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Emotional Intelligence Wellness

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RR&D Inc. EmotionalIntelligence WellnessProgram:

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It is a set of emotional and social skills that influencethe way we perceive and express ourselves, developand maintain social relationships, cope withchallenges, and use emotional information in aneffective and meaningful way. What is EmotionalIntelligence?In other words, it's a set of skills that enables us to make our way in a complex world. EI covers everything from how confident we feel, to our ability to express emotions constructively instead of destructively, to our skills in forming successful relationships, to our ability to stand up for ourselves, to setting and achieving goals, to handling the stress we all face.

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EI is the set offoundationalskills ourcompetence isbuilt uponEI skills arecritical toeffectiveleadershipStudies showpeople withhigher EI arehappier and makemore money. Why Should You Care?

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“a growing number of studies are finding that patients, even with chronic health problems,can benefit from developing their emotional intelligence. In fact, there have been so many studies of the relationship between emotional intelligence and health that researchers have begun doing major reviews of all the studies in order to summarize their findings..."Excerpt FromThe Student EQ EdgeSteven J. Stein, Howard E. Book & Korrel KanoyWhat does the research say?

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Generate a total EI score with five composite scores measuring distinctaspects of emotional and social functioningGain a deeper understanding of how the results affect a participant’sworkplace performance (conflict resolution, change management, teamwork,decision making and more) with strategies customized based on individualresultsMake instant connections between subscales and leverage EI strengths andimprove EI weaknessesUse the Well-Being Indicator to measure someone's level of happiness;resulting in additional developmental opportunitiesTarget solutions at every level with a multi-level approach to developing EIReports are designed with clear instructions, interpretation guidelines andresults-driven content setting participants up for successAll participants begin by taking the online EQ-i 2.0 online assessment. TheEmotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 (EQ-i 2.0) measures an individual’s emotionalintelligence.Key Features:THE EQ-I 2.0 EQ CONNECTIONSEQ Connections™ is an interactive virtual or in person training series that engagesaudiences in the foundational learnings of emotional intelligence.Designed to align with the trusted EQ-i 2.0®assessment; modules are differentiated bythe color of the composite they relate to in the model and follow a consistent flow andstructure to maintain cohesion. The content of this tool is a marriage of the authors’coaching expertise and MHS R&D, ensuring that the content presented is evidence-based, reliable and relevant.

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The EQ-i 2.0® Workbook: From Awareness to Action is designed to support athorough and actionable introduction to emotional intelligence. Rooted in MHS’Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 (EQ-i 2.0®) model the EQ-i 2.0® Workbookexplores each of the EQ-i 2.0’s 15 subscales and the well-being indicator,including what each subscale looks and sounds like in strength, in deficit, andwhen it is out of balance. To help EQ-i 2.0® users pivot from awareness to action,the EQ-i 2.0® Workbook contains over 175 specific and detailed suggesteddevelopment actions to allow anyone to select appropriate “just right” stretchgoals that will help with their emotional intelligence growth and development.THE EQ-I 2.0 WORKBOOK: FROM AWARENESSTO ACTION THE EQ-I 2.0 WORKBOOK VIDEO SERIES Serving as a companion for the workbook, the EQ-i 2.0 video series is designed for longterm progressive use as a self paced training program after the initial live EQConnections training.SUMMARY1) Participants are prepped for and take the online EQ-i 2.0 assessment.2) Participants are trained via the live virtual or in person 6 hour EQ ConnectionsWorkshop. Participants receive their assessment results.3) Participants are given the EQ-i 2.0 : From Awareness to Action Workbook for longterm self paced development.4) Participants utilize the EQ-i 2.0 video coaching series in support of the workbook.Total Investment : $1,200

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ContactInformationAdam RosensweigCOO RR&D Inc.EI Specialist Phone : 352-572-0277 Email :