We take pride in carefully listening toyour needs and creating a playbook toeducate you about home financingWe believe that communication is keyto making the loan process a positiveexperience for you
Greg joined the mortgage industry in 2005. Prior tothat, he was a personal trainer and martial artsinstructor. Greg notes that 20 years of martial arts,where discipline, persistence, honor, and integrity arethe heart of daily practice, was a perfect lead into hisrole as financial advisor in the mortgage industry. TheGale Team at NOVA® Home Loans is a full-service loanorigination service, committed to providing innovativemortgage solutions and real estate strategies. In his roleas team leader, Greg stresses the importance of creatinga great client experience, bringing a positive attitude andbeing solution based. This team defines communicationas one of the single most important elements in asuccessful loan transaction. They are committed toreturning calls promptly, providing regular statusupdates and being available as needed throughout theprocess. Greg and his team really listen to client’s needs, and then seek the best possiblesolutions, striving to exceed their client’s expectations. Greg Gale is a national coach with 2different coaching companies. The CORE Training is a national training company for lendersand Realtors. Greg coaches weekly and travels the country training lenders and realtors onspecific tactics to build and maintain a relationship-based business. Greg also works withCardone Enterprises and coaches the sales tactics of Grant Cardone to salespeople acrossthe country. Both companies are results driven with high levels of accountability. Mostimportantly is the community GIVE BACK that The Gale Team is committed too with bothtime and money. Donating money to various charities, such as the Uncommon LeaderScholarship at A.S.U. and other local foundations in need is a passion for Greg and his team.Greg is a member of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers and the ArizonaAssociation of Mortgage Brokers. He is licensed in Arizona, California, Texas, Florida,Washington, Oregon, and Colorado.Branch Manager: Greg GaleNMLS #193428 | 602-743-4679Greg.Gale@novahomeloans.com
Jeanne Brown602-385-6634jeanne.brown@novahomeloans.comAssistant to Greg Gale: TaliaExecutive Assistant | 480-500-3004 | Talia.Bates@novahomeloans.comAs the executive assistant to Greg, Talia will help you schedule meetings andcoordinate phone calls with Greg that best suits your schedule.BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & CONCIERGE SPECIALISTSBusiness Development Coordinator: Holly MarksburyBusiness Development | 480-500-3049 | Holly.Marksbury@novahomeloans.comAAs the Branch BDC, Holly’s top priority is to ensure that real estate agents areprovided with all the materials necessary to market their business. Holly meets 1-1with agents to identify strategies to help them exceed their goals!
When you choose to work with us, you are choosing a team of highly skilledmortgage professionals that work cohesively together to align your financing goalswith a streamlined and stress-free process.Our team has been together for the better half of a decade. This time of growth anddedication to each other and to our partners has allowed us to build a bulletproofprocess that effectively and efficiently sets our clients for success. We workclosely together to make the home financing experience beneficial, educational,and easy.We love what we do. and we love the people we get to do it with. We look at eachclient individually as an opportunity to make a true difference. With us, you're notjust a number. We pride ourselves on taking the time to get to know every client'sgoals so we can structure and provide options and service that tailor to yourspecific needs.Our Team Mission: Is to create a great client experience.
We help Home Buyers navigate the Real Estateand Mortgage Markets by providing ourHomebuyer playbook. A predictable process thatcreates the ultimate experience and savesthousands of dollars, all while creating wealth andfinancial legacy for the client
Day 1The buyer introduction is received andtheir contact information is entered intoour CRM. The agent will receive updateupon contact attempt. The buyer iscontacted with information on how toget pre-approved and sent an invitationto apply on our website or set up a timewith us to do it over the phone.Day 2The buyer receives an email follow-up onthe invitation apply, along with a textmessageDay 3If the client's phone number has beenprovided, the buyer receives a check-incall to make sure the invite was received.At that time, we will also extend an offerto apply over the phone, as well as anopportunity to address any additionalquestions about the process. We alsosend a follow-up text message if the call isnot answered.If a phone number was not provided, thiscommunication is sent as an email with afollow-up request for a phone number.The agent is contacted and receives anupdate.Day 6The buyer receives our "why Work withThe Greg Gale Team" email check-in aswell as the "meet the Team" video. Theagent also receives an update.Day 12Repeat of day 3.Day 14The buyer receive "What sets us apart" email. Thisemail includes information and videos on our pre-approval process. The agent also receives anupdate.Day 21The buyer receives "How can we help you preparefor your purchase" email check-in. The agent alsoreceives an update.Day 30Repeat of day 3. The Agent receives an update. Thischeck-in also includes a note to see if the buyer isstill interested in proceeding with the process. Day 45The buyer receives a "What our clients say about us"email with links directing them to various reviewsites (Zillow, Yelp, Google). The agent also receivesan update.Day 60The Buyer receives a final follow-up. We will letthem know we will discontinue contact efforts andoffer to check-in with them again in 3-6 months. Theagent also receives an update.All agents will also be receiving a weekly clientstatus update report with all of the clients theyhave referred to us for the previous 90 days, aswell as the active status and any helpful notes.
This includes reaching out to buyersto schedule a pre-approvalconsultationthis includes sending buyers andagent a pre-approval letter forshoppinga Starbucks gift card is mailed to thebuyers as a thank you.Day 1Pre-approval is issued. Team informsboth agent and buyers of the detailsaround the buyers being pre-approved.Day 2Follow up to schedule consultation if noresponseDay 3If we still haven't received a reply forscheduling, we send a "Let us know whenyou are ready" email.Day 7Once the meeting has been completed,we send a quick check in email to see ifthere are any follow-up questions oradditional information we can provide.2nd Wednesday of the MonthWe follow up with all buyers that were pre-approved the previous month.After the first month, we move them to a60/90/120 day check ins. After 90 days, we willsend a check in to see if anything in the buyerscredit report has changed. After a year, loan isconsidered expired. We close out the applicationand send an update to the buyers on status. If abuyer becomes active again, we update theapplication and get updated documentation toreopen their pre-approval. all agents will also receive a weekly client statusupdate report with all of their clients they havereferred to us for the previous 90 days, as wellas the active status of each client and anyhelpful notes. This includes clients that are pre-approved and their most recent statusEvery Wednesday is themed pre-approval followup day. We spend this day checking with hotpre-approvals and offers that are out to ask ifanything is needed before the weekend. 3rd Wednesday of the MonthWe follow up with the buyers agent for buyers pre-approved the previous month.
Service• Same day preapprovals• Concierge level of serviceCommunication• Exceptional communication during the transactionwith updates at everymajor milestone throughout the loan process• Open availability with our team to answer questionsvia phone, email,or in personDedicated underwriting team specialization in:• Complex jumbo scenarios• First-time homebuyer programs• Conventional and government programs• Jumbo loansTurn times• Fast turn times• Ability to close transactions in two weeks or lessOutside-the-box lending sources for:• Complex loan solutions• Minimal down payment• Brokered Loans
Team• Several licensed loan officers with in depthknowledge of the industry• Underwriter and processors dedicated to quickproblem solving and opencommunicationImproved Conversion• Prior to receiving contracts, a high percentage ofclients are taken throughunderwriting approval to help our agents writestronger offersCommunication• Consistent and open communication through allstages and milestones of loanprocess» Weekly updates to all clients & agentsEvents & Marketing• Co-branded materials for open houses, listings,mailing flyers and standardmarketing campaign materialsBuilders• Experience with new construction as the trustedlender for a local builderOur Unfair Advantage• We can provide clients with a variety of loan optionsthat suit their specific needs. Nova has access to adiverse portfolio of investors and specialty programs,we have numerous programs to help us find the rightsolution for our clients.
Pre-approval / Lead ConversionJust as we give a pre-approval to your client, we send them a stress kit with a cardwishing them the best during their home searchTuesday UpdatesOnce under contract, we communicate via phone and email throughout the processthat details the progress and status of their loan. We strive to ensure our customerservice is up to their highest standard.During The Loan ProcessDuring the loan process, we will be sending mailers and gift cards with notes abouteach milestone of the loan process. This will include what to expect, movie tickets, ColdStone gift card, and a Starbucks gift card. TBD 15 Week Follow-UpWhen the buyer is prequalified, we add them to our TBD 15 week follow-up list. Thisincludes 15 weeks of small gifts with handwritten notes, emails, and personalizedvideos. Our goal is to keep the client engaged and top of mind.After Close and BeyondAfter the loan has funded, we will send gifts and mailers that include: a customizedcutting board, we donate 20 trees for forest fire recovery in the US, Popcorn, loananniversary, Homebot digests, birthday cards, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Holidaycards.Client Appreciation EventsTo continue to show our gratitude to our clients, we host quarterly client appreciationevents including Family Pumpkin Patch Day, Thanksgiving Pies, Holiday Light give away,movie events, and Food Truck events at our office. We truly appreciate our clients.
LIFEFORCLIENTClosing giftSend a monthly Homebot digestSend holiday cardsNew Years, 4th of July, Thanks Giving, HolidayClient Appreciation EventsMovie Showings & Food TrucksAnnual Holiday Light GiveawayAnnual Pie GiveawayContestsCharitable Donations
The Gale Team was so responsive andcommunicated every step. I never had aquestion they didn't answer pretty muchimmediately. Really appreciate that - myfirst experience with a very differentmortgage lender was awful and I was alittle nervous about going through thisprocess again and the experience I hadwith Greg was the complete opposite ofwhat we went through the first time wedid this. So thank you - What a greatexperience! -AshleyI am a Realtor in the valleyover 15 years.... Great service!If you need a loan done right,they will get it done! LarryNeaman and crew did afantastic job. You are incapable hands!- Peter
In 2021 Greg published TheHomebuyer Playbook, providing apredictable process towards homeownership that saves time, money,and aggravation. This is a compilationof 16 years in the business, over $700million in loan volume, helping over4,000 people obtain a mortgage. Thisstory style book is easy to read andfilled with tactics for current andfuture homebuyers as well as realestate professionals.The CORE Training is a national coachingcompany for Lenders and Realtors that’sbased on 3 principles, prospecting togenerate more leads, building a team tosupport and cater to your clients andtracking your finances. Greg found the COREin 2008 and has been a student ever since. In2014 Greg was asked to be a coach for thecore and he is continuing to coach studentsweekly as well as travel several times a yearto speak at The CORE Training conferences.Greg is extremely passionate about paying itforward and impacting the lives of bothlender and realtors. The Core has a recipe forsuccess with a high level of accountability.