle Miller-Lay Ministry Coordinator
Each week we lift up each other in prayer. Sometimes
the need for prayer continues for extended periods of
time. As a church family, we care about those long-
term needs. Please continue to keep these individuals
and families in your prayers as they deal with long
term illnesses and life changes. Also, please keep
Pastor Chip and the office updated so the
congregation knows when extra prayers are needed.
At Bethesda
Lenyce Lawrenson
Chris Malone
At St. John
Jane Gardner
Arlene Eisermann
Cheryl Rath
Ellie Nelson
Pat Conrad
3 Ron Holst
11 Owen Garside
19 Nancy Heistand
26 Justin Schaben
28 Coralynn LeFebvre
30 Joyce Klein
31 Luke Cripps
Oct 6
Greet: Michelle Miller
Lay Assist: Michelle Miller
Usher: Jake Schaben Steve Miller
Acolyte: Collins Schaben
Oct 13
Greet: Kris Petersen
Read: Kris Petersen
Usher: Jay and Jake Petersen
Acolyte: Harper Boysen
Oct 20
Greet: Becky Berens
Lay Assist: Becky Berens
Usher: Justin and Breck Schaben
Acolyte: Joe Schaben
Oct 27
Confirmation in Soldier
Altar Care Committee
Chair: Susan Hein and Janet Hough
Altar Colors: Green, 27th Red
Communion Dates: October 6 & 20
A space for worship ,
discipleship and service
Bethesda Lutheran Church annual Fall Bazaar will be held
October 12, 2024 in the church basement. Chicken noodle soup,
chili, rye bread, cinnamon rolls, sloppy joes and chicken
sandwiches and homemade pies will be served. Bake sale items
available for purchase. Serving from 11-1:00.
Fall Bazaar October 12
A space for worship ,
discipleship and service
Oct 5 - Sheila Lindsey (B)
Oct 8 - Brent & Julie Kuhlman (A)
Oct 12 - Colleen Shol (B)
Daryle Lauritsen (B)
Oct 14 - Nancy DeLance(B)
Oct 16 - Daryle & Deb Lauritsen (A)
Cathy Stephens (B)
Oct 19 - Dakota Bowman (B)
Oct 20 - Joni Smith (B)
Oct 26 - Darlene Bowman (B)
Oct 27 - Novie Stanislav (B)
October Ushers
Russell Stanislav
Donnie Koch
November Ushers
Mike Vaughn
Jim Rains
Scripture Readers:
10.06 Eli Bowman
10.13 Christina Haug
10.20 Sharon Holverson
10.27 Alan Johnson
11.03 Sam Johnson
11.10 Susan Johnson
11.17 Julie Kuhlman
11.24 Sharon Lee
Lay Assistants:
October-Eli Bowman
November - Christina Haug
Altar Care:
October - Sharon Lee
November- Julie Kuhlman
Angie Bothwell
December - Darlene Bowman,
Susan Johnson
Communion Dates:
October 6– First Sunday
October 13 - Third Sunday
October 27 - Reformation
November 3 – First Sunday
November 17 – Third Sunday
Altar Colors:
Red 10-27
We pray for the people of God in all places. Shape our witness
to the good news of Jesus that we joyfully share your
transforming love with all whom we encounter. Hear us, O
God. Your mercy is great.
We pray for the healing of the earth. Renew oceans and seas,
marshes and estuaries. Uphold the work of conservationists,
oceanographers, and all who care for fragile ecosystems and
habitats. Be with those whose lives have been disrupted by
Hurricane Helene. Comfort those who have lost loved ones.
Hear us, O God. Your mercy is great.
We pray for peace and cooperation among local and global
communities. Bless the efforts of community organizers,
international aid workers, and all those who work for justice
and peace around the world. Hear us, O God. Your mercy is
We pray for all who are in any need. To all who grieve, bring
consolation; to all who are weary or lonely, bring solace. By
your grace, make your presence known among all who call to
you for healing especially Russ Klein, Harold Melby, Karen
Caldwell, John Giovannetti, Kristi Little, Inge Hansen, Gary
Kalskett, Bill Nelson, Norman Kuhlman, Maggie Rains, Nick
Lindsey, and those we name now in hearts or on our lips....
Hear us, O God. Your mercy is great.
We pray for caregivers: doctors and nurses, home health
aides and counselors, and those who care for loved ones
(other caregivers or individuals may be named). Sustain them
in their work and help us to build a health care system that
supports all. Hear us, O God. Your mercy is great.
Hear the intercessions of our hearts. Hear us, O God. Your
mercy is great.
We give thanks for the saints who now rest in your eternal
presence. In thanksgiving for their lives of faithful service and
witness, we commend them to your loving care. Hear us, O
God. Your mercy is great.
We entrust these and all our prayers to you, holy God, in the
name of your beloved child, Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
Pray, and let God worry.
Pray, and let God worry.
Martin Luther
Martin Luther
Photo by Morgan Wadsworth
OCTOBER 6, 2024
GENESIS 2:18-24
Created for relationship
You crown us with glory and honor. (Ps.
HEBREWS 1:1-4; 2:5-12
God has spoken by a Son
MARK 10:2-16
Teaching on marriage
OCTOBER 13, 2024
AMOS 5:6-7, 10-15
Turn from injustice to the poor, that you
may live
PSALM 90:12-17
So teach us to number our days that we may
apply our hearts to wisdom. (Ps. 90:12)
HEBREWS 4:12-16
Approach the throne of grace with boldness
MARK 10:17-31
Teaching on wealth and reward
OCTOBER 20, 2024
ISAIAH 53:4-12
The suffering servant
PSALM 91:9-16
You have made the Lord your refuge, and
the Most High your habitation. (Ps. 91:9)
HEBREWS 5:1-10
Through suffering Christ becomes the
source of salvation
MARK 10:35-45
Warnings to ambitious disciples
OCTOBER 27, 2024
JEREMIAH 31:31-34
I will write my law in their hearts, says
the Lord
The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of
Jacob is our stronghold. (Ps. 46:7)
ROMANS 3:19-28
Justified by God’s grace as a gift
JOHN 8:31-36
Jesus says, Continue in my word and
you will know the truth
The law works fear and wrath;
grace works hope and mercy.
Martin Luther
Fear not, for I am with you;
Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 41:10
We would love to include your photos from the Loess Hills area.
Simply email them to
Photo by Morgan Wadsworth