EXPERIENCE TEAMEXPERIENCE TEAMIntroduction + ToolkitIntroduction + Toolkit
Click directly on the section you'd like to read, or tab through the booklet page by page! To return to this Table of Contents, click on the in the corner of each page.tabletableofofCONTENTSCONTENTSExperience TeamFoundation for Patient ExperienceOur ScopePatient Satisfaction SurveysEngagement Advisory GroupsCourses + ClassesIndustry PresenceContact Information123456789Assessments + Interventions
Susan Milligan Margot Barron Erin HancockDan ConnorsDIRECTOR MANAGER MANAGER OPERATIONS COORDINATOREXPERIENCEEXPERIENCEthetheteamteamCurious about our organizational impact? Experience Team DashboardGerald DunlapMANAGER
Performance Expectations OfEmployees & SuperiorsSetting PerformanceStandardsforforfoundationfoundationPATIENT EXPERIENCEPATIENT EXPERIENCEEmpathyFocus on delivering service from the patient’s, client’s, and associate’sperspective Anticipate spoken and unspoken needs Create a culture of thorough accountability and process improvementEngagementProvide tools to build a collaborative workplaceEquip teams to take definitive, measured action to improve work processes andcommunicationEmpowermentIdentify resources associates need to perform their jobs wellEnsure associates have a voice in process improvements and workplace cultureAnalysisEducationInterventionsDeep dive into data to pinpointhigh leverage interventionsOngoing training to developfoundational knowledge andservice recovery skillsLeadership developmentTargeted interventions based ondata, focus groups, andobservations to delivermeasurable resultsTake a moment to familiarize yourself with our SOP: Patient Experience Roles + Responsibilities
SCOPESCOPEourWe are more than Patient Experience. Let us helpyou boost your performance across the board. PATIENT EXPERIENCE ENGAGEMENT ASSESSMENTS INTEGRATIONSLEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENTDashboard +survey scores Training courses SOP guidanceEAG launches +support Associate surveyinterpretationFull-spectrumonsite assessment+ interviewsWorkflow +processobservationsLeadercommunicationby clientKey focus areasidentifiedLeadershipCourses offeredKey skilldevelopment
SURVEYSSURVEYSsatisfactionsatisfactionpatientpatientDataCMS determines reimbursement based on inpatientscores found here: Medicare.govExperience Team provides scorecards for :ED Outpatient Ambulatory Surgery Scores reflect the actual questions or the section theyfit underCommentsEssential for catching specific issues Targeted by :Unit Time of day Section of survey Strongest impact with associatesTrendsMonth-on-month + prior year Percentile rank Can pinpoint the month when overall or section scoresstart to climb or dropPatient Satisfaction Survey ScorecardNEED HELP WITH YOUR SCORECARD?USE THESE RESOURCES: Communicating Scores to AssociatesLeaders Investigating Patient ComplaintsPatient Complaint Investigating in EpicNew Leader Scorecard Review
Our dedicated team conducts onsite assessments to evaluateevery touchpoint of a patient’s journey. This includes examiningthe cleanliness and comfort of our facilities, the responsivenessof our staff, and the efficiency of our processes. We areconstantly striving to identify areas for improvement andprovide recommendations after each visit.andandASSESSMENTSASSESSMENTSINTERVENTIONSINTERVENTIONSIf Patient Satisfaction Scores are trending lower than the goal,or if your Associate Engagement isn’t where you’d like it to be,the Experience Team can intervene. Interventions can not onlyboost your team’s engagement and your survey scores, but itenables you to become a proactive leader. OBSERVATIONSEVALUATIONSRECOMMENDATIONSContact us for an Onsite Assessment or Intervention, andplease make use of our resources:Recognizing + Rewarding TeamsRecognition + Reward QuestionnairePatient Experience Intervention ChecklistOnsite Leader Experience Intervention Prep
Engagement Advisory Groups (EAGs) are an amazing resource for yourteam. These associate-led groups can help drive positive changes andimprovements when leveraged correctly! Let us help you launch an EAGfor your team. EAG Resources:Increasing associate moraleImproving operational processesEstablish community outreachGroup FocusEAG BenefitsengagementengagementadvisoryadvisoryGROUPSGROUPS (eags)(eags)Allows associates to drive changeLinks operations and leadershipBoosts engagement=improved experienceEAG SOPEAG Toolkit
The Experience Team is all about providing resources toassociates and leaders, empowering them to be their verybest. If we don’t offer something that fits your needs, contactus to collaborate with your team!behavioralbehavioralexperience +experience +COURSESCOURSESLeadership DevelopmentBridging the Leadership GapBuilding + Sustaining TrustConflict ManagementCritical ThinkingDelegation StationFacts + Feelings: How to Communicate EffectivelyInspirational Leadership + EngagementLeadership + Team DevelopmentOrganizational SkillsRoundingBuilding Connections: Your Road to Resolving ConflictCollecting with EmpathyCommunicating + ListeningEmotional IntelligenceExperience is Everyone’s ResponsibilityFinding + Building MotivationIntroduction to Patient Experience + Service RecoverySelf-Esteem + ConfidenceState of Experience: Leveraging the Three E’sThe Importance of Service Recovery in the Patient’sExperienceFor course descriptions and length, take a look at ourCourse Catalog. Team Education
PRESENCEPRESENCEEnsuring that Ensemble has an industrypresence is a goal of our team. industryindustryThe Significance of of Post-Procedure Estimates: Enhancing Patient Education + ExperienceNavigating Honest Feedback: Strengthening Healthcare Systems from WithinUnlocking Success: Tip + Tricks for Hiring + Interview in Patient AccessThe Value of Investing in Your LeadersAltering Wait Time PerceptionsRealizing the Power Behind Empowerment: Drive it Like You Own It!Hooked on a Feeling: Using Empathy to Create a Positive Patient ExperienceActing With Empathy During COVID-19Popping the Question: Does Employee Engagement Feed Patient Experience?So Happy Together- Surviving in a Work From Home EnvironmentNAHAM Connections Podcast: Learning Empathy to Improve Patient ExperienceInstilling Resiliency in Your Staff + Addressing Pandemic BurnoutEstablishing Your Leadership Style with a New TeamHustle + Grow: The Art of EmpathyA Case Study on the Value of a Second OpinionTake the COACH Approach in 2023NAHAM Connections Podcast: Patient Experience + Engagement5 Attributes of Amazing Leaders6 Tips to Starting a Mental Health MovementMoving Forward With a Virtual Concierge ModelEach article or podcast is linked- takea moment to enrich your knowledge!
ExperienceTeam@EnsembleHP.comEnsemble TEDI PageCONTACTCONTACTthetheteamteamEducation + DevelopmentPatient-friendly ScriptingScorecard Review + EducationEAG LaunchesAssociate Engagement Surveys + InterpretationAssessments + InterventionsWe are in the business of creating exceptional experiences forour clients, our associates and leaders, as well as our patients.Please reach out to us for your experience needs!