FIND SOMETHING TO BELIEVE INMusic & Lyrics by Sharon LiaCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightsreserved. Allegro‑InspirationalEnergy D=140OoBm A VocalsPianoAhBm OoA GAhB5AhBmOoGDAh1
AhBmOoGAhDABm2.In1.Whenvinwecirebleyoung weʹd alwecouldwaysAplaywhittlewithourouttimeaacareway UnWhenBmstopweparebleyoung wewebravecouldly faceddreamAthetheworlddaycauseathenway ThereWatchwasing2
Gnocloudsthingrollwebywouldasnʹtwedarelay G/FThereWatchwasingEmnocloudsthingrollwebywouldasntwedarelayAGamesare Bmgood you got ta know how to playthemKeeponDdream in till you fi nished breathinFindGsome thing to be lieve in ThereʹsnoEmthing that you should nʹt dareGamesare1.3
goodBmyou got ta know how to play them KeepdreaAsus4 minAFindGsome thing to be lieve in Thereʹs noEmthing that you should nʹt dare You shouldgrowupGbutne ver grow old dareOhBmG DTHEREʹS2.4
NOTHING THAT YOU SHOULD NTDAREBmOhGDTHEREʹSNOTHING THAT YOU SHOULD NT DAREStarBming at to mor rowGbe fore weʹre there DTHEREʹSNO THING THAT YOU SHOULD NT DAREStartBming out we ne Gver had a care DTHEREʹSNOTHING TO SAYNOWeTHINGAbravTO PROVEely faced the world Gma long time a go Bm5
LitAtle did we know Gwhat we did nʹt EmknowwewekeptdidonnʹtgoAknowing G1.AGamesareBmgood you got ta know how to playthemKeeponDdream in till youʹre fi nished breath inFindGsome thing to be lieve 6
inThereʹsEmno thing that you should nʹt dare dare Gamesare2.goodBmyou got ta how to play them Keep ondreamDin till youʹre fi nished breath in Find someGthing to be lieve in ThereʹsnoEmthing that you should nʹt dare GamesaregoodBmyou got ta know how to play them Keep dreamAsus4in AFind7
someGthing to be lieve in Thereʹs noEmthing that you should nʹt dare YoushouldgrowGupbutne ver oldYoushouldgrowGupbutne ver grow oldG8
I WILL WAITMusic&LyricsbySharonLiaCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightreserved. Allegro‑Soaring D=130Fm2.(E)ly1.Yessiterumday wasorhardaerdeepthanAdarkallathebyssrest ItWhen VoicePiano FmdoesInʹt matreaterlized you will neyouverwerefadebeiningAtopulledtheamistway CausemyDi Cmpiervidecingus eyesaswillitFmseemaythroughourthe shallove Dwillremain 1. E 2.E Dlowsandthe Edeep 2.9
And FmIwillAwaitfor CmyouEdearand IFm will waitAfor youCm E Ifwe FmquietallthefearsABoldlyfacefrontiersWeʹllstayFmtrue 10
Astay trueAhFm AAh OoFmA 3.IFmbe lieve the pro mise we madeyesAter day FireFmwill burn Iʹll be tend ing toAthe flame Iknowitwill beCmal right if I could be lieveFmit I want Dyou to stay 11
E And IFm willwaitA foryouCmdearEand IFm willwaitA Cm foryouEHearFmme in the voice less spa ces ProAmise me youwillhearmeSeeFmme when thedays e rase thememAory of my12
faceHoldFmmeHold me untilAyou go HoldFmme un tilAyou go AhCm Fm D E FmACm EA13
INVISIBLEMusic&LyricsbySharonLiaCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightsreserved. Moderato‑WaltzwithFeeling D=120FmOoADVoicePiano AhFmA OoDBmAh FmOoAE14
AhBmOoFmA E InFmvisibleis howIAfeelwhenIʹmwithyouIn Dvisible InvisFmi bleand 15
soAun seenI faceDthis truth AndImay neBmver e ver neFmver e verneAver real ly knowEWhyBmis it thatFmI feel so utAter ly aloneEBmYou say16
FmI sayItʹsAall okayEWe coBmver up the uFmgly scars but stillAthe doubt re mains EFmOo OoAOoD 17
OoFmOoA OoD In visFmi ble ishowAI feelwhen IʹmDwith you18
I donʹtFmknow why itʹsAso hard foryouDto see me And I may neBmver e verneFmver e verneAver real ly knowEWhyBmis itthatFmI feel so19
utAter ly aloneEBmYou say FmI sayItʹsAall okayEWe coBmver up theuFmgly scars butstillAthe doubt re mains EDOhstillre FmmainsdoweAallfeel20
thesameEway? OhDut ter ly a aloneFm why does this Efeelso strongIDknow I know we feelFmthere are21
moAmentsweʹre unseenE IllusDsions al ways failFmwhen betweenEus liesthisveil In visFmi bleishowAI feel22
whenIʹmDwith you In visFmi ble andsoAun seenI faceDthis truth Oh YouBmareFm23
evAerythingEtoBm meFmand whenAIsingEI pourBmout myheartFmand I Alet you inEMa Bmking whatʹs invisFmi ble come to lightAa gainE AhD24
Fm A OoE OhDut ter ly a loneFmwhy does this feelEso strongDOo25
LOVE YOU FOREVERMusic & Lyrics by Sharon LiaCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightsreserved.Adante‑WithPassion D=80 DA/CDVoicePianoA/CDo you A/CwantDme like IBmwant you? Do you thinkDof meA/Cat night?BmWhen youʹre Gly ingD/Fthere a Asus4loneAdo you longGto be with meD/Fat night?Asus4 AAnd 26
doDyou feelA/Cthe same Bmthe wayDthat I feelA/Cfor you?BmAnd doGyou unD/Fder stand Asus4 AthatGmy loveD/Fis true? Asus4 AAnd ID A/Cwant to loveBmyou for ev er and I DwillA/Clove you al waysBmand for ev er unGtil the endD/Fof time Asus4 ABabe Gyour love is all Iʹve eD/Fver known 27
Asus4 AAnd doDyou feelA/Cthe sameBmwhen youʹre lyDing wrappedA/Cup in myBmarms? GWhen you saidD/Fyou loved Asus4meA GI be lievedD/Fe very Asus4wordAAnd ID A/Cwant to love Bmyou for e ver and I DwillA/Clove you for al Bmways and e ver UnGtil theD/Fend of Asus4timeAOh Gyour love is all Iʹve eD/Fver e 28
Asus4ver knownA I need you rightnowD A/ C Bm NowD A/C Bm G D/F Asus4 A G D/F Asus4 A DA/CDA/CI need you right nowD A/C BmI need you now 33329
D A/ C Bm WhenGyou saidD/Fyou loved Asus4meA IGbe lievedD/Fevery wordAsus4 AAnd ID A/Cwant to love Bmyou for e ver and I DwillA/Cal ways love you Bmfor e ver UnGtilD/Fthe end of timeAsus4 A Your loveGis all IʹveD/FallIʹveever knownAsus4AOoDOoA/CD 30
BLUE SKIESMusic&LyricsbySharonLiaCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightsreserved. Adante‑WithWonder D=82EOooG DAVoicePiano OooEG DA E When allEI see are no thing but blueGskies Whatʹs wrongDwith that, whatʹs 31
wrongAwith that? When allEI see are no thing but blueGskies Whatʹs wrongDwith that, whatʹs wrongAwith that? EThere is such grace G Dand no re sisAtance EAs I em brace G Dthis new di menAsion When allEI see are no thing but blueGskies Whatʹs 32
wrongDwith that, whatʹs wrongAwith that? When allEI see are no thing but blueGskies Whatʹs wrongDwith that, whatʹs wrongAwith that? EThere is a place G Dout side con venAtion EIn this ex panse G Dwith no di menAsion33
OhCIcanʹtbelieveIlefther Glefther,leftherwillling53 DlyStandCing on the pre ci pice 3 3 standGing on the pre ci pice ofpeaceDOhIʹm53 teCthered te thered te thered and seeGa beau ty flour ish ing beneathD334
AndIʹmmarCve ling, mar vel ing, marGvel ing at ev ery thing I seeDOooEG DAOooEG DAMarCvel ing, mar vel ing, marGvel ing at e very thing I seeDOhthereʹsa35
beauCty, beau ty, beau ty flourGish ing, flour ish ing be neathD OhIʹmteCthered, te thered, te thered weightGless, weight less, weight less and freeDandIseeCa beau ty, beau ty, seeGa beau ty flour ish ing beneathD3333 Ooo36
RISK IT ALLMusic & Lyrics by Sharon LiaCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightsreserved. Allegro‑Adventurous D=128BmGVoicePiano DA Bm G D A 37
BmAhGOo3 DOoOo A If GI donʹt run will Dyou chase me? If IGdonʹt hide l will you dis coDver me?If IGdonʹt turn and I donʹt walk a wayD IthinkGyouʹd love me 38
think youʹd love me naDtur al ly BmIwantto Grunin Dfields with youABmAnd lay be sideGyou un der laDven der blueAIʹd gladBmly risk Gmy heartDbe ing AbruisedforthethrillBmof fallGing in loveD inlovewithAyou 39
inlovewith FyouA m withyouF33A mIʹdgladFly risk it allA mjustto3333fallFfallinlovewithA myou FWithyouCOo G IfFIdonʹtcry will40
Cyou see my tears? If IFdonʹt trem ble willyouCknow my fear?IfweFdonʹt mess this up like play ers doC WecouldfallFlike leaves gent ly from trees in auCtumn dew A mI want to Frun in Cfields with youG A mAnd lay be sideFyou un der laCven der blueGIʹdgladA m riskFmyheartCbe ing 41
Gbruised for the thrillA moffallFing in love Cin love with Gyou inlovewith EyouG mwith3youEG m IʹdgladEly risk it 3 3 3allG m justtofallEinfallinlovewith 42
G myouEwithyouB FIʹdriskitallG m to be with youEand if IfallB Iʹll fall with youFIʹdriskitallG mto be withyouE and if I 43
fallBIʹll fall withyouFOo G m OoE Iʹd risk it allBto be withyouFIʹdriskit allG mto be withyouE and if I fallBIʹll fall with44
youFIʹdriskit allG mEBFG mE BFE45
I WILL REMEMBERMusic&LyricsbySharonLiaCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightsreserved.(LIVEOUTLOUD) Moderato‑Embrace D=120 DmGVoicePianoDmGWhenIseetheA msunDmriseGorseea Cstar ry skyC /B A m FIGwillrememberCyouWhenIfeelthe 46
chillA min the airDmthat au tumnbringsGor see the waCvingwillowlimbsA m IFbe lieve I Gfeel youʹrenearCWhen I feel the powA mer of the 33 3wisDmdom push ing meGin to the lightCyou knewC /BIʹdownA mIFwillGre mem ber youC Be Dmcause of you Iʹmgonna Glive out loud Be Dmcause of youIʹmgonna47
Glive out loud BeDmcause of you IʹmgonnaGlive out loud AndDmI will willGre mem ber youWhenIthinkofallA mthatceasedDmthe day yourspirGit had to leaveCso traC /BgicallyA mtimeFand dis tance wonʹtGkeep us a partCNomatterwherethislifeA mtakesmeDmno mat terhowGfar a wayCI goC /Bfrom48
hereA mI knowFIʹll ne ver be Gtoo far from you CBeDmcause of you Iʹmgonna Glive out loud Be Dmcause of you IʹmgonnaGlive out loud BeDmcause of you IʹmgonnaGlive out loud AndDmI will reGmember you IcanstillA mhear your voiceDmIstillGsee the laugh Cter inC /Byour49
eyesA mforFe verwhisGpers from starsCNomatterwherethislifeA mtakesmeDmno mat terhowGfar a wayCI goC /BfromhereA mI knowFIʹll ne ver be Gtoo far from A myouYour memFo ry will neGver fade from view A m And FI will re mem berGIwillremem berYouwillgoConC /B A m Dm 50
G CC /B A m OoDm GIʹll live out loudC C /BA mDm(Iʹll re mem beryou)GIʹll live out loudC C /BA mDm(Iʹll re mem beryou)GIʹll live out loudCC /BA mDm(Iʹll re mem beryou)GIʹll live out loudC C /BA m Dm(Iʹll re mem ber51
you)GIʹll live out loudC C /BA mDm(Iʹll re mem beryou)GIʹll live out loudC C /BA mIʹllliveoutloud Iʹll live outloudC(IʹllC /Bre mem beryou)A m DmIʹllliveoutGloud IʹllliveoutloudIʹllrememberGyou52
FEEL IT IN MY BONESMusic&LyricsbySharonLiaCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightsreserved. Adantino‑MarchofDiscovery D=90G 5F5 A 5C5VoicePianoG 5F5A 5G 5G 5F5A 5C5G 5A m F 53
C Em Oo A mOo FOo C Em 2.1.IʹveIʹmgotA msothisfullpentofupanangergerandandII knowthinkFIʹllitʹsalgonwaysnalovesinkyoumeYouI gavefeelCmeithalfinmymybonesbonesYouI gavefeelEmmeithalfinmymybonesbonesIʹllIfor givegotA myouthiswonʹtsinkforinggetfeelyouingcausethatmymy maheartFmawonʹtsaidkeepsoon beat ingSheI gavefeelCmeithalfinmymybonesbonesSheI 54
gavefeelEmmeithalfinmymybonesbonesIIamam donedoneA mwithwithallallyouryourliesliesToTodaydayII fifiFnallynallysaysaygoodgoodbyebyethoughitit hurtshurtsCmemetotothetheboneboneEEvenven thoughthoughEmnonobobodydyknowsknowsIIamam donedoneA mwithwithallallyouryourhatehateandandIIwillwill closecloseFthattheiironrongategateYouYoucancan staykeepCuyourponiyourronthronethrone Emhatehatefulful andandaaloneloneOh A mOo FOo C55
Em3.OhA mmy heart is break ing as I closeFthe i ron gate You can stayCu pon your throne hateEmful and a lone I am doneA mwith all your lies to day I fiFnally say good bye I say I feelCit in my bones I feelGit in my bones I am doneFwith all your hate and I will closeA mthe i ron gate You can 56
Cstay u pon your throne Ghate ful and a lone Iam doneFOh I amdoneA mOh I amGdone OoI am 6doneFwith all your lies to day I fiA mnally say good bye It hurtsCme to the bone Oo G AndallA mthis pent up an ger and I 657
thinkFitʹs gon na sink me I feelCit in my bones I feelEmit in my bonesA mFOh I feelCit in my bonesEmA m FShe gaveCme half my bones She gaveEmme half my bones A m FShe gaveCme half my bones She gaveEmme half my bones andIʹmsinking Iʹmsink ing Iʹmsink ing A mAh58
PUT IT ON MY HEARTMusic&LyricsbySharonLiaCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightsreserved. Andante‑Discovery D=95GmVoicePiano BGm B Didyouputitonmy heart?Gm Did you know I play the part?B 59
Did you put it in my soul,Gmcause you knew which way Iʹd Bgo? Ohthe Cm /Gvisionʹssounclear OhitʹsFhauntedmeforyears ENowGmnowI Fhear GmOhsoclearEly nowGmI feel youFfeelGmyou nearEme nowGmI see Fyou eGmvery where60
EnowGmI know F Did you put it on my Gmheart? Did you put it in my soul? B Did you put it in my mind?GmCause you knew which way Iʹd Bgo? Oh fiCm /Gnal ly itʹs true Iʹve found my wayFback home to you 61
NowEnowGmIfeelFyou eGmvery whereENowGmI see Fyou eGmvery where EIn e very thingGmI do FIGmsee you IseeyouE Gm FI see Gyou CmOh AI E /Gseeyou Gmseeyou62
CmNow I A seeE /Gyou seeGmyouOoCm AI feelE /Gyou FeelGmyouCmOo A E /G Gm DidyouputitonmyCm /Gheart? DidyouknowIʹdplaythe63
E /Gpart? DidyouputininmyCm /Gsoul CauseyouknewwhichwayIʹdE /Ggo And Afinallyitʹstrue IfoundmyBwaybacktoyou ANowCmnowIBhear you oh soCmclear Aly NowCmI feel Byou you areCmnear Ame e veryCmsin gle day 64
Band ev ery where ICmgo ANowCmIfeel Byou You areCmnear Ame NowCmI feel Byou You areCmnear Ame NowCmI see Byou Now ICmknow youANowCmI feel Byou Now ICmknow ANow ICmknow BCmPut it on my heartCm /G65
You put it in my soulE /GYou put it on my mindCm /G Cause you knew Iʹd be com E /Ging home 66
THE LIGHTMusicbySharonLiaandRickJanottiCopyright2024SharonLia.,SunRaeMedia,LLC.Allrightsreserved.LyricsbySharonLia Andante‑Enlighten D=90D5 VoicePianoOo Oo DmFOo CAh G AhDmFOo 67
COo G DAh A mCAh G DAh A mCAh G AhD 1.ThereʹsDma time Fwe wanCder free aimGless lyThereʹsDma time Ffor wisCdom and a wakGen ingDmThere is a Zi Fon68
soCdi vine we longGto see a suDmper na tu ral code Fre ceived if wereachCfor it itʹsGthe lightD A mItʹs the lightC GHis lightD A mItʹs the lightC G2.HopeDmlife and lightFun stopCpa ble eGner gy by de sign69
Dmby this lightFweʹll belifCted upGItʹsDmthe light that givesFus hope thatlivesCin side of you Gand meItʹsDmthe gift of loveFweʹre given by the70
greatCest being if we Gbe lieve D A mOoCGIf we be lieveD A m COo G Dm3.When the shroud ofdarkFness fades hold outCyour hand and heʹll set Gyou free ODmpen up your mind Fand let him lead Clet him lead GDThere is light in sideA mthere if youʹre reachCing out heʹll set Gyour eyes on it 71
DThere is a light A m Cin side Gof you andmeDThere is a light A mthere is a lightCthat lives insideGof you and meDThere is a light A mthere is a lightChe gave toyouGand meD A mCGa seed D A mCGbe the lightDEach a lone a sat A mel lite heʹll letCyou see youʹre free G 72
DEm brace the light A min sideCof you and meGD73
Music is available on all digital streaming platforms and also available on CD.Scan QR for direct link to website for more music, information and resources.