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01 ABOUTmissionvisionSouthcrest Baptist Churchcares about helping people find their greatest pleasureand purpose in Jesus.We accomplish our mission by providing opportunities to gather as followers of Christ, grow in God’s Word, and serve the Kingdom of God in our community and around the world.valuesCoreAuthenticity, Faithfulness, Generosity, and Equipping.

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02 EVENTSWe are a large church spread throughout many services, so it is a special time when we can gather together as a church family a few times a year!gatherTexas WaterRampage590ATTENDEESFall1,352EasterService5,287ATTENDEESATTENDEESGatheringCandlelightService3,000ATTENDEESSPRINGSUMMERFALLWINTER

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03 GROWTHWe view growth as a sign of health in a faith community. Southcrest saw humbling growth in 2023! We call visitors after their first visit and offer to bring them a pie or cookie box. Our favorite kind of growth is celebrated when new believers are baptized into new life through Christ!BAPTISMS119NEW MEMBERS429FIRST-TIMEVISITORS625PIES/COOKIESGIVENPIES/COOKIESGIVEN269269

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04 VOLUNTEERSOur mission is lived out through people donating their time and energy and investing in others. We have some of the most generous volunteers—they make many of our ministry opportunities possible.volunteersVBSVOLUNTEERS181SUNDAY MORNINGVOLUNTEERSSUNDAY MORNINGVOLUNTEERS578578LOCAL MINISTRYVOLUNTEERS296WEDNESDAY NIGHTVOLUNTEERSWEDNESDAY NIGHTVOLUNTEERS9999

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05 MEALS800TOTAL PLATES SERVED ON WEDNESDAY NIGHTSPOUNDS OF PASTA SERVED 11,400SLICES OF CAKE SERVED We value not only nourishing our souls with scripture but also our bodies with food. Feeding the church body is something we’ve had the privilege of being able to do. 16,50027,000POUNDS OF POTATOES SERVED 33,560POUNDS OF MEAT SERVED

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06 NEW STAFFAWANAATTENDEES27110060156SUNDAY SCHOOLATTENDANCEStudent JOURNEYHOMEGROUPSCollege90SUNDAY SCHOOLATTENDANCEPre-Teen WEDNESDAY NIGHTATTENDANCEStudent 1,235LIFE GROUPATTENDANCEAdult 225SUNDAY SCHOOLATTENDANCEChildren’s 97SUNDAY SCHOOLATTENDANCEPreschool 06 WEEKLYThe Lord builds us up through the study of His Word andshapes us through our relationships with one another. Youngand old, our people are encouraged to attend a discipleshipgroup and connect authentically with other believers. Equipping Authenticity& CollegeJOURNEYTNG ATTENDANCE110WEDNESDAY NIGHTATTENDANCEPre-Teen 7662BIBLE STUDYATTENDANCEMen’s 475BIBLE STUDYATTENDANCEWomen’s

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07 NEW STAFFFAITH ARNOLDContent CreatorKATE DOWTYCommunicationsCoordinatorOLIVIA GOERTZENSocial MediaCoordinatorSAVY ESCOBARGraphic DesignerM’LYNN MAYNEFacilitiesDay CrewDAVID HODGEIT TechnicianKALEB PINKERTIT TechnicianGABRIEL JOHNSONFacilitiesDay CrewGARRETT JOHNSONFacilitiesDay CrewKEELY HODGESKitchen/Food Prep AideCAYDEN SMITHKitchen/Food Prep AideANDREW KATNIKMediaRYANN FOSTERThe Journey ResidentJOHN MICHAEL ALVARADOMiddle School MinistryResidentAMANDA AXELRODHigh School MinistryResidentJARRETT HARLEHigh School MinistryResidentKENDRA LINDSEY High School MinistryResidentHADLEY VITZKitchen/Food Prep AideAINSLEY VON THEUMERPreteen ResidentJOSE QUIROZFacilitiesDay CrewNOT PICTUREDSHARLA TYSONOffice Assistant

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08 GIVINGYour tithes and offerings are making huge Kingdom impacts throughout the world. You have been faithful to your commitment to paying for our new building through our Greater Giving fund. When people need a little extra support, you always seem to answer “YES!” Thank you for your faithfulness in giving back to the Lord what He has given you.what we gave away$1,062,388TOTAL GIVEN FOR MISSIONS + MINISTRY SUPPORTgeneral tithe$9,033,925scholarship$16,305Generosity Faithfulness& greater giving$1,418,776TOTAL PAID TOWARD BUILDING DEBTGIVEN TO FUTURE MINISTRY LEADERS

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08 MISSIONSTHROUGH YOUR DONATIONS OF TIME, ENERGY, SERVICE, OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT. IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE AND PURPOSE THAT WE ARE SPREADING THE LOVE OF JESUS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD!Annie Armstrong Easter OfferingNorth American Missions$47,216.00Lottie Moon Christmas OfferingInternational Missions$543,687.00Worldwide Disaster Relief Food, water & shelter for those displaced by natural or man made disasters around the world$22,500.00US/TX Disaster Relief Perryton, Matador, Hawaii & other U.S. disasters$16,030.00look at the impact you have made

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09 MISSIONSIsrael Relief$54,176.00Food, water, shelter, trauma counseling & gospelliterature for those displacedDirect Missionary Monthly Support$24,300.005 families serving internationally2 families serving in the U. S.International Ministries$48,763.00 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 2 Orphanages Jose Pineda Mexico Prison Ministry Samaritan's Purse/Operation Christmas Child Foster careOutreachOutreachmissionaryInternational

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10 MISSIONSChurch Plant Monthly Support$122,000.00Waterfront Church, Washington, DCLiving Stone Church, Broomfield, COThe Hills Community Church, San Marcos, CAFirst Nations Fellowship, Lander, WYCreator's Fellowship, Gallup, NMLubbock Unified, LBB, TXSouth Asian Community Church, Vancouver, BCChurch Plant Ministries$50,746.00Outreach events, rent, building repairs, & food pantriesWATERFRONT CHURCHWashington, DCLIVING STONE CHURCHBroomfield, COTHE HILLS COMMUNITY CHURCHSan Marcos, CAFIRST NATIONS FELLOWSHIPLander, WYCREATOR’S FELLOWSHIPGallup, NMLUBBOCK UNIFIEDLubbock, TXSOUTH ASIAN COMMUNITY CHURCHVancouver, BCChurch Plants

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Yearly Support$76,570.00 Local church support (repairs, leadership trainings, retreats) Habitat for Humanity Ministry supplies (including food pantries & hygiene kits)Monthly Support$56,400.00Buckner'sExodus Prison MinistriesLubbock ImpactParkridge Pregnancy CenterPlains Baptist AssemblyMalta FarmsLocal Ministry11 MISSIONS

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