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Face care 2

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Message DO YOU KNOW OUR FACECARE?face CareOur Micellar Water for Oily Skin is specificallyformulated to gently cleanse oily prone skin. Thissolution is enriched with marshmallow rootextract, to soothe and soften the skin whileeffectively removing impurities. Meantime,Lavender hydrosol provides purifying and toningbenefits, leaving a refreshing sensation.Furthermore, Vitamin E and glycerin hydrate andprotect the skin from external aggressors, whilehydroxy acetic acid helps regulate sebumproduction. This effective formula helps tocleanse, balance, and preserve the skin’s naturalglow.Micellar Water for Oily SkinOur Micellar Water with Collagen+ enrichedwith micelles that softly cleanses the skin, liftingaway impurities for a refreshed feel. Thissolution rich in marshmallow root extract andDamask rose hydrosol, soothes and tones theskin, leaving a refreshing sensation. Meantime,Hydrolyzed collagen and vitamin E worktogether to enhance skin firmness and protectagainst external factors. Furthermore, Glycerinprovides deep hydration, while hydroxy aceticacid helps eliminate makeup and residue. Ourmicellar water is suitable for all skin types andleaves the face clean, soft, and radiant.Micellar Water withCollagen+Our Micellar Water for Normal Skin as a gentleeffective solution formulated for removingimpurities and makeup. It’s enriched withmarshmallow root extract, to soothe and softenthe skin while providing optimal hydration fromDamask rose hydrosol. Meantime, Hydrolyzedcollagen enhances skin elasticity, and vitamin Eprotects against environmental external factors.Furthermore, the Glycerin provides deephydration, while hydroxy acetic acid helps clarifythe complexion. Indeed, our micellar waterleaves the skin feeling fresh, soft, and perfectlycleansed.Micellar Water for NormalSkinOur 2-in-1 Biphasic Makeup Remover as agentle effective solution is formulated forremoving makeup and cleansing the face in oneeasy step. Indeed, its unique formula blendsmarshmallow root extract and argan oil tosoothe and nourish the skin while eliminatingimpurities. Meantime, Jojoba oil and bitterorange blossom hydrosol offer additionalhydration and a refreshing sensation.Furthermore, this micellar is enriched withhydrolyzed collagen, vitamin E, and glycerin tokeep the skin smooth and revitalized. While theHydroxy acetic acid helps balance the skin’s pH,leaving your skin texture clear and radiant aftereach use.2-in-1 Biphasic MakeupRemoverAbout us:Address: Yassine Building, Street. Hadj AliSoua, Ksar Hellal 5070Phone:+21654058067Phone:+21625880240Mail:contact@perfectbio.tnWeb: www.perfectbio.tnPerfect Bio is specialized in producing natural cosmetic productsthrough our certified laboratory (ISO 22716 and BPF). Perfect Bio is one of the first laboratories that introduced the naturalcosmetics in Tunisia, as we built up our own brand since 2016 and sincethis datewe are trying to improve and enlarge our list of productsassuring the high-quality,Indeed, our cosmetics are made from purely natural ingredients withour healthy & organic formulations .We as Perfect bio pride ourselves on creating 100% natural productsthat are effective and free from nasty chemicals.Our aim is to provide the customers with a wide range of products thatcan help them to preserve their skins, hairs and home ambiance, as thenatural cosmetics are more safe and effective.Furthermore, the Perfect Bio’s slogan can express our aim « the returnto the natural » or « Le retour au naturel », as we are seeking for healthylifestyle..4.47€15 dt 4.47€15 dt 4.47€15 dt 5.31€16.8 dt

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Our 24K Gold Mask is a luxurious faceskincare enriched with 24-carat gold,hyaluronic acid, vitamin A, and pro-vitaminB5. Indeed, this rich formulation providesintense hydration, helping to diminish theappearance of fine lines and wrinkles whileenhancing skin elasticity. Furthermore, theblend of gold and vitamins helps to revitalizeand brighten the complexion, delivering aradiant and youthful glow. In addition, thismask strengthens the skin barrier,promoting resilience and a sense of calm.Our mask provides a superb and effectiveskincare experience and it’s suitable for allskin types.24 k Gold Mask Our Nila Mask is a revitalizing face careenriched with geranium hydrosol, argan oil,and blue Nila powder, formulated to providebalanced and radiant skin. Indeed, thisformula rich in hyaluronic acid for intensehydration and a plumping effect. Concerning,Vitamin E protects the skin against freeradicals, while pro-vitamin B5 soothes andenhances skin texture. Meantime, prickly pearseed oil provides regeneration and deephydration. Once involving this mask in yourdaily skincare routine, it will leave yourcomplexion radian and rejuvenated.Nila Mask Our Ayurvida Mask is formulated to boostradiant and revitalized skin. Indeed, this maskenriched with lemon hydrosol, purifies andtones the complexion, while green clay andcider powder effectively absorb impurities fora brighter appearance. Meantime, Jojoba oiland prickly pear seed oil provide deephydration and nourishment, while hyaluronicacid and pro-vitamin B5 offer optimalmoisture and a plumping effect. ConcerningVitamin E, it affords protection against freeradicals and helps repair skin damage. Ourmask leaves the face feeling soft, firm, andglowing and it’s suitable for all skin types.Ayurvida Mask Our Youth Glow Mask as rejuvenating facemask which is formulated with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), vitamin C, and vitaminE, in order to exfoliate and revitalize theskin. Indeed, the AHA gently removes deadskin cells, revealing a smoother and brightercomplexion. Meantime, Vitamin C enhancesradiance and helps diminish pigmentationspots, while vitamin E provides hydrationand protection against external aggressors.This mask is suitable for all skin types,mainly dull & tired skin, and it should beused once or twice a week to leave your skinlooking radiant and revitalized.Youth Glow Mask Our White Clay Mask is a revitalizing face skincare enriched with Damask rose hydrosol,sweet almond oil, and kaolin powder. Indeed,Damask rose hydrosol soothes and hydrates,while sweet almond oil provides deepnourishment. Meantime, Kaolin powder gentlypurifies the skin by absorbing impurities,while hyaluronic acid maintains optimalhydration. Concerning Vitamin E offersprotective antioxidant benefits againstenvironmental stressors. In fact, with regularuse, this mask enhances skin radiance,softness and keeps it balanced.White Clay Mask Our Peeling Mask as an exfoliating face maskformulated to nourish and deeply hydrate theskin. This mask rich in lavender hydrosol,helps to soothe irritation and calm sensitiveskin. Meantime, Argan oil and prickly pearseed oil provide rich hydration whileenhancing elasticity. The gentle exfoliationfrom prickly pear seed powder effectivelyremoves dead skin cells, while hyaluronic acidand vitamin E offer lasting hydration andantioxidant protection. In addition, this maskrich in Pro-vitamin B5 helps to leave the skinrevitalized, soft, and radiant.Peeling MaskOur Anti-Acne Cream is formulated as a gentleeffective solution for Acne-prone skin. This creamenriched with tea tree and lavender oils, offerspurifying and calming benefits to help reducespots and inflammation. Indeed, the Geraniumhydrosol and sage oil work together to balancethe skin and regulate sebum production.Furthermore, Lemon extract adds a fresh, brighttouch, helping to fade scars, while vitamin Edeeply nourishes and strengthens the skin’sprotective barrier against environmentalimpurities.Anti-Acne CreamOur Anti-Spot & Hydrating Cream is aluxurious face skincare formulated torevitalize and brighten the skin. This creamenriched with prickly pear seed oil and linseedoil offers anti-aging and restorative benefitswhile targeting pigmentation spots.Furthermore, Lemon hydrosol evens out skintone, while sesame and olive oils provide deepnourishment and hydration. Meantime, Sheabutter which is rich in vitamins helps to softenand protect, and vitamin E provides powerfulantioxidant support. In fact, our cream leavesthe skin radiant, soft, and deeply hydrated,with a more even and glowing skin texture.Anti-Spot & HydratingCreamOur Collagen Cream is a deeply hydrating faceskin moisturizer formulated with naturalingredients to revitalize and enhance skinradiance. Indeed, Prickly pear seed oil, lemonhydrosol, and glycerin provide intensehydration and a natural glow. While Marinecollagen and hyaluronic acid boost elasticityand help smooth fine lines. Meantime, theblend of sesame, olive, and geranium oils,along with shea butter and vitamin E,nourishes and protects the skin fromenvironmental factors. Moreover, this creamsupports a radiant, even complexion whilereinforcing and regenerating the skin’s naturalbarrier.Collagen CreamOur Hydra-Mattifying Cream offers intensehydration while balancing sebum productionfor flawlessly balanced skin. Indeed, thiscream enriched with prickly pear seed oilprovides deep nourishment, while jojoba,hazelnut, and macadamia nut oils ensuresoftness and smoothness. Meantime, Aloe veraextract and soy proteins offer soothing andreparative benefits. Concerning, Olive oil andnigella seed oil help to reinforce the skinbarrier, and vitamin E protects againstexternal factors. In fact, our cream leaves theskin radiant, soft, and perfectly hydrated.Hydra-Mattifying Cream9.48 €30 dt 9.48 €30 dt 7.58 €24 dt 7.58 €24 dt 7.58 €24 dt 7.58 €24 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt

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Our 24K Gold Mask is a luxurious faceskincare enriched with 24-carat gold,hyaluronic acid, vitamin A, and pro-vitaminB5. Indeed, this rich formulation providesintense hydration, helping to diminish theappearance of fine lines and wrinkles whileenhancing skin elasticity. Furthermore, theblend of gold and vitamins helps to revitalizeand brighten the complexion, delivering aradiant and youthful glow. In addition, thismask strengthens the skin barrier,promoting resilience and a sense of calm.Our mask provides a superb and effectiveskincare experience and it’s suitable for allskin types.24 k Gold Mask Our Nila Mask is a revitalizing face careenriched with geranium hydrosol, argan oil,and blue Nila powder, formulated to providebalanced and radiant skin. Indeed, thisformula rich in hyaluronic acid for intensehydration and a plumping effect. Concerning,Vitamin E protects the skin against freeradicals, while pro-vitamin B5 soothes andenhances skin texture. Meantime, prickly pearseed oil provides regeneration and deephydration. Once involving this mask in yourdaily skincare routine, it will leave yourcomplexion radian and rejuvenated.Nila Mask Our Ayurvida Mask is formulated to boostradiant and revitalized skin. Indeed, this maskenriched with lemon hydrosol, purifies andtones the complexion, while green clay andcider powder effectively absorb impurities fora brighter appearance. Meantime, Jojoba oiland prickly pear seed oil provide deephydration and nourishment, while hyaluronicacid and pro-vitamin B5 offer optimalmoisture and a plumping effect. ConcerningVitamin E, it affords protection against freeradicals and helps repair skin damage. Ourmask leaves the face feeling soft, firm, andglowing and it’s suitable for all skin types.Ayurvida Mask Our Youth Glow Mask as rejuvenating facemask which is formulated with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), vitamin C, and vitaminE, in order to exfoliate and revitalize theskin. Indeed, the AHA gently removes deadskin cells, revealing a smoother and brightercomplexion. Meantime, Vitamin C enhancesradiance and helps diminish pigmentationspots, while vitamin E provides hydrationand protection against external aggressors.This mask is suitable for all skin types,mainly dull & tired skin, and it should beused once or twice a week to leave your skinlooking radiant and revitalized.Youth Glow Mask Our White Clay Mask is a revitalizing face skincare enriched with Damask rose hydrosol,sweet almond oil, and kaolin powder. Indeed,Damask rose hydrosol soothes and hydrates,while sweet almond oil provides deepnourishment. Meantime, Kaolin powder gentlypurifies the skin by absorbing impurities,while hyaluronic acid maintains optimalhydration. Concerning Vitamin E offersprotective antioxidant benefits againstenvironmental stressors. In fact, with regularuse, this mask enhances skin radiance,softness and keeps it balanced.White Clay Mask Our Peeling Mask as an exfoliating face maskformulated to nourish and deeply hydrate theskin. This mask rich in lavender hydrosol,helps to soothe irritation and calm sensitiveskin. Meantime, Argan oil and prickly pearseed oil provide rich hydration whileenhancing elasticity. The gentle exfoliationfrom prickly pear seed powder effectivelyremoves dead skin cells, while hyaluronic acidand vitamin E offer lasting hydration andantioxidant protection. In addition, this maskrich in Pro-vitamin B5 helps to leave the skinrevitalized, soft, and radiant.Peeling MaskOur Anti-Acne Cream is formulated as a gentleeffective solution for Acne-prone skin. This creamenriched with tea tree and lavender oils, offerspurifying and calming benefits to help reducespots and inflammation. Indeed, the Geraniumhydrosol and sage oil work together to balancethe skin and regulate sebum production.Furthermore, Lemon extract adds a fresh, brighttouch, helping to fade scars, while vitamin Edeeply nourishes and strengthens the skin’sprotective barrier against environmentalimpurities.Anti-Acne CreamOur Anti-Spot & Hydrating Cream is aluxurious face skincare formulated torevitalize and brighten the skin. This creamenriched with prickly pear seed oil and linseedoil offers anti-aging and restorative benefitswhile targeting pigmentation spots.Furthermore, Lemon hydrosol evens out skintone, while sesame and olive oils provide deepnourishment and hydration. Meantime, Sheabutter which is rich in vitamins helps to softenand protect, and vitamin E provides powerfulantioxidant support. In fact, our cream leavesthe skin radiant, soft, and deeply hydrated,with a more even and glowing skin texture.Anti-Spot & HydratingCreamOur Collagen Cream is a deeply hydrating faceskin moisturizer formulated with naturalingredients to revitalize and enhance skinradiance. Indeed, Prickly pear seed oil, lemonhydrosol, and glycerin provide intensehydration and a natural glow. While Marinecollagen and hyaluronic acid boost elasticityand help smooth fine lines. Meantime, theblend of sesame, olive, and geranium oils,along with shea butter and vitamin E,nourishes and protects the skin fromenvironmental factors. Moreover, this creamsupports a radiant, even complexion whilereinforcing and regenerating the skin’s naturalbarrier.Collagen CreamOur Hydra-Mattifying Cream offers intensehydration while balancing sebum productionfor flawlessly balanced skin. Indeed, thiscream enriched with prickly pear seed oilprovides deep nourishment, while jojoba,hazelnut, and macadamia nut oils ensuresoftness and smoothness. Meantime, Aloe veraextract and soy proteins offer soothing andreparative benefits. Concerning, Olive oil andnigella seed oil help to reinforce the skinbarrier, and vitamin E protects againstexternal factors. In fact, our cream leaves theskin radiant, soft, and perfectly hydrated.Hydra-Mattifying Cream9.48 €30 dt 9.48 €30 dt 7.58 €24 dt 7.58 €24 dt 7.58 €24 dt 7.58 €24 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt

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Our 24K Gold Mask is a luxurious faceskincare enriched with 24-carat gold,hyaluronic acid, vitamin A, and pro-vitaminB5. Indeed, this rich formulation providesintense hydration, helping to diminish theappearance of fine lines and wrinkles whileenhancing skin elasticity. Furthermore, theblend of gold and vitamins helps to revitalizeand brighten the complexion, delivering aradiant and youthful glow. In addition, thismask strengthens the skin barrier,promoting resilience and a sense of calm.Our mask provides a superb and effectiveskincare experience and it’s suitable for allskin types.24 k Gold Mask Our Nila Mask is a revitalizing face careenriched with geranium hydrosol, argan oil,and blue Nila powder, formulated to providebalanced and radiant skin. Indeed, thisformula rich in hyaluronic acid for intensehydration and a plumping effect. Concerning,Vitamin E protects the skin against freeradicals, while pro-vitamin B5 soothes andenhances skin texture. Meantime, prickly pearseed oil provides regeneration and deephydration. Once involving this mask in yourdaily skincare routine, it will leave yourcomplexion radian and rejuvenated.Nila Mask Our Ayurvida Mask is formulated to boostradiant and revitalized skin. Indeed, this maskenriched with lemon hydrosol, purifies andtones the complexion, while green clay andcider powder effectively absorb impurities fora brighter appearance. Meantime, Jojoba oiland prickly pear seed oil provide deephydration and nourishment, while hyaluronicacid and pro-vitamin B5 offer optimalmoisture and a plumping effect. ConcerningVitamin E, it affords protection against freeradicals and helps repair skin damage. Ourmask leaves the face feeling soft, firm, andglowing and it’s suitable for all skin types.Ayurvida Mask Our Youth Glow Mask as rejuvenating facemask which is formulated with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), vitamin C, and vitaminE, in order to exfoliate and revitalize theskin. Indeed, the AHA gently removes deadskin cells, revealing a smoother and brightercomplexion. Meantime, Vitamin C enhancesradiance and helps diminish pigmentationspots, while vitamin E provides hydrationand protection against external aggressors.This mask is suitable for all skin types,mainly dull & tired skin, and it should beused once or twice a week to leave your skinlooking radiant and revitalized.Youth Glow Mask Our White Clay Mask is a revitalizing face skincare enriched with Damask rose hydrosol,sweet almond oil, and kaolin powder. Indeed,Damask rose hydrosol soothes and hydrates,while sweet almond oil provides deepnourishment. Meantime, Kaolin powder gentlypurifies the skin by absorbing impurities,while hyaluronic acid maintains optimalhydration. Concerning Vitamin E offersprotective antioxidant benefits againstenvironmental stressors. In fact, with regularuse, this mask enhances skin radiance,softness and keeps it balanced.White Clay Mask Our Peeling Mask as an exfoliating face maskformulated to nourish and deeply hydrate theskin. This mask rich in lavender hydrosol,helps to soothe irritation and calm sensitiveskin. Meantime, Argan oil and prickly pearseed oil provide rich hydration whileenhancing elasticity. The gentle exfoliationfrom prickly pear seed powder effectivelyremoves dead skin cells, while hyaluronic acidand vitamin E offer lasting hydration andantioxidant protection. In addition, this maskrich in Pro-vitamin B5 helps to leave the skinrevitalized, soft, and radiant.Peeling MaskOur Anti-Acne Cream is formulated as a gentleeffective solution for Acne-prone skin. This creamenriched with tea tree and lavender oils, offerspurifying and calming benefits to help reducespots and inflammation. Indeed, the Geraniumhydrosol and sage oil work together to balancethe skin and regulate sebum production.Furthermore, Lemon extract adds a fresh, brighttouch, helping to fade scars, while vitamin Edeeply nourishes and strengthens the skin’sprotective barrier against environmentalimpurities.Anti-Acne CreamOur Anti-Spot & Hydrating Cream is aluxurious face skincare formulated torevitalize and brighten the skin. This creamenriched with prickly pear seed oil and linseedoil offers anti-aging and restorative benefitswhile targeting pigmentation spots.Furthermore, Lemon hydrosol evens out skintone, while sesame and olive oils provide deepnourishment and hydration. Meantime, Sheabutter which is rich in vitamins helps to softenand protect, and vitamin E provides powerfulantioxidant support. In fact, our cream leavesthe skin radiant, soft, and deeply hydrated,with a more even and glowing skin texture.Anti-Spot & HydratingCreamOur Collagen Cream is a deeply hydrating faceskin moisturizer formulated with naturalingredients to revitalize and enhance skinradiance. Indeed, Prickly pear seed oil, lemonhydrosol, and glycerin provide intensehydration and a natural glow. While Marinecollagen and hyaluronic acid boost elasticityand help smooth fine lines. Meantime, theblend of sesame, olive, and geranium oils,along with shea butter and vitamin E,nourishes and protects the skin fromenvironmental factors. Moreover, this creamsupports a radiant, even complexion whilereinforcing and regenerating the skin’s naturalbarrier.Collagen CreamOur Hydra-Mattifying Cream offers intensehydration while balancing sebum productionfor flawlessly balanced skin. Indeed, thiscream enriched with prickly pear seed oilprovides deep nourishment, while jojoba,hazelnut, and macadamia nut oils ensuresoftness and smoothness. Meantime, Aloe veraextract and soy proteins offer soothing andreparative benefits. Concerning, Olive oil andnigella seed oil help to reinforce the skinbarrier, and vitamin E protects againstexternal factors. In fact, our cream leaves theskin radiant, soft, and perfectly hydrated.Hydra-Mattifying Cream9.48 €30 dt 9.48 €30 dt 7.58 €24 dt 7.58 €24 dt 7.58 €24 dt 7.58 €24 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt 8.15 €25.8 dt

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DO YOU KNOW OUR FACECARE?face CareOur Micellar Water for Oily Skin is specificallyformulated to gently cleanse oily prone skin. Thissolution is enriched with marshmallow rootextract, to soothe and soften the skin whileeffectively removing impurities. Meantime,Lavender hydrosol provides purifying and toningbenefits, leaving a refreshing sensation.Furthermore, Vitamin E and glycerin hydrate andprotect the skin from external aggressors, whilehydroxy acetic acid helps regulate sebumproduction. This effective formula helps tocleanse, balance, and preserve the skin’s naturalglow.Micellar Water for Oily SkinOur Micellar Water with Collagen+ enrichedwith micelles that softly cleanses the skin, liftingaway impurities for a refreshed feel. Thissolution rich in marshmallow root extract andDamask rose hydrosol, soothes and tones theskin, leaving a refreshing sensation. Meantime,Hydrolyzed collagen and vitamin E worktogether to enhance skin firmness and protectagainst external factors. Furthermore, Glycerinprovides deep hydration, while hydroxy aceticacid helps eliminate makeup and residue. Ourmicellar water is suitable for all skin types andleaves the face clean, soft, and radiant.Micellar Water withCollagen+Our Micellar Water for Normal Skin as a gentleeffective solution formulated for removingimpurities and makeup. It’s enriched withmarshmallow root extract, to soothe and softenthe skin while providing optimal hydration fromDamask rose hydrosol. Meantime, Hydrolyzedcollagen enhances skin elasticity, and vitamin Eprotects against environmental external factors.Furthermore, the Glycerin provides deephydration, while hydroxy acetic acid helps clarifythe complexion. Indeed, our micellar waterleaves the skin feeling fresh, soft, and perfectlycleansed.Micellar Water for NormalSkinOur 2-in-1 Biphasic Makeup Remover as agentle effective solution is formulated forremoving makeup and cleansing the face in oneeasy step. Indeed, its unique formula blendsmarshmallow root extract and argan oil tosoothe and nourish the skin while eliminatingimpurities. Meantime, Jojoba oil and bitterorange blossom hydrosol offer additionalhydration and a refreshing sensation.Furthermore, this micellar is enriched withhydrolyzed collagen, vitamin E, and glycerin tokeep the skin smooth and revitalized. While theHydroxy acetic acid helps balance the skin’s pH,leaving your skin texture clear and radiant aftereach use.2-in-1 Biphasic MakeupRemoverAbout us:Address: Yassine Building, Street. Hadj AliSoua, Ksar Hellal 5070Phone:+21654058067Phone:+21625880240Mail:contact@perfectbio.tnWeb: www.perfectbio.tnPerfect Bio is specialized in producing natural cosmetic productsthrough our certified laboratory (ISO 22716 and BPF). Perfect Bio is one of the first laboratories that introduced the naturalcosmetics in Tunisia, as we built up our own brand since 2016 and sincethis datewe are trying to improve and enlarge our list of productsassuring the high-quality,Indeed, our cosmetics are made from purely natural ingredients withour healthy & organic formulations .We as Perfect bio pride ourselves on creating 100% natural productsthat are effective and free from nasty chemicals.Our aim is to provide the customers with a wide range of products thatcan help them to preserve their skins, hairs and home ambiance, as thenatural cosmetics are more safe and effective.Furthermore, the Perfect Bio’s slogan can express our aim « the returnto the natural » or « Le retour au naturel », as we are seeking for healthylifestyle..4.47€15 dt 4.47€15 dt 4.47€15 dt 5.31€16.8 dt

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DO YOU KNOW OUR FACECARE?face CareOur Micellar Water for Oily Skin is specificallyformulated to gently cleanse oily prone skin. Thissolution is enriched with marshmallow rootextract, to soothe and soften the skin whileeffectively removing impurities. Meantime,Lavender hydrosol provides purifying and toningbenefits, leaving a refreshing sensation.Furthermore, Vitamin E and glycerin hydrate andprotect the skin from external aggressors, whilehydroxy acetic acid helps regulate sebumproduction. This effective formula helps tocleanse, balance, and preserve the skin’s naturalglow.Micellar Water for Oily SkinOur Micellar Water with Collagen+ enrichedwith micelles that softly cleanses the skin, liftingaway impurities for a refreshed feel. Thissolution rich in marshmallow root extract andDamask rose hydrosol, soothes and tones theskin, leaving a refreshing sensation. Meantime,Hydrolyzed collagen and vitamin E worktogether to enhance skin firmness and protectagainst external factors. Furthermore, Glycerinprovides deep hydration, while hydroxy aceticacid helps eliminate makeup and residue. Ourmicellar water is suitable for all skin types andleaves the face clean, soft, and radiant.Micellar Water withCollagen+Our Micellar Water for Normal Skin as a gentleeffective solution formulated for removingimpurities and makeup. It’s enriched withmarshmallow root extract, to soothe and softenthe skin while providing optimal hydration fromDamask rose hydrosol. Meantime, Hydrolyzedcollagen enhances skin elasticity, and vitamin Eprotects against environmental external factors.Furthermore, the Glycerin provides deephydration, while hydroxy acetic acid helps clarifythe complexion. Indeed, our micellar waterleaves the skin feeling fresh, soft, and perfectlycleansed.Micellar Water for NormalSkinOur 2-in-1 Biphasic Makeup Remover as agentle effective solution is formulated forremoving makeup and cleansing the face in oneeasy step. Indeed, its unique formula blendsmarshmallow root extract and argan oil tosoothe and nourish the skin while eliminatingimpurities. Meantime, Jojoba oil and bitterorange blossom hydrosol offer additionalhydration and a refreshing sensation.Furthermore, this micellar is enriched withhydrolyzed collagen, vitamin E, and glycerin tokeep the skin smooth and revitalized. While theHydroxy acetic acid helps balance the skin’s pH,leaving your skin texture clear and radiant aftereach use.2-in-1 Biphasic MakeupRemoverAbout us:Address: Yassine Building, Street. Hadj AliSoua, Ksar Hellal 5070Phone:+21654058067Phone:+21625880240Mail:contact@perfectbio.tnWeb: www.perfectbio.tnPerfect Bio is specialized in producing natural cosmetic productsthrough our certified laboratory (ISO 22716 and BPF). Perfect Bio is one of the first laboratories that introduced the naturalcosmetics in Tunisia, as we built up our own brand since 2016 and sincethis datewe are trying to improve and enlarge our list of productsassuring the high-quality,Indeed, our cosmetics are made from purely natural ingredients withour healthy & organic formulations .We as Perfect bio pride ourselves on creating 100% natural productsthat are effective and free from nasty chemicals.Our aim is to provide the customers with a wide range of products thatcan help them to preserve their skins, hairs and home ambiance, as thenatural cosmetics are more safe and effective.Furthermore, the Perfect Bio’s slogan can express our aim « the returnto the natural » or « Le retour au naturel », as we are seeking for healthylifestyle..4.47€15 dt 4.47€15 dt 4.47€15 dt 5.31€16.8 dt