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Eyes On Me Publication

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Eyes OnEyes On MeMeCreative works byCreative works byThe Love Quest FoundationThe Love Quest Foundation 2022 Youth2022 Youth Summer Workshop ParticipantsSummer Workshop Participants Dee JohnsonDee JohnsonWorkshop Developer &Workshop Developer & & & FacilitatorFacilitator

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Eyes OnEyes On MeMe

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2022 YOUTH SUMMER WORKSHOPS PAID IN PART BY2022 youth Summer Workshop SeriesThe Love Quest Foundation held a series of summer workshops over six weeks — from July 11 through August 19, 2022 — for youth, ages 11-18, interested increative writing, journaling, and music production. Love Quest seeks to inspire young people to express themselves creatively, telltheir stories, advocate for issues important to them, and be able to identify,establish, and sustain healthy, successful friendships and relationships.THE LOVE QUEST FOUNDATIONFamily Partnership Center29 North Hamilton StreetSuite 333Poughkeepsie, NY 12601845.522.6866www.thelovequestfoundation.orginfo@thelovequestfoundation.orgEyes On Meis a compilation of works by youth participantsat the creative writing workshops developed andconducted by Dee Johnson, educator andpublished writer, at the 2022 Youth SummerWorkshop Series. She also designed thispublication.Who Am I? A Workshop on Self-Concept, Self-Awareness &Self EsteemYesterday. Today. TomorrowReflecting On Our Past, Present & FutureYour Story Is Worth TellingHow They Inspire, Heal and EncourageYOUTH OPPORTUNITIE S GRANT3Designed byDee Johnsonbelovedlois@gmail.com980.221.9651Eyes On Me

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6-78-1112-1314-1516-1718-21WORKSHOP 1: Who Am I? Participant WorksWORKSHOP 2: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. Participant WorksWORKSHOP 3: Your Story Is Worth Telling Participant WorksTABLE OFCONTENTSEyes OnEyes On MeMe4

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Eyes OnEyes On MeMe

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Who Am I?Who Am I?A Workshop on Self Concept, SelfA Workshop on Self Concept, SelfAwareness & Self EsteemAwareness & Self Esteem6

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Who Am I?Who Am I?"To grow yourself, you must know yourself.""To grow yourself, you must know yourself."~ ~ John C. Maxwell ~John C. Maxwell ~We define ourselves in many different ways — by age, race,We define ourselves in many different ways — by age, race,height, education, gender and the list goes on.height, education, gender and the list goes on. But how do we come to understand who we really are?But how do we come to understand who we really are? In this workshop, we discussed the perception we have ofIn this workshop, we discussed the perception we have ofourselves — our self concept — how our self concept isourselves — our self concept — how our self concept isdevelopeddeveloped We also examined how becoming more self aware — beingWe also examined how becoming more self aware — beingmindful not only of the things we do, but also the reasons whymindful not only of the things we do, but also the reasons whywe do them — improves our self-esteem, our growth, ourwe do them — improves our self-esteem, our growth, ouropportunities and our lives.opportunities and our lives. Creative Writing AssignmentCreative Writing AssignmentParticipants shared a few of their self concepts in a proseParticipants shared a few of their self concepts in a prosebeginning each sentence with beginning each sentence with "I am"."I am".By ShiaBy Shia || Page 8Page 8By KatalinaBy Katalina || Page 9Page 9By SanaiBy Sanai || Page 10Page 10By DanaBy Dana | | Page 11Page 117

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I AMby ShiaI am smart.I am a daughter.I am African American.I am loyal.I am kind.I am quiet.I am a writer.I am tall.8

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I AMby KatalinaI am the first and last born.I am someone who has a lot of love stored.I am 14.I am told I can be mean.I am intelligent.I am brave.I am a tad bit afraid.I am kind.I am average height.I am someone with a lot of life.9

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I AMby SanaiI am Sanai.I am someone who doesn't care if you don'tlike me.I am 5'2" tall.I am a Capricorn.I am funny.I am not a quitter.I'm 11 years old.I am sassy.I am funny.I am a TikToker.I am in middle school.I am an honor student.10

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I am intelligent.I am pretty.I am powerful.I am witty.I am a mother.I am a daughter.I am a sister.I am scared.I am grieving.I am lonely.I am bleeding.I am resilient.I am strong.I am processing.I am coming along.11I AMby Dana

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Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.Reflecting On Our Past, Present & FutureReflecting On Our Past, Present & Future12

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Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.Yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’sYesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’sdream.dream. ~ Khalil Gibran ~~ Khalil Gibran ~Our past impacts who we are and will become. There's noOur past impacts who we are and will become. There's nodoubt about that.doubt about that. RReflecting on our past helps improve our self awarenesseflecting on our past helps improve our self awarenessand gives new meaning to our present and our future.and gives new meaning to our present and our future.Reflection provides insight into ways we can becomeReflection provides insight into ways we can becomebetter. It helps us reach our goals and aspirations. And itbetter. It helps us reach our goals and aspirations. And ithelps shed light on those things that weaken us and stunthelps shed light on those things that weaken us and stuntour growth and development.our growth and development.In this workshop, we shared personal stories that haveIn this workshop, we shared personal stories that havepositively shaped who we are today and some goals wepositively shaped who we are today and some goals wehave for our future. We also discussed a few of the morehave for our future. We also discussed a few of the morepopular quotes about yesterday, today, and tomorrow.popular quotes about yesterday, today, and tomorrow.Creative Writing AssignmentCreative Writing AssignmentParticipants composed Participants composed their own yesterday, today, andtheir own yesterday, today, andtomorrow quote.tomorrow quote.By By Katalina | Katalina | Page 14Page 14By Shia | By Shia | Page 15Page 15..13

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YESTERDAY. KatalinaYesterday was the past I can't unsee.Today is the day that is bestowed to me.Tomorrow is the day that is unknown to bemy fated destiny.14

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yesterday. ShiaYesterday may not have been a good day,but today is a new beginningand tomorrow is full of promise.15

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Your Story is Worth TellingYour Story is Worth TellingHow They Encourage, Inspire & HealHow They Encourage, Inspire & Heal16

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Your Story is Worth TellingYour Story is Worth Telling“Let your mess be your message.”“Let your mess be your message.” ~ Robin Roberts ~~ Robin Roberts ~Celebrities like Rhianna, Adele, Mark Wahlberg, Demi Lovato,Celebrities like Rhianna, Adele, Mark Wahlberg, Demi Lovato,MILCK, and Robin Roberts — to name just a few — have sharedMILCK, and Robin Roberts — to name just a few — have sharedpersonal stories about their lives with the public.personal stories about their lives with the public. In this workshop, wIn this workshop, we learned about their personal stories ofe learned about their personal stories ofabuse, assault, incarceration, anxieties, and mental andabuse, assault, incarceration, anxieties, and mental andphysical illness.physical illness. WWe also e also examined why they would share such personalexamined why they would share such personalstruggles and challenges when they don't have to.struggles and challenges when they don't have to.And we discussed why, like them, we should boldly tell ourAnd we discussed why, like them, we should boldly tell ourstories because they also encourage, inspire, and enlightenstories because they also encourage, inspire, and enlightenothers, and help people heal.others, and help people heal.Creative Writing AssignmentCreative Writing AssignmentParticipants composed a work to encourage the personParticipants composed a work to encourage the personreading it — even themselves.reading it — even themselves.A Letter to MyselfA Letter to Myself by Danaby Dana | | Page 18Page 18Keep PushingKeep Pushing by A'mani by A'mani | | Page 19Page 19The Bright SideThe Bright Side by Shiaby Shia || Page 20 Page 20And That Is ThatAnd That Is That by Katalinaby Katalina || Page 21 Page 2117

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A LETTER TO MYSELFby DanaDear Dana:You are in the process. The process of finding out who you are.The process of overcoming the obstacles and hurdles you havefaced. The process of realizing your worth.You deserve more than the verbal abuse. You deserve morethan the empty promises. Why? Because you are valuable. Youhave standards. You have dreams, goals, and aspirations. You have little ones to raise and you need to be the example.The example of how to love yourself. The example of what itmeans to be loved. The example so your daughter will knowwhat to and what not to accept and how to be treated like aqueen. The example so your son will know exactly how to dothat.You only have one life to live. Make it happy. Make it priceless. Make it count.Love,DanaP.S. I love you yesterday, today, and tomorrow.18

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KEEP PUSHINGby A'maniWhen I was going through something, I kepttelling myself to keep pushing. To keep my head up high. To fight — fight through the storms. To keep it together at all times.It hurts when you sit and think about it. But in theend, everything will be fine.19

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THE BRIGHT SIDEby ShiaRosalie walked into her house shutting the door behind her. When she looks back from the door, she sees her mom sittingon the couch. She has her head in her hands."Hey mom, what's going on?!" she nervously asks, sitting downby her. She slides her bookbag off, sitting it on the floor."Hey honey!" her mom says still looking down. "Look...I havesomething to tell you." "What is it?" Rosalie asks, a little scared."I'm sorry, Rose, but..." she pauses. "...we have to move."At that moment, it seemed like time stopped for Rosalie. She's moving away. Moving away from the town she grew up insince she was a baby. Moving away from all her family andfriends. But she should look on the bright side.She could get into another school. She wouldn't be friendlessforever. And, she knows her mother would let her visit herfamily.20

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...AND THAT IS THATby KatalinaIf they leave, it will be hard... it might even leave a scar.Why they left may be unknownand you may feel that you are on your own.But remember: You can't change who you are and that might be strange.But you are you and that is that!You can't change correct facts.21

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The Love Quest FoundationFamily Partnership Center29 North Hamilton StreetSuite 333Poughkeepsie, NY 12601845.522.6866www.thelovequestfoundation.orginfo@thelovequestfoundation.orgPublicationPublicationdesigned bydesigned by Dee JohnsonDee JohnsonEyes onEyes on MeMe20Creative works byThe Love Quest Foundation 2022 Summer Workshop ParticipantsWorkshops created and conducted by Dee JohnsonWho Am I? A Workshop on Self-Concept, Self-Awareness & Self EsteemYesterday. Today. TomorrowReflecting On Our Past, Present & FutureYour Story is Worth TellingHow They Encourage, Inspire, & HealDee JohnsonWorkshops Creator | Facilitator