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Epic Department Internships 24/2

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EPICEPICDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENT INTERNSHIPSINTERNSHIPS2024-20252024-2025Applications for Spring 2025 areclosed.Check back in May for Fall 2025Opportunities.

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The following Epic departments are offering intern positionsfor high school students for the 2024-25 school year, withsome open only to grades 11-12. These opportunities varyfrom fully remote to a mix of in-person and remote work.Please review the options carefully and apply for the positionthat best fits your area of interest. Epic Department Internsengage in real and meaningful work that assists students,families, faculty and community!These internships are competitive. Be prepared for a teacherrecommendation to be required as part of a thoroughselection process.Application Deadlines: Fall Semester 2024 September 6, 2024(unless otherwise indicated) Spring Semester 2025 January 17, 2025Step Into The Future*Provided students complete all essential assignments,these opportunities can fulfill the internship courserequirement and satisfy the Next Step course for juniorsand seniors.Questions? Contact Anita

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Table of ContentsPlease click on the links below to review opportunities of interest orpage through the book. Return to the table of contents by clicking theschool logo on any page.Assessment/ LogisticsCollege & Career ReadinessDepartmentCommunications - SocialMedia AssistantCustomer ExperienceEpic Comets eSportsIntervention ProgramImmigrant Student &Family ServicesLanguage ServicesNative American ProgramsSpecial Events CoordinatorAssistantWorld Language

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Assessment/ LogisticsOpen to Juniors and Seniors1-2 internsIn person and remote workMust have reliable transportationThe State Assessments department is seeking 1-2 interns foreach semester. These individuals will have an exclusiveopportunity to support our mission in providing an exceptionaltesting experience to Epic students, caregivers, faculty, andadministrators. Our team specializes in the field of Logistics;the careful organization of a complicated event or activity toproduce a successful and effective outcome. Interns will gainvaluable experience in site and supply procurement, inventorymanagement, storage and organization, shipping andreceiving, technology build out, cross departmentalcollaboration, and much more. Applicants will need to accessthe OKC 50 Penn offices and storage warehouse weekly. Taskswill include but are not limited to, supply orders, inventorytracking, organize supply kits, equipment management,package shipments, assist with testing events, clerical tasks,participate in focus groups, and attend weekly meetings. Theideal candidate will display strong communication andorganizational skills, will be detail oriented, have a workingknowledge of the Google Suite platform, and be able to lift 25-50 lbs. Click Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!

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College & CareerReadiness Open to all high school students1-2 positionsMostly remote (with a few in-person eventspossible)The College and Career Readiness department isseeking 1-2 interns each semester. These individualshave the opportunity to explore the wide array ofinterests supported by this department. Become anintegral part of leading all high school students totheir next step after high school. Learn aboutdeveloping, marketing, evaluating and supportingprograms that champion graduating future-readystudents. You are invited to review the Future Readyprograms on the Epic website here. The idealcandidate will display strong communication andorganizational skills, will be outgoing and detailoriented as well as have a basic understanding ofthe Google Suite platform.Click Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!

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Communications:Social Media AssistantOpen to all High School students1 PositionHybrid, mostly remoteThe Epic Social Media Specialist is seeking a highschool intern to assist with Instagram and Facebookstories, and engagement, and help identify andshowcase fellow students for interviews andhighlights. This hands-on opportunity is perfect for acreative and tech-savvy high schooler who'spassionate about engaging with peers and creatingcompelling content. If you have a flair for social media and want to make animpact within your school community, apply now andbe a part of our dynamic team!Click Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!

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Click Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!Customer Experience Open to all high school students3-4 positions3 in the OKC area and 1 in the Tulsa areaIn person between the hours of 10 am - 2 pmEpic’s Customer Experience department is offeringinternships that can help you develop customerservice, communication and problem-solving skillswhile exploring the behind-the-scenes operations ofour organization.As an intern, you'll gain hands-on experience in theworld of customer experience. You'll learn about theimportant responsibilities and processes involved, andsee how different departments work togetherseamlessly to support our students, families andcolleagues. During the internship, you'll receivecomprehensive training on various customer servicetools like virtual chat, email, and phone systems.

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eSports Student SupportOpen to all high school studentseSports Team Manager5 positions Prerequisites- Must have your own gaming console/PCand accessories. Must have gaming experience.The Epic eSports department is searching for 5 internsfor our Epic Comets Varsity team & Epic Games Club.The interns will be required to log 60 hours persemester and complete additional assignments toreceive elective credit. Work will be completed bothremotely and in-person. eSports has practice virtuallyMonday-Friday from 3-4:30 p.m. Monthly tournamentswill be in-person at the Tulsa or OKC VLCs. Applicantsneed reliable transportation to these events. This is agreat opportunity for students to get experience in theworld of eSports. Most colleges offer eSports andmany even offer scholarships! Click Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!Duties-Attending in person tournaments/events to help set up/tear down/manageeventHelp oversee and run Epic Games Club events once a monthTraining teachers/students on our equipment in our eSports arenas

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Intervention Program 25 positions100% Remote WorkClick Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!This internship offers students a hands-on opportunity tosupport an intervention program designed to assist PK-8students performing below grade level. The programprovides targeted academic support through twice-weekly, 30-minute sessions with a skilled interventionist.Interns will earn hours by actively participating inintervention sessions, assisting with in-class activities,and collaborating to develop standards-based lessonplans outside of class. This experience is ideal forstudents interested in education, tutoring, or mentorship,providing valuable insight into personalized learningstrategies and the impact of academic interventions.ExpectationsCameras should be kept on during meetingsProper Meeting Etiquette (arrive on time, and dressedappropriately)Adhere to interventionist expectations set up during aninitial meeting

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Immigrant Student &Family ServicesOpen to all High School students2 positionsOn site at City Center, Warr Acres OKAre you interested in learning about different cultures, while helping fellowEpic students practice their conversation skills and/or gain anunderstanding of their schoolwork? Perhaps you’re interested in learning anew language? Interns meet for a minimum of 3 hours per week to assist inhelping fellow newcomer students meet academic goals in Speaking,Reading, Writing and Listening. The goal is for students to improve theirskills from other students who have a strong command of the language.Interns can be paired with an individual student or with a group ofstudents. This is an amazing opportunity to gain a better understanding of a culture(or a language) other than your own, make new friends, and developinterpersonal skills that will help you in the future. Opportunities areavailable to partner with similar age students or younger students.Interns must be open-minded and welcoming toward cultural andlinguistic differences. Interns should be self-aware, reflective, patient, and comfortableworking with peers. Interns should be self-motivated, self-directed, and highly accountable. Training will be provided initially and periodically throughout the semester.The time and location for this internship is at City Center on Thursdaysfrom 9-12:30. Resume and cover letter required. Click Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!

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Language ServicesOpen to students in grades 10-122 positionsMostly Remote, however there could be a few inperson meetingsThe purpose of the internship position is to offerSpanish speaking newcomer English learner andimmigrant students the necessary support andassistance they require as they onboard Epic. Thisinternship position aims to provide a structuredlearning experience, which will help students developthe skills, knowledge, and confidence they need tosucceed in their future careers. The role of helpingnewcomer English learner and immigrant studentssucceed is crucial in creating an inclusive andsupportive learning environment. By applying for thisinternship, you will have the opportunity to make ameaningful impact on the lives of these students andcontribute to their academic and social success.Click Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!Job RequirementsBilingual - Spanish and English speakingFamiliarity with Epic technology and curriculumStrong communication skillsResponsibilitiesAssisting students in setting up technologyGuiding students through PowerSchool and curriculum login processProviding support and assistance to students as they onboard at EpicCombination of in-person and remote engagement

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Native American ProgramsOpen to all high school students2 positionsRemote and in-person Native American Programs will be creating and hostingcultural activities for the Native American students.One position will be located at the OKC 50 Pennclassroom and one position will be located at the TulsaLogan classroom. Reliable transportation is required toaccess these classrooms weekly. The duties assignedwill be: preparing materials for cultural workshops,registration during workshops, assisting youngerstudents during workshops, creating and sortingcultural kits for shipping. Some media assistance maybe: creating instructional videos for making culturalitems, researching videos with cultural significance topair with activities, recording Native Storybooks readaloud. No cultural knowledge is required. This is awonderful way to learn more about Native Americanculture while getting connected with other Epicstudents. Click Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!

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Special EventsCoordinator AssistantClick Here to Apply!Click Here to Apply!The events team is seeking 1-2 interns per semester toassist with Epic events. This opportunity is 100% in person.These students will be able to see what goes into theprocess of planning and executing events for our Epicstudents, families and staff. Much of the duties wouldinvolve helping to organize the events storage space,packing and preparing for events and assisting at check-in at the actual events. Much of what we do involvesadvanced planning, so there is a lot of prep work on thefront end. On event day we come ready to troubleshootand resolve any problems that arise on-site, and thereare always surprises, so no two events are alike.An ideal candidate would be located in the OKC or Tulsametro area and have access to reliable transportation.Most of our events are during the work day, so whenpossible, we would love to have our intern(s) join us at theevents to see what event day looks like in person. Theideal candidate would be organized, detail-oriented andable to assist with lifting, packing and sorting. Knowledgeof Google Suites and spreadsheets is also helpful.

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Open to Juniors and Seniors who have successfullycompleted 3 years of Spanish.1 Remote Position Are you passionate about teaching and eager to gainhands-on experience in the classroom? OurElementary Spanish Teacher Apprenticeship Programis the perfect opportunity for aspiring educators tolearn and grow.Program Details:Minimum Hours: 60 hours per semesterWeekly Check-In: One-on-one sessions with the supervising SpanishteacherTeaching Practice: Assist with 2-4 virtual classes per weekBenefits:Practical Experience: Work directly with an experienced Spanish educator,gaining valuable classroom management and lesson planning skills.Resume Building: Enhance your resume with concrete teaching experiencethat stands out to future employers.Professional Growth: Develop your teaching style and methodology withreal-world practice and feedback.Take the first step towards your teaching career and make a lasting impacton young learners. Apply now to our Elementary Spanish TeacherApprenticeship Program and start your journey in education!Spring 2025positionfilledApplicationclosedWorld LanguageElementary Spanish InternClick Here to Apply!