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ENG Autumn 2023

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October 2023Issue 4

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L A T E S T N E W S F R O M V C M SDear Members,This is the time of the year when we lookback at closing off the current year and shiftour focus on to the next.We hope all Members have used their 2023entitlement by now, some have not, wetherefore will be sending out final reminders.We look at the holiday experiences wemanaged to create for Members and lessonslearnt that we can apply to our ability tocreate better or new experiences next year. We believe this is the essence of our role asClub Managers. We could just sit back andprocess reservation requests from Membersin line with their membership entitlementand Club Rules. Alternatively, we canproactively look for ways to add value. Nodoubt in our heads, Members expect us toadd value and we all love to and challengeeach other on a daily basis on how we canimprove Members’ experiences. This is probably a good place to share wherewe are placing our efforts and the directionwe are taking. One of the main pillars to Members is thequality of the apartments at the home resort,here at Golden Sands. The location is secondto none however the rooms available toMembers were in need of a refurbishment,and members had been promised thesewould be refurbished for some time. Thehotel too recognised this need and itsobligations to fund this project. At same timethe number of Members was declining forvarious reasons, so we needed to establishthe number of apartments that needed to berefurbished for Members. At this stageMembers are well aware that the Clubsoccupy around a third of the resort, sufficientto see the Clubs through their full term andthe refurbishment project requiring a third ofthe original investment. Mark Galea VCMS Managing Director2The ease of access to the home resort,exchange programmes and alternativedestinations is a second pillar where we placeour attention. So far, we made do with theinformation systems and resources available tous at start up. We recognise the need toupgrade our systems and this year we investedin our back of house systems. We look forwardto present Members and prospective newmembers with some much-neededimprovements to our website and members’portal. However, more importantly workingwith corporate partners especially thoseoffering our Members alternative destinationsis an ongoing challenge since we need to find adifficult balance offering alternatives whileincreasing the numbers at these destinations. Finally, we need to make ends meet withoutbeing of additional financial burden tomembers. We aim to make the most from theapartments available to the Clubs and thatMembers do not actually book. Apart fromimproving the promotion of the rentalprogramme we operate for the benefit ofMembers, we are also looking at other ways tofinance our operations and promote the Clubsto potentially new Members. In fact we arelooking to promote the winter months whenoccupancy levels are at their lowest. Moreabout this shortly. We genuinely hope you are enjoying ourJourney, these pages include offers andinformation about destinations which webelieve are important to you. In any case yourfeedback is appreciated and always welcome. Mark

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3V C M S W E L C O M E S M I S S &M R W O R L D M A L T AJoana Goncalves Members’ Experience & Business Development ManagerWhile our journey with Miss World Maltabegan in 2022, Malta has been sendingdelegates to the international beautypageant since the mid Sixties. With such aglamorous national heritage to celebrate,VCMS jumped at the opportunity to sponsorMiss World Malta 2002, which includedhosting the winner, Ms Natalia Galea, for aluxury stay at our Golden Sands home resort. Our collaboration with Miss World Malta wassuch a great success, we sponsored the eventagain this year. Organised by ModelleInternational under the direction of SueRossi and Claudia Calleja and broadcast onlocal TV ONE TV, the 2023 event crowned MsMartine Cutajar and Mr Slaven Micallef Msand Mr World Malta, respectively. Following our new tradition, we hosted bothMartine and Slaven at Golden Sands. Thepair, who’ll be representing Malta at the 2024international pageant, enjoyed a photoshootaround the newly refurbished HeavenlyCollection apartments and also took homeVCMS XP gift vouchers as their winningprizes. Overall, it was an unforgettable experienceand an opportunity to create widerawareness of our XP Club. Martine andSlaven will visit our XP destinations usingtheir gift vouchers and promote the clubon social media, giving us more visibility atnational and international level. Let’s give Martine and Slaven our bestGolden Sands support for 2024! Joana3

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Don't forget to tell your friends and familyabout the great membership benefits.If you know people that might beinterested and would like to visit us inMalta, let us know! *Member Referral4*Log into the Member Portal and enter details on the Programmes Section

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W H A T ' S N E W ?A M R F 2 0 2 4The Annual Membership Renewal Fees2024 bills have been charged and can bepaid now on the Member Portal. The Emailwith the statement will be sent at a laterstage in October. May we kindly remindyou that payment of the AMRF needs tobe done by the 31st December 2023. Ifyou can’t use your membership, weremind you that the Freezing fee of €100is also available till 31st December. R E N T A L P R O C E E D S 2 0 2 3Members who have applied for the RentalProgramme of 2023 have had theirproceeds credited in their membershipaccount. Kindly note that the proceedscan be viewed on the statement that willbe sent via email for the AnnualMembership Renewal Fee 2024.5V C M S X P H O L I D A Y SI T A L Y / C R O A T I AWe are very pleased to anothercollaboration to increase visbility of the XPMembership Club. Maja GnjidicVerdecchia is our Travel Consultant forItalian and Croatian Market.A D V I S O R Y B O A R D M E E T I N GM I N U T E SMeeting Minutes of the Advisory BoardMeeting held on Wednesday 13thSeptember can be accessed on the portal. H O M E R E S O R TWe are thrilled to inform you that theRadisson Blu Resort & Spa, Malta GoldenSands have been awarded as the WorldTravel Awards Winner of Malta’s LeadingResort 2023.I S L A N D R E S I D E N C E C L U BB O O K I N GWe would like to inform all IslandResidence Club Members that as from 1stJanuary 2024 they can book their holidaystwo years in advance. Therefore they canbook their stays for 2025 and 2026.Kindly note that you can book yourentitlement either through the MemberPortal, by emailing our team or by callingus on +356 2033 0106.

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G I F T AG E T A W A YSurprise your friends or loved ones with anunforgettable holiday they’ll never forget.Simply Gift a Getaway, our new memberpromotion where you can purchase XP-loaded vouchers for those special peoplein your life. Contact orcall us on +356 2033 0106 to find out more.6

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U S E F U L T I P S F R O M Y O U RM E M B E R E X P E R I E N C E T E A MHere’s answers to some common questions we get asked by members that you might find useful:HOW DOES THE FREEZINGOPTION WORK? ANSWERLet’s say you don’t plan using yourentitlement this year. Simply instructVCMS to freeze your membership by the 31st December 2023, for whichyou’ll be charged €100.* And don’t worryif you change your mind later. Justcontact reservations to check availabilityand then pay the difference in theAnnual Membership Renewal Fee(AMRF). *Please note a late freezing fee of €180 isapplicable January to February. Send a member guest to useyour membership Deposit your membership withan exchange affiliate Freeze your membership forthat usage yearIf you can’t use your entitlement,you can opt to:WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS IF I’MNOT USING MY ENTITLEMENT?ANSWERYes, many members share theirmembership entitlement for a particularyear with friends or family, with theMember Guest Certificate costing €50.You also have the option to add lovedones as Authorised Guests, which is freeand comes with a VCMS MembershipWildcard.CAN I BOOK MY ENTITLEMENT FORA FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER? ANSWERDue to member demand, we’velaunched a new Dream Escape voucherprogramme. Now, you can gift a holidaydestination, or experience to friends andloved ones. Contact VCMS for more onthis great option for birthday surprises orjust to give someone you know a dreambreak they deserve. DOES VCMS OFFER VOUCHERS? ANSWERYes, it’s easy, straightforward and willonly take you a minute or two. Simplylog into the members portal and click on theAMRF tab you’ll see in the menu. CAN I PAY MY AMRF ONLINE? ANSWER7

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The Hungarian capital is quiteliterally split into two, Buda and Pest,with each side stretching along theadjacent banks of the iconic DanubeRiver. But which side is best to stayon? Suburban Buda is a historicalwonderland of castles, medievalstreets, grand houses, museums andRoman ruins. Pest is an altogethermore bohemian affair, with scenicriverside promenades, flea markets,offbeat pubs and chic cafés. WhileBudapest’s famous hot springs,indoor and outdoor thermal bathsare scattered both sides of theDanube, this luxury city-break guidewill get you acquainted with the bestof Buda and Pest so you can chooseyour favourite side to stay.4 8 M A G I C A LH O U R S I NB O H E M I A NB U D A P E S TB Y M A R K P .9

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RIVERSIDE SPLEDOUR AT THE AQUINCUM HOTEL,BUDA For easy access to Buda’s best attractions,contemporary-styled Aquincum provides theperfect setting for a luxury visit. The hotel’snamesake 2nd-century Roman ruins are closeby and the hotel’s thermal baths take waterreplenished directly from Margaret Island, aforested islet opposite the hotel. Here you’llalso discover an art nouveau water tower anda 13th century Dominican convent. Foodies staying at the Aquincum will alsolove the top-notch Hungarian food at theon-site Aspicius restaurant, whichshowcases the finest local cuisine usingproduce sourced from nearby farms. OLD WORLD LUXURY AT THE CORINTHIA HOTEL,PEST A stay in Pest deserves lodgings that makethe most of the area’s end-of centurygrandeur. The palatial Corinthia HotelBudapest is a genuine 19th-century landmarkwith Old World opulence befitting theAustro-Hungarian empire. During your stay, treat yourself to a day atthe on-site Royal Spa. Originally openedin 1886, the spa has been carefullyrestored to its former Art Deco glory witha stained-glass skylight, period featuresand a 15-metre swimming pool. In theevening, head down to the Orfeum Clubfor glamorous revues and jazz concerts.10

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BANQUET ON THE BLUE DANUBE From its dramatic history and magnificentarchitecture to its opulent spas and vibrantnightlife, Budapest has something forholidaymakers of all types. Take your Budapest city break to the nextlevel of luxury by contacting VCMS today. Any Budapest visit deserves a traditionalMagyar feast on a floating restaurant dockedby the banks of the Danube. Spoon is one ofthe more popular boating eateries thatenjoys a beautiful view of the river,Hungarian Parliament and Buda hills. Someferry operators even organise dinner cruisenights on the Danube. Hungarian cuisine has a rich history. Amongits most celebrated dishes are the nationalstaple goulash, stuffed cabbage leaves and acinnamon coated chimney cake. Once thesun sets, Buda’s historical landmarks arefloodlit and glow under the starry night sky,transforming your Danube dining experienceinto a truly magical one. 11CONQUER CASTLE HILL IN A MORNING Start the morning with a walk along thewinding cobblestone streets of Budapest’sfamed Castle district for the city’s manyarchitectural and historical wonders. Thestately Buda Castle, home to Hungary’sformer kings, houses the National Gallery andHistory Museum, both open to the public. Fisherman’s Bastion is a white bricked towerthat might have been plucked straight out ofa Disney fairy tale, while the neighbouringMatthias Church is a Neo Gothic marvel ofornate, spindly turrets and colorful tiledroofs. Aficionados of illusion and escapologymay also wish to visit the House of Houdini, amuseum dedicated to the life and works ofone of Budapest’s most famous sons.

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" B U D A P E S T I S A C I T YT H A T M A K E S Y O UF E E L A L I V E , A C I T YT H A T M A K E S Y O UF E E L L I K E A N Y T H I N GI S P O S S I B L E " # V I S I T B U D A P E S Twww.vcmsxpholidays.com12

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Join RCI For Only €30SCANTO JOINAs a Golden Sands Island Residence Club owner, you can joinRCI for just €30 for a 2-year membership and get MORE forLESS! Enjoy the small big travel difference, plus 50% off yourfirst exchange holiday†To take advantage of this amazing offer, click hereBIGGER CHOICE of holidays for less Access to 4,200 affiliatedresorts, 600,000+ hotels andcruises from all the majorcruise lines!BIGGER VALUE Just €30 for two years membership plus our Best Price Guarantee* on selected hotels.BIGGER SERVICE Our dedicated team are experts at helping find the perfect holiday for you. Book all your new experiences in one place!Terms & Conditions: This offer is open to non-RCI members at Golden Sands Island Residence Club Resorts. *Best PriceGuarantee is only applicable on hotel exchange resorts booked via Alliance Reservation Network. Two year standard RCImembership for €30 instead of €285 and 50% off first exchange is €125 instead of €250. †The exchange must be booked duringthe first 6 months of membership to receive the 50% discount. This offer is subject to RCI’s normal Trading Power rules and RCI’sstandard Terms of Membership ( Please refer to your ownership rights certificate for correct details when inputtinginto the system. RCI reserves the right to extend, amend or withdraw the offer without prior notice. Offer valid until 31/12/23.DON’T MISS OUT – JOIN BY 31/12/23Transform the wayyou travel in a BIG, BIGway by joining RCI.small fee13

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18th November 2023Glenn Miller OrchestraFrom 7:30 pm to 11:59 pmMediterranean Conference Centre,Valletta, MaltaDon't miss this once-in-a-lifetimeopportunity to relive the iconic classicsfrom the golden age of the swing era!Discover the extraordinary sound of GlennMiller and let the music touch your soul!28/11/2023 - 08/12/2023Festa tal-KuncizzjoniFrom 6:00 pm to 10:30 pmTriq il-Pellegrinaġġ, Bormla, MaltaDuring the first week of December,Cospicua celebrates the Feast of theImmaculate Conception, the Patron Saintof this City.Ongoing till the 26th December Magical MostaBetween 10.30 to 15:30Mosta Rotunda, Mosta, MaltaDiscover the magic of Mosta and explore thecity of the famous Rotunda in your ownunique way! This experience is available everyTuesday, between 10.30 and 15.30 hrs, and isdesigned to be enjoyed as an individual, asmall team, or a larger group.13/10/2023 - 14/10/2023Strummin' Turn Back TimeFrom 8:00 pm to 10:30 pmSt Agatha's Auditorium, Rabat, MaltaThis year’s show will take the audience on atime hop journey, performing a variety ofarrangements showcasing different eras ofmusic. The selected songs will take attendeesfor a nostalgic ride with flavours from the1940s, all the way to current bops, includingthe rock ‘n’ roll 60s, the disco fever of the 70s,the irreplaceable sound of the 80s synth andthe pop tunes of the 90s.21/10/2023Piano Concert at Malta Society of ArtsFrom 7:00 pm to 9:30 pmMalta Society of Arts, Republic Street,Valletta, MaltaA concert of piano music featuringcompositions by Andrew Wilson with MilicaLawrence on the piano.U P C O M I N G E V E N T SH I G H L I G H T S O F E V E N T S I N T H E N E X T F E WM O N T H S I N M A L T A15

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Peel and rinse the potatoes and thinly slice them using a sharp knife. Pat the sliced potatoes dry with paper towel to removeexcess moisture. Sprinkle the slices with salt to add flavour.Add the sliced potatoes to hot olive oil, making sure the potatoes are fully covered with oil. Cook over a medium heat for 20minutes.While the potatoes are cooking, beat the room-temperature eggs in a large bowl until well combined.Add the salt. Thinly slice the onions. This will give the tortilla the right texture and help the onions cook more quickly and evenly.Once the potatoes have cooked for 20 minutes, use a skimmer or spider to remove them from the hot oil.Place the cooked potatoes in a colander to allow them to cool and drain, about 5 minutes.Add the sliced onions to a separate pan with a bit of olive oil. Cook over a medium heat until they start to caramelize, about15-20 minutes. Gently stir the onions into the egg mixture. Carefully add the potatoes into the onion and egg mixture.Gently pour the tortilla batter into a frying pan over medium-low heat. You don't want the pan to be too hot. Gently cook thetortilla for about 6-8 minutes on the first side. You can run a spatula occasionally along the sides to make sure it's not sticking.To flip the tortilla, grab a plate that's larger than the frying pan. Put the plate on top of the pan and flip quickly andconfidently. Slide the tortilla back into the frying pan and let the other side cook for another six to eight minutes. Then flipback out onto a clean plate. Allow it to cool and enjoy!I N G R E D I E N T SD I R E C T I O N SS P A N I S H T O R T I L L A6 eggs1 white onion 500g Potatoes 150 ml extra virgin olive oilSalt S E R V I N G S : 4W I L D C A R D P A R T N E R16

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Maybe ghost stories don’t quite pique your interest, but you have thatcuriosity about the dark side of humanity. The most terrifying things arewhat people do to each other, and perhaps you want to glimpse into thiscorrupt corner of existence. We’ll bring you on a tour of the sordiddetails behind Valletta’s dark, bloody murders. You’ll visit locationswhere the echoes of gruesome crimes of murder still cry out.KNIGHTTHEDARK SIDEOF THENO GHOSTS, JUST REALITY! STRICTLY BY BOOKING -CONTACT US ON:+356 7977 7776hello@houseoftours.euST GEORGE'S SQUARE, VALLETTANOVEMBER 1: 7:30PMNOVEMBER 4: 7:30PMTOUR IS CONDUCTED BY AQUALIFIED GUIDE/ACTORTICKETS €15DURATION: 90minTOUR IN ENGLISHEASY DIFFICULTY17

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4 F A B U K S T A Y C A T I O N I D E A SStaycations are here to stay. While many of us know a staycation is a vacation without leavingone’s home country, the big question is why are they so popular and what are some of the beststaycations on offer? We’ll answer these questions and more while including our top four UKstaycation picks. HOW TO STAYCATION?A common assumption is that a staycationis just a fancy word for staying at home andputting your feet up in front of the TV.Instead, staycations mean wild andwonderful walks through nature, going on ashopping spree and watching a West Endshow, and then putting your feet up, albeitat a luxury lodge or a boutique Londonsuite.BACK IN THE DAYLong before all-inclusive package holidays,winter sun offers and low-cost airlines,British families spent their leisure timeexploring the mountains, coasts, lakes andhistorical cities the British Isles is blessedwith. When the world suddenly couldn’ttravel easily anymore, it was no wonder Britsrenewed their love affair with The GreatBritish Staycation. Just look at the stats. In 2016, UnitedKingdom residents went on an estimated44.7 million holiday trips in England. But2022, reports, was therecord year for UK staycations, with over 77%of Brits booking holidays in their owncountry. Bookings made up to July 2022were up by 30% year-on-year.WHERE TO GO?The UK is home to so many picture-perfectresorts in magnificent locations, such as thePeak District, South Devon, SnowdoniaNational Park, and the North Yorkshiremoors. And what better way to rechargeyour batteries than in the Lake District withbeautiful views across the water and thetension-taming sound of waves lappingagainst the banks.A recent booming trend in the UK is luxurymotorhome staycations. Simply take youraccommodation with you and enjoy theBritish Isles at your own pace from theexpansive Cairngorms to the Norfolk Broads.Luxury motorhomes also add an extradimension to ‘sleighcations’, where you canstow your skis and snowboards and park rightup to the best snowy spots in the UK.WHAT’S TRENDING?19

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1. REIGN SUPREME AT A ST IVES CASTLERecent staycation research commissioned byHoseasons revealed a third of therespondents (36%) from Great Britain saidtheir favourite holiday memory was of eatingfish and chips on the beach. Which makesthe timeless harbor town of St Ives inCornwall our top tip for the most deliciousfish and chips holiday memory you couldever wish for. Set in west Cornwall’s best beauty spot, ourrecommended accommodation TregennaCastle is a 72-acre estate filled withwoodland, subtropical gardens and allsurrounded by panoramic views of the St IvesBay coastline and the sparkling Cornish sea. The stories of King Arthur and Guinevereare much easier to reimagine whenstaying at Tregenna Castle, helped by theambience of the rooms, many which havewon awards for their sea views, anddesigned with emphasis on classic,authentic luxury.While Arthur and Guinevere might havenever played golf on Cornish shores, youcan at Tregenna’s wonderful 18-hole golfcourse. Two all-weather tennis courts, afitness centre, and an indoor and outdoorheated swimming pool also give you theoption to turn Tregenna into a sportsstaycation similar to our next pick. OUR FAB FOUR2. CELEBRATE SPORTS AT WHITTLEBURY PARKWhile the older generations wanted nothingmore from their holiday than a few days ofuninterrupted sunshine lazing beside thesea, many modern travellers want to do moreon holiday than spend their every day at thebeach. Cue our second staycation idea, a non-stopcelebration of things to do in, of all places,rural Northamptonshire. The location is Whittlebury Park, a huge 700acre estate set in ancient parkland, theperfect getaway sanctuary. But this is no monks only refuge. Instead, it’sa sports lovers’ playground, with a 36-holeChampionship golf course the jewel in thisoasis of activity tailored to make sports fansfeel on another level. Another huge attraction for Formula Onefans is that Whittlebury Park is the UK closesthotel to Silverstone, the home of the BritishGrand Prix. If you can get a Silverstone meetinto your itinerary, you’ll have the very bestbase from which to get there, with minimaltravel stress. After a day’s golf or a thrillingrace, you can head to the full treatment spafor the jacuzzi, massage and steam roombliss, complete, with a 19-metre swimmingpool with bubble jets. Afterwards, dine in at one of WhittleburyPark’s two restaurants: the classic andcontemporary Aston’s, and Murrays, its tripleAA Rosette-awarded counterpart. 20

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3. LIVE IT UP IN LONDONAs staycation ideas go, London is a no-brainer.Where exquisite beaches, tropical jungles, andmountain fjords soothe the soul, London's edgy,non-stop energy and city chic stimulates themind. The beauty of London for a UK staycation is thata weekend is more than enough for a quick shotof world-class capital city entertainment. And, ifyou intend to paint London red, you need ahotel that makes you feel like a high-roller.Introducing Corinthia London, a meticulouslyredesigned Victorian treasure that elevates yourappreciation of refinement and style.No surprise then that likes of George Clooney,Beyoncé, and Johnny Depp stay at theCorinthia, frequent its two critically acclaimedrestaurants, and indulge in a spot of pamperingat the hotel's leading ESPA spa. Ultimately, it'sall about location and the Corinthia's setting inthe stylish district of Westminster in south westLondon is perfect. Right on your doorstep is Trafalgar Square, theLondon Eye, the theaters of the West End andthe designer shopping meccas of Regent andBond streets. If it's fashion or a night of razzle-dazzle you're after, London wows its visitors inevery way.4. RING OF KERRY BY MOTORHOMEThere's nothing like one of the newgeneration luxury motorhomes for exploringBritain. And there's no finer places to explorevia the open road that the Ring of Kerry inIreland. Simply drive onto a ferry and alightat Rosslare. Make a short detour to Wexfordfor Curracloe beach, where the openingscenes of the Oscar-winning Saving PrivateRyan was filmed. If you have even more staycation time tospare, take a boat across to the Skelligs,which featured on Star Wars: The ForceAwakens. These haunting islands are home topuffins, odd, beehive-shaped buildings, and a1,000 year-old monastery. Point your luxury mobile home westwards toKillarney and staycation overnight at FossaCampsite on the edge of the Ring of Kerry. The 200-km Ring of Kerry is an Area ofOutstanding Natural Beauty that's all yoursto explore, from mountain trails, deeplakes, lush forests, rugged beaches andelegant rivers to old stone bridges, andpretty little towns with colourful houses. 1821

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A B O U T T H E H O M E R E S O R TR E V I E W SJ . M E A D O W C R O F T - 1 S TS E P T E M B E R222023 and back again at Golden Bay, it’s like returning tofamily and for my children even more so as they seefriends they have grown up with each summer for a coupleof weeks. They measure their heights, check their tans anddiscuss over cooling drinks or pool ball games the yearthey have had. This year however was even more special as we were giventhe rare opportunity to upgrade our already vast 2bedroom apartment to a truely amazing one in the SandsTower!VCMS had a late cancellation and for a very reasonableprice to exchange one of our weeks we took the decisionto move rooms for 1 week. The move was stress free, packyour bags, hang your clothes on the bell boys trolley andwithin an hour you are all settled in.If you love to entertain this is the room for you and youdon’t even have to cook, just order from any of theexcellent restaurants and they will deliver directly.It is difficult to drag yourself away from 1 of the 2 terracesthis room has but we still went to the pool each day to joinin the entertainment and banter around the pool.New families came this year to the hotel and are alreadylooking to come back next year, purely because of therelaxed vibe the felt and the fact their children werewelcomed into the group It really is home from home and that is unique about thisplace…Friendly, helpful staff. Beautiful location. Wellappointed rooms. Range of restaurants on site....D . R O U N T R E E - 1 1 T HS E P T E M B E RHad a fabulous holiday in August 2023 withchildren and grandchildren (16 in total). All staffincluding VCMS provided an excellent servicebefore and throughout the holiday, particularlyHenri who is a very special gentleman and acredit to the Radisson Hotel at Golden Bay.T E R R Y M - A U G U S T

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A B O U T O T H E R D E S T I N A T I O N SR E V I E W SP . S U C K L E YG . E L D E R F I E L DS E N D U S F E E D B A C K23We had a fantastic holiday in Crete. The villawas excellent and the host,George, was superbwith lots go helpful information.Highly recommended.As always the team here at VCMS welcome andlook forward to your feedback, so if there arefeatures that you would like to see inforthcoming issues regarding memberships,Malta in general or anything else, please let usknow We decided to have a go at utilising some of ourxp points for two city breaks in the winter Our first stay was in the Executive Suite in theCorinthia Hotel in Prague The hotel was superb.We stayed bed and breakfast which wasexcellent. The hotel was well situated with thetrain station immediately outside the hotel. Soeasy to use and fun only one or two stops intothe centre They arranged champagne for mybirthday breakfast. Always a great start to theday! We had such a good time that we chose to goto Budapest last year for a birthday Christmasbreak Yet again we used our XPs and stayed atthe Corinthia. We were hoping to have a similarexperience as we had in Prague . We were veryimpressed with the hotel and it's position. Wewere also impressed with the list of celebritieswho had stayed there. These hotels and thepersonal service given to us was excellent. Weare now looking for other cities to go to .

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D I S C O V E R I N G T H E H I D D E NG E M S O F T U R K E Y ,W H E R E E V E R Y S T E PR E V E A L S A N E W S T O R YW A I T I N G T O B E T O L D# D I S C O V E R T U R K E Ywww.vcmsxpholidays.com24