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EOAL 35th Anniversary Magazine Program

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06 | 02 | 2024SUNDAY | 3PM - 6PM PRESENTSCEG CONSULTING, INC& ESSENCE OF A LADY, INC. BENEFITING35thESSENCE OF A LADY’S ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION &SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISEREagle’s Nest, 8040 Lone Star Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32211832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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DR. JOANN AJAYI-SCOTTC E O / F O U N D E ROn behalf of Essence of a Lady, Inc., and its Youth Advisory Board, wewelcome you to Essence of a Lady’s 35th Anniversary and ScholarshipFundraiser. I am truly grateful to have you here celebrating this momentousoccasion with us. It was because of you and your support, we are heretoday. Jacksonvillle is where I grew up and my family still lives here. I wasblessed to come back in March, 2020. God put it on my heart to buildcommunity support for our youth through the faith-based community for ouryouth and parents as a community connector. We are excited to be strategic partners with New Life Evangelistic Center’sSoaring Eagle Youth Ministry. This was our inaugural year and we areexcited about the future!832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgYou will have the privilege ofwitnessing over 13 honorees for thePresidential Lifetime AchievementAward; 3 honorees for the President’sVolunteer Service Award, 7 FabulousFemale and aMazing Male Awards, 5Scholarship Recipients and Parentand Youth recognitions.Please sit back, relax and enjoy theambiance, music, food and fellowshipas we are “Reminiscing on the Past,Recognizing Those Present,Celebrating Memories for the Future!”If you have any questions aboutEssence of a Lady, Inc or want moreinformation about developing acommunity connector/mentoringprogram with your church or school,go to

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35TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION “REMINISCING ON THE PAST, CREATINGMEMORIES FOR THE FUTURE”ESSENCE OF A LADY, INCPRESENTSAlexis is currently the HallmarkVP of Mahogany and isresponsible for MulticulturalMarketing. She worked inautomotive for 2 decadesleading brands like Cadillac,General Motors, and Stillantis. She is focused on supportingwomen in their personal andprofessional endeavors to taketheir businesses and careers tothe next level.Alexis enjoys exploring cultures and has visited over 60 countriesand lived in 3 including theunited arab emirates (Dubai)832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgALEXIS KERRVP of Mahogany Brand,Hallmark CardsK E Y N O T E S P E A K E R

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MEET ESSENCE OF A LADY’SYOUTH ADVISORY BOARDMargie RamseyTenesha HarrellParent Advocate &Fundraising ChairVP, Youth Programs &Apprenticeship ChairCharlotte EsperanzaYouth Programs Coordinator& Mentorship ChairJudy BrownProgram Development &Internship ChairSarah TaylorCommunity Engagement& Scholarship ChairDr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottFounder, President & CEO832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211A powerful man of faith, courage, and wisdom, Bishop Antonio C. Richardson providesheadship to New Life Evangelistic Center at Jacksonville and Orlando Florida (NLEC)and Word Connection Ministries, International (WCMI), both headquartered inJacksonville, Florida.An earnest preacher since age 16, Bishop Richardson has selflessly dedicated themajority of his life to the advancement of the kingdom of God. He has led NLEC fromits inception as a small and meager ministry in 1994; to the multi-dimensional,influential and resourceful powerhouse it is today. Under his leadership, NLEC wasselected as one of the Top 100 Churches in America in Technology and Innovation byChurch Business Magazine. In 2013, the church added more than 300 new membersas a result of a Spirit-led evangelism campaign vigorously spearheaded by BishopRichardson and his wife, our distinctive First Lady, Dr. Cynthia McGahee-Richardson.A noted teacher and scholar of the Word; ever yearning for a deeper relationship andillumination of the things of God, Bishop Richardson was a recurrent on TrinityBroadcast Network, multiple radio broadcasts, and countless Conferences andConventions. He has a passion for souls, true heart of a Pastor and the innate ability tobestow confidence to those who come in contact with him. He is a visionary. Hecultivates leaders. Bishop Richardson institutes viable ministry programs that are life-changing and outward-reaching to the community and to the world. His influencereaches beyond NLEC as he oversees numerous churches in the Word ConnectionMinistries, International and locally in the United States as far away as Africa.Bishop Richardson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Education and a Master’sdegree in Theology from Liberty University. He also received an Honorary Doctorate ofDivinity from St. Thomas Christian College. Bishop Richardson is the proud father of 2amazing children Antonio, Jr and Cynthia Nykia Phillips, thanks to Cynthia beingjoined in Holy Matrimony he is now called PaPa by Nyla Kai and Brynlee Adore.BISHOP ANTONIO C.RICHARDSON 832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD

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PRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Fabulous Female and First Lady Dr. Cynthia Richardsonencompasses the virtues of an exceptional pastor’s wife.While setting an example of godliness and discipline to theladies of the church, the community and the world, sheconsistently stretches herself beyond the limits of thetraditional First Lady seated on the front pew with the prettyhat.She is a woman of distinction: a trend-setting, elegantwoman, she has been honored with many awards throughoutthe community as a “Woman of Influence” by the SESBMWomen of Influence Non-profit Organization, “Best Boss” inEvent Planning by Adrianne Martin EntrepreneursResearchers, “Outstanding Owner” by Paradise DreamersInc. lead by Jeremiah Jackson, is a woman of worth andquality: business-minded, consecrated with integrity, activelyworking in ministry, standing beside the Bishop withunparalleled dedication and conviction.Her ability to inspire church members has garnered thestatus of one who is amiable, kindhearted and influential.DR. CYNTHIA MCGAHEERICHARDSON

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PRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Patricia McCollough is a humanitarian with extensiveexperience in community organizing, issue organizing,and electoral organizing. She worked for Obama andvarious organizations, including the first AfricanAmerican Chief of Staff in Jacksonville. Pat is currentlyserving as Special Assistant to the Mayor on CivicEngagement and Youth Participation. She is anordained minister with a focus on organizationalleadership and is a member of various organizations,including the Women Marines Association, NationalAssociation of Black Military Women, NationalOrganization for Women, National Diversity Council,Sister Hermana Foundation, Duval DemocraticWomen’s Information Network, Duval Democratic BlackCaucus of Florida, NAAP Jacksonville, Jax CivicEngagement, and Northside Coalition of Jacksonville.Pat is a social justice advocate, political strategist,community organizer, and ministry development leader.PATRICIA MCCOLLOUGH

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Carla Cumberlander Brown, a mother of two originally from Boston,MA, now living in Jacksonville, FL, holds a Master's Degree fromWebster University. She currently serves as a full-time Manager atUnited Healthcare and boasts 28 years of experience as a proficientEvent Coordinator. Carla actively participates in her local communitythrough various engagements, including her membership in theJacksonville Chamber of Commerce and the International Associationof Women. Furthermore, she sits on the Board of Directors for theJacksonville Jazz Society. Carla's involvement extends to roles likeHospitality Chair and Assistant Dean for Theta Phi Sigma ChristianSorority Incorporation Graduate Region. She leads the Devine 18Small Group, provides free services as a Certified ChristianCounselor, and volunteers as a licensed ordained minister at ImpactChurch. Regularly, she takes part in community Serve Day events,supports the Impact Food Pantry, aids downtown homeless shelters,and contributes to tasks for HabiJax. One of Carla's most fulfillingexperiences has been her mentorship work with Big Brothers BigSisters of NE Florida, among other meaningful initiatives.Carla, a committed entrepreneur, brings passion, positivity, andcreativity to events through her company Kiayana's Imagine This. Shepromotes social and cultural arts to nurture creativity througheducation and her annual event, Bridgerton Meets Jacksonville.CARLA CUMBERLANDER BROWNPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Dr. Cameka Smith, an esteemed speaker, trainer,and entrepreneur, is the driving force behind TheBOSS Network, a renowned platform forprofessional women. With a Master's inEducation, she has over a decade of experience ineducational administration, shaping programsand mentoring educators. Cameka's passion forempowerment led her to launch BOSS OnCampus, fostering the next generation of leaders.Recognized as a "Rising Brand Star" by Adweekand a Chicago Game Changer by ArielInvestments, she continues to make a significantimpact in business and education, earningaccolades such as Top 40 under 40 by TheNetwork Journal and Forbes 1000 recognition forThe BOSS Network's influence.DR. CAMEKA SMITHPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Charlotte Esperanza is a devoted mother andgrandmother, having retired from a successfulcareer as a correction officer. She is an alumni ofBishop College in Dallas, Texas, and an activemember of her church community. As a licensedrepresentative with Primerica, Charlotteempowers others through financial education,aiming to help individuals achieve financialfreedom and entrepreneurial success. Her involvement with the Essence of a Lady non-profit organization demonstrates her commitmentto empowering young girls and boys. Charlotte'sgoal is to enrich lives by promoting financialliteracy and providing tools for a debt-free future.CHARLOTTE ESPERANZAPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Judy Brown grew up in GalvestonTexas. She spent over 35 years as aProbation Officer and been ineducation for over 10 years. She is afounding member of Essence of a Lady,Inc., mother of 3 and grandmother.JUDY BROWNPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Margie Ramsey is a mother, an entrepreneur, anaward-winning philanthropist, and a mentor. Shehas spent 35 years as co-founder of Essence of aLady, Inc. Now, Margie is Vice President ofYELL! & Y-ME? Mentoring Programs. She hasalso contributed to her community. She spent 13years volunteering at Bank of America. As aprofessional, she has 39 years of experience inbanking and mortgage. As a business owner, sheco-owned a retail boutique in Houston, Texas. Forthe past 5 years, she has been a LegalShieldAssociate and 3 years as a Notary/Loan SigningAgent. Margie enjoys working with the communityand spending time with her grandkids.MARGIE ANN RAMSEYPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Kim has spent the last 30 years of her life working on the frontlinesof underserved communities in central Florida, helping to improve thelives of children and families. Kim’s professional experience includesmanagement, program development, training, teaching, grantwriting, and community engagement in social service, schools,university, and nonprofit settings. It was when she began managingthe Callahan Neighborhood Center in 2007 where her love of anti-hunger work began. She served on the board of Florida Impact for two years and thenworked as their Central Florida Program Coordinator from 2010until 2017. During that time, she also served on the board of CentralFlorida Second Harvest Food Bank. Kim then moved on to work forOrange County Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services as theirgrants, nutrition, education, and community programs manager untilshe re-joined Florida Impact as President/CEO in January 2021. Kim was born and raised in Great Neck, New York, and she receivedher Bachelor's and Master's Degree of Social Work from AdelphiUniversity. Kim is married to Langston Johnson and the proud motherof three amazing daughters, Robyn, Renee, and Ryanna. She is theYouth Director at Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church inOrlando and a proud member of her beloved sorority Alpha KappaAlpha, Inc. KIM M. JOHNSON, MSWPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Dr. Priscilla Q. Williams is a renowned speaker, author,certified life coach, and registered nurse who leads ateam of registered nurses in oncology, immunology, andneuroscience. She has spoken on various internationalbusiness platforms and founded the Kingdom WomenSociety (KWS), an online women ministry for purpose-driven women. With a membership of over 400 women,KWS provides online classes, workshops, events, and biblestudy. In 2021, she received an Honorary Doctorate inTheology from Trinity Theological Seminary of SouthFlorida. Dr. Williams has appeared on various televisionand radio platforms, including FOX, WCIU, CBS News,WVON Radio, WGN-TV, and The Huffington Post. Shehas been recognized as a game changer in her industry,being named one of Chicago's 40 under 40 GameChangers by Ariel Investments, the 2016 Henrietta LacksAward Recipient, and The Chicago Defender's 2018Women of Excellence Award Receipt.DR. PRISCILLA Q. WILLIAMSPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Sholann Ajayi is a mother of three and a serialentrepreneur. She is very passionate aboutinspiring women and girls to be their best selves.She loves to read, travel, and support otherwomen-owned businesses through partnershipsand connections. She was involved in YELL!Mentoring since 2006 for almost 10 years.When Sholann commits to something, she reallycommits! This year, she celebrates the 20thanniversary of her rookie season playing women’sprofessional football. Sholann is a lifetimemember of Girl after being a member fromkindergarten to 12th grade. Sholann is alsowidely known as "AJ,” and she exemplifies aFabulous Female!SHOLANN AJAYIPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Gloria, originally from Jackson, MS, has forged an impressivecareer path that spans banking, real estate, and public service.With a Texas Residential Real Estate Agent license earned in2000, she has excelled in diverse roles, including pivotalpositions in the public school system and local government.Gloria's influence extends to community development throughher roles on the Greater Houston Black Chamber City SteeringCommittee and the Comprehensive Planning AdvisoryCommittee Board. She has been appointed to the Tax Increment ReinvestmentZone Board and served as a Commissioner on the city’sPlanning & Zoning Board. As an active member of the HoustonAssociation of Realtors and the Houston Black Real EstateAssociation, Gloria combines her professional expertise with apassion for community advocacy. Beyond her dynamic career,Gloria dedicates her time to volunteer work, supportinginitiatives like the Color of Change. Her commitment to justice,community well-being, and vibrant personal pursuits, such asbid whist cards and line dancing, define her as a dynamicforce within both professional and community spheres.GLORIA LUCASPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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CONGRATULATIONS!CONGRATULATIONS!ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Ava Finley Jacques, CEO of ALCAM Community ActionMotivators Inc. and A Ques Productions, is a renownedmusician and entrepreneur. Born in Pawhuska, Oklahoma,she began playing the piano at three and has shared thestage with artists like Richard Smallwood, The ClarkSisters, The Winans, Marvin Sapp, and Bobby Jones. Avahas served as the Greenwood Cultural Center Youth ChoirMusician and Co-Choir Director for the National BaptistWestern Regional Youth Conference Musical. Currently, sheserves as the Music Minister for Roberts Mt Pisgah AMEand has ministered at various churches in Oklahoma,Tulsa, and Jacksonville. Ava has received numerousawards, including induction into the Florida-Georgia GospelHall of Fame in 2022, the President's Lifetime AchievementAward in 2024, and the Finley Singers-ALCAMEntertainer in Oklahoma in 2022. She is also involved incommunity activism, supporting organizations like the El-Beth-El Development Center, NAACP, and Tamika's Schoolof Epicure.AVA JACQUESPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARDPRESIDENTIAL LIFETIMEACHIEVEMENT AWARD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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JUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS at our 35th Anniversary & Scholarship Fundraiser“FABULOUS FEMALE AWARD’’Congratulations!Congratulations!REGINA STALLINGS2024 PRESIDENT’SVOLUNTEER SERVICEAWARD - GOLD832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgRegina Senior Stallings, member ofNLEC (30yrs)Bishop A C Richardson.The wife of Israel Stallings 41yrs andmother of 2 adult sons (Israel andIsaiah). Graduated from BauderFashion College AA degree.Entrepreneur on social media asfaithfoodfashion55 and currentlyemployed at Parallon BusinessSolutions…Appeal’s specialist.

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JUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS at our 35th Anniversary & Scholarship Fundraiser“FABULOUS FEMALE AWARD’’Congratulations!Congratulations!JULIANNA AJAYI2024 PRESIDENT’SVOLUNTEER SERVICEAWARD - SILVER832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgJulianna Ajayi, Esquire, is a business andtransactional attorney, Title IX/Xinvestigator, and entrepreneur. Shegraduated Summa Cumlaude fromFlorida A&M University in English andSouth Texas College of Law with a JD.She is very passionate about inspiringwomen to fight for equality in theworkplace and in the community. Sheloves to read, travel, and engage infamily activities.

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JUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211ESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS at our 35th Anniversary & Scholarship Fundraiser“FABULOUS FEMALE AWARD’’Congratulations!Congratulations!TENESHA HARRELL2024 PRESIDENT’SVOLUNTEER SERVICEAWARD - BRONZE832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgTenesha Harrell is a wife, mother of four, 20-yearmortgage professional, and native Milwaukeen by wayof Chicago residing in Jacksonville, FL. She has been amember of New Life Evangelistic Center, Inc., and thebody of Christ for 14 years. She has a background inmortgage servicing as well as mortgage loanoriginations, and she is currently NMLS licensed. With a passion for leadership development, shementors and develops future management leaders atall career stages. She supported and led the BlackOrganization for Leadership Development (BOLD)business resource group for over 10 years, helpingprofessionals enhance transferable skills and createnetworking opportunities through event hosting.

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgBRIDGETON MEETSJACKSONVILLE By Kiyana’s Imagine this…Congratulates Carla Cumberlander Brownon being honored with The PresidentialLifetime Achievement Award!!

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgIWAM CONGRATULATESEssence of a Lady for 35 years ofphilanthropy to women and youth!

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Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottThe Original Fabulous FemaleCongratulations!PHILANTHROPIST OF THE YEARESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS at our 35th Anniversary & Scholarship Fundraiser“FABULOUS FEMALE AWARD’’JUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgDr. Varenda S. Williams, Ph.D., D.D. is a prominentapostolic scholar, thought leader, and activist witha diverse background in education, science, andphilanthropy. She holds a BS in chemistry fromSouthern University A & M College, an M.Ed. inEducational Leadership & Administration fromConcordia University-Portland, OR, and a Ph.D. inChristian Education from Juliana King University.Dr. Varenda is a Life Member of the NationalWomen of Achievement, Incorporated-HoustonChapter, serving on various levels and beinginducted into the NWOA Hall of Fame in 2023. Sheis also a board member of the Lake HoustonFriendship Society and serves as Scholarship Chairand Chaplain for the Suburban Bayou CityChapter of Top Ladies of Distinction, Incorporatedand the Epsilon Phi Chapter of Iota Phi LambdaSorority, Incorporated. With nearly 25 years ofexperience in education and 35 years in ministry,Dr. Varenda has received numerous awards,honors, and certificates of recognition for hercontributions to education, ministry, and communityservice.832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottThe Original Fabulous FemaleCongratulations!ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEARESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS at our 35th Anniversary & Scholarship Fundraiser“FABULOUS FEMALE AWARD’’JUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Gloria Pratt, the eight child in a family oftwelve, embodies entrepreneurial spirit from ayoung age. From crafting home decor as achild to mastering sewing and upholstery byher teenage years, Gloria's journey reflectsher passion for creation and commerce.Today, she is the founder and driving forcebehind multiple successful ventures inHouston, Texas. As the CEO of MDAManagement Solutions LLC, she guides smallbusinesses to thrive and grow. Gloria showcases her creativity through GloriaPratt Designs, offering a diverse range offashion and accessories for men, women, andchildren. Additionally, her company G. PrattDesigns specializes in interior decorating,transforming both residential and commercialspaces with innovative designs and bespokefurniture. Gloria's dedication toentrepreneurship and design continues toinspire both her community and industry alike.832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.org832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottThe Original Fabulous FemaleCongratulations!COMMUNITY LEADER OF THE YEARESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS at our 35th Anniversary & Scholarship Fundraiser“FABULOUS FEMALE AWARD’’JUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Sarah Taylor is a wife and mom whohas dedicated over 10 years to thefinancial industry at Bank ofAmerica. Alongside her professionalcommitments, Sarah is deeplypassionate about community service.She actively volunteers in hercommunity, supporting firstresponders, veterans, special needsindividuals, childhood cancerresearch, and aspiring young mindsin our city to fulfill their dreams ofgoing to college or pursuing careers oftheir choice. Sarah also contributesher skills as a photographer,capturing the essence of thesemeaningful endeavors over the years.832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.org832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottThe Original Fabulous FemaleCongratulations!HUMANITARIAN OF THE YEARESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS at our 35th Anniversary & Scholarship Fundraiser“FABULOUS FEMALE AWARD’’JUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211Patricia McCollough is a humanitarian withextensive experience in community organizing,issue organizing, and electoral organizing. Sheworked for Obama and various organizations,including the first African American Chief ofStaff in Jacksonville. Pat is currently serving asSpecial Assistant to the Mayor on CivicEngagement and Youth Participation. She is anordained minister with a focus on organizationalleadership and is a member of variousorganizations, including the Women MarinesAssociation, National Association of BlackMilitary Women, National Organization forWomen, National Diversity Council, SisterHermana Foundation, Duval DemocraticWomen’s Information Network, DuvalDemocratic Black Caucus of Florida, NAAPJacksonville, Jax Civic Engagement, andNorthside Coalition of Jacksonville. Pat is asocial justice advocate, political strategist,community organizer, and ministry developmentleader.832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.org832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottThe Original Fabulous FemaleCongratulations!BUSINESS PARTNER OF THE YEARESSENCE OF A LADY PRESENTS ITS at our 35th Anniversary & Scholarship FundraiserJUNE 2, 2024, SUNDAY | 3PMEAGLE’S NEST, 8040 LONE STAR ROAD, JACKSONVILLLE, FLORIDA 32211832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgThank you forbeing a Presenting Sponsor!“aMazing Male Award”CEG Consulting, LLC

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgDr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott and Essence of a Lady, Inc.for 35 years of philanthropy for women and youth!May God Continue to Bless you!-Wolfson Class of ‘76 and Maurice DortchCONGRATULATIONS

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCONGRATULATIONSCarl E. Gay of CEG Consulting, LLC for beingrecognized as Essence of a Lady’s “Business Partner of the year!”May you continue to use your gifts to supportworthy causes!-Steve and Terryl Wells

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CEG CONSULTING, INC& ESSENCE OF A LADY, INC. CONGRATULATESCONGRATULATESKa’Shawnna Norman Brent Figgs, JrBreann Figgs Jacob Jones Chaniya Brown2022 Scholarship Recipients2024 Scholarship Recipients832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgSATURDAY PROGRAMSATURDAY PROGRAMFemales are Fabulous/Males are aMazing Empowerment Conference WelcomeInvocationEmcee1st Speaker2nd SpeakerDoor Prizes3rd Speaker4th SpeakerDoor PrizesVendor SpotlightFinal SpeakerDrawing for FREE TRIP!Closing Remarks Founder/CEO Essence of a LadyDr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottJudy BrownDr. Varenda WilliamsNailah StarksThe Mommy Dearest FoundationJinicka Tillie CampbellWomen of War, IncMargie RamseyLaquana DawkinsQDefined Money, Inc Chastity AlfordThe Maven FactorDr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottFelicia Wright Mygani, LLC Katrina Williams Pampered Chef Jirekia DavisJD Natural Hair Lab presents UNITY ROOTSJanell Wesley-EdwardsFayette Community ServiceDr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott

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35TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION “REMINISCING ON THE PAST, CREATINGMEMORIES FOR THE FUTURE”832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgALEXIS KERRVP of Mahogany Brand,Hallmark CardsK E Y N O T E S P E A K E RSUNDAY PROGRAMSUNDAY PROGRAMCharlotte EsperanzaPastor Clint W. WhiteDr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottPastor Clint W. WhiteSholann AjayiMargie Ann RamseyDr. Varenda WilliamsPraise Dance in Memory of Julenne Brown Chaniya BrownSaxophonist Pierre KendricksFashions by Gloria Pratt DesignsJanell Westley-Edwards Dr. Varenda WilliamsMyself Poem Julianna NoralusSholann Ajayi Jinicka CampbellJuriyah GilmoreTenesha HarrellJulianna AjayiNailah StarksRittie RaglandJulianna AjayiSarah E. TaylorJirekia DavisDr. JoAnn Ajayi-ScottGloria LucasPastor Stanley ClayWelcomePrayer/InvocationIntroductionsEmcee(s)Youth BoardFounder/CEOEntertainmentFashion ShowModeratorDinner is ServedBaskets Auction EntertainmentFireside Chat with Alexis Kerr, VP ofMahogany Brand, Hallmark CardsYouth & Parent AwardsFabulous Female/aMazing Male AwardsPresidential Lifetime Achievement AwardsScholarship AwardsCEO Presentation/AcknowledgementSpecial PresentationClosing PrayerMemories of Essence of a Lady Video

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35TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION “REMINISCING ON THE PAST, CREATINGMEMORIES FOR THE FUTURE”ESSENCE OF A LADY, INCPRESENTSPASTOR CLINT W.WHITEE M C E EPastor White served our nationfor 21 years as a United StatesMarine and retired in 2007. Hecurrently works as a personalinjury investigator, providing hisservices, as Eagle MobileServices, LLC, to several lawfirms in the city of Jacksonville.He recently expanded hisbusiness to include NotarySigning Agent services. He alsoserves as the assistant pastorof New Life Evangelistic Centerat Orlando and as SeniorInstructor of the A.C.Richardson School of Ministry.832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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35TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION “REMINISCING ON THE PAST, CREATINGMEMORIES FOR THE FUTURE”ESSENCE OF A LADY, INCPRESENTSSHOLANN AJAYIE M C E ESholann Ajayi is a mother of threeand a serial entrepreneur. She isvery passionate about inspiringwomen and girls to be their bestselves. She loves to read, travel,and support other women-ownedbusinesses through partnershipsand connections. She wasinvolved in YELL! Mentoring since2006 for almost 10 years.When Sholann commits tosomething, she really commits!This year, she celebrates the 20thanniversary of her rookie seasonplaying women’s professionalfootball. Sholann is a lifetimemember of Girl after being amember from kindergarten to 12thgrade. Sholann is also widelyknown as "AJ,” and sheexemplifies a Fabulous Female!832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgTHE SPEAKERSTHE SPEAKERSFemales are Fabulous/Males are aMazing Empowerment Conference CHASTITY ALFORDEmpowerment Entrepreneur andMotivational CatalystJANELL WESTLEY-EDWARDSA Beacon of Inspiration for Personal GrowthJINICKA TILLIE CAMPBELLMature Mentor, Founder/CEO, Women ofWar, IncNAILAH STARKSFounder/CEO, The Mommy DearestFoundationLAQUANA DAWKINSFounder, QDefined Money, IncDR. VARENDA WILLIAMSEMCEE

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCHASTITY ALFORDEmpowerment Entrepreneur andMotivational CatalystFemales are Fabulous/Males are aMazing Empowerment Conference Chastity Alford is an EmpowermentEntrepreneur and Motivational Catalystwho has been driven by courage,ambition, and a strong belief in hervision. She founded the award-winningboutique, The Maven Factor, and herrenowned speaking platform, TheSpeaker Maven. Alford's messagesinspire others to overcome theirlimitations and embrace fear as acatalyst for growth. She has receivednumerous accolades, including the ACHIMagazine Entrepreneur of the Year in2019, Orator of the Year in 2023, andMotivational Speaker of the Year in 2023by the Best Boss Society. Alford, based inJacksonville, Florida, is known for herdeep self-awareness and determinationto achieve her aspirations. She frequentlyinspires audiences with her motivationaltalks, covering topics such as businessacumen, personal branding, and women'sempowerment.

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgJANELL WESTLEY-EDWARDSA Beacon of Inspiration for Personal GrowthFemales are Fabulous/Males are aMazing Empowerment Conference Janell Westley-Edwards is a passionatespeaker, mentor, and community leaderwho has dedicated her life toempowering others to reach their fullpotential. As the Executive Director of theFayette Community Service Organization(FCSO), she has led numerous initiativesaimed at personal growth andempowerment. Her visionary leadershiphas made a lasting impact on the lives ofcountless individuals. Drawing on herown journey of growth andtransformation, Janell shares practicalstrategies for overcoming obstacles,embracing change, and creating a life ofpurpose and fulfillment. She inspiresothers to believe in themselves, pursuetheir dreams, and live their best lives.Janell's commitment to lifelong learningand personal development continues toinspire others to reach new heights ofsuccess and fulfillment.

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgJINICKA TILLIE CAMPBELLMature Mentor & Founder/CEO ofWomen of War, Inc.Females are Fabulous/Males are aMazing Empowerment Conference I am Jinicka Tillie-Campbell, I lovefamily and friends! I thrive in thesafety of my village. I AM a Mentor tothe mature (follow me for more infoon that). I AM a Servant Leader, I leadin the corporate space and I AM thePresident & Founder of Women ofWar Inc & GWAP(Girls with WisdomAuthority & Power). I AM a teacher, Ilove teaching the word of God andgiving people practical principles forbeing a whole human and spiritualbeing (Somebody play DonaldLawrence ). I have a Bachelors inHumans Services with a focus onchild abuse and addiction. Above allof these titles I AM a wife to my bestfriend Gevon Campbell and a motherto the smart, creative ,bold & kindJustice & the humble, talented , smart,courageous Zion.

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgNAILAH STARKSFounder/CEO, The Mommy DearestFoundationFemales are Fabulous/Males are aMazing Empowerment Conference Nailah Starks is a mother,writer, full time teacher,mentor, and alumna of DillardUniversity. She is a woman offaith and also serves as theFounder and ExecutiveDirector of The MommyDearest Foundation, a 501(c)3nonprofit organization thatserves pregnant, young, andincarcerated mothers. She isintentional about inspiring andtransforming the lives ofothers.

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgLAQUANA DAWKINSFounder, QDefined Money, IncFemales are Fabulous/Males are aMazing Empowerment Conference LaQuana Dawkins is thefounder of Q’Defined Money,Inc. She is a graduate of theUniversity of North Floridawhere she majored in Financeand Financial Planning &Services. She is also alicensed Insurance agent, amother of three and isdedicated to teaching financialeducation to our youth.

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCONGRATULATIONSBraLonni's Bed and Breakfast in Trenton+1 352-463-0023Info@bralonnisbnb.comEssence of a Lady, Inc. for 35 years ofphilanthropy!Carl E. Gay for your dedication to servicing others!!Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott and Margie Ramsey forbeing ordinary women doing extraordinary worksin their communities for over 35 years!!Dr. Lindo and Vickie Lindo of BraLonnis Bed andBreakfast and Retreat, Trenton, Florida.

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCONGRATULATIONSDr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott and Essence of a Lady, Inc. for35 years of philanthropy for women and youth!Thank you for being my mentor over the past 15 years!!- Love, Fanter Sackor

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCONGRATULATIONSEssence of a Lady, Inc. and Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott forputting women and youth to the forefront ofimportance by providing mentoring support to many indifferent settings over the past 35 years!! May youcontinue to provide support for many years to come!For more information about Bubbles and Soaps, go toBubbles & Butterflies SoapsWe offer in-home parties, gift cards, customizedbaskets and more!!

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCONGRATULATIONSMargie Ramsey for over 35 years of service, commitmentand stamina with Essence of a Lady, Inc. Continue yourjourney supporting your community!-Derald Williams and Samuel Wolfson High School Class of 1979!!

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCEG CONSULTING, LLC Congratulates Essence of a Lady, Inc and Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott!Doing anything for 35 years is a major accomplishmentbut working in the community giving your time, talent.and treasure to women and youth is what embodiesphilanthropy!

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgWe, at Juliana King University are truly proud of you“Dr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott”We wish you a very successful 35th Anniversarycelebration and wish you many more years ofphilanthropy!!-Dr Juliana King, President of Juliana King UniversityFor more information on degrees, school of ministry,international studies or community engagement, connect withus on Facebook.

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgCONGRATULATIONSPatricia McCollough, on being a Presidential LifetimeAchievement Award honoree and Humanitarian of theYear!We stand together in affirming you deserve this andmuch, much more for your dedication to thecommunity and human life itself!!

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgwould like to say thank you to ALL who attendedand all honorees and their guests who securedtickets and tables to make this eventsuccessful!!ESSENCE OF A LADY,INC. AND ITS BRANDS

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgWe also thank each philanthropist who could notattend but chose to make a donation Maurice DortchSteve and Terryl WellsDr. and Vickie Lindo Factor SackorIra Rae and Tom Merten Finally thanks to all the volunteers for givingyour time and all the attendees who participatedin our gift basket raffle drawing!!SPECIAL THANKS TOPRESENTING SPONSOR CEG CONSULTING, LLC

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgEssence of a Lady, Inc., itssignature programs trulyappreciate everyone whocontributed to this yearsactivities and helped made thisyear and this event memorableand successful!

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.orgDr. JoAnn Ajayi-Scott has been changing lives as abusiness owner for over 44 years and Founder of Essenceof a Lady for 35 years!Her passion is to live out God’s purpose for her life!!She has 3 major projects coming up to help her continue onthis journey…1. Her book launch!! “Wake Up Fabulous Females and Walk in YourFabulousity!”10 Strategies to Maximize Your Finances, Build a Legacy &Become a Legendary Media Influencer!!It is scheduled to be released any day now, waiting onpublisher to confirm the release. You may preorder. Preorder your book today! Book Launch Preorder link: I t w i l l b e A V A I L AB L E a t A ma z o n . c o m S O O N !

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832-303-9358Essence of a Lady, Inc eladiesinfo@eladies.org2. Clothing Line Launch: Fabulous Females Fashion aMazing Male DesignseLadies.bizAlthough I am launching my clothing line, you can placeyour products and services here COMPLIMENTARY as abenefit for supporting Essence of a Lady!3. Women Building Wealth: Wealth Builders Academy This program will allow all business owners, entrepreneursand executives to learn strategies that are a part of aSECRET SOCIETY to get funding, leverage or maximizepersonal or business finances, and build your own bank!!Learn more by registering at!To learn more about DrJoAnn Ajayi-Scott andEssence of a Lady, Inc., clickthe article link!