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Empowering mothers

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Empowering MothersI'M STILL IN AWE AT THE TRANSFORMATION...“Motherhood: All love beginsand ends there”After giving birth to my son Kai, I embarked on a deep journeyto connect with my new identity as a mother. I had always been such a free spirit, travelling the world-Living with shaman in the jungle, teaching English in Japanand South Korea, learning Italian in Italy. I loved life and itwas sooooo juicy and colourful to me! I was in love with learning and stretching myself out of mycomfort zone. I had so much energy and mental stamina todo anything that I wanted. I trained in Kundalini yoga andtaught all over the world, I did theta healing training andbegan to understand the power of our mind, trained in reikihealing and later became a primary teacher. I believed that my transition into motherhood would be aseasy and as fun as every other chapter. This was not thecase. Becoming a mother and a single parent was the mostdifficult period of my life, a a huge shift for me as a humanbeing. Although I was completely in love with my little boy, I foundmyself to be pretty lost. My power that had always beenthere diminished and my crystal clear vision for life was nolonger there. I quite literally lost myself in this bubble of love which broughtup a lot of sadness, loss, despair and exhaustion. I did wonder if I would ever return to my true essence, to myjoyful nature full of dreams and to my own empowered path...

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The biggest lesson for me was to allowothers to enter into my world to providesupport. I had always been able toindependently look after myself withoutleaning on the support of others. Aftergiving birth, I realised that I could notmanage alone.As a proud individual, it took a lot ofcourage to reach out. This was the mostempowering step that I took and itconnected me to amazing women anddoulas who offered their care, advice andwarm support. I gained emotional support to help meovercome some challenging moments;women who listened and helped me tune inagain to my true essence. These womenreally heard me without without judgementin all of my despair and joy. The strength and clarity that I gainedthrough the support of these women is whatreally brought me back to my core and withthat so many gifts. I don't think I would havegotten back my lioness strength withoutthem.When I accessed my full potential again, Iwas able to nurture my beautiful son from aplace of peace and empowerment and thismade all of the difference. This set me onthe path to share with other mothers......Empowering MothersWHEN LESSONS TURN INTO BLESSINGSEmpoweredWomen,EmpowerWomen.

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After my birth, it took some time to step back into myown power and own it again. With my new role as a dedicated mother, I had tomake time to align myself againwith my dreams and values. As mothers, we still deserve to nurture our innerdesires and passions. My purpose on this course is to be here with you onthis beautiful journey as a mother, to honour you asa woman and to bring you back to your full potential.This course will allow you to align with peace, powerand joy so that you can fully be with your beautifulchild/children. I have supported women all of my life in varioussettings; work and life. I have ledyoga/meditation/sound healing workshops toindividuals and groups of women. I have worked inrefuges that support women who have undergonedomestic abuse. I have received a lot of training in counselling andother therapeutical work for women. To consolidateall of this experience and bring it into the field ofdoula work, I did postnatal training with VictoriaGreenly - Owner of Younique Postnatal. Empowering MothersDoula,Yoga teacher,Mother

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Empowering MothersTHE PROGRAM'Empowerment comes when we drop oldpatterns and adopt healthy ones'Empowering MothersThis is a journey to reconnect to your true essence. Motherhoodis quite the journey and it can quite often detach us from our ownpersonal power and identity. I will provide you with powerful toolsand techniques that will allow you to align with your vitality andstrength. You will learn how to shift your energy in ways that youdidn't think were possible.

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This Program is for motherswho are ready to makepowerful and positive changesin their lives.It will require work and effortbut with this dedication, youwill be able to build a life thatis aligned with your trueessence.You will be able to access yourpassion once again so that lifecan flow more effortlessly. You will tap into your ownsource of joy which will makefamily life so much more funand enjoyable. You will have more energy andstrength to positively deal withall of life's challenges. You will empower yourself andsee that life can become onegreat colourful adventure- Where You are the creator!Empowering MothersWHO IS IT FOR?Do you feel that you are the onlymother who is struggling? Are you wondering were that vitality ofyours went?Is sleep deprivation getting you down?Do you wonder how you will getthrough the day?Are you questioning your sanity attimes? Are you more excited about sleepingthan action at times? Have you dreams been put on hold?Do you want to get back to YOU?If any of these apply to you then this is foryou! ''In the end, it is only youwho can give your child ahappy life by being in tunewith your own joy and truth'Let me ask you this:

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Women EmpowermentSublime Time for MothersA lifetime journey- cyclical in natureAlignmentPeaceJoyStrengthReleaseManifest123456Empowering Mothers

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Birth is a life changing event;beautiful, daunting andoverwhelming at times. I gavebirth to a beautiful boy two yearsago and it has been quite the journey. Despite the challenges that Ihave faced, I have been able tobuild a toolkit to help me becomethe woman/mother that Ienvisioned; strong, nurturing andfull of joy and passion! I feel a strength in me that hascome through having a difficultlabour and with that a highdegree of empathy andcompassion. My aim is to help all women ontheir path of motherhood so thatthey too can feel empowered,supported and relaxed during thisspecial time. You can count on me and thiscourse to bring back that gentlepower that can be so easily lostwhen we suddenly have to carefor another being. Hayley ReidFounder of Empowering MothersEmpowering MothersWELCOME “Whenever andhowever you give birth,your experience willimpact your emotions, your mind, your body,and your spirit for therest of your life” (Ina May Gaskin)

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Empowering MothersAlignment1Peace2Joy3When we haveWhen we haveWhen we have a sense of alignment within our body and minds,a sense of alignment within our body and minds,a sense of alignment within our body and minds,things can easily move through you and around you- call it flow.things can easily move through you and around you- call it flow.things can easily move through you and around you- call it flow.Having this strong connection to your body, mind and spirit canHaving this strong connection to your body, mind and spirit canHaving this strong connection to your body, mind and spirit canreally anchor us to the here and the now.really anchor us to the here and the now.really anchor us to the here and the now. When we are fully present and clear headed with a consciousWhen we are fully present and clear headed with a consciousWhen we are fully present and clear headed with a consciousapproach to our outer world, we can nurture our loved onesapproach to our outer world, we can nurture our loved onesapproach to our outer world, we can nurture our loved oneswithout losing our own balance and energy.without losing our own balance and energy.without losing our own balance and energy.Peace is definitely an inside job and as a mother, we want to bringPeace is definitely an inside job and as a mother, we want to bringPeace is definitely an inside job and as a mother, we want to bringthat sense of serenity to our children.that sense of serenity to our children.that sense of serenity to our children. When we can find ways of tapping into this peaceful state, theWhen we can find ways of tapping into this peaceful state, theWhen we can find ways of tapping into this peaceful state, thechallenges and stress that comes from the external can be dealtchallenges and stress that comes from the external can be dealtchallenges and stress that comes from the external can be dealtwith differently as one adopts a a less reactive mindset.with differently as one adopts a a less reactive mindset.with differently as one adopts a a less reactive mindset. Peace naturally brings a sense of safety and belonging which isPeace naturally brings a sense of safety and belonging which isPeace naturally brings a sense of safety and belonging which iscrucial for a mother and child.crucial for a mother and child.crucial for a mother and child. The emotional connection between a mother and child is so strongThe emotional connection between a mother and child is so strongThe emotional connection between a mother and child is so strongand that is why it is so important for us mothers to tap into joy.and that is why it is so important for us mothers to tap into joy.and that is why it is so important for us mothers to tap into joy. This powerful emotion allows us to enter the world of play with ourThis powerful emotion allows us to enter the world of play with ourThis powerful emotion allows us to enter the world of play with ourchildren and with our lives.children and with our lives.children and with our lives. Joy is eternal. It is a state of mind that focuses on the present,Joy is eternal. It is a state of mind that focuses on the present,Joy is eternal. It is a state of mind that focuses on the present,despite our circumstances.despite our circumstances.despite our circumstances. It brings the element of fun, adventure and imagination!It brings the element of fun, adventure and imagination!It brings the element of fun, adventure and imagination!

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Empowering mothersStrength4Release5As a mother, there are moments of exhaustion where we feelAs a mother, there are moments of exhaustion where we feelAs a mother, there are moments of exhaustion where we feeldrained and defeated.drained and defeated.drained and defeated. Fortunately, we have access to an infiniteFortunately, we have access to an infiniteFortunately, we have access to an infinitesupply of energy which can bring back stamina and power verysupply of energy which can bring back stamina and power verysupply of energy which can bring back stamina and power veryquickly.quickly.quickly. When we learn how to frequently access this gateway of energy,When we learn how to frequently access this gateway of energy,When we learn how to frequently access this gateway of energy,our ability to function on a practical level will increaseour ability to function on a practical level will increaseour ability to function on a practical level will increasedramatically.dramatically.dramatically. As a mother we are more often than not in action mode where weAs a mother we are more often than not in action mode where weAs a mother we are more often than not in action mode where weare attending to the needs of others.are attending to the needs of others.are attending to the needs of others. If we are forever giving andIf we are forever giving andIf we are forever giving andnurturing, there needs to be time to pause, rest and release.nurturing, there needs to be time to pause, rest and release.nurturing, there needs to be time to pause, rest and release.Releasing allows us to let go of any tension, anxiety, suppressedReleasing allows us to let go of any tension, anxiety, suppressedReleasing allows us to let go of any tension, anxiety, suppressedemotion, trauma so that we can feel that expansion and spaceemotion, trauma so that we can feel that expansion and spaceemotion, trauma so that we can feel that expansion and spacewithin our bodies and minds.within our bodies and minds.within our bodies and minds. When a woman becomes a mother, it is so natural to forget andWhen a woman becomes a mother, it is so natural to forget andWhen a woman becomes a mother, it is so natural to forget andneglect one's own dreams and passions.neglect one's own dreams and passions.neglect one's own dreams and passions. This is your chance toThis is your chance toThis is your chance toclarify your vision for your life. What do you want?clarify your vision for your life. What do you want?clarify your vision for your life. What do you want?While being a mother will always be part of who you are, it doesn'tWhile being a mother will always be part of who you are, it doesn'tWhile being a mother will always be part of who you are, it doesn'thave to define you completely.have to define you completely.have to define you completely. Manifestation is about unblocking resistance to universal supportManifestation is about unblocking resistance to universal supportManifestation is about unblocking resistance to universal supportwhen life isn’t how you want it to be quite yet.when life isn’t how you want it to be quite yet.when life isn’t how you want it to be quite yet. Manifest6"When a child is born, amother is born too"