EDVATIVEPARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIESWe empower educators to design, deliver, & personalizeeducation in today's digital learning environments.www.edvative.comBEST IN EDUCATIONAL COACHINGCOACHINGPre-Service TeachersTeacher TeamsEntire FacultyWORKSHOPSKeynote SpeakingHalf Day WorkshopsFull Day WorkshopsCOURSESInstructional DesignNext Big Idea ClubInstructional Coaching
About Us ...................................................................................................................................................... 3Meet Our Team ....................................................................................................................................... 4Testimonials .............................................................................................................................................. 5What We Do ............................................................................................................................................. 6Types of Partnerships .......................................................................................................................... 7Recent Workshops & Keynotes ..................................................................................................... 8Additional Topics & Formats ........................................................................................................... 9Pre-Service Teachers .......................................................................................................................... 10EDI Card Decks ....................................................................................................................................... 11The Next Big Idea Club ...................................................................................................................... 12Accessibility Assistant ........................................................................................................................ 13JOIN THE EDVATIVE PLNWWW.EDVATIVE.COMEach partnership with Edvative Learning is tailored to address the unique needs of ourpartnering schools and districts. This catalog showcases some of the recent workshopsand keynote speeches we have facilitated. However, these are just examples - our goalis to tailor all professional learning workshops and keynotes to best serve the specificneeds of our partnering schools. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us so we candiscuss your goals for the upcoming school year.
ABOUT USEdvative Learning is a vibrant non-profit organization, created with a singular vision andmission - to confront and solve contemporary educational challenges. Founded by Dr.Samuel Mormando of Garnet Valley in 2018, the organization initially partnered withneighboring school districts to support their transition to online and blended learning. Whenthe COVID-19 pandemic occurred, Edvative Learning promptly broadened its support tonationwide schools, providing them with essential guidance, support, and coaching. The formation of Edvative Learning stemmed from a deep understanding of the dailychallenges faced by teachers. As teachers, instructional coaches, and school administrators,our team witnessed firsthand the need for practical, research-based strategies andapproaches that would empower educators to create effective and engaging learningexperiences. This recognition led to the development of Edvative Learning, and with it, acommitment to supporting educators and school leaders across the country. The organization boasts a diverse team, comprising experienced educators, administrators,and district personnel, including Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, CurriculumSupervisors, and Directors. This collective expertise allows Edvative Learning to offercomprehensive support and insights to educators at all levels.Edvative Learning's impact and dedication have been recognized through notableachievements. The organization received the Best in Educational Coaching award fromExemplar Schools in 2023, acknowledging its mission and commitment to supportingclassroom teachers. Additionally, for his noteworthy contributions to online and blendedlearning, Dr. Samuel Mormando received the prestigious K-12 Innovation Award from theUnited States Distance Learning Association (USDLA).Through its collaborative partnerships, dedication to innovation, and commitment topersonalized learning, Edvative Learning continues to make a positive impact in transformingeducation and empowering educators. We invite you to join Edvative Learning in theirmission to empower educators, revolutionize education, and create a more promising futurefor students nationwide.
SAMUEL MORMANDOJULIE DEVINENIKOLETTE TROFAFounder / DirectorEducational SpecialistInstructional CoachMIKE SIMONEMEG HAYESCHRISTINE GUMPERTInstructional CoachInstructional CoachInstructional CoachMeet Our TeamWWW.EDVATIVE.COM4KRISTEN REIDInstructional CoachMEGHAN LOWEInstructional CoachKATE BIENKOWSIInstructional CoachAMY ROSSIInstructional Coach
Edvative Learning is a dynamic non-profit organization with a mission to empower educatorsacross the nation. We do this by being inclusive, authentic, research-based, and personalized. Sam and his team were the best professionaldevelopment I received in 20+ years in education.Not only was their help timely, their professionalismand understanding made me feel valued as aneducator. I now have the skills needed to teachonline effectively. I also have a team of experts that Ican rely on moving forward. I can't thank youenough for your kindness, helpfulness, and personalapproach to working with my colleagues and me. CHERYL LORIOInterboro SD TeacherWe had our showcase this afternoon with our firstcohort of teachers. My expectations were exceededand your team has done an outstanding jobcommunicating, mentoring, modeling, andsupporting the work of our teachers. We saw realshifts in belief systems, paradigms, as well as growthin technical skills. Your team took all of our teacherswho were at varying starting points and movedeach of them further down the path towardsblended learning. Thank you for your willingness topartner. Your team is exemplary and did a great joblaunching this initiative DR. ELEANOR DIMARINOSuperintendent of Schools RoseTree Media School DistrictTESTIMONIALS
Since 2018, our team has worked with thousands of educators across the country to helpsupport their transition to a more robust digital learning environment. As an educational501(C)(3) non-profit organization, Edvative Learning is uniquely qualified to facilitate newlearning in the areas of instructional design, curriculum design, resource design, andcourse design -- often for a fraction of the cost of other partners. Included in everypartnership is ongoing, real-time instructional coaching. Our coaches have on-the-jobexperiences working with teachers in every grade level and content area. The organization boasts a diverse team, comprising experienced educators, administrators,and district personnel, including Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, CurriculumSupervisors, and Directors. This collective expertise allows Edvative Learning to offercomprehensive support and insights to educators at all levels. We are proud to haveformed partnerships with schools and educators across the United States, and are honoredto count some of the nation's leading school districts among our partners. Join us in ourmission to transform education and help prepare students for our rapidly changing world. What We DoWWW.EDVATIVE.COM6
TYPES OF PARTNERSHIPSKEYNOTE SPEAKINGOur team provides experienced keynote speakers who can deliver compelling presentations on awide range of educational topics, tailored to the needs and interests of your school or district. Akeynote speech can inspire and motivate your staff, offer fresh perspectives, and set the tonefor a conference or professional development day. This service addresses the need for externalexpertise and inspiration, helping to break up the routine and spark new enthusiasm among staff.Workshop FacilitationWe offer professional facilitators who can conduct interactive workshops on specific educationaltopics, ranging from classroom management to curriculum design, technology in education, andmore. These hands-on workshops provide staff with practical skills and strategies they candirectly apply in their work, fostering ongoing learning and development. This service solves theproblem of theoretical professional development sessions that don't always translate intopractical classroom application.Instructional CoachingWe offer individual and group coaching on topics ranging from classroom observation andfeedback to the implementation of innovative instructional models and effective technologyintegration. Our hands-on coaching services provide teachers with individualized strategies andresources that they can immediately apply in their classrooms. This service solves the problemof generic professional development and lack of ongoing support, allowing for continuouslearning, reflection, and professional growth.WWW.EDVATIVE.COM7
RECENT WORKSHOPS & KEYNOTESWWW.EDVATIVE.COMWe're Closer to 2062 than We're to 1962OER, Creative Commons, & CopyrightMaximizing Student Agency and Inclusivity At Edvative Learning, we pride ourselves on creating partnerships that arecustomized to meet the specific needs of our district partners. We have a teamof experts who can provide a wide range of workshops and keynote speechesto address the diverse challenges that schools and districts face. The titles ofthe workshops and keynote speeches listed below serve as examples of whatwe can offer, but our team is always willing to work with you to create contentthat is tailored to your organization's unique needs. Please get in touch with usto discuss how we can support your goals.ChatGPT's Impact on EducationCurriculum Writing & DevelopmentMaximizing Your LMS PagesBlended & Digital Learning Stop Paying for Digitized CurriculumInstructional Coaching K-12Design for Contribution, NOT ContentWorkshop Keynote8
ADDITIONAL TOPICS & FORMATSEmbracing the Challenge and Thriving in Today's Dynamic Educational EnvironmentWWW.EDVATIVE.COM9Cultivating Resilience: Strategies for Creating a Resilient ClassroomThe Power of Inclusion & Creating Equitable Learning Environments for All StudentsThe Key Role of Differentiated Instruction in Unlocking Student PotentialKeynotes Speeches or Staff KickoffsNavigating the AI Revolution in EducationUsing AI to Personalize LearningTransforming Classroom Practice with Differentiated InstructionCreating Positive Classroom Culture and ClimateFull or Half Day WorkshopsCurriculum Design & DevelopmentSchool Leadership CoachingAssessment and Evaluation SystemsInstructional CoachingSpecial Education ConsultationCollege and Career GuidanceData-Driven Decision Making
Coaching and Mentorship Program Cover a Range ofTopics, Including:Resume OptimizationGuided Job SearchesMock Interviews from Actual School Administrators3 Months of Weekly Coaching MeetingsUnlimited Strategy Communication Via Phone, Web, andEmail1 EDI Card Deck Included1 Year Complimentary Access to All Edvative Courses andCoaching WebinarsWWW.EDVATIVE.COM5PRE-SERVICE TEACHERSPreservice teachers are those who are currently studying to becometeachers or have just graduated with their degree.$250/monthfromPartnering with Edvative Learning offers pre-service teachers invaluable benefits andsupport in their journey towards becoming successful educators. Edvative's one-on-onecoaching program is specifically designed to empower pre-service teachers byproviding personalized guidance, professional development, and practical strategies.Through this partnership, pre-service teachers gain a competitive edge in theclassroom, enhance their pedagogical skills, and receive comprehensive support tonavigate the challenges of the teaching profession. We’re so confident in our coachingsupport, we guarantee at least one job offer within the first three months of coaching.
EDI Card DecksMany of the partnership opportunities contained in this catalog come with EDI CardDecks for all the participants. However, additional EDI Card Decks can be purchased byvisiting www.edvative.com/edi. Each deck contains 84 high-quality cards, each featuring a different EDI strategy orbest teaching practice. The cards are designed to be easy to use and visually appealing,making them a great reference tool in the classroom or at home. With concise andclear information, EDI Card Decks will help educators quickly find the strategies theyneed to Build Student Interactions, Design Learning Experiences, Present Content, andbe mindful of Accessibility and Inclusion.WWW.EDVATIVE.COM36
THE NEXT BIG IDEA CLUBWWW.EDVATIVE.COMAt Edvative, we're dedicated to equipping educators with the tools they need toexcel in their profession. To that end, we've partnered with The Next Big IdeaClub to provide access to a series of Master Classes featuring influential thoughtleaders such as Daniel Pink, Wendy Wood, and David Epstein, among others.These Master Classes offer an immersive and engaging learning experience. Withinteractive activities, knowledge checks, and visually stunning designs, thesecourses do a wonderful job of promoting a culture of learning among colleagues.10
AccessibilityAccessibility AssistantAssistant Our Accessibility Assistant Widget gives school districts all thetools they need to get the most out of their schools' websitesFull suite of 100+ AI-powered accessibility functionsWCAG 2.1 AA, ADA, Section 508 complianceReal-time accessibility monitoring & reportingDiscounted SchoolDistrict Pricing www.edvative.comEdvative is an educational 501(C)(3) non-profit organization committed to its mission to help support schools andteachers as they work to personalize the learning experience for their students for little or no cost to them. $1,600 / year"The Accessibility Assistant mitigated our legal risk,allowed us to become ADA compliant, andenhanced our accessibility for everyone in ourschool district." Samuel MormandoDirector of TechnologyGarnet Valley School District EdvativeEdvative Learning'sLearning'svs $9,000+ from other vendors
ADAThe Americans with Disabilities ActThe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), passed in 1990, is an important piece of legislation thatprotects people with disabilities from barriers to physical and digital access. Essentially, the law helpsto ensure that anyone with a disability will receive the same opportunities that an individual without adisability has, in the public sector and some parts of the private sector.WCAGWeb Content Accessibility GuidelinesThe Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a set of standards created by the World WideWeb Consortium (W3C). The W3C is an international community that develops regulations andrecommendations for the internet to help ensure its longevity and usability. The W3C established theWCAG standards to provide detailed guidelines for website owners, designers, and developers tocreate websites and digital content and markup through accessible approaches that work seamlesslywith assistive technologies used by people with disabilities.Section 508Rehabilitation Act of 1973Section 508 refers to a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. When the Rehabilitation Act wascreated, its goal was to prevent disability discrimination in federal organizations, federal programs,federal contractors, and similar groups. This act was amended in 1998 to include Section 508 becauseof the technological advancements being made at the time.COPPAThe Children's Online Privacy Protection RuleThe Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) was put into effect in 2000 and applies to theowners or operators of websites and online services that are for children who are younger thanthirteen years old. It also applies to the operators of services and sites that are knowingly collectingthe personal information of children younger than thirteen online.FERPAThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy ActThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a law passed in 1974 that oversees who canaccess a person's education information and related records. In part, the law helps give current andformer students the right to a certain level of privacy when it comes to their education information.Institutions may need prior consent to divulge certain information about a person's education historyor records.CVAAThe Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility ActThe Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA) became law in 2010.The original Communications Act of 1934 was limited in its scope due to vast achievements intechnology in the decades since it was signed, and the terms needed to be updated. President Obamasigned this amendment to the original act to ensure that all telecommunications innovations wouldbe accessible to people with disabilities.Edvative's Accessibility Assistant Meets orEdvative's Accessibility Assistant Meets orExceeds the Following StandardsExceeds the Following Standardswww.edvative.com
Inclusive: We partner with all educators, regardless of their role, the stage theyare at in their career, or the subject(s) they teach or support. Authentic: We recognize that professional learning must allow for genuine andpersonally-relevant engagement; opportunities for professional developmentmust be real, useful and valuable to individuals in their practice.Researched-Based: We work with educators to be informed on, knowledgeableabout, and have the capacity to contribute to the evidence-base of theirteaching.Personalized: We model innovative approaches to personalized professionallearning and ensure that all participants have access to a strong foundation ofskills necessary to design and deliver their instruction in any learning format.What We DoWhat We DoHow We Support Schools and DistrictsHow We Support Schools and DistrictsWe are proud to have formed partnerships with many educational organizationsacross the United States, and are honored to count some of the nation's leadingschool districts among our partners. Our partnerships provide a range ofsupport for individual schools and districts, including:New TeacherInductionProgrammingOpen EducationalResources (OER)DevelopmentInstructional Designand Delivery for F2F,Online, and BlendedLearningAccessibility Audits,ADA Complianceand OngoingRemediation Edvative Learning is a dynamic non-profit organization with a mission to empowereducators across the nation. We do this by being.WWW.EDVATIVE.COM