Chapter 11 of The Innovator's Mindset by: George CourosEmbracingAn Open CultureSpecial's TeamP R E S E N T A T I O N
Linus PaulingLinus PaulingThe best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas.
"A network helps people become better." Having a network increases interactions with others.Provides access for new ideas.
Our connectivity and learning opportunitieshave changed in recent years...
As educational leaders, we must promote andcapitalize on open, connected learning.
"We must 'desire to change,grow, and improve."
Educators need to move ..."I have nothing to share."To"What I share can make a difference for students anywhere."FROM THE IDEA THAT...
After all, it isn't how much you know that matters. What matters is how much access you have to what other people know.
It isn't how much your team members know, but how much of that intelligence you can draw out and put to use. And...
In other words...
Today's technologies allow us to share knowledge, and ideas globally.But more important they provide us a means to share locally.
Sharing accelerates learning & leadership.
How are you actively sharing your learning with your school and global community?How do you make the great learning go “viral” in your school, to move from “pockets” to a “culture of innovation?”How do you use the concept of “competitive collaboration” to accelerate the growth of both individuals and your school/organization? Reflection
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