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EYFS Activities - E Book For Parents/Carers

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EYFS ACTIVITIES E-BOOKWedge Whiteboards – the Essential portableresource to support Early Years learning The Essential Portable Resourceto support children at homewith their learning

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Communication & LanguageDevelopmentLanguage and communication skills can be developed byproviding young children with a variety of contexts forexpressing themselves and speaking and listening. Physical DevelopmentYoung children enjoy being active, but they also need tounderstand why continuing physical activity and making healthyfood choices is important. Personal, Social, andEmotional Development(PSED) Children's social skills are shaped, and their understanding oftheir different emotions is developed in this area.Literacy Development Learning phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and identifydifferent words and sounds, as well as reading and writing,which are important for children. Mathematics It is important to guide children in developing skills withnumbers, calculations, and the description of shapes, spaces,and measures.Understanding the World Observing and exploring everything around them, from placesto technology, helps children make sense of the world. Expressive Arts & DesignThe chances for children to express themselves and learn newthings are endless with activities such as drawing, painting,playing instruments, and using technology.Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) refers to the time betweenbirth and age five in your child's life. All professionals working in reception, preschools, nurseries andchildminder settings are supported by the EYFS Framework. Itsets out: the legal welfare requirements to keep your child safe,the seven areas of learning and development, progressassessments for your child and expected levels (Early LearningGoals) that your child should reach by age 5. There are seven major areas of learning and development,divided into three prime areas and four specific areas. Childrentend to develop the three prime areas first, these arecommunication & language, physical development and personal,social and emotional development.The table below illustrates each of the 7 areas and highlightswhy they are important.Introduction

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Why Wedge Whiteboards are a must-have resource for Little Learners. As a parent, you are responsible for supporting your child's learning journey at home. WedgeWhiteboards are an excellent resource that can be used imaginatively to support play-basedlearning and explore mark-making. These portable, dry-wipe and magnetic whiteboards will helpyou in your quest to create an environment of exploration and discovery. Creativity and explorationare central to the Early Years framework. By encouraging children to explore new interests, you willhelp them acquire the flexible and high-level thinking skills necessary to succeed academically intoday's world. Play-based learning activities using Wedge Whiteboards will encourage children to enjoy anddevelop confidence in mark-making, promote a positive attitude towards learning, and encourageimagination. With Wedge whiteboards, you can teach academic skills such as basic math andlanguage in creative, interactive ways that engage children. Wedge Whiteboards are a cross-curricular range of resources that will help you to demonstrateletter and number formation, draw story maps and explain ideas in a creative and engaging way sothat children find it easier to make sense of complex information and remember it for longer. Visuallearning strategies and storytelling provide helpful ways to model the behaviours that we wantyoung children to exhibit. Children need to be able to see what these behaviours look like so theycan internalise how they feel. Children naturally gravitate towards dry-wipe whiteboards and since the work on the board can beeasily erased, children will be less reluctant about making mistakes, helping you to build up theirconfidence. The dual-purpose surface, both magnetic and dry erase, of Wedge Whiteboards makes themextremely versatile and the angled nature of the boards make them ergonomically very easy to use,helping children to develop their gross and fine motor skills. Following are 8 EYFS Activities that demonstrate just how easy it is to provide play-based,interactive, visual, hands-on learning with Wedge Whiteboards. Every child is unique. Every child can learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. Children learn and develop best in enabling environments. Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. EYFS is guided by four principles which need to be used when implementing the above sevenlearning & development areas.

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Early Learning Goals: Listening, Attention, and Understanding / Speaking /Comprehension / Being Imaginative & Expressive Children benefit from story mapping because it enables them to visualize story characters,events, and settings. This method is a way to increase a child’s ability to comprehend andorganize their thoughts and sequencing of main events. Furthermore, it helps to develop achild’s knowledge of what a story is and the key elements that make up a story, which assistsin storytelling, retelling, and writing. It is also a medium from which children become awarethat story characters and events are interrelated. A3 Folding Wedge Whiteboard Landscape

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Healthy foodsEarly Learning Goals: Managing Self / Listening,Attention & Understanding / Speaking Learning good habits at an early age tends to stickwith children for the rest of their life. In the EarlyYears Foundation Stage, it is imperative to educatechildren about the importance and benefits of ahealthy and balanced diet. By talking about healthy and unhealthy foodschildren will gain an understanding of the importanceof variety in a balanced diet. This Sorting Healthy andUnhealthy Foods activity will help children to identifywhich foods should be eaten in moderation. Gainingan awareness of unhealthy habits from an early age iskey to children building healthy eating habits aschildren grow up. Area of Learning & Development: Physical Development Talking about what the word healthy means. Talking about how we keep our minds and bodieshealthy. Sorting healthy and unhealthy foods intocategories. Using magnets – attach images of unhealthy foodchoices on one side of the board and healthychoices on the other. ACTIVITY 2A3 Folding Wedge Whiteboard - Portrait

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Wedge Jotter WhiteboardEarly Learning Goals: Fine Motor Skills / Self-regulation /Build Relationships / Speaking A primary area of learning and development in the Early YearsFoundation Stage is personal, social, and emotionaldevelopment (PSED). This is widely recognized as one of themost important components of children's emotionaldevelopment, and it is strongly correlated with futuresuccess and good mental health. The purpose of PSED is tohelp children develop their resilience as well as self-confidence, self-awareness, behavior management, andinterpersonal skills. Diversity activities teach young children why being uniqueand individual is important and to respect and celebrate thedifferences in all people. The definition of diversity is simply arange of different things. Children who are educated from anearly age that differences are normal can view them withoutdiscomfort. Children naturally start to notice differencesaround the preschool age on their own. The key to explainingdiversity is to keep activities age-appropriate like the activitydetailed above. Young children need honesty, simplicity, andtime to process new concepts. Wedge Jotters can be used as lapboards or on the table-topand with a whiteboard area that is 15% larger than an A4sheet, they are suitable for left and right-handed users. Byelevating the board with the legs, whether in portrait orlandscape orientation, a sloped surface is created, whichpromotes fine and gross motor skills development. Invite children to draw self-portraits. Talk about what colour their hair andeyes are, and the features on theirfaces. Teaching children that its o.k to bedifferent and celebrate theirdifferences.

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Early Learning Goals: Listening, Attention, and Understanding / Speaking / Word Reading Phonics is used to teach children how to read and write. Children learn how to distinguish betweendifferent English words by listening to, identifying and using their sounds. Learning the sounds ofindividual letters and how these letters sound when combined will help children decode words asthey read. Understanding phonics will also help children know which letters to use when they arewriting words. Due to their dual-purpose surface being magnetic and dry-wipe, Wedge Whiteboards are extremelyversatile making them ideal for phase 1 phonics activities – draw, write and/or use with magneticresources. Furthermore, double-sided whiteboards enhance children’s engagement andconcentration because they authentically facilitate interaction. Area of Learning & Development: Literacy DevelopmentListening to different initial sounds of words, such as your child’sname. Sounding out the initial sounds of words. Sounding out the initial sounds of objects around the room. Matching sounds and pictures. Write the sounds that you aretalking about on one side of the board and have a selection ofpictures that correspond to the sounds on the other side of theboard. Ask your child to match the pictures to the correspondingsounds. Alternatively use magnetic letters to create words or practice thephonics focus your child is learning in class. Phase 1 Phonics Activities ACTIVITY 4A3 Wedge Whiteboard BallTreeShe11

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Early Learning Goals: Fine Motor Skills / Expressive Arts & Design / Being Imaginative andExpressive Having the opportunity to engage with different media is one of the most important aspects of earlywriting. The most effective learning occurs when children are able to guide their own investigations. The skill of writing begins with making marks. In addition to enabling a child to learn to write, makingmarks can benefit a child physically, and helps to develop their imagination and creative skills. Mark-making allows children to express themselves in a new way, providing them with the opportunity toexpress their thoughts and feelings without relying exclusively on verbal communication. Children may use mark-making to communicate their feelings and thoughts with adults around them,share stories as they draw, or explain what their finished picture means. The marks a child makes cangive practitioners new insight into their thoughts or feelings. As Wedge whiteboards are portable, they can be used anywhere within your home or outside in thegarden, they are the perfect resource for mark making and can easily be incorporated into play-based learning activities. Initially, children take pleasure from the physical activity of mark-making,but as they develop, they realize they can control their marks and their creativity starts to thrive. Children naturally gravitate towards dry-wipe whiteboards and since the work on the board can beeasily erased, children will be less reluctant about making mistakes, helping you to build up theirconfidence. Area of Learning & Development: Expressive Arts and DesignFree-choice mark-making, where your child canexplore early writing with whiteboard pens. Role model how to draw a flower, or write a word,and then encourage your child to draw, or write,something of personal interest. ACTIVITY 5Wedge Jotter Whiteboard

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Wedge Jotter WhiteboardEarly Learning Goals: Fine Motor Skills / Writing It is important for children to learn the skill of handwriting. In pre-schoolers, motor skills are still beingdeveloped, especially fine motor skills, which are the ability to use the small muscles in their wristsand hands and improve dexterity. Handwriting is a great way to develop fine motor skills. Handstrength and finger dexterity are strengthened by gripping a pencil, while small muscle control isimproved by forming letters and creating a stronger bond between the brain and the hands. Children who spend more time working with a pen rather than typing have stronger reading andspelling skills because writing activates the parts of the brain that also controls reading. By learning towrite when they are young, pre-schoolers are being set up for success as they grow. Studies haveshown that writing by hand improves information retention. Wedge Jotters can be used as lapboards or on the table-top and with a whiteboard area that is 15%larger than an A4 sheet, they are suitable for left and right-handed users. By elevating the board withthe legs, whether in portrait or landscape orientation, a sloped surface is created, which promotesfine and gross motor skills development. The ergonomic design of the Jotter and built-in flip-outlegs provide an excellent writing slope, enabling children towork and write at an ideal angle. When used in the angledposition, the boards are ergonomically comfortable and aresuitable for children suffering from conditions such asdyslexia and dyspraxia. In children with dyslexia anddyspraxia writing slopes make it easier to write at anoptimum angle. Wedge Jotter's slope is set at an angle: 15°landscape / 10° portrait. When diagnosing handwritingproblems, Therapists will look at a child's positioning. If achild slouches, their shoulder and arm positions will beaffected, which in turn affects their handwriting. Positioningis easier to establish with an angled board.

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Wedge Jotter WhiteboardEarly Learning Goals: Numbers / Numerical Patterns / Fine MotorSkills / Writing Mathematics plays a major role in a child’s development and helpschildren make sense of the world around them. Math is an importantpart of learning for children in the early years because it provides vitallife skills, such as helping children problem solve, measure and developtheir own spatial awareness, and teaches them how to use andunderstand shapes. The core early formation of handwriting is anti-clockwise circles soyou could just get your child to practice these. Wedge Jotter boardsare the perfect resource for little learners to practice numberformation. Wedge Jotters can be used as lapboards or on the table-top and witha whiteboard area that is 15% larger than an A4 sheet, they are suitablefor left and right-handed users. By elevating the board with the legs,whether in portrait or landscape orientation, a sloped surface iscreated, which promotes fine and gross motor skills development

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Early Learning Goals: The Natural World / Listening, Attention and Understanding / Speaking /Building Relationships Taking children outside in nature provides a new environment and a new way to learn. Being outsideoffers an excellent opportunity for play and exploration, with practical tasks linked to the nationalcurriculum and EYFS designed to enhance children’s development. Outside activities should very much be child-led, and as such will follow the direction in which yourchild chooses to take them. They may decide to work independently, working on developing theirown problem-solving skills and creativity, or they may want to work with you. Since outside activities like this are child-led, you will be there to support and guide your child, butnot to direct their learning. When children are given this opportunity, they can really develop theirimaginations and creativity. Children can let their imaginations run wild, try solving problems andexplore the natural world, which has no limitations. Children gain significant confidence throughnature sessions, which can carry over into other aspects of their lives. Area of Learning & Development: Understanding the WorldUse the board for a bug hunt. Guess the insect game – where your child drawsan insect on the board and you need to guess it. Use the board to teach life cycles – Butterflies orfrogs are a great example. ACTIVITY 8A3 Folding Wedge Whiteboard - LandscapeAs a result of their portability, Folding Wedge Whiteboardsare ideal for Forest school because they are portable andperfect for facilitating small group work. Children benefitfrom small group work because they can collaborate andgain a deeper understanding of a subject. Being double-sided, Wedge Whiteboards enhance pupil engagement andconcentration as they naturally facilitate interaction. Inaddition to providing endless creative teachingopportunities, Wedge whiteboards encourage self-directedlearning, memory retention, and learning effectiveness.

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Guided Principle Why Wedge Works... Every child is unique. With their unadulterated large dual-purpose (magnetic & drywipe) surface area, Wedge Whiteboards are extremely versatile,providing endless creative teaching possibilities, allowing you tocustomize learning to the individual needs of your child. Every child can learn to bestrong and independentthrough positiverelationships.Being double-sided and portable, Wedge Whiteboards are idealfor group play based activities with their friends and naturallyloan themselves to facilitating interaction. Group play giveschildren the opportunity to collaborate with one another toexpand their knowledge whilst building positive relationships. Children learn best inenabling environments. Wedge Whiteboards are the perfect tool to support play-basedlearning and mark-making, helping you to create anenvironment of exploration and discovery. Thanks to theirportability, they can be used anywhere within your home oroutside. Children learn at differentrates and in different ways.Available in a range of sizes and orientations, there’s a WedgeWhiteboard available to suit every child’s requirement and onethat is suitable for every conceivable learning and developmentactivity/goal, the usage possibilities are endless. The EYFS underpins all children’s developmentand outlines the milestones that each childneeds to complete to meet the 17 earlylearning goals. As you can see from this EYFS Activities e-book, Wedge Whiteboards truly is the essentialresource for providing play-based, visual,interactive, hands-on learning. Wedge Whiteboards have been designed byTeachers which is evident by the fact that theboards are aligned with the four guidedprinciples - OutroIf you are looking to support your child in their learning journey through playing, exploring, and activelearning, then you need to invest in a Wedge Whiteboard today. 15% off with PROMO CODE - EYFSEB2310

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Get 15% off Today withPromo Code: EYFSEB2310"I have seen a significant improvement in my son'shandwriting since he started using the Wedge Jotter."

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The essential portableresource. Trusted & approved by1000’s of nurseries andpre-schools for over 25years. All Wedge Whiteboardsare manufactured righthere in the UK at ourfacility in Gloucestershire. Buy with confidencedirectly from us, themanufacturer.All Wedge Whiteboardscome with a One YearPeace of MindWarranty.Providing play based, visual andinteractive, hands-on learning is easywith Wedge Whiteboards. Order Online WhiteboardsPaul Norman Plastics LtdUnit S5, Inchbrook Trading EstateBath Road, Woodchester, StroudGlos, GL5 5EY01453 83 33 88