Message Early FrenchImmersionProgram K-12 Register yourchild today!Twin Rivers Campus649 7th Avenue, Castlegar,BC V1N 1R6Phone: 250-365-8465Castlegar Primary Campus749 7th Avenue, Castlegar,BC V1N 4E1Phone: 250-365-5744Contact UsTwin RiversElementary &Castlegar PrimaryGive your child the gift of learning asecond language through a place-based experience with dedicated andpassionate educators!Testimonials...Learning French as a second language hasbeen one of the best decisions for ourchildren's education and future...Mychildren have had the privilege of beingpart of such a supportive, close-knitacademic community. In this environment,they are truly heard, their responses arevalued, and they can express themselvesfreely without fear of judgment, all whilebuilding strong, meaningful connectionswith their peers.Alisha Pitt - parentI am so proud and grateful that mychildren have had the opportunity to havea French education in BC. There are somany benefits to learning a secondlanguage and continuing to offer FrenchImmersion Programs in Canada is afantastic way to honour and sustain ourtwo official languages.Stephanie Schulte - Parent
An official languages program at TwinRivers Elementary school in SchoolDistrict 20 in Castlegar, BC.BC curriculum in French as outlined bythe BC Ministry of Education. K-3 students are immersed in theFrench language for the full schoolday. 4-7 students receive 20% ofinstruction in English. The percentage of Englishinstruction increases as studentsmove into high school. An opportunity for students to expressthemselves in French and explore theiridentity as bilingual learners.Students who complete the FrenchImmersion Program graduate with aDual Dogwood Diploma.How do I help my child with homework? Additional reinforcement of French languageskills and concepts are welcomed andappreciated, but not mandatory. Resourcesare shared with parents so they can learnalongside their child confidently.Frequently AskedQuestionsHow does my child get to Twin Rivers ifthat is not our catchment area school?As the EFI Program is a District Program,bussing will be provided from a named accesspoint within the district. Generally, the accesspoint would be either your regular bus stopfor your catchment area school, at yourcatchment area school, or at another school. Itis important to register for bussing before theregistration deadline in the spring, usuallyApril, to be guaranteed a seat.If my child is entering the EFI program inKindergarten, does my child attendCastlegar Primary or Twin Rivers school?The EFI program starts in Kindergarten at theCastlegar Primary campus, which isconsidered part of Twin Rivers School.How much French do I need to know? None. Most students attending the EFIprogram do not have any workingknowledge of French. Who is this programfor?Those seeking: a second-language experience an exploration of bilingual identitya connection with the FrancophonecultureHow do I register mychild in the EFIProgram?Click here to register online Scan the QR code below to view theKindergarten Registration Page!What is the Early FrenchImmersion Program (EFI)?
An official languages program at TwinRivers Elementary school in SchoolDistrict 20 in Castlegar, BC.BC curriculum in French as outlined bythe BC Ministry of Education. K-3 students are immersed in theFrench language for the full schoolday. 4-7 students receive 20% ofinstruction in English. The percentage of Englishinstruction increases as studentsmove into high school. An opportunity for students to expressthemselves in French and explore theiridentity as bilingual learners.Students who complete the FrenchImmersion Program graduate with aDual Dogwood Diploma.How do I help my child with homework? Additional reinforcement of French languageskills and concepts are welcomed andappreciated, but not mandatory. Resourcesare shared with parents so they can learnalongside their child confidently.Frequently AskedQuestionsHow does my child get to Twin Rivers ifthat is not our catchment area school?As the EFI Program is a District Program,bussing will be provided from a named accesspoint within the district. Generally, the accesspoint would be either your regular bus stopfor your catchment area school, at yourcatchment area school, or at another school. Itis important to register for bussing before theregistration deadline in the spring, usuallyApril, to be guaranteed a seat.If my child is entering the EFI program inKindergarten, does my child attendCastlegar Primary or Twin Rivers school?The EFI program starts in Kindergarten at theCastlegar Primary campus, which isconsidered part of Twin Rivers School.How much French do I need to know? None. Most students attending the EFIprogram do not have any workingknowledge of French. Who is this programfor?Those seeking: a second-language experience an exploration of bilingual identitya connection with the FrancophonecultureHow do I register mychild in the EFIProgram?Click here to register online Scan the QR code below to view theKindergarten Registration Page!What is the Early FrenchImmersion Program (EFI)?
An official languages program at TwinRivers Elementary school in SchoolDistrict 20 in Castlegar, BC.BC curriculum in French as outlined bythe BC Ministry of Education. K-3 students are immersed in theFrench language for the full schoolday. 4-7 students receive 20% ofinstruction in English. The percentage of Englishinstruction increases as studentsmove into high school. An opportunity for students to expressthemselves in French and explore theiridentity as bilingual learners.Students who complete the FrenchImmersion Program graduate with aDual Dogwood Diploma.How do I help my child with homework? Additional reinforcement of French languageskills and concepts are welcomed andappreciated, but not mandatory. Resourcesare shared with parents so they can learnalongside their child confidently.Frequently AskedQuestionsHow does my child get to Twin Rivers ifthat is not our catchment area school?As the EFI Program is a District Program,bussing will be provided from a named accesspoint within the district. Generally, the accesspoint would be either your regular bus stopfor your catchment area school, at yourcatchment area school, or at another school. Itis important to register for bussing before theregistration deadline in the spring, usuallyApril, to be guaranteed a seat.If my child is entering the EFI program inKindergarten, does my child attendCastlegar Primary or Twin Rivers school?The EFI program starts in Kindergarten at theCastlegar Primary campus, which isconsidered part of Twin Rivers School.How much French do I need to know? None. Most students attending the EFIprogram do not have any workingknowledge of French. Who is this programfor?Those seeking: a second-language experience an exploration of bilingual identitya connection with the FrancophonecultureHow do I register mychild in the EFIProgram?Click here to register online Scan the QR code below to view theKindergarten Registration Page!What is the Early FrenchImmersion Program (EFI)?
Early FrenchImmersionProgram K-12 Register yourchild today!Twin Rivers Campus649 7th Avenue, Castlegar,BC V1N 1R6Phone: 250-365-8465Castlegar Primary Campus749 7th Avenue, Castlegar,BC V1N 4E1Phone: 250-365-5744Contact UsTwin RiversElementary &Castlegar PrimaryGive your child the gift of learning asecond language through a place-based experience with dedicated andpassionate educators!Testimonials...Learning French as a second language hasbeen one of the best decisions for ourchildren's education and future...Mychildren have had the privilege of beingpart of such a supportive, close-knitacademic community. In this environment,they are truly heard, their responses arevalued, and they can express themselvesfreely without fear of judgment, all whilebuilding strong, meaningful connectionswith their peers.Alisha Pitt - parentI am so proud and grateful that mychildren have had the opportunity to havea French education in BC. There are somany benefits to learning a secondlanguage and continuing to offer FrenchImmersion Programs in Canada is afantastic way to honour and sustain ourtwo official languages.Stephanie Schulte - Parent
Early FrenchImmersionProgram K-12 Register yourchild today!Twin Rivers Campus649 7th Avenue, Castlegar,BC V1N 1R6Phone: 250-365-8465Castlegar Primary Campus749 7th Avenue, Castlegar,BC V1N 4E1Phone: 250-365-5744Contact UsTwin RiversElementary &Castlegar PrimaryGive your child the gift of learning asecond language through a place-based experience with dedicated andpassionate educators!Testimonials...Learning French as a second language hasbeen one of the best decisions for ourchildren's education and future...Mychildren have had the privilege of beingpart of such a supportive, close-knitacademic community. In this environment,they are truly heard, their responses arevalued, and they can express themselvesfreely without fear of judgment, all whilebuilding strong, meaningful connectionswith their peers.Alisha Pitt - parentI am so proud and grateful that mychildren have had the opportunity to havea French education in BC. There are somany benefits to learning a secondlanguage and continuing to offer FrenchImmersion Programs in Canada is afantastic way to honour and sustain ourtwo official languages.Stephanie Schulte - Parent