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Email Guide by Kyle R. Bell

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By Kyle R. BellFinTech Direct Response Copywriter at Bell Copywriting, Inc.3 “Insider Secrets” to Double Your Email Marketing Conversion Rates

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Table of ContentsIntroduction 031. Laser-beam focus on your subject line 042. Make your ideal customers grasp your unique advantage 073. Make use of your P.S. 08Who am I and What Do You Do Next? 13

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IntroductionAfter critiquing hundreds of thousands of words of copy for clients emails…Along with writing, refining, polishing, editing, and tweaking email copy for countless hours…I’ve discovered the ins and outs of creating persuasive email copy.In this guide, you’ll discover three email marketing “insider secrets” you can use to improve and optimize CRO’s for yourself and yourclient’s email copy.These email marketing principles are the same methods and techniques I use for all of my clients.Kyle R. BellFinTech Direct Response Copywriter at Bell Copywriting, Inc.

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1. Laser-Beam Focus on Your Subject LineGoals: 1) Get people to read your headline.2) Hold your reader’s attention.3) Deliver a unique benefit your ideal customers’ desire.1. Never Spend More Time Writing Your Body Copy Than Your Subject Line.Whether you’re selling to sophisticated buyers or everyday people, they bothpossess the same problems – and both parties are looking for relief. So, make it sim-ple for both types of people to understand why they should continue reading your email after seeing your subject line. How? Let’s say an email marketing project takes 14 days. Seven days of research and seven days of writing. Five out of those seven days of writing should only focus on writing subject lines. I write 100-250 subject lines for a single project before starting on the body copy of the email.2. Make Sure Your Subject Lines Pique Curiosity and Delivers a Clear Outcome. Subject lines aren’t there for entertainment. Every word of your subject line must serve a purpose. If not, you risk losing your ideal customer’s attention immediately. How do you combat this problem? Well, here is one thing you can consider before

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sitting down to write a single subject line: what is the hidden benefit of your product or service? The late, great Ted Nicholas coined this term. What you ask yourself is this: if you had unlimited God-like powers, what benefit would you want your product or service to deliver to your ideal customers?3. Focus on Holding Attention, Not Just Attracting AttentionYour subject line must hold your reader’s attention. Why? On the internet, people skim through information without retaining any of the words they’re reading. The same thing happens offline because this is the result of not holding someone’s attention. Sure, you get the person to read your subject line, but they could not care less about what’s in front of their face. Eyes move, but the heart won’t commit.So, here’s the ultimate solution for creating a killer subject line you can take to the bank:• Open up with powerful words such as: ‘discover’, ‘important’, ‘attention’, ‘introducing’, ‘announcing’, etc.• Define what formula you plan on using: AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action), FAB (features, advantages, benefits), etc.• Figure out if you will mention just one major hidden benefit or many small benefits.• Identify what emotions and pain points you want to appeal to by understanding your ideal customer profile.• Set up your subject line up to dictate your body copy of the email concisely and clearly.

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4. Use Specificity and People of Authority Within Your Respective IndustryHuman nature and human psychology have proven that people love specific data points and numbers. Let’s remember, when you mention a benefit about a financial gain or loss, you want to include exact figures down to the last dollar. Vague estimations aren’t welcome because your ideal customers’ will have a difficult time understanding the message you’re delivering. Here are a few examples of specificity:• How to Make $10,000 in Only 15 Days• 9/10 Financial Advisors Recommend You Put $5,000 into Your Retirement Plan Every Month• Attention: Earn an Extra $5,000 Every Day with This 1 Breakthrough Investing SecretAre you getting the picture now? Good. A person of authority in the second example makes the subject line more believable. Of course, that’s not what any financial advisor would recommend, but now you understand the concept of leveraging authority figures. The more credible, honest, direct, and specific your subject line is, the higher the probability is of holding your reader’s attention.

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2. Talk Directly to Your Ideal CustomersGoals: 1) Get the right people listening to your brand message.2) Make your copy clear, useful, and solution-orientated.1. Get the Right People Riding on Your BusWhen your copy addresses the wrong people, it’s like talking to someone who is asleep and wearing earplugs. You won’t get a single response – or worse, you wake them up, and they get angry with you. The same thing can occur when you deliver the wrong message to the incorrect people.You might wonder, how do you combat this problem?Here are three ways you can guarantee your copy speaks to your target audience in every email you send.• Identify the biggest problem your product or service solves for your customers.• Find out where the customer likes to hang out online and offline.• Start a conversation with your ideal customers and discover what are their core beliefs, internal motivations, problems, de-sires, and interests outside of work.As Roy Disney said in his infinite wisdom: “When the value is clear, decisions are easy.”

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Goals: 1) To generate more revenue for your offer. 2) To explain an important point related to your copy.3) Add extra value to show your readers you care about them.1. Puts More Money in Your PocketThe three most-read sections of an email are the subject line, the first couple of opening lines – and, of course, you guessed it, your P.S. Now, what’s so powerful about a P.S.? The sincerity and intentions behind it are what make it profitable for your business. Let’s pretend you’re selling an up-and-coming tech stock. You know the likelihood of making money is high, but the risk is huge. In your P.S., you could sympathize with your reader. How? P.S. You heard the saying: no risk, no reward? Well, in this case, it’s a huge risk. Why? 3. Make Use of Your P.S.

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You have to be prepared to lose the money you invest without batting an eye. If not, then this investment isn’t for you. The upside here is the return is astronomical. 5/6 people stay in the game long enough to profit. So, what are you waiting for?Let’s break down how this P.S. works so well. The beautiful thing is it acts as if you’re in the person’s shoes, experiencing it with them. Then, it showcases what you must do without any fluff, such as how you can become a profitable investor with direct, simple talk. Even social proof closes the case to invest. If the person reading the P.S. has the money, then it’s a no-brainer for them. And those are the exact people this P.S. is targeting.You bring your customer with you throughout the P.S. to reveal to them how to make more money long-term.2. Add on to Your Copy in Only MinutesP.S. Do you want to end up scraping by for your retirement? No. What you want to do is live in comfort, harmony, and peace during your golden years. The last thing you want to experience is financial constraints. Contact [Financial Advisor’s name today to receive your free consultation.The first question puts the reader on their backfoot. Why? Everybody wants a stress-free retirement. Hell, nobody wants to scrape by at any stage of their life.Then, the desire for of a happy, healthy retirement, which any retiree or person can agree with wanting during their golden years. And, the most vital point brought up again is the stress of having meager finances – plus, the direct call to action after the person reconsiders your offer works like gangbusters.Why? You’ve covered every emotional and logical angle in those few sentences to position your offer as a path towards living a brighter future.

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3. Makes Your Copy Fulfill a Deeper PurposeWhen you tell a story to your readers, you want them hanging on every word. The key here is keeping their eyes glued to the email. A P.S. is a great way to do that when they take an interest in your story, and it ends abruptly. Remember, every-body wants more, whether they’d like to admit it or not.Don’t forget, everybody puts their self-interests first because human beings are naturally selfish creatures.Here’s a P.S. you can use to have your story land a punch that infatuates and moves your readers’ hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.P.S. Tommy was a boy who pushed when he should have pulled. Walked when he should have run. Stayed down instead of getting up. He was one step away from the goal line and refused to push through the pain. Do you want to be like Tommy? I know since you’re reading this newsletter, you’re looking to be all you can be. Do the antithesis of what Tommy does, and you’ll be on your way to fulfilling your ultimate potential.The core of this P.S. addressees the reader’s ability to act, regardless of the pain. There was a heartfelt story about Tommy’s unwillingness to act when it mattered most and losing as a consequence.Nobody wants to be a loser.So, you put the reader in a position to examine their purpose and life. To not end up like Tommy by doing more and being more, which puts a fire underneath each reader to go out in the world and ask for more of themselves and those around them.Everyone wants to fulfill a deeper purpose in their personal and professional lives.

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4. Show Your Readers You Care for Them SincerelyWhen you speak to your friends, loved ones, or significant other, you feel a deep bond and connection with them – so sharing secrets or intimate feelings is com-forting, convenient, and simple for you. Your goal is to do the same with your copy every time you write an email. Keep in mind that no matter how advanced tech-nology becomes, email copy will serve its purpose to persuade, convince, sell, and ultimately close readers.You might be considering a warm, inviting P.S. that will help seal the deal when ask-ing your readers to buy. The truth of the matter is it can be the icing on the cake, but everything has to align beforehand. Here’s an example you can take to the bank.The email showcases three different client testimonials. One is text, the other is a short 30-second video clip, and the other is a recorded phone call. Each client reveals the results they experienced with heartfelt words of praise. All of this

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information convinces you, but there’s still a hint of uncertainty. Now it’s time to introduce the P.S.P.S. You might be thinking this offer sounds too good to be true. All of these clients felt the same way before committing. Why do you think you can feel the joy and vi-vaciousness in their words? Because each one of them loved the results. Here’s the deal, when you purchase within 24 hours, I’ll throw in a free eBook (title, sales, etc.) and a chance to win a free 1-hour consultation with yours truly. You can ask me anything, and you’ll love the way you feel when you take advantage of thisopportunity. Click here to enter the draw of your free 1-hour consultation now: (include link)The beginning of this P.S. answers the reader’s skepticism, and you put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Then you challenge their beliefs by highlighting the power of the testimonials.Better yet, you create an offer with urgency, scarcity, and value. Add in a free eBook and the potential of winning a free strategy session when the reader pur-chases within the next 24 hours. When you make an offer like this, you must keep your word no matter what. Don’t let it run a second later or end a second sooner.Yes, it’s human nature to want what you can’t have. So, when you give someone a chance to capitalize on a limited-time opportunity, the probability of them seizing it is much higher.Plus, you can never go wrong when you use your P.S. to add more value to the offers you make with your email marketing. All it does is boost your credibility and position you as more of an authority figure in your marketplace.

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Who am I and What Do You Do Next?I am a FinTech Direct Response Copywriter to $1M+ FinTech businesses worldwide.I am also the creator of Bell’s Copywriting Thoughts Newsletter. I cover the latest insights about copywriting, direct response marketing, email marketing, direct mail marketing, video sales letters, LinkedIn and Google ad campaigns, and how you can run a globally successful, location-independent freelancing business.You can sign up today by visiting, if you want to optimize your email marketing copy and convert more customers, you can reserve your FREE 30-Minute Copywriting Audit by clicking here.Alternatively, call me at +370 681 85346. to discuss your next copywriting project. Or send me an email at Konstitucijos ave. 21A, VilniusQuadrum Business City / 6th floor30-Minute Copywriting AuditYou Can Reserve Your FREE