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Face care

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Message DO YOU KNOW OUR FACECARE?face CareVera Face Cleanser enriched with Aloe veraand neroli is an effective cleansing gelspecially formulated for dry skin. Indeed,Aloe vera, as a powerful antioxidant, protectsthe skin while maintaining its naturalmoisture, while neroli, extracted fromorange blossoms, offers soothing andhydrating properties, making it ideal forsensitive skin. This gentle cleansereffectively removes impurities withoutdrying the skin, leaving it fresh, soft, andcomfortable. Furthermore, it providesintense hydration and long-lasting comfort,promoting soft, smooth skin. Suitable fordaily use, morning and evening.Vera Face Cleancer Aloe vera gel, extracted from the aloe veraleaves, is rich in vitamins, minerals, aminoacids, and enzymes, offering extensive benefitsfor the skin. Indeed, it deeply hydrates withoutleaving a greasy residue, soothes irritation, andhelps in healing minor wounds thanks to itsanti-inflammatory and healing properties.Moreover, it’s enriched with antioxidants, suchas Vitamins C and E, helps to prevent from freeradicals, reducing the appearance of wrinklesand fine lines. Furthermore, this Aloe vera gelis effective against acne due to its antibacterialand sebum-regulating properties, whileunifying skin tone and reducing dark spots andacne scars. Also, this gel composes a protectivebarrier against pollutants and environmentalaggressors, making it as a vital component ofany skincare routine.Gel Aloe Vera Nila Lotion as a face care lotion is speciallyformulated for mixed skin needs. This lotion isenriched with nila and hyaluronic acid, thathelps to unify skin tone and enhanceradiance. Furthermore, with the antioxidantand hydrating properties of the Vitamin E, it protects the skin from external factors whilepreserving its moisture. Indeed, thislightweight formula smooths the skin, leavingit refreshed and glowing, while harmonizingthe oily and dry area for a radiant, healthy skintexture.Nila lotion About us:Address: Yassine Building, Street. Hadj AliSoua, Ksar Hellal 5070Phone:+21654058067Phone:+21625880240Mail:contact@perfectbio.tnWeb: www.perfectbio.tnPerfect Bio is specialized in producing natural cosmetic productsthrough our certified laboratory (ISO 22716 and BPF). Perfect Bio is one of the first laboratories that introduced the naturalcosmetics in Tunisia, as we built up our own brand since 2016 and sincethis datewe are trying to improve and enlarge our list of productsassuring the high-quality,Indeed, our cosmetics are made from purely natural ingredients withour healthy & organic formulations .We as Perfect bio pride ourselves on creating 100% natural productsthat are effective and free from nasty chemicals.Our aim is to provide the customers with a wide range of products thatcan help them to preserve their skins, hairs and home ambiance, as thenatural cosmetics are more safe and effective.Furthermore, the Perfect Bio’s slogan can express our aim « the returnto the natural » or « Le retour au naturel », as we are seeking for healthylifestyle..4.74 €15 dt 6.64 €21 dt 4.74 €15 dt

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Our Lightening Body Lotion is enriched withAHA (alpha-hydroxy acids) that gentlyexfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cellsand stimulating cell renewal. Furthermore,this body lotion enhanced with vitamin E,offers antioxidant protection while deeplyhydrating the skin. Moreover, our lotion notonly helps to brighten the skin but alsoleaves your skin feeling soft, smooth, andradiant.Lightening Body Milk Our AHA Peeling Cream as an innovativeformula enriched with alpha-hydroxy acids(AHA), vitamin C, vitamin E, and pro-vitaminB5, is specifically formulated to revitalize theskin. So, the AHA acids gently exfoliate toremove dead skin cells and enhance skintexture, while the Vitamin C serves as apowerful antioxidant, brightening thecomplexion and reducing dark spots. Inaddition, this cream is rich in Vitamin E thatnourishes and protects against environmentaldamage, while the pro-vitamin B5 hydratesand soothes, helping to strengthen the skinbarrier. This unique blend provides a brighter,more even, and revitalized skin.Peeling Cream AHA Our AHA Serum is a lightweight day and nighttreatment enriched with AHA, vitamin C,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5. In fact, the AHAgently exfoliates to reveal fresh skin, helpingto reduce the appearance of fine lines andwrinkles. Furthermore, the Vitamin Cbrightens the complexion and boosts collagenproduction for firmer skin, while vitamin Enourishes and protects against environmentaldamage. Concerning the Pro-vitamin B5(panthenol) hydrates and soothes, enhancingskin texture and elasticity. Indeed, therejuvenating and hydrating benefits of thisserum provide smoother and more radiantskin.AHA Sérum Our AHA Peeling Mask as a rejuvenatingfacial mask enriched with alpha-hydroxyacids (AHA), vitamin C, and vitamin E, isformulated to exfoliate and revitalize theskin. AHAs effectively removes dead skincells, revealing a smoother and more radiantcomplexion. Vitamin C brightens the skinand helps reduce pigmentation, whilevitamin E hydrates and protects againstenvironmental stress. Indeed, this mask issuitable for all skin types, particularly dulland tired skin, and it can be used once ortwice a week, in order to leave your skinlooking radiant and revitalized.AHA Peeling MaskOur Lift Cream is a luxurious facial creamenriched with hyaluronic acid, glycerin,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5, specificallyformulated to provide intense hydration andrevitalize the skin. In fact, the deepmoisturizing properties of hyaluronic acidhelp to smooth fine lines and maintain theskin’s natural moisture balance. Adding to theGlycerin which attracts moisture, leaving theskin smooth and soft. Concerning, the VitaminE acts as a powerful antioxidant, protectingagainst free radical damage and promoting amore resilient, radiant complexion, while thePro-vitamin B5 soothes and revitalizes theskin, enhancing elasticity for a visibly firmerand more radiant appearance.Lift Cream Our AHA & Hyaluronic Acid Foaming Gel is aspecially formulated cleanser for oily skin,enriched with vitamin E and hyaluronic acid.In fact, the AHA acids gently exfoliate toremove dead skin cells and promote cellrenewal. Vitamin E serves as a powerfulantioxidant, protecting and soothing the skin,while hyaluronic acid delivers intensehydration. This foaming gel deeply cleanses,effectively removing excess sebum withoutdrying out the skin. This gel with its refreshingtexture makes it perfect for daily use, leavingyour skin feeling clean and revitalized.Foaming Gel with AHA &Hyaluronic AcidOur Perfect Mask as a hydrating face mask isenriched with hyaluronic acid, glycerin,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5. Indeed, thepowerful combination of these ingredientsprovides an intense hydration while deeplynourishing the skin. Furthermore, theHyaluronic acid preserves essentialmoisture, ensuring deep hydration, whileglycerin works as an effective moisturizer,retaining water to keep the skin soft,smooth, and well-hydrated. Concerning, theVitamin E provides powerful antioxidantprotection against environmental damage,while Pro-vitamin B5 deeply soothes andhelps skin repair, enhancing resilience andproviding a revitalized, healthier look. Infact, the blend of these effective ingredientsmakes this perfect Mask as an ideal face carethat helps for revitalizing and rejuvenatingthe skin, leaving it soft, glowing, and radiant.Perfect Mask Our Lifting Vitamin serum offers an effectivesolution to revitalize the skin. Indeed, thisserum is enriched with hyaluronic acid andglycerin, that provides deep hydration, leavingthe skin soft and smooth. Meantime theVitamins A and E serve as potent antioxidants,protecting against environmental damage,while Pro-vitamin B5 soothes and repairs theskin, promoting a healthier, more revitalizedcomplexion. Once including this serum inyour daily skincare routine, it will enhanceyour skin’s radiance and promote a youthfulappearance.Lifting Vitamine Hyalusérum is an innovative facial serumenriched with hyaluronic acid, glycerin,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5, formulated toprovide optimal hydration and enhance skin’ssoftness and smoothness. Indeed, theHyaluronic acid deeply hydrates and plumpsthe skin, effectively reducing the appearanceof fine lines and wrinkles. Meantime theGlycerin acts as a powerful moisturizer,helping to maintain the skin’s naturalhydration balance for lasting comfort.Concerning the Vitamin E serves as a potentantioxidant, protecting the skin fromenvironmental damage and promoting aradiant skin, while the Pro-vitamin B5 soothesand regenerates the skin, strengthening itsnatural barrier and enhancing overall texture.Hyalusérum9.48 €30 dt 10.43€33 dt 9.48 €30 dt 6.64 €21 dt 11 €34.8 dt 11 €34.8 dt 30 €9.48 dt 10.43 €33 dt 11.37 €36 dt

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Our Lightening Body Lotion is enriched withAHA (alpha-hydroxy acids) that gentlyexfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cellsand stimulating cell renewal. Furthermore,this body lotion enhanced with vitamin E,offers antioxidant protection while deeplyhydrating the skin. Moreover, our lotion notonly helps to brighten the skin but alsoleaves your skin feeling soft, smooth, andradiant.Lightening Body Milk Our AHA Peeling Cream as an innovativeformula enriched with alpha-hydroxy acids(AHA), vitamin C, vitamin E, and pro-vitaminB5, is specifically formulated to revitalize theskin. So, the AHA acids gently exfoliate toremove dead skin cells and enhance skintexture, while the Vitamin C serves as apowerful antioxidant, brightening thecomplexion and reducing dark spots. Inaddition, this cream is rich in Vitamin E thatnourishes and protects against environmentaldamage, while the pro-vitamin B5 hydratesand soothes, helping to strengthen the skinbarrier. This unique blend provides a brighter,more even, and revitalized skin.Peeling Cream AHA Our AHA Serum is a lightweight day and nighttreatment enriched with AHA, vitamin C,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5. In fact, the AHAgently exfoliates to reveal fresh skin, helpingto reduce the appearance of fine lines andwrinkles. Furthermore, the Vitamin Cbrightens the complexion and boosts collagenproduction for firmer skin, while vitamin Enourishes and protects against environmentaldamage. Concerning the Pro-vitamin B5(panthenol) hydrates and soothes, enhancingskin texture and elasticity. Indeed, therejuvenating and hydrating benefits of thisserum provide smoother and more radiantskin.AHA Sérum Our AHA Peeling Mask as a rejuvenatingfacial mask enriched with alpha-hydroxyacids (AHA), vitamin C, and vitamin E, isformulated to exfoliate and revitalize theskin. AHAs effectively removes dead skincells, revealing a smoother and more radiantcomplexion. Vitamin C brightens the skinand helps reduce pigmentation, whilevitamin E hydrates and protects againstenvironmental stress. Indeed, this mask issuitable for all skin types, particularly dulland tired skin, and it can be used once ortwice a week, in order to leave your skinlooking radiant and revitalized.AHA Peeling MaskOur Lift Cream is a luxurious facial creamenriched with hyaluronic acid, glycerin,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5, specificallyformulated to provide intense hydration andrevitalize the skin. In fact, the deepmoisturizing properties of hyaluronic acidhelp to smooth fine lines and maintain theskin’s natural moisture balance. Adding to theGlycerin which attracts moisture, leaving theskin smooth and soft. Concerning, the VitaminE acts as a powerful antioxidant, protectingagainst free radical damage and promoting amore resilient, radiant complexion, while thePro-vitamin B5 soothes and revitalizes theskin, enhancing elasticity for a visibly firmerand more radiant appearance.Lift Cream Our AHA & Hyaluronic Acid Foaming Gel is aspecially formulated cleanser for oily skin,enriched with vitamin E and hyaluronic acid.In fact, the AHA acids gently exfoliate toremove dead skin cells and promote cellrenewal. Vitamin E serves as a powerfulantioxidant, protecting and soothing the skin,while hyaluronic acid delivers intensehydration. This foaming gel deeply cleanses,effectively removing excess sebum withoutdrying out the skin. This gel with its refreshingtexture makes it perfect for daily use, leavingyour skin feeling clean and revitalized.Foaming Gel with AHA &Hyaluronic AcidOur Perfect Mask as a hydrating face mask isenriched with hyaluronic acid, glycerin,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5. Indeed, thepowerful combination of these ingredientsprovides an intense hydration while deeplynourishing the skin. Furthermore, theHyaluronic acid preserves essentialmoisture, ensuring deep hydration, whileglycerin works as an effective moisturizer,retaining water to keep the skin soft,smooth, and well-hydrated. Concerning, theVitamin E provides powerful antioxidantprotection against environmental damage,while Pro-vitamin B5 deeply soothes andhelps skin repair, enhancing resilience andproviding a revitalized, healthier look. Infact, the blend of these effective ingredientsmakes this perfect Mask as an ideal face carethat helps for revitalizing and rejuvenatingthe skin, leaving it soft, glowing, and radiant.Perfect Mask Our Lifting Vitamin serum offers an effectivesolution to revitalize the skin. Indeed, thisserum is enriched with hyaluronic acid andglycerin, that provides deep hydration, leavingthe skin soft and smooth. Meantime theVitamins A and E serve as potent antioxidants,protecting against environmental damage,while Pro-vitamin B5 soothes and repairs theskin, promoting a healthier, more revitalizedcomplexion. Once including this serum inyour daily skincare routine, it will enhanceyour skin’s radiance and promote a youthfulappearance.Lifting Vitamine Hyalusérum is an innovative facial serumenriched with hyaluronic acid, glycerin,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5, formulated toprovide optimal hydration and enhance skin’ssoftness and smoothness. Indeed, theHyaluronic acid deeply hydrates and plumpsthe skin, effectively reducing the appearanceof fine lines and wrinkles. Meantime theGlycerin acts as a powerful moisturizer,helping to maintain the skin’s naturalhydration balance for lasting comfort.Concerning the Vitamin E serves as a potentantioxidant, protecting the skin fromenvironmental damage and promoting aradiant skin, while the Pro-vitamin B5 soothesand regenerates the skin, strengthening itsnatural barrier and enhancing overall texture.Hyalusérum9.48 €30 dt 10.43€33 dt 9.48 €30 dt 6.64 €21 dt 11 €34.8 dt 11 €34.8 dt 30 €9.48 dt 10.43 €33 dt 11.37 €36 dt

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Our Lightening Body Lotion is enriched withAHA (alpha-hydroxy acids) that gentlyexfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cellsand stimulating cell renewal. Furthermore,this body lotion enhanced with vitamin E,offers antioxidant protection while deeplyhydrating the skin. Moreover, our lotion notonly helps to brighten the skin but alsoleaves your skin feeling soft, smooth, andradiant.Lightening Body Milk Our AHA Peeling Cream as an innovativeformula enriched with alpha-hydroxy acids(AHA), vitamin C, vitamin E, and pro-vitaminB5, is specifically formulated to revitalize theskin. So, the AHA acids gently exfoliate toremove dead skin cells and enhance skintexture, while the Vitamin C serves as apowerful antioxidant, brightening thecomplexion and reducing dark spots. Inaddition, this cream is rich in Vitamin E thatnourishes and protects against environmentaldamage, while the pro-vitamin B5 hydratesand soothes, helping to strengthen the skinbarrier. This unique blend provides a brighter,more even, and revitalized skin.Peeling Cream AHA Our AHA Serum is a lightweight day and nighttreatment enriched with AHA, vitamin C,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5. In fact, the AHAgently exfoliates to reveal fresh skin, helpingto reduce the appearance of fine lines andwrinkles. Furthermore, the Vitamin Cbrightens the complexion and boosts collagenproduction for firmer skin, while vitamin Enourishes and protects against environmentaldamage. Concerning the Pro-vitamin B5(panthenol) hydrates and soothes, enhancingskin texture and elasticity. Indeed, therejuvenating and hydrating benefits of thisserum provide smoother and more radiantskin.AHA Sérum Our AHA Peeling Mask as a rejuvenatingfacial mask enriched with alpha-hydroxyacids (AHA), vitamin C, and vitamin E, isformulated to exfoliate and revitalize theskin. AHAs effectively removes dead skincells, revealing a smoother and more radiantcomplexion. Vitamin C brightens the skinand helps reduce pigmentation, whilevitamin E hydrates and protects againstenvironmental stress. Indeed, this mask issuitable for all skin types, particularly dulland tired skin, and it can be used once ortwice a week, in order to leave your skinlooking radiant and revitalized.AHA Peeling MaskOur Lift Cream is a luxurious facial creamenriched with hyaluronic acid, glycerin,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5, specificallyformulated to provide intense hydration andrevitalize the skin. In fact, the deepmoisturizing properties of hyaluronic acidhelp to smooth fine lines and maintain theskin’s natural moisture balance. Adding to theGlycerin which attracts moisture, leaving theskin smooth and soft. Concerning, the VitaminE acts as a powerful antioxidant, protectingagainst free radical damage and promoting amore resilient, radiant complexion, while thePro-vitamin B5 soothes and revitalizes theskin, enhancing elasticity for a visibly firmerand more radiant appearance.Lift Cream Our AHA & Hyaluronic Acid Foaming Gel is aspecially formulated cleanser for oily skin,enriched with vitamin E and hyaluronic acid.In fact, the AHA acids gently exfoliate toremove dead skin cells and promote cellrenewal. Vitamin E serves as a powerfulantioxidant, protecting and soothing the skin,while hyaluronic acid delivers intensehydration. This foaming gel deeply cleanses,effectively removing excess sebum withoutdrying out the skin. This gel with its refreshingtexture makes it perfect for daily use, leavingyour skin feeling clean and revitalized.Foaming Gel with AHA &Hyaluronic AcidOur Perfect Mask as a hydrating face mask isenriched with hyaluronic acid, glycerin,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5. Indeed, thepowerful combination of these ingredientsprovides an intense hydration while deeplynourishing the skin. Furthermore, theHyaluronic acid preserves essentialmoisture, ensuring deep hydration, whileglycerin works as an effective moisturizer,retaining water to keep the skin soft,smooth, and well-hydrated. Concerning, theVitamin E provides powerful antioxidantprotection against environmental damage,while Pro-vitamin B5 deeply soothes andhelps skin repair, enhancing resilience andproviding a revitalized, healthier look. Infact, the blend of these effective ingredientsmakes this perfect Mask as an ideal face carethat helps for revitalizing and rejuvenatingthe skin, leaving it soft, glowing, and radiant.Perfect Mask Our Lifting Vitamin serum offers an effectivesolution to revitalize the skin. Indeed, thisserum is enriched with hyaluronic acid andglycerin, that provides deep hydration, leavingthe skin soft and smooth. Meantime theVitamins A and E serve as potent antioxidants,protecting against environmental damage,while Pro-vitamin B5 soothes and repairs theskin, promoting a healthier, more revitalizedcomplexion. Once including this serum inyour daily skincare routine, it will enhanceyour skin’s radiance and promote a youthfulappearance.Lifting Vitamine Hyalusérum is an innovative facial serumenriched with hyaluronic acid, glycerin,vitamin E, and pro-vitamin B5, formulated toprovide optimal hydration and enhance skin’ssoftness and smoothness. Indeed, theHyaluronic acid deeply hydrates and plumpsthe skin, effectively reducing the appearanceof fine lines and wrinkles. Meantime theGlycerin acts as a powerful moisturizer,helping to maintain the skin’s naturalhydration balance for lasting comfort.Concerning the Vitamin E serves as a potentantioxidant, protecting the skin fromenvironmental damage and promoting aradiant skin, while the Pro-vitamin B5 soothesand regenerates the skin, strengthening itsnatural barrier and enhancing overall texture.Hyalusérum9.48 €30 dt 10.43€33 dt 9.48 €30 dt 6.64 €21 dt 11 €34.8 dt 11 €34.8 dt 30 €9.48 dt 10.43 €33 dt 11.37 €36 dt

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DO YOU KNOW OUR FACECARE?face CareVera Face Cleanser enriched with Aloe veraand neroli is an effective cleansing gelspecially formulated for dry skin. Indeed,Aloe vera, as a powerful antioxidant, protectsthe skin while maintaining its naturalmoisture, while neroli, extracted fromorange blossoms, offers soothing andhydrating properties, making it ideal forsensitive skin. This gentle cleansereffectively removes impurities withoutdrying the skin, leaving it fresh, soft, andcomfortable. Furthermore, it providesintense hydration and long-lasting comfort,promoting soft, smooth skin. Suitable fordaily use, morning and evening.Vera Face Cleancer Aloe vera gel, extracted from the aloe veraleaves, is rich in vitamins, minerals, aminoacids, and enzymes, offering extensive benefitsfor the skin. Indeed, it deeply hydrates withoutleaving a greasy residue, soothes irritation, andhelps in healing minor wounds thanks to itsanti-inflammatory and healing properties.Moreover, it’s enriched with antioxidants, suchas Vitamins C and E, helps to prevent from freeradicals, reducing the appearance of wrinklesand fine lines. Furthermore, this Aloe vera gelis effective against acne due to its antibacterialand sebum-regulating properties, whileunifying skin tone and reducing dark spots andacne scars. Also, this gel composes a protectivebarrier against pollutants and environmentalaggressors, making it as a vital component ofany skincare routine.Gel Aloe Vera Nila Lotion as a face care lotion is speciallyformulated for mixed skin needs. This lotion isenriched with nila and hyaluronic acid, thathelps to unify skin tone and enhanceradiance. Furthermore, with the antioxidantand hydrating properties of the Vitamin E, it protects the skin from external factors whilepreserving its moisture. Indeed, thislightweight formula smooths the skin, leavingit refreshed and glowing, while harmonizingthe oily and dry area for a radiant, healthy skintexture.Nila lotion About us:Address: Yassine Building, Street. Hadj AliSoua, Ksar Hellal 5070Phone:+21654058067Phone:+21625880240Mail:contact@perfectbio.tnWeb: www.perfectbio.tnPerfect Bio is specialized in producing natural cosmetic productsthrough our certified laboratory (ISO 22716 and BPF). Perfect Bio is one of the first laboratories that introduced the naturalcosmetics in Tunisia, as we built up our own brand since 2016 and sincethis datewe are trying to improve and enlarge our list of productsassuring the high-quality,Indeed, our cosmetics are made from purely natural ingredients withour healthy & organic formulations .We as Perfect bio pride ourselves on creating 100% natural productsthat are effective and free from nasty chemicals.Our aim is to provide the customers with a wide range of products thatcan help them to preserve their skins, hairs and home ambiance, as thenatural cosmetics are more safe and effective.Furthermore, the Perfect Bio’s slogan can express our aim « the returnto the natural » or « Le retour au naturel », as we are seeking for healthylifestyle..4.74 €15 dt 6.64 €21 dt 4.74 €15 dt

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DO YOU KNOW OUR FACECARE?face CareVera Face Cleanser enriched with Aloe veraand neroli is an effective cleansing gelspecially formulated for dry skin. Indeed,Aloe vera, as a powerful antioxidant, protectsthe skin while maintaining its naturalmoisture, while neroli, extracted fromorange blossoms, offers soothing andhydrating properties, making it ideal forsensitive skin. This gentle cleansereffectively removes impurities withoutdrying the skin, leaving it fresh, soft, andcomfortable. Furthermore, it providesintense hydration and long-lasting comfort,promoting soft, smooth skin. Suitable fordaily use, morning and evening.Vera Face Cleancer Aloe vera gel, extracted from the aloe veraleaves, is rich in vitamins, minerals, aminoacids, and enzymes, offering extensive benefitsfor the skin. Indeed, it deeply hydrates withoutleaving a greasy residue, soothes irritation, andhelps in healing minor wounds thanks to itsanti-inflammatory and healing properties.Moreover, it’s enriched with antioxidants, suchas Vitamins C and E, helps to prevent from freeradicals, reducing the appearance of wrinklesand fine lines. Furthermore, this Aloe vera gelis effective against acne due to its antibacterialand sebum-regulating properties, whileunifying skin tone and reducing dark spots andacne scars. Also, this gel composes a protectivebarrier against pollutants and environmentalaggressors, making it as a vital component ofany skincare routine.Gel Aloe Vera Nila Lotion as a face care lotion is speciallyformulated for mixed skin needs. This lotion isenriched with nila and hyaluronic acid, thathelps to unify skin tone and enhanceradiance. Furthermore, with the antioxidantand hydrating properties of the Vitamin E, it protects the skin from external factors whilepreserving its moisture. Indeed, thislightweight formula smooths the skin, leavingit refreshed and glowing, while harmonizingthe oily and dry area for a radiant, healthy skintexture.Nila lotion About us:Address: Yassine Building, Street. Hadj AliSoua, Ksar Hellal 5070Phone:+21654058067Phone:+21625880240Mail:contact@perfectbio.tnWeb: www.perfectbio.tnPerfect Bio is specialized in producing natural cosmetic productsthrough our certified laboratory (ISO 22716 and BPF). Perfect Bio is one of the first laboratories that introduced the naturalcosmetics in Tunisia, as we built up our own brand since 2016 and sincethis datewe are trying to improve and enlarge our list of productsassuring the high-quality,Indeed, our cosmetics are made from purely natural ingredients withour healthy & organic formulations .We as Perfect bio pride ourselves on creating 100% natural productsthat are effective and free from nasty chemicals.Our aim is to provide the customers with a wide range of products thatcan help them to preserve their skins, hairs and home ambiance, as thenatural cosmetics are more safe and effective.Furthermore, the Perfect Bio’s slogan can express our aim « the returnto the natural » or « Le retour au naturel », as we are seeking for healthylifestyle..4.74 €15 dt 6.64 €21 dt 4.74 €15 dt