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Evening Machzor

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High Holy Day Machzor i Evening Services Temple Sinai Oakland

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Silent Readings and Meditations When you pray remove all worldly consideration from your heart Set your heart right before God cleanse your inmost thoughts and meditate before offering your devotions Act thus all your days in all things and you will not sin By this course your deeds will all be upright and your prayer pure and devout and acceptable to the Eternal Nachmanides adapted from The Union Prayerbook vvv What Being Jewish Means to Me A Jew must be sensitive to the pain of all human beings A Jew cannot remain indifferent to human suffering whether in other countries or in our own cities and towns The mission of the Jewish people has never been to make the world more Jewish but to make it more human Elie Wiesel vvv When we wish each other a shanah tovah or good year we think of the Hebrew word shanah or year which has the letters shin nun and hay These letters make up the same root for the Hebrew word for change In other words the beginning of the year is a time for change for doing things better in the upcoming year Shanah is a unique word may the new shanah bring both old traditions and new changes for the better Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins vvv God does not want to be believed in to be debated and defended by us simply to be realized through us Martin Buber vvv 2

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH As We Begin Our Prayers Tonight Prayer is not the words we recite from the prayer book but an experience of the soul If the words of the prayer book someone else s words are not adequate we can find our own words Even if we sit or stand silent in the synagogue while everyone around us is reading reciting or chanting the thing that truly matters is what we experience in our privacy The only prayer that matters is the one that comes from our heart If our heart is not touched by the written words of the prayer book we can turn inward and listen to the inner voice Then we can turn that voice into a chant a movement a melody until it hums in our heart David S Ariel vvv Prayer is speech but not mere speech The word is not to be despised Words have power over the soul Hear O Israel is a cry and an affirmation a reminder of glory and martyrdom a part of the very essence of our people s history Our prayerbooks are but words on paper they can mean little or nothing Yet the searching spirit and questing heart may find great power in words Through them we link ourselves to all generations of our people pouring out our souls in prayer with those of our brothers and sisters These words laden with the tears and joys of centuries have the power to bring us into the very presence of God Not easily not all at once not every time but somehow sometimes the worshipper who offers up his heart and mind without reservation will know that he has touched the Throne of Glory Gates of Prayer vvv 3

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Hin ni Here I Am Here I am one soul within this prayer community Like those around me I bring my own concerns and yearnings to this place hoping they will find expression in the time hallowed words of my people and in the traditions cherished by generations before me May I bring the best of my energies to these Holy Days approaching this spiritual work with open heart and mind sincerity and sustained focus on the deep questions of this season Who am I How shall I live Where have I fallen short or failed This night I take up the challenge of the Days of Awe cheshbon hanefesh a searching examination of my life a moral inventory of my deeds words and thoughts During the next ten days let me face the truth about myself and listen to Your still small voice Taking comfort in Your promise that I am always free to change released from staleness and routine let me know the joy of beginning again May I gain strength as I share this task with those around me united by our common purpose tikkun middot improving our characters and tikkun olam repairing the world I now prepare myself to pray one soul amidst this holy congregation Mishkan haNefesh adapted vvv 4

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Action I can lay down that history I can lay down my glasses I can lay down the imaginary lists of what to forget and what must be done I can shake the sun out of my eyes and lay everything down on the hot sand and cross the whispering threshold and walk right into the clear sea and float there my long hair floating and fishes vanishing all around Deep water Little by little one comes to know the limits and depths of power Denise Levertov vvv When the blessing of shalom Is lacking However much we have Of other blessings Wealth or power Fame or family Even health These all appear as nothing But when shalom Is present However little else we have Somehow seems Sufficient Hershel Matt vvv daeh dpy Shanah Tovah 5

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH aeh dn dpd Hineih Mah Tov mi r P d n E aFH d n d Pd c g i m B mi g z a W Hineih mah tov umah na im shevet achim gam yachad How good it is and how pleasant when people dwell together in unity This night as the New Year begins We come together as a community Yet each of us is strangely solitary Each of us comes here with special hopes and dreams Each of us bears our own worries and concerns Each of us has a story no one else can tell Each of us brings praise no one else can offer Each of us feels joy no one else can share Each of us has regrets that others cannot know And so at this sacred time we pray If we are weary may we find strength If we are discouraged may we find hope If we have forgotten how to share may we teach each other and learn together If we have been careless with one another may we seek forgiveness If our hearts have been chilled by indifference May we be warmed by renewed purpose Inspired by the spirit of this holy night rexf xe Or Zarua a l i x W il E wi C S l r x f xF d g n U Or zarua latzadik ul yishrei leiv simchah Light is sown for the righteous and joy for the upright at heart 6

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Hadlakat Haneirot Lighting of the Candles zexpd zwlcd Fountain of life as we begin a New Year let Your light and Your truth come forth to lead us We look back upon the days that are past and see both troubled times and days of celebration Now we look ahead with the prayer that the new year be one of health and prosperity When pains and troubles beset us may we find strength to face them with courage and when times are good for us may we have the wisdom to be grateful for our blessings Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam asher kid shanu b mitzvotav v tzivanu l hadlik ner shel Shabbat v shel Yom HaZikaron Epi d l i i d Y KEx A Ep W C w xW m l Fr d K l n x p wi l c d l Ep Ev e ei z F v n A oFx M f d mFi l W e z A W lW Blessed is the Eternal our God Ruler of the universe who hallows us with mitzvot and commands us to kindle the lights of Shabbat and of this Day of Remembrance yeciw Kiddush Blessing for Wine Epi d l i i d Y KEx A o t B d i x R xFA m l Fr d K l n Epi d l i i d Y KEx A x g A x W m l Fr d K l n l M n Ep n n Fx e m r l M n Ep A ei z F v n A Ep W C w e oFW l Epi d l i i Ep l o Y Y e d Gd z A X d mFi z d a d A d Gd oFx M Gd mFi z e W c w x w n d r Ex Y mFi m ix v n z i v i l x k f Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam borei p ri hagafen Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam asher bachar banu mikol am v rom manu mikol lashon v kid shanu b mitzvotav Vatiten lanu Adonai Eloheinu b ahavah et yom HaShabbat hazeh v et Yom HaZikaron hazeh yom t ruah mikra kodesh zeicher litziyat mitzrayim 7

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Y W C w Ep z F e Y x g a Ep a i M z n L x a cE mi O r d l M n c r l m Iw e l r K l n i i d Y KEx A z A X d W C w n u x d l M oFx M Gd mFi e l x U i e ki vanu vacharta v otanu kidashta mikol haamim ud varcha emet v kayam laad Baruch atah Adonai Melech al kol haaretz m kadeish HaShabbat v Yisrael v Yom HaZikaron Source of blessing Eternal our God Your majestic power creates the fruit of the vine Source of blessing Eternal our God in Your majestic power You chose us to make known Your aspirations among all the many peoples making our lives holy through Your commandments In Your love Eternal our God You have given us this Shabbat and this Day of Remembrance a day for the shofar s joyful sound remembered and cherished in our hearts a day of sacred assembly a day to be mindful of our people s going out from Egypt A unique place among nations You have chosen for us and Your word is true it endures forever Blessed are You Eternal Sovereign over all the earth who sanctifies Shabbat and Israel and the Day of Remembrance epiigdy Shehecheyanu Blessing for New Beginnings Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam shehecheyanu v kiy manu v higi anu lazman hazeh Epi d l i i d Y KEx A Ep ig d W m lFr d K ln d Gd o n f l Ep ri Bd e Ep n Iw e Blessed is the Eternal God Ruler of the universe for giving us life for sustaining us and for enabling us to reach this season PLEASE RISE 8

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH ippd Hin ni Here I am Hin ni he ani mimaas nirash v nifchad mipachad yosheiv t hilot Yisrael Bati laamod ul chanein l fanecha al amcha Yisrael asher sh lachuni af al pi she eini ch dai v hagun l chach Lachein avakeish cha Elohei Avraham Elohei Yitzchak v Eilohei Yaakov Adonai Adonai El rachum v chanun Elohei Yisrael Shaddai ayom v nora heyeih na matzliyach darki asher anochi holeich laamod l vakeish rachamim alai v al shol chai W rx p U rO n i p rd i p pd zFN dY a W ei c gR n c gt pe o Pg l E c n r l i z A l x U i x W l x U i L O r l r Li pt l i c k i pi W i R l r s i pEg lW K kl oEb de m dx a i d l L WT a o k l a w r i i d l e w gv i i d l oEP ge mEgx l i i i i xFp e m i iC W l x U i i d l x W i Mx C g i lv n p d id W Ta l c n r l K lFd i k p i gl FW l re i l r mi ng x Here I am So poor in deeds I tremble in fear overwhelmed and apprehensive before You to whom Israel sings praise Although unworthy I rise to pray and seek favor for Your people Israel for they have entrusted me with this task Therefore God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob God of Sarah Rebekah Leah and Rachel Adonai Adonai merciful gracious God of Israel who inspires awe I pray to You for success on my path I pray for myself and my community Do not hold them responsible for my wrongs and offenses May my deeds cause them no shame and may their deeds cause me no shame Accept my prayer as though it were offered by one more worthy of this task Let love be our banner let it banish our wrongs May Israel s strife and misfortunes be turned into joy renewed life and peace Love peace and truth may they prevail among us And may there be no impediment to my prayer 9

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Adonai God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob God of Sarah Rebekah Leah and Rachel great mighty awe inspiring God Most High who said to Moses I Will Be What I Will Be May it be Your will that my prayer reach Your Presence for the sake of the righteous and blameless the honest and pure of heart for the sake of Your glory You hear Your people s prayer with compassion Blessed are You the One who hears prayer PLEASE BE SEATED PRESIDENT S REMARKS 10

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH What Shall We Remember Each of us at one time or another has to draw up a memory balance sheet What shall we try to remember and what shall we try to forget We must try to forget those things which if remembered would bring out our unworthy traits We must try to remember those things which if forgotten would suppress our nobler instincts Some of us have permitted ties of family and friendship to be broken We chose to remember the difficult moments while forgetting the pleasant moments of family loyalty and warmth of friendship Would it not be much wiser now if we forget the hurt and remember only the love All of us have suffered wrongs and inflicted them Too often we recall the instances when we were the victims and we forget those times when we were the offenders We have all been both benefactor and beneficiary We have benefitted others to be sure but in more instances than we normally care to remember we have also reaped the harvest of another s kindness another s generosity another s sacrifice Shall the little kindnesses we have shown make us haughty when there is so much that we have inherited which should make us profoundly grateful and humble Every day we see about us evidence of human pettiness greed and self centeredness But if we observe carefully we also see human nobility generosity self surrender and genuine action The cynic remembers only others faults The wise person remembers another s virtues Which shall we choose to remember In making our choice let us remember that we shall be what we remember Our memories will mold our action and what others will remember of us will be determined by what we choose to remember 11

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH ipir y Esa Einai mix dd l i pi r V ix f r a i oi n d U r i i m rn ix f r ux e m in W Esa einai el heharim mei ayin yavo ezri Ezri mei im Adonai oseih shamayim vaaretz I lift my eyes to the mountains from where does my help come My help comes from God maker of heaven and earth Psalm 121 1 2 iriayd ycegA Bachodesh Hash vi i Sacred Assembly Bachodesh hash vi i b echad lachodesh yih yeh lachem shabbaton zichron t ruah mikra kodesh Kol m lechet avodah lo taasu c g A i ri aX d Wc gA oFz AW m k l d id i Wc g l Wc w x wn d rEx Y oFx k f EU rz l dc a r z k ln l M In the seventh month on the first day of the month there shall be a sacred assembly a cessation from work a day of commemoration proclaimed by the sound of the shofar d q M A x tFW WcF g a Er wY Ep Bg mFi l h RW n Ed l x U il w g i M a w r i i d l l Tik u vachodesh shofar bakeseh l yom chageinu Ki chok l Yisrael hu mishpat l Eilohei Yaakov Sound the Shofar when the new moon appears at the turning of the year at the returning of our solemn celebration For this is a statute binding on Israel an ordinance of the God of Jacob 12

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH oevx idi Y hi Ratzon The Year Y hi ratzon milfanecha Adonai Eloheinu v Eilohei avoteinu v imoteinu shet chadeish aleinu v al kol beit Yisrael et hashanah hazot sh nat chameishet alafim ush va mei ot v l chayim ul shalom l sason ul simchah lishu ah ul nechamah v nomar Amen i i Li pt N n oFvx i d i Ep z Fa i d l e Ep d l Epi l r WC gY W Epi zFn e l x U i zi A l M l re z pW z Gd d pX d z e zF n r aW E mi t l z Wn g oFU Ul mFl Wl E mi Ig l d ng pl E d rEWi l d gn U l E o n x n pe May it be Your will Eternal our God God of all generations that the year five thousand seven hundred and bring to us and the whole House of Israel life and peace joy and exultation redemption and comfort and let us say Amen PLEASE RISE dizekxae rny Sh ma and Its Blessings Bar chu et Adonai ham vorach Baruch Adonai ham vorach l olam va ed Kx an d i i z Ekx A c r e m lFr l Kx an d i i KEx A Praised be the One to whom praise is due Praised be the One to whom praise is due now and forever 13

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Ma ariv Aravim Creation miaxr aixrn Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Epi d l i i d Y KEx A Fx ac A x W m lFr d K ln g z FR d nk g A mi ax r aix rn mi Y r d PW n d pEa za E mix rW xC qn E mi Pn Gd z si lg n E m di zFx nW n A mi ak FM d z FpFvx M ri w x A i pR n xF l lFB d l i l e mFi xFA xF i pR n K W g e K W g d l i l i an E mFi xi a rn E d l i l oi aE mFi oi A liC an E Fn W zF av i i KFl n i ci nY m Iw e i g l c r e m lFr l Epi l r aix rO d i i d Y KEx A mi ax r Melech haolam asher bidvaro maariv aravim b chochma potei ach sh arim uvitvunah m shaneh itim umachalif et hazmanim um sadeir et hakochavim b mishm roteihem barakia kirtzono Borei yom valailah goleil or mipnei choshech v choshech mipnei or Umaavir yom umeivi lailah umavdil bein yom uvein lailah Adonai Tz vaot sh mo El chai v kayam tamid yimloch aleinu l olam va ed Baruch atah Adonai hamaariv aravim Praise to You Eternal our God from whom the evening flows Your wisdom sets the way on which time and season glide Your breath guides the sail of the stars Creator of the tide of time and light You guide the current of day into night As heaven spans to infinity You set its course for eternity Praise to You Eternal our God from whom the evening flows 14

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH mler zad Ahavat Olam Revelation Ahavat olam beit Yisrael amcha ahavta Torah umitzvot chukim umishpatim otanu limad ta Al kein Adonai Eloheinu b shochbeinu uv kumeinu nasiach b chukecha v nismach b divrei Toratecha uv mitzvotecha l olam va ed Ki heim chayeinu v orech yameinu uvahem neh geh yomam valailah V ahavat cha al tasir mimenu l olamim Baruch atah Adonai oheiv amo Yisrael L O r l x W i zi A m lFr z ad mi Tg zF vn E dxFY Ya d Yc O l Ep z F mi hR W n E Ep A k W A Epi d l i i o M l r Li T g A g i U p Ep n Ew aE L z xFz ix ac A g nU pe c r e m lFr l Li z ev n a E Epi n i Kx e Epi Ig m d i M d l i l e m nFi d Bd p m da E EP O n xi qY l L za d e mi n lFr l FO r a dF i i d Y KEx A l x U i O One and Only God You have made each of us unique and formed us to be united in one family of life Be with us Eternal One as we seek to unite our lives with Your power and Your love We proclaim now Your Oneness and our own hope for unity we acclaim Your creative power in the universe and in ourselves the Law that binds world to world and heart to heart 15

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH c g i i Epi d l i i l x U i rn W Sh ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad Hear O Israel the Eternal is our God the Eternal is One c r e m lFr l FzEk ln cFa M m W KEx A Baruch sheim k vod malchuto l olam va ed Blessed is God s glorious majesty forever and ever PLEASE BE SEATED 16

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH zad e V ahavta V ahavta et Adonai Elohecha b chol l vavcha uv chol nafsh cha uv chol m odecha V hayu had varim ha eileh asher anochi m tzav cha hayom al l vavecha V shinantam l vanecha v dibarta bam b shivt cha b veitecha uv lecht cha vaderech uv shochb cha uv kumecha Uk shartam l ot al yadecha v hayu l totafot bein einecha Uch tavtam al m zuzot beitecha uvish arecha L maan tizk ru vaasitem et kol mitzvotai vih yitem k doshim l Eloheichem Ani Adonai Eloheichem asher hotzeiti etchem mei eretz Mitzrayim lih yot lachem l Eilohim ani Adonai Eloheichem Li d l i i z Y a d e L Wt p l ka E L a a l l kA mix aC d Ei de L c n l ka E L Ev n i k p x W d N d m Y p PW e L a a l l r mFI d L Ya W A m A Y x Ac e Li pa l Kx C a L Yk la E L zi aA L n Ew aE L Ak W a E Lc i l r zF l m Yx Ww E Li pi r oi A z th hl Ei de L zi A zFf fn l r m Ya z k E Lix rW a E l M z m zi U r e Ex M fY o rn l mi y cw m zi id e i zF vn m ki d l i i i p m k i d l l ux n m kz i z vFd x W mi d l l m k l zFi d l m ix vn m ki d l i i i p And you shall love Adonai your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might And there shall be these words which I command you today upon your heart And you shall teach them diligently to your children and you shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates In order that you may remember and do all my commandments and you shall be holy to your God I am Adonai your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt to be your God I am Adonai your God Deuteronomy 6 5 9 Numbers 15 40 41 17

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH dle b G ulah Redemption m Iw e z f l M d pEn e z n oi e Epi d l i i Ed i M Epi l r FO r l x U i Ep g p e Fz lEf Emet ve emunah kol zot v kayam aleinu ki hu Adonai Eloheinu v ein zulato vaanachnu Yisrael amo I the Eternal have called you to righteousness and taken you by the hand and kept you I have made you a covenant people a light to the nations We are Israel witness to the covenant between God and God s children This is the covenant I make with Israel I will place My Torah in your midst and write it upon your hearts I will be your God and you will be My people We are Israel our Torah forbids the worship of race or nation possessions or power Hate evil and love what is good Let justice well up as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream We are Israel schooled in the suffering of the oppressed You shall not oppress your neighbors nor rob them You shall not stand idle while your neighbor bleeds We are Israel taught to beat swords into plowshares commanded to pursue peace Violence shall no longer be heard in your land desolation and destruction within your borders All your children shall be taught of the Eternal and great shall be the peace of your children We are Israel O God when we are witnesses to Your will and messengers of Your truth You are My witnesses says the Eternal and My servant whom I have chosen know Me therefore and put your trust in Me We are Israel O God when we proclaim You the God of freedom as did our ancestors on the shores of the sea 18

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH dknk in Mi Chamochah Song of the Sea i i mi l A d k n k i n Wc T A xC p d k n M i n l t d U r z Ni dz xFp Mi chamochah ba eilim Adonai Mi kamochah nedar bakodesh nora t hilot oseih fele Malchut cha ra u vanecha bokei a yam lifnei Moshe zeh Eli anu v amru Adonai yimloch l olam va ed rwFA Li pa E x L zEk ln Ep r i l d f d Wn i pt l m i c r e m lFr l KFl n i i i Ex n e i i dc t i M x n pe w fg c In Fl bE a w r i z EP O n l x U i l B i i d Y KEx A V ne emar Ki fadah Adonai et Yaakov ug alo miyad chazak mimenu Baruch atah Adonai gaal Yisrael Who is like You Eternal One among the gods that are worshipped Who is like You majestic in holiness awesome in splendor doing wonders Your children witnessed Your sovereignty the sea splitting before Moses and Miriam This is our God they cried Adonai will reign forever and ever Thus it is said Adonai redeemed Jacob from a hand stronger than his own Praised are You Adonai for redeeming Israel 19

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH epaikyd Hashkiveinu For the Night Epi d l i i Ep a i MW d l shalom v haamideinu malkeinu Ep M l n Epci n rd e mFl Wl l chayim ufros aleinu sukat z Mq Epi l r UFx tE mi Ig l sh lomecha v takneinu b eitzah tovah d aFh d v rA Ep pT z e L n Fl W milfanecha v hoshi einu l maan o rn l Ep ri WFd e Li pt N n sh mecha Ushmor tzeiteinu uvo einu Ep FaE Ep z v xFn WE L n W l chayim ul shalom mei atah v ad c re d Y rn mFl Wl E mi Ig l olam Ufros aleinu sukat sh lomecha L n Fl W z Mq Epi l r UFx tE m lFr Baruch atah Adonai haporeis sukat z Mq UxFR d i i d Y KEx A shalom aleinu v al kol amo FO r l M l re Epi l r mFl W Yisrael v al Y rushalayim m i lW Ex i l re l x U i Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu Grant O God that we lie down in peace and raise us up our Guardian to life renewed Spread over us the shelter of Your peace Guide us with Your good counsel for Your Name s sake be our help Shield and shelter us beneath the shadow of Your wings Defend us against enemies illness war famine and sorrow Distance us from wrongdoing For You God watch over us and deliver us For You God are gracious and merciful Guard our going and coming to life and to peace evermore Blessed are You Eternal One Guardian of Israel c r l l x U i FO r x nFW i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai Shomer amo Yisrael laad Blessed are You Eternal One Guardian of Israel 20

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH ON SHABBAT exnye V shamru l x U i i pa Ex nW e z AX d z zFU r l z AX d z oi aE i pi A m lFr zix A m z x cl m l rl i d zF l x U i i pA i i d U r mi n i z WW i M ux d z e m in X d z W t p I e z aW i ri aX d mFI aE V shamru v nei Yisrael et HaShabbat laasot et HaShabbat l dorotam b rit olam Beini uvein b nei Yisrael ot hi l olam ki sheishet yamim asah Adonai et hashamayim v et haaretz uvayom hashvi i shavat vayinafash The people Israel shall keep Shabbat observing it throughout the ages as a covenant for all time On the seventh day God ceased from work and was refreshed Exodus 31 16 17 21

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH yicw ivg Chatzi Kaddish Reader s Kaddish Yitgadal v yitkadash sh mei raba b alma di v ra chirutei v yamlich malchutei b chayeichon uv yomeichon uv chayei d chol beit Yisrael baagala uvizman kariv v imru Amen Ax D nW WC wz ie lC Bz i D zErx k x a iC nl rA oFki nFi aE oFki Ig A D zEk ln Ki ln ie zi A l kc i Ig a E aix w o n fa E l b rA l x U i o n Ex n e Kx an Ax D nW d i In l r i nl rl E m l rl Y hei sh meih raba m varach l alam ul almei almaya x R z ie g AY W ie Kx Az i xC dz ie V pz ie m nFx z ie Wc wC D nW l Nd z ie d N rz ie l Mn l rl E N rl Ed Kix A zg A W Y zxi We zk x A nl rA oxi n C zn g pe o n Ex n e Yitbarach v yishtabach v yitpaar v yitromam v yitnasei v yit hadar v yitaleh v yit halal sh meih d kud sha b rich hu l eila ul eila mikol birchata v shirata tushb chata v nechemata daamiran b alma v imru Amen Exalted and hallowed be God s great name in the world which God created according to plan May God s majesty be revealed in the days of our lifetime and the life of all Israel speedily imminently To which we say Amen Blessed be God s great name to all eternity Blessed praised honored exalted extolled glorified adored and lauded be the name of the Holy Blessed One beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing praise and comfort To which we say Amen PLEASE RISE 22

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH dlitz T filah L z Nd Y ci B i i tE g Yt Y i zt U i p c Adonai s fatai tiftach ufi yagid t hilatecha Eternal God open my lips that my mouth may declare Your praise zedn e zea Avot v Imahot God of All Generations Epi d l i i d Y KEx A Epi zFO e Epi z Fa i d l e w gv i i d l m dx a i d l dx U i d l a w r i i d l e l gx i d l d wax i d l lFc Bd l d d l i d l e oFi l r l xFP de xFA Bd d pFw e mi aFh mic qg l nFB zFa ic qg x kFf e l Md i pa l d lE B i an E zFd O e d ad A Fn W o rn l m di pa Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu v Eilohei avoteinu v imoteinu Elohei Avraham Elohei Yitzchak v Eilohei Yaakov Elohei Sarah Elohei Rivkah Elohei Rachel v Eilohei Leah Ha El hagadol hagibor v hanora El elyon gomeil chasadim tovim v koneih hakol v zocheir chasdei avot v imahot umeivi g ulah liv nei v neihem l maan sh mo b ahavah Blessed are You Adonai our God God of our fathers and mothers God of Abraham God of Isaac and God of Jacob God of Sarah God of Rebecca God of Rachel and God of Leah the great mighty and awesome God transcendent God who bestows lovingkindness creates everything out of love remembers the love of our fathers and mothers and brings redemption to their children s children for the sake of the Divine Name 23

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH mi Ig l Epx k f mi Ig A u tg K ln mi Ig d x t q A Ep a z k e mi Ig mi d l L p rn l Zochreinu l chayim Melech chafeitz bachayim v chotveinu b sefer hachayim l maancha Elohim chayim o bn E ri W FnE x fFr K ln o bn i i d Y KEx A dx U zx f re m dx a Melech ozeir umoshia umagein Baruch atah Adonai magein Avraham v ezrat Sarah Remember us for life O Sovereign who delights in life and inscribe us in the Book of Life for Your sake Living God Sovereign Deliverer Helper and Shield Blessed are You Adonai Sarah s Helper Abraham s Shield zexeab G vurot God s Power Atah gibor l olam Adonai m chayeih hakol meitim atah rav l hoshia Morid hatal M chalkeil chayim b chesed m chayeih hakol meitim b rachamim rabim someich noflim v rofei cholim umatir asurim um kayeim emunato lisheinei afar Mi chamocha baal g vurot umi domeh lach melech meimit um chayeh umatzmiach y shuah Mi chamocha Av harachamim zocheir y tzurav l chayim b rachamim V ne eman atah l hachayot hakol meitim Baruch atah Adonai m chayeih hakol hameitim 24 i p c m lFr l xFA B d Y d Y mi zn l Md d Ig n l hd cixFn ri W Fd l ax c q g A mi Ig l Ml k n mi ng x A mi zn l Md d Ig n tFx e mi lt Fp K nFq mi Ax m Iw n E mixEq xi Yn E mi lFg x t r i pW i l Fz pEn i nE zFxEa B l r A LFn k i n zi nn K ln K N d nFc d rEW i g i n v n E d Ig n E mi ng x d a LFn k i n mi ng x A mi Ig l eixEv i x kFf zFi gd l d Y o n pe mi zn l Md d Ig n i i d Y KEx A mi zn d l Md

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Your might O God is everlasting Help us to use our strength for good and not for evil You are the Source of life and blessing Help us to choose life for ourselves and our children You are the Support of the fallen Help us to lift up the fallen You are the Author of freedom Help us to set free the captive You are our hope in death as in life Help us to keep faith with those who sleep in the dust Your might O God is everlasting Help us to use our strength for good mi zO d l Md d Ig n i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai m chayeih hakol hameitim Blessed are You Adonai who gives life to all beings myd zyecw K dushat HaShem God s Holiness WFc w L nW e WFc w d Y LEl ld i mFi l kA mi WFc wE d l Q Atah kadosh v shimcha kadosh uk doshim b chol yom y hal lucha selah You are holy Your Name is Holy and those who are holy praise You every day PLEASE BE SEATED 25

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH okae Uv chein Grant Honor to Your People i i cFa M o Y o ka E Li xi l d Nd Y L O rl d R oFg zt E Li WxFc l d ew z e d gn U K l mi lg in l Kxi rl oFU Ue L v x l i ay ei l kl ox w z gi nv E l az Uv chein tein kavod Adonai l amecha t hilah lirei echa v tikvah l dorshecha ufitchon peh lam yachalim lach simcha l artzecha v sason l irecha utzmichat keren l chol yoshvei teiveil E x i mi wiC v o ka E Ef l r i mix Wi e Eg n U ie Eli b i d Px A mici qg e Uv chein tzadikim yir u v yismachu visharim yaalozu vachasidim b rina yagilu Grant honor to Your people God Grant glory to those who revere You Grant hope to those who seek You and courage to those who trust You bless Your land with gladness and Your city with joy and cause the light of redemption to dawn for all who dwell on earth Then the just shall see and exult the upright be glad and the faithful sing for joy WFc wd K lO d i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai HaMelech haKadosh Blessed are You Adonai the holy Sovereign 26

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH meid zyecw K dushat Hayom Holiness of the Day mi O rd l Mn Ep Y x ga d Y Ep A z i v x e Ep zF Y a d zFpFW Nd l Mn Ep Y n n Fx e Li z F vn A Ep Y W C we L z cFa r l Ep M l n Ep Y a x we WFc Td e lFc Bd L nW e z x w Epi l r Atah v chartanu mikol haamim ahavta otanu v ratzita banu v romamtanu mikol hal shonot v kidashtanu b mitzvotecha v keiravtanu malkeinu laavodatecha v shimcha hagadol v hakadosh aleinu karata You chose us God not because of our strength or beauty but because of our willingness to accept Torah and the weighty responsibility that comes with it May we do justly love mercy and walk humbly deserving of Your love and favor This is the Season of God This is the Season of Our Humanity What is God s sovereignty What is God s rule It is the rule of Unity by which we sense coherence in the universe It is the Power of relationship relating every image of God to every other image of God and to every facet of nature sunshine and ocean waves heartbeats honeybees the stuff that stars are made of It is the Ultimate Power that governs our lives with wisdom compassion truth and kindness In this Season of God May we breathe new life into the ancient name Melech HaOlam And may the Ruler of the Universe breathe new life into each of us Epi d l i i Ep l o YY e d Gd z AX d mFi z d ad A mFi d Gd oFx M Gd mFi z e Wc w x wn d ad A d rEx Y m ix vn z i vi l x k f Vatiten lanu Adonai Eloheinu b ahavah et Yom haShabbat hazeh v et Yom HaZikaron hazeh Yom T ruah b ahavah mikra kodesh zeicher litziyat Mitzrayim 27

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Eternal our God in Your love You gave us this Shabbat and this Day of Remembrance a day for the shofar s joyful sound cherished in our hearts a day of sacred assembly a day to be mindful of our people s exodus from Egypt Eloheinu v Eilohei avoteinu v imoteinu yaaleh v yavo v yizacheir zichroneinu v zichron kol am cha beit Yisrael l fanecha l tovah l chein l chesed ul rachamim l chayim ul shalom b Yom HaZikaron hazeh Epi z Fa i d l e Epi d l x k G ie a ie d l r i Epi z FOi e zi A L O r l M oFx k fe Ep pFx k f o gl d aFh l Li pt l l x U i mi Ig l mi ng x lE c qg l d Gd oFx M Gd mFi A mFl Wl E Our God and God of all ages be mindful of Your people Israel on this Day of Remembrance and renew in us love and compassion goodness life and peace Epi d l i i Epx k f o n d a eh l eA o n d kx al Fa Epc wt E o n mi Ig l Fa Ep ri WFd e Zochreinu Adonai Eloheinu bo l tovah Amen Ufokdeinu vo livrachah Amen V hoshi einu vo l chayim Amen Eternal our God remember us Amen Be mindful of us Amen And redeem us for a life of goodness and blessing Amen ux d l M l r K ln i i d Y KEx A oFx M Gd mFi e l x U i e z AX d WC wn Baruch atah Adonai Melech al kol haaretz m kadeish HaShabbat v Yisrael v Yom HaZikaron Blessed are You Eternal One whose power pervades all the earth You bring holiness to Shabbat and to the people Israel and to this Day of Remembrance 28

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH dcear Avodah Acceptance of Prayer L O rA Epi d l i i d vx d ad A m z Nt z E l x U i ci nY oFvx l i dz E l Aw z L O r l x U i zcFa r d pR ei x w l kl aFx w l KFt W Ep Pg e Li c a r l d pi fg z e Epi l r L gEx oFI vl L aEW A Epi pi r mi ng x A xi fg O d i i d Y KEx A oFI vl Fz pi kW R tzei Adonai Eloheinu b amcha Yisrael ut filatam b ahavah t kabeil ut hi l ratzon tamid avodat Yisrael amecha El karov l chol korav p nei el avadecha v choneinu sh foch ruchacha aleinu v techezenah eineinu b shuvcha l Tziyon b rachamim Baruch atah Adonai hamachazir Sh chinato l Tziyon Delight O our God in Your people Israel See how our souls mirror Your presence Let our yearnings be as words of praise and our strivings as works of love Shower us with compassion as we reach out Ever returning God keep watch over us and over Zion oFI vl Fz pi kW xi fg O d i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai hamachazir Sh chinato l Tziyon Blessed are You Adonai whose Presence returns to Zion 29

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH d ced Hodaah Thanksgiving d Y W K l Ep g p micFn i d l e Epi d l i i Ed c r e m lFr l Epi zFn e Epi z Fa Ep rW i o bn Epi Ig xEv xFc e xFc l Ed d Y Modim anachnu lach shaatah hu Adonai Eloheinu v Eilohei avoteinu v imoteinu l olam va ed Tzur chayeinu magein yisheinu atah hu l dor vador For the blessings which You lavish upon us in forest and sea in mountain and meadow in rain and sun we thank You For the blessings You implant within us joy and peace meditation and laughter we are grateful to You For the blessings of friendship and love of family and community For the blessings we ask of You and for those we cannot ask For the blessings You bestow upon us openly and those You give us in secret For all these blessings Eternal One we thank You and are grateful to You For all these blessings we recognize and those we fail to recognize For the blessings of our tradition and of our holy days For the blessings of return and forgiveness of memory of vision and of hope For all these blessings which surround us on every side Eternal One hear our thanks and accept our gratitude zFcFd l d p L lE L nW aFH d i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai hatov shimcha ul cha na eh l hodot Blessed are You Adonai whose goodness deserves thanks and praise 30

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH mely zkxa Birkat Shalom Blessing for Peace L n r l x U i l r ax mFl W K ln Ed d Y i M m lFr l mi UY mFl Xd l kl oFc L O r z Kx al Li pi rA aFh e d rW l ka E z r l kA l x U i L nFl WA mFl We d kx A mI Ig x t q A x k G p d aFh d q px tE Ep g p Li pt l a zM pe l x U i zi A L O r l ke mFl Wl E mi aFh mI Ig l Shalom rav al Yisrael amcha tasim l olam ki atah hu Melech adon l chol hashalom V tov b einecha l vareich et amcha Yisrael b chol eit uv chol shaah bish lomecha B seifer chayim b racha v shalom ufarnasah tovah nizacheir v nikateiv l fanecha anachnu v chol amcha beit Yisrael l chayim tovim ul shalom Grant us peace Your most precious gift O Eternal Source of peace and give us the will to proclaim its message to all the peoples of the earth Bless our country that it may always be a stronghold of peace and its advocate among the nations May contentment reign within its borders health and happiness within its homes Strengthen the bonds of friendship among the inhabitants of all lands and may the love of Your name hallow every home and every heart Teach us O God to labor for righteousness and inscribe us in the Book of Life Blessing and Peace Blessed is the Eternal God the Source of peace mFl Xd d UFr i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai oseih hashalom Blessed are You Adonai Eternal Source of Peace WE PRAY SILENTLY 31

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Interpretive Un taneh Tokef Let us ask ourselves hard questions For this is the time for truth How much time did we waste In the year that is now gone Did we fill our days with life Or were they dull and empty Was there love inside our home Or was the affectionate word left unsaid Was there a real companionship with our children Or was there a living together and a growing apart Were we a help to our mates Or did we take them for granted How was it with our friends Were we there when they needed us or not The kind deed did we perform it or postpone it The unnecessary gibe did we say it or hold it back Did we live by false values Did we deceive others Did we deceive ourselves Were we sensitive to the rights and feelings Of those who worked for us Did we acquire only possessions Or did we acquire new insights as well Did we fear what the crowd would say And keep quiet when we should have spoken out Did we mind only our own business Or did we feel the heartbreak of others Did we live right And if not Then have we learned and will we change vvv 32

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Some Old Thoughts for the New Year Others can live without us but we cannot live without others We cannot be happy unless we are useful It is great to be loved it is even greater to love When we improve ourselves we make a most vital contribution to the improvement of humanity In morals as in mathematics a straight line is the shortest distance between two points We may declare time to be an enemy when in fact time is our most faithful friend How do you spend yours It is no less important to cultivate the ability to forget than it is to develop the power to remember The true measure of a person s size is their ability to make others feel large The indispensible requirement for mastering life is mastering ourselves We learn to live when we learn to give vvv 33

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH xevp idel Elohai N tzor i zt U E rx n i pFW l xFv p i d l i ll w n l e d nx n x AC n l M l x t rM i Wt pe m Cz i Wt p L z xFz A i Al g zR d id Y i Ut p sFCx Y Li z Fv na E d rx i l r mi ay Fg d l ke l wl w e m zv r x td dx dn o rn l d U r m Ya W g n L pi n i o rn l d U r L n W d U r L z X c w o rn l d U r o rn l L z xFY o rn l d ri W Fd L ci c i oEv lg i i p p r e L pi n i Elohai n tzor l shoni meira us fatai midabeir mirmah v limkal lai nafshi tidom v nafshi ke afar lakol tih yeh P tach libi b Toratecha uv mitzvotecha tirdof nafshi V chol hachoshvim alai raah m heirah hafeir atzatam v kalkeil machashavtam Aseih l maan sh mecha aseih l maan y minecha aseih l maan k dushatecha aseih l maan Toratecha L maan yeichaltzun y didecha hoshiah y mincha vaaneini My God guard my speech from evil and my lips from deception Before those who slander me I will hold my tongue I will practice humility Open my heart to Your Torah that I may pursue Your mitzvot As for all who think evil of me cancel their designs and frustrate their schemes Act for your own sake for the sake of Your Power for the sake of Your Holiness for the sake of Your Torah so that Your loved ones may be rescued Save with Your power and answer me oevxl eidi Yih yu L ratzon i t ix n oFvx l Ei d i Li pt l i A l oFi bd e i l Fb e ixEv i i Yih yu l ratzon imrei fi v hegyon libi l fanecha Adonai tzuri v go ali May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You Eternal One my Rock and my Redeemer 34

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH jxay in Mi Sh beirach For Healing Mi shebeirach avoteinu Mi shebeirach imoteinu M kor hab rachah l imoteinu M kor hab rachah laavoteinu May the source of strength Bless those in need of healing Who blessed the ones before us With r fu ah sh leimah Help us find the courage The renewal of body To make our lives a blessing The renewal of spirit And let us say Amen And let us say Amen epkln epia Avinu Malkeinu Our Parent Our Sovereign Avinu Malkeinu Strong was the faith of generations before us In exile they proclaimed enduring hope In the shadow of persecution they affirmed a transcendent love and compassion Ours is a different age less confident and certain more tentative in its trust There are many who say to the works of their hands you are our gods But when our worship centers on our own creations we feel less gratitude more doubt and despair This is the paradox of our spiritual lives we grow smaller in self exaltation nobler when we reach for You On this night of return let us find the humility to come close to You and open ourselves to Your presence For You are absent only when we fail to make room for You in our hearts distant only when we turn away from You Now as others have done before us let us overcome doubt and speak these words of affirmation We call You Avinu as a loving parent forgive our wrongs and failings accept us in our human frailty We call You Malkeinu as Sovereign of our souls help us rise from our brokenness to build a world of shalom To this vision we offer ourselves anew 35

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH PLEASE RISE Ep lFw r nW Ep M l n Epi a Avinu Malkeinu sh ma koleinu Avinu Malkeinu hear our voice Li pt l Ep hg Ep M l n Epi a Avinu Malkeinu chatanu l fanecha Avinu Malkeinu we have sinned before You l re Epi l r lFn g Ep M l n Epi a Ep R h e Ep l lFr Avinu Malkeinu chamol aleinu v al olaleinu v tapeinu Avinu Malkeinu have compassion on us and on our children x aC d NM Ep M l n Epi a Epi l rn a rx e ax g e Avinu Malkeinu kaleih dever v cherev v raav mei aleinu Avinu Malkeinu make an end to sickness war and famine x v l M d NM Ep M l n Epi a Epi l rn oi hU n E Avinu Malkeinu kalei kol tzar u mastin mei aleinu Avinu Malkeinu make an end to all oppression Ep a z M Ep M l n Epi a mi aFh mi Ig x t q A Avinu Malkeinu kotveinu b seifer chayim tovim Avinu Malkeinu inscribe us for blessing in the Book of Life WC g Ep M l n Epi a d aFh d pW Epi l r Avinu Malkeinu chadeish aleinu shanah tovah Avinu Malkeinu let the new year be a good year for us Avinu Malkeinu choneinu vaaneinu ki ein banu maasim aseih imanu tz dakah vachesed v hoshi einu Ep p r e Ep Pg Ep M l n Epi a Ep O r d U r mi U rn Ep A oi i M Ep ri WFd e c q g e d wc v Avinu Malkeinu be gracious and answer us for we have little merit Treat us generously and with kindness and be our help PLEASE BE SEATED 36

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH PLEASE RISE epilr Aleinu Aleinu l shabei ach laadon hakol lateit g dulah l yotzeir b reishit shelo asanu k goyei haaratzot v lo samanu k mishp chot haadamah shelo sam chelkeinu kahem v goraleinu k chol hamonam Vaanachnu kor im umishtachavim umodim lifnei Melech malchei ham lachim HaKadosh Baruch Hu l Md oFc l g A W l Epi l r zi W x A x vFi l d Nc B z z l l e zFvx d i iFb M Ep U r N W d nc d zFg RW n M Ep n U m dM Ep wl g m U N W m pFn d l kM Ep lx be micFnE mi eg Y W n E mi rxFM Ep g p e i kl n j ln i pt l Ed KEx A WFc Td mi k lO d We must praise the God of all the Maker of heaven and earth who has set us apart from the other families of the earth giving us a destiny unique among the nations We therefore bow in awe and thanksgiving before the One who is Sovereign over all the Holy One blessed be God PLEASE BE SEATED We praise the One who gave us life In our rejoicing You are God You are God in our grief In anguish and deliverance alike we praise You in darkness and light we affirm our faith Therefore we bow our heads in reverence before the Eternal God the Holy One the Blessed One Eternal God we face the morrow with hope made stronger by the vision of Your deliverance a world where poverty and war are banished where injustice and hate are gone Teach us more and more to respond to the pain of others to heed Your call for justice to pursue the blessing of peace And grant us wisdom and strength O God that we may bring nearer the day when all the world shall be one On that day the age old dream shall come true On that day O God You shall be One and Your name shall be One 38

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH V ne emar V hayah Adonai l Melech al kol haaretz bayom hahu yih yeh Adonai echad ush mo echad K ln l i i d id e x n pe Ed d mFI A ux d l M l r c g Fn WE c g i i d id i And it has been said The Eternal shall reign over all the earth on that day God shall be One and God s name shall be One mezi yicw The Mourner s Kaddish We turn our thoughts to yesterday to a world that lives only in our memory As we recall the days gone by we know the past is irretrievable Yet through the gift of memory we recapture treasured moments and images We are thankful for the happiness we knew with those no longer here with whom we lived and laughed and loved We praise the Eternal wellspring of life who links yesterday to tomorrow We affirm that despite all the tragedy bound up with living it is still good to be alive We understand that there can be no love without loss no joy without sorrow May we have the courage to accept the all of life the love and the loss the joy and the sorrow as we remember them 39

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH Ax D nW WC wz ie lC Bz i D zErx k x a iC nl rA oFki Ig A D zEk ln Ki ln ie zi A l kc i Ig a E oFki nFi aE aix w o n fa E l b rA l x U i o n Ex n e Yitgadal v yitkadash sh meih raba B alma di v ra chirutei v yamlich malchutei b chayeichon uv yomeichon uv chayei d chol beit Yisrael baagala uvizman kariv V imru Amen Kx an Ax D nW d i In l r i nl rl E m l rl x R z ie g AY W ie Kx Az i xC dz ie V pz ie m nFx z ie D nW l Nd z ie d N rz ie Ed Kix A Wc wC zxi We zk x A l M o n N rl oxi n C zn g pe zg A W Y o n Ex n e nl rA Y hei sh meih raba m varach l alam ul almei almaya Yitbarach v yishtabach v yitpaar v yitromam v yitnasei v yit hadar v yitaleh v yit halal sh meih d Kud sha B rich Hu l eila min kol birchata v shirata tushb chata v nechemata daamiran b alma V imru Amen In W o n Ax n lW d i l x U i l M l re Epi l r mi Ig e o n Ex n e Y hei sh lama raba min sh maya v chayim aleinu v al kol Yisrael V imru Amen ei nFx nA mFl y d yFr l M l re Epi l r mFl y d y r i Ed o n Ex n e l x y i Oseh shalom bimromav Hu yaaseh shalom aleinu v al kol Yisrael V imru Amen May the Source of peace send peace to all who mourn and comfort to all who are bereaved And let us say Amen 40

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EREV ROSH HASHANAH mler oec Adon Olam K ln x W m lFr oFc x a p xi v i l M mx h A l M Fv tg a d U r p z rl x w p Fn W K ln i f Adon olam asher malach b terem kol y tzir nivra L eit naasah v cheftzo kol azai Melech sh mo nikra l Md zFl kM ix g e xFp KFl n i FC al d e d Ed e d id Ed e dx t z A d id i Ed e V acharei kichlot hakol l vado yimloch nora V hu hayah v hu hoveh v hu yih yeh b tifarah i pW oi e c g Ed e dxi A g d l Fl li Wn d l zi lk z i lA zi W x i lA dx UO d e f rd Fl e V hu echad v ein sheini l hamshil lo l hachbirah B li reishit b li tachlit v lo ha oz v hamisrah i l B i ge i l Ed e dx v z rA i la g xEv e i l qFp nE i Q p Ed e x w mFi A i qFM z pn V hu Eli v chai go ali v tzur chevli b eit tzarah V hu nisi umanos li m nat kosi b yom ekra i gEx ci wt Fc iA dxi r e o Wi z rA i z I e B i gEx m re xi l e i l i i B yado afkid ruchi b eit ishan v a irah V im ruchi g viyati Adonai li v lo ira You are our Eternal God who reigned before any being had been created When all was done according to Your will then You were called Ruler And after all ceases to be You alone will rule in majesty You have been are yet and will be in glory And You are One none other can compare to or consort with You You are without beginning without end to You belong power and dominion And You are my God my living Redeemer my Rock in times of trouble and distress You are my standard bearer and my refuge my benefactor when I call on You Into Your hands I entrust my spirit when I sleep and when I wake And with my spirit my body also Adonai is with me and I shall not fear 41

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v Shanah Tovah

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v Kol Nidrei

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KOL NIDREI Silent Readings and Meditations Praying is more than merely reciting words it s about encountering aspects of ourselves we rarely if ever see shifting our perspective and seeing all things anew awakening our spirits and sense of wonder Prayer is about connection with ourselves with a community of other seekers and with Someone or Something beyond ourselves On the High Holy Days in particular our prayer has some additional goals We re trying to remove our protective armor ego self deception rationalization external and internal make up posturing anything that keeps us from seeing ourselves as we really are We re trying to experience both our vulnerability and the true source of our strength And perhaps most importantly we re trying to get past our self judgment and locate a place of gentleness and tenderness that place where we feel deeply loved and valued and where we feel most loving of others Even if just for a moment Rabbi Jan Uhrbach vvv Why is it easier to give others advice but difficult to take it ourselves Changing others is so much easier than changing ourselves Levi Yitzchak wanted to change the world After several years he realized that was too hard so he decided to try to change his own community Several years later that goal became too difficult so he decided to focus on changing his family He finally concluded that the only one he could really change was himself That s the only person we can truly change anyway Traditional source vvv How wonderful it is that no one need wait a single moment to start to improve the world Anne Frank vvv 45

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KOL NIDREI The world is mistaken when it thinks that t shuvah is only repentance for sins True t shuvah is from the expression in Ecclesiastes and the spirit shall return to God T shuvah then is a thirsty soul s longing to connect to its Source With this in mind t shuvah becomes an exciting and joyous experience rather than just one of bitterness and remorse because there is nothing more gratifying than returning to one s true self Simon Jacobson vvv Rabbi Berechya said Before creating Adam God saw that both saints and sinners would be among Adam s descendants God thought If I create Adam I create evil But if I do not create Adam how will justice and righteousness come to be Therefore the Holy One ignored the sinners took hold of mercy and created Adam Gates of Repentance adapted vvv Affirm your faith in yourself Make sure you pray these words every day I believe I am important in God s eyes I believe I can return no matter how far I have strayed I believe I have the inner strength to change I believe that I can become truly devoted and close to God Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav vvv 46

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KOL NIDREI Your fellow human being is a mirror for you If there is love and compassion in your soul you will see the goodness in others If you see a blemish in another it is your own imperfection you encounter Take careful note of the flaws you perceive in others This is a lesson for you they are your own flaws set before you a reminder of your own spiritual work Baal Shem Tov vvv I asked God for strength that I might achieve I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey I asked for health that I might do greater things I was given infirmity that I might do better things I asked for riches that I might be happy I was given poverty that I might be wise I asked for power that I might have the praise of men I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God I asked for all things that I might enjoy life I was given life that I might enjoy all things I got nothing that I asked for but everything I hoped for Almost despite myself my unspoken prayers were answered I am among all men most richly blessed Prayer of an Unkown Soldier vvv daeh dpy Shanah Tovah 47

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KOL NIDREI zexpd zwlcd Hadlakat Haneirot Lighting of the Yom Tov Candles The human spirit is the lamp of God searching out what lies within us Guided by the flame of conscience on this sacred night we search for truth Shine Your light upon us as we strive to serve You may we find safety in Your faithful love We light the flame of healing and forgiveness on this Atonement night we give thanks for love Epi d l i i d Y KEx A Ep W C w x W m lFr d K ln x p wi lc dl Ep Ev e ei zF vn A mFi l W e z AW l W mixER Md Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam asher kid shanu b mitzvotav v tzivanu l hadlik ner shel Shabbat v shel Yom HaKippurim Blessed is the Eternal our God Ruler of the universe who hallows us with mitzvot and commands us to kindle the lights of Shabbat and of the Day of Atonement Yom Kippur the Jewish people s Festival of the Soul and Kol Nidrei its sacred portal a night of deep emotions a night as the Psalmist wrote to rejoice with trembling We rejoice at the sound of Kol Nidrei rhythmic words of release from vows oaths and promises to God we fail to keep We tremble at the melody Music of spiritual amazement it fills us with awe as we stand before God and Torah We rejoice that we stand together strengthened by community in this hour of shared weakness and humility We tremble for tonight we confess our flaws admit our imperfection and acknowledge a Power far beyond our understanding 48

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KOL NIDREI We rejoice that we commit ourselves to great endeavors because we feel so deeply and think so nobly We tremble for we find that our ideals are far greater than our ability our promises surpass our might We rejoice in the freedom that is Kol Nidrei s true gift the freedom to begin a new year without fear of failure to aspire to be God s image in the world We tremble because we are mortal we rejoice in our gratitude for life We rejoice with trembling and enter Kol Nidrei to face our humanity CELLO PLAYS Kol Nidrei a chant that begins in a whisper and rises to a cry On this night of promises remembered each soul in solitude communes with the Soul of the universe God from this Day of Atonement to the next may we reach it in peace all Israel makes these vows to turn from wrong dishonesty and greed to walk the path of the just and the right Yet we know our weakness how prone we are to fail help us to keep our word help us to act with humility and integrity We seek pardon and forgiveness We seek Your radiance and light PLEASE RISE TORAH SCROLLS REMOVED FROM THE ARK 49

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KOL NIDREI rexf xe Or Zarua a l ix W il E wiC S l rx f xF d gn U Or zarua latzadik ul yishrei leiv simchah Light is sown for the righteous and joy for the upright at heart With one voice assembled sages past and present declare All may pray as one on this night of repentance let none be excluded from our community of prayer With one voice God and congregation proclaim All may pray as one on this day of return let all find a place in this sacred assembly I hereby forgive all who have broken faith by harming me physically or materially or by using thoughtless unethical or malicious speech Let no one be punished because of me As I forgive those who have hurt me so let others view me with favor and forgiveness For transgressions against God the Day of Atonement atones but for transgressions of one human being against another the Day of Atonement does not atone until they have made peace with one another 50

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KOL NIDREI ixcp lk Kol Nidrei All Vows i nx g e ix q e ix c p l M i qEP we i iEP ke i n pFw e pr A Y W cE px c pC zFrEa WE l r px q c e pn ix g cE c r d f mixER M mFI n pz y t p d aFh l Epi l r Ad mixER M mFi o ed a ph x gi oFd NM oi wi aW ox W oFd i o ed lM oi lH a n E oi lh A oi zi aW oi n Iw le oixi x W l px q e ix c p l px c p zFrEa W l pz rEa WE ix q l Kol Nidrei ve esarei vacharamei v konamei v chinuyei v kinusei ush vuot dindarna ud isht bana ud acharimna v daasarna al nafshatana MiYom Kipurim zeh ad Yom Kippurim haba aleinu l tovah Kulhon icharatna v hon kulhon y hon sh ran sh vikin sh vitin b teilin um vutalin la sh ririn v la kayamin Nidrana la Nidrei ve esarana la esarei ush vuatana la sh vuot Let our speech be pure and our promises sincere Let our spoken words every vow and every oath be honest and well intentioned Let our words cause no pain bring no harm and never lead to shame distrust or fear And if after honest effort we are unable to fulfill a promise a vow or an oath may we be released from its obligation and forgiven for our failure Let our speech be pure and our promises sincere In the book of Numbers we read All shall be forgiven the entire community of Israel and the stranger who lives in their midst for all have gone astray in error Moses prayed to God As You have been faithful to this people ever since Egypt please forgive their failings now in keeping with Your boundless love Vayomer Adonai Salachti kid varecha Lx ac M i Yg lq i i x n I e And God responded I forgive as you have asked 51

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KOL NIDREI epiigdy Shehecheyanu Blessing for New Beginnings Blessed is the Eternal God Ruler of the universe for giving us life for sustaining us and for enabling us to reach this season Epi d l i i d Y KEx A Ep ig d W m lFr d K ln Ep ri Bd e Ep n Iw e d Gd o n f l Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam shehecheyanu v kiy manu v higi anu lazman hazeh TORAH SCROLLS ARE RETURNED TO THE ARK CONGREGATION REMAINS STANDING dizekxae rny Sh ma and Its Blessings Bar chu et Adonai ham vorach Baruch Adonai ham vorach l olam va ed Kx an d i i z Ekx A c r e m lFr l Kx an d i i KEx A Praised be the One to whom praise is due Praised be the One to whom praise is due now and forever 52

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KOL NIDREI Ma ariv Aravim Creation miaxr aixrn Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Epi d l i i d Y KEx A Fx ac A x W m lFr d K ln g z FR d nk g A mi ax r aix rn mi Y r d PW n d pEa za E mix rW xC qn E mi Pn Gd z si lg n E m di zFx nW n A mi ak FM d z mFi xFA FpFvx M ri w x A K W g i pR n xF l lFB d l i l e xF i pR n K W g e d l i l i an E mFi xi a rn E d l i l oi aE mFi oi A liC an E i g l Fn W zF av i i Epi l r KFl n i ci nY m Iw e c r e m lFr l aix rO d i i d Y KEx A mi ax r Melech haolam asher bidvaro maariv aravim b chochma poteiach sh arim u vitvunah m shaneh itim umachalif et hazmanim um sadeir et hakochavim b mishm roteihem barakia kirtzono Borei yom valailah goleil or mipnei choshech v choshech mipnei or U ma avir yom u meivi lailah u mavdil bein yom u vein lailah Adonai Tz vaot sh mo El chai v kayam tamid yimloch aleinu l olam va ed Baruch atah Adonai hamaariv aravim O God how can we know You Where can we find You You are as close to us as breathing yet You are farther than the farthermost star You are as mysterious as the vast solitudes of night yet as familiar to us as the light of the sun To Moses You said You cannot see My face but I will make all My goodness pass before you Even so does Your goodness pass before us in the realm of nature and in the joys and sorrows of life 53

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KOL NIDREI mler zad Ahavat Olam Revelation l x W i zi A m lFr z ad zF vn E dxFY Ya d L O r Yc O l Ep z F mi hR W n E mi Tg Epi d l i i o M l r g i U p Ep n Ew aE Ep A k W A ix ac A g nU pe Li T g A m lFr l Li z ev n a E L z xFz Kx e Epi Ig m d i M c r e m nFi d Bd p m da E Epi n i xi qY l L za d e d l i l e mi n lFr l EP O n FO r a dF i i d Y KEx A l x U i Ahavat olam beit Yisrael amcha ahavta Torah umitzvot chukim umishpatim otanu limad ta Al kein Adonai Eloheinu b shochbeinu uv kumeinu nasiach b chukecha v nismach b divrei Toratecha uv mitzvotecha l olam va ed Ki heim chayeinu v orech yameinu uvahem neh geh yomam valailah V ahavat cha al tasir mimenu l olamim Baruch atah Adonai oheiv amo Yisrael When justice burns within us like a flaming fire when love evokes willing sacrifice from us when to the last full measure of selfless devotion we demonstrate our belief in the ultimate triumph of truth and righteousness then Your goodness enters our lives and we can begin to change the world and then You live within our hearts and we through righteouness behold your presence 54

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KOL NIDREI c g i i Epi d l i i l x U i rn W Sh ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad Hear O Israel the Eternal is our God the Eternal is One c r e m lFr l FzEk ln cFa M m W KEx A Baruch sheim k vod malchuto l olam va ed Blessed is God s glorious majesty forever and ever PLEASE BE SEATED 55

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KOL NIDREI zad e V ahavta V ahavta et Adonai Elohecha b chol l vavcha uv chol nafsh cha uv chol m odecha V hayu had varim ha eileh asher anochi m tzav cha hayom al l vavecha V shinantam l vanecha v dibarta bam b shivt cha b veitecha uv lecht cha vaderech uv shochb cha uv kumecha Uk shartam l ot al yadecha v hayu l totafot bein einecha Uch tavtam al m zuzot beitecha uvish arecha L maan tizk ru vaasitem et kol mitzvotai vih yitem k doshim l Eloheichem Ani Adonai Eloheichem asher hotzeiti etchem mei eretz Mitzrayim lih yot lachem l Eilohim ani Adonai Eloheichem Li d l i i z Y a d e L Wt p l ka E L a a l l kA mix aC d Ei de L c n l ka E L Ev n i k p x W d N d m Y p PW e L a a l l r mFI d L Ya W A m A Y x Ac e Li pa l Kx C a L Yk la E L zi aA L n Ew aE L Ak W a E Lc i l r zF l m Yx Ww E Li pi r oi A z th hl Ei de L zi A zFf fn l r m Ya z k E Lix rW a E l M z m zi U r e Ex M fY o rn l mi y cw m zi id e i zF vn m ki d l i i i p m k i d l l ux n m kz i z vFd x W mi d l l m k l zFi d l m ix vn m ki d l i i i p And you shall love Adonai your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might And there shall be these words which I command you today upon your heart And you shall teach them diligently to your children and you shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates In order that you may remember and do all my commandments and you shall be holy to your God I am Adonai your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt to be your God I am Adonai your God Deuteromomy 6 5 9 Numbers 15 40 41 56

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KOL NIDREI dle b G ulah Redemption m Iw e z f l M d pEn e z n oi e Epi d l i i Ed i M Epi l r FO r l x U i Ep g p e Fz lEf Emet ve emunah kol zot v kayam aleinu ki hu Adonai Eloheinu v ein zulato vaanachnu Yisrael amo These words are true You make our lives difficult You chase us with Your commands You force us to choose between life and death between slavery and freedom We must learn to listen or succumb to anguish and despair to the death of the spirit But you do not abandon us You give us the courage to enter our struggles to wrestle with the Pharaohs in our hearts and the Pharaohs in the world and to slowly free ourselves from bondage 57

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KOL NIDREI dknk in Mi Chamochah Song of the Sea i i mi l A d k n k i n Wc T A xC p d k n M i n l t d U r z Ni dz xFp Mi chamochah ba eilim Adonai Mi kamochah nedar bakodesh nora t hilot oseih fele Malchut cha ra u vanecha bokei a yam lifnei Moshe zeh Eli anu v amru Adonai yimloch l olam va ed rwFA Li pa E x L zEk ln i l d f d Wn i pt l m i m lFr l KFl n i i i Ex n e Ep r c r e i i dc t i M x n pe w fg c In Fl bE a w r i z EP O n l x U i l B i i d Y KEx A V ne emar Ki fadah Adonai et Yaakov ug alo miyad chazak mimenu Baruch atah Adonai gaal Yisrael Who is like You Eternal One among the gods that are worshipped Who is like You majestic in holiness awesome in splendor doing wonders Your children witnessed Your sovereignty the sea splitting before Moses and Miriam This is our God they cried Adonai will reign forever and ever Thus it is said Adonai redeemed Jacob from a hand stronger than his own Praised are You Adonai for redeeming Israel 58

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KOL NIDREI Hashkiveinu For the Night epaikyd Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu Epi d l i i Ep a i MW d Ep M l n Epci n rd e mFl Wl z Mq Epi l r UFx tE mi Ig l d v rA Ep pT z e L n Fl W Ep ri WFd e Li pt N n d aFh L n W o rn l Ep FaE Ep z v xFn WE c re d Y rn mFl Wl E mi Ig l z Mq Epi l r UFx tE m lFr L n Fl W UxFR d i i d Y KEx A FO r l M l re Epi l r mFl W z Mq m i lW Ex i l re l x U i l shalom v haamideinu malkeinu l chayim ufros aleinu sukat sh lomecha v takneinu b eitzah tovah milfanecha v hoshi einu l maan sh mecha Ushmor tzeiteinu uvo einu l chayim ul shalom mei atah v ad olam ufros aleinu sukat sh lomecha Baruch atah Adonai haporeis sukat shalom aleinu v al kol amo Yisrael v al Y rushalayim Let there be love and understanding among us Let peace and friendship be our shelter from life s storms Adonai help us to walk with good companions to live with hope in our hearts and eternity in our thoughts that we may lie down in peace and rise up waiting to do Your will Blessed are You Adonai who spreads a shelter of peace over us over all Your people and over Jerusalem Epi l r mFl W z Mq UxFR d i i d Y KEx A m i lW Ex i l re l x U i FO r l M l re Baruch atah Adonai haporeis sukat shalom aleinu v al kol amo Yisrael v al Y rushalayim Blessed are You Adonai who spreads a shelter of peace over us over all Your people and over Jerusalem 59

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KOL NIDREI ON SHABBAT exnye V shamru V shamru v nei Yisrael et HaShabbat laasot et HaShabbat l dorotam b rit olam Beini uvein b nei Yisrael ot hi l olam ki sheishet yamim asah Adonai et hashamayim v et haaretz uvayom hashvi i shavat vayinafash z AX d z l x U i i pa Ex nW e zix A m z x cl z AX d z zFU r l zF l x U i i pA oi aE i pi A m lFr d U r mi n i z WW i M m l rl i d ux d z e m in X d z i i W t p I e z aW i ri aX d mFI aE The people Israel shall keep Shabbat observing it throughout the ages as a covenant for all time On the seventh day God ceased from work and was refreshed Exodus 31 16 17 60

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KOL NIDREI yicw ivg Chatzi Kaddish Reader s Kaddish Ax D nW WC wz ie lC Bz i D zErx k x a iC nl rA oFki Ig A D zEk ln Ki ln ie zi A l kc i Ig a E oFki nFi aE aix w o n fa E l b rA l x U i o n Ex n e Yitgadal v yitkadash sh mei raba b alma di v ra chirutei v yamlich malchutei b chayeichon uv yomeichon uv chayei d chol beit Yisrael baagala uvizman kariv v imru Amen m l rl Kx an Ax D nW d i In l r i nl rl E Y hei sh meih raba m varach l alam ul almei almaya x R z ie g AY W ie Kx Az i xC dz ie V pz ie m nFx z ie D nW l Nd z ie d N rz ie l rl E N rl Ed Kix A Wc wC zxi We zk x A l Mn oxi n C zn g pe zg A W Y o n Ex n e nl rA Yitbarach v yishtabach v yitpaar v yitromam v yitnasei v yit hadar v yitaleh v yit halal sh meih d kud sha b rich hu l eila ul eila mikol birchata v shirata tushb chata v nechemata daamiran b alma v imru Amen Exalted and hallowed be God s great name in the world which God created according to plan May God s majesty be revealed in the days of our lifetime and the life of all Israel speedily imminently To which we say Amen Blessed be God s great name to all eternity Blessed praised honored exalted extolled glorified adored and lauded be the name of the Holy Blessed One beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing praise and comfort To which we say Amen PLEASE RISE 61

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KOL NIDREI dlitz T filah L z Nd Y ci B i i tE g Yt Y i zt U i p c Adonai s fatai tiftach ufi yagid t hilatecha Eternal God open my lips that my mouth may declare Your praise zedn e zea Avot v Imahot God of All Generations Epi d l i i d Y KEx A Epi zFO e Epi z Fa i d l e w gv i i d l m dx a i d l dx U i d l a w r i i d l e l gx i d l d wax i d l lFc Bd l d d l i d l e oFi l r l xFP de xFA Bd d pFw e mi aFh mic qg l nFB zFa ic qg x kFf e l Md i pa l d lE B i an E zFd O e d ad A Fn W o rn l m di pa Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu v Eilohei avoteinu v imoteinu Elohei Avraham Elohei Yitzchak v Eilohei Yaakov Elohei Sarah Elohei Rivkah Elohei Rachel v Eilohei Leah Ha El hagadol hagibor v hanora El elyon gomeil chasadim tovim v koneih hakol v zocheir chasdei avot v imahot umeivi g ulah liv nei v neihem l maan sh mo b ahavah Blessed are You Adonai our God God of our fathers and mothers God of Abraham God of Isaac and God of Jacob God of Sarah God of Rebecca God of Rachel and God of Leah the great mighty and awesome God transcendent God who bestows lovingkindness creates everything out of love remembers the love of our fathers and mothers and brings redemption to their children s children for the sake of the Divine Name 62

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KOL NIDREI mi Ig l Epx k f mi Ig A u tg K ln mi Ig d x t q A Ep a z k e mi Ig mi d l L p rn l Zochreinu l chayim Melech chafeitz bachayim v chotveinu b sefer hachayim l maancha Elohim chayim o bn E ri W FnE x fFr K ln o bn i i d Y KEx A dx U zx f re m dx a Melech ozeir umoshia umagein Baruch atah Adonai magein Avraham v ezrat Sarah Remember us for life O Sovereign who delights in life and inscribe us in the Book of Life for Your sake Living God Sovereign Deliverer Helper and Shield Blessed are You Adonai Sarah s Helper Abraham s Shield zexeab G vurot God s Power Atah gibor l olam Adonai m chayeih hakol meitim atah rav l hoshia Morid hatal M chalkeil chayim b chesed m chayeih hakol meitim b rachamim rabim someich noflim v rofei cholim umatir asurim um kayeim emunato lisheinei afar Mi chamocha baal g vurot umi domeh lach melech meimit um chayeh umatzmiach y shuah Mi chamocha Av harachamim zocheir y tzurav l chayim b rachamim V ne eman atah l hachayot hakol meitim Baruch atah Adonai m chayeih hakol hameitim 63 i p c m lFr l xFA B d Y d Y mi zn l Md d Ig n l hd cixFn ri W Fd l ax c q g A mi Ig l Ml k n mi ng x A mi zn l Md d Ig n tFx e mi lt Fp K nFq mi Ax m Iw n E mixEq xi Yn E mi lFg x t r i pW i l Fz pEn i nE zFxEa B l r A LFn k i n zi nn K ln K N d nFc d rEW i g i n v n E d Ig n E mi ng x d a LFn k i n mi ng x A mi Ig l eixEv i x kFf zFi gd l d Y o n pe mi zn l Md d Ig n i i d Y KEx A mi zn d l Md

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KOL NIDREI Our God and God of our mothers God of Sarah Rebekah Leah and Rachel Deborah Hannah and Ruth a heritage has come down to us Our God and God of our fathers God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Amos Isaiah and Micah a heritage has come down to us along all the paths our people have traveled Our ancestors rejected the gods indifferent to goodness They found the One wherein all people can unite in justice and in love A heritage of faith has come down to us When knowledge was the secret lore of the elite our sages opened their doors to all who sought understanding A heritage of learning has come down to us In a world where the weak were tormented by oppressors Torah taught us to love the poor and the stranger A heritage of justice has come down to us Wherever the sword was sovereign our ancestors were commanded to seek peace and pursue it A heritage of peace has come down to us And this now is ours Ours the teaching ours the task to make the heritage live A heritage has come down to us It is our life and the length of our days mi zO d l Md d Ig n i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai m chayeih hakol hameitim Blessed are You Adonai who gives life to all beings 64

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KOL NIDREI myd zyecw K dushat HaShem God s Holiness WFc w L nW e WFc w d Y LEl ld i mFi l kA mi WFc wE d l Q K lO d i i d Y KEx A WFc wd Atah kadosh v shimcha kadosh uk doshim b chol yom y hal lucha selah Baruch atah Adonai haMelech hakadosh You are holy Your Name is Holy and those who are holy praise You every day Blessed are You Eternal the Holy Sovereign PLEASE BE SEATED God is holy How do we sense this holiness Through Awe In Your holiness give all creation the gift of awe Turn our fear to reverence let us be witnesses of wonder perceiving all nature as a prayer come alive We bow to the sovereignty of Your strength the primacy of Your power We yearn for connection with all that lives doing Your will with wholeness of heart Awe inspiring is Your creation all encompassing Your transcendant Name God is holy How do we sense this holiness Through Honor In Your holiness give Your people the gift of honor Bless with praise those who praise You Bless with hope those who seek You Give Your believers a basis for faith true happiness for the Land of Israel true joy in Jerusalem 65

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KOL NIDREI May the sparks of David Your servant soon grow bright enough for us to see a beam of light in the darkness a promise of perfection God is holy How do we sense this holiness Through Righteousness In Your holiness give the righteous the gift of a vision bright with joy a world where evil has no voice and the rule of malevolence fades like wisps of smoke Good people everywhere will celebrate the stunning sight of arrogance gone from the earth WFc wd K lO d i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai HaMelech HaKadosh Blessed are You Eternal the Holy Sovereign meid zyecw K dushat Hayom Holiness of the Day Atah v chartanu mikol haamim ahavta otanu v ratzita banu v romamtanu mikol hal shonot v kidashtanu b mitzvotecha v keiravtanu malkeinu laavodatecha v shimcha hagadol v hakadosh aleinu karata 66 mi O rd l Mn Ep Y x ga d Y Ep A z i v x e Ep zF Y a d zFpFW Nd l Mn Ep Y n n Fx e Li z F vn A Ep Y W C we L z cFa r l Ep M l n Ep Y a x we WFc Td e lFc Bd L nW e z x w Epi l r

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KOL NIDREI On this night of Atonement grant us God A sense of Your presence as we call upon Your Name Speak Your hopeful message to each yearning heart And answer the worthy petitions of each searching soul Purify and strengthen our noble strivings And cleanse us of all our unworthy desires Join us together in fellowship and in love And grant us the joy which comes from enriching other lives Help us to be loyal to the heritage we share Draw us near to Torah in wisdom and in faith Strengthen our devotion to our people everywhere Keep alive our faith in righteousness and truth Bless us with the hopes to uplift our daily lives And keep steadfast our courage and our resolve at all times On this night of Atonement help us God To be worthy of Your presence as we call upon Your Name Epi d l i i Ep l o YY e d Gd z AX d mFi z d ad A mFi z e d gEp n le d Xc wl d li gn l d Gd mixER Md FA l gn le dx Rk l E d gi lq le d ad A Epi z FpF r l M z z i vi l x k f Wc w x wn m ix vn Vatiten lanu Adonai Eloheinu b ahavah et Yom HaShabbat hazeh likdushah v limnuchah v et Yom HaKippurim hazeh limchilah v lislichah ulchaparah v limchol bo et kol avonoteinu b ahavah mikra kodesh zeicher litziat Mitzrayim In Your love Eternal our God You have given us this Shabbat for holiness and rest and this Yom Kippur a day on which our wrongs are forgiven with love a day of sacred assembly a day to be mindful of our people s going out from Egypt 67

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KOL NIDREI Eloheinu v Eilohei avoteinu v imoteinu yaaleh v yavo v yagi a v yeira eh v yeiratzeh v yishama v yipakeid v yizacheir zichroneinu ufikdoneinu v zichron avoteinu v imoteinu v zichron Y rushalayim ir kodshecha v zichron kol am cha beit Yisrael l fanecha lifleitah l tovah l chein ulchesed ulrachamim l chayim ulshalom b Yom HaKippurim hazeh Epi z Fa i d l e Epi d l a ie d l r i Epi z FO e d vx ie d x ie ri B ie x k G ie c wR ie r nX ie oFx k fe Ep pFc wt E Ep pFx k f oFx k fe Epi z FO e Epi z Fa L W c w xi r m i lW Ex i l x U i zi A L O r l M oFx k fe o gl d aFh l d hi lt l Li pt l mi Ig l mi ng x lE c qg l E d Gd mixERi Md mFi A mFl Wl E Our God and God of generations before us may we be remembered for safety well being and favor for love and compassion for life and for peace on this Day of Atonement Epi d l i i Epx k f o n d a eh l eA o n d kx al Fa Epc wt E o n mi Ig l Fa Ep ri WFd e Zochreinu Adonai Eloheinu bo l tovah Amen Ufokdeinu vo livrachah Amen V hoshi einu vo l chayim Amen Eternal our God remember us Amen Be mindful of us Amen And redeem us for a life of goodness and blessing Amen 68

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KOL NIDREI i i d Y KEx A g l Fq e l gFn K ln zi A FO r zFpF r le Epi z FpF r l Epi z Fn W xi a rn E l xW i l r K ln d pW e d pW l kA z AX d WC wn ux d l M mixERi Md mFi e l x U i e Baruch atah Adonai Melech mocheil v solei ach laavonoteinu v laavonot amo beit Yisrael umaavir ashmoteinu b chol shanah v shanah Melech al kol haaretz m kadeish HaShabbat v Yisrael v Yom HaKippurim Blessed are You Eternal One who forgives our failings and pardons the failings of Your people the House of Israel You banish our guilt from year to year You reign in majesty over all the earth You sanctify Shabbat and the people Israel and the Day of Atonement dcear Avodah Acceptance of Prayer L O rA Epi d l i i d vx l Aw z d ad A m z Nt z E l x U i l x U i zcFa r ci nY oFvx l i dz E L O r l d pR ei x w l kl aFx w l KFt W Ep Pg e Li c a r d pi fg z e Epi l r L gEx oFI vl L aEW A Epi pi r mi ng x A xi fg O d i i d Y KEx A oFI vl Fz pi kW R tzei Adonai Eloheinu b amcha Yisrael ut filatam b ahavah t kabeil ut hi l ratzon tamid avodat Yisrael amecha El karov l chol korav p nei el avadecha v choneinu sh foch ruchacha aleinu v techezenah eineinu b shuvcha l Tziyon b rachamim Baruch atah Adonai hamachazir Sh chinato l Tziyon 69

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KOL NIDREI For what do I pray For health For happiness For wealth or fame Who can say what will befall me I do what I do in pursuit of what I desire But only the hunt is mine The victory is in other hands I pray for nothing For I am nothing My desires are not Yours My needs are not Yours Perhaps not even mine I try simply to stand and be present For that is all I can do Stand and be present Present to You and what You bring this moment and this moment again All there is is You Time and eternity self and other all You So I pray to pray I pray to be aware of the Being that is All and nothing here and there now and forever oFI vl Fz pi kW xi fg O d i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai hamachazir Sh chinato l Tziyon Blessed are You Eternal One whose essence dwells in Zion 70

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KOL NIDREI d ced Hodaah Thanksgiving Ed d Y W K l Ep g p micFn Epi z Fa i d l e Epi d l i i xEv c r e m lFr l Epi zFn e Ep rW i o bn Epi Ig xFc e xFc l Ed d Y Modim anachnu lach sha atah hu Adonai Eloheinu v Eilohei avoteinu v imoteinu l olam va ed Tzur chayeinu magein yisheinu atah hu l dor vador God of all generations may the rest and quiet of this hour of worship refresh our inner life and bring us tranquility May we find contentment and peace our desire for possessions abated our hope for advantage subdued But let us not be content O God when others go hungry or be serene while some lack their daily bread Teach us to give thanks for what we have by sharing it with those who are in need Then shall our lives be called good and our names remembered for blessing zFcFd l d p L lE L nW aFH d i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai hatov shimcha ul cha na eh l hodot Blessed are You Adonai whose Name is worthy of thanksgiving 71

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KOL NIDREI mely zkxa Birkat Shalom Blessing for Peace L n r l x U i l r ax mFl W Ed d Y i M m lFr l mi UY mFl Xd l kl oFc K ln L O r z Kx al Li pi rA aFh e d rW l ka E z r l kA l x U i L nFl WA mFl We d kx A mI Ig x t q A x k G p d aFh d q px tE Ep g p Li pt l a zM pe l x U i zi A L O r l ke mFl Wl E mi aFh mI Ig l Shalom rav al Yisrael amcha tasim l olam ki atah hu Melech adon l chol hashalom V tov b einecha l vareich et amcha Yisrael b chol eit uv chol shaah bish lomecha B seifer chayim b racha v shalom ufarnasah tovah nizacheir v nikateiv l fanecha anachnu v chol amcha beit Yisrael l chayim tovim ul shalom Eternal Source and Soul of peace send Your peace into the midst of Am Yisrael Your people Let it heal our rifts and soothe the bitterness of intolerance Let it overcome distrust isolation and rivalry Let peace grow and increase and let it shape the lives of all human beings Let there be nothing but peace No hatred or jealousy no victories that bring suffering and loss to people and nations only love and peace strong profound and true We yearn for love that knits us together we yearn for the wisdom of community shared knowledge empathy and trust May the words that we speak and the meditations of our hearts open pathways of truth and understanding mFl Xd d UFr i i d Y KEx A Baruch atah Adonai oseih hashalom Blessed are You Adonai who makes peace WE PRAY SILENTLY 72

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KOL NIDREI Meditation after Solomon Ibn Gabirol Three things remind me of You the heavens who are a witness to Your Name the earth which expands my thought and is the thing on which I stand and the musing of my heart when I look within vvv In the Time of Redemption The Sages and the prophets did not yearn for the messianic time in order to have dominion over the entire world to rule over others to be exalted by the nations or to eat drink and celebrate Rather they desired to be free from oppression or disturbance so that they might immerse themselves in Torah and wisdom and thus merit the world to come In that era there will be neither famine nor war envy nor competition for goodness will flow in abundance and all delights will be freely available as dust of the earth The entire world will be occupied solely in seeking to know God as Scripture says the earth shall be full of the knowledge of God as water covers the sea Let this be my prayer for personal redemption uninterrupted time to breathe and think time to ask myself the purpose of all my frantic striving time to bask in the radiance of what is vvv 73

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KOL NIDREI oevxl eidi Yih yu L ratzon i t ix n oFvx l Ei d i Li pt l i A l oFi bd e i l Fb e ixEv i i Yih yu l ratzon imrei fi v hegyon libi l fanecha Adonai tzuri v go ali May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You Eternal One my Rock and my Redeemer mely dyer Oseh Shalom d U r i Ed ei nFx nA mFl W d U r l x U i l M l re Epi l r mFl W o n Ex n e Oseh shalom bimromav hu yaaseh shalom aleinu v al kol Yisrael v imru Amen May the One who causes peace to reign in the high heavens let peace descend on us on all Israel and on all the world And let us say Amen jxay in Mi Shebeirach For Healing Epi z Fa Kx AW i n a w r ie w gv i m dx a d le l gx d wa x dx U mi lFg d z Rxi e Kx a i Ed d l p tx p l Mi shebeirach avoteinu Avraham Yitzhak v Yaakov Sarah Rivkah Rachel v Leah Hu y vareich virapei et hacholim El na r fa na lah May the One who blessed our ancestors Abraham Isaac and Jacob Sarah Rebecca Rachel and Leah bless and heal those who are sick God please heal us 74

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KOL NIDREI iecie Vidui Confession of Sin Eternal One we are not so arrogant as to pretend that the trial of our lives does not reveal our flaws We know ourselves in this moment of prayer to have failed ourselves and others the ones we love and the stranger again and again We know how often we did not bring to the surface of our lives the hidden goodness within Where we have achieved Eternal One we are proud of ourselves and grateful to You where we have failed we ask forgiveness Remember how exposed we are to the chances and terrors of life We were afraid We sometimes chose to fail And we ask Turn our thoughts from the hurt to its remedy Free us from the torments of guilt PLEASE RISE Our God and God of our mothers and fathers grant that our prayers may reach You Do not turn away from our pleas for we are not so arrogant or stiff necked as to say before You Eternal our God and God of all ages we are perfect and have not sinned rather do we confess we have gone astray we have sinned we have transgressed PLEASE BE SEATED 75

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KOL NIDREI You O God know all the chambers of our minds There are no secrets from You Nothing is hidden from You We stand before You as an open book All our faults are known all our selfish ways are revealed We seek Your mercy in our confession We have missed fulfilling our best intentions Now we confess our failings Ep l f B Epc bA Ep nW Epi e rd i t c Epx A C Ep qn g Epc f Ep rW x de rx Ep v r i x wW Ep l t h Ep v p Epc x n Ep v l Ep a GM Ep rW R Epi e r Epx x q sx r Epi Xw Epx x v Ep a rY Ep zg W Ep rW x Ep Y rY Epi rY Ashamnu bagadnu gazalnu dibarnu dofi He evinu v hirshanu zadnu chamasnu tafalnu shaker Yaatznu ra kizavnu latznu maradnu ni atznu Sararnu avinu pashanu tzararnu kishinu oref Rashanu shichatnu ti avnu ta inu titanu hg lr Al Cheit Li pt l Ep h g W hg l r d b bW a E oFc fA Al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b zadon uvishgagah For the ways we have wronged You consciously or unconsciously Li pt l Ep h g W hg l re x z q a E iEl bA v al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b galui uvasater and the harm we have caused in the world openly or in secret Li pt l Ep h g W hg l r a Nd xFdx dA Al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b harhor haleiv For the ways we have wronged You in our thoughts Li pt l Ep h g W hg l re d R xEAc A v al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b dibur peh and the harm we have caused in the world through our words 76

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KOL NIDREI Li pt l Ep h g W hg l r oFvx aE q p A Al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b ones uv ratzon For the ways we have wronged You under duress or by choice Li pt l Ep h g W hg l re c i w f gA v al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b chozek yad and the harm we have caused in the world by the abuse of power V al kulam Elo ah s lichot s lach lanu m chal lanu kaper lanu zFgi lq D Fl m NM l re Ep l x RM Ep l l gn Ep l g lq For all these failures of judgment and will God of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement Li pt l Ep h g W hg l r a Nd uEn A Al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b imutz haleiv For the ways we have wronged You by hardening our hearts Li pt l Ep h g W hg l re m Xd lEN gA v al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b chilul hasheim and the harm we have caused in the world by profaning Your name Li pt l Ep h g W hg l r mixFnE mixFd lEf l fA Al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b zilzul horim umorim For the ways we have wronged You by disrespecting parents and teachers Li pt l Ep h g W hg l re rx d oFW lA v al cheit shechatanu l fanecha bilshon hara and the harm we have caused in the world by speaking slander Li pt l Ep h g W hg l r o Yn a E Vn A Al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b masa uv matan For the ways we have wronged You by dishonesty in our work 77

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KOL NIDREI Li pt l Ep h g W hg l re rx z pFd A v al cheit shechatanu l fanecha b honaat rei a and the harm we have caused in the world by hurting others in any way V al kulam Elo ah s lichot s lach lanu m chal lanu kaper lanu zFgi lq D Fl m NM l re Ep l x RM Ep l l gn Ep l g lq For all these failures of judgment and will God of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement Who among us is blameless Who shall say I have not erred I have not wronged or sinned We abuse we brutalize we covet we deceive we enslave we feud we gossip we humiliate we injure we judge unfairly we kill we lie we manipulate we neglect we ostracize we plagiarize we quarrel we rage we shame we turn away we undermine we vilify and we waste we exploit the earth we yearn too much for yesterday and too easily forget Zion Our sins are an alphabet of woe Help us Holy One to follow Your ways of integrity justice and love Teach us to seek forgiveness with humility and an open heart V al kulam Elo ah s lichot s lach lanu m chal lanu kaper lanu zFgi lq D Fl m NM l re Ep l x RM Ep l l gn Ep l g lq For all these failures of judgment and will God of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement WE PRAY SILENTLY 78

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KOL NIDREI Failures of Integrity We wrong You when we wrong ourselves For our failures of integrity O God we seek forgiveness For passing judgment without knowledge of the facts and for distorting the facts to suit our purposes For succumbing in silence to social pressure and for acquiescing to beliefs we find offensive For using others bad behavior to excuse our own and for blaming others for our mistakes and poor decisions For pretending to emotions we do not feel and for appearing to be other than what we are For condemning in our children the faults we tolerate in ourselves and for tolerating in ourselves the faults we condemn in our parents Failures of Justice We dishonor You when we dishonor our society For our failures of justice O God we seek forgiveness For being indifferent to deprivation and hunger while acccepting a culture of self indulgence and greed For abuse of power in board rooms court rooms and classrooms and for accepting the neglect of children and elders the ill and the weak For permitting social inequalities to prevail and for lacking the vision to transcend our selfishness For glorifying violence and turning hastily to war and for allowing history to repeat itself For behaviors that risk the future of our planet and for wreaking havoc on our only true inheritance God s creation 79

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KOL NIDREI Failures of Love We sin against You when we hurt one another For our failures of love O God we seek forgiveness For exploiting another for our own pleasure and for the wounds we cause through betrayal and deception For withholding affection from those we claim to love and for using love to control our spouses and partners our children and parents For abandoning friends and siblings whose love has sustained us and for neglecting those who love us when they need us most For harboring in our relationships mistrust boredom and disloyalty and for rejecting our partner s efforts at repair and renewal For possessiveness jealousy and avarice and for lashing out in anger at those who are closest to us V al kulam Elo ah s lichot s lach lanu m chal lanu kaper lanu zFgi lq D Fl m NM l re Ep l x RM Ep l l gn Ep l g lq For all these failures of judgment and will God of forgiveness forgive us pardon us lead us to atonement eplew rny Sh ma koleinu Sh ma koleinu Adonai Eloheinu Chus v racheim aleinu V kabeil b rachamim uv ratzon et t filateinu Hashiveinu Adonai eilecha v nashuva chadeish yameinu k kedem Al tashlicheinu mil fanecha v ruach kodsh cha al tikach mimenu Epi d l i i Ep lFw r nW l Aw e Epi l r m gx e qEg Ep z Nt Y z oFvx aE mi ng x A d aEW pe Li l i i Ep a i Wd mc wM Epi n i WC g Li pt N n Ep k i lW Y l EP O n g TY l L Wc w g Ex e d pw f z rl Ep k i lW Y l Ep a f rY l Ep g M zFl kM Al tashlicheinu l eit ziknah kichlot kocheinu al taazveinu 80

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KOL NIDREI God of forgiveness we come before You in need of compassion At Sinai You spoke words that guide our lives to this day but our ancestors lost faith in You lost hope in their Redeemer With one voice they had promised We will do and obey and yet stiff necked they broke their word adoring an idol of gold How wondrous Your compassion in the face of their rebellion Your forgiveness in that moment of human weakness and doubt We too have broken promises to You We too worship the work of our own hands We too make of gold a god And we too forsake Your word Yet we ask Our God and God of our fathers God of our mothers Do not abandon us leaving us in shame Do not dissolve the covenant you made with us Rather draw us near Your Teaching Show us Your ways and teach us how to live Cut away the hardness of our hearts so that we may turn to You with all our hearts devotion truly repentant Hear our words O God understand our unspoken thoughts May the speech of our mouths and our hearts quiet prayer be acceptable to You O God our Rock and our Redeemer PLEASE RISE 81

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KOL NIDREI Ep lFw r nW Ep M l n Epi a Avinu Malkeinu sh ma koleinu Avinu Malkeinu hear our voice Avinu Malkeinu chatanu l fanecha Li pt l Ep hg Ep M l n Epi a Avinu Malkeinu we have sinned before You Epi l r lFn g Ep M l n Epi a Ep R h e Ep l lFr l re Avinu Malkeinu chamol aleinu v al olaleinu v tapeinu Avinu Malkeinu have compassion on us and on our children x aC d NM Ep M l n Epi a Epi l rn a rx e ax g e Avinu Malkeinu kaleih dever v cherev v ra av mei aleinu Avinu Malkeinu make an end to sickness war and famine x v l M d NM Ep M l n Epi a Epi l rn oi hU n E Avinu Malkeinu kalei kol tzar u mastin mei aleinu Avinu Malkeinu make an end to all oppression Ep a z M Ep M l n Epi a mi aFh mi Ig x t q A Avinu Malkeinu kotveinu b seifer chayim tovim Avinu Malkeinu inscribe us for blessing in the Book of Life Epi l r WC g Ep M l n Epi a d aFh d pW Avinu Malkeinu chadeish aleinu shanah tovah Avinu Malkeinu let the new year be a good year for us Ep Pg Ep M l n Epi a mi U rn Ep A oi i M Ep p r e c q g e d wc v Ep O r d U r Ep ri WFd e Avinu Malkeinu choneinu vaaneinu ki ein banu maasim aseih imanu tz dakah vachesed v hoshi einu Avinu Malkeinu be gracious and answer us for we have little merit Treat us generously and with kindness and be our help PLEASE BE SEATED 82

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KOL NIDREI PLEASE RISE epilr Aleinu l Md oFc l g A W l Epi l r zi W x A x vFi l d Nc B z z l l e zFvx d i iFb M Ep U r N W d nc d zFg RW n M Ep n U m dM Ep wl g m U N W m pFn d l kM Ep lx be mi eg Y W n E mi rxFM Ep g p e i kl n j ln i pt l micFnE WFc Td mi k lO d Ed KEx A Aleinu l shabei ach laadon hakol lateit g dulah l yotzeir b reishit shelo asanu k goyei haaratzot v lo samanu k mishp chot haadamah shelo sam chelkeinu kahem v goraleinu k chol hamonam Vaanachnu kor im umishtachavim umodim lifnei Melech malchei ham lachim HaKadosh Baruch Hu We must praise the God of all the Maker of heaven and earth who has set us apart from the other families of the earth giving us a destiny unique among the nations We therefore bow in awe and thanksgiving before the One who is Sovereign over all the Holy One blessed be God PLEASE BE SEATED We praise the One who gave us life In our rejoicing You are God You are God in our grief In anguish and deliverance alike we praise in darkness and light we affirm our faith Therefore we bow our heads in reverence before the Eternal God the Holy One the Blessed One Eternal God we face the morrow with hope made stronger by the vision of Your deliverance a world where poverty and war are banished where injustice and hate are gone Teach us more and more to respond to the pain of others to heed Your call for justice to pursue the blessing of peace And grant us wisdom and strength O God that we may bring nearer the day when all the world shall be one On that day the age old dream shall come true On that day O God You shall be One and Your name shall be One 84

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KOL NIDREI K ln l i i d id e x n pe Ed d mFI A ux d l M l r c g Fn WE c g i i d id i V ne emar V hayah Adonai l Melech al kol haaretz bayom hahu yih yeh Adonai echad ush mo echad And it has been said The Eternal shall reign over all the earth on that day God shall be One and God s name shall be One mezi yicw The Mourner s Kaddish The light of life is a finite flame There is an end to the flames Like the Holy Day candles life is We see no more kindled it burns it glows it is and are no more seen radiant with warmth and yet we do not despair beauty for we are more than a memory But soon it fades its substance is slowly fading into the darkness consumed With our lives we give life and it is no more Something of us can never die we move in the eternal cycle of In light we see darkness and death in light we are seen of light and life The flames dance and our life burns down and gutters PLEASE RISE Ax D nW WC wz ie lC Bz i D zErx k x a iC nl rA oFki Ig A D zEk ln Ki ln ie zi A l kc i Ig a E oFki nFi aE aix w o n fa E l b rA l x U i o n Ex n e Yitgadal v yitkadash sh meih raba B alma di v ra chirutei v yamlich malchutei b chayeichon uv yomeichon uv chayei d chol beit Yisrael baagala uvizman kariv V imru Amen Kx an Ax D nW d i In l r i nl rl E m l rl Y hei sh meih raba m varach l alam ul almei almaya 85

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KOL NIDREI x R z ie g AY W ie Kx Az i xC dz ie V pz ie m nFx z ie D nW l Nd z ie d N rz ie Ed Kix A Wc wC zxi We zk x A l M o n N rl oxi n C zn g pe zg A W Y o n Ex n e nl rA Yitbarach v yishtabach v yitpaar v yitromam v yitnasei v yit hadar v yitaleh v yit halal sh meih d Kud sha B rich Hu l eila min kol birchata v shirata tushb chata v nechemata daamiran b alma V imru Amen o n Ax n lW d i l re Epi l r mi Ig e In W o n Ex n e l x U i l M Y hei sh lama raba min sh maya v chayim aleinu v al kol Yisrael V imru Amen Ed ei nFx nA mFl y d yFr l M l re Epi l r mFl y d y r i o n Ex n e l x y i Oseh shalom bimromav Hu yaaseh shalom aleinu v al kol Yisrael V imru Amen May the Source of peace send peace to all who mourn and comfort to all who are bereaved And let us say Amen 86

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KOL NIDREI lcbi Yigdal g Az y ie i g mi d l lc b i ezE i vn l z r oi e vn p Yigdal Elohim chai v yishtabach nimtza v ein eit el m tzi uto ecEg iM ci g i oi e c g ezEC g l s eq oi m be m lr p Echad v ein yachid k yichudo nelam v gam ein sof l achduto sEB Fpi e sEB d zEnc Fl oi Fz Xc w ei l K x r p l Ein lo d mut haguf v einu guf lo naaroch eilav k dushato x a p x W x aC l kl oFnc w Fzi W x l zi W x oi e oFW x Kadmon l chol davar asher nivra Rishon v ein reishit l reishito Ep k Fz A d h p m lFr i Ig Fz Nd Y m W c r ic r KEx A Chayei olam natah b tocheinu baruch adei ad shem t hilato Great is the Living Source Praised be the Existence that exists beyond time One and unique You are the fathomless Unity infinite and alone Without body form or image You are Holiness immeasurable Before our world appears And there can be no end of time Beyond Your years You implanted within us eternal life Our immortal yearnings our undying hopes Blessed is Your glorious Name from eternity to eternity 87

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SOURCES AND PERMISSIONS EREV ROSH HASHANAH 1 2 2 3 4 6 7 9 11 14 15 18 90 Shanah Tovah by Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins Rosh Hashanah Readings Woodstock VT Jewish Lights Publishing 2006 p 139 Gods Change Prayers Are Here to Stay 3 by Yehuda Amichai Open Closed Open Poems by Yehuda Amichai transl Chana Bloch and Chana Kronfeld Copyright 2000 by Chana Bloch and Chana Kronfeld New York Harcourt 2000 p 38 Reprinted by permission of Houghton Miffin Harcourt Publishing Company and Hana Amichai All rights reserved Autumn by Yevgeny Yevtushenko from Bratsk Station and Other New Poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko trans TupikinaGlaessner Dutton MazbakoffKoriakin copyright 1966 by Sun Books Pty Ltd Used by permission of Doubleday a division of Random House Inc Prayer is Speech from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 p 6 16 Hin ni from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 16 This Night by Rabbi Sidney Greenberg Fountain of Life from On the Doorposts of Your House ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1994 p 80 Hin ni from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 17 What Shall We Remember by Rabbi Sidney Greenberg Praise to You from Mishkan T filah A Reform Siddur New York CCAR 2007 p 149 O One and Only God from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 p 268 G ulah from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 pp 369 371 20 22 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Hashkiveinu from Mishkan T filah A Reform Siddur New York CCAR 2007 p 160 Chatzi Kaddish from Mishkan T filah A Reform Siddur New York CCAR 2007 p 144 G vurot from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 p 153 Uv chein from Gates of Repentance CCAR Press 1978 p 32 K dushat Hayom from Gates of Repentance CCAR Press 1978 p 34 adapted K dushat Hayom from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 pp 55 57 58 adapted K dushat HaYom from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 61 adapted Delight from Ladies in Genesis by Barbara D Holendar Jewish Women s Resource Center 1991 Reprinted by permission of the author For the Blessings by Ruth Brin from Harvest Collected Poems and Prayers Duluth MN Holy Cow Press 1999 Copyright 1986 1999 by Ruth Firestone Brin Reprinted with the permission of The Permissions Company Inc on behalf of Holy Cow Press holycowpress org Birkat Shalom from Gates of Repentance CCAR Press 1978 p 38 Interpretive Unetaneh Tokef by Rabbi Jack Reimer from The World of The High Holy Days UAHC Press Some Old Thoughts for the New Year by Rabbi Sidney Greenberg Elohai N tzor from Mishkan T filah A Reform Siddur New York CCAR 2007 p 180 Avinu Malkeinu from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 74

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SOURCES AND PERMISSIONS 38 We Praise the One Who Gave Us Life from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 p 620 39 We Turn Our Thoughts by Evelyn Mehlman 65 K dushat HaShem from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 pp 53 58 adapted On this night of Atonement by Rabbi Sidney Greenberg and Rabbi Jonathan D Levine Mahzor Hadash Bridgeport CT The Prayer Book Press Media Judaica 1978 p 445 K dushat Hayom from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 62 For what Do I Pray by Rabbi Rami Shapiro Hoda ah from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 p 233 Shalom Rav from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 79 Meditation by Carl Rakosi from Ere Voice New York New Directions 1971 p 33 Copyright 1968 1969 1970 1971 by Callman Rawley The Sages and the Prophets By Rabbi Moses Maimonides Mishneh Torah The Laws of Kings and Wars 12 4 5 Mi Shebeirach by Craig Taubman Copyright Craig n Co Vidui from High Holy Day Worship Wilshire Blvd Temple Used by permission Our God and God of our Mothers from Gates of Repentance CCAR Press 1978 p 269 Al Cheit from Gates of Repentance CCAR Press 1978 p 271 Al Cheit from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 pp 86 90 Failures from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 pp 89 91 KOL NIDREI 48 48 49 50 50 50 51 54 55 57 59 61 64 Candle Lighting from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 9 Opening Reading from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 14 Kol Nidrei Reading from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 15 Or Zarua from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 16 adapted I Hereby Forgive from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 12 adapted For Transgressions from Gates of Repentance CCAR Press 1978 p 251 Kol Nidrei from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 pp 19 20 adapted Maariv Aravim from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 p 180 Ahavat Olam from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 p 181 These Words are True by Rabbi Burt Jacobson from Siddur Sha ar Zahav Congregation Sha ar Zahav 2009 Hashkiveinu from Mishkan T filah A Reform Siddur New York CCAR 2007 p 161 Chatzi Kaddish from Mishkan T filah A Reform Siddur New York CCAR 2007 p 144 G vurot from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 pp 229 230 adapted 67 67 70 71 72 73 73 74 75 75 76 76 79 91

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SOURCES AND PERMISSIONS 81 82 God of Forgiveness by Rabbi Herschel J Matt Bridgeport CT The Prayerbook Press Media Judaica 1978 ed Rabbi Sidney Greenberg and Rabbi Jonathan D Levine p 453 adapted Avinu Malkeinu from Gates of Repentance CCAR Press 1978 pp 121 122 81 84 87 Our God and God of our Fathers from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 104 Mourner s Kaddish Reading from Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayer Book ed Chaim Stern New York CCAR 1975 p 627 Yigdal from Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe New York CCAR 2019 p 97 We acknowledge the permission granted for use of materials under copyright from the Central Conference of American Rabbis the Reform Rabbinic leadership organization affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism Union Prayer Book Newly Revised are copyright by the Central Conference of American Rabbis Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis All rights reserved Gates of Prayer The New Union Prayerbook 1975 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis All rights reserved Gates of Repentance The New Union Prayerbook 1978 1996 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis All rights reserved Mishkan T filah A Reform Siddur 2007 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis All rights reserved Mishkan T shuvah Machzor for the Days of Awe 2019 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis All rights reserved L chol Z man V Eit For Sacred Moments 2015 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis All rights reserved This Grateful Heart Psalms and Prayers for a New Day by Alden Solovy 2017 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis All rights reserved This Joyous Soul A New Voice for Ancient Yearnings by Alden Solovy 2019 by the Central Conference of American Rabbis Used by permission of Central Conference of American Rabbis All rights reserved 92