DIVISION 4 - Currituck Road
1. Connecticut Alumni Drum & Bugle Corps
(Stage at 77 Main Street)
2. Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire &
Rescue Company
3. Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
4. Bright Path Newtown
5. Neil Diamond Escorted by North County
Landscape Management
6. Tap & Pony Mobile
7. Danbury Junior Hat Tricks Hockey
8. Sporre Tree Service
9. Newtown Tractors
10. Rolling Billboard
11. Mattatuck Drum Band
12. Newtown Hook & Ladder Volunteer Fire Co.
13. e Tappan Zee Bridgemen
14. Stony Hill Fire Departments
DIVISION 3 - Martin Street
1. Sons of Portugal
2. Dodgingtown Volunteer Fire Company
3. Spotlight Dance Conservatory
4. Newtown High School Wrestling
5. Newtown Youth Wrestling
6. Immaculate Heart of Mary Folklore Group
7. Railroad Museum of New England
8. BSA of Newtown
9. Newtown Congregational Church
10. Cub Scout Pack 270
11. Cub Scout Pack 470
12. Tina Turner escorted by North County Land-
scape Management
13. Newtown Baseball 9U Hawks
14. Newtown Baseball 10U Hawks
DIVISION 2 - Currituck Road
1. Mattatuck Drum Band
2. Botsford Fire Rescue
3. New Heights Baptist Church
4. Baum Braces
5. Fiesta Del Norte escorted by North County
Landscape Management
6. Pyramid Shriner Motor Patrol
7. Around Town Team
8. World Champion Taekwondo
9. Hearts of Hope-Newtown
10. Rolling Billboard Dave Rosato
11. Edmond Town Hall
12. Newtown Underwater Search and Rescue
13. Porco’s Karate Academy
14. Pixie Dust
15. Elvis Presley
Escorted by Robb Rozz Plumbing
16. Jim Paprowski with Mayor of South Main
Street Danny Amaral (1931 Ford Classic)
17. Bob Miranti 1931 Classic Car
18. Reach Car Club Classic Cars
19. Newtown Forest Association
20. Herbs Love & Yoga School of
Herbal Medicine
21. FAITH Food Pantry
22. Plato's Closet
DIVISION 1 - Johnny Cake Lane
1. Gaelic Highland Pipe Band
2. Hawleyville Volunteer Fire Company
3. CT Tiare Polynesian Dance Troupe
Escorted By: DH Schenzer Construction
4. Friends of Newtown Seniors
5. Miss Connecticut Teen Camryn Patton
Escorted By REACH Car Club
6. Miss Connecticut Monica Fenwick
Escorted By: Jerry Cullen
7. Taylor Adams International Woman of Service
Mrs. 2024 Escorted By REACH
8. Pyramid Legion of Honor
9. 2nd Company Volunteer Heavy Artillery
Reenactment Group
10. American Legion Post 202 & Aliates
11. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 308
12. Hope on Main Street
13. Newtown Centre of Classical
Ballet & Voice
14. Jack Drake Western Connecticut
Weatherman with Sir Warren Drake
Escorted By: REACH Car Club
15. e Exceptional Sidekick erapy Dogs
16. Families United in Newtown
17. Newtown United Methodist Church
18. Newtown Stage Company
19. EverWonder Children’s Museum
20. Newtown-Strong erapy Dogs
21. Lathrop School of Dance
22. St. Rose of Lima School & Church