RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTThe Filinvest Group Companies is one of the Philippines' leadingconglomerates, with interests in property, banking services, sugar andpower. Filinvest Group of Companies’ Employee Handbook has beendeveloped to provide general guidelines about the organization’spolicies and procedures for employees. It is a guide to assist employeesin becoming familiar with some of the privileges and obligations uponemployment.Filinvest will provide access of this handbook upon employment. Allemployee is expected to abide by it. Further, Filinvest Group ofCompanies expects each employee to display good judgment,diplomacy, and courtesy in their professional relationships withmanagement, staff and the general public.Additionally, the different business units, affiliates, subsidiaries of theFilinvest Group of Companies can promulgate their internal rulesspecific to their organization which may supplement but not contrary tothe provisions of this handbook. These guidelines are subject tomodification, amendment or revocation by Filinvest Group at any time,without advance notice.OVERVIEWBenjamin Shah
I. INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANYTABLE OF CONTENTSII. CORPORATE VALUESOne Tree One Heart One Filinvest .........................................................3 Company’s Expectations to the Employees .................................4 III. WORKPLACE POLICIESRecruitment and Selection Process ....................................................7 Referrals ............................................................................................................7New Employee Orientation .......................................................................8Regularization ....................................................................................................8Health and Safety ............................................................................................9Dress Code ...........................................................................................................11Anti-Sexual Harassment ...........................................................................12Anti-Discrimination .......................................................................................13HIV/AIDS ................................................................................................................14Program on Tuberculosis .........................................................................15Drug-Free Workplace ..................................................................................15 V. EMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINEPhilosophy and the Spirit of the Code .............................................31Coverage ............................................................................................................33Policies and Guidelines .............................................................................34Definition of Basic Terms .........................................................................43Effectivity of Clause .....................................................................................43Table of Offenses ..........................................................................................44Table of Penalties .........................................................................................45 IV. CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCTOverview ...............................................................................................................17Application of Our Principles and Values ......................................19Upholding Our Principles ..........................................................................27 PRO-EXCEL PROPERTY MANAGERS, INC.PROOFFICE WORK SERVICES, INC.
TABLE OF CONTENTSVI. WORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCEWork Hours ..........................................................................................................47Work Schedule .................................................................................................48Grace Period .......................................................................................................51Bandwidth & Core Hours ...........................................................................53Attendance .........................................................................................................54Overtime ...............................................................................................................58Compensatory Time-Off ..........................................................................59Payroll Cut-off Dates .....................................................................................61VII. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKSSalaries and Other Bonuses .................................................................63Company-Initiated Leaves ..................................................................64Government Mandated Leaves .........................................................72Group Life and Accident Insurance Plan .....................................78Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) .................................80Retirement Plan ............................................................................................83Company Uniform ......................................................................................86Company Loan ..............................................................................................87Bereavement Assistance .......................................................................88Employee Relations ...................................................................................89Holidays .............................................................................................................90VIII. EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENTPerformance Management .....................................................................92Training and Development ......................................................................92Training Service Agreement ....................................................................92IX. EMPLOYEE SEPARATIONSeparation ..........................................................................................................94Exit Interview ......................................................................................................95Certificate of Employment ......................................................................95PRO-EXCEL PROPERTY MANAGERS, INC.PROOFFICE WORK SERVICES, INC.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTPro-Excel Property Managers, Inc. (Pro-Excel) and ProOffice WorksServices (ProOffice) are the property management arms of the FilinvestGroup. Pro-Excel, established in 2001, specializes in managing residential, office,mixed-use, and estate properties developed by Filinvest Land, Inc.,Filinvest Alabang, Inc., Filinvest Cyberparks, Inc., Filinvest Mimosa, Inc.,Filinvest Cyberzone Mimosa, Inc., Cyberzone Properties, Inc., and FilinvestDevelopment Corporation across Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.ProOffice, established in 2019, focuses on managing office buildings inNorthgate Cyberzone, Filinvest Cyberzone, Filinvest Land Inc., FilinvestClark Mimosa Inc., and Filinvest Cyberparks, Inc. across Luzon.Both Pro-Excel and ProOffice also provide additional services such asproject start-up, testing and commissioning, thermal scanning, andlandscaping management. Pro-Excel and ProOffice’s head office is located in Northgate Cyberzone,Filinvest City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City.INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANYBenjamin ShahINTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY01
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTFilinvest Group of Companies practices the highest standards ofbusiness and moral of One Filinvest. It also develops the best on itspeople through building up an entrepreneurial team guided by thetimeless philosophies that includes:ONE TREE ONE HEART ONE FILINVESTBenjamin ShahCUSTOMER CENTRICITYKeep our customers top of mind.CHANGE FOR THE BETTERInnovation and agility rule our quest for operational excellence.FILINVEST FAMILYInvest in bringing out the best in ourselves and our team.ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSETPursue new opportunities and take ownership of our decisions.SHARED BENEFITGrow hand in hand with our stakeholders.TRUSTWORTHINESSDeserve and preserve trust.CORPORATE VALUES03
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTTo maintain the highest degree of honesty, integrity, and devotion toduty with full awareness that any misconduct or misdemeanor onhis part amounts to a breach of the trust and confidence thatFilinvest has reposed.To render courteous, pleasant, efficient and prompt service to clientsand customers of the Filinvest knowing fully well that discourteous,rude, and inefficient service tarnishes the good image andreputation of Filinvest.To render a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay, and thereby giveFilinvest what is due in terms of time, attention, and output inexchange for wages and benefits.To exercise prudence, care, and mature judgment in the dischargeof duties and responsibilities, conscious always of the adverseeffects of improper and careless performance.To respect and strictly observe Filinvest rules and regulations so thatorder and discipline may be maintained in the organization at alltimes.To recognize the value of economizing, properly using andpreserving Company property and facilities, and conversely, the illeffects of wastage and unnecessary expenditures.To extend full cooperation and assistance to superiors and peers sothat the strength that teamwork builds will always prevail.COMPANY’S EXPECTATIONSTO THE EMPLOYEESCORPORATE VALUES04
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTTo develop and expand one’s own personal knowledge and skills sothat one may be prepared and properly equipped for theopportunities open to employees involving their career andprofessional growth.To contribute one’s utmost to the Filinvest overall manpowerproductivity in terms of effort, expertise, creativity, and innovation toinsure the continued growth and progress of the Company.To be loyal to Filinvest which provides one’s source of livelihood withfull awareness and knowledge that the success or failure of theCompany will mean one’s success or failure.COMPANY’S EXPECTATIONSTO THE EMPLOYEESCORPORATE VALUES05
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTTo become an employee of the Filinvest Group of Companies, one mustundergo the recruitment process. The basis of selection is throughinterviews and a battery of psychological tests which assess theperson’s skills, mental aptitude, capabilities, experiences and potentials. The Filinvest Group of Companies hiring steps might vary across roles,but it always aims for a recruitment and selection process that is fairand effective in hiring great people. Throughout this process, it aims tokeep candidates informed, engage and be given equal opportunity towork with.The company will not hire applicants who are related to employeeswithin the second degree of consanguinity or affinity unless theypossess special qualifications that are not otherwise readily available.Such employment is subject to approval of Management.RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESSBenjamin ShahWORKPLACE POLICIES07 REFERRALSThe employee referral program encourages employees to refer aqualified candidate for Filinvest Group’s manpower requirements. Topromote the employer brand of Filinvest and contribute to the goal ofbecoming an Employer of Choice. All probationary and regularemployees under the Filinvest group can refer to any positions in anycompany within the group.Eligibility to claim for referral incentives will be applicable for successfulreferrals for the specific positions.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTNew Employee Orientation is a one-time event that welcomes new hiresto the company and is typically held on the first day or first week ofemployment. It officially introduces the organization's culture, mission,and values.This training program aims to help employees to familiarize thecompany’s history, current undertakings, future plans, and inform aboutrelevant policies and procedures of the organization. NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATIONBenjamin ShahWORKPLACE POLICIES08Probationary employment shall not exceed six (6) months from thedate the employee started working, unless it is covered by anagreement stipulating a longer period. The services of an employeewho has been engaged on a probationary basis may be terminated fora just cause or when he fails to qualify as a regular employee inaccordance with reasonable standards made known by the Companyto the employee at the time of his engagement. It is seen as an effective strategy for organization to adopt in order toremain competitive in the current economic scenario. Probationaryemployees who meet company’s reasonable performance standardsshould be regularized within 6 months or earlier than that from theirstart date. Filinvest Group of Companies retain its workforce with theobjective of keeping skilled and productive employees throughperformance management system. REGULARIZATION
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT5S PRINCIPLEThe Filinvest Group of Companies optimizes productivity by maintainingan orderly workplace and using visual cues to attain more consistentoperational results. 5S refers to five steps – sort, set in order, shine,standardize and sustain (also known as the 5 pillars of a visualworkplace).HEALTH RULESKeep yourselves clean and tidy and wear the prescribed uniformattire.Be responsible for the cleanliness and orderliness of assignedequipment and immediate working area.Observe fundamental rules of health and sanitation.Refrain from spitting on the floors, stairways, etc.Use the toilet and washrooms properly.Report one’s communicable disease to the company medicaldoctor.In case a state of public health emergency is declared, occasionedby, but not limited to, pandemics/endemics, our day-to-dayoperations can be adjusted and supported by our skeletal force. Theemployee can be tested by anti-gen, RT-PCR and other procedurethat detects the certain virus to prevent more infection on theworkplace.SAFETY RULESStrictly observe safety rules or safety practices. Disorderly conductshall be subject to disciplinary action.HEALTH AND SAFETYWORKPLACE POLICIES09
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTUtilize such safety devices and other equipment as may be requiredand provided by the Company for a particular job.In accordance with Article V of Republic Act. No. 9165 known asComprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, it is consideredviolation for any employee to use, possess, sell, trade, offer, for sale,or offer, to buy illegal drug, or otherwise, engage in illegal use on oroff duty.EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Filinvest and its subsidiaries also boast of its own Emergency ResponseGroup and Crisis Management Team. Behind the Emergency ResponseGroup comes equipped with state-of-the-art rescue tools, all ready tobe deployed in the event of an emergency.HEALTH AND SAFETYBenjamin ShahWORKPLACE POLICIES10
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTIt is essential to dress appropriately at the workplace for an everlastingimpression. If there is no recommended uniform, employees areexpected to wear business office attire. Filinvest Group ensures that every employee in the organizationmaintains a professional and appropriate image, and that theappearance of everyone is consistent with the values and culture of theorganization. The list below provides guidance on acceptable and unacceptablework attire:DRESS CODEBenjamin ShahWORKPLACE POLICIES11
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTThe Filinvest Group of Companies believe that employees should beafforded the opportunity to work in an environment free of sexualharassment. Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct thatundermines the employment relationship. No employee, either male orfemale, should be subjected verbally or physically to unsolicited andunwelcome sexual overtures or conduct.The Filinvest Group of Companies will not tolerate any behavior thatamounts to sexual harassment and any officer or employee found tohave committed sexual harassment shall be subjected to disciplinaryaction, up to and including dismissal.Depending on the circumstances, the following conduct may alsoconstitute sexual harassment: Rape;Sexual assault;Unwanted touching of private parts;Any other acts of malicious touching; Voyeurism;Taking, publishing, or distributing of a photograph or any image ofthe offended party Complainant with lewd, sexual, or unwelcome romantic design; orInquiries into one’s sexual experiences or discussion of one’s sexualactivitiesOther instances analogous to the foregoing, including attempts. It is to value the dignity of every person and guarantee full respect forhuman rights. It is likewise the policy of the Philippines to recognize therole of women in nation-building and ensure fundamental equalitybefore the law of women and men.Filinvest Group of Companies recognizes that both men and womenmust have equality, security and safety not only in private, but also onthe streets, public spaces, online, working places and educational andtraining institutions. ANTI-SEXUAL HARASSMENTWORKPLACE POLICIES12
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTThe Filinvest Group of Companies don’t tolerate discrimination againstprotected characteristics (gender, age, sexual orientation, race,nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability, veteran status, physicalfeatures) The Group also want all employees to treat others withrespect and professionalism.The Filinvest Group of Companies encouraged that all employees takepositive action towards promoting equal opportunity throughout theorganization. The Filinvest also ensured individual employee and alldepartments are within the environment where all decisions are freeand do not suffer unfair discrimination. Filinvest also condemns in engaging in verbal or physical conduct thatdegrades or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because ofhis or her race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, nationalorigin, disability, or other protected category (or that of the individual’srelatives, friends, or associates) that: Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile,humiliating, or offensive working environment.Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with anindividual’s work performance; orOtherwise adversely affects an individual’s employmentopportunities. Depending on the circumstances.ANTI-DISCRIMINATIONBenjamin ShahWORKPLACE POLICIES13
It is the policy of the Filinvest Group to promote the health andproductivity of its employees. Towards this end, the Companyundertakes:To disseminate information and enact applicable policies andregulations for the prevention and control of the spread of sexuallytransmitted diseases (“STD”), Human Immunodefiency Virus (“HIV”),and/or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (“AIDS”);To protect workers’ rights and dignity of persons living with HIV andAIDS, such as their right to privacy and right of HIV/AIDS-infectedemployee against discrimination.To provide information towards recognition of individualresponsibility of HIV/AIDS-infected workers vis-à-vis co-employees;To employ universal precautions to avoid spread of STD/HIV/AIDSwithin the workplace; andTo collaborate and coordinate with proper government agenciestowards implementation and development of policies towardsSTD/HIV/AIDS prevention. Kindly refer to the HIV/AIDS policy for more details.HIV/AIDSBenjamin ShahWORKPLACE POLICIES14
Filinvest Group addresses the effects of TB and to ensure that theemployee’s rights against discrimination brought by disease, isprotected. This Program shall apply to all employees regardless of theiremployment status. Kindly refer to the workplace policy and program on tuberculosis policyfor more details.PROGRAM ON TUBERCULOSIS (TB)PREVENTION AND CONTROL Benjamin ShahWORKPLACE POLICIES15Filinvest Group has vital interest in maintaining and ensuring a safe,healthy, and efficient work environment. Being under the influence ofany illegal drug or substance while on the job poses serious safety andhealth concerns, not only to the drug user, but also to all those who workwith the drug user. The use, sale, purchase, transfer, or possession of anyillegal drug or substance in the workplace poses unacceptable risksagainst safe, healthy, and efficient operations.Kindly refer to the drug-free workplace policy and program for moredetails.DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY ANDPROGRAM
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTThe Filinvest Code of Business Conduct (the “Code” or “CoBC”) is aguide that affirms our commitment to integrity, transparency, andresponsible business practices. The CoBC defines how Filinvestemployees, as guardians of the Filinvest brand, are expected to conductthemselves while performing their duties and responsibilities.INTEGRITY IS THE CORNERSTONE OF THIS COBC. At Filinvest, we value being honest and truthful and strive to nurturestrong moral principles. It is our intention to always do the right thing inthe right way, and by doing so, earn the trust and respect of thestakeholders that we serve.By adhering to this Code, we foster a culture of excellence, trust, andrespect within the organization, reflected in the way we relate with eachother, our customers, partners, and other stakeholders. GENERAL PRINCIPLESWe protect our employees’ welfare.We protect our employees' welfare, fostering an inclusive workplacewhere equal opportunities thrive, and colleagues treat each other withrespect and fairness working as a team. We ensure our employeesknow their responsibilities, based on the company’s goals and values,and proactively support their well-being and professional growth.We value our customers and other stakeholders. We believe that our customers’ trust must be continually earned,deserved, and preserved. We are dedicated to delivering high-qualityproducts and services to our customers in all our operations, incompliance with laws and adhering to high ethical standards.OVERVIEWCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT17
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTWe respect our regulators and comply with the law. We endeavor to comply with all laws relevant and applicable to all ourbusinesses. It is our intention to be a good corporate citizen by actingresponsibly and upholding ethical standards. Aside from complyingwith all laws relevant to a listed company and its subsidiaries, werespect the rights of others. We work with our government and ensurecompliance with relevant laws. We give back to the community. Filinvest strives to become a good corporate citizen and recognize thathelping society benefits us all. It strengthens our company and helpsfulfill our business purpose—to enable people to achieve their dreams.We seek to improve the well-being of people through our responsiblebusiness actions and through sustainable social investments designedto improve the communities where we live and operate.OVERVIEWCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT18
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTAPPLICATION OF OUR PRINCIPLESAND VALUESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT19As Filinvest employees, we are responsible for understanding theimportant legal and ethical issues that affect our organization and ourvarious businesses.We are aware of the company’s policies and regulations. As well, we arefamiliar with the laws and policies that affect the company, especiallythose that are related to our individual roles and responsibilities.If we need more information about what we need to do, or if we believea law or policy is being violated, we are at liberty to raise our concernsto our Human Resources Department or an appropriate managementrepresentative, who are expected to act on our concern.EQUAL OPPORTUNITYFilinvest upholds the policy of equal employment opportunities. It treatsemployment applicants and its employees equally without bias for oragainst race, color, ethnicity, creed, ancestry, religion, sex, sexualorientation, age, gender identity or gender expression, national origin,marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition,genetic information, military service, medical condition (as defined bystate or local law), the presence of a mental or physical disability orother characteristics protected by applicable laws. Employees areexpected to respect the same principles SAFE SPACEWe cultivate a safe space for employees. Filinvest promotes and valuesa work environment free of verbal or physical harassment. This includesany offensive comments that tends to inhibit diversity in the workplace.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTAPPLICATION OF OUR PRINCIPLESAND VALUESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT20We are strongly against any form of Substance Abuse and committedto achieving an environment free of substance abuse for the health andwell-being of employees and for the benefit of the Company. The use ofillegal drugs and the misuse of alcohol and other substances, includingover the counter or prescription drugs, is prohibited in the workplace.The workplace includes anywhere that an employee is conductingFilinvest business, regardless of time or location.Strictly in accordance with applicable laws, Filinvest may conduct pre-employment drug testing and colleagues may be tested if they displayunusual or erratic behavior such that there is a reasonable suspicion ofsubstance abuse. In addition, where permitted by law, colleagues maybe subject to additional testing, including unannounced testing on arandom basis. CONFLICT OF INTERESTOur employees do not make decisions in situations where there isConflict of Interest. A conflict of interest arises when one places his/herpersonal, social, financial or political interests before the interests of theCompany. Even the appearance of a conflict can damage one’sreputation or that of the Company. Any potential conflict of interestmust be disclosed to and approved by an employee’s supervisor. The following are examples of potential conflicts of interest. Personal investments with entities having relationship with Filinvestcompanies; or receiving compensation from a Filinvest supplier,competitor or customer. Outside Business and Other Interests that can affect suchemployee’s objectivity, motivation or performance as a Filinvestemployee such as having a second job or a personal affiliation witha Filinvest competitor, customer, supplier.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTAPPLICATION OF OUR PRINCIPLESAND VALUESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT21PROPRIETARY INFORMATIONOur employees protect the Company’s confidential and proprietaryinformation. The products, services, ideas, concepts, plans and otherinformation we create and collect daily in the course of our work areproprietary assets of Filinvest. These include marketing plans, salesdata, records on customers and fellow employees, construction andservice techniques, pricing data and information about businessdevelopment opportunities.We uphold this principle by following these guidelines: We do not share confidential information to third parties, includingour partners and vendors, without management’s approval. Ifneeded for the business, we require Non-Disclosure Agreements(NDAs) for collaborative projects involving third parties. We disclose business or organization information to our fellowemployees on a need-to-know basis and through official internalchannels. Publicly disclosed information is made available throughthe company website. We do not discuss confidential information in places where ourdiscussion can be overheard. We keep confidential information safe, whether in the office orelsewhere. Extra care is taken when carrying it outside our workpremises. We also secure our laptops to prevent theft when takenoutside work premises. We dispose of confidential or proprietary information, particularlythose in hard copies in a secure manner. We implement measures to safeguard information stored orprocessed in our systems, protecting against external hackers andunauthorized internal access. We remain vigilant againstunauthorized access, including 'phishing' disguising techniques. We exercise vigilance when outsiders request business andorganizational information, whether through face-to-faceconversations, phone calls, emails, or social media channels.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTAPPLICATION OF OUR PRINCIPLESAND VALUESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT22USE OF SOCIAL MEDIAWe use social media responsibly. “Social media” are digitaltechnologies and platforms that enable people to create and broadlyshare to other people content, opinions, insights, experiences andperspectives. The hallmarks of social media are uncensored contentand mass and rapid interaction. When engaging in social media activities as part of doing businessincluding both internal-facing and external-facing platforms, weadhere to the following general principles: We make only appropriate and authorized disclosures and neverpost messages that cast a negative light on the Filinvest brand.We are truthful, accurate and respectful. We refer media inquiries from the mass media or reporters to ourCorporate Communications Teams. We limit the posting in official Filinvest social media websites orpages to only a few authorized employees such as from CorporateCommunications and Marketing. DATA PRIVACYWe protect personal data and information by following these guidelines: We comply with applicable laws and regulations in the Philippinesand of other jurisdictions where personal information is collectedand used. We collect and use the minimum amount of personal informationnecessary to achieve legitimate business purposes and we keep itonly as long as necessary to achieve those purposes. We share personal information only with individuals who have alegitimate need for it and will protect it properly.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTAPPLICATION OF OUR PRINCIPLESAND VALUESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT23INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTSWe protect our intellectual property and respect those of others. Filinvest’s intellectual property includes its patents, trademarks,trade secrets and copyrights, as well as scientific and technicalknowledge, know-how and experience developed in the course of itsactivities. We support the establishment, protection, maintenanceand defense of Filinvest’s intellectual property rights. We use theserights in a responsible way in the pursuit of our business. We alsorespect the intellectual property of others. We recognize thatunauthorized use, theft or misappropriation of third-partyconfidential information or intellectual property may result insignificant fines, lawsuits, injunctions or criminal penalties for theCompany and ourselves. We use our Information Systems legitimately and professionally. INSIDER TRADINGWe do not engage in Insider Trading Activities. “Insider trading” occurs when a person buys or sells securities (forexample, stocks, bonds or options) of a company while they are inpossession of “inside information”— material, nonpublic information—relating to the company. Securities laws and Filinvest policy prohibitemployees, members of the board of directors and owners from usingor disclosing any inside information that may benefit them in tradingsecurities.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTAPPLICATION OF OUR PRINCIPLESAND VALUESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT24We do not use information gained through employment or affiliationwith Filinvest before this information is known publicly throughdisclosure to the Securities and Exchange Commission and thePhilippine Stock Exchange to buy or sell the securities of Filinvest or anyother company with which Filinvest has or may be considering arelationship, such as a customer, supplier, alliance partner or potentialacquisition or collaboration candidate.We follow Company guidelines for handling and destroying personalinformation. We report “Data Privacy Incidents;” whenever we learn of aninappropriate disclosure of personal information. We immediatelynotify our manager or our organization’s Data Privacy Officer of suchincidents. RECORDS and INFORMATION MANAGEMENTWe ensure good records and information management, accuratebooks and record keeping. We keep and maintain accounting, legal and other importantdocuments and information which are accurate, complete and inaccordance with the accounting standards and requirements of thelaws and regulations. These include financial statements, vouchers,bills, invoices, expense reports, payroll and benefits records,contracts and formal agreements, minutes and resolutions frommeetings of the board of directors, performance evaluations andother essential company data. We preserve and properly safekeepthese records, documents and information and make themavailable for presentation to government regulators and privateinstitutions such as financial institutions and external audit firmswhen required to do so.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTAPPLICATION OF OUR PRINCIPLESAND VALUESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT25Filinvest develops, acquires and maintains information systems andnetworks to support the growth and operations of the business andto help employees perform their tasks efficiently. To ensure thesecurity and integrity of Filinvest’s technology and informationsystems: We use only authorized software, devices and procedures. We do not share our password except for a valid businessreason (such as Filinvest’s technical support).We do not use unauthorized devices, such as homecomputers, to transmit, store or work on Filinvest confidentialor proprietary information. In addition, we do not give inside information to anyone else so thatthey can trade. These restrictions apply to us, our respective spousesand minor children and anyone who lives in our household or isfinancially dependent on us.FAIR COMPETITIONWe comply with laws that promote competition in the market aimed atprotecting consumers. We comply with Antitrust and Competition Lawsas we believe in protecting consumers and ensuring free enterprise.These laws prohibit agreements between or among competitors thatmanipulate prices and/or terms or conditions of sale, or restrain trade,open market practices and fair competition. Filinvest prohibits: Discussions or contacts with competitors about pricing, costs, orterms or conditions of sale. Discussions or contacts with suppliers and customers that unfairlyrestrict trade or exclude competitors from the marketplace.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTAPPLICATION OF OUR PRINCIPLESAND VALUESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT26Agreements with competitors regarding allocating markets orcustomers.Agreements with third parties to boycott customers or suppliers. We obtain competitive intelligence in an ethical manner. We collectand use business information about other companies, includingcompetitors, ethically and in compliance with laws andconfidentiality obligations. BRIBERY & CORRUPTIONFilinvest prohibits “commercial bribery” or other forms of unfairmarketing practices. Generally, commercial bribery involves giving, offering, requesting,accepting, or receiving something of value to or from an individual orcompany to secure an improper advantage in commercial activities.We are committed to integrity in our marketing practices, promotingour products truthfully and refraining from false or misleadingadvertising to our consumer audience. Additionally, we avoid makingunfair or untruthful comments about our competitors and theirproducts and services, particularly those made through social or massmedia. Filinvest prohibits its employees, and anyone acting on their behalf,from offering, giving, requesting, accepting or receiving a bribe. Wecomply with laws that forbid making, offering or promising anypayment or anything of value (directly or indirectly) to a governmentofficial when the payment is intended to improperly influence an officialact or decision to award or retain business or gain a businessadvantage.
RELEASED DATE: SEPTEMBER 2024HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENTUPHOLDING OUR PRINCIPLESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT27SUSTAINABILITYFilinvest aims to become a corporate sustainability champion. It aims todeliver in an authentic and transparent manner its commitments oncorporate social investments (CSI); economic, environment, social andgovernance best practices (EESG), and creating shared value (CSV).We create value for both shareholders and stakeholders, we championequality and diversity in all aspects of operations, and we are ready fordisruptions, challenges and opportunities that come our way.OPEN DOOR POLICY We report violations to uphold the value of integrity andtrustworthiness in the Filinvest organization, providing safe channelsfor hearing concerns. All our managers must keep an “open door” forfellow employees who may reach out to them.If we reasonably believe that a fellow employee may have violatedthe law or any company policy, we have the responsibility to reportthat information immediately to our supervisor or any member ofthe Human Resources or Legal Departments. By raising concernsbefore a violation occurs, our management will have the opportunityto prevent such acts, safeguarding the integrity of the company, itsemployees, and the public interest. We are encouraged to present ideas, ask questions and raiseconcerns especially those of a legal or ethical nature, and thoserelating to quality of work and the working environment. We are free to reach out to management representatives aside fromour immediate supervisor.
UPHOLDING OUR PRINCIPLESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT28ANTI-RETALIATION AND CONFIDENTIALITYWe do not retaliate against those who report actual or potentialviolations. Retaliation against any employee who in good faith seeks advice,raises a concern, reports misconduct or provides information in aninvestigation is prohibited and a cause for disciplinary action. Any individual who retaliates against an employee who hastruthfully and in good faith reported a potential or actual violation,will be penalized with disciplinary actions and/or warnings formaking such acts of retaliation. However, if upon investigation, anindividual is found to have intentionally fabricated false informationor report about an employee, the company shall also have the dutyto take the necessary action.We maintain confidentiality to encourage employees’ openness. We ensure employees feel secure in carrying out theirresponsibilities, maintaining the confidentiality of both informationand employee identities. In cases where revealing employeeidentities is unavoidable due to the nature of an investigation,management will implement measures to ensure the safety andprotection of those providing sensitive information. Employees involved in an investigation of a reported violation areexpected to keep the details of the investigation confidential.Confidentiality helps preserve the integrity of the process andprotects the individuals participating in the investigation. Anyexception to the principle of confidentiality must first be discussedwith the Legal Department.
UPHOLDING OUR PRINCIPLESCODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT29DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Filinvest employees are never permitted to violate the law or any of thepolicies of the company. Violations will result in warnings if minor ordisciplinary action, including termination of employment, if major.Disciplinary actions are imposed for: Knowingly and intentionally violating the law or company policy. Directing or causing others to violate the law or policy. Failing to cooperate in a company investigation of possibleviolations. Retaliating against colleagues for reporting an actual violation. Failing to effectively monitor the actions of subordinates when thereare indications of violation of laws and policies.
PHILOSOPHY AND SPIRIT OF THE CODEEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE31This Code of Discipline is a code of honor for all Filinvest employees,based on the Code of Business Conduct. It reflects the company'sstandards of excellence, integrity, dedication, and decency. Violatingthe Code undermines these core values. While it includes guidelines forfair and impartial handling of issues, the goal is for employees to followthe company's vision, mission, and values, making such processesunnecessary.I. OBJECTIVES The FILINVEST GROUP OF COMPANIES (“Group”) believes that itsemployees are its most important resource and resolves to treat themwith utmost respect and fairness. The Group, however, expects itsemployees to protect and promote the interest of the organization andstrive to deliver consistent quality performance with an inherentlydisciplined approach.Discipline is fundamental in achieving teamwork, effectiveness, andgrowth. Therefore, the Group’s ultimate objective is to prevent breach ofthis Code to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of its employees. This Code aims to provide all officers and staff with policies andguidelines, definitions, norms of conduct, classification of infractionsand processes and proceedings on the imposition of penalties orsanctions.
PHILOSOPHY AND SPIRIT OF THE CODEEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE32It is envisioned that through this Code, each employee, will be able tomake decisions and take actions that are aligned with principles andnorms that are fundamental to personal growth and happiness, andadvancing the Group’s vision, mission, and values, which can only beachieved through the continuous and unwavering support of a highlyprofessionalized, well-trained, and disciplined workforce.II. SPIRIT OF IMPLEMENTATION Disciplinary measures should focus on positive motivation rather thanpunishment. Sanctions should be used only when necessary to correctbehavior or maintain order, never for retaliation or to show power.Employees' right to due process must be protected, and actions shouldbe timely but considerate. Administrative proceedings should beimpartial, open-minded, and fair, regardless of the employee's rank. Allactions should align with the intent of the Code and Core Values.
COVERAGEEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE33COMPANIES COVERED – THE “GROUP” REFERS TO THE COMPANIESENUMERATED IN ANNEX “1” OF THIS CODE, WHICH MAY BE AMENDED FROMTIME TO TIME AND WHERE THE CONTEXT REQUIRES OR ALLOWS.PERSONS COVERED – All employees of the Group, including those whohave resigned but have not cleared their accountabilities, are coveredby this Code. This includes all ranks and types of employees: officers,managers, supervisors, rank-and-file, probationary, project, andcontractual staff. Infractions and sanctions may be reported to relevantauthorities if required by law. Employees must be familiar with the rulesand regulations from the start of their employment. Ignorance of thepolicies, procedures, and rules in this Code or any Filinvest Groupdocuments does not excuse non-compliance or exempt fromsanctions. Employees should consult HR if they have any doubts. Theyare only accountable for policies they were informed about through theCode or official company documents
POLICIES AND GUIDELINESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE34I. ACTS OR OMISSIONS CONSTITUTING INFRACTIONSActs or omissions contrary to or in violation of the norms of conduct andoperating standards embodied in the Code of Conduct, and in policies,procedures, rules and regulations of the Group or proper Filinvest GroupMember, or other applicable regulations and the law, shall beconsidered infractions and shall subject the employee concerned toadministrative sanction in accordance with the provisions of this Codeand the law.II. IMPOSITION OF SANCTION Management and HR are responsible for ensuring fair penalties and dueprocess according to the law. The penalties in this Code are meant toensure discipline is balanced—not too lenient or harsh. Filinvest Groupmay adjust penalties based on case circumstances. Repeatedviolations of the same rule will result in progressively stricter penalties,with other legal sanctions also applicable.PROCEEDINGS BEFORE A COMMITTEETHE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE - The DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEEoversees employee discipline by enforcing the Code andupholding Filinvest's Core Values. It uses preventive,corrective, and educational measures for policy violations.The Committee handles investigations, hearings, anddecisions on all discipline cases within its jurisdiction.Composition and Jurisdiction - The Committee mustbe made up of members who hold higher positionsthan the employee under investigation. For executiveemployees, the members will be appointed by uppermanagement.
POLICIES AND GUIDELINESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE35The Committee should include Department Heads,Managers, Supervisors, and HR Representatives, andmust remain fair and unbiased. Each member shouldunderstand company policies and relevant laws.Experts or consultants may be invited if needed. TheCommittee will have 3-5 members, either from therelevant Filinvest Group Member or another, asdecided by management. A quorum requires themajority of members and the Chairperson. TheCommittee handles Major Offenses, while Minor andModerate Offenses are handled by Disciplinary Sub-Committees with the same composition andqualifications.CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND INHIBITION - When theCommittee takes on a case, they must check for conflicts ofinterest among members. If any member has a conflict, suchas being related to or having a close personal relationshipwith the employee involved, they must step down from thecase. A qualified replacement will be appointed. If theChairperson is disqualified, the most senior member will actas Chairperson for that case.RIGHT TO COUNSEL AND TO PRESENT DEFENSE EVIDENCE -Parties to any internal administrative investigation/case, atwhatever stage, shall have the right to be assisted by theircounsel of choice and present evidence.CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS - All stages ofdisciplinary proceedings shall be strictly confidential. TheCommittee, its Sub-Committee/s, and all parties involved arestrictly enjoined to maintain the confidentiality of theproceedings.
POLICIES AND GUIDELINESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE36POLICY REGARDING VIOLATION OF PHILIPPINE LAWS -Violations of any of the provisions in this Code, shall not bar orprejudice the prosecution of said violation before the properforum or authority, if said violation also constitutes a violationunder existing applicable Philippine laws, rules andregulations, ordinances and issuances of governmentauthorities.OTHER GUIDELINES - Penalties imposed by law for violations ofordinances, decrees or other laws or regulations shall not bea bar to the imposition of internal administrative sanctions asmay be warranted. Likewise, any administrative sanction shallnot be a bar to legal remedies outside the administrativeproceedings when warranted. The remedies may be pursuedsimultaneously or otherwise. III. NON-EXCLUSIVITY OF THE CODEThis Code is not exhaustive. Infractions not listed but punishable by lawcan still lead to administrative sanctions. Sanctions for such infractionswill be based on the specific circumstances. Additional or revisedpolicies and rules from the Filinvest Group Member will become part ofthis Code, and infractions may be updated as needed.IV. PROCEEDINGSAn employee shall be given formal notice of the charge, citing thespecific violation that he has committed and a reasonable time toanswer such charge. He will also be informed that he may be asked toappear before a committee that will afford him the opportunity torespond to the charge, present his evidence or rebut the evidencepresented against him.
POLICIES AND GUIDELINESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE37V. SECTION 5. INFRACTIONS, SANCTIONS, AND CLEANSINGCLASSIFICATION OF INFRACTIONS - Infractions are classifiedbased on their gravity and seriousness, considering thesubject matter, actual or potential harm resulting therefrom,and other relevant circumstances.MINOR INFRACTIONS (First Degree) - A Minor infractioninvolves a rule violation or oversight rather thanintentional wrongdoing, and does not cause seriousinconvenience or harm to others or the Filinvest GroupMember. It may be negligence that does not result insignificant loss, injury, or damage.MODERATE INFRACTIONS (Second Degree) - AModerate infraction is one that shows intentional orrepeated disregard for company conduct standards,involves repeated minor violations in a short time, orcauses serious embarrassment, inconvenience, orharm to others or the Filinvest Group Member.Disciplinary action for Moderate infractions starts witha written warning or suspension.MAJOR INFRACTIONS (Third Degree) - A majorinfraction is one that: (1) shows gross or repeatedneglect of policies; (2) involves serious misconduct, likewillful disobedience, fraud, or abuse of authority; (3)harms the Filinvest Group's reputation or leads topublic controversy; (4) is done with malice or causesserious financial or operational problems, exposing thecompany to legal or reputational risks; (5) causescorporate embarrassment; (6) involves a crime orsignificant harm to employees or authority; or (7) issimilar to these cases. Employees committing majorinfractions may be dismissed.
POLICIES AND GUIDELINESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE38CATEGORY OF PENALTIES/SANCTIONS - In case the employeecommits an infraction that is violative of two or moreprovisions, the disciplinary action or sanction to be imposedshall be based on the higher sanction.VIOLATIONS THAT MAY FALL UNDER VARIOUS CATEGORIES -Violations, such as conflict of interest, may fall under anyclass depending on its nature and gravity or seriousness.Management shall determine, on a case-to-case basis, anypossible scenarios constituting the violation and shall make adecision on its penalty depending on the circumstances.KINDS OF SANCTIONSWRITTEN REPRIMAND - a written notice calling theattention of the employee who committed a minorinfraction.SUSPENSION - a suspension as penalty, asdistinguished from preventive suspension allowed bylaw during the pendency of administrativeproceedings, is a physical detachment from service fora designated period of time without salary andbenefits, depending on the gravity of the offense orviolation. The period of suspension begins with 1 – 30days depending on the gravity of the infraction. DISMISSAL - is a termination of an employee’s servicesfor cause. A dismissed employee automaticallyforfeits all benefits which would normally accrue to himon separation for reasons other than for cause. RESTITUTION - is requires the offender to restore athing lost, destroyed or damaged to its original state orto pay its value. It may be imposed along with othersanctions or as an independent sanction.
POLICIES AND GUIDELINESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE39ACTS NOT CONSIDERED SANCTIONSPREVENTIVE SUSPENSION - The Filinvest Group Membermay place the employee under preventive suspensionfor a period of thirty (30) days without pay, pursuant tolaw, if his continued employment poses a serious andimminent threat to the Filinvest Group Member or tothe life or property of its employees, and in order thatthe proceedings may independently proceed. The 30-day period may be extended if the Filinvest GroupMember has not finished its investigation of the caseprovided that the Filinvest Group Member pays thesuspended employee his salaries and other benefitsfor the extended period of preventive suspension. INTERVENTIONS - Employees found guilty of violationsmay need to make reparations and compensate forany damage or injury caused. They may also berequired to: undergo coaching and mentoring; attend counselling and psychologicalevaluations; participate in relevant training or seminars; perform community service as determined bythe DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE; and undergo drug testing or rehabilitation if requiredby law.CLEANSING PERIOD - Cleansing Period refers to a set durationduring which certain past actions, violations, or penalties areno longer considered relevant after the period has elapsed.This allows individuals to "reset" their records after a specifiedtime of good behavior or compliance with rules. This may onlybe applicable to moderate and minor offenses only.
POLICIES AND GUIDELINESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE40CLEANSING PERIOD - Although an offense may be tagged ascleansed, the record of the offense will always be part of the201 file. The effectivity date will be defined by the DisciplinaryCommittee. The applicability and length of cleansing in theoffense should be indicated in the decision. During this time,employees must demonstrate compliance with the correctivemeasures and uphold the values of the organization.Employees who are rendering their cleansing period cannotparticipate in the year's promotion cycle.EMPLOYMENT-RELATED ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGATION/CASE NOT A BAR TO SUIT - Nothing in this Code shall beconstrued as to bar the right of any party to file appropriatecases in accordance with existing laws, rules, regulations andgovernmental issuances. Neither shall any provision of thisCode be construed as to bar any party from seekingaffirmative relief or appealing their case before any court,tribunal or other competent government authority asprovided for by law.SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS - To ensure a fair application ofdisciplinary measures, consistent with principles of dueprocess, and to provide adequate periods for prompt actionsagainst infractions committed, the following procedural rulesare hereby promulgated. APPLICABLE CASES – Management may conductsummary proceedings for minor and moderateinfractions. In these cases, the Immediate Superior andHR (with Legal, if needed) will handle the case.Penalties may range from a written warning tosuspension.
POLICIES AND GUIDELINESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE41 WRITTEN NOTICE OF INFRACTION AND INVESTIGATION- If an infraction is suspected, the Department Head orHR will issue a Notice to Explain (NTE) to the employee.The NTE outlines the alleged violation and possiblepenalties, requiring the employee to respond. It alsowarns that failure to provide an explanation orparticipate in the investigation may result in a decisionbased on the available evidence, with penaltiesimposed if necessary.TIME TO ANSWER/CONTENTS - The employeeconcerned shall, within five (5) calendar days from thereceipt of a NTE, give his written explanation withevidence. Failure to file an answer shall be deemed awaiver of the right of the respondent to explain. ADMISSION/DENIAL OF CULPABILITY - Upon receipt ofthe employee’s response, Management shall preparea report and proceed to conduct the administrativeproceedings, if needed. If there is any finding ofculpability, the corresponding sanction shall beimposed. SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS - After receiving theemployee's reply, Management may issue a Notice ofDecision, aiming to resolve the case within 30 days ofthe NTE's receipt by the employee. However, if furtherclarifications or evidence disputes arise, or if theemployee requests it in writing, administrativeproceedings may be held, following the procedure inthe next chapter.
POLICIES AND GUIDELINESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE42ATTENDANCE AND HEARING - If the respondent fails toattend the formal hearing despite being notified, it willbe considered a waiver of their right to be present, andthe Disciplinary Committee will proceed without them.The Committee aims to complete the investigationand issue a decision within 60 days of receiving thereport from HR or Internal Audit. A copy of the decisionwill be given to the respondent, and the HR will receiveit before implementation.
DEFINITION OF BASIC TERMSEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE43Premises – means all buildings and landholdings, including, amongothers, properties owned, operated or rented by the Group or theFilinvest Group Member. It also covers the working areas occupied byemployees during field assignments.Employee – means employees, regardless of rank and status, of theFilinvest Group Member.Emergency Cases – refer to, among others, unusual and unforeseenoccurrences directly affecting an employee or member of hisimmediate family (including his or her spouse, children and parents)which requires his immediate and personal attention. Examples ofemergencies are: Damage of domicile due to fire, typhoon orearthquake, sudden sickness, vehicular accidents or death in the family. Proprietary and/or Confidential information - Confidential informationincludes all non-public details that could benefit competitors or harmthe Filinvest Group Member, its clients, or suppliers if revealed. Thisincludes information from clients and suppliers, and can be in formssuch as company files, software files, client details, manuals, policies,and procedures. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSEThis Code shall take effect after publishing in Filinvest recognizedcommunication portal. HRD shall ensure that each employeeacknowledges the Code of Discipline. All laws, ordinances,administrative issuances, standing policies and work rules now existingor to be enacted in the future and not inconsistent herewith, shallsupplement this Code of Discipline. In case of inconsistency, the moreappropriate issuance/s shall be applied.
TABLE OF PENALTIESEMPLOYEE CODE OF DISCIPLINE45*Suspension will continue to be a management prerogative for any mitigated or aggravatedcases depending on the merit of the case and the defense of the subject employee.
WORK HOURSTYPES OF WORK HOURSREQUIREDDAYS / WEEKREQUIREDHOURS / WEEK(LUNCH BREAKEXCLUDED)REQUIREDHOURS / DAY(LUNCH BREAKEXCLUDED)Compressed Work Week(CWW)5 days44 hours8 hours & 48minutesStandard Work Week(SWW)6 days48 hours8 hoursWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE47Employees shall follow the working hours defined by the companybased on their function.Compressed Work Week (CWW): Applicable to Accounting,Compliance & Risk, Human Resources, Information Systems,Purchasing, Quality Assurance, and Operations (including Managers,Operations Assistants, Administrative and Cashier Assistants).Standard Work Week (SWW): Applicable to Operations roles suchas Building & Facilities Engineers, Estate Security, Facilities Helpdesk,Road Maintenance, Soft Services, and Technical Assistants.Employees shall be granted a 15-minute break period in the morningand another 15-minute break in the afternoon. The break period is givento provide the employee respite from their routine chores. To maximizethe use of this period, it should be used for taking coffee or other quickrefreshments and not for indulging in heavy meals or engaging inprolonged idle chatter. Employees are entitled to one-hour lunch break. This should not betaken during the Company’s business hours, except when expresslyallowed by an authorized officer particularly when a skeletal force isneeded to service clients during lunch break.
WORK SCHEDULEWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE48Filinvest Group of Companies have the right to define the work scheduleof the employee. The start and end of the work time may vary based onthe employee task and work requirements.WORK SCHEDULEAM SESSIONLUNCH BREAK HOURPM SESSION07:00 AM - 04:48 PM07:00 AM - 11:24 PM11:24 PM - 12:24 PM12:24 PM - 4:48 PM07:30 AM - 05:18 PM07:00 AM - 11:54 PM11:54 PM - 12:54 PM12:54 PM - 5:18 PM08:00 AM - 05:48 PM08:00 AM - 12:24 PM12:24 PM - 01:24 PM01:24 PM - 5:48 PM09:00 AM - 06:48 PM09:00 AM - 01:24 PM01:24 PM - 02:24 PM02:24 PM - 6:48 PM10:00 AM - 07:48 PM10:00 AM - 02:24 PM02:24 PM - 03:24 PM03:24 PM - 7:48 PMCOMPRESSED WORK WEEK (CWW)STANDARD WORK WEEK (SWW)WORK SCHEDULEAM SESSIONLUNCH BREAK HOURPM SESSION06:00 AM - 03:00 PM06:00 AM - 10:00 AM10:00 AM - 11:00 AM11:00 AM - 03:00 PM07:00 AM - 04:00 PM07:00 AM - 11:00 AM11:00 AM - 12:00 PM12:00 PM - 04:00 PM08:00 AM - 05:00 PM08:00 AM - 12:00 PM12:00 PM - 01:00 PM01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
WORK SCHEDULEWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE49WORK SCHEDULEAM SESSIONLUNCH BREAK HOURPM SESSION09:00 AM - 06:00 PM09:00 AM - 01:00 PM01:00 PM - 02:00 PM02:00 PM - 06:00 PM10:00 AM - 07:00 PM10:00 AM - 02:00 PM02:00 PM - 03:00 PM03:00 PM - 07:00 PM11:00 AM - 08:00 PM11:00 PM - 03:00 PM03:00 PM - 04:00 PM04:00 PM - 08:00 PM12:00 PM - 09:00 PM12:00 PM - 04:00 PM04:00 PM - 05:00 PM05:00 PM - 09:00 PM01:00 PM - 10:00 PM01:00 PM - 05:00 PM05:00 PM - 06:00 PM06:00 PM - 10:00 PM02:00 PM - 11:00 PM02:00 PM - 06:00 PM06:00 PM - 07:00 PM07:00 PM - 11:00 PM03:00 PM - 12:00 AM03:00 PM - 07:00 PM07:00 PM - 08:00 PM08:00 PM - 12:00 AM04:00 PM - 01:00 AM04:00 PM - 08:00 PM08:00 PM - 09:00 PM09:00 PM - 01:00 AM10:00 PM - 07:00 AM10:00 PM - 02:00 AM02:00 AM - 03:00 AM3:00 AM - 07:00 AM11:00 PM - 08:00 AM11:00 PM - 03:00 AM03:00 AM - 04:00 AM04:00 AM - 08:00 AM12:00 AM - 09:00 AM12:00 AM - 04:00 AM04:00 AM - 05:00 AM05:00 AM - 09:00 AMSTANDARD WORK WEEK (SWW)
WORK SCHEDULEWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE50SCHEDULE OF SHIFTING ENGINEERSProject sites operating on a shifting schedule will maintain 24/7operations, with a one-hour turnover period between shifts. All ShiftingEngineers, irrespective of rank, are required to participate in the monthlyrotational shift schedule. For sites without a shifting schedule, standardoperating hours are Monday to Saturday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, or asdetermined by Operations.CHANGE OF SHIFTSChanges of shift will only be allowed with proper approval from theimmediate supervisor or a designated approver. Requests for changesin schedule should be submitted and approved in the HR system priorto the effective date to ensure operational continuity, effective resourcemanagement, and team coordination.For employees on a Compressed Work Week (CWW) schedule,changes will take effect on the 1st and 16th of each month. Foremployees on a Standard Work Week (SWW) schedule, requests maybe submitted daily to accommodate operational needs.
GRACE PERIOD WORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE51The company provides a grace period for daily tardiness from theemployee’s scheduled shift-in. Time within the grace period will not bededucted from the employee's total work hours.The grace period shall be as follows:RANKGRACE PERIODRank and File07 minutesSupervisor15 minutesTardiness DeductionMinutes of tardiness will be calculated by comparing the actual time-into the official shift start time. Any minutes that exceed the grace periodwill be automatically deducted from the salary.Example:RANKOFFICIALSHIFT-INACTUALTIME-INTARDINESS DEDUCTIONRank and File08:00 AM08:07 AM0 minute(within grace period)Rank and File08:00 AM08:08 AM08 minutesSupervisor08:00 AM08:15 AM0 minute(within grace period)Supervisor08:00 AM08:16 AM16 minutes
BANDWIDTH & CORE WORKING HOURSWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE52ASSISTANT MANAGER - SENIOR MANAGERCore hours shall start not later than 30 minutes from official shift-in timeand shall end after required working hours is met. The bandwidth shallbe applicable based on their official shift-in. (Maximum bandwidth of 30minutes).DeductionIf an employee does not exceed the 30-minute bandwidth but does notfulfill the required working hours for the day, a tardiness deduction willapply, though there will be no official record of tardiness.If an employee exceeds the 30-minute bandwidth but compensates byworking an equivalent amount of time later, no payroll deduction will beimposed. However, the exceeded minutes or hours from the officialshift-in shall be recorded under tardiness and shall be subject todisciplinary actions under tardiness policy.Example:OFFICIAL SHIFTACTUAL LOGSEXTENDEDHOURSTOTALWORKHOURSDEDUCTIONTARDINESSRECORD08:00 AM - 05:48 PM08:30 AM - 05:48 PM0:0008:180:30NO08:00 AM - 05:48 PM08:30 AM - 06:18 PM0:3008:480:00NO08:00 AM - 05:48 PM09:30 AM - 05:48 PM0:0007:1801:30YES08:00 AM - 05:48 PM09:30 AM - 07:18 PM01:3008:480:00YES
BANDWIDTH & CORE WORKING HOURSWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE53EXECUTIVE (AVP & UP)Core hours shall start not later than 1 hour from official shift-in time andshall end on the official shift-out. The bandwidth shall be applicablebased on their official shift-in. (Maximum bandwidth of 1 hour).NotificationA weekly notification will be made to the immediate and division headfor bandwidth and total working hour violations. A monthly notificationwill be made to the President and HR for bandwidth and total workinghours violations for executives.DeductionExecutives shall not be subjected to deduction for tardiness. However, ifthe total working hours of an executive registers only half of the requiredworking hours, the system will send a reminder to the executive to filehis leave form.Sample Notice: We have noticed that you didn’t fulfill the requirednumber of hours today. Please file either an OB or applicable leaveform. The system will consider this an Absence without Leave if aform is not filed.
ATTENDANCEWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE54Attendance is a key factor in employee’s job performance. Punctualityand regular attendance are expected to all employees. Excessiveabsences, tardiness, and unexcused early leaving may merit adisciplinary action.TIMEKEEPING SYSTEM FOR DAILY ATTENDANCEEmployees shall record their attendance in the Company’s TimekeepingSystem. Each employee shall personally “log-in” or “log-out”. He mustnot request or delegate anybody to do so for him nor shall he log in orout for others. Employees are required to regularly review their time and attendancerecords in the HR System and make any necessary corrections. It is alsothe responsibility of employees to monitor the approval status of theirapplications and to follow up with their immediate head as necessary.All applications must be authorized on or before the timekeeping cut-off to ensure the accuracy of records.The HR system provides a 30-calendar-day grace period for employeesto submit all necessary applications. Requests submitted beyond thistimeframe will necessitate manual processing, which requires approvalfrom both the Immediate Head and Department Head. It is important tonote that frequent manual submissions may raise concerns and couldpotentially result in disciplinary action.The basis of payroll is the generated attendance reflected on the HRsystem. All employees must adhere to the cut-off dates and ensure thecompleteness of daily time records to avoid any deductions.Tampering the attendance and procedures will be treated as grossmisconduct and the concerned employee will be liable for disciplinaryaction.
ATTENDANCEWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE55ABSENCESAn employee who fails to report for work must follow these proceduresso that they will not be considered Absent Without Official Leave(AWOL): Planned Absence Leaves must be filed in the HR System at least three (3) days prior actual leave or as required by Department Head.For Emergency Cases Call or send a message to the immediate superior (or in case of the superior’s absence, the HRD Department) (2) two hours before the start of the shift or the soonest possible time. Messages should be acknowledged by the Immediate Superior or HR. Extension of Leaves Leaves may only be extended upon approval of the Immediate Superior. If extension is not filed right away, document the granting of permission or notification of request with acknowledge of the Immediate Superior to extend. File an application for leave immediately upon reporting back to work.
ATTENDANCEWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE56TARDINESSRefers to instances of employees reporting to work beyond the officialreporting time. It can disrupt workflow, impact productivity, andnegatively influence team morale.DeductionsThe company has implemented grace periods and bandwidthallowances for employees of various ranks. Any excess usage beyondthese specified limits may lead to salary deductions, as detailed in thecompany handbook on pages 51 and 52.Disciplinary Measures for Tardiness OffensesCATEGORYPENALTYOFFENSESIWritten warning8 days tardy within a monthII1 Day Suspension9 days tardy within a monthIII3 Days Suspension10 days tardy within a monthIV5 Days Suspension11 days tardy within a monthVDismissal12 days tardy for 3 consecutive months orcommission of category IV for 3consecutive months
ATTENDANCEWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE57UNDERTIMEThe Filinvest Group of Companies discourages the practice ofemployees leaving the office before the end of normal working hours.However, should under time be unavoidable and necessary, it may bepermitted upon request of the employee and upon approval ofmanagement. Employee will only be paid based on their hours worked.OFFICIAL BUSINESSRefer to any official work done within or outside building or structurespecified as the work base of the employee for the interest of thecompany.Employees are required to seek approval before departing from theworkplace for official business. All official business must be dulydocumented and approved in the HR system.Employees on official business trips shall receive an allowance inaccordance with the existing company policy on Official Business.
OVERTIMEWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE58As a general rule, all employees should finish their work within theallotted day’s work. However, due to business needs, some employeesmay need to stay beyond their work hours.Employees who are entitled to overtime pay are required to plan andfile the overtime work ahead of time. If it’s unscheduled overtime, whichis asked by the Immediate Head, the overtime should be filed in thesystem not later than 24 hours after the OT is done.Only Rank and File employees are paid premium pay for their overtimework. A minimum of one hour worked is required in order to beconsidered OT work.Supervisors and above who extend their work hours to fulfill work needsand meet minimum hour requirements will be entitled to CompensatoryTime-Off (CTO).Overtime Meal AllowanceLEVELWHEN OVERTIMEIS DELIVEREDMINIMUMHOURSREQUIREDMAXIMUM MEALALLOWANCE/DAYRank and FileSupervisorManagerRegular Day3 hours180.00Holiday / Restday4 hours240.00
COMPENSATORY TIME-OFFWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE59CTO is the number of hours or days an employee is excused fromreporting to work with full pay and benefits in lieu of for work doneduring regular days, rest days, holidays.CTO is only for Supervisors and up but may vary in the differentsubsidiaries of the Filinvest Group of Companies.Types of Compensatory Time-Off (CTO)Regular CTOApplicable to employees in Corporate Accounting, Compliance &Risk, Human Resources, Information Systems, Office Management(PWSI), Purchasing, and Quality Assurance.Requires a minimum of 4 hours and 24 minutes of overtime in asingle day (Compressed Work Week Schedule) or the equivalentof half a workday.Accumulated CTOApplicable only to Operations Accounting and PropertyManagement of PPMI.Requires a minimum of 2 hours, but less than the equivalent ofhalf a workday, of overtime due to client requests (e.g.,Developer, Board of Trustees, FAI Retail, Locator, Tenant).Accumulated CTO can only be utilized for half-day or whole-dayleave.
COMPENSATORY TIME-OFFWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE60CTO shall apply for the following rank title:RANKBASIS OF COMPUTATIONSupervisorRegular Day (After official shift-out), Holiday, RestdayManager andupRegular Day (After completing the required number ofworking hours), Holiday, RestdayCTO Filing in the HR SystemRequests for CTO credit must be formally submitted within a 7-dayperiod from the date of overtime.Upon approval, CTO credits will be visible in the HR system within a24-hour period.CTO credits can be utilized within a 60-calendar-day timeframe.Requests submitted beyond this period will necessitate manualprocessing, requiring approval from both the Immediate Head andDepartment Head. Frequent manual requests may raise concernsand could potentially result in disciplinary action.
PAYROLL CUT-OFF DATESWORKING HOURS AND ATTENDANCE61Cut-Off dates checking/deadline of DTR via HR System (authorizedovertime, tardiness, failure to log in and OB) will be every 18th, 3rd or asannounced by HR.Failure to file an application on or before the specified cut-off date shallwarrant deduction from pay and non-payment of overtime, leave,offsetting and official business.The attendance period for the 30th payday is from the 1st to the 15th ofthe current month. The attendance period for the 15th payday is fromthe 16th to the 30th/31st of the previous month.
SALARIES AND OTHER BONUSESEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS63SALARYFilinvest normally pays its employees a monthly basic salary. Paymentof salary is scheduled every 15th and 30th/31st of the month. The dailyequivalent is computed as follows: Daily Rate - Monthly Rate x 12 / 313.RICE SUBSIDYFilinvest commits to providing a monthly de minimis allowance (ricesubsidy) in the form of cash to all regular full-time employees. This cashsubsidy is a non-taxable benefit and shall not exceed the de minimisthreshold set by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).13TH MONTH PAYAll full-time employees, regardless of employment status, are eligiblefor the 13th month pay. This benefit is equivalent to one (1) month ofbasic salary, based on the employee's salary rate. To qualify, anemployee must have received at least one month’s salary during theiremployment with the company. The 13th month pay is typically releasedin two tranches:5/12 (May): This is considered an advance payment of the 13thmonth pay, with attendance coverage from January to May.7/12 (Nov): This covers the remaining period, from June toDecember.MERIT INCREASEEmployees may be given a yearly merit increase based on theirperformance, the financial performance of the company for past twelve(12) months, and its financial resources. The budget for increase isdetermined by the management.
COMPANY-INITIATED LEAVESEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS64The company offer paid leaves so that employees take time off workand still be compensated. Employees should file leaves in the HRSystem and should be approved by their Immediate Supervisor. Leaves may be only availed if they are credited to the employee.Crediting of leaves is every end of the year.VACATION LEAVE (VL)To encourage employees to take time off from work and/or go onvacation in order to rest and be refreshed, bringing renewed energy andenthusiasm to the job and maintaining a high level of emotional,physical and mental state.Earnings and Availment:All regular employees are entitled to 15 days of paid Vacation Leave(VL) for each year of continuous service within the company. Theseleaves are accrued upon completion of one year of continuousservice and are credited at the end of the calendar year (December31st). Availment of accrued and credited vacation leaves shall bewithin the following year after the leaves were earned and credited.Newly hired employees will accrue vacation leave on a pro-ratabasis, calculated from their start date to December 31st of the sameyear. For each completed month of service, employees will earn 1.25days of vacation leave. Accrued vacation leave can be utilizedwithin the following year and will be credited once the employmentstatus becomes regular.Employees may avail the vacation leave in whole day (1 unit) or halfday (0.5 unit).
COMPANY-INITIATED LEAVESEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS65Vacation leave must be scheduled in advance. Requests should besubmitted through the OurLink system, allowing department leadersto effectively plan and manage team deliverables and services. Boththe immediate head and/or department head must approve therequests.The company may mandate vacation leave dates to organize leaveavailment when work load is lower, manageable and/or no majoroperational exigencies are needed, and likewise block off dates fromleave availment to prevent too many people taking leavessimultaneously during “sandwich” days (days in between holidays).All requests for vacation leave (VL) must be submitted within 30days of the scheduled vacation leave date. For instance, if yourvacation is scheduled for January 1st, the system will only acceptleave applications until January 30th.Any leave filed that exceeds the employee's entitled leave credits willbe treated as leave without pay.Any unused VL credits earned will be forfeited at the end of thecalendar year.Resignation, Retirement, and Separation:In case of resignation, retirement or separation of an employee fromthe company due to authorized causes (example, redundancy,retrenchment, etc.), the cash equivalent of the employee's earned,credited and unused vacation leave shall be paid to him/her. Thecompany shall have the option to require the employee to use hisearned and credited leaves during the resignation period.
COMPANY-INITIATED LEAVESEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS66Only unused earned and credited leaves during the employee’sseparation date shall be converted to its cash equivalent. If theemployee is no longer employed at the end of the year, he shall not becredited for any vacation leave for that year since he has not providedone full year of continuous service. The cash equivalent of earned, credited, and unused vacation leavedoes not apply to employees who have been dismissed for just causes(eg. AWOL, other acts committed in violation of the Code of Discipline,the Labor Code of the Philippines and/or other laws).SICK LEAVE (SL)The company provides sick leave benefits to enable employees to recoverfrom illnesses, injuries, or mandatory quarantines, ensuring their well-beingand promoting a healthy work environment.Earnings and Availment:All eligible employees are entitled to 15 days of paid Sick Leave (SL) foreach year of continuous service within the company. These leaves areaccrued upon completion of one year of continuous service and arecredited at the end of the calendar year (December 31st). Availment ofaccrued and credited sick leaves shall be within the following year afterthe leaves were earned and credited.Newly hired employees will accrue sick leave on a pro-rata basis,calculated from their start date to December 31st of the same year. Foreach completed month of service, employees will earn 1.25 days of sickleave. Accrued sick leave can be utilized within the following year andwill be credited once the employment status becomes regular.Employees may avail the sick leave in whole day (1 unit) or half day (0.5unit).
COMPANY-INITIATED LEAVESEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS67Employees shall notify their Immediate Head of their inability to reportto work due to a genuine case of sickness, injury or quarantine as wellas its nature, at the earliest reasonable time. Unless unable to do so,employees shall notify their Immediate Head at least two (2) hoursbefore the reporting time by phone or email.Employees shall be required to submit a Doctor’s Medical Certificate toHR for an absence of three (3) or more consecutive days.Sick leave requests must be submitted through the OurLink system bythe requesting employee and approved by both the immediate headand/or department head. Within 24 hours of returning to work,employees must file an SL application in the HRIS for final approval bytheir immediate head and department head.All sick leave (SL) requests must be submitted within 30 days of theactual leave date. For example, if you were on sick leave on January 1st,the system would only accept leave applications until January 30th.Unused sick leave credits earned during the year will be carried over forthe following year. Any excess credits beyond 30 days may beconverted to cash, with a maximum of 15 days per year. The conversionmust be completed within the first quarter of the subsequent year.Any leave filed that exceeds the employee's entitled leave credits will betreated as leave without pay.Resignation, Retirement, and Separation:In case of resignation, retirement or separation of an employee fromthe company due to authorized causes (example, redundancy,retrenchment, etc.), the cash equivalent of the employee's earned,credited and unused sick leave shall be paid to him/her. The companyshall have the option to require the employee to use his earned andcredited leaves during the resignation period.
COMPANY-INITIATED LEAVESEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS68Only unused earned and credited leaves during the employee’sseparation date shall be converted to its cash equivalent. If theemployee is no longer employed at the end of the year, he shall not becredited for any sick leave for that year since he has not provided onefull year of continuous service. The cash equivalent of earned, credited, and unused vacation leavedoes not apply to employees who have been dismissed for just causes(eg. AWOL, other acts committed in violation of the Code of Discipline,the Labor Code of the Philippines and/or other laws).BIRTHDAY LEAVEA regular employee is entitled to one (1) day birthday leave each year tocelebrate his/her birthday.Availment:Birthday leave can be availed within the employee’s birth month.The employee must file his/her birthday leave three (3) calendar daysbefore the actual availment.Employees must avail the birthday leave in whole day (1 unit) only.Unused birthday leave shall be forfeited and is not convertible to cash.
COMPANY-INITIATED LEAVESEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS69CALAMITY LEAVEA regular employee is given a maximum of three (3) days calamity leavewhen he/she suffers from disasters or calamities resulting to extensiveproperty damage or loss such as fire, earthquake, typhoon or similarcauses (eg. flooding due to typhoon, etc.).Availment:Availment of calamity leave may be initiated by either of the following:Employee - calamity leave can only be availed when there is acalamity or disaster in the employee’s area of residence. Proof ofthe calamity-stricken area must be submitted to HR upon theemployee’s return. The decision to grant or deny the applicationfor leave rests in the discretion of management. The grant ofsuch leave shall not be reasonably withheld.Management - in the event that management allowsemployees to go home due to a typhoon, flood, or massivetransportation strike and the employee chooses to do so, suchday/s shall be charged to the calamity leave.Employees may avail the calamity leave in whole day (1 unit) or halfday (0.5 unit).In cases when all CL credits of an employee are fully utilized, andhe/she applies for calamity leave or the Managementannounces a calamity leave, such leave of absence shall becharged to the employee’s available vacation leave credits orleave without pay (LWOP) as applicable.Unused calamity leaves shall be forfeited and are not convertible tocash.
COMPANY-INITIATED LEAVESEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS70NUPTIAL LEAVE (NL)A regular employee is given three (3) consecutive paid time off days whenhe/she gets married to attend to his/her marriage rites and other requiredmarital-related matters (eg. honeymoon, essential documentation or license,etc.).Availment:Leave application must be filed at least three (3) calendar days beforeactual availment and shall be approved by the Immediate Head and HR.NL may be availed one (1) week before or after the official date of thewedding.Nuptial Leave can only be availed once during the employee’semployment.An employee who became a widow or legally separated/divorcedand have already availed the nuptial leave within his employmentwith the company, decided to remarry is not entitled to avail thesaid leave benefit for the second and/or succeeding time.Similarly, a Muslim employee recognized to have more than one (1)marriage in accordance to the Presidential Decree No. 1083 or“Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines” and itsimplementing guidelines, shall not be entitled to nuptial leave if hehas already availed such leave within his employment with thecompany.An employee who falls under the above-mentioned may file for aleave of absence charged to their available vacation leave creditsor leave without pay (LWOP) as applicable.A copy of the marriage certificate shall be submitted to HR within one (1)month after the marriage.Unused nuptial leaves shall be forfeited and are not convertible to cash.
COMPANY-INITIATED LEAVESEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS71BEREAVEMENT LEAVEA regular employee is given up to a maximum of three (3) days paidleave to be used when an immediate family member die. The numberof leaves shall be based on a per occurrence of death of a familymember. Immediate family member shall be defined as:for married employees – spouse, children, parents (not includingin-laws)for single employees – parents, siblings, childrenBereavement leave must be availed within nine (9) days after thedeath of the family member.Filed bereavement leave shall be approved by the ImmediateHead and Department Head of the employee.Employees may avail the bereavement leave in whole day (1unit) or half day (0.5 unit).Employees are required to submit a copy of the Death Certificate to HRwithin a reasonable time.In cases of simultaneous deaths in one date, management shallevaluate each case separately and come up with a reasonablearrangement with the employee.Unused bereavement leaves shall be forfeited and are not convertibleto cash.
GOVERNMENT-MANDATED LEAVES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS72MATERNITY LEAVEAll female employees, regardless of civil status or the legitimacy of herchild, shall be allowed maternity leave in accordance with Philippine laborlaws and Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).Availment:Employee must notify HRD on her first trimester.Republic Act No. 11210: Expanded Maternity Leave Law: One Hundred Five(105) days maternity leave with full pay shall be granted to the coveredemployee regardless of whether she gave birth via caesarian section ornatural delivery, while maternity leave of sixty (60) days with full payshall be granted for miscarriage or emergency termination ofpregnancy.Planned maternity leave shall be applied by the employee prior toavailment and shall be approved by the Immediate Head, DepartmentHead and HR.Copy of the Birth Certificate of the child and other medical records shallbe submitted to HR for processing of Government benefit/s.
GOVERNMENT-MANDATED LEAVES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS73PATERNITY LEAVEAll married male employees shall be granted seven (7) paid days of leavefor the first four (4) deliveries or miscarriages of his legitimate spouse, withwhom he is cohabiting.Availment:Paternity leave may be availed within sixty (60) calendar days from thedelivery date of the spouse.Paternity leave shall be applied by the employee before availmentexcept in emergency cases involving miscarriage or abortion. Paternityleave shall be approved by the employee’s Immediate Head,Department Head and HR.An employee availing the paternity leave must submit a proof ofhis child’s birth (e.g. birth certificate, medical records) to supportthe said leave of absence.Unused paternity leaves shall be forfeited and are notconvertible to cash.
GOVERNMENT-MANDATED LEAVES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS74PARENTAL LEAVE FOR SOLO PARENTA solo parent employee who rendered at least six (6) months of service inthe Company shall be entitled to seven (7) working days of paid leave peryear.Availment:Parental leave shall only be given to a “Solo Parent” employee who fallsunder the category of a Solo Parent defined under Republic Act No.8972, otherwise known as the “Solo Parent Welfare Act. Of 2000” and hasbeen issued a Solo Parent Identification Card.The employee availing the parental leave must submit a copy of his orher Solo Parent Identification Card to HR.Parental leave shall be applied by the employee before availment andshall be approved by his/her Immediate Head, Department Head andHR.Unused leave credits shall be forfeited and are not convertible to cash.
GOVERNMENT-MANDATED LEAVES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS75SPECIAL LEAVE BENEFITS FOR WOMEN (MAGNA CARTA)All female employees regardless of employment and civil status shall beentitled to a special leave benefit of two (2) months with full pay based onher gross monthly compensation subject to existing laws, rules andregulations due to surgery caused by gynecological disorders under suchterms and conditions as follows:She has rendered continuous aggregate employment service ofat least six (6) months for the last twelve (12) months prior tosurgery due to a gynecological disorder.“Gynecological disorders” refer to disorders that would requiresurgical procedures such as, but not limited to, dilatation andcurettage and those involving female reproductive organs suchas the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, breast,adnexa and pelvic floor, as certified by a competent physician.For purposes of the Act and these Rules and Regulations,gynecological surgeries shall also include hysterectomy,ovariectomy and mastectomy.Such surgery is a non-maternity related procedure.Availment:Employee shall file an application of Magna Carta of Women Leave inthe HRIS for approval of her Immediate Head and HR.Application of leave shall be prior to the surgery and shallindicate the date of procedure, except on emergency caseswhere an immediate medical action is needed to be performedA medical certificate from a competent physician that indicatesthe diagnosis of the required surgical procedure shall likewise besubmitted to HR as support to the leave application.Unused Magna Carta of Women Leaves shall be forfeited andare not convertible to cash.
GOVERNMENT-MANDATED LEAVES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS76VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN LEAVE (VAWC)Female employees who are victims as defined in Republic Act No. 9262,otherwise known as the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their ChildrenAct of 2004, are entitled to a leave of up to ten (10) days with full pay.The said leave shall be extendible when the need arises, asspecified in the protection order issued by the barangay or thecourt.The leave benefit shall cover the days that the female employeemust attend to medical and legal concerns.Availment:To be entitled to the leave benefit, the victim-employee is required topresent to HR a certification from the Barangay Chairman (PunongBarangay) or Barangay Councilor (Barangay Kagawad) or Prosecutoror the Clerk of Court, as the case may be, that an action relative to thematter is pending.The employee shall file her leave application in the HR system beforeavailment for approval of her Immediate Head, Department Head andHR.The use of the ten-day leave shall be the female employee’s option. Ifthe leave benefit is not availed of, it shall be forfeited and notconvertible to cash.
GOVERNMENT-MANDATED LEAVES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS77SERVICE INCENTIVE LEAVE (SIL)An employee who have rendered at least one (1) year of continuous orbroken service to the company shall be entitled to five (5) days ServiceIncentive Leave (SIL).Employees on project contract employment shall be granted five(5) days SIL when his/her employment reached one (1) year ofservice and is not entitled to any company-provided leaves.Employees hired on probationary and regular status shall nolonger be entitled to SIL but shall be entitled to other company-provided leaves according to company policy.Availment:The employee shall file his/her leave application in the HRIS beforeavailment for approval of his/her Immediate Head and DepartmentHead.Unused SIL credits at the end of the year shall be converted to its cashequivalent.Employees may avail the SIL in whole day (1 unit) or half day (0.5 unit).In case of resignation, retirement or separation from the company ofthe covered employee, the cash equivalent of his/her unused SIL leavecredits shall be paid to him/her.
GROUP LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE PLANEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS78This is a benefit given to all regular employees as indemnity for deathby natural causes and by accident.Employee’s BenefitLife Insurance Coverage (covers death due to natural causes) Regular Employees equals to 12x of its monthly basic salary Beneficiary: Immediate Family Member Example Computation: Monthly Basic Salary is 15,000.00 x 12 Employee’s GTLI insurance coverage: 180,000.00Financial Assistance Benefit Amounting to 10,000.00 Beneficiary: Immediate Family MemberAccidental Death Benefit Equivalent to GTLI amount of insurance, excluding Funeral Assistance Benefit (FAB) Beneficiary: Immediate Family Member Example Computation: Monthly Basic Salary is 15,000.00 x 12 Employee’s GTLI insurance coverage: 180,000.00 Accidental Death Benefit = 180,000 Terminal Illness Benefit Rider Equivalent to 50% GTLI amount of insurance, excluding Funeral Assistance Benefit (FAB), maximum of 1M Example Computation: Monthly Basic Salary is 15,000.00 x 12 Employee’s GTLI insurance coverage: 180,000 Terminal Illness Benefit: 90,000
GROUP LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE PLANEVENTPERCENTAGE OFRIDER AMOUNTOF INSURANCETotal and Permanent DisablementLoss or loss of use of both hands from the wrist jointsLoss or loss of use of both feet from the ankle jointsTotal and permanent loss of sight in both eyesLoss or loss of use of one hand from the wrist joint and of one foot from the ankle jointLoss or loss of use of one hand from the wrist joint and total and permanent loss ofsight in one eyeLoss or loss of use of one hand from the ankle joint and total and permanent loss ofsight in one eye100 %Loss or loss of use of one hand from the wrist jointLoss or loss of use of one foot from the ankle jointTotal and permanent loss of sight in one eyeTotal and permanent loss of speech and hearing in both ears50 %Total and permanent loss of hearing in both earsTotal and permanent loss of speech25 %Total and permanent loss of hearing in one ear5 %EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS79Accidental Disablement Rider Equivalent to GTLI amount of insurance, excluding Funeral Assistance Benefit (FAB) Example Computation: Monthly Basic Salary is 15,000.00 x 12 Employee’s GTLI insurance coverage: 180,000Total & Permanent Disability Income Rider Equivalent to 50% GTLI amount of insurance, in lieu of death benefit under the policy. Payment of monthly disability income equivalent to amount of insurance under the policy divided by 48 months. Example Computation: Monthly Basic Salary is 15,000.00 x 12 Employee’s GTLI insurance coverage: 180,000 Total & Permanent Disability Income: 90,000 Monthly payout of 1,875 for 48 months
HEALTH MAINTENANCEORGANIZATION (HMO)EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS80Filinvest has acquired the services of a Health MaintenanceOrganization, which provides health care for all regular employees withits accredited hospitals and doctors.The company covers the monthly premium for all its regularemployees.Enrollment of dependent/s is optional and will be subject todeduction from the employee's salary.Eligible dependents of employees may be enrolled according to thehierarchy set by the HMO provider.30-day Window Period - Dependents shall be enrolled within 30days from the effectivity of coverage (regularization date of theemployee).No additional enrollments except for:Newly born baby – 30 days from date of birthSpouse of newly wed employee – 30 days from date ofmarriageDependent of a new employee – 30 days from regularizationdate of the employee
HEALTH MAINTENANCEORGANIZATION (HMO)EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS81Hierarchy of DependentsFor Single EmployeesParents, up to 65 years of ageSiblings, 15 days old and up to 23 years of ageFor Married EmployeesLegal spouse up to 65 years oldLegitimate and/ or legally adopted Children, 15 days oldand up to 23 years of ageFor Single Parent EmployeesChildren, 15 days old and up to 23 years of ageParents, up to 65 years of ageSiblings, 15 days old and up to 23 years of ageHierarchy of Dependents (with Domestic Partner)For Single EmployeesDomestic partner, same sex or heterosexual of legal agenot more than 65 years oldFor Single Parent EmployeesChildren, 15 days old and up to 23 years of ageDomestic partner, same sex or heterosexual of legal agenot more than 65 years old
RETIREMENT PLANEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS83All regular employees are entitled to a retirement pay benefit once theyreach the specific criteria.RETIREMENT DATESNormal Retirement - The normal retirement date of a member shallbe the day in which he attains the age 60. Upon reaching the age60, he shall be compulsorily retired and shall be entitled to receivethe benefits of the plan.Early Retirement - Any member who has completed fifteen (15)years or more for Continuous Service and who has reached the ageof fifty-five (55) years may retire and receive the benefits under theplan.Late Retirement - Any employee may offer his services to thecompany beyond his normal retirement date but not beyond age65. Such late retirement, however, shall be subject to the approval ofthe company on a case to case and yearly extension basis.RETIREMENT BENEFITSNormal and Late Retirement - Retirement Benefit is equal to onemonth’s salary for every year of Continuous Service based on hismonthly salary at the time of retirement. Credit shall be given forincomplete years at the rate of one-twelve of full year’s credit foreach month of service.
RETIREMENT PLANEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS84Late Retirement - Employee shall be entitled to a percentage ofretirement benefit in accordance with the percentage of monthlysalary for every year of continuous service. Employee shall beentitled to a percentage of retirement benefit in accordance withthe percentage of monthly salary for every year of continuousservice.RETIREMENTAGEPERCENTAGE OF MONTHLYSALARY FOR EVERY YEAR OFCONTINUOUS SERVICE5570 %5675 %5780 %5885 %5990 %DEATH AND DISABILITY BENEFITSRegardless of the length of service of any member, upon his separationfrom employment on account of his permanent and total disability ascertified by a physician appointed by the company or upon his death,he or his beneficiary, as the case may be shall be entitled to benefitsdetermined as for normal retirement.Tax Exemptions – Minimum of 10 years of service and at least 50 years of age.
RETIREMENT PLANEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS85INVOLUNTARY SEPARATIONAny employee who, prior to eligibility for retirement benefit, is separatedfrom service by the company for any cause not due to his own fault,misconduct, negligence, fraud, or voluntary resignation shall be entitledto a separation benefit determined in accordance with the Labor Codeand its Implementing Rules and Regulations.SEPARATION FOR CAUSEAny employee who is separated from the company for causeattributable to his fault, negligence, misconduct, or fraud shall not beentitled to any benefits under this plan.LIEN OF COMPANYAny outstanding obligation of a member to the company shall bededucted from the benefit payments to be made to him or to hisbeneficiary or beneficiaries.NO OTHER BENEFITSNo other benefits other than those previously provided in this plan shallbe payable under this plan.
COMPANY UNIFORMEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS86The company aims to set workplace standards for appropriate attire,striking a balance between professionalism and comfort. Ensuring thatemployees adhere to prescribed grooming and dress standards whilerepresenting the company.Employees will receive one (1) set of company polo shirts as theiruniform upon hiring, and one (1) company jacket uponregularization. These items are subject to replacement as deemednecessary by the Company.Employees should wear the company-issued uniform from Mondaysto Thursdays or as required by the Company.Upon issuance, the company uniform becomes the responsibility ofthe employee in terms of maintenance and care.If the company uniform requires repair or replacement due toreasons not attributed to the supplier or the company and fallsoutside the designated timeframe for replacement, the employeewill be responsible for covering the repair or replacement costs.Company ID is a standard part of the company prescribed dresscode. Hence, employees should always wear the company ID whileinside the company premises and during official business.Company ID is considered company property and should bereturned in the event of employee separation.No fee shall be charged for the replacement of an ID due toloss or damage, provided that the loss or damage is properlysubstantiated by a notarized affidavit.
COMPANY LOANEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS87A company loan is provided to regular employees, primarily foremergency needs such as medicalexpenses, hospitalization, educational assistance, and personalrequirements.To qualify, an employee must maintain a good standing with noinfractions within the year of the loan request. In case of existinggovernment loans, their net pay should still be sufficient to cover themonthly payment for the company loan, or they should have aminimum of 40% net salary take-home.Maximum loanable amount is Php 30,000.00 (subject for review andapproval).Payment Terms: 6 months – no interest 12 months – 6% per annumA co-maker, who is also a regular employee is mandatory.The release of the check or loan will be completed within 14 workingdays from the receipt of approved company loan form andsupporting documents.
BEREAVEMENT ASSISTANCEEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS88In the unfortunate event of the death of an immediate family member,regular employees are entitled to the following benefits:Bereavement Leave: Employees are granted up to three (3) days ofpaid leave per occurrence to mourn the loss of an immediate familymember. This leave is intended to give employees time to cope withtheir loss and manage any related matters. Employees shouldsubmit a request for bereavement leave to their supervisor or HRdepartment, in accordance with company procedures. Please referto page 71 for the full details on how to avail of this leave.Cash Assistance: Financial assistance will be provided to theemployee in the event of the death of an immediate family member.This assistance is designed to help cover immediate expensesduring this difficult time. The amount and eligibility for cashassistance are determined by company policy and may be subjectto review.These benefits are designed to support employees during times ofpersonal loss, allowing them to focus on their emotional well-being andfamily matters. The company recognizes the importance of family andseeks to provide assistance during such challenging times.
EMPLOYEE RELATIONSEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS89COMPANY ACTIVITIES Throughout the year, employees will have opportunities to participate inthese activities. Extra-curricular activities are fun and will give themtime to get to know co-employees. SPORTS ACTIVITIES / FAMILY DAYThe Company aims to promote camaraderie, cooperation, physicalwell-being and the spirit of teamwork among employees throughvarious sports activities. Alternatively, a day may be set aside foremployees to bring families to join company-sponsored activities sothat the family members get to relax, enjoy and rejuvenate themselvesfrom their busy schedules. CHRISTMAS PARTY The Company holds a Christmas Party for all employees. Fun andexciting games, raffle, food, and entertainment are the activities linedup for this joyous occasion.
HOLIDAYSEMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PERKS90Filinvest observes the yearly Regular and Special Holidays all over thePhilippines.Special Non-Working Holiday For work done during the special day, he/she shall be paid anadditional 30% of his/her basic wage on the first eight hours of work.For work done in excess of eight hours, he/she shall be paid anadditional 30% of his/her hourly rate on said day.For work done during special day that also falls on his/her rest day,he/she shall be paid an additional 50% of his/her basic wage on thefirst eight hours of workFor work done in excess of eight hours during a special day that alsofalls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30% ofhis/her hourly rate on said day Regular HolidayIf the employee did not work, he/she shall be paid 100% of his/herwage for that day, subject to certain requirements underimplementing rules and regulations of Labor Code, as amended.For work done during the regular holiday, the employee shall be paida total of 200% of his/her wage for that day for the first eight hoursFor work done in excess of eight hours, he/she shall be paid anadditional 30% of his/her hourly rate on said dayFor work done during regular holiday that also falls on his/her restday, he/she shall be paid in additional 30% of his/her basic wage of200% For work done in excess of eight hours during a regular holiday thatalso falls on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid an additional 30%of his/her hourly rate on said day
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTEMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT92Filinvest provides an opportunity for employees to have opencommunication with their Supervisors and Department Heads tothoroughly understand how individual and team efforts contribute to ahighly productive organization.Performance Management in Filinvest also helps recognize and rewardindividuals who demonstrate value-added service to the Company.All employees, regardless of classification, rank or grade, are evaluatedin terms of performance, competence and behavior. The appraisalperiod covers a specific given timeline. TRAINING & DEVELOPMENTFilinvest encourages employees to seek development through LearningPrograms beyond what the company provides, especially for rarespecialized courses that are tailor-fit for specific specializations that arenot cost-effective for the Filinvest Group of Companies to provide. Employees are required to take 40 hours of learning annually.TRAINING SERVICE AGREEMENTEmployees who will be given external training that corresponds shall bemade to sign a training service agreement. For other details, pleaserefer to the Training Service Policy.
SEPARATIONEMPLOYEE SEPARATION94GENERAL Two (2) ways to initiate a separation of the employee.Voluntary Separation initiated by employees.Involuntary Separation due to retirement. Separation due to disciplinary actionThe following documents are required for separation. Resignation Resignation LetterRetirementRetirement Notice signed by the Immediate Supervisor(concurred by the employee) Letter of Request (if early retirement) (concurred by theImmediate Supervisor)Employee should identify the reason for separation.Clearance shall be triggered once separation is approved by theImmediate Supervisor. Employee shall receive a notification in their personal email addressonce Separation has been approved by the specific Approver.The employee can still withdraw the separation request approved byhis/her Immediate Supervisor, provided that withdrawal shall bedone prior the separation date.
EXIT INTERVIEWEMPLOYEE SEPARATION95All resigning employees shall accomplish an Exit Interview Form (EIF)and shall be scheduled for a one-on-one interview with the HRD. CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT(ALIGNMENT FOR DOLE)To support the Labor code and based on DOLE Advisory No. 06, series of2020 where: “…all types of employees shall be equally entitled for theissuance of COE as it is a right guaranteed by law. Employees will beable to request for Certificate of Employment online.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SHEETACKNOWLEDGEMENT SHEET96It is important that all employees have read and understood all ProExcelProperty Managers, Inc and ProOffice Work Services Inc HumanResources policies set forth in this Handbook. Please read carefully andafter you have done so, sign the tear-off section below and return it tothe HRD. If you have any questions about the Handbook, the HumanResources Department will be glad to answer them for you.I have read and understood the Company Policy of ProExcel PropertyManagers, Inc and ProOffice Work Services Inc. By signing this form, Isignify my commitment in abiding by the policies of the company.Printed Name over Signature: ____________________________Date: ____________