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Erne Int Post 16 Prospectus

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PAGE 2Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form We extend a warm welcome to Sixth Form at Erne Integrated College to all prospecve students, this prospectus is designed to give a avour of the experiences that make our College unique in the educaonal landscape of County Fermanagh and to give an insight into the variety of courses that we oer. As a student centred college, we believe that true academic achievement is built on the partnership of experienced teachers guiding and working in cooperaon with students whose academic ambion, pastoral care and emoonal health are fundamental to the process. At Erne Integrated College we believe that everyone should be valued equally and we endeavour to get to know our students, catering for their needs both inside and outside of the classroom. We recognise that posive relaonships based on mutual respect benet all in this environment and go a long way to developing sound pracce in the development of skills in independent learning.The Sixth Form at Erne Integrated College is a place to set out your ambions and goals and to build the foundaons to achieve these, we work with our students supporng their ambions and to help them to realise their goals. We expect that in the process that Sixth Formers will serve as role models and mentors to our younger students, espousing the principals of integrated educaon, to respect ourselves, to respect each other, to respect our environment and to always learn to the best of our ability. As an Integrated College our inclusive ethos, our respect for social, cultural and religious diversity and the value we place on this inclusion has made us a welcoming, supporve environment. A Sixth Form College of choice not just for our own students, but for many students faced with changing schools at the compleon of their GCSEs at sixteen. Students who transfer to our Sixth Form at this stage say, “you can talk to the teachers here”, “Teachers here listen to me when I speak”, “I know if I have a concern that it will be taken seriously”. We put those comments down to our posive relaonships and the inclusive culture that we espouse. We integrate and include, support and develop the diversity and strengths that our students possess, while individually we may be strong, together we are stronger. Erne Integrated College Sixth Form “where your ambion is our ambion, your goals are our goals and our biggest achievement is your achievement” Erne Integrated College Sixth Form“where your ambition is our ambition, your goals are our goals and our biggest achievement is your achievement”PAGE 2

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PAGE 3PAGE 3We aim to: • Provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and experiences to develop their full potenal and prepare them for the adult world while promong the view that educaon is a worthwhile and life-long process. • Develop in each student a sense of responsibility, self-condence and self-worth. • Promote a caring community in which respect, harmony and acceptance are pracsed at all mes. • Celebrate the successes of our Sixth Form students. In September 2018 we opened our state of the art Sixth Form Study Centre, fully equipped with Computers and Prinng facilies for all Sixth Form students. This is part of a range of facilies now open in the £4 million extension that houses a tness suite, sports hall, changing facilies and a dedicated learning support centre. Sixth Form students are encouraged to avail of the inducon to the tness suite and to ulise its facilies during their non-contact mes. We encourage students to work on physical tness to aid their mental well-being and support academic progress. Our Sixth Form is a happy, developing place within Erne Integrated College and an environment suited to real learning. Please read what our students say about us and if you have any quesons or would like further informaon, please contact me. We look forward to welcoming you to Sixth Form at Erne Integrated College.Johnny McKeeHead of Sixth form

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PAGE 4There are few relaonships as important in a young person’s life as the one they share with their teachers. For many, and certainly for me, it’s the rst recognion and encouragement that comes from outside the family bubble, the rst implicaon of potenal and ability, the rst hint that you can be more than you are. A great teacher has a profound eect on a young mind. They build the condence to capitalise on later in life when opportunies arise, the strength to endure, and the resilience to hold on when it seems those chances in life seem so very far away.So much of my life: from my Profession, my hobbies, my sensibilies, even my taste in music was forged and rened by the years I spent at Erne Integrated College and by the great teachers whose inuence has meant so much to me in the decade since I le. I studied English Literature not merely as an academic exercise concerned with spelling, punctuaon and essay-wring but as something that is real, that is meaningful, that can aect and change the world and the people in it. I miss those long aernoons spent dissecng Shakespeare or Shelly, completely enraptured in, and in love with, the power of language and storytelling. In History, I learned not only the importance of intellectual rigour in History, but that History is fundamentally the study of people. Their wishes, their fears, their triumphs and their horrors. I learned that History looms over us, especially in this part of the world, but that no maer how daunng that may seem, the shadow can be lied and something beer can endure.In Moving Image Arts I got the chance to learn and hone the fundamentals of lm making, to comprehend the concepts, the technology, and I came to understand that cameras, movies and television is what I wanted to do with my life.My years aer leaving Erne Integrated College were quite varied in the extreme. Originally, I went to Scotland to study English Literature, and made the dicult decision to leave University and take some personal me. This was a turbulent me for me, but I remembered the faith and encouragement that my teachers had in me and buoyed up with this, I returned to Film School at Queen’s University, Belfast. I began working as stage crew in the theatre and nally, just aer geng my degree, in 2018 I landed a job as a trainee in the camera department of Game of Thrones. I went from being lost and devoid of purpose to being part of one of the biggest TV shows in the world. I can trace this three-year turnaround securely to my me in EIC, to the help, encouragement and unfeered belief that my teachers had in me. I am totally certain that this wouldn’t have happened had I studied anywhere else. In the last 5 years I’ve been lucky enough to work on Line of Duty, World on Fire, and Dalgleish for the BBC, ITV and Nelix. I know that there are interesng and excing things in front of me and I look forward to the future, I do know one thing for certain, I owe a debt to this school I can’t even begin to repay.Good schools teach, great schools teach well, but Erne integrated College is that rarest of places. It Inspires.I know that choosing Erne Integrated College was the right choice for me, I wish you well in choosing your Post-16 course of study.Ryan West (Former Student)Ryan WestPAGE 4

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PAGE 5PAGE 5In 2006 as a student sitting my GCSEs in Fermanagh, I had to make the second schooling decision of my life.P7 was easy, I just followed the crowd from one Catholic school down the hill to another, it was familiar, my sister had gone there, the teachers knew my family and I was accompanied by 90 per cent of my previous classmates.At 16 I was faced with the next decision, where to study for my A-levels? My parents made it very clear this was a decision for me to make and whatever the decision they would support me.I only had one career goal at this stage, I’d done a million quizzes, sat through career classes and everyone had tried to move me away from my chosen choice. I wanted to be a journalist.Looking back Gilmore Girls may have inuenced me only slightly.In order to full this dream, I needed the best English department.I remember going for the open evening at The Erne Integrated, walking through the halls, classrooms and meeting the teachers and current A-Level students and knew instantly this place was for me. I like to think I slotted in well to the school community, I made friends for life and teachers who helped me make my career dream a reality.I studied English, History and Religion and on top of my love of the written and spoken word I gained a passion for politics and an understanding and respect for religions outside of my own.The culture at EIC was nothing like I had experienced before and was very much like a mini-university setting, you were treated as a young adult, encouraged to question everything and look at subjects differently by listening to your teachers’ and fellow student’s perspectives.This style of learning really prepared me for university life. Before I sat my nal A-Level exams I accepted an unconditional offer to study journalism at The University of South Wales, Cardiff.I’ll not bore you too much with my three years at uni, I had a great time, survived and came out the other end as determined as ever to be a journalist. Every holiday and reading week I worked at The Fermanagh Herald, picked up copywriting work and when I moved back to Enniskillen started to think more seriously about my future.That led me to more study at The University of Ulster to do an MSc in Communications, Advertising and Public Relations.I lived at home and travelled two days a week to Belfast, it was a different university lifestyle than what I was used to but I loved it.I was working part-time in retail and in a local bar, but once I graduated The Fermanagh Herald took a chance and hired me in an advertising role. I loved getting out and meeting the community, putting my newfound marketing skills to the test. But I still wanted to chase my dream.So like many young people, I emigrated and went to Australia to seek opportunities elsewhere. I was lucky to move to Tasmania and secured a journalism role at a national media company working in a regional town, a bit like Enniskillen.I spent almost six years working as a journalist for ‘The Examiner’ as a features journalist, working my way up to manage a team of journalists spread across Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. I developed a new interest in travel and tourism and was soon editor for a dedicated travel publication promoting Tasmania to a national and international audience.I’ve recently moved on from this role, moving into the world of communications and public relations working with a local charity - a new challenge that I am loving. While moving away from home was a tough decision, I don’t regret it as I was able to achieve career goals I could never imagine happening anywhere else. None of this would have been possible without my educational background, I have always been headstrong with my decisions and giving new opportunities my all, including my move to EIC which was slightly outside of my 16-year-old comfort zone. I owe my experiences and friendships to EIC, the school and teachers gave me the encouragement, skills and condence that prepared me for further study and to achieve my career goals.Walking through those doors on the open evening I knew I had made the right decision for me. I wish you all the best with your decision, but if you are even considering EIC you are on the right track.Former Student Prole –Maeve McKennaCommunications and Public Relations

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PAGE 6At Erne Integrated College we oer a broad curriculum made up of A Levels, Applied A Levels and a range of Applied BTEC Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary Diplomas and Cercates. Some of the subjects on oer will be accessed through the Fermanagh Learning Community (FLC). Following the recent revision of A Level courses the dierent examining bodies have varying requirements, especially those boards who have moved to Linear A Levels.In the CCEA Examining Board Specicaons, the system remains modular with A Levels normally consisng of four assessment units of approximately equal size.On average two of these will make up an Advanced Subsidiary (AS) qualicaon represenng the rst half of an Advanced Level course of study. The addional two units will be known as A2 represenng the second half.Some examinaon boards will oer enrely separate AS and A Level qualicaons where the One Year AS Level Course marks and grades do not contribute to the Two Year A Level outcome. Some subject areas may oer the 2 year A Level course with no formal subsidiary assessment at the end of Year 1. AS - A one year qualicaon - two units of assessment - at a standard which students can be expected to achieve in one year’s study aer achieving a grade A* - C at GCSE. An AS Level is a worthwhile qualicaon in it’s own right .A LEVEL - A two year qualicaon - four units of assessment with higher standards achieved in progression across the modules.BTEC Level 3 - subjects are modular and have Cercate qualicaon at the end of year 1 and Diploma qualicaon at the end of year 2. POST 16 CURRICULUM OVERVIEWPAGE 6

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PAGE 7A LEVELStudents choose discrete subjects from a menu oered by the school; there are no common components across the three subjects chosen. Each subject is examined independently. There is a great emphasis on factual knowledge, the ability to write in a sustained and uent manner and examinaon performance.The minimum entry requirement for admission to Erne Integrated College Sixth Form is 5 GCSEs or equivalent at Grade C or above. This must include specically a GCSE in English or Mathemacs, an equivalent is not sucient. Applicants must have demonstrated, through their preparaon for their Key Stage 3 and 4 assessments, their commitment to achieving their best. This will include aendance, punctuality, the meeng of deadlines and behaviour. Students’ Behaviour Management lisngs will be checked and where behaviour is not acceptable, admission will be refused. In the case of aendance, the school’s expectaon is at least 95% except where there are documented extenuang circumstances.A selecon of the subjects on oer is listed below:Art & Design, Biology, Construcon (BTEC level 3), D & T Product Design, Engineering (BTEC level 3), English Literature, Health & Social Care, History, Hospitality (BTEC level 3), ICT (BTEC level 3), Life & Health Sciences, Maths, Moving Image Arts, Music (BTEC level 3), Performing Arts, Spanish, Sport (BTEC level 3), Travel and Tourism (BTEC level 3).In September 2021, students will choose three or four A Levels or a combinaon of A Level and BTEC subjects.In Year 14 A Level students will take three subjects through to Advanced Level, as most universies will sll require three full A Levels taken over two years. PAGE 7

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PAGE 81. A Level study - dierent from GCSE:A Level study is of a more intensive academic nature than GCSE study. It involves more reading and essay wring and generally a more analycal approach to the subject.2. Choose subjects that you likeA Level subjects are studied in much greater depth than GCSE subjects. There is usually less emphasis on coursework but a greater emphasis on personal study. It is therefore important that you have a genuine interest in the subject so that you will nd study relavely easy.3. Choose subjects that you are good atIf you have a proven track record in a subject in Year 12, it might be sensible to choose that subject at A Level. However some subjects at A Level are quite dierent from what you may have experienced at GCSE and there is no automac guarantee of further examinaon success.4. Choose subjects that you will need for your careerAt this stage most Year 12 students will have a few career areas in mind and this will inuence their subject choice. Try to plan ahead and choose subjects that:a) are needed for entry into a University or College course,b) may help you when you are eventually looking for employment.5. Choose subjects that keep your opons openThis is especially important for those students who are unsure of what career path to take, as it allows them, to some extent, to postpone making key decisions about which career area they will enter. Even students who think they know what they want to do at the end of Year 12 may change their minds in Year 13 & 14.PAGE 8

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PAGE 96. Listen to what your teachers sayYour GCSE teachers will be able to give you an objecve opinion on whether you could cope with the A Level standard of work. It would be sensible to heed their advice, as they will be more aware than you of what is required to be successful at A Level. They will also be able to inform you how subject content, study skills and teaching methods change as you make the transion from GCSEs to A Levels.7. Listen to what others sayParents, older brothers and sisters, other people you know who are presently going through or have recently gone through Year 13 and 14 can give you some advice on what specic subjects are like at A Level. Listen to the broad spectrum of opinion but do not be excessively inuenced by others.It is your responsibility to choose wisely.8. Where could my A Levels lead to?As you choose your A Levels it is vitally important that you are aware of where they could possibly lead you aer you leave school.Ideally you should consider subjects that go well together.Certain combinaons of subjects may be more suitable than others for degree courses that you are considering.On the following pages you will nd informaon about the A Level and BTEC Level 3 subjects on oer at Erne Integrated College this year. Included in this informaon are courses and careers for which the subject would be parcularly useful.Read this informaon carefully but remember that it is brief and further research may be necessary before you make your nal choice.PAGE 9

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PAGE 10PAGE 10post-16CURRICULUMA-Level Art & Design or A-Level Photography. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 11Biology .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 12English Literature . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 14Geography ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 15Health & Social Care ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 16History .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 17BTEC – ICT . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 18Life & Health Sciences.. ... ... ... ... ... ... . 20Mathemacs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 22Moving Image Arts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 25Music (BTEC). ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 26Performing Arts (A-Level) ... ... ... ... ... . 28Religious Studies .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 30Sport (BTEC Naonal Award) .. ... ... ... . 32Spanish . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 34Technology and Design: ProduconDesign ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 36Fermanagh Learning CommunityPost 16 Courses ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 38

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PAGE 11PAGE 11A Level Art & Design or A Level Photography (2 Year Linear A Level)These A Level courses have been designed to encourage candidates to explore the practical, critical, analytical and appreciative sides of the subjects. Successful candidates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the past and contemporary practice and be able to produce artwork that embraces a range of ideas and styles. We follow the Pearson Edexcel unendorsed specication for Art & Design and the Photography option from the same suite of titles for A Level Photography.Students choose either Art & Design or Photography as their course of study, the two subjects run concurrently in the same class.Both courses consist of two Components; Personal Investigation and Externally Set Assignment. There is no interim AS grade in Year 13, all Formal Assessment occurs in the second year of study. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Students wishing to study Art & Design A Level must have obtained a grade 6 (B) or higher in Art & Design at GCSE Level. Those wishing to study Photography at A Level, should as a minimum have previously demonstrated a keen interest in Art and Design at Key Stage 3 Level and be prepared to learn to use ICT packages such as Photoshop and Indesign in order to complete the course. COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTStudents studying A Level Art & Design 9AD0 or A Level Photography 9PY0 follow the Pearson Edexcel Specication course of study relevant to their endorsement. Courses are initially teacher led to develop foundation skills and as they progress students are encouraged to develop independence and take the lead in their own Component 1 Personal investigation elements with teacher oversight. The Component 2 is in the form of a themed topic paper issued to candidates in the year of exam and the student response is developed in the same fashion as Component 1. These are non-examination assessment courses, i.e. there is no written exam students are assessed on the work produced across the 2 years. Assessment is conducted by the class teacher and externally moderated by a visiting moderator. Grading is applied by the exam board.Unit Duration Value at A Level1. Art & Design Personal Investigation including Personal study written Dissertation2 Years 60% 2. Externally Set Assignment Feb –May in Year of exam with 15 hours timed element40% CAREER PROGRESSIONPossible careers open to a student with a qualication in Art & Design include: Graphic Design, Web Design, Multi-media & Interactive Design, Product Design, Carpet and Textiles Design, Fashion Design, Photography, Ceramic Design, Pottery, Printing, Television, Film and Video, Animation, Jewellery Making, Fine Arts, Architecture, Teaching, Lecturing.

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PAGE 12PAGE 12BiologyBiology is literally the ‘study of life’ and it involves the study of a wide range of exciting topics, ranging from molecular biology to the study of ecosystems and from microorganisms to mammoths. From the Covid 19 pandemic to the Pzer BioNTech vaccine, from melting ice caps in the Antarctic to burning rainforests in the Amazon, Biology is never far from the news. Biologists work in the elds of cell biology, medicine, genetics, food production and ecology and the work they do is vital to us all.Biology is one of the most popular A Level courses, attracting students studying a wide range of other subjects. Many of these students enjoy the subject so much they eventually choose a biologically related degree course. Others go on to careers in law, computing, accounting or teaching. So, whatever eld you will eventually work in, you will nd Biology a very rewarding and challenging course which will develop many of the skills essential for a successful career. ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study Biology must have obtained a grade ‘BB’ or higher in ‘Double Award’ Science. A grade ‘B’ or higher in Maths is also essential.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTWhat will I study?Unit Areas of StudyAS 1: Molecules and Cells In this unit you will start by studying the building blocks of life; molecules and cells, since these are the foundations of a functioning organism. You will also be introduced to the idea of structure related to function. AS 2: Organisms and Biodiversity This unit covers the physiology of plants and animals. You will study examples of transport and exchange in both groups, as well as examining the principles which govern these mechanisms. This leads on to the concept of adaptation, in the context of habitat studies. You will also learn about principles of classication and biodiversity.AS 3: Practical Skills in AS Biology Throughout your AS studies, you will carry out and report on practical activities which are designed to help you understand concepts and processes, or illustrate biological phenomena. A2 1: Physiology, Co-ordination and Control, and Ecosystems In this unit, you will explore human physiology in more detail, learning about co-ordination and control, as well as the defences of the body against disease. You will build upon the ecology studied at AS level by investigating populations and communities, as well as nutrient cycles and energy ow.A2 2: Biochemistry, Genetics and Evolutionary Trends Genetics is studied from a range of perspectives in this unit, including inheritance patterns, population genetics and evolution. This is linked to the study of molecular genetics, exploring how DNA controls the activities of the cell. Biochemical pathways including respiration and photosynthesis are studied in some detail in this unit. A2 3: Practical Skills in Biology As with AS 3, throughout your A level studies, you will carry out and report on practical activities which are designed to help you understand concepts and processes and illustrate biological phenomena.

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PAGE 13How will I be assessed?Unit Assessment Description WeightingAS 1: Molecules and Cells There is a written examination, which lasts 1 hour 30 minutes. You will be asked to answer between six and eight compulsory structured questions, as well as write an essay on a topic from this unit. 37.5% of AS 15% of A levelAS 2: Organisms and Biodiversity There is a written examination, which lasts 1 hour 30 minutes. You will be asked to answer between six and eight compulsory structured questions, as well as write an essay on a topic from this unit. 37.5% of AS 15% of A levelAS 3: Practical Skills in AS Biology Your teacher will carry out part of the assessment, by marking your work on practical tasks carried out over the course of the year. Your marks for seven practicals will be submitted for the internal assessment component of this unit. In addition, there is a written examination which lasts 1 hour and consists of between seven and ten structured questions.25% of AS10% of A levelA2 1: Physiology, Co-ordination and Control and Ecosystems There is a written examination, which lasts 2 hours 15 minutes. You will be asked to answer between six and nine compulsory structured questions, as well as write an essay on a topic from this unit. 24% of A level A2 2: Biochemistry, Genetics and Evolutionary Trends There is a written examination, which lasts 2 hours 15 minutes. You will be asked to answer between six and nine compulsory structured questions, as well as write an essay on a topic from this unit. 24% of A level A2 3: Practical Skills in Biology Your teacher will carry out part of the assessment, by marking your work on practical tasks carried out over the course of the year. Your marks for ve practicals will be submitted for the internal assessment component of this unit. In addition, there is a written examination which lasts 1 hour 15 minutes and consists of between eight and ten structured questions.12% of A levelCAREER PROGRESSIONPossible careers for a student with a qualication in Biology include:Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary science, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Optometry, Nursing and other Allied Health Professions as well as Zoology, Environmental science, Marine Biology and Forensic Science.The skills developed can also be very useful in a wide range of other careers such as Teaching, ICT, Research, Further Education, Accountancy, Management etc.PAGE 13

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PAGE 14PAGE 14English LiteratureGCE English Literature enables you to engage critically and creatively with a substantial body of texts and gives you a variety of ways to respond to them. Across a wide range of novels, plays and poems you will deepen your understanding of the changing traditions of literature, analyse ideas, issues, structure and language.Through independent research and critical reading, you will develop your interest and enjoyment of English Literature and become an accomplished, discerning reader with advanced study skills that prepare you for third level education.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study English Literature must have obtained grades C or higher in English Language and ideally a grade B or higher in English Literature at GCSE Level.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTStudents studying English Literature will follow the CCEA Syllabus course of study.Unit Duration Value at A LevelAS 1: The Study of Poetry 1900–Present and Drama 1900–PresentExternal written examination, 2 hoursStudents answer two questions, one from Section A and one from Section BSection A is open book. Section B is closed book60% of AS24% of A levelAS 2: The Study of Prose Pre 1900External written examination, 1 hour Students answer one questionClosed book40% of AS16% of A levelA2 1: Shakespearean GenresExternal written examination, 1 hour 30 minutesStudents answer one question. Closed book20% of A levelA2 2: The Study of Poetry Pre 1900 and Unseen PoetryExternal written examination, 2 hoursStudents answer two questions, one from Section A and the question set in Section B. Closed book20% of A levelA2 3: Internal AssessmentInternal assessmentStudents complete a 2500-word essay20% of A levelCAREER PROGRESSIONAn A level in English Literature develops your skills in written and face-to-face communication, as well as your capacity for research and your ability to understand complex ideas and theories. With this set of skills, you could go into the media industry which includes print, online, TV and radio. Journalism or publishing are other areas that an A level in English Literature will allow you to access, for example, you could be an editorial assistant, proofreading and correcting books before they go to print. A job in advertising and PR is also available with a qualication in English Literature, such as a public relations ofcer or a press ofcer. Teaching is another profession open to you, or you could work for an arts organisation, trying to secure funding or publishing material for a museum or a gallery. With further study, you could also go into sectors like law, business, social work or even politics. A qualication in GCE English Literature could lead you into a degree course in the Arts, Humanities and Communication. Armed with GCE English Literature you could even go straight into employment. The skills you will acquire through taking this course are in high demand from employers as well as universities and colleges

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PAGE 15GeographyGeography offers students the opportunity to study their natural and man-made landscapes which exists all around them. It enables students to ask important questions about their world and examines how the world is in a constant state of change due to human and physical inuences.Geography is delivered in an interesting and stimulating manner and an enquiry based approach is adopted to develop in students the ability to question and seek out answers to explain their role in the bigger picture. It helps develop in students essential skills of decision making which are readily transferable to university and the arena of work.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study Geography must have obtained a grade C or higher in Higher Level Geography at GCSE Level.A student wishing to study Geography at A Level and who has not studied Geography at GCSE Level, must have obtained a grade B or higher in Higher Level English at GCSE Level.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENT: see also studying Geography will follow the CCEA Syllabus course of study.Unit Duration Value at A LevelAS 1. Physical Geography 1 hour 15 mins 16%AS 2. Human Geography 1 hour 15 mins 16%AS 3. Fieldwork Skills and Techniques in Geography 1 hour 8%A2 1. Physical Processes, Landforms and Management 1 hour 30 mins 24%A2 2. Processes and Issues in Human Geography 1 hour 30 mins 24%A2 3. Decision Making in Geography 1 hour 30 mins 12%CAREER PROGRESSIONPossible careers open to a student with a qualication in Geography include:Teaching, Law, Journalism, Town Planning, Pilot, Air Trafc Control, Tourism sector, Environmental Health, Surveying, Ordnance Survey, Police and Armed Services, Google.PAGE 15

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PAGE 16PAGE 16Health and Social CareHealth and Social Care offers students the opportunity to learn about good quality care and how this can be achieved in health, social care and early years settings. They learn how to communicate effectively with service users in the work place. They learn about the importance of health and well-being for individuals and how government and other agencies contribute to the health and well-being of the population. Students will investigate the reasons behind health campaigns and identify regional and local health promotion priorities. They will plan, implement and evaluate a small scale health promotion activity. Students will research changing family structure, and the range of services and government initiatives available to meet family needs. ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study Health and Social Care must have obtained 4 A*-C grades at GCSE, including English.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTStudents studying Health and Social Care will follow the CCEA Syllabus course of study.Unit Duration Value at A LevelAS1 Promoting Quality Care Internally assessed 10%AS2 Communication in Care Settings Internally assessed 10%AS3 Health and Well Being 2 hour paper 20%A2 3 Providing Services 2 hour paper 30%A2 4 Health Promotion Internally assessed 15%A2 5 Supporting the Family Internally assessed 15%CAREER PROGRESSIONStudents will have opportunities to:• Develop knowledge, understanding, values and skills relevant to employment in the health, social care and early years sectors and to a range of degrees including nursing, allied health professions, social sciences, social policy, social work and early years;• Progress in the development of their thinking skills, including independent learning, creative thinking and problem-solving;• Develop a range of work-related skills including carrying out research using a variety of sources and presenting their ndings in different formats, using technology and working with others.

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PAGE 17HistoryThrough studying this course, students will explore the key political, economic and social events that have helped shape today’s institutions, governments and societies. The aim of the A Level History course is to develop an interest in and enthusiasm for history. Students will gain an understanding of different identities within society and an appreciation of social, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity through the study of British and Irish history and aspects of European history. Students can also build upon their understanding of the past, develop as effective learners and critical thinkers with the opportunity to discuss opinions and ideas and ask critical questions. The course is taught in an interesting and effective manner with a focus on exam technique and skill.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study History must have obtained a grade C or higher in Higher Tier History at GCSE Level.A student wishing to study History at A level and who has not studied History at GCSE Level, must have obtained a grade B or higher in Higher Level English at GCSE Level.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTStudents studying History will follow the CCEA Syllabus course of study.Unit Duration Value at A LevelHistorical Investigations and Interpretations: Germany 1919-19451 hour 30 mins 20%Historical Conict and Change: Russia 1914-19411 hour 30 mins 20%Change Over Time: Ireland Under the Union 1800-19001 hour 20%Historical Investigations and Interpretations: Partition of Ireland 1900-19252 hours 30 mins 40%CAREER PROGRESSIONPossible careers open to a student with a qualication in History include: Journalism, Law, Politics, Museum Curator, Architecture, Teaching, Conservation, Social Work, Police Service, Archaeology, Costume Design and Historical Research.PAGE 17

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PAGE 18PAGE 18BTEC – ICTPearson has developed the content of the new BTEC Nationals in collaboration with employers and representatives from higher education and relevant professional bodies. In this way, they have ensured that content is up to date and that it includes the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes required in the sector.WHO IS THIS QUALIFICATION FOR?The Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certicate in Information Technology is designed for learners who are interested in an introduction to the study of creating IT systems to manage and share information alongside other elds of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses. It is equivalent to one A Level. The qualication supports entry to for example:• HND in Business • BA (Hons) in Computer Arts• BSc (Hons) in Fashion Buying Management • BSc (Hons) in Software Development for• BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance AnimationCOURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTContent Assessment OverviewUnit 1- Information Technology SystemsExternal 33.3%• Written examination.• 90 marks.• Two hours.Learners study the role of computer systems and the implications of their use in personal and professional situationsUnit 2 Creating Systems to Manage InformationExternal-25%• A task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions.• Completed using a computer and submitted electronically.• 66 marks.Learners study the design, creation, testing and evaluation of a relational database system to manage information.Unit 3 Using Social Media in BusinessInternal-25%In this unit you will:• Explore the impact of social media on the ways in which businesses promote their products and services.• Develop a plan to use social media in a business to meet requirements.• Implement the use of social media in a business.Learners explore how businesses use social media to promote their products and services. Learners also implement social media activities in a business to meet requirements.

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PAGE 19PAGE 19Plus Choose one optional unitUnit 6 Website Development Internal-16.6%In this unit you will:• Understand the principles of website development• Design a website to meet client requirements• Develop a website to meet client requirementsLearners investigate website development principles. They will design and develop a website using scripting languages.Career Progression Social media specialist, web/content developer, game/app development, business analyst or accounting and nance.

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PAGE 20PAGE 20Life and Health SciencesThe life and health sciences are growing sector in the Northern Ireland economy and generate £800m turnover per year.This is a new and innovative science qualication developed by CCEA with input from Universities and key industry partners including Almac, Norbrook and Intelesens. It aims to develop students’ advanced practical skills and knowledge, preparing them for employment or third-level study and a career in the life and health sciences. ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study GCE Life and Health Sciences should have obtained a grade ‘BB’ or higher in ‘Double Award’ Science or equivalent (e.g. Core Science and Additional Science) or a grade ‘A’ in ‘Single Award’ Science. A grade ‘B’ or higher in Maths is also essential.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTThe qualication is available as a ‘Single’ or ‘Double Award’ (subject to demand and the College’s timetabling requirements).CAREER PROGRESSIONPossible careers for a student with a qualication in Life and Health Sciences include: Pharma, Biomedical Science, Nursing, Radiography, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Nursing and other Allied Health Professions.Content Assessment Single Award WeightingsDouble Award WeightingsUnit AS 1: Experimental TechniquesInternal AssessmentCore Unit33.34% of AS13.34% of A level16.67% of AS6.67% of A levelUnit AS 2:Human Body SystemsExternal written examinationCore unit1 hour 30 mins33.33% of AS13.33% of A level16.67% of AS6.67% of A levelUnit AS 3: Aspects of Physical Chemistry in Industrial ProcessesExternal written examinationCoro unit1 hour 30 mins33.33% of AS13.33% of A level16.67% of AS6.67% of A levelUnit AS 4: Brain ScienceInternal assessmentCore unit(Double Award)16.66% of AS6.66% of A levelUnit AS 5: Material ScienceExternal written examinationCore unit(Doble Award)1 hour 30 mins16.67% of AS6.67% of A levelUnit AS 6: Medicine, Drugs and Clinical TrialsInternal assessmentCore unit (Double Award)16.66% of AS6.66% of A levelContent Assessment Single Award WeightingsDouble Award WeightingsUnit A2 1: Scientic Method, Investigation, Analysis and EvaluationInternal assessmentCore unit20% of A level 10% of A levelUnit A2 2:Organic ChemistryExternal written examination1 hour 45 minsCore unit20% of A level 10% of A levelUnit A2 3: Medical Physics External written examination1 hour 45 minsOptional units20% of A level(Single Award students take any one of these units)10% of A level for each unit(Double Award students take any two of these units)Unit A2 4: Sound and LightUnit A2 5: Genetics, Stem Cell Research and CloningUnit A2 6: MicrobiologyInternal assessmentOptional units10% of A level for each unit(Double Award students take any two of these units)Unit A2 7: Oral Health and DentistryUnit A2 8: Histology and PathologyA2 9: Analytical Chemistry TechniquesA2 10: Enabling Technology

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PAGE 22PAGE 22MathematicsThose who qualify in Mathematics are in the fortunate position of having a wide range of career choices. The abilities • to use logical thought, • to formulate a problem in a way which allows for computation and decision, • to make deductions from assumption, • to use advanced concepts,are all enhanced by a higher level qualication in Mathematics. It is for this reason that mathematicians are increasingly in demand. With a mathematics qualication, you should be able to turn your hand to many careers with a success not possible to other graduates. This exibility is even more important nowadays, with the considerable uncertainty as to which areas will be the best for employment in future years. The four core courses involve higher level studies of Algebra (quadratics, factorise, sequences, functions and graphs), Geometry (Trigonometry, circles and linear geometry), Number (Logarithms and exponentials) and a new topic of Calculus (differentiation and integration). Students will also study Mechanics (Forces, moments and motion) and Statistics (Probability and data analysis).ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study Mathematics must have obtained a grade B or higher in Higher Level Mathematics at GCSE Level. It is recommended students have covered the work in the M4 course at GCSE Level. Further Mathematics/Additional Mathematics at GCSE, although helpful, is not a requirement.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTStudents studying Mathematics will follow the CCEA Syllabus course of study. Unit Duration Value at A LevelAS 1. Pure Mathematics 1 hour 45 mins 24%AS 2. Applied Mathematics (Mechanics and Statistics1 hour 15 mins 16%A2 1. Pure Mathematics 2 hours 30 mins 36%A2 2. Applied Mathematics (Mechanics and Statistics)1 hour 30 mins 24% CAREER PROGRESSIONPossible career options available to a student with an A Level qualication in Mathematics include:Accountancy, Actuary, Architect, Bank Clerk, Business Development Manager, Computer Programmer, Data Analyst, Engineer, Insurance Claims Ofcial, Production Manager, Quantity Surveyor, Retail Buyer, Statistician, Teacher.

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PAGE 25Moving Image ArtsThe AS Level course has been designed to encourage student’s practical and creative abilities in producing moving image products of their own whilst also utilising their critical abilities when viewing moving image products in general. The combination of lm making skills which form the basis of this qualication also provides students with a valuable grounding for those wishing to follow careers in the creative industries.The A2 section of the Advanced GCE builds upon the foundations of knowledge, understanding and skills developed with the AS and provides the basis for further study of Moving Image Arts and related subjects.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSIt should be noted that no prior knowledge or level of attainment in the subject is required. However, it is a basic requirement for the online examinations at both AS and Advanced GCE courses that candidates demonstrate basic keyboarding and word processing skills. COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTStudents studying Moving Image Arts will follow the CCEA Syllabus course of study.AS A2(Creating and responding to Moving Image Art Forms)(Exploring and Experimenting with Moving Image Art Forms and Inuences)Unit AS 1 (Realist and Formalist Techniques and the Classical Hollywood Style: Foundation Portfolio)Compulsory coursework:AS = 60% A2 = 24%Unit A2 1 (Creative Production and Research: Advanced Portfolio)Compulsory coursework:A2 = 36%Unit AS 2 (Critical Response)Compulsory external online examination with previously unseen movie clips – 1hr 30minsAS = 40% A2 = 16%Unit A2 2 (Advanced Critical Response)Compulsory external online examination with previously unseen movie clips and optional art form specialisation with pre-set movie clips – 2hrs 15mins (incl. 15mins screen break)A2 = 24%The coursework assignments for Units AS 1 and A2 1 are marked by teachers and submitted to CCEA for moderation. The online examinations are externally set and marked.CAREER PROGRESSIONOpportunities exist in television, lm and video, editing, production, sound, lighting and a whole host of media careers and further education courses.PAGE 25

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PAGE 26PAGE 26Music (BTEC)Music offers pupils the opportunity to engage with the subject more deeply as a performer, composer or listener, in addition to preparation for third level study in music, performing or a great deal of many other semi-related creative industries such as advertising, marketing, lm, or the digital industry.A great range of further study options await the musician when applying for university. Ninety-ve per cent of universities now accept BTEC and view them equivalent of A Level qualications, a driving force behind the highly successful College move from A Level Music.In addition people who study music gain valuable skills in self-condence through performing; commitment skills from learning an instrument; and by the meticulous planning involved in organising a musical performance they are able to adapt very well to the world of commerce and business.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study Music will ideally have a Grade C or above in GCSE Music or Performing Arts and will be able to play a musical instrument or competently sing.If anybody is any doubt about their suitability, an audition with Dr Baxter can be arranged as alternative qualications and skills will be considered.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTStudents will be following the Pearson Edexcel BTEC Level 3 in Music (Performing), for which you need 60 credits.Compulsory UnitUnit Weighting1. Music Performance Techniques10 creditsEither 2 or 3 are mandatory unitsUnit Weighting2. Solo Music Performance Skills 10 credits3. Working and Developing a Musical Ensemble10 creditsChoose 3 optional units from a list of 19 including . . .Unit Weighting4. Music Project 10 credits5. Singing Techniques 10 credits6. Pop Music in Practice 10 credits7. Classical Music in Practice 10 credits8. Modern Music in Practice 10 creditsCAREER PROGRESSIONPossible careers to a student with a qualication in Music in addition to being a musician include all areas of the performance industry; occupations where a keen creative eye is essential such as advertising and communications; careers where meticulous detail and good analytical and planning skills are needed, such as commerce, law, education and many other similar elds.

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PAGE 28PAGE 28Performing Arts (A-Level)Performing Arts is a growth industry in Northern Ireland. It encompasses drama, dance, music and any genre that involves performing to an audience. From the latest global blockbuster to local drama groups and street theatre, performing arts forms an important part of our leisure industry.Performing Arts relies as much on production as performance. The show can’t go on without the work of technicians, managers, choreographers, designers, promoters, agents and administrators. Performing Arts offers roles for those who prefer the technical aspects as well as those who aspire to entertain others with their talents. Participating in performing arts develops self-condence, self-awareness, personal discipline and creativity. Studying the performing arts enhances our ability to:• interpret and apply ideas; • receive direction and criticism;• understand the demands placed on professionals in the industry.Please note that you will elect to follow either a performance or production discipline; you do not have to be a performer to follow this course. You can choose one discipline from the following list: Dance OR Drama OR Music OR Choreography OR Design (Costume or Set) OR Direction OR Musical Direction OR Stage Management OR Technical (Lighting or Sound).ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:There is no particular level of attainment required to study this specication. However, it builds on knowledge, understanding and skills developed in any GCSE creative and expressive arts subject, for example Drama, Music, Performing Arts or Art. You do not have to have studied these subjects in order to pursue the course.Unit Content / assessment WeightingsAS 1: Developing Skills and RepertoireInternally assessed Externally moderated A portfolio, including a summary of research, skills audit, record of work, risk assessment, either live performance or production and presentation, and evaluation60% of AS 24% of A LevelAS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts EventExternally set pre-release stimulus material Externally assessed Supporting document in three sections produced under controlled conditions Live performance and/or presentation40% of AS 16% of A Level

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PAGE 29A2 1: Planning for EmploymentInternally assessed Externally moderated A record of work, including a written report in three sections, promotional portfolio and evaluation 60% of A2 36% of A LevelA2 2: Performing to a Commission Brief Externally set pre-release stimulus material Externally assessed A record of work, including a research report, summary of ndings, evidence of tasks completed and evaluation The evaluation is to be produced under controlled conditions. Live performance and/or presentation 40% of A2 24% of A LevelCAREER PROGRESSIONPerforming Arts is a collaborative discipline involving teamwork and self-management, which are important aspects of any role. It offers students the opportunity to develop production and performance skills and their own personal style.The Performing Arts industry offers diverse employment opportunities in, for example, dance, drama, music, theatre, lm, television, puppetry, costume design, set design, direction, sound engineering, lighting, make-up or special effects.PAGE 29

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PAGE 30PAGE 30Religious StudiesGCE Religious Studies offers an academic approach to the study of religion, ethics and philosophy. It is open to all students of any religious persuasions or none. As a Religious Studies student, you will discuss, debate and critically evaluate contemporary religious ideas. You will also investigate and speculate about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life. This qualication is for students who are interested in and enthusiastic about religion and its relation to the local community and wider world. It will appeal to anyone who enjoyed studying English, sciences, humanities or languages at GCSE. Religious Studies helps to equip you with many of the skills needed in further and higher education and the workplace. You will develop critical evaluation skills and the ability to construct logical and convincing arguments.Studying GCE Religious Studies will help you develop your understanding of religious beliefs, practices and values. It will give you the opportunity to develop your insight into various areas of study in religion and relate these to a local cultural and religious environment and to the wider world. You may choose to study the AS course as a nal qualication or as 40 percent of a full A-level qualication. Continuing with an A2 course makes up the further 60 percent needed to complete the full A-level award.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study Religious Studies must have achieved a grade B or higher in GCSE Religious Studies.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTWe follow the CCEA Specication of Study.For both AS level and A2, students complete two units from the following areas of study:• Textual Studies• Systematic Study of One Religion

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PAGE 31PAGE 31Students must study two of these units at AS level and a further two units at A2.Content Assessment WeightingsTextual StudiesAS 1: An Introduction to the Gospel of Luke.Religion and EthicsAS 7: Foundations of Ethics with Special Reference to Issues in Medical EthicsTwo 1 hour 20 minute external written examinations.Students answer one from two questions in Section A and one from two questions in Section B.Each paper isworth 50% of ASand 20% of A level.Textual StudiesA2 1: Themes in the Synoptic Gospels.Religion and EthicsA2 7: Global EthicsTwo 2 hour external written Examinations.Students answer two from three questions in Section A and the compulsory synoptic question in Section B.Each paper is worth 50% of A2 and 30% of A level.CAREER PROGRESSIONReligious Studies can open up a wide range of opportunities for further and higher education and interesting and rewarding careers. Students of Religious Studies can go on to have careers in areas such as teaching, medicine, law, public service, advice work, counselling, journalism, ministry, social work, charity organisations, youth work and community work.

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PAGE 32PAGE 32Sport BTEC Level 3 (National Extended Certicate)The BTEC National Extended Certicate in Sport is a diverse and enjoyable course that provides students with a full insight into the sports industry. This course offers a combination of theory and practical work, specialising in coaching, sports development and tness. This exciting BTEC delivers the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to prepare students for their chosen career.This qualication is equivalent in size to one A Level. It has been designed to support progression to higher or further education when taken alongside other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels. ENTRY REQUIREMENTSDesirable qualications and skills include:- ve GCSEs at good grades and/or- BTEC qualication(s) at Level 2- achievement in English and Maths through GCSE or Functional Skills- a keen interest in sport and a desire to be involved in this sectorCOURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTStudents will be following the Pearson Edexcel BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certicate in Sport.Compulsory Units Type of Assessment Unit Size / Weighting1. Anatomy & Physiology Ext (written exam) 120 GLH (33%)2. Fitness Training & Programming for Health, Sport and Well-beingExt (Cont Assess) 120 GLH (33%)3. Professional Development in the Sports Industry Int (Assignment based) 60 GLH (16.6%)Optional Units – Learners complete 1 of the followingType of Assessment Unit Weighting4. Sports Leadership Int (Assignment based) 60 GLH (16.6%)5. Application of Fitness Testing Int (Assignment based) 60 GLH (16.6%)6. Sports Psychology Int (Assignment based) 60 GLH (16.6%)7. Practical Sports Performance Int (Assignment based) 60 GLH (16.6%)FURTHER EDUCATION OPTIONSPossible progression available to a student with a level 3 BTEC qualication in Sport include:- BSc (Hons) Sports Psychology- BA (Hons) Sports Studies & Business- BEd (Hons) Physical Education- BA (Hons) Sports Education and Special and Inclusive Education- BA (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science- BSc (Hons) Sports Technology CAREER PROGRESSION Physiotherapist, PE Teacher, Sports Engineer, Sports Psychologist, Nutritionist, Sports Coach, Events Organiser, Sports Development Ofcer, Performance Analyst, Sports Journalist, Broadcaster, Sports Photographer, Sports Therapist, Sports Scientist, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Radiologist, Personal Trainer, Coaching Abroad, etc.

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PAGE 33PAGE 33SpanishIn an ever-increasing global society, GCE Spanish allows students to develop their enthusiasm for and understanding of the Spanish language and culture in a variety of contexts. Students can learn to communicate condently, clearly and effectively in Spanish for a range of purposes and hence increase their overall communication skills. They also develop knowledge and understanding of societal, political and cultural issues in Spanish-speaking countries or communities. Students are encouraged to think critically, express opinions and justify them, increase their empathy and tolerance of others and be effective communicators. They will also have opportunities to engage in independent research into aspects of Spanish society and culture that are of personal interest and to use multimedia to present their ndings.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study Spanish must have achieved a grade B or higher in GCSE Spanish.COURSE STRUCTURE AND ASSESSMENTWe follow the CCEA Specication of Study.Students will study four key themes as follows:• Relationships (AS)• Culture and Lifestyle (AS)• Young People in Society (A2)• Our Place in a Changing World (A2)Unit Duration Value at A LevelAS1 Speaking Presentation – 3 minsConversation – 8 minsTotal = 11 mins30% of AS12% of A2AS 2 Listening (A) Reading (B) Use of Language (C)Listening paper – 40 minsReading and Translation of Spanish into English – 50 minsGrammar and Translation into Spanish – 30 minsTotal = 2 hours40% of AS16% of A2AS3 Extended Writing One essay in Spanish on a lm or literary text1 hour30% of AS12% of A2AS = 40% A LevelA2 Speaking Discuss a research project – 6 minsConversation – 9 minsTotal = 15 mins18% of A LevelA2 Listening and Reading Listening – 45 minsReading and Translation – 2 hoursTotal = 2 hours 45 mins24% of A LevelA3 Extended Writing One essay on a literary text – 1 hour 18% of A LevelOverall 60% of A Level

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PAGE 34PAGE 34CAREER PROGRESSIONLanguage learning can open up a world of opportunities in work and travel. Having a language is a much sought-after skill in many careers but it also develops employable skills such as communication, problem-solving, self-motivation, team work, independence, creativity and resourcefulness. The knowledge and advanced skills that students acquire will help them progress to further study, higher education or employment and take their place in a multilingual, global society.Students who study a language can access a wide range of third level options and careers including: Translation and Interpretation, Education, Travel and Tourism, Law, Government, Business and Media.Northern Ireland Centre for Language Teaching have provided some “food for thought”:• Language skills can set you apart at an interview.• The ability to chat to someone in their own language is enough to close a deal.• Salaries can be up to 5 to 20% higher if you can offer a language (even if you never have to use it!)• Tourism accounts for 9% of all employee jobs in Northern Ireland.• Post-Brexit tourism will have an increased need for home-grown language skills.

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PAGE 35PAGE 35Technology and Design: Production DesignThe world we live in is populated with products, some simple, some complex, which we make use of each day of our lives in a wide range of contexts. We use products to help us in our work, to relax, to communicate with each other and in practically every part of our existence. All of these have had to be designed from an initial idea or developed from an existing idea or product. This specication promotes the concept of design allied with the application of scientic principles to realise solutions to real-life problems and everyday situations.This specication gives you the opportunity to get involved in the world of design. It will equip you with the skills required to take an initial idea through the process of design, utilising a range of scientic and engineering principles, with the ultimate goal of realising a practical outcome.This specication will allow you to develop a range of skills which you will be able to use in your other subjects and in your career after school, whether in the world of work, or in study at a higher level.ENTRY REQUIREMENTSStudents wishing to study Technology and Design must have obtained a grade B or higher in GCSE Technology and Design or similar course focusing on the design and manufacture of productsCOURSE STRUCTUREStudents studying Technology and Design will follow the CCEA Syllabus course of study.Areas of Study Duration ValueAS 1: Design and Materials core and specialised area of Product Design.2 x 1 hour 50% of AS 20% of A levelAS 2: Product Development exercise on an existing product or an aspect of it involving the production of a design folder and a developed product outcome.Internal assessment 45 hours50% of AS20% of A levelA2 1: Study of a specialised area of Product Design.2 hours 30% of A levelA2 2: Product Design and Manufacture. Carry out a design and make exercise involving the production of a design folder and a product outcome.Internal assessment 60 hours30% of A levelCAREER PROGRESSIONA wide range of Engineering and Design courses including Sustainable Design.

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PAGE 36 PAGE 36The following Post 16 courses were oered through the Fermanagh Learning Community (FLC) in 2022-2023. At this stage the FLC oer for 2023-2024 has not been published. However, we expect the oer to be similar.• BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma: Agriculture• BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma: Children’s Care, Learning and Development• BTEC Level 3 Naonal Diploma: Construcon and the Built Environment• BTEC Level 3 Naonal Diploma Creave Media: Computer Game Development• BTEC Level 3 Naonal Diploma Creave Media: TV & Film• BTEC Level 3 Award Advanced Manufacturing: Engineering• BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma: Hospitality• BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma: Travel and Tourism• Professional Business Services (CCEA)• Chemistry• Government and PolicsPAGE 36POST 16 COURSES

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PAGE 37POST 16 COURSESCollege ReectionAs we go into today, Let us go with the will to do our best in all things.Let us be kind to those who need our care, Let us be supporve to those who need our help,Let us be encouraging to those who doubt themselves -As we can all doubt ourselves at mes.Let us appreciate the wonder of the world around usAnd play our part in preserving the beauty of our planet.Let us be generous with our talents and skills So that others may benet from what we can give.Let our presence in today be the delicate ickerThat combined with all in our community Serves to illuminate our world. PAGE 37

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PAGE 38 PAGE 38PAGE 38IEF Carson Award Winners

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PAGE 40Printed by Cluff Printing Services (028) 6864 1503 www.cluffprintingservices.comWhere Everyone is Valued EquallyErne Integrated College, 5 Derrygore Road, Drumcoo, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, BT74 4FWTel: 028 66 325996