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Esmeralda s day 8 5x11

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Esmeralda’ sDay

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This book is dedicated to Irma, Esmeralda's mom, and all the mothers of children with visual impairment who love without limit, learn new ways of doing life, and find the courage to overcome challenges.My name is Esmeralda.Even though I have a visual impairment, it doesn't stop me from trying new experiences with my mom and my vision teacher!

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I like it when my mom reads books about the clothes I wear. I am touching my pink boots.

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I like to play with the sensory board my teacher gave me. There are so many things to touch. The paint brush bristles feel smooth on my skin. I like to ring the bells.

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My mom, my teacher, and I like to cook together. Cooking and eating are two of my favorite activities!One day we made pudding. The milk is cold!

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I put my hand in the pudding. It felt gooey!

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The pudding was yummy!I like foods that are sweet and soft.

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One day it was snowing outside. I don’t like to go outside when it’s cold, so my teacher showed my mom how to put the snow in a bowl! The snow was cold at first! I used my spoon to stir it.

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Then I touched the snow with my fingers. My fingers got wet!My mom told me the snow was frozen, and we put it in the freezer next to the ice cream so we could play with it again later.

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One day, my teacher showed us a new recipe for caramel dip. We made it together. I’m learning to dip my cracker in the dip. One day, I’ll use a spoon.

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I sit in a pink stroller when we go to the park. Sometimes my hands are sensitive so I can touch the rocks and pinecones with my feet! The rocks are rough and bumpy.

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I can smell the flowers, too!

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When I reach out and touch the grass, it bends in my hands. The grass has many stalks. It feels stringy. I listen to the grass when the wind blows.

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I am learning to walk with a belt cane from my teacher. Someday I will use a white cane to help me move and orient myself in space. My mom and I walk barefoot so I can feel the cold floor under my feet.

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Now that I’m getting older, I like to do things all by myself. When I make pumpkin pie play dough, I like to stir the dough with my hands. It feels squishy.

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I am almost three years old! My mom and I visited a school I might go to in the fall. I can’t wait to make new friends and try new experiences when I go to school.

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