INDEX National Summit Page 3 Terrorism Association Disestablishment Act TAD Page 5 Mosque Controls in Australia Page 6 No More Mosque or Islamic Developments Permitted in Australia Page 7 Age Control Orders Amendment Page 9 Ban All Forms of Media Access to Anyone Convicted of Terrorism Charges Page 10 Deportation Effective Immediately for Dual Citizenship Holders Found Guilty of Terrorism Charges Page 11 English language in sermons Page 12 Forfeit the Right to Attend Mosques Prayer Halls When on Court Order Bail Conditions Page 13 National Mandatory Reporting Suspected Terrorist or Radical Behaviours Page 14 National Profiling Program Page 15 No Closing Down or Gender Segregation of Hours Permitted of Swimming Pools or Other Public or Private Venues Page 16 Removal of Halal Certification from Australia s Domestic Market Page 17 Removal of ISIS Supporters from Australia Page 18 Ban the Burqa in Australia and other face coverings Page 19 Juvenile Justice Page 21 Defence Force Page 22 The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Page 23
COMBATING EXTREMISM AND ISLAMISATION IN AUSTRALIA Combating Extremism in Australia From September 2014 the issues of Radical Islam have been discussed in the Australian media and streamed via television into the lounge rooms of the average Australian homes This has really hit home that terrorism has reached our shores Our views on Islam are well known we don t want to keep reporting the problem as we are interested in finding solutions to keep Australia and its people safe and strive to be a more inclusive society So with this in mind we and other likeminded Australians would like to call for a National Summit in finding solutions to an already existing problem We would make the call and need to hold two summits The second Summit to review and implement any changes needed from the Initial Summit
1 National Summit NATIONAL SUMMIT TO COMBATING EXTREMISM IN AUSTRALIA By holding a National Summit Australia could work together to develop key strategies and plans for a whole government approach so that issues on extremism can be tackled on all levels The establishment of an action plan on how to address and approach issues associated with extremism at a national level in the hope that the summit would lay the foundations to follow and implement strategies throughout Australia Invitees would include elected leaders from all levels of government civic and Islamic leaders law enforcement agencies national intelligence agencies and stakeholders to be invited to this summit Aim To develop resolutions to establish a comprehensive framework in which a national action plan can be formulated to deal with extremism and the radicalism of Islamic youth A focus would include the following 1 EDUCATION 2 TRIGGERS 3 YOUTH 4 DEFINING EXTREMES OF IDEOLOGY 5 PREVENTION 6 TREATMENTS 7 OUTCOMES 8 DEPORTATION 9 ROLES OF STATE POLICE AFP COUNTER TERRORISM RESPONSE UNIT 10 ESTABLISHMENT OF A CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ALL KEYSTACKHOLDERS AND ATTENDEES NOTE Islamic leaders must be willing to sit down with our elected representatives and key stakeholders to hold frank and open discussions in finding solutions to Islamic extremism and radicalisation of their youth They must be part of the solution not part of the problem
In 2014 we have witnessed some leaders in the Islamic community petitioning against the AFP and prevented the very relationships that needed to occur to develop the very strategies to address the issues that affect not only the Muslim community but also Australia as a whole There have been many opportunities for Muslim leaders to play a part where they did not want to or refused to If they don t want to address the issue well the issue must be taken out of their hands The Australian people will have no choice but to move forward and make the decisions needed to keep Australia safe with or without the consultation from the Islamic communities
2 Terrorism Association Disestablishment Act TAD The precedence has already been set We will use the Newman Solution when it comes to the terrorists radical jihadist and preachers of hate To be known as the Vuga Solution If you can incarcerate three 3 or more bikies that meet in a group then the same rule should apply to suspected and convicted radical Muslims terrorists or jihadist All we are doing is duplicating the section of the former Queensland State government Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment ACT 2013 VLAD Act ACT No 47 of 2013
3 Mosque Controls in Australia CONTROL OVER MOSQUES We need to take control of all Mosques within Australia Prayer Halls Islamic Developments to be included We will form a government body that will oversee and control what is to be preached in the Mosques by way of sermon This could be with the assistance of the preacher Imam who sends sermon to government body to be checked prior to Friday Prayers or any other time that a Muslim cleric intends to preach One week in advance prior to sermon should be sufficient A recording of speakers such as Imams is to be made available by way of video and voice recording of each speech and or sermon to be submitted by Muslim cleric for review to the newly established body Random auditing and inspections of all Mosques Prayer Halls and other Islamic Developments including Islamic Schools by both the newly established board and State police Mosque Prayer Hall or other Islamic developments to have keys to be made available in a locked key safe to be kept at the nearest police station Random entry is to be permitted into buildings at any time by board police AFP and Anti terrorism units Any mosque or Islamic Development that is found to be preaching hate or inciting extremism should be closed down immediately without warning and those individuals responsible charged under Australia s terrorism laws and deported
4 No More Mosque or Islamic Developments Permitted in Australia If the government continues to allow the development of Mosques or Islamic Developments to be approved then A B C is to be included in the Planning ACT and Amendment A Planning ACT Amendment to Definition of a place of worship Mosque We might have our external borders protected for now but our internal borders such as our towns are letting us down whereby councils are welcoming and supporting Islamic developments such as Mosques Islamic Schools and other Islamic centres even despite the many objections from the community An example of this occurred in Cairns in 2013 when news had hit front page of Cairns Post that a 2nd Mosque was planned for Cairns Having rang the council we found that there was no right of appeal as the deal had been done and dusted How it went unnoticed was that it was advertised in the paper as PLACE OF ASSEMBLY WITH CARETAKERS COTTAGE Who would ever have guessed it was a Mosque The only time the correct wording was used was when it had hit the front page of the newspaper We need to change and amend the 2009 State Planning Act QLD We are currently sifting our way through each States Planning Act to petition our parliament the changes that need to be made so that when Mosques are advertised in the newspapers under Public Notices that it will use the word Mosque and NOT use the wording Place of Assembly or Place of Worship We also need to change the number of written notices that are sent out to the community the QLD Planning Act 2009 stipulates that only adjoining properties are notified of a proposed building of a Mosque this is not good enough We are told by Councils right across Australia that Mosque Development Applications can only be fought on planning issues alone and not social Issues although there were amendments made in 2010 of the State Planning Act which stated that social sustainability issues also should be considered At present Australia is seeing a lot of Mosque applications being put before councils right across Australia More and more people are standing up and saying no Mosques are popping up like spot fires and the only way to tackle them is to fight and put them out We will petition parliament that in all states the Planning Act is altered so that when Mosques are advertised in the newspapers in Public Notices it will use the word Mosque and NOT use the wording Place of Assembly or Place of Worship We will amend the Planning Act to make sure more members of the public are made aware of Mosque Development Applications and make sure that notifications are not just restricted to only adjoining properties B SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY OF ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT Currently Mosque Development Applications can only be fought on planning issues alone and not
social issues We need to make sure local that councils also consider the social sustainability of Islamic developments as we believe this is just as important as any planning issue C GOVERNMENT TO CONDUCT A SOCIAL IMPACT STUDY INTO ALREADY HEAVY MUSLIM POPULATED AREAS ON CHANGES TO SUBURBS OVER TIME INCLUDING PAST PRESENT AND FUTRE
5 Age Control Orders Amendment Age control orders to be lowered to Ten 10 It has become increasingly obvious that radical Islam knows no age barrier as the various Australian security agencies are now monitoring anti social behaviour from children as low as 10 years of age In some cases this might be actually lower than ten Currently law enforcement agencies have the capacity to place conditions and controls on young people in the community who have committed crimes Although these measures are available to State and Territory authorities juvenile offenders would be ordered to wear a tracking device The introduction of curfews and any person or persons of interest would be required not to associate or communicate with people who preach or have preached and demonstrated anti social behaviour or radical Islam or jihadist tendencies including members of their own families or other school students This measure would include denying juveniles of interest access to computers or phones having to report at regular times and places or being prevented from visiting certain places The individuals subjected to age control orders would be closely monitored to ensure compliance Failure to comply with the age control orders would see placement in a juvenile detention centre until they are considered to be no longer a threat to society A national profiling program would be implemented at the ages of 10 and 14 to determine if any antisocial and or radicalised behaviours or disposition towards violence are present Should the result indicate a tendency for antisocial behaviours then mandatory reviews will be conducted every 3 years with youths placed on a watch list to determine threat to oneself and the community
6 Ban All Forms of Media Access to Anyone Convicted of Terrorism Charges BAN ALL FORMS OF MEDIA ACCESS TO ANYONE CONVICTED OF TERRORISM CHARGES Anyone who has been charged with previous terrorism charges or is found to be inciting terrorism by way of media or carriage service will face heavy penalties this includes threats or comments of a sexual or violent nature especially although not limited to journalist s and TV stations The individual is to receive heavy penalties and or jail time and immediately banned without notice from exercising freedom of speech by way of any Social Media Platforms They will also be prevented from appearing on any television programs or being part of any print form media such as newspapers or magazines including radio broadcast Heavy penalties shall also apply to any media outlet that encourages or involves an individual who is listed on a total media ban list
7 Deportation Effective Immediately for Dual Citizenship Holders Found Guilty of Terrorism Charges DEPORTATION EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY FOR DUAL CITIZENSHIP HOLDERS FOUND GUILTY OF TERRORISM CHARGES If any Australian resident who holds dual citizenship is found guilty of anti social behaviour radical Islamic ideology jihadist tendencies or associated with any known terrorist organisations they will have their Australian Citizen terminated immediately and deported to their country of origin after a suitable custodial sentence If it is found that other family members or friends are incriminated or are openly participating in the above activities then they too will have their dual citizenship revoked and deported to their country of origin
8 English language in sermons LANGUAGE OF SERMONS All sermons and preachers Imams Clerics to speak in English ONLY and not Arabic An education program in which people of the Islamic faith must learn the values and expectations of an Englishspeaking country with a parliamentary system based on democracy with one set of laws governing all English is and will be the primary language of all Australian citizens and government funded English classes will be mandatory for new Australian s and nationalised citizens
9 Forfeit the Right to Attend Mosques Prayer Halls Court Order Bail Conditions When on FORFEIT THE RIGHT TO ATTEND MOSQUES PRAYER HALLS WHEN ON COURT ORDER BAIL CONDITIONS Those put before the court on terrorism related charges who are granted bail conditions will forfeit the right to attend Mosque and prayer halls from the time they are arrested until the time of the trial They will be prohibited from entering or attending Islamic buildings including but not limited to Islamic education facilities and prayer halls
10 National Mandatory Reporting Suspected Terrorist or Radical Behaviours A national legislative requirement will apply to all Australians of all backgrounds to report signs of possible radicalised behaviours referred to as mandatory reporters They must make a report to ASIO if they form a reasonable suspicion that the person or the public is at an unacceptable level of risk of harm to self or members of the public Mandatory reporting is the legal requirement to report suspected person or persons of signs of radicalised behaviours These reporting requirements will remain the same in all jurisdictions throughout Australia A belief on reasonable grounds that the child or person is exhibiting signs of radicalised behaviours and the belief arises from information obtained during the course of or because of the person s work whether paid or unpaid Mandatory reporters are any members of the public including registered medical practitioners nurses and education department teachers
11 National Profiling Program A national profiling program that would be implemented at the ages of 10 and 14 to determine if any antisocial behaviours or disposition towards violence are present Should the result indicate a tendency for antisocial behaviour then mandatory reviews every 3 years and put on watch list to determine threat to oneself and the community
12 Gender Segregation and Non Closure of Public Facilities NO CLOSING DOWN AND OR SEGREGATION OF HOURS PERMITTED OF SWIMMING POOLS OR OTHER PUBLIC VENUES Gender segregation and Muslims refers to the issue of the separation of men and boys from women and girls in social settings in Muslim countries and communities However there is no evidence from the Quran or Hadith that enforces the segregation of sexes Segregation of the sexes is not a requirement in Islam and is actually in defiance of our Human Rights which states we should all be treated as equal regardless of gender Taking this into consideration there should be no need to make Islamic only areas anywhere in Australia nor should any venue or public place be earmarked on religious grounds
13 Removal of Halal Certification from Australia s Domestic Market HALAL CERTIFICATION A Government Body will be formed to oversee all facets of the Halal Certification costs incurred by overseeing body will be billed and will be the responsibility of the Halal Certification Association Tighter regulations and money trail overseen by newly established government overseeing body To be audited quarterly and for public release Halal funds to be distributed with percentage allocated to deradicalization programs A large percentage of proceeds that are obtained from Halal profits are to be given to the Muslim community in Australia and to be redirected ONLY to programs that combat terrorism or deradicalization Halal profits will NOT go towards the building of Mosques and or other building projects Removal of Halal Certification from all food and non food products on the Australian Domestic Market Specialised Halal aisles in supermarkets separated from non halal products All Halal products sold although separated in our supermarkets to be labelled with a standard sized label making the Halal product easily identifiable to the consumer Halal only specialty shops permitted Australian Export of Halal food and non food Halal products to continue a choice made by the primary producer Random Audits and minimum of four 4 audits a year on Slaughter practices of animals used throughout Australia Halal laws must comply to modern Western slaughter standards to ensure humane practices are carried out when dealing with the preparation of livestock for human consumption 14 Removal of ISIS Supporters from Australia REMOVAL OF ISIS SUPPORTERS FROM AUSTRALIA
Implement harsh penalties including lengthy jail terms and or deportation for those found guilty of planning or participating in terrorist activities ISIS supporters in our country who demonstrate the want or the need to go fight alongside ISIS should be allowed to leave the country They get a free one way ticket out of Australia They are not to return to Australia Passport is cancelled once they leave Australia even if this renders them stateless No Australian Jihadist is allowed to return to Australia whatsoever We believe holding those against their will will increase risks of harm to Australians and is a risk that Australia should not afford
15 BAN THE BURKA IN AUSTRALIA AND OTHER FACE COVERINGS BURKA The idea of banning the burka is not new as some countries have already implemented a complete banning or partial banning of head wear The Syrian Government banned the Islamic veil in July 2010 The crackdown was ordered by the secular government in Damascus amid fears of increasing Islamic extremism among young Muslim students France home to about five million Muslims was the first European country to ban the public use of veils both face covering niqabs and full body burqas in 2011 The French Government claims the laws are not aimed solely at the burqa or veil but that the laws were aimed at helping everyone to integrate France made it illegal for anyone to cover their face with anything that obscures their identity including the burqa balaclavas and hoods in a public place The Belgian government introduced a similar ban in 2011 when it banned the Islamic full face veil and any clothing that obscured a person s identity in a public place Turkey s decades long restriction on wearing the headscarf in state institutions were relaxed to allow Turkish women who want to wear the hijab the traditional Islamic headscarf covering the head and hair but not the face to civil service jobs and government offices Back in 1981 Tunisia banned women from wearing Islamic dress including headscarves in schools and state offices Covering the face in public has been illegal in Italy since the 1970s due to security concerns The law isn t nationally enforced when it comes to Muslim face coverings but the government regularly debates expanding the decades old law to impose special penalties on women who wear the burqa niqab or any other garment that covers the face In 2007 The Netherlands prohibited the full veil in schools and on public transport The ban has since been extended to universities and specific professions where face to face communication and eye contact is required In 2013 the Stavropol region was the first to impose a ban on Muslim face coverings The Ticino region also banned face veils in public places Ban the Burka in Australia and other face coverings in a public place The ban will apply to any headwear including helmets and balaclavas that impede identification The ban would apply to the full body veil known as the Burka or Niqab The Burka or Niqab is socially oppressive divisive and a potential security risk to Australia The burka is a symbol of the oppression of women and will inhibit normal social interaction We believe it conflicts with the host customs and will only exacerbate social discontent and segregation We see the burka as a guise to introduce elements of Sharia law under the guise of religious freedom such attempts should be opposed in our country
The banning of the burka is aimed at helping everyone to integrate Islamic full face veil and any other clothing that obscures a person s identity in a public place These new laws are also beneficial for social integration road safety and deters extremism It should be illegal for anyone to cover their face with anything that obscures their identity including the burka balaclava and helmets in a public place The banning of the burka in Australia is aimed at helping everyone to integrate
16 NO CLOSED COURT OR JUVENILE COURT FOR RADICALISED OFFENDERS Children aged ten 10 years of age and above that are charged with terrorism offences are to appear in a Non Closed court and must to be removed from their families effective immediately and placed in State Care if bail is granted Age Control Orders will take effect Any crime that is deemed as terrorism or associated with terrorism is to be treated as an adult offence therefore any person irrespective of age is to be tried as an adult DEFENCE FORCE We object to the provision of Halal rations being provided for 100 Muslims in the Australian Defence
Force This is logistically and financially a burden to the Defence budget it is not in proportion to the membership of the Defence Force We object to the Defence Force having any Muslims in their ranks Inviting Muslims to be a part of our natural Defence is absurd this did not work in a few cases in Afghanistan and Iraq It equates to inviting the enemy into your own back yard to support you in Defence one may liken it to the Trojan horse scenario We will request that no Muslim s be permitted to become a part of the Australian Defence Force
The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils AFIC The abolishment of the AFIC is to be one of our aims The AFIC has been involved in the Halal implementation programme and a Senate enquiry still has not ascertained where the monies from Halal certification are going NO PRAYING IN PUBLIC AND NO PRAYING IN OUR STREETS We will prevent street praying and make it unlawful to close down streets for prayer Infringement notices and notices to appear in court will be issued if caught praying in the street or anywhere in public A fine of 500 first offence 1000 2nd offence six 6 months prison sentence on 3rd offence MUSLIMS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REPRESENT AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS IN PARLIAMENT We believe that Islam has no place in our political system as it is contradictory to the values of our constitution and Christian Judeo values that our country has been proudly built upon Islam is not just a religion it is a religion with a political arm that threatens the internal security of our nation All aspects of a Muslims life are governed by Sharia Law Therefore we say no to Muslims in our parliament