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EZ Counseling Department Brochur

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It’s National School Counselor’s week!Your School CounselorMarlene Huerta, MS, ex 77412We look forward to workingwith you and your child!Esperanza Elementary40521 35th Street WestPalmdale, CA 93551661-575-0420WUSD Counseling Visionand Mission StatementsMission StatementThe Westside Union School Districtcounseling program strives tocreate students who are well-prepared to meet the challengesand high expectations of the 21stcentury. All students will developand utilize their unique capabilitiesto fully participate in a globalcommunity as responsible citizens. The mission of Westside UnionSchool District’s CounselingDepartment is to empower allstudents to reach their fullestpotential by providing acomprehensive school counselingprogram to facilitate academic,career, social, and emotionaldevelopment. Vision StatementDid you know your counselorwas a published author?It's an honor to be able to work here asyour School Counselor. This is my 3rd yearin school counseling but I have worked formore than 5 years counseling new parentsthrough non profit programs here in theAntelope Valley and before that I workedin early childhood education as a teacher.I am looking forward to working with yourstudent here at Esperanza ElementarySchool. You can find her books on Amazon.comTreasure chest to calm: a book aboutzones and self regulationThe boy who cried “el lobo”: a taleabout truthfulnessEsperanza SchoolCounseling Services

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Middle School Lessons(6th-8th GradesASCA model Tiered-System of Support At Esperanza we follow the AmericanSchool Counselor Association Model. TIER 3 - Few StudentsIndividual CounselingRisk Assessments/ Safety PlansCrisis InterventionReferrals to SBMH/DCFSMonthly Foster check-insAttend IEPs, CST’s (as requested)TIER 2 - Some StudentsParent/teacher/counselormeetingsAttendance/SuspensionInterventions Small groups Conflict resolutionTIER 1 - All StudentsClassroom lessons: all domainsStaff Professional DevelopmentCollege & Career ReadinessCampus Climate Activities Recognized ASCA National ModelProgram (RAMP) ReviewCheck out or CCAs andour Eagle’s Nest.Esperanza offers a uniqueopportunity called the Eagles Nest.This classroom is available for allstudents during lunch. Its a safe space with structuredactivities and crafts. This areahelps students who are havingtrouble building friendships bygiving them an opportunity topractice with the support of acampus climate aid. Structured activities such astournaments for various sportsare also offered outside supportedby our CCAs. School Counseling LessonsIntroduction to Counselor andattendance (UPK-6)Kelso’s Choice (Grades 1-3)Zones-Coping Skills (UPK-K)Bullying (Grades 1-3)Cyberbullying (Grades 4-6)Empathy (Grades K-6)Don’t Bite the Hook (Grades 3-4)Peer Pressure (Grade 5)Self-Esteem (Grade 6)Wheel of Choices This was a lesson to help students withproviding a visual of options they canchoose to do when faced with smallproblems throughout their school day.It encourages and teaches students toproblem-solve.When faced with a small problem, studentsare encouraged to pick two of the choices.Students are also encouraged to get anadult when they have a big problem. Elementary School Lessons(UPK-6th Grades)

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Middle School Lessons(6th-8th GradesASCA model Tiered-System of Support At Esperanza we follow the AmericanSchool Counselor Association Model. TIER 3 - Few StudentsIndividual CounselingRisk Assessments/ Safety PlansCrisis InterventionReferrals to SBMH/DCFSMonthly Foster check-insAttend IEPs, CST’s (as requested)TIER 2 - Some StudentsParent/teacher/counselormeetingsAttendance/SuspensionInterventions Small groups Conflict resolutionTIER 1 - All StudentsClassroom lessons: all domainsStaff Professional DevelopmentCollege & Career ReadinessCampus Climate Activities Recognized ASCA National ModelProgram (RAMP) ReviewCheck out or CCAs andour Eagle’s Nest.Esperanza offers a uniqueopportunity called the Eagles Nest.This classroom is available for allstudents during lunch. Its a safe space with structuredactivities and crafts. This areahelps students who are havingtrouble building friendships bygiving them an opportunity topractice with the support of acampus climate aid. Structured activities such astournaments for various sportsare also offered outside supportedby our CCAs. School Counseling LessonsIntroduction to Counselor andattendance (UPK-6)Kelso’s Choice (Grades 1-3)Zones-Coping Skills (UPK-K)Bullying (Grades 1-3)Cyberbullying (Grades 4-6)Empathy (Grades K-6)Don’t Bite the Hook (Grades 3-4)Peer Pressure (Grade 5)Self-Esteem (Grade 6)Wheel of Choices This was a lesson to help students withproviding a visual of options they canchoose to do when faced with smallproblems throughout their school day.It encourages and teaches students toproblem-solve.When faced with a small problem, studentsare encouraged to pick two of the choices.Students are also encouraged to get anadult when they have a big problem. Elementary School Lessons(UPK-6th Grades)

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Middle School Lessons(6th-8th GradesASCA model Tiered-System of Support At Esperanza we follow the AmericanSchool Counselor Association Model. TIER 3 - Few StudentsIndividual CounselingRisk Assessments/ Safety PlansCrisis InterventionReferrals to SBMH/DCFSMonthly Foster check-insAttend IEPs, CST’s (as requested)TIER 2 - Some StudentsParent/teacher/counselormeetingsAttendance/SuspensionInterventions Small groups Conflict resolutionTIER 1 - All StudentsClassroom lessons: all domainsStaff Professional DevelopmentCollege & Career ReadinessCampus Climate Activities Recognized ASCA National ModelProgram (RAMP) ReviewCheck out or CCAs andour Eagle’s Nest.Esperanza offers a uniqueopportunity called the Eagles Nest.This classroom is available for allstudents during lunch. Its a safe space with structuredactivities and crafts. This areahelps students who are havingtrouble building friendships bygiving them an opportunity topractice with the support of acampus climate aid. Structured activities such astournaments for various sportsare also offered outside supportedby our CCAs. School Counseling LessonsIntroduction to Counselor andattendance (UPK-6)Kelso’s Choice (Grades 1-3)Zones-Coping Skills (UPK-K)Bullying (Grades 1-3)Cyberbullying (Grades 4-6)Empathy (Grades K-6)Don’t Bite the Hook (Grades 3-4)Peer Pressure (Grade 5)Self-Esteem (Grade 6)Wheel of Choices This was a lesson to help students withproviding a visual of options they canchoose to do when faced with smallproblems throughout their school day.It encourages and teaches students toproblem-solve.When faced with a small problem, studentsare encouraged to pick two of the choices.Students are also encouraged to get anadult when they have a big problem. Elementary School Lessons(UPK-6th Grades)

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It’s National School Counselor’s week!Your School CounselorMarlene Huerta, MS, ex 77412We look forward to workingwith you and your child!Esperanza Elementary40521 35th Street WestPalmdale, CA 93551661-575-0420WUSD Counseling Visionand Mission StatementsMission StatementThe Westside Union School Districtcounseling program strives tocreate students who are well-prepared to meet the challengesand high expectations of the 21stcentury. All students will developand utilize their unique capabilitiesto fully participate in a globalcommunity as responsible citizens. The mission of Westside UnionSchool District’s CounselingDepartment is to empower allstudents to reach their fullestpotential by providing acomprehensive school counselingprogram to facilitate academic,career, social, and emotionaldevelopment. Vision StatementDid you know your counselorwas a published author?It's an honor to be able to work here asyour School Counselor. This is my 3rd yearin school counseling but I have worked formore than 5 years counseling new parentsthrough non profit programs here in theAntelope Valley and before that I workedin early childhood education as a teacher.I am looking forward to working with yourstudent here at Esperanza ElementarySchool. You can find her books on Amazon.comTreasure chest to calm: a book aboutzones and self regulationThe boy who cried “el lobo”: a taleabout truthfulnessEsperanza SchoolCounseling Services

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It’s National School Counselor’s week!Your School CounselorMarlene Huerta, MS, ex 77412We look forward to workingwith you and your child!Esperanza Elementary40521 35th Street WestPalmdale, CA 93551661-575-0420WUSD Counseling Visionand Mission StatementsMission StatementThe Westside Union School Districtcounseling program strives tocreate students who are well-prepared to meet the challengesand high expectations of the 21stcentury. All students will developand utilize their unique capabilitiesto fully participate in a globalcommunity as responsible citizens. The mission of Westside UnionSchool District’s CounselingDepartment is to empower allstudents to reach their fullestpotential by providing acomprehensive school counselingprogram to facilitate academic,career, social, and emotionaldevelopment. Vision StatementDid you know your counselorwas a published author?It's an honor to be able to work here asyour School Counselor. This is my 3rd yearin school counseling but I have worked formore than 5 years counseling new parentsthrough non profit programs here in theAntelope Valley and before that I workedin early childhood education as a teacher.I am looking forward to working with yourstudent here at Esperanza ElementarySchool. You can find her books on Amazon.comTreasure chest to calm: a book aboutzones and self regulationThe boy who cried “el lobo”: a taleabout truthfulnessEsperanza SchoolCounseling Services