LC Y B E R C R I M I N A L T E C H N O L O G I S TaToyaL e w i sT H E P O R T F O L I O O F
LLC Y B E R C R I M I N A L S P E C I A L I S TE D U C A T I O N510-987-6529 Justice Specialization in Cyber Crime &Technology Graduate Candidate, July 2022 A S H F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y M A S T E R O F S C I E N C E K E YC O M P E T E N C I E SCyber Risk Management Cybersecurity frameworkIncident Response Financial Regulatory Laws &Compliance Critical Thinking Penetration Testing Digital Forensic E X P E R I E N C EWells Fargo Bank 2018 - PresentB U S I N E S S E X E C U T I O N A S S O C I A T E Manage Merchant Services eastern markets sales team members toensure they maintain procedures and follow the company’s policies. Provide sales managers a monthly synopsis of their sales teammembers/markets' overall performance and provide best practices. Perform data querying and auditing of internal reports to identifyapplication errors.Create and maintain databases and management reports using,interpreting data, and identifying trends for managers.Monitor application processes to ensure business standards and policiesare followed.Identifying internal fraud to prevent loss.Payment Network/Sponsorship.Wells Fargo Bank 2015 -Present A C C O U N T S P E C I A L I S T S U M M A R YResearch and investigating Specialist offering 15-year financial services career, distinguished by commendedperformance and proven results. I am highly productive and have an excellent talent for building relationshipsand documenting, coordinating and researching information. In addition, my written and verbalcommunications are articulate and focus on delivering clear and useful information, specifically crafted formultiple levels of clients and/or management.Examining, researching, resolving, and clearing complex accountingissues on customers’ accounts, such as correcting missed postedtransactions, locating missing deposits, and removing unauthorizeddebits and credits.Obtaining and issuing funds related to fraudulent Wells Fargo Zelletransfers to/from partner banks.Providing and informing bankers and customers with claim updates,bank policies, and procedures through written correspondences andcalls.Processing online cashier's check requests using internal systems andbalancing daily cashier's check budget.L a t o y a L e w i sSocial and Criminal Justice July 2020A S H F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y B A C H E L O R O F A R T ST R A I N I N GRising Star Leadership Program2018W E L L S F A R G O
LC Y B E R C R I M I N A L T E C H N O L O G I S TaToyaL e w i s" W E C A N N O T B E C O M E W H A T W E W A N T B Y R E M A I N I N G W H A T W E A R E . " ~ M A X D E P R E E
K E Y C O M P E T E N C I E SLaToyaL e w i sE X P E R I E N C EWells Fargo Bank 2018 - PresentB U S I N E S S E X E C U T I O N A S S O C I A T E Manage Merchant Services eastern markets sales teammembers to ensure they maintain procedures and follow thecompany’s policies. Provide sales managers a monthly synopsis of their sales teammembers/markets' overall performance and provide bestpractices. Perform data querying and auditing of internal reports toidentify application errors.Create and maintain databases and management reportsusing, interpreting data, and identifying trends for managers.Monitor application processes to ensure business standardsand policies are followed.Identifying internal fraud to prevent loss.Payment Network/Sponsorship.Wells Fargo Bank 2015 -Present A C C O U N T S P E C I A L I S T Examining, researching, resolving, and clearing complexaccounting issues on customers’ accounts, such as correctingmissed posted transactions, locating missing deposits, andremoving unauthorized debits and credits.Obtaining and issuing funds related to fraudulent WellsFargo Zelle transfers to/from partner banks.Providing and informing bankers and customers with claimupdates, bank policies, and procedures through writtencorrespondences and calls.Processing online cashier's check requests using internalsystems and balancing daily cashier's check budget.Wells Fargo Bank 2014 -2015 V I R T U A L O P E R A T I O N S S P E C I A L I S TAnalyzed and resolved complex/escalated customer issues byperforming extensive research. Communicated claim updates, policy, and procedures throughwritten correspondences and outbound calls.E D U C A T I O NCriminal Justice Specialization in Cyber Crime &Technology Graduate Candidate, July 2022 A S H F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y M A S T E R O F S C I E N C E Cyber Risk Management Cybersecurity frameworkIncident Response Financial Regulatory Laws &Compliance Critical Thinking Penetration Testing Digital Forensic Social and Criminal Justice July 2020A S H F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y B A C H E L O R O F A R T ST R A I N I N GRising Star Leadership Program2018WELLS FARGOC O N T A C T510-987-6529
I am a medical sa le srepresenta ti ve who has work edin the ind us tr y for years . I workhard to ma in ta in clientrelationsh ip s with hospit al sand doctor s.B A C K G R O U N D I N F OAddr ess : 123 An ywhere St.,Any Cit y, State , C ountry 1 234 5Phon e: (123) 45 6-7 890Emai l:hell o@r eallygre ats ite.comWebs ite :www. rea llygreat sit e.comC O N T A C T D E T A I L S- Stays up da te d on currentcommercial m ar ke t- Backgrou nd i n medicaltechnology- Effective co mm unicator- Excellen t or ganizational an dtime managem en t skillsR E L A T E D S K I L L SR E L A T E D E X P E R I E N C ES E N I O R M E D I C A L S A L E S R E PMEDPLURANCE TE CH | AUGUST 202 0 TO PRESENT- Keep rec or d of all new pr od ucts created by t he company- Meet wit h ho spitals and m ed ical professi on al s to offercurrent an d up coming produc tsM E D I C A L S A L E S R E PLABTECHAL ME DI CA L | NOVEMBER 20 18 TO JUNE 2020- Discusse d sa les strategy wi th marketing te am and seniorsales team- Met with p ot ential clie nt s at conference s and conventio nsto discuss p ro ductsH A E - W O N J E O NMEDICAL SALES REPR E L E V A N T E D U C A T I O NP A R S T E N M E D I C A L C O L L E G ECERTIFICATIO N: BIOTECHNOLOGY, S UM MER 2018- Short co ur se for profes si on als working w it h medicalmachinery an d technology- Worked wit h medical stude nt s to learn ab ou t practicalapplicatio n of techP A R S T E N U N I V E R S I T YBS MEDICAL T EC HN OLOGY, GRADUA TE D 2016- Minor in B us iness Managem en t and Administr at io n-Graduated wi th GPA 3.94 and h on ors- Receiv ed A cademicAchievement Aw ar d, SY 2015 an d 2016Gracervila C hi ldren's Hospi ta l,January 20 20 - present- Reads to p at ients and fam il yon weekends- Provides c on ve rsation andcareer adv ic e to older pati en tsV O L U N T E E R W O R K