VIRGINIA ECONOMIC EDUCATOR AWARDSHighland High SchoolHighland County Public Schools Bridget NelsonAuthor:That’s Life (Checking Activity)LESSON PLAN 2021
LESSON DESCRIPTION:The purpose of the lesson is to introduce students to the check writing process. Students will be asked to keep a check register, students will be asked to write checks, and stu-dents will be asked to write deposit slips. Students will be given different scenarios requir-ing the students to fill out the proper documentation.Even though we are going towards a “paperless society”, students still need to learn to write checks and reconcile bank accounts. Bank accounts are the heart beat of financial life. Students need to understand to live the way they want, they need to keep their ac-counts mistake free. We all have been in financial “meltdown”. Maybe we forgot to add an item to our account. Students need to understand this happens but there is help out there.ECONOMIC OR PERSONAL FINANCE TOPICS:The personal finance concepts the activity addresses are the following:• Reconcile bank accounts• Writing checks• Writing deposit slips• Reconcile checkbooksAuthor: Lauren Shifflett & Laura Sunder-Rao | Elkton Elementary SchoolAuthor: Bridget Nelson | Highland County Public SchoolsLEVEL:High SchoolMATERIALS:• iPad• Checking Part 1 and 2 worksheets• Attachments• Worksheets• Power point• Station signs• Anticipatory Set 1-3• Handouts• Folders• Materials Link: REQUIRED:90 minute block or three 45 minute class timesThat’s Life (Checking Activity)
SOLS:EPF. 1(c) EPF. 10(b) EPF. 11(G) EPF. 13(F) EPF. 6(a) EPF. 10(c) EPF. 12(a) EPF. 13(h) EPF. 6(b) EPF. 10(d) EPF. 12(c) EPF. 16(a) EPF. 10(a) EPF. 11(f) EPF. 12. (d) EPF. 16(b) PROCEDURES:Days before the activity:1. The teacher will need to make the following folders: a. Student folders (6) b. A loan folder (1) c. The following folders need to be number 1-9 i. Bill folders (4) ii. Store folders (4) iii. A payday folder (1)2. The teacher will need to make QR Codes for students to scan a. The following website is a free website: b. The teacher can make their own prices or use the following i. See Handout A at the end of the lesson plan c. The teacher will print off the QR codes d. The teacher will number the QR codes e. The teacher will divide the QR codes among the number of folders for each category f.The teacher will record the number of the QR code along with what the QR code reader says3. The teacher will make a chart worksheet for the students to use during the activity a. The teacher will use a Word document to make the chart b. The teacher will open a new word document i. The teacher will click on the layout tab ii. Click on the orientation tab iii. Click on landscape c. The teacher will make the following on the worksheet i. Starting Balance ii. Loan monthly payment iii. Payday amount iv. Round 1-5 v. Folder 1-9 vi. QR Scan # (each column will have 1 and 2 in it) vii. Description of the QR Reader paper viii. Amount of the QR Reader paper d. See Handout B: Worksheet 4. The teacher will make station signs a. The following station signs need to be made: i. Store ii. Bill iii. Job (Payday) iv. Bank (loans, checks, deposit slips, and check register)Author: Bridget Nelson | Highland County Public Schools
Author: Lauren Shifflett & Laura Sunder-Rao | Elkton Elementary School5. Teacher oversees the bank6. Students may come to the bank for advice, to get checks, to get loans, or to reconcile their checkbook7. The students can open a savings account 8. Students will be charged a $20 station fee if their account is in the red a. See Handout C-F b. You can change the layout of the page to make the signs bigger c. Tape the signs in front of the deskASSESSEMENT:The anticipatory set is designed for the teacher to have complete control of the learningobjectives. The teacher will go through the worksheets step-by-step with the students. The propose is to completely guide the students through the check writing process. This would be the scaffold building phase of the activity. The activity is designed for the teacher to act as a "tour guide" or "banker". The teacher steps back to let students try on their own. The bank will help only when the students need help. Otherwise, the bank keeps the students on task, runs the clock, the power point, the student's bank account, etc. The bank will assess students by asking questions or answering questions as needed. The teacher can determine, using the worksheet, if the students have enough understanding to move to the closure section of the activity. The activity is designed for the teacher to completely remove themselves from the activity. This step occurs in the closure part of the activity. The students will take a test on their understanding of how the check writing process works. The data can help teachers understand the student's grasp of checking writing.EXTENSION:After all my activities, I have students give me feedback. I use the feedback to determine how I can improve the activity. The object of education is to collaborate with students ontheir learning experiences. Students know I need their honest opinion on improving theactivities. I will not hold any suggestions against them. If they truly didn't like the activity, I want to know how to make it better. Author: Bridget Nelson | Highland County Public SchoolsHighland High SchoolHighland County Public SchoolsBridget Nelson