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2 3It’s a brand new, sunny day on the east coast of South Africa. Harry the hammerhead shark is swimming across the colourful seabed,enjoying the scenery, when Wendy the whale shark comescruising by. ‘Hey, Harry,’ she says, ‘have you heard the good news?’ ‘What good news?’ Harry asks. ‘South Africa has announced that we are getting 20 new Marine Protected Areas (or MPAs, for short), where the sh and sea plants canlive safely. And they are planning to make some old MPAs even bigger!’ says Wendy excitedly.Harry knows quite a lot about MPAs. He spends most of his days intheiSimangaliso MPA, one of ve MPAs on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal. The Zulu people call it ‘the place of miracles and wonder’, andHarry agrees.WhAt Is An MpA?$0DULQH3URWHFWHG$UHDʘRU03$ʘLVDVWUHWFKRIRFHDQRIWHQLQFOXGLQJWKHEHDFKWKDWLVVSHFLDOO\SURWHFWHGIRUWKHDQLPDOVSODQWVDQGSHRSOHWKDWOLYHWKHUH03$VDUHVDIHVSDFHVIRUWKHRFHDQFUHDWXUHVZKHUHWKH\ZRQWEHGLVWXUEHGE\GDQJHURXVoVKLQJQHWVRUJUHHG\SRDFKHUVRUE\ORXGQRLVHVIURPGULOOLQJRUPLQLQJDQGWKHZDWHUDQGEHDFKHVZRQWEHSROOXWHG7KHUHDUHDOVRVSHFLDOVDQFWXDU\DUHDVLQ03$VZKHUHQRDQLPDOVDQGSODQWVPD\EHFDXJKWRUGLVWXUEHG

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2 3It’s a brand new, sunny day on the east coast of South Africa. Harry the hammerhead shark is swimming across the colourful seabed,enjoying the scenery, when Wendy the whale shark comescruising by. ‘Hey, Harry,’ she says, ‘have you heard the good news?’ ‘What good news?’ Harry asks. ‘South Africa has announced that we are getting 20 new Marine Protected Areas (or MPAs, for short), where the sh and sea plants canlive safely. And they are planning to make some old MPAs even bigger!’ says Wendy excitedly.Harry knows quite a lot about MPAs. He spends most of his days intheiSimangaliso MPA, one of ve MPAs on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal. The Zulu people call it ‘the place of miracles and wonder’, andHarry agrees.WhAt Is An MpA?$0DULQH3URWHFWHG$UHDʘRU03$ʘLVDVWUHWFKRIRFHDQRIWHQLQFOXGLQJWKHEHDFKWKDWLVVSHFLDOO\SURWHFWHGIRUWKHDQLPDOVSODQWVDQGSHRSOHWKDWOLYHWKHUH03$VDUHVDIHVSDFHVIRUWKHRFHDQFUHDWXUHVZKHUHWKH\ZRQWEHGLVWXUEHGE\GDQJHURXVoVKLQJQHWVRUJUHHG\SRDFKHUVRUE\ORXGQRLVHVIURPGULOOLQJRUPLQLQJDQGWKHZDWHUDQGEHDFKHVZRQWEHSROOXWHG7KHUHDUHDOVRVSHFLDOVDQFWXDU\DUHDVLQ03$VZKHUHQRDQLPDOVDQGSODQWVPD\EHFDXJKWRUGLVWXUEHG

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4 5‘Twenty new MPAs?’ Harry asks Wendy. ‘Is that possible?’ ‘It’s all true,’ she says.Harry ips for joy. ‘This is the best news ever!’ he says. The iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Harry’s home, is extra special becauseit’s also a World Heritage Site. This makes him very proud. He is so excited that he decides to swim along the east coastline, visit allthe MPAs along the way, and share the good news. He wants his many ocean friends to know how lucky they all are to live in MPAs.‘Bye Wendy,’ he waves with a n.He plans to visit the coelacanths rst. They are his neighbours here inside the iSimangaliso MPA.WhAt Is A WoRlD HeRiTaGe SiTe?:RUOG+HULWDJH6LWHVDUHDUHDVDURXQGWKHZRUOGWKDWDUHSURWHFWHGEHFDXVHWKH\DUHH[WUDVSHFLDO7KHUHDUHPDQ\UHDVRQVZK\WKH\PD\EHVRVSHFLDOLPSRUWDQWHYHQWVPD\KDYHKDSSHQHGWKHUHRUSHUKDSVWKHUHVDQLQWHUHVWLQJQDWXUDOIHDWXUHVXFKDVDIDPRXVPRXQWDLQRUWKHSODFHLVDQDUHDRIJUHDWQDWXUDOEHDXW\6RXWK$IULFDKDV:RUOG+HULWDJH6LWHVʘLQFOXGLQJL6LPDQJDOLVR:HWODQG3DUNPONTA DO OURASODWANA BAYKOSI BAYKHULAST LUCIALAKE SIBAYALAKE ST LUCIAiSimangaliso Wetland Park, South AfricaiSimangaliso Wetland Park, South AfricaPONTA DO OURAKOSI BAYLAKE SIBAYASODWANA BAYLAKE ST LUCIAKHULAST LUCIA

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4 5‘Twenty new MPAs?’ Harry asks Wendy. ‘Is that possible?’ ‘It’s all true,’ she says.Harry ips for joy. ‘This is the best news ever!’ he says. The iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Harry’s home, is extra special becauseit’s also a World Heritage Site. This makes him very proud. He is so excited that he decides to swim along the east coastline, visit allthe MPAs along the way, and share the good news. He wants his many ocean friends to know how lucky they all are to live in MPAs.‘Bye Wendy,’ he waves with a n.He plans to visit the coelacanths rst. They are his neighbours here inside the iSimangaliso MPA.WhAt Is A WoRlD HeRiTaGe SiTe?:RUOG+HULWDJH6LWHVDUHDUHDVDURXQGWKHZRUOGWKDWDUHSURWHFWHGEHFDXVHWKH\DUHH[WUDVSHFLDO7KHUHDUHPDQ\UHDVRQVZK\WKH\PD\EHVRVSHFLDOLPSRUWDQWHYHQWVPD\KDYHKDSSHQHGWKHUHRUSHUKDSVWKHUHVDQLQWHUHVWLQJQDWXUDOIHDWXUHVXFKDVDIDPRXVPRXQWDLQRUWKHSODFHLVDQDUHDRIJUHDWQDWXUDOEHDXW\6RXWK$IULFDKDV:RUOG+HULWDJH6LWHVʘLQFOXGLQJL6LPDQJDOLVR:HWODQG3DUNPONTA DO OURASODWANA BAYKOSI BAYKHULAST LUCIALAKE SIBAYALAKE ST LUCIAiSimangaliso Wetland Park, South AfricaiSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa PONTA DO OURAKOSI BAYLAKE SIBAYASODWANA BAYLAKE ST LUCIAKHULAST LUCIA

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6 7Harry dives deep to nd the underwater caves and canyons where the coelacanths live. He wants to share the good news about the MPAs with his ‘four-legged sh’ neighbours.Harry knows the coelacanths that live in these caves (he thinks there are about 35), and he can tell them apart as each one has its own unique spot pattern. He soon bumps into Jessie, a particularly friendly coelacanth, who is enjoying a swim with Percy, a little pineapple sh.‘Jessie, I have such great news! Our iSimangaliso MPA has been made bigger, and even the deepest parts of your canyons are now also protected. This means no-one will be coming to bother you down there!’ says Harry. Jessie can’t believe the good news. ‘It’s a miracle,’ she says. ‘Percy told me about some oil rigs that he thought were moving closer. We were both very worried. This has always been our home – my family has lived here since the dinosaurs roamed our planet, millions of years ago. Thanks for the good news, Harry!’‘Stay safe!’ calls Harry as he heads out of the caves.A LiViNg DiNoSaUr? 7KHFRHODFDQWKZDVWKRXJKWWRKDYHJRQHH[WLQFWnjPLOOLRQ\HDUVDJR7KHQLQWZR6RXWK$IULFDQVʘDPXVHXPFXUDWRU0DUMRULH&RXUWHQD\/DWLPHUDQGDoVKVFLHQWLVW-/%6PLWKʘLGHQWLoHGRQHWKDWKDGEHHQFDXJKWE\oVKHUPHQQHDU(DVW/RQGRQ:KDWVPRUHWKHoUVWOLYHFRHODFDQWKVIRXQGLQ6RXWK$IULFDZHUHGLVFRYHUHGE\VFXEDGLYHUVLQ-HVVHUDQG:ULJKWFDQ\RQVLQRXURZQL6LPDQJDOLVR:HWODQG3DUN

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67Harry dives deep to nd the underwater caves and canyons where the coelacanths live. He wants to share the good news about the MPAs with his ‘four-legged sh’ neighbours.Harry knows the coelacanths that live in these caves (he thinks there are about 35), and he can tell them apart as each one has its own unique spot pattern. He soon bumps into Jessie, a particularly friendly coelacanth, who is enjoying a swim with Percy, a little pineapple sh.‘Jessie, I have such great news! Our iSimangaliso MPA has been made bigger, and even the deepest parts of your canyons are now also protected. This means no-one will be coming to bother you down there!’ says Harry. Jessie can’t believe the good news. ‘It’s a miracle,’ she says. ‘Percy told me about some oil rigs that he thought were moving closer. We were both very worried. This has always been our home – my family has lived here since the dinosaurs roamed our planet, millions of years ago. Thanks for the good news, Harry!’‘Stay safe!’ calls Harry as he heads out of the caves.A LiViNg DiNoSaUr? 7KHFRHODFDQWKZDVWKRXJKWWRKDYHJRQHH[WLQFWnjPLOOLRQ\HDUVDJR7KHQLQWZR6RXWK$IULFDQVʘDPXVHXPFXUDWRU0DUMRULH&RXUWHQD\/DWLPHUDQGDoVKVFLHQWLVW-/%6PLWKʘLGHQWLoHGRQHWKDWKDGEHHQFDXJKWE\oVKHUPHQQHDU(DVW/RQGRQ:KDWVPRUHWKHoUVWOLYHFRHODFDQWKVIRXQGLQ6RXWK$IULFDZHUHGLVFRYHUHGE\VFXEDGLYHUVLQ-HVVHUDQG:ULJKWFDQ\RQVLQRXURZQL6LPDQJDOLVR:HWODQG3DUN

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8 9As Harry makes his way back up from the deep, someone with a verylong pointed snout speeds past. ‘Hey, Marty marlin, slow down!’ calls Harry. ‘Now I know why somepeople call you the “Formula-One sh”! Have you heard thegoodnews?’Marty stops and turns back: ‘Yes,’ he says, ‘I have heard about the newand bigger MPAs. I am very pleased. People in big noisy speedboatsoften hunt marlin sh like me. Now at least I can relax whenI am in the sanctuary of an MPA.’ Nearby, thousands of tiny sh are swimming together in a big, tightlypacked ‘bait ball’. Harry looks at Marty and smiles wickedly. ‘Iwonder if they are scared of you, or me?’ WhAt Is A BaIt BaLl?6RPHWLPHVZKHQVPDOOoVKNQRZWKDWELJoVKDUHFORVHE\DQGRQWKHKXQWWKH\SDFNWKHPVHOYHVLQWRDVLQJOHELJEDOOKRSLQJWKLVZLOOPDNHWKHPORRNOLNHDJLDQWoVKʘDQGOHVVOLNHIRRG7KHEDOOVZLUOVEXWVWD\VWLJKWO\SDFNHGZKLOHWKHELJoVKFLUFOHDQGWKHQVWDUWGLYLQJLQWRLWWRFDWFKOXQFK

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89As Harry makes his way back up from the deep, someone with a verylong pointed snout speeds past. ‘Hey, Marty marlin, slow down!’ calls Harry. ‘Now I know why somepeople call you the “Formula-One sh”! Have you heard thegoodnews?’Marty stops and turns back: ‘Yes,’ he says, ‘I have heard about the newand bigger MPAs. I am very pleased. People in big noisy speedboatsoften hunt marlin sh like me. Now at least I can relax whenI am in the sanctuary of an MPA.’ Nearby, thousands of tiny sh are swimming together in a big, tightlypacked ‘bait ball’. Harry looks at Marty and smiles wickedly. ‘Iwonder if they are scared of you, or me?’ WhAt Is A BaIt BaLl?6RPHWLPHVZKHQVPDOOoVKNQRZWKDWELJoVKDUHFORVHE\DQGRQWKHKXQWWKH\SDFNWKHPVHOYHVLQWRDVLQJOHELJEDOOKRSLQJWKLVZLOOPDNHWKHPORRNOLNHDJLDQWoVKʘDQGOHVVOLNHIRRG7KHEDOOVZLUOVEXWVWD\VWLJKWO\SDFNHGZKLOHWKHELJoVKFLUFOHDQGWKHQVWDUWGLYLQJLQWRLWWRFDWFKOXQFK

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10 11Nolwandle, a giant leatherback turtle, glides past. She has come all theway from the deep ocean to this beach to lay her eggs – the very same beach where she was born many years ago, along the iSimangalisocoast.‘Hello Nolwandle! Have you heard the good news about our MPAs?’ asksHarry. ‘Someone told me about this,’ replies Nolwandle. ‘Is it true? I hope so. There aren’t many of us leatherbacks left – people used to drive on the beaches and crush our eggs, and poachers used to steal them too.’‘Thankfully, people are not allowed to drive on the beaches in South Africa anymore; and with the MPA’s rangers protecting our shores, perhaps your numbers will grow again,’ says Harry. ‘The loggerhead turtles’ nests will be safer too, and the green and hawksbill turtles will be able to feed in peace on the coral reefs.’‘That’s great!’ calls Nolwandle, as she heads for the beach.ThE LeAtHeRbAcK’S HiDdEn NeSt8VLQJWKHLUpLSSHUVOHDWKHUEDFNWXUWOHVGLJDGHHSQHVWLQWKHVRIWEHDFKVDQG7KH\OD\RYHUHJJVLQWKHQHVWEHIRUHFRYHULQJWKHPZLWKVDQGDQGUHWXUQLQJWRWKHVHD$IWHUDERXWnjGD\VWKHHJJVKDWFKDQGWKHEDE\WXUWOHVGLJWKHPVHOYHVRXWRIWKHVDQG7KHQWKH\DOOVFXUU\GRZQWKHEHDFKWRVWDUWWKHLUDGYHQWXUHVLQWKHVHD

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10 11Nolwandle, a giant leatherback turtle, glides past. She has come all theway from the deep ocean to this beach to lay her eggs – the very same beach where she was born many years ago, along the iSimangalisocoast.‘Hello Nolwandle! Have you heard the good news about our MPAs?’ asksHarry. ‘Someone told me about this,’ replies Nolwandle. ‘Is it true? I hope so. There aren’t many of us leatherbacks left – people used to drive on the beaches and crush our eggs, and poachers used to steal them too.’‘Thankfully, people are not allowed to drive on the beaches in South Africa anymore; and with the MPA’s rangers protecting our shores, perhaps your numbers will grow again,’ says Harry. ‘The loggerhead turtles’ nests will be safer too, and the green and hawksbill turtles will be able to feed in peace on the coral reefs.’‘That’s great!’ calls Nolwandle, as she heads for the beach.ThE LeAtHeRbAcK’S HiDdEn NeSt8VLQJWKHLUpLSSHUVOHDWKHUEDFNWXUWOHVGLJDGHHSQHVWLQWKHVRIWEHDFKVDQG7KH\OD\RYHUHJJVLQWKHQHVWEHIRUHFRYHULQJWKHPZLWKVDQGDQGUHWXUQLQJWRWKHVHD$IWHUDERXWnjGD\VWKHHJJVKDWFKDQGWKHEDE\WXUWOHVGLJWKHPVHOYHVRXWRIWKHVDQG7KHQWKH\DOOVFXUU\GRZQWKHEHDFKWRVWDUWWKHLUDGYHQWXUHVLQWKHVHD

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12 13Harry swims south to spread the news. He sees ripples in the water, andlots of bubbles. He knows there’s a shark net nearby, and it seems that’s where the bubbles are coming from. As he gets closer, he sees the problem – loggerhead turtles, baby hammerhead sharks and even a very sad dolphin are all tangled up in the net. Sedrick, a wise old saw shark, appears from the sand below. Harry cries out, ‘Sedrick, our friends are caught in the shark net, pleasehelp me set them free!’‘Of course I will help,’ says Sedrick. ‘Shark nets have killed so many of myfamily and friends.’ Then he uses his long, saw-like snout to shake and cut the net until all the trapped creatures are free.‘Head to the MPA,’ Harry shouts after them as they swim free of the net.‘It’s safer there, and no nets are allowed there.’ShArK NeTs2FFDVLRQDOO\YHU\ODUJHVKDUNVFRPHLQFORVHWRWKHEHDFKZKHUHnjSHRSOHDUHVZLPPLQJDQGWKLVIULJKWHQVWKHVZLPPHUV6RPHnjEHDFKDXWKRULWLHVSXWXSQHWVXQGHUWKHZDWHUWRWUDSWKHVKDUNVZKLFKEHFRPHHQWDQJOHGDQGRIWHQGLH3HRSOHPD\IHHOVDIHUnjWKLVZD\EXWPRVWFRQVHUYDWLRQLVWVWKLQNWKLVLVFUXHODQGXQQHFHVVDU\DQGLWDOVRNLOOVPDQ\RWKHURFHDQFUHDWXUHVVXFKDVWXUWOHVnjDQGZKDOHV1HZEHWWHUVROXWLRQVDUHEHLQJWHVWHGʘEHWWHUnjIRUVZLPPHUVDVZHOODVIRUDOOOLIHLQWKHRFHDQ

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12 13Harry swims south to spread the news. He sees ripples in the water, andlots of bubbles. He knows there’s a shark net nearby, and it seems that’s where the bubbles are coming from. As he gets closer, he sees the problem – loggerhead turtles, baby hammerhead sharks and even a very sad dolphin are all tangled up in the net. Sedrick, a wise old saw shark, appears from the sand below. Harry cries out, ‘Sedrick, our friends are caught in the shark net, pleasehelp me set them free!’‘Of course I will help,’ says Sedrick. ‘Shark nets have killed so many of myfamily and friends.’ Then he uses his long, saw-like snout to shake and cut the net until all the trapped creatures are free.‘Head to the MPA,’ Harry shouts after them as they swim free of the net.‘It’s safer there, and no nets are allowed there.’ShArK NeTs2FFDVLRQDOO\YHU\ODUJHVKDUNVFRPHLQFORVHWRWKHEHDFKZKHUHnjSHRSOHDUHVZLPPLQJDQGWKLVIULJKWHQVWKHVZLPPHUV6RPHnjEHDFKDXWKRULWLHVSXWXSQHWVXQGHUWKHZDWHUWRWUDSWKHVKDUNVZKLFKEHFRPHHQWDQJOHGDQGRIWHQGLH3HRSOHPD\IHHOVDIHUnjWKLVZD\EXWPRVWFRQVHUYDWLRQLVWVWKLQNWKLVLVFUXHODQGXQQHFHVVDU\DQGLWDOVRNLOOVPDQ\RWKHURFHDQFUHDWXUHVVXFKDVWXUWOHVnjDQGZKDOHV1HZEHWWHUVROXWLRQVDUHEHLQJWHVWHGʘEHWWHUnjIRUVZLPPHUVDVZHOODVIRUDOOOLIHLQWKHRFHDQ

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14 15Harry’s next stop is the uThukela Banks MPA. He is surprised to nd large muddy and sandy areas with elds of sea pens waving their feathery arms in the current, and sea urchins everywhere. There are brightly coloured rocky reefs covered with soft corals, sea fans, sponges, sea stars and crabs, as well as many sh of all sizes.‘These beautiful reefs are very dierent from those in iSimangaliso, where they are made up of hard corals,’ thinks Harry, dreamily. Suddenly, he hears a tiny voice calling his name: ‘Hey, Harry!’‘Hi, Sandile,’ says Harry, shaking his head, ‘I didn’t know seahorses lived here!’‘It wasn’t safe for us before,’ replies Sandile. ‘Huge noisy boats used tocome shing for prawns. They dragged their big nets over the sea oor, scraping the sands and soft coral reefs, breaking up our homes and killing many creatures. But this is now an MPA, so we are all safe.’‘That’s what I was coming to tell you!’ says Harry.HaRd AnD SoFt CoRaLs 7KHUHDUHWZRPDLQJURXSVRIFRUDOVLQRXURFHDQʘKDUGnjDQGnj VRIWnjFRUDOV+DUGUHHIEXLOGLQJFRUDOCSRO\SVDWWDFKWKHPVHOYHVWRURFNVnjLQTXLWHVKDOORZZDWHUZKHUHWKHVXQFDQUHDFKWKHPDQGWKHDOJDHnjWKDWVXSSO\WKHFRUDOVZLWKIRRG:KHQKDUGFRUDOSRO\SVGLHWKH\njSLOHXSRQRQHDQRWKHUDQGRYHUPDQ\PDQ\\HDUVWKHKHDSRIWLQ\njVNHOHWRQVJURZVWRIRUPDKXJHVKHOIFDOOHGDUHHILQWKHVHD$OWKRXJKDOOFRUDOVDUHDQLPDOVVRIWFRUDOVLQSDUWLFXODURIWHQORRNnjOLNHnjSODQWVVXFKDVVPDOOWUHHVWKLVWOHVRUFDXOLpRZHUV7KHLUnjFRORQLHVRISRO\SVKDYHVWLQJLQJFHOOVDQGWKH\XVHWKHLUWHQWDFOHVWRnjFDWFKVPDOODQLPDOVLQWKHZDWHU

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14 15Harry’s next stop is the uThukela Banks MPA. He is surprised to nd large muddy and sandy areas with elds of sea pens waving their feathery arms in the current, and sea urchins everywhere. There are brightly coloured rocky reefs covered with soft corals, sea fans, sponges, sea stars and crabs, as well as many sh of all sizes.‘These beautiful reefs are very dierent from those in iSimangaliso, where they are made up of hard corals,’ thinks Harry, dreamily. Suddenly, he hears a tiny voice calling his name: ‘Hey, Harry!’‘Hi, Sandile,’ says Harry, shaking his head, ‘I didn’t know seahorses lived here!’‘It wasn’t safe for us before,’ replies Sandile. ‘Huge noisy boats used tocome shing for prawns. They dragged their big nets over the sea oor, scraping the sands and soft coral reefs, breaking up our homes and killing many creatures. But this is now an MPA, so we are all safe.’‘That’s what I was coming to tell you!’ says Harry.HaRd AnD SoFt CoRaLs 7KHUHDUHWZRPDLQJURXSVRIFRUDOVLQRXURFHDQʘKDUGnjDQGnj VRIWnjFRUDOV+DUGUHHIEXLOGLQJFRUDOCSRO\SVDWWDFKWKHPVHOYHVWRURFNVnjLQTXLWHVKDOORZZDWHUZKHUHWKHVXQFDQUHDFKWKHPDQGWKHDOJDHnjWKDWVXSSO\WKHFRUDOVZLWKIRRG:KHQKDUGFRUDOSRO\SVGLHWKH\njSLOHXSRQRQHDQRWKHUDQGRYHUPDQ\PDQ\\HDUVWKHKHDSRIWLQ\njVNHOHWRQVJURZVWRIRUPDKXJHVKHOIFDOOHGDUHHILQWKHVHD$OWKRXJKDOOFRUDOVDUHDQLPDOVVRIWFRUDOVLQSDUWLFXODURIWHQORRNnjOLNHnjSODQWVVXFKDVVPDOOWUHHVWKLVWOHVRUFDXOLpRZHUV7KHLUnjFRORQLHVRISRO\SVKDYHVWLQJLQJFHOOVDQGWKH\XVHWKHLUWHQWDFOHVWRnjFDWFKVPDOODQLPDOVLQWKHZDWHU

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16 17Harry is about to swim o when he notices Sandile looking into his tummy pouch. ‘What do you have in there?’ Harry asks. ‘These are my babies,’ says Sandile proudly. ‘They are growing fast, andsoon I will take them to the nearby estuary, which is a good nurseryfor young sh such as seahorses.’ He looks around. ‘Later, when they are big enough, they will come backto this coral reef, where they will feed on the muddy sea oor that’s full of nutrients from the mighty Tugela River. There are alsolots of places for my babies and all the young sh to hide here, safefrom bigsh like you!’ ‘Yes, those baby rock cods behind you will be tasty when they are bigger,’ Harry teases. ‘I suppose so,’ agrees Sandile. ‘But baby sh must be allowed to grow and have their own babies. Then there will be more sh for everyone!’SeAhOrSe SuPeRdAdS6RPHDQLPDOVFDUU\WKHLUYHU\\RXQJEDELHVLQDWXPP\SRXFKXQWLOWKH\DUHVWURQJHQRXJKWRFRPHRXWLQWRWKHZLGHRFHDQ0RVWO\LWVWKHPRWKHUZKRGRHVWKLVEXWVHDKRUVH fathers DUHWKHRQHVZLWKDSRXFK7KH\FDQFDUU\XSWREDELHVDWDWLPHDQGNHHSWKHPVDIHXQWLOWKH\DUHELJHQRXJKWRORRNDIWHUWKHPVHOYHV

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16 17Harry is about to swim o when he notices Sandile looking into his tummy pouch. ‘What do you have in there?’ Harry asks. ‘These are my babies,’ says Sandile proudly. ‘They are growing fast, andsoon I will take them to the nearby estuary, which is a good nurseryfor young sh such as seahorses.’ He looks around. ‘Later, when they are big enough, they will come backto this coral reef, where they will feed on the muddy sea oor that’s full of nutrients from the mighty Tugela River. There are alsolots of places for my babies and all the young sh to hide here, safefrom bigsh like you!’ ‘Yes, those baby rock cods behind you will be tasty when they are bigger,’ Harry teases. ‘I suppose so,’ agrees Sandile. ‘But baby sh must be allowed to grow and have their own babies. Then there will be more sh for everyone!’SeAhOrSe SuPeRdAdS6RPHDQLPDOVFDUU\WKHLUYHU\\RXQJEDELHVLQDWXPP\SRXFKXQWLOWKH\DUHVWURQJHQRXJKWRFRPHRXWLQWRWKHZLGHRFHDQ0RVWO\LWVWKHPRWKHUZKRGRHVWKLVEXWVHDKRUVH fathers DUHWKHRQHVZLWKDSRXFK7KH\FDQFDUU\XSWREDELHVDWDWLPHDQGNHHSWKHPVDIHXQWLOWKH\DUHELJHQRXJKWRORRNDIWHUWKHPVHOYHV

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18 19Harry continues his journey south and arrives at the amazing Aliwal Shoal MPA. He notices a boat with people on it carrying strange equipment and long poles. ‘What are they doing?’ he wonders. ‘Let me go and investigate.’ He approaches slowly, swimming near the surface and going alongsidethe boat to get a better look. Suddenly, he feels a tiny prickonone of his ns, and he wriggles with surprise. Then he hears a voice from the boat: ‘I got him! Another one for our researchers to track and protect!’ Now Harry understands that, just like many of his friends, he has beentagged! ‘Cool,’ he shouts, ‘that didn’t hurt! Now I can show the scientists all theplaces that hammerhead sharks like to go. That will help them protect even more of my favourite ocean highways and hangouts.’TaGgInG SeA CrEaTuReS 5HVHDUFKHUVQHHGWRXQGHUVWDQGZKHUHoVKVZLPLQRXURFHDQVRWKDWWKH\FDQSURWHFWoVKQXUVHULHVDQGIHHGLQJJURXQGVDQGHVWLPDWHoVKQXPEHUV7RGRWKLVWKH\RIWHQWDJoVKE\JHQWO\o[LQJDVPDOOCWUDFNHUWDJRQWRRQHRIWKHLUoQVRUpLSSHUVRUHYHQXQGHUWKHVNLQRULQVLGHWKHoVK(DFKWDJJHGFUHDWXUHJHWVLWVRZQFRGHRULGHQWLW\QXPEHUVRWKDWUHVHDUFKHUVFDQNHHSWUDFNRILW

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18 19Harry continues his journey south and arrives at the amazing Aliwal Shoal MPA. He notices a boat with people on it carrying strange equipment and long poles. ‘What are they doing?’ he wonders. ‘Let me go and investigate.’ He approaches slowly, swimming near the surface and going alongsidethe boat to get a better look. Suddenly, he feels a tiny prickonone of his ns, and he wriggles with surprise. Then he hears a voice from the boat: ‘I got him! Another one for our researchers to track and protect!’ Now Harry understands that, just like many of his friends, he has beentagged! ‘Cool,’ he shouts, ‘that didn’t hurt! Now I can show the scientists all theplaces that hammerhead sharks like to go. That will help them protect even more of my favourite ocean highways and hangouts.’TaGgInG SeA CrEaTuReS 5HVHDUFKHUVQHHGWRXQGHUVWDQGZKHUHoVKVZLPLQRXURFHDQVRWKDWWKH\FDQSURWHFWoVKQXUVHULHVDQGIHHGLQJJURXQGVDQGHVWLPDWHoVKQXPEHUV7RGRWKLVWKH\RIWHQWDJoVKE\JHQWO\o[LQJDVPDOOCWUDFNHUWDJRQWRRQHRIWKHLUoQVRUpLSSHUVRUHYHQXQGHUWKHVNLQRULQVLGHWKHoVK(DFKWDJJHGFUHDWXUHJHWVLWVRZQFRGHRULGHQWLW\QXPEHUVRWKDWUHVHDUFKHUVFDQNHHSWUDFNRILW

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20 21Harry is so excited about his tag that he swims straight into the famous Raggies Cave without noticing. ‘What a lot of trac!’ he thinks, as ragged-tooth sharks swim past him inall directions.‘Hello,’ calls a voice. Harry turns around, and there’s Ruth, an old raggyfriend.‘Oh, hello,’ says Harry, ‘what a lot of raggies!’ ‘Yes,’ explains Ruth. ‘Everyone meets in this cave, and scuba divers arewelcome too. Sharks and rays are protected here because our caveis part of an MPA, so it’s a safe meeting place. Welcome toour raggy party!’ ‘Yay!’ says Harry and does a double-ip. Then he spots a diver with a camera and dashes o to get his picture taken. RaGgIeS CaVe7KLVIDPRXVFDYHDOVRFDOOHG6KDUN$OOH\OLHVLQWKH$OLZDO6KRDO03$,WLVDPHHWLQJSODFHIRUUDJJHGWRRWKVKDUNVHVSHFLDOO\LQZLQWHUZKHQWKHVHVKDUNVEUHHG6RPHWLPHVWKHFDYHLVoOOHGZLWKKXQGUHGVRIVKDUNVDQGLWLVYHU\SRSXODUZLWKVFXEDGLYHUVWRR

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20 21Harry is so excited about his tag that he swims straight into the famous Raggies Cave without noticing. ‘What a lot of trac!’ he thinks, as ragged-tooth sharks swim past him inall directions.‘Hello,’ calls a voice. Harry turns around, and there’s Ruth, an old raggyfriend.‘Oh, hello,’ says Harry, ‘what a lot of raggies!’ ‘Yes,’ explains Ruth. ‘Everyone meets in this cave, and scuba divers arewelcome too. Sharks and rays are protected here because our caveis part of an MPA, so it’s a safe meeting place. Welcome toour raggy party!’ ‘Yay!’ says Harry and does a double-ip. Then he spots a diver with a camera and dashes o to get his picture taken. RaGgIeS CaVe7KLVIDPRXVFDYHDOVRFDOOHG6KDUN$OOH\OLHVLQWKH$OLZDO6KRDO03$,WLVDPHHWLQJSODFHIRUUDJJHGWRRWKVKDUNVHVSHFLDOO\LQZLQWHUZKHQWKHVHVKDUNVEUHHG6RPHWLPHVWKHFDYHLVoOOHGZLWKKXQGUHGVRIVKDUNVDQGLWLVYHU\SRSXODUZLWKVFXEDGLYHUVWRR

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22 23On his journey, Harry soon reaches a famous shipwreck, called The Produce, on the Aliwal Shoal MPA. There are many colourful sh swimming busily about, in and out of the huge rusty hull. He waves to them with his ns. ‘Hey! I haven’t seen this many sh together for a long time!’‘Hi!’ they shout back. ‘Now that the MPA protects our part of the ocean, many of us have come to live here. This rusty old ship is a good place to meet and nd food.’‘Well,’ says Harry importantly, ‘did you know that this MPA has just been made bigger?’ Everyone cheers! And as Harry heads further south, they call out, ‘Thanks for visiting and for sharing the good news!’WrEcKs As ReEfSThe ProduceLVWKHZUHFNRIDODUJHVKLSWKDWZDVFDUU\LQJDFDUJRRIPRODVVHVZKHQLWVWUXFNWKH1RUWKHUQ3LQQDFOHVRQ$OLZDO6KRDOLQ7KDQNVWRWKHVSHHG\DUULYDORIDUHVFXHERDWQROLYHVZHUHORVWDVWKHVKLSTXLFNO\VDQNWRWKHRFHDQpRRU/LNHPDQ\RWKHUVKLSZUHFNVWKLVYHVVHOPDNHVDZRQGHUIXODUWLoFLDOUHHIIRUoVKDQGRWKHUVHDOLIHWRVKHOWHULQDQGoQGIRRG,WLVDOVRDJUHDWGLYHVLWHIRUVFXEDGLYHUV

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22 23On his journey, Harry soon reaches a famous shipwreck, called The Produce, on the Aliwal Shoal MPA. There are many colourful sh swimming busily about, in and out of the huge rusty hull. He waves to them with his ns. ‘Hey! I haven’t seen this many sh together for a long time!’‘Hi!’ they shout back. ‘Now that the MPA protects our part of the ocean, many of us have come to live here. This rusty old ship is a good place to meet and nd food.’‘Well,’ says Harry importantly, ‘did you know that this MPA has just been made bigger?’ Everyone cheers! And as Harry heads further south, they call out, ‘Thanks for visiting and for sharing the good news!’WrEcKs As ReEfSThe ProduceLVWKHZUHFNRIDODUJHVKLSWKDWZDVFDUU\LQJDFDUJRRIPRODVVHVZKHQLWVWUXFNWKH1RUWKHUQ3LQQDFOHVRQ$OLZDO6KRDOLQ7KDQNVWRWKHVSHHG\DUULYDORIDUHVFXHERDWQROLYHVZHUHORVWDVWKHVKLSTXLFNO\VDQNWRWKHRFHDQpRRU/LNHPDQ\RWKHUVKLSZUHFNVWKLVYHVVHOPDNHVDZRQGHUIXODUWLoFLDOUHHIIRUoVKDQGRWKHUVHDOLIHWRVKHOWHULQDQGoQGIRRG,WLVDOVRDJUHDWGLYHVLWHIRUVFXEDGLYHUV

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24 25Now Harry heads for the Protea Banks MPA, a place he knows well, where at least seven dierent kinds of shark can be found. It’s a good place to shelter and hunt for food in the deep reefs and underwater canyons. At certain times of the year hundreds of adult scalloped hammerhead sharks travel from afar to meet here. And there’s also the excitement of the annual ‘sardine run’, when huge shoals of sardines move up the coast, easy prey for hungry predators!A huge shadow passes overhead.‘Who’s there?’ Harry calls out nervously. ‘It’s me, Geremy,’ a great hammerhead shark says in a booming voice.‘Oh Geremy, good to see you again! Have you heard the news?’‘About the MPAs? Yes, I have,’ says Geremy. ‘Sharks are in danger because people fear us and try to kill us. I don’t know why,’ he says sadly. ‘Here at Protea Banks MPA, all sharks and rays are protected. Lotsof us have tags and we hope people will start to understand us better and realise we aren’t interested in harming them.’‘Snap!’ says Harry, ashing his own tag.SaRdInE RuN(YHU\\HDUEHWZHHQ0D\DQG-XO\VPDOOoVKFDOOHGVDUGLQHVEUHHGRĆ6RXWK$IULFDVVRXWKHUQFRDVWOLQHDQGWKHQPRYHQRUWKZDUGVDORQJWKHHDVWFRDVW%LOOLRQVRIWKHoVKJURXSWRJHWKHULQKXJHVKRDOVWKDWDUHRIWHQORQJHUWKDQVHYHQNLORPHWUHV6KDUNVDUHDPRQJWKHPDQ\GLĆHUHQWNLQGVRIoVKWKDWDUULYHIURPQHDUDQGIDUWRMRLQLQWKHIHHGLQJIUHQ]\DORQJZLWKZKDOHVGROSKLQVDQGELUGVʘDQGSHRSOHWRR:KDWDIHDVW

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2425Now Harry heads for the Protea Banks MPA, a place he knows well, where at least seven dierent kinds of shark can be found. It’s a good place to shelter and hunt for food in the deep reefs and underwater canyons. At certain times of the year hundreds of adult scalloped hammerhead sharks travel from afar to meet here. And there’s also the excitement of the annual ‘sardine run’, when huge shoals of sardines move up the coast, easy prey for hungry predators!A huge shadow passes overhead.‘Who’s there?’ Harry calls out nervously. ‘It’s me, Geremy,’ a great hammerhead shark says in a booming voice.‘Oh Geremy, good to see you again! Have you heard the news?’‘About the MPAs? Yes, I have,’ says Geremy. ‘Sharks are in danger because people fear us and try to kill us. I don’t know why,’ he says sadly. ‘Here at Protea Banks MPA, all sharks and rays are protected. Lotsof us have tags and we hope people will start to understand us better and realise we aren’t interested in harming them.’‘Snap!’ says Harry, ashing his own tag.SaRdInE RuN(YHU\\HDUEHWZHHQ0D\DQG-XO\VPDOOoVKFDOOHGVDUGLQHVEUHHGRĆ6RXWK$IULFDVVRXWKHUQFRDVWOLQHDQGWKHQPRYHQRUWKZDUGVDORQJWKHHDVWFRDVW%LOOLRQVRIWKHoVKJURXSWRJHWKHULQKXJHVKRDOVWKDWDUHRIWHQORQJHUWKDQVHYHQNLORPHWUHV6KDUNVDUHDPRQJWKHPDQ\GLĆHUHQWNLQGVRIoVKWKDWDUULYHIURPQHDUDQGIDUWRMRLQLQWKHIHHGLQJIUHQ]\DORQJZLWKZKDOHVGROSKLQVDQGELUGVʘDQGSHRSOHWRR:KDWDIHDVW

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26 27A large oat bobbing above the reef has caught Harry’s attention. ‘Hey, Geremy, what’s that?’ he asks.‘That’s a telemetry station! There’s equipment hanging below the oat,and when you swim past it, it tells the researchers who tagged youthat you have been here,’ Geremy explains. ‘Oh, that makes sense, so then they know which parts of the coastline we like best, and this can help them decide where the MPAs should beplaced.’ ‘Yes,’ says Geremy; ‘we like to call the MPAs “shark sanctuaries”, where no-one can hurt us. Oh, look there on the seaoor, there is a school of giant guitarsharks (also known as wedgesh). Let’s see if they will play asong for us,’ he says, grinning.‘Can’t stop,’ says Harry, ‘I haven’t nished delivering my news yet – butIwill visit again!’TeLeMeTrY 7HOHPHWU\LVWKHV\VWHPWKDWFROOHFWVLQIRUPDWLRQIURPDWUDFNLQJGHYLFHRUWDJYLDDUHFHLYLQJVWDWLRQDWWDFKHGWRWKHVHDpRRU(DFKWDJVHQGVRXWDXQLTXHFRGHRULGHQWLW\QXPEHUE\PHDQVRICSLQJVWKDWDUHSLFNHGXSE\WKHUHFHLYLQJVWDWLRQZKHQDWDJJHGDQLPDOVZLPVSDVWLW6RPHW\SHVRIWDJVHQGWKHLUSLQJVWRDGLVWDQWVDWHOOLWHLQWKHVN\RWKHUVWRVWDWLRQVRQWKHJURXQGRUXQGHUZDWHU5HVHDUFKHUVFROOHFWDQGVWXG\WKHLQIRUPDWLRQUHFHLYHGZKLFKFDQJLYHWKHH[DFWSRVLWLRQRIDWDJJHGoVKKRZIDVWDQGGHHSLQWKHZDWHULWLVVZLPPLQJDQGHYHQWKHWHPSHUDWXUHRIWKHZDWHU

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26 27A large oat bobbing above the reef has caught Harry’s attention. ‘Hey, Geremy, what’s that?’ he asks.‘That’s a telemetry station! There’s equipment hanging below the oat,and when you swim past it, it tells the researchers who tagged youthat you have been here,’ Geremy explains. ‘Oh, that makes sense, so then they know which parts of the coastline we like best, and this can help them decide where the MPAs should beplaced.’ ‘Yes,’ says Geremy; ‘we like to call the MPAs “shark sanctuaries”, where no-one can hurt us. Oh, look there on the seaoor, there is a school of giant guitarsharks (also known as wedgesh). Let’s see if they will play asong for us,’ he says, grinning.‘Can’t stop,’ says Harry, ‘I haven’t nished delivering my news yet – butIwill visit again!’TeLeMeTrY 7HOHPHWU\LVWKHV\VWHPWKDWFROOHFWVLQIRUPDWLRQIURPDWUDFNLQJGHYLFHRUWDJYLDDUHFHLYLQJVWDWLRQDWWDFKHGWRWKHVHDpRRU(DFKWDJVHQGVRXWDXQLTXHFRGHRULGHQWLW\QXPEHUE\PHDQVRICSLQJVWKDWDUHSLFNHGXSE\WKHUHFHLYLQJVWDWLRQZKHQDWDJJHGDQLPDOVZLPVSDVWLW6RPHW\SHVRIWDJVHQGWKHLUSLQJVWRDGLVWDQWVDWHOOLWHLQWKHVN\RWKHUVWRVWDWLRQVRQWKHJURXQGRUXQGHUZDWHU5HVHDUFKHUVFROOHFWDQGVWXG\WKHLQIRUPDWLRQUHFHLYHGZKLFKFDQJLYHWKHH[DFWSRVLWLRQRIDWDJJHGoVKKRZIDVWDQGGHHSLQWKHZDWHULWLVVZLPPLQJDQGHYHQWKHWHPSHUDWXUHRIWKHZDWHU

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28 29As Harry heads further south, he hears some loud banging in the distance. Then he hears a long, sad call. It’s Hlengiwe, the humpback whale.‘I have lost Katie, my calf,’ she cries. ‘There were some loud explosions in the ocean. She panicked and swam away from me.’ ‘Oh no!’ says Harry. ‘The noise is from a seismic survey being carried out by people on a ship,’ he explains. ‘They want to come and pump oil and gas from under the seabed.’ ‘Well, with these explosions and noisy ships passing overhead, we can’thear each other anymore. And now I have lost my baby!’ Hlengiwecries in despair.As they are talking, baby Katie suddenly swims up next to her mom and snuggles under her chin. ‘There you are!’ says Hlengiwe, overjoyed. ‘Oh, Katie, I thought I had lost you forever! Now stay close beside me, please.’‘I have some good news for you,’ says Harry, and he tells them about the new MPAs. ‘So now there will be more pIaces where you can shelter in peace – no seismic surveys allowed!’ ‘Yes!’ says Katie and gives a little tail slap.SeIsMiC SuRvEyS6HLVPLFVXUYH\VDUHGRQHWRORRNIRURLORUJDVEHORZWKHRFHDQ$VSHFLDODLUJXQLVXVHGWREODVWVRXQGRQWRWKHVHDpRRUDQGPDFKLQHU\RQWKHVKLSFDQWHOOIURPWKHHFKRLIWKHUHVRLORUJDVGRZQEHORZ7KHVRXQGZDYHWUDYHOVPDQ\NLORPHWUHVXQGHUZDWHUPXFKIXUWKHUWKDQLQDLU:KHQZHFUHDWHDGLVWXUEDQFHLQWKHRFHDQZHWHUULI\DQGFRQIXVHWKHVHDFUHDWXUHVHVSHFLDOO\WKRVHWKDWWDONWRHDFKRWKHUXVLQJVRXQG

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28 29As Harry heads further south, he hears some loud banging in the distance. Then he hears a long, sad call. It’s Hlengiwe, the humpback whale.‘I have lost Katie, my calf,’ she cries. ‘There were some loud explosions in the ocean. She panicked and swam away from me.’ ‘Oh no!’ says Harry. ‘The noise is from a seismic survey being carried out by people on a ship,’ he explains. ‘They want to come and pump oil and gas from under the seabed.’ ‘Well, with these explosions and noisy ships passing overhead, we can’thear each other anymore. And now I have lost my baby!’ Hlengiwecries in despair.As they are talking, baby Katie suddenly swims up next to her mom and snuggles under her chin. ‘There you are!’ says Hlengiwe, overjoyed. ‘Oh, Katie, I thought I had lost you forever! Now stay close beside me, please.’‘I have some good news for you,’ says Harry, and he tells them about the new MPAs. ‘So now there will be more pIaces where you can shelter in peace – no seismic surveys allowed!’ ‘Yes!’ says Katie and gives a little tail slap.SeIsMiC SuRvEyS6HLVPLFVXUYH\VDUHGRQHWRORRNIRURLORUJDVEHORZWKHRFHDQ$VSHFLDODLUJXQLVXVHGWREODVWVRXQGRQWRWKHVHDpRRUDQGPDFKLQHU\RQWKHVKLSFDQWHOOIURPWKHHFKRLIWKHUHVRLORUJDVGRZQEHORZ7KHVRXQGZDYHWUDYHOVPDQ\NLORPHWUHVXQGHUZDWHUPXFKIXUWKHUWKDQLQDLU:KHQZHFUHDWHDGLVWXUEDQFHLQWKHRFHDQZHWHUULI\DQGFRQIXVHWKHVHDFUHDWXUHVHVSHFLDOO\WKRVHWKDWWDONWRHDFKRWKHUXVLQJVRXQG

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30 31Harry has swum hundreds of kilometres and has nally reached the Trafalgar MPA, which was established a long time ago to protect the many fossils found in the area. It is now connected to Protea Banks MPA, which is a haven for sharks. Trafalgar MPA is home to many kinds of seaweed. It includes the shoreline, with its sandy beaches and rocky areas. There are salt marshes here, as well as a freshwater wetland in the neighbouring Mpenjati Nature Reserve. Harry explores the area and discovers many fossils among the rocks. ‘I wonder whose tooth that was?’ he asks himself as he spots a fossilised shark’s tooth. But what Harry loves most about this MPA is that all the local school children come here to learn about Marine Protected Areas. These MPAsare important for keeping our ocean healthy. They benet everyone, the sea creatures as well as the people, both now and in thefuture.‘That journey was fun,’ thinks Harry, ‘but all this swimming has made mehungry. I think it’s time to head o and catch a snack!’FoSsIlS)RVVLOVDUHWKHSUHVHUYHGUHPDLQVRIDQFLHQWSODQWVDQGDQLPDOV$W0SHQMDWL1DWXUH5HVHUYH\RXFDQJRRQDIRVVLOKXQWDWORZWLGHLQWKHVDQGVWRQHIRUPDWLRQVDORQJWKHFRDVW<RXPD\oQGIRVVLOLVHGWUHHVH[WLQFWVHDVKHOOVDQGHYHQVKDUNVWHHWK

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30 31Harry has swum hundreds of kilometres and has nally reached the Trafalgar MPA, which was established a long time ago to protect the many fossils found in the area. It is now connected to Protea Banks MPA, which is a haven for sharks. Trafalgar MPA is home to many kinds of seaweed. It includes the shoreline, with its sandy beaches and rocky areas. There are salt marshes here, as well as a freshwater wetland in the neighbouring Mpenjati Nature Reserve. Harry explores the area and discovers many fossils among the rocks. ‘I wonder whose tooth that was?’ he asks himself as he spots a fossilised shark’s tooth. But what Harry loves most about this MPA is that all the local school children come here to learn about Marine Protected Areas. These MPAsare important for keeping our ocean healthy. They benet everyone, the sea creatures as well as the people, both now and in thefuture.‘That journey was fun,’ thinks Harry, ‘but all this swimming has made mehungry. I think it’s time to head o and catch a snack!’FoSsIlS)RVVLOVDUHWKHSUHVHUYHGUHPDLQVRIDQFLHQWSODQWVDQGDQLPDOV$W0SHQMDWL1DWXUH5HVHUYH\RXFDQJRRQDIRVVLOKXQWDWORZWLGHLQWKHVDQGVWRQHIRUPDWLRQVDORQJWKHFRDVW<RXPD\oQGIRVVLOLVHGWUHHVH[WLQFWVHDVKHOOVDQGHYHQVKDUNVWHHWK

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We work for the WILD places, the open spaces, on land and sea, the green and blue places, oases among our sprawling cities.We work for the resilience of species, restoring and regenerating the ecosystems so that they can thrive. We work for the upliftment of people and communities, empowering livelihoods that provide dignity and a future for families. We respect the inter-connectedness of all things. We are the WILD. Bringing humankind and nature back into balance, reducing the impacts of humanity, while providing opportunities for people. We connect, we regenerate, ZHnjUHVWRUHZHHPSRZHU PEOPLE and PLANET. Thriving and resilient. Now. Tomorrow. Forever. We are the WILD. Published in 2022 by Struik Nature, an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa, for the WildTrustWildlands Conservation Trust (known as WILDTRUST) NPO Nikki Chapman Nikki Chapman Illustrator: Charlene da SilvaCopyright © in published edition, 2022: Wildlands Conservation Trust9781775848516 (English)Also available in isiZulu and French:9781775848554 (isiZulu)9781775848530 (French)ISBN 978-1-77584-851-6 Illustrated by Charlene da Silva NIKKI CHAPMANHARRY THE HAMMERHEAD SHARKHARRY THE HAMMERHEAD SHARKspreads the good news EAST COAST OF SOUTH AFRICASODWANA BAYISIMANGALISO MPARICHARDS BAYUTHUKELA BANKS MPADURBANALIWAL SHOAL MPAPROTEA BANKS MPATRAFALGAR MPAKOSI BAYLAKE SIBAYA

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We work for the WILD places, the open spaces, on land and sea, the green and blue places, oases among our sprawling cities.We work for the resilience of species, restoring and regenerating the ecosystems so that they can thrive. We work for the upliftment of people and communities, empowering livelihoods that provide dignity and a future for families. We respect the inter-connectedness of all things. We are the WILD. Bringing humankind and nature back into balance, reducing the impacts of humanity, while providing opportunities for people. We connect, we regenerate, ZHnjUHVWRUHZHHPSRZHU PEOPLE and PLANET. Thriving and resilient. Now. Tomorrow. Forever. We are the WILD. Published in 2022 by Struik Nature, an imprint of Penguin Random House South Africa, for the WildTrustWildlands Conservation Trust (known as WILDTRUST) NPO Nikki Chapman Nikki Chapman Illustrator: Charlene da SilvaCopyright © in published edition, 2022: Wildlands Conservation Trust9781775848516 (English)Also available in isiZulu and French:9781775848554 (isiZulu)9781775848530 (French)ISBN 978-1-77584-851-6 Illustrated by Charlene da Silva NIKKI CHAPMANHARRY THE HAMMERHEAD SHARKHARRY THE HAMMERHEAD SHARKspreads the good news EAST COAST OF SOUTH AFRICASODWANA BAYISIMANGALISO MPARICHARDS BAYUTHUKELA BANKS MPADURBANALIWAL SHOAL MPAPROTEA BANKS MPATRAFALGAR MPAKOSI BAYLAKE SIBAYA