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Final Reflection Portfolio

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His name was Emmett Till...His name was Emmett Till...Source::Southern University SystemFoundation School days,school days, dearold golden ruledays,Readin' and 'ritin'and 'rithmetic

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The year was 1955.The year was 1955.He was a 14 year old CHILD from ChicagoHe was a 14 year old CHILD from Chicagowho went to Mississippi to visit relatives.who went to Mississippi to visit relatives.One day he went into a store to get gum.One day he went into a store to get gum. He “whistled” at a White woman and that sealed his fate.He “whistled” at a White woman and that sealed his fate. He was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night, forcedHe was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night, forcedto go with the woman’s husband and his go with the woman’s husband and his accomplices. They beat him, tortured him, shot him in the head and thenThey beat him, tortured him, shot him in the head and thentied a 75 lb. fan to him with barbed wire and threw him intotied a 75 lb. fan to him with barbed wire and threw him intothe Tallahatchie River.the Tallahatchie River. The price of Education in America and the Toll it is taking on Students

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His mother Mamie demanded that his casket remain openHis mother Mamie demanded that his casket remain openat his funeral so that the World would see what hadat his funeral so that the World would see what hadhappened to her son.happened to her son.There could be no confusion or denying the horror that hadThere could be no confusion or denying the horror that hadtaken place.taken place. That was Then...

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The men who killed EmmettThe men who killed Emmettwere ACQUITTED.were ACQUITTED.Sources: Chicago Defender National (Reformed Perspective), PBS This is Now...

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A year later, the men CONFESSED to killing TillA year later, the men CONFESSED to killing Tillin a LOOK magazine article for which they werein a LOOK magazine article for which they werepaid $4,000.paid $4,000.They could not be retried and no justice wasThey could not be retried and no justice wasserved.served.Carolyn Bryant, the woman who instigatedCarolyn Bryant, the woman who instigatedthe entire incident later admitted she hadthe entire incident later admitted she hadlied.lied.The case was finally closed in 2021.The case was finally closed in 2021. To-Do AppsTodoist (free/premium)HabiticaMemorigi2DoRemember the MilkHigh School To-Do ListExtra-CurricularsVolunteer WorkPSATACT/SATAP ClassesApply for ScholarshipsApply for GrantsCreate a StandardizedTesting PlanMusic LessonsReligion Classes/ChurchHomeworkTutoringSummer ProgramsInternships

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The “Emmett Till Generation”The “Emmett Till Generation”sparked protests, advocacy, andsparked protests, advocacy, andunprecedented civil rights mobilization.unprecedented civil rights mobilization.1955-Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a city bus1955-Montgomery Bus boycott 1960-Lunch counter sit-ins1963-March on Washington1957-Little Rock Nine1957, 1964, & 1965 Civil Rights Act-Right to vote1968-Fair Housing Act Stress and the High School StudentMany factors lead to stress for students in the United StatesCompetition among PeersGradesParent’s ExpectationsCollege AcceptanceThe FutureSocial MediaInterpersonal RelationshipsFinancialFear of Failure

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Sources: Chicago Sun-Times, Oregon Public Broadcasting, Aljazeera, Vox,“The struggle is for mere existence.”-“The struggle is for mere existence.”-Robert F. WilliamsRobert F. Williams Although Standardized Testing and competition to get intocollege is at an all time high and students are at their wits end,we have made great strides as far as how , where, and whenanyone can learn. Whereas the norm used to be that learning (and classes) onlytook place in a class room setting, with the advancement oftechnology anyone can now learn most anything.

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The LegacyThe Legacy Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act Emmett Till Antilynching Act of 2022#Black Lives Matter Informal Learning has reached an all time high and can happenanywhere thanks to today’s technology.

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The work goes on,The work goes on,the cause endures, the hope still lives,the cause endures, the hope still lives,and the dream shall never die.-JFKand the dream shall never die.-JFKSource:Dreamstime Informal Learning Apps & Sites

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But there is a huge deterrent for studentswho want to continue formal learning as far as how they willpay for college Alford, Kwame. “The Sacrificial Lamb of the Civil Right Movement.” Western Journal of BlackStudies 25, no 1 (Spring 2001): 73-74.Debnam, Jewell. “The Blood of Emmett Till”. The Journal of Southern History Houston, Volume84, Iss. 2, (May 2018): 511-512. Green, Erica L. ”Biden Dedicates Monument to Emmett Till and His Mother”: New York Times,(July 26, 2023):A.14. Perkins, Bethany. “Not My Story to Write”: Indirection, Southern Discourse, and the Elusive BlackVoice in Lewis Nordan’s Wolf Whistle. The Mississippi Quarterly; Mississippi State 60, Iss. 4, (Fall2007): 697-711. Popham, John N. “Mississippi Jury Acquits 2 Accused in Youth's Killing: MISSISSIPPI JURY FREES2 IN KILLING.”: New York Times, (September 24, 1955):1. Southern Foundation Tatum, Dale Craig. “Does a Black Man Have the Right to Leave His Home?”. Spectrum: A Journalon Black Men, Volume 7, Iss. 1, Indiana University Press (Autumn 2018): 59-82.Wells-Barnett, Ida B. “Lynched for Anything or Nothing”, chap 5.The Red Record, The ProjectGutenberg eBook of The Red Record, 2005. Williams, Robert F. Negroes can’t afford to be pacifists.pdf . Bibliography