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Elkhart 2040 We Thrive Implementation Plan

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2021IMPLEMENTATIONPOINTS OF DISCUSSIONELKHART 2040 • 2021+Neighborhood hubCareer crosswalksCDCWest cluster redevelopmentComplete neighborhoodsTargeted downtown developmentBusiness diversificationLogisticsThe Elkhart 2040 History & VisionThe Case for We ThriveFrameworkMicro ED ElementsMacro ED Elements

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History: Phases of Work Since 2017The Foundation of FactsWorkforce developmentIndustry diversificationLand use and infrastructureredevelopmentHousingPlacemakingCompleted in 2018, the Phase 1 DiversificationPlan used primary and secondary data toidentify the needs and initiatives required forElkhart's economic stabilization.Consensus for PrioritiesTalent: Develop career crosswalks andtalent intermidiary groupDiversification: Selected diversificationsegments, priorities for incentive toolboxLand use and Infrastructure: identified andassessed properties and quantifiedchallenges for redevelopmentCompleted in 2020, The Phase 2Diversification plan engaged over 60stakeholders to set priorities forimplementation:Structure for ImplementationNeighborhood HubsCareer crosswalks demonstration projectDevelop CDC and workforce housingprojectBegin downtown development projectsfor Complete Neighborhoods, industrydiversification targets, and logistics workplanExecute development infrastructure bycreating the organizations and private-publicmaster work plans required for specificprojects to be implemented in 2022+ELKHART 2040 • 2021+2017-18Phase 12019-20Phase 22021-22Phase 3

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INSTILLING PRIDETO THRIVE.THE VISIONThis administration is striving to adopt The Cityof Elkhart's first economic development planthat will pave the way for intentional economicgrowth and placemaking in Elkhart. No more will Elkhart leave the future to chance.We aim to align public and private leadership toexecute specific investments in our business,industry, neighborhoods and people. We will give our youngsters the reason to stayand thrive in Elkhart. Our future starts with thechoices and investments that we make today.ELKHART 2040 • 2021+

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“To the extent that there ismobility for neighborhoods,it is often downward.”OUR PRIDE TO THRIVEBrookings: Tackling the legacy of persistent urbaninequality and concentrated poverty.Stuart Butler and Jonathan GrabinskyNovember 2020 (b-1) Credit EIG May 2020 Study ELKHART 2040 • 2021+Elkhart's EconomicDevelopment Plan for Sustaining Elkhart's Future THE CASE FORWE THRIVE

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+NEIGHBORHOODS OFPOVERTYECONOMIC TRENDS & IMPACTMetro neighborhoods w 30%+ resident poverty ratedoubled 1980-2010.Two-thirds high poverty neighborhoods in 1980remain 40 years later.Born and raised in poverty strongly influencesfuture economic mobility.Two-thirds Black Americans remain in poorneighborhoods.1980-2018 only 14% of high poverty neighborhoodsturned around.Past 40 Years – urban poverty nationally hassharply increased:

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“The neighborhood environment in whichchildren grow up plays a large part indetermining life opportunities.”“Deliberate policy and investment choicesdisconnect low-income neighborhoodsfrom economic, political and socialnetworks of opportunity.”OUR PRIDE TO THRIVEELKHART 2040 • 2021+RESEARCH &COMMONSENSE TELL USStanford Social Innovation Review, May 13, 2016Gary Painter (paraphrased)

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+CITY OFELKHART STATSECONOMIC &DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILEEstimated Median Household Income City of Elkhart: $38,971 (2019) State of Indiana: $57,603Estimated Median House/Condo Value City of Elkhart: $106,600 (2019) State of Indiana: $156,000Source: City-Data.com0 100,000 200,000 300,000City of Elkhart Elkhart County St. Joseph County .27%annualgrowth.38%annualgrowth.18%annualgrowthPOPULATION 2010-2019Note: 2000-2010, The City of Elkhart populationdecreased by 925.

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+CITY OFELKHART STATSPOVERTY RATESEstimated Median Household Income City of Elkhart: $38,971 (2019) State of Indiana: $57,603Estimated Median House/Condo Value City of Elkhart: $106,600 (2019) State of Indiana: $156,000Source: City-Data.comBlack42.1%Hispanic38.4%White19.5%Source:

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Elkhart's unique strength in RV manufacturing is abenefit to not only the regional economy, and asignificant factor in Indiana’s economy as well.The city is also challenged with economicvolatility and aging infrastructure. Furthermore,technological advances, such as automation,threaten to make Elkhart’s current manufacturingadvantages obsolete. As an older industrial center, it has become clearthat the community must re-invent itself if it is tocompete with newer more contemporaryeconomic centers.OUR PRIDE TO THRIVEELKHART 2040 • 2021+RECOGNIZEDNATIONWIDE FORMANUFACTURINGPROWESS

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+AN ECONOMICCONTRIBUTORSTATEWIDE IMPACTElkhart’s economy has a largeimpact on the state economy.Elkhart's Base Industries are asignificant part of this impact.

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+AN ECONOMICCONTRIBUTORWORKFORCE TRENDSLow-income households often employed inlow-skilled jobs offering little growth inearnings and/or opportunity.RV jobs often do not require significant skills.They pay well – yet are volatile.According to Brookings Institute – Elkhart-Goshen has “high exposure” to manufacturingjob losses due to automation (November2019). Automation does create opportunities forbetter paying jobs and career advancementthrough focused training programs and earnand learn jobs.

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+FRAMEWORKFOR GROWTHNEIGHBORHOODOPPORTUNITY HUBSIndustry diversification, Revitalization of 21st Century Industrial Parks,Talent optimization for developing a thrivingworkforce, and Connectivity and mobilization of transportationand utility infrastructureThe Elkhart 2040 Plan states that future economicgrowth and stabilization is dependent on:These developments are proposed to be intentionallydesigned within Neighborhood Opportunity Hubslocated throughout the City that provide residentsaccess to quality housing, amentities and servicesthat establish the desired unique character andqualities of each neighborhood .

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+COLLABORATIVEIMPLEMENTATIONAN INTEGRATED COMMUNITYMODEL FOR CHANGE IN LEGACYCITIESbuild capacity for change, implement development projects, and program meaningful neighborhood amenities. Transformative community change in a legacy city is not for theweary. Few orchestrate to achieve signficant and sustainablechange.Innovative, strategic thinking with practical execution usingdevelopment best practices must be designed to heal the city'sbrokenness and inferiorities, while celebrating its heritage anddesire for greater unity. These intricacies must be captured andexecuted within a focused, integrated, multi-facetedtransformation process which no one entity alone can achieve.This process requires three levels of structured engagementrespectively designed to:The ExpeditersGrowth AllianceThe holding organization that builds CAPACITY through providing master plans, funding sources,project prioritization, and the sense of urgency to achieve the collaborative community vision.The DevelopersCommunity Development CorporationThe nonprofit organization that implements prioritized developmentPROJECTS within neighborhoods.The Visionairies Neighborhood Opportunity HubsThese hubs (multiple) exist to involve themembers of each developing neighborhood,and their network of practioners, whotogether act as the visionaries who willPROGRAM the unique project characteristics,services and amenities that will exist in eachdesignated neighborhood.

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+The Potential Economic GrowthHousingAdd over 1,000 workforcehousing units in specificneighborhood hubs.CommercialRedevelop over 9,200 acresof underutilized industrial andcommercial land. InvestmentAchieve well over $526million in public-privateinvestment.1,000 9,200$526M

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+MICRO ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTNeighborhood Opportunity HubCareer CrossswalksCDCWest Industrial RedevelopmentMACRO ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTComplete NeighborhoodsDowntown Development PlanBusiness DiversificationLogistics

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The vision is to establish a community gathering place to socialize,engage, and conveniently access economic and social opportunitiesserving far Tolson/Pierre Moran residents and small businesses. WE THRIVEELKHART 2040 • 2021+NEIGHBORHOODOPPORTUNITY HUBS

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+A Complete Neighborhood is onewhere, perhaps outside of commutingto work or having a destination “nightout,” you can get everything you needwithin walking distance. In a livable, walkable, human-scalecity, one of the most importantelements to creating a livable city isthat development is designed to fit thepatterns of each local neighborhood. THE COMPLETENEIGHBORHOODMacdougal St in Greenwich Village, New York. Chaotic and vibrant, witheverything you need close by. This is a Complete Neighborhood.

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+A Neighborhood Opportunity Hub(often residing within a CompleteNeighborhood model) is acustomized front doorestablishment providing a broadrange of services andopportunities while serving as aninformal gathering place forresidents and local stakeholders. NEIGHBORHOODOPPORTUNITYHUB

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+BAKER RIPLEYNeighborhood Opportunity Hub Case StudyClick images below to view videos

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+Impact 25 Program – impact 10 families withproven occupational crosswalk development,transition 10 city-owned homes to preparedhomeowners, support 5 entrepreneurs with newbusinesses.Create operating CDC to develop new housingprojects.Identify Case Management resource and services Select employers to implement careercrosswalks programThe Pierre Moran Tolson neighborhood area isselected to be the demonstration project for theNeighborhood Opportunity Hub model.NEIGHBORHOODOPPORTUNITY HUBELKHART

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+PIERRE MORANTOLSON STATSPOPULATIONSource: US Census ACS 5-yearMedian Age: 30Single female with children:South Side: 31.6%Elkhart County: 11.2%Indiana 10.4%

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+Engaging residents toidentify criticalopportunity elementsREFRAMING NEIGHBORHOODSNEIGHBORHOOD OPPORTUNITY HUBS

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+CAREER SUPPORTLink residents to jobs and career pathways thatprovide household wealth building opportunities.SMALL BUSINESS Establish a small business and entrepreneurialculture on the site that leads to the establishmentand growth of minority businesses. OPPORTUNITY HUBEstablish the Neighborhood Opportunity Hub as ahigh energy, dynamic neighborhood gathering place.OWNERSHIPEstablish Hub as a self-sustaining community asset –ultimately neighborhood owned and operated,Neighborhood Opportunity Case StudyJOHN MARSHALL - INDIANAPOLIS AREA

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+NEIGHBORHOOD HUB PROCESSENGAGING OPPORTUNTYDefine OpportunityEngage neighborhoodstakeholders & communityleaders identifying needs,aspirations and opportunities Establish PartnershipIdentify and build partnershipsto facilitate opportunityformation at neighborhoodlevelProgramming & LocationsFinalize short-long term programmingand where in neighborhood they will beaccessed by residents and businesses FinanceEstablish sustainablefinancing strategy andscheduleImplementationTimely action taken byassigned teams.

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Career crosswalks serve as resources for case managers and careercounselors as they assist job seekers transitioning to and from RV andother industries with in-demand occupations. These crosswalkshighlight skill deficiencies, education requirements, and expectedwage changes at some of the most common and realistic transitionpoints. WE THRIVEELKHART 2040 • 2021+CAREER CROSSWALKS

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+to identify and build from acquired skillsetsin past and current employment – (i.e. workhabits, thought process, management, etc.)to avoid impact from job elimination establish job/career pathways andschedule to skill-up and increase job pay andbenefits.Career Crosswalks assist residentworkers:CAREERCROSSWALKSTALENT OPTIMIZATION

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+ExamplesCareer Crosswalks In Action

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+Implement Career Crosswalk DemonstrationProgram with select employers from in-demand industries.2021 Identify 25 residents interested in -advancing skills and job growth.Conduct existing skills assessment and matchto “jobs of the future”.Work with employer (existing or new) toestablish career pathway. Identify skills to be advanced and growth incompensation and benefits upon successfulcareer pathway journey.Career Crosswalks intended outcomesin 2022:CAREERCROSSWALKSTALENT OPTIMIZATION

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The vision is to establish a a CDC, 501c3 that serves to progressivelydevelop the Pierre Moran/Tolson residents and small businesseswith quality affordable housing, commerce areas, and quality ofplace projects that are planned and funded for success. WE THRIVEELKHART 2040 • 2021+CDC:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTCORPORATION

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+WHAT IS A CDC? A FOCUSED DEVELOPMENTCORPORATIONMost often 501C3 not-for-profits.Many cases established to address developmentand/or service deficits at neighborhood level.Operate with focused expertise – size and numberof staff subject to area served and resources.Board of Directors includes cross-section ofneighborhood and broader community.Not-for-profit designation qualifies forphilanthropic, and government funding.Often partners with private sector to tackleimportant but complex development projects.

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+CDC FACTS IMPACTINGNEIGHBORHOODSCDCs operating nationallyAverage # of jobs created annuallyCDCs with equity invested in projects21%CDCs that operate 1 or more businesses4,600 96,000Annual housing production75,00017% Source: 2006, 2010

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+PARTNERS INHOUSINGIndianapolis CDC Case StudyFounded in 1993 in Indianapolis.Focused on homelessness andhousing.Acquired 10 multi-family buildings -owns/operates/manages .Provides support services to low-income eastside community residents.

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+CLEVELANDNEIGHBORHOODPROGRESS'Cleveland CDC Advancement Case StudySupports and elevates the Cleveland'scommunity development systemthrough a strong support of CDCs.Neighborhoods are equipped to makechange and become communitities ofchoice and opportunity.One of the oldest and most matureCDC systems in the US.A results-driven communitydevelopment model.

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+Conveniently located in the city ofCleveland southeast side. The advantage to living in the Union Milesneighborhood is easy access to downtown,without the hustle and bustle. A ten-minute drive or twenty-minute bikeride will take residents to places ofeducation, culture and employment in theheart of Cleveland’s downtown. This residential district boasts quiet streets,historic housing, parks, bikeways and agreat sense of community. Severalcommunity assets offer a great place tolive, work and play. UNION MILESNEIGHBORHOODCleveland CDC Case Study

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+THE COLLECTIVESTRENGTHPhilly CDCs Network Case StudyClick image below to view video

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+PIERRE MORAN TOLSON CDCDEVELOPMENT PROCESSOrganizeStakeholdersEngage neighborhoodstakeholders & communityleaders identifying needs,aspirations and opportunities. Establish MissionFacilitate CDC informationsessions and missiondevelopment.CDC FormationIf decide to proceed, submit applicationfor 501c3 designation. Developorganizational structure and board ofdirectors. Work ProgramEstablish work program andCDC business plan. Developessential partnerships andshort-term projects. ImplementationTimely action taken byassigned teams.

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+DOWNTOWNDEVELOPMENTPRIVATE SECTOR CDCDowntown master plan development andactivationDowntown property acquisition and developmentand leasingEvent programming and staffingParks and streetscape maintenanceParking availability and maintenanceRetail and business activationModeled after the 3CDC 501c3 organization inCincinnati, we will be working to form a private-sector led real estate development corporation thatwill develop and activate downtown propertieswithin a defined area.Click logo to explore

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The vision is to identify specific industrial revitalization projects for underutilized properties in the southwest corner of the City andtarget advanced industries and logisitical support that activate betterjobs for Elkhart residents. WE THRIVEELKHART 2040 • 2021+ELKHART WESTINDUSTRIAL REVITALIZATION

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+ELKHART WEST JOB & BUSINESSCLUSTER Number of businesses 372 (2006) 341 (2017) Total employees 11,388 (2006) 8,684 (2017) Base industry employment (Average number of employees per business) 16 employees per business (1990)66 (2017) This area has become less diversifiedFrom 2007-2017 there is a higher concentration of Base Industry(RV) vs Other Industry employment

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+Strong mix of RV OEMs andsuppliersLand-use and buildings updatesneededJob and business diversificationfuture opportunity for ElkhartresidentsELKHART WEST JOB & BUSINESSCLUSTER

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+2,500+ acres land and buildingswith business zoningMix of vibrant and obsoleteproperties Well positioned to utilizeregion’s transportation & marketassetsExisting conditions impede abilityto attract targeted economicdevelopment opportunitiesELKHART WEST JOB & BUSINESSCLUSTER

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+Elkhart West Industrial RevitalizationMultimodal Active Transportation

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+Enhanced materials and product mobility for ElkhartbusinessesImproved access to employment and workforceReal estate redevelopmentImproved leveraging of Norfolk Southern rail assetsEnhanced economic development opportunities for theElkhart-South Bend regionAs the city charts a course towards this 2040 Vision, it mustfind a way to leverage its current manufacturing strengthswhile also encouraging innovation that will drive it into neweconomic sectors. The Elkhart 2040 diversification initiative is designed to fullyleverage its logistical assets and legacy as manufacturing hub.Modern infrastructure that takes advantage of technologyinnovations, enhances the physical business environment andserves both growing manufacturers as well as their workforcewill establish Elkhart’s business climate as one of the future—not the past. Elkhart West Industrial RevitalizationCrosstown Connector

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Elkhart WestActivation ProcessIdentifyRedevelopmentOpportunitiesIdentify abandoned, underutilizedproperty. Develop work program andimplementation strategy. Activate initialinvestment/development.opportunities. Initiate Long-termMaster Plan &Work ProgramDesign 21st Century “Elkhart West”business park. Link job, businessopportunities to neighborhood hub andcomplete neighborhood objectives. ConnectOpprtunities forImplementationEstablish entrepreneurial opportunitiesfor local residents encouraging localbusiness development serving ElkhartWest and adjacent neighborhoods. TBC • 2020

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+FRAMEWORKFOR GROWTHNEIGHBORHOODOPPORTUNITY HUBSIndustry diversification, Revitalization of 21st Century Industrial Parks,Talent optimization for developing a thrivingworkforce, and Connectivity and mobilization of transportationand utility infrastructureThe Elkhart 2040 Plan states that future economicgrowth and stabilization is dependent on:These developments are proposed to be intentionallydesigned within Neighborhood Opportunity Hubslocated throughout the City that provide residentsaccess to quality housing, amentities and servicesthat establish the desired unique character andqualities of each neighborhood .

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+Collaboration, Equity & TransparencyThe We Thrive 2040 Implementation Plan for the City ofElkhart is a city-wide growth plan. Equitable planning andinvestments will engage the continuation of the private-publicpartnerships required for Elkhart to become the mostprogressive legacy city in the Midwest.WE THRIVE

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+

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ELKHART 2040 • 2021+The premise of this initial 2021 implementationplan is based on The Elkhart 2040Diversification Plan, Parts I and II, which clarifythe data, framework and projects targeted toachieve a rapid and deliberate path foreconomic growth. The growth model is dependent on establishinglong-term structures for growth to achieve theinitiatives and projects outlined, includinglaunching Neighborhood Opportunity Hubs, apublic-private Growth Alliance, and a housingdevelopment initiative (i.e. CDC) that willorganize and initiate the partners required toachieve intentional and sustained growth inElkhart. VISIT ELKHART2040.COM FOR DETAILS