Executive Champion for The Climb42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | www.the-climb.org |
Welcome to The Climb!Our nonprofit was founded in 2022 from a personal need. I was "climbing" in my career and didnot have the guidance of a woman of color to help me navigate my organization's nuances andpolitical landscape. When I became a senior leader, I realized that my experience was not unique;many women of color who looked like me were trying to understand how to navigate and climbthe "career ladder." From that known need, I founded The Climb to fill the gap in supportingwomen of color aspiring to become managers or executives. Women make up almost half of the workforce in America, but few are in leadership roles withintheir companies. This is especially true for women of color. The rate of women of color inleadership is drastically low compared to white female counterparts.Our goal is to demystify the climb, providing a culturally inclusive and welcoming space forwomen of color seeking mentoring, connection, and coaching to become career leaders. Wewant these women to recognize their assets and use them in building an intentional careerjourney.Your leadership, vision, and influence is widely recognized and respected. Your commitment toexcellence and your track record makes you the ideal candidate to become an executivechampion for The Climb. We believe that your involvement as an Executive Champion will bringthe following benefits:Alignment with Organizational Goals: The Climb is unique in its dedication to supporting thepersonal and professional development needs of women of color across a broad spectrum ofindustries and sectors.Driving Change: We are offering women of color leadership development with mentoring byexecutive women of color. Studies show that people prefer mentoring relationships withthose who share their demographic identity.Long-term Sustainability: As an executive champion of The Climb, you are joining anorganization that is building future women of color leaders for all industries. The championgets an opportunity to help shape and guide the future generation of leaders. We understand the significant demands on your time and appreciate that taking on this rolerepresents a commitment. However, we firmly believe that your commitment as a champion willmake a pivotal difference in the success of The Climb. Thank you for considering our request, and we look forward to the possibility of working closelywith you to drive positive change and advance our organization's strategic goals.Sincerely,Felicia SmithFounder and Chairperson of the Climb 42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | www.the-climb.org |
Women of color are severely underrepresented in senior leadership and theirnumbers decrease higher up the corporate ladder where they aresignificantly fewer in number. The rate of women of color in leadership isdrastically low compared to their White female counterparts due to severalfactors, such as long-disproven stereotypes, smaller networks, unconsciousbias, and workplace microaggressions that appear in the form of subtle orintentional discrimination. Black women comprise 7.4% of the USpopulation, but only hold 1.6% of VP roles and 1.4% of C-suite roles. There areonly two Black women CEOs in the Fortune 500. Despite modest gains inrepresentation over the last eight years, women—and especially women ofcolor—are still dramatically underrepresented in corporate America. This isespecially true in senior leadership where only 1 in 4 C-suite leaders is awoman, and only 1 in 20 is a woman of color.In the U.S., almost half (41%) of women of color want to be top executives,nearly double the rate of their White female counterparts. According to ajoint study from Lean In and McKinsey & Company on gender diversity in theworkplace, women of color are far less likely to be promoted, receive careerdevelopment training, or gain equal access to mentorship and sponsorshipopportunities from a manager or executive. The Climb seeks to reverse thesetrends by delivering training and professional development specific to thechallenges and pain points of women of color aspiring to leadership andexecutive positions. The Climb brings a wealth of knowledge, experience,passion, and cultural sensitivity, providing a robust platform and a safe spacethat actively supports the professional development of women of color,propelling them to advance in their careers and reversing the trend ofunderrepresentation in leadership.WHY THE CLIMB ?42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | www.the-climb.org |
THYNK UNLIMITEDY O U R T A G L I N E H E R EWhat is an ExecutiveChampion of The Climb?The Role of an ExecutiveChampion An executive champion serves asan advocate for increasing thenumber of women of color inmanagerial and leadershippositions. She is a women of colorsenior leader or executive who iscommitted to driving real changein their organization and/orindustry by helping to shape anddevelop emerging women of colorleaders. Provide support and lend credibility to thecause and the organization. Bring momentum, excitement, andenthusiasm for the goal. Meet and interact with emerging women ofcolor leaders. Provide a service and visibility to aspiringwomen color leaders.42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | www.the-climb.org |The Climb is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to the professionaland economic advancement of women of color through fosteringcommunity, mentorship programming and professional developmenttraining. How to be an ActiveChampion of The ClimbSocial Media Promotion Facilitate fireside chats and/orpresentationsNewsletter Guest ContributorPodcast GuestLeadership DevelopmentProgram AdvisorWhy Become an ExecutiveChampion of the Climb?Alignment with Organizational Goals:The Climb is one of the feworganizations dedicated to supportingthe personal and professionaldevelopment needs of women of coloracross a broad spectrum of industriesand sectors.Driving Change: We are offering awomen of color leadership developmentwith mentoring by executive women ofcolor. Long-term Sustainability: As anexecutive champion of Climb you arejoining an organization that is buildingthe future women of color leaders for allindustries.
The Climb fulfills its commitment to empowering women of color by deliveringtailor-made personal and professional development initiatives, nurturing athriving online and offline community, and providing invaluable mentorship.These concerted efforts ensure that women of color receive the essential supportrequired to realize their career aspirations.The Climb is unique in its dedication to addressing the diverse personal andprofessional development of women of color across a wide array of industriesand sector.Services 42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | www.the-climb.org | Is dedicated to tailoring its training toaddress the unique challenges andpain points faced by women of color inthe professional world.A monthly newsletter with awealth of valuable insights, stories,and resources tailored to womenof color navigating the workplace. Where we talk about all the tabootopics and unspoken rules womenof color need to know to ascend toleadership.Only network designed to matchwomen of color with professionalwomen of color coaches who canrelate to their unique challenges. THE WOMEN OF COLORCOACHING NETWORK THE BOARDROOM THE RUNG MENDED NEWSLETTER THE CLIMB PODCASTan online community on a digitalplatform that brings togetherengaging discussions and chatsamong The Climb members.ONLINE COMMUNITYSTANDING ON HER SHOULDERSLEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMPartner The Climb members withexecutives to provide them withleadership development from theperspective of current women of colorleaders.
42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | www.the-climb.org |Ready to become an Executive Champion??After reviewing more about The Climb, we hope youare excited about the opportunity to become anExecutive Champion. Scan the QR code below to signup and join us in shaping the future of professionaldevelopment. Your expertise and involvement arecrucial to our mission, and we look forward towelcoming you as part of our community.
42395 Ryan Rd. #112-103 Ashburn, VA 20148 | www.the-climb.org |