JESUS’ COMMITMENT, JOY, AND LOVEMay 20, 20233 ATTRIBUTES OFJESUS CHRISTCHRISTIANBELIEVERSPRAYERJesus was committed tofulfilling His mission on earth:to save you and me from sinand offer the gift He now hasgiven Shaun, which is eternallife.For a moment, I want to sharethree attributes of JesusChrist that I see reflected in theVerses from Hebrews 12 and thelife of his servant, Shaun Mason.JESUS’COMMITMENT, JOY, AND LOVEThis passage highlighted Jesus'commitment, dedication, andperseverance in fulfilling Hismission here on earth as Heendured the cross and scornedits shame.Jesus was the ultimate exampleof commitment. Christian Believers should reflect the light ofJesus Christ in the world around them by howwe live, love, and listen to one another’s storiesof joy and pain.LET US PRAY: Holy Spirit, help usto hear what God is saying anddo what God calls us to do. LikeYour Servant, Shaun DerrickMason, allow us to show up asfollowers of Jesus Christ. + Amen.In the Book of Hebrews, Chapter12, verses 1 and 2, we find theseWords,“Therefore, since such a greatcloud of witnesses surrounds us,let us throw off everything thathinders and the sin that so easilyentangles. And let us run withperseverance, the race markedout for us, fixing our eyes onJesus, the pioneer and perfecterof faith. For the joy set beforeHim, Jesus endured the cross,scorning its shame, and satdown at the right hand of thethrone of God.”HEBREWS 12:1-2
Despite facing immensechallenges and even death,Jesus remained steadfast inHis commitment to Hisearthly mission. Because ofthat, we can TRUST HIM.He lived a life of purpose. As aMachinist, he mastered hiscraft and taught us to setsights on our goals and nevergive up until we achievedthem. Shaun was persistent,hardworking, and adetermined problem solver.Shaun understood that life isnot always easy, but thosewho persevered throughchallenges and difficultiesleave a legacy of strengthand resilience.Shaun’s commitment as a dearbrother, faithful husband, andloving father inspires us.
Like Jesus, Shaun was aCOMMITMENT KEEPER.RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY,DEPENDABLE.37.9 Years ago, Cassandra andShaun stood at the altar in thePresence of God and His peopleand said YES to the love God gavethem around age 15 that wouldnot let them go.God gave him a good wife inyou, a woman of strong faith,for which he is most grateful.God used you to make him abetter man.He never doubted your LOVEand COMMITMENT.They made sacred vows to let goof things that do not matter, tolive together in holy matrimony,to love, comfort, honor, and keepone another in sickness andhealth, to forsake all others andremain loyal to one another foras long as they both shall live.SAN, there are three things thatShaun wants you always toremember:May Shaun’s memory be ablessing as his steadfastCOMMITMENT reminds us tohonor Jesus Christ as we findstrength and inspiration in hisgood examples as we continueto run the race of faith.JESUS’ COMMITMENT
Luke 1: 41-44 Elizabeth, thepregnant mother of John theBaptizer, talking to Mary, whowas pregnant with Jesus,said, “As soon as the sound ofyour greeting reached myear, the baby in my wombleaped for JOY! Blessedwoman, who believed whatGod said, believed everyword would come true!Speck & Beam, Camel goingthrough the eye of a needle.If you do not believe God hasa sense of humor, look in themirror in the morning.Christian Believers should reflectthe light of JESUS’ JOYHEBREWS 12:2 “For the joy setbefore Him, Jesus endured thecross, scorning its shame, and satdown at the right hand of thethrone of God.”Do you remember the first thingJesus gave while in His mother’swomb? It was JOY!Some of you may find it hard tobelieve, but The fact thathumans have a sense of humorindicates that God does, too;after all, we are made in Hisimage.Jesus loved telling long storieswith a straight face and a bit of asmile as He taught life lessons inthe form of parables.Before Shaun D. Mason wasborn, God saw him as a manof faith, an instrument bywhich people wouldexperience Jesus’ JOY.His gift of humor was neverat the expense of others. Heused humor to LIFT.Shaun cared for people’ssouls - he met no strangers,and all were treated likefamily.He always showed up nomatter what, even in themidnight hour - He had justthe right words ofencouragement, a shoulderto lean on, and a confidentcan-do attitude.Let me tell you about the JOY setbefore Shaun - He was a chosenvessel for God’s higher purpose.Shaun accepted the calling toplay the role of a standupcomedian, the life of the party,but in reality, he used God’s giftof humor to be a BRIGHT LIGHTand an ENCOURAGER.Shaun’s JOY was contagious. Hehad a way of making everyonearound him feel happier andlighter. He lived with a sense ofwonder and curiosity, enjoyingsimple pleasures like laughing,serving others, cooking, fishing,golfing, ride-alone talks, andsharing HOPE.JESUS’ JOY
Derek, Keith, Samuel (Derb),Kevin, Sabbathian Stoop,Rose Tan Sharron.(Aunts/sisters): Betty, Rose, asI reflected on theextraordinary life of your Dad,Brother, and Friend, a songwritten by BILL WITHERScame to mind:
Sometimes in our livesWe all have pain -We all have sorrowBut if we are wise,We know that there is alwaystomorrowLean on meWhen you're not strong.And I'll be your friend.I'll help you carry on...May Shaun’s memory be ablessing as we EMULATE HISBEING A LIFTER OF THE SPIRITSOF OTHERS - A JOY GIVER.When others seemed topanic because life threwthem a curve ball, Shaun wasnot an emotional man but astabilizing force.In his laid-back manner, hewould say, “I am just cruising;I am in no rush.”When Nick’s team loses aBasketball Game, SHAUNreminds him not to letanything out of his controlget to him. “Remember, youhave your mom, sister,brother, God, and me.”When Brittany was involved in aa car wreck and worrying aboutwhat her parents would say ordo, Shaun used his gift of humorto build her confidence.He said, “Baby Girl, by the time Iwas your age, I have had threewrecks…We can get another nicecar, but no one can ever takeyour place.”Like Jesus, who died at age 33,Shaun knew that this earthly lifewas short, and he made themost of every moment, livingfully and embracing every God-given opportunity that came hisway.JESUS’ JOY
A song by Andrew Lloyd Webberand Simon Lee entitled LoveNever Dies.Who knows when love beginsWho knows what makes it startOne day it's simply thereAlive inside your heartIt slips into your thoughtsIt infiltrates your soulIt takes you by surpriseThen seizes full controlTry to deny it and try to protestBut love won't let you goOnce you've been possessedLove never diesLove never faltersOnce it has spokenLove is yoursLove never fadesLove never altersHearts may get brokenLove enduresAnd soon as you submitSurrender flesh and boneThat love takes on a lifeMuch bigger than your ownIt uses you at its’ whimAnd drives you to despairAnd forces you to feelMore joy than you can bearLove gives you pleasureAnd love brings you painAnd yet when both Pleasure andPain are goneLove will remain
LET US PRAY: Holy Spirit, help usto hear what God is saying anddo what God calls us to do. Letus honor JESUS and Shaun’smemory by carrying forward thevalues they held dear -commitment, joy, and love. Maywe find solace in knowing thatwe will be reunited with Shaunin the Presence of God and theJesus Shaun served. + Amen.AMP John 13:1: Before thePassover Feast, Jesus knewHis hour had come [and itwas time] for Him to leavethis world and return to theFather. Having loved His ownwho were in the world, Heloved them [andcontinuously loves them withHis perfect love] to the end(eternally).Christian Believers should reflectthe light of JESUS’ LOVEHebrews 12:1-2 points to Jesus’love, as He willingly gave His lifefor the sake of others.Jesus is the embodiment of love.He loves all people, regardless oftheir background, social status,or sins. He showed compassionand mercy to the sick, theoppressed, and the outcasts ofsociety. Jesus welcomed sinnersand ate with them, breakingdown the social barriers of Histime. He even demonstrated Hislove by laying down His life foryou and me, offering Himself in theultimate sacrifice on the cross.Like Jesus, Shaun’s love wasboundless. Shaun had agenerous and kind heart thatwas open and welcoming to all.Like Jesus, Shaun understoodthe power of love to heal, forgive,redeem, reconcile, connect, andtransform lives.!May Shaun’s memory be ablessing as we EMULATE HISCOMMITMENT, JOY, AND LOVE.HIS LEGACY LIVES ONJESUS’ LOVE
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