COSTA RICAEnvironmental ScienceSummer 2024Earn 3 credits in Issues in EnvironmentalScience (ENVR 1302) while exploring CostaRica with your ACC classmates andAssociate Professor Mark Shepherd.SESSION AND DATESSession: First 5-week Summer Session 2024Class at ACC before departure: May 28 - June 13Program in Costa Rica: June 14 - June 30Advising Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-3:30pmApplication deadline is February 8, 2024.STEPS TO APPLYAcceptance is on a first come, first served basis. Itis recommended that you complete advising andall application requirements as soon as possible.Maximum number of participants is 12.Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship($5,000 maximum)Gilman - McCain Scholarship ($5,000 maximum)First Trip Scholarship ($750 - $1,500)Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships CCID Maxwell King Founder Study AbroadScholarship ($1,000 minimum) ($500)AccommodationsMeals at La Selva Research Station Welcome dinner Ground transportation All activities per itineraryUse of research station facilities and resources24/7 logistics support and emergencyassistanceIncludes:A $400 non-refundable deposit, applied towardsthe program fee, is required to secure a spot onthe program. Program fee payment deadline is February 29, 2024 via ACC Marketplace. 18 years or older by program departure dateGood academic standing by end of Fall 2023Prerequisites: ENVR 1301 with at least a C or PassPROGRAM FEE - $2,100ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSOTHER SCHOLARSHIPSACC STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPChoose a study abroad program. You canbrowse all programs at our website.Schedule and complete a video advisingsession starting August 28, 2023. Advising canbe scheduled online at our website.Complete and submit an application.Complete an interview with program facultyleader. participants must abide by all programrules and regulations.Program dates, itinerary, and fees are subject to change.Program fees are non-refundable.ACC International Programs faculty-led studyabroad programs are a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for all students.Contact any ACC campus Financial Aid Office ifyou have questions about eligibility.FINANCIAL AIDACC Board of Trustees' Study Abroad Scholarships,($1,000) Tyler Center for Global Studies Study AbroadScholarships, ($2,500)Applications due February 15, 2024Round-trip airfare from Austin to San JoséACC course tuition, fees, and booksMeals not included in program fee Personal expensesInternational travel health insuranceAirport departure tax (if applicable)Passport and visa fees (if applicable)Vaccinations (if applicable)Students are also responsible for the followingexpenses NOT included in the program Message
San José: 1 nightResearch Station: 15 nightsDear Students,We will stay at the La Selva research station. LaSelva is one of the four research stationsoperated by the Organization for TropicalStudies, whose mission is to provide leadershipin education, research, and responsible use ofnatural resources in the tropics and is one of thebest-preserved elevational gradients in thetropics.I look forward to you joining me in Costa Rica.This summer, you are invited to join me intropical Costa Rica, at the La Selva ResearchStation. La Selva offers the opportunity to studybiodiversity in a unique ecosystem that containsmore than 2077 species of plants; 125 species ofmammals; 470 bird species; 48 amphibianspecies; 87 reptile species; 45 species offreshwater fish, and tens of thousands of insects,arachnids, and other arthropods. More birds,more trees, more butterflies, more ants, morefrogs, and more everything. You will not just learn about biodiversity, you willexperience it. We will take early morning hikeswhere you may see screeching scarlet macaws,blue headed parrots, orange-chinned parakeets,blue-headed macaws, and many other birdspecies. We will climb observation towers highinto the forest canopy to see white necked puffbirds, collard aracaris, and keel-billed toucansthat rarely venture below the forest canopy. Wewill walk through the rainforest listening to thecalls of howler monkeys defending their territoryand swinging from tree to tree. You will connectmore fully with cycles of life very different fromthat experienced in urban areas in temperateclimates. You can reflect on forces that shapetropical ecosystems and examine species andprocesses not found anywhere else in the world. PROGRAM ITINERARYFACULTY LEADER MESSAGEPROGRAM ITINERARYFriday, June 14Depart Austin, Texas to San José, Costa Rica. Check in at HotelWelcome DinnerSaturday, June 15Morning: Breakfast; Ground Transportation to LaSelva Biological Research StationAfternoon: Lunch and Safety OrientationEvening: Forest HikeSunday, June 16Morning: Introductory Forest HikeAfternoon: Camera Trapping Orientation andPreparationEvening: Light Trapping Insects Monday, June 17Morning: Bird ObservationsAfternoon: Deployment of Camera TrapsEvening: Night HikeTuesday, June 18Morning: Bird ObservationsAfternoon: Introduction to Tropical InsectsEvening: Night HikeWednesday, June 19Morning: Chocolate TourAfternoon: Town VisitEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsThursday, June 20Morning: Free TimeEvening: Ant Biodiversity Survey and IdentificationLabFriday, June 21Morning and Afternoon: Ant SurveySaturday, June 22Morning: Free TimeAfternoon: Introduction to Amphibian Ecology,Biology, and ConservationEvening: Biodiversity Observations and JournalingDr. Mark ShepherdAssociate Professor and Chair Earth and Environmental Science mark.shepherd@austincc.eduSunday, June 23Morning: Boat TourAfternoon: Amphibian Diversity SurveyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and JournalingMonday, June 24Morning: Bat ObservationAfternoon: Introduction to Bat Ecology, Biology,and ConservationEvening: Biodiversity Observations and JournalingTuesday, June 25Morning: Bat TourAfternoon: Water Pollution SurveyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsWednesday, June 26Morning: Tropical Forest Structure Afternoon: Measuring Canopy and Water QualitySurveyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsThursday, July 27Morning: Free TimeAfternoon: Climate Change and Biodivestity StudyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsFriday, June 28Morning: Free TimeEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsSaturday, June 29Morning: Collect Camera Traps and Review DataAfternoon: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournals. Ant Research Project and ReadingDiscussionSunday, June 30 Morning: Travel from La Selva to San José AirportProgram Ends. Return to Austin or IndependentTravel.
San José: 1 nightResearch Station: 15 nightsDear Students,We will stay at the La Selva research station. LaSelva is one of the four research stationsoperated by the Organization for TropicalStudies, whose mission is to provide leadershipin education, research, and responsible use ofnatural resources in the tropics and is one of thebest-preserved elevational gradients in thetropics.I look forward to you joining me in Costa Rica.This summer, you are invited to join me intropical Costa Rica, at the La Selva ResearchStation. La Selva offers the opportunity to studybiodiversity in a unique ecosystem that containsmore than 2077 species of plants; 125 species ofmammals; 470 bird species; 48 amphibianspecies; 87 reptile species; 45 species offreshwater fish, and tens of thousands of insects,arachnids, and other arthropods. More birds,more trees, more butterflies, more ants, morefrogs, and more everything. You will not just learn about biodiversity, you willexperience it. We will take early morning hikeswhere you may see screeching scarlet macaws,blue headed parrots, orange-chinned parakeets,blue-headed macaws, and many other birdspecies. We will climb observation towers highinto the forest canopy to see white necked puffbirds, collard aracaris, and keel-billed toucansthat rarely venture below the forest canopy. Wewill walk through the rainforest listening to thecalls of howler monkeys defending their territoryand swinging from tree to tree. You will connectmore fully with cycles of life very different fromthat experienced in urban areas in temperateclimates. You can reflect on forces that shapetropical ecosystems and examine species andprocesses not found anywhere else in the world. PROGRAM ITINERARYFACULTY LEADER MESSAGEPROGRAM ITINERARYFriday, June 14Depart Austin, Texas to San José, Costa Rica. Check in at HotelWelcome DinnerSaturday, June 15Morning: Breakfast; Ground Transportation to LaSelva Biological Research StationAfternoon: Lunch and Safety OrientationEvening: Forest HikeSunday, June 16Morning: Introductory Forest HikeAfternoon: Camera Trapping Orientation andPreparationEvening: Light Trapping Insects Monday, June 17Morning: Bird ObservationsAfternoon: Deployment of Camera TrapsEvening: Night HikeTuesday, June 18Morning: Bird ObservationsAfternoon: Introduction to Tropical InsectsEvening: Night HikeWednesday, June 19Morning: Chocolate TourAfternoon: Town VisitEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsThursday, June 20Morning: Free TimeEvening: Ant Biodiversity Survey and IdentificationLabFriday, June 21Morning and Afternoon: Ant SurveySaturday, June 22Morning: Free TimeAfternoon: Introduction to Amphibian Ecology,Biology, and ConservationEvening: Biodiversity Observations and JournalingDr. Mark ShepherdAssociate Professor and Chair Earth and Environmental Science mark.shepherd@austincc.eduSunday, June 23Morning: Boat TourAfternoon: Amphibian Diversity SurveyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and JournalingMonday, June 24Morning: Bat ObservationAfternoon: Introduction to Bat Ecology, Biology,and ConservationEvening: Biodiversity Observations and JournalingTuesday, June 25Morning: Bat TourAfternoon: Water Pollution SurveyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsWednesday, June 26Morning: Tropical Forest Structure Afternoon: Measuring Canopy and Water QualitySurveyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsThursday, July 27Morning: Free TimeAfternoon: Climate Change and Biodivestity StudyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsFriday, June 28Morning: Free TimeEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsSaturday, June 29Morning: Collect Camera Traps and Review DataAfternoon: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournals. Ant Research Project and ReadingDiscussionSunday, June 30 Morning: Travel from La Selva to San José AirportProgram Ends. Return to Austin or IndependentTravel.
San José: 1 nightResearch Station: 15 nightsDear Students,We will stay at the La Selva research station. LaSelva is one of the four research stationsoperated by the Organization for TropicalStudies, whose mission is to provide leadershipin education, research, and responsible use ofnatural resources in the tropics and is one of thebest-preserved elevational gradients in thetropics.I look forward to you joining me in Costa Rica.This summer, you are invited to join me intropical Costa Rica, at the La Selva ResearchStation. La Selva offers the opportunity to studybiodiversity in a unique ecosystem that containsmore than 2077 species of plants; 125 species ofmammals; 470 bird species; 48 amphibianspecies; 87 reptile species; 45 species offreshwater fish, and tens of thousands of insects,arachnids, and other arthropods. More birds,more trees, more butterflies, more ants, morefrogs, and more everything. You will not just learn about biodiversity, you willexperience it. We will take early morning hikeswhere you may see screeching scarlet macaws,blue headed parrots, orange-chinned parakeets,blue-headed macaws, and many other birdspecies. We will climb observation towers highinto the forest canopy to see white necked puffbirds, collard aracaris, and keel-billed toucansthat rarely venture below the forest canopy. Wewill walk through the rainforest listening to thecalls of howler monkeys defending their territoryand swinging from tree to tree. You will connectmore fully with cycles of life very different fromthat experienced in urban areas in temperateclimates. You can reflect on forces that shapetropical ecosystems and examine species andprocesses not found anywhere else in the world. PROGRAM ITINERARYFACULTY LEADER MESSAGEPROGRAM ITINERARYFriday, June 14Depart Austin, Texas to San José, Costa Rica. Check in at HotelWelcome DinnerSaturday, June 15Morning: Breakfast; Ground Transportation to LaSelva Biological Research StationAfternoon: Lunch and Safety OrientationEvening: Forest HikeSunday, June 16Morning: Introductory Forest HikeAfternoon: Camera Trapping Orientation andPreparationEvening: Light Trapping Insects Monday, June 17Morning: Bird ObservationsAfternoon: Deployment of Camera TrapsEvening: Night HikeTuesday, June 18Morning: Bird ObservationsAfternoon: Introduction to Tropical InsectsEvening: Night HikeWednesday, June 19Morning: Chocolate TourAfternoon: Town VisitEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsThursday, June 20Morning: Free TimeEvening: Ant Biodiversity Survey and IdentificationLabFriday, June 21Morning and Afternoon: Ant SurveySaturday, June 22Morning: Free TimeAfternoon: Introduction to Amphibian Ecology,Biology, and ConservationEvening: Biodiversity Observations and JournalingDr. Mark ShepherdAssociate Professor and Chair Earth and Environmental Science mark.shepherd@austincc.eduSunday, June 23Morning: Boat TourAfternoon: Amphibian Diversity SurveyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and JournalingMonday, June 24Morning: Bat ObservationAfternoon: Introduction to Bat Ecology, Biology,and ConservationEvening: Biodiversity Observations and JournalingTuesday, June 25Morning: Bat TourAfternoon: Water Pollution SurveyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsWednesday, June 26Morning: Tropical Forest Structure Afternoon: Measuring Canopy and Water QualitySurveyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsThursday, July 27Morning: Free TimeAfternoon: Climate Change and Biodivestity StudyEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsFriday, June 28Morning: Free TimeEvening: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournalsSaturday, June 29Morning: Collect Camera Traps and Review DataAfternoon: Biodiversity Observations and FieldJournals. Ant Research Project and ReadingDiscussionSunday, June 30 Morning: Travel from La Selva to San José AirportProgram Ends. Return to Austin or IndependentTravel.
COSTA RICAEnvironmental ScienceSummer 2024Earn 3 credits in Issues in EnvironmentalScience (ENVR 1302) while exploring CostaRica with your ACC classmates andAssociate Professor Mark Shepherd.SESSION AND DATESSession: First 5-week Summer Session 2024Class at ACC before departure: May 28 - June 13Program in Costa Rica: June 14 - June 30Advising Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-3:30pmApplication deadline is February 8, 2024.STEPS TO APPLYAcceptance is on a first come, first served basis. Itis recommended that you complete advising andall application requirements as soon as possible.Maximum number of participants is 12.Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship($5,000 maximum)Gilman - McCain Scholarship ($5,000 maximum)First Trip Scholarship ($750 - $1,500)Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships CCID Maxwell King Founder Study AbroadScholarship ($1,000 minimum) ($500)AccommodationsMeals at La Selva Research Station Welcome dinner Ground transportation All activities per itineraryUse of research station facilities and resources24/7 logistics support and emergencyassistanceIncludes:A $400 non-refundable deposit, applied towardsthe program fee, is required to secure a spot onthe program. Program fee payment deadline is February 29, 2024 via ACC Marketplace. 18 years or older by program departure dateGood academic standing by end of Fall 2023Prerequisites: ENVR 1301 with at least a C or PassPROGRAM FEE - $2,100ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSOTHER SCHOLARSHIPSACC STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPChoose a study abroad program. You canbrowse all programs at our website.Schedule and complete a video advisingsession starting August 28, 2023. Advising canbe scheduled online at our website.Complete and submit an application.Complete an interview with program facultyleader. participants must abide by all programrules and regulations.Program dates, itinerary, and fees are subject to change.Program fees are non-refundable.ACC International Programs faculty-led studyabroad programs are a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for all students.Contact any ACC campus Financial Aid Office ifyou have questions about eligibility.FINANCIAL AIDACC Board of Trustees' Study Abroad Scholarships,($1,000) Tyler Center for Global Studies Study AbroadScholarships, ($2,500)Applications due February 15, 2024Round-trip airfare from Austin to San JoséACC course tuition, fees, and booksMeals not included in program fee Personal expensesInternational travel health insuranceAirport departure tax (if applicable)Passport and visa fees (if applicable)Vaccinations (if applicable)Students are also responsible for the followingexpenses NOT included in the program
COSTA RICAEnvironmental ScienceSummer 2024Earn 3 credits in Issues in EnvironmentalScience (ENVR 1302) while exploring CostaRica with your ACC classmates andAssociate Professor Mark Shepherd.SESSION AND DATESSession: First 5-week Summer Session 2024Class at ACC before departure: May 28 - June 13Program in Costa Rica: June 14 - June 30Advising Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-3:30pmApplication deadline is February 8, 2024.STEPS TO APPLYAcceptance is on a first come, first served basis. Itis recommended that you complete advising andall application requirements as soon as possible.Maximum number of participants is 12.Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship($5,000 maximum)Gilman - McCain Scholarship ($5,000 maximum)First Trip Scholarship ($750 - $1,500)Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships CCID Maxwell King Founder Study AbroadScholarship ($1,000 minimum) ($500)AccommodationsMeals at La Selva Research Station Welcome dinner Ground transportation All activities per itineraryUse of research station facilities and resources24/7 logistics support and emergencyassistanceIncludes:A $400 non-refundable deposit, applied towardsthe program fee, is required to secure a spot onthe program. Program fee payment deadline is February 29, 2024 via ACC Marketplace. 18 years or older by program departure dateGood academic standing by end of Fall 2023Prerequisites: ENVR 1301 with at least a C or PassPROGRAM FEE - $2,100ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSOTHER SCHOLARSHIPSACC STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIPChoose a study abroad program. You canbrowse all programs at our website.Schedule and complete a video advisingsession starting August 28, 2023. Advising canbe scheduled online at our website.Complete and submit an application.Complete an interview with program facultyleader. participants must abide by all programrules and regulations.Program dates, itinerary, and fees are subject to change.Program fees are non-refundable.ACC International Programs faculty-led studyabroad programs are a welcoming and inclusiveenvironment for all students.Contact any ACC campus Financial Aid Office ifyou have questions about eligibility.FINANCIAL AIDACC Board of Trustees' Study Abroad Scholarships,($1,000) Tyler Center for Global Studies Study AbroadScholarships, ($2,500)Applications due February 15, 2024Round-trip airfare from Austin to San JoséACC course tuition, fees, and booksMeals not included in program fee Personal expensesInternational travel health insuranceAirport departure tax (if applicable)Passport and visa fees (if applicable)Vaccinations (if applicable)Students are also responsible for the followingexpenses NOT included in the program