1446 Market StreetSan Francisco, Ca 94102
00 - 00 Cover page01 - 02 Content04 - Mission Statement06 - 07 Equity Statement08 - Navigating Togetherness & Web Content Accessibility Guidelines09 - 10 EDT Profiles 11- 12 Board of Directors Profiles13 - Letter from the Board President14 - Letter from Board Treasurer & Board Members15 - Letter from the Executive Artistic Director17 - Letter from the Managing Director18 - Introducing Zoë Klein19 - 20 Education & Outreach Year Round Programming21 - 22 Thunder Theater23 - 24 Nueva School25 - 26 OASIS for Girls27 - 28 Mission Graduates 29 - Bessie Carmichael School30 - 32 Education & Outreach: KIDS ON TRACK!33 - Ensuring Safety for All: SFTD Safety Protocol34 - Production Communications1
36- Presenting the 18th SF Trolley Dances 37 - Announcing The Castro 38 - Announcing East Cut/Rincon Hill39 - SFTD 2021 Overview 40 - Filming SFTD 2021 with Aja Pop41 - Welcome Back: Words from our audience!42 - 43 The Castro production photos44 - 45 The East Cut production photos46 - SFTD 2021: Online views 47 - Data and Analytics: FB Ad Insights48 - Social Media: Data and Analytics 49 - Who's watching: 2020 vs. 202250 - 51 SFTD Press52 - Coming up in 202253 - In rehearsal: Native Land, Native Hand54 - 2021 Donors and Sponsors55 - Credits2
Epiphany Dance Theatercreates thought-provoking,accessible danceperformances and educationalprograms, buildingunderstanding across culturesand ages. On the stage and inthe street, we illuminate theordinary and theextraordinary, inspiring socialchange using art as a vehicle.Our programs include annualperformance and educationalprogramming; the highlyacclaimed San FranciscoTrolley Dances (SFTD), now inits 18th year; and communityeducation and outreachactivities for youth and adultsin the Bay Area and around theworld.4
We weave cultural advisors and community ambassadors into our dance-making process, celebrating the vibrant tapestry of our intergenerational,multi-lingual, and varied socio-economic audience in the Bay Area. Our successis inextricably linked to the communities we serve. We’re committed to offeringartists opportunities to share the unique breadth of their lived experiences;with equity as one of our core organizational values. We strive to grow evermore competent in navigating and honoring race, age, ethnicity, gender, sexualorientation, religion, identity and ability. We acknowledge that there have existed institutional and structural hurdlespreventing equity and racial justice in this country, causing historicallymarginalized communities to navigate systemic and systematic violence,prejudice, and intolerance. We resolve to do our part in dismantling thesesystems of subjugation, working to repair and renew our relationships throughthe performing arts. 6
We have developed infrastructures to aid in community self-determination,creating lasting traditions for celebration, inspiration, and empowerment - butwork hard to be in frequent evaluation of our values, privileges, implicit biasesand practices in internal and external engagements. We aim to model theinclusive and equitable practices we wish to see in the world. We uphold clearaccountability metrics in our journey of understanding in order to achieve thesegoals:• A diverse internal board and staff that reflects the communities we serve• Increased access to our performance and educational programming for those facing systemic challenges, providing events free-of-charge and on-site engagement for houseless and those without access to technology• Transparency and cultural consultation in collaborative decision-making.• Refine and re-evaluate internal and external policies, procedures, goals, and conduct contributing to Company Culture• Language justice in all promotion and programming• Strategic partnerships and equitable relationships with community benefit districts, minority-owned businesses, and non-profit organizations7
Accessing a map to plan the self-guided experienceScanning a QR Code for up-to-date event informationTransfers sold for exact change or PayPal onlyAn invitation to join the fun online in our virtual tour!Now there are more ways to enjoy San Francisco Trolley Dances than ever before!This year's SFTD welcomed new and returning site-specific fans inexciting ways. The EDT team made sure to prioritize the safety ofeveryone with contactless methods of engagement like:Keyboard Navigation for people with motor disabilitiesA new screen reader for people who are vision impaired(Deaf, Blindness, Deaf-Blindness) - including an added"help" layer as well as sensory characteristics such asadjustments to color contrast, slowing down movingelements, magnification, and captions as neededAesthetic updates (larger buttons/links/fonts)8
Epiphany Dance Theater extends a heartfelt thanks to the passion, dedication andhard work of the individuals who make up our staff and board. We truly could not do it without you!Kim Epifano Executive Artistic Director/ Board member Kim Epifano is a long-time award winningchoreographer, director, performer, vocalist,educator and collaborator. Erasing theboundaries between dance, theater and music,she is acclaimed for her interdisciplinary, site-specific works that welcome new and diverseaudiences to the world of dance, creatingbridges of cross-cultural understanding. Kim'scuration of SF Trolley Dances and nine yearteaching artist residency at Bessie CarmichaelElementary through Yerba Buena Center for theArts continues to thrive.Jes DeVille Managing DirectorJes DeVille is an Afro-Latinx choreographerand creative director from NYC workingacross mediums to explore the intersection ofphysical fluency and environmental literacythrough community-driven events. Jes joinedEDT in 2019 after working as a corporateteam building facilitator with urbanadventure group The Go Game, as well as aproduction lead for PBS's Dragonfly TV, SFCity Hall Centennial, FOG Design+Art, WorldEducation Congress and more.www.danceoutdoors.com9
Kayla May Paz Suarez -Education/Communications DirectorKayla May Paz Suarez is a Bay Area born, nowresident of Spanish Harlem. Kayla May is amulti hyphenate and cultural bearer. KMay usesvideo, movement, humor and storytelling toreclaim their own narrative. Her main focus inrecent works is on the decolonization oftraditional forms of expression and returning toher roots. Joining EDT in 2019, her previous arts-admin experience includes Red Ladder Theater,Berkeley Playhouse, and New ConservatoryTheater. Kayla May currently spearheadsEpiphany's Kids on Track coordination, AnnualEducational Programming, digital archiving,social media marketing, and the preparation ofEDT's annual report. www.thekmps.comJanesta EdmondsProduction Associate, ArchivistJanesta is a multidisciplinary artist invokingseveral mediums in their creative work includingdance, film, collage, visual art and poetry.Through their work they push to inspiretransformation and healing of POC and blackbodies through storytelling, poetry andmovement in hopes of manifesting a worldwhere queer black individuals can exist in theirown skin. Janesta has worked for 2 yearsconsecutively on the curatorial team of FailedFilms, a DIY film festival held in Los Angeles, CAand has performed throughout the Bay Area forover 7 years. As Administrative Assistant Janestaassists with archival and historical imagery ofEDT and assists in logistics and production. janestaedmonds.wixsite.com10
James Hunter - Board President, CEO James has served on Epiphany’s Boardsince the organization was founded in 1997,and is currently the President of the Boardand CEO. James is a Design Principal withThe Wiseman Group in San Francisco.James received a Masters of Science in ArtEducation (magna cum laude) from theState University College of Buffalo, NewYork.Arleen Santos - Board Treasurer Arleen joined Epiphany’s Board in 2017.Arlene is a Wealth Management ClientAssociate at US Bank and holds severallicenses and professional memberships.Arlene graduated from San Francisco StateUniversity with a BS in BusinessAdministration, with a concentration inFinance.Todd Laby - Board MemberTodd joined Epiphany’s Board in 2016. He isa visual artist and has a background in artdirection, product, set, furniture and digitaldesign. He holds a BS in BusinessEconomics, BA in Advertising Design and aBFA in Furniture, Sculpture and ProductDesign.11
Dylan Rodolf - Board MemberDylan has worked in higher educationdevelopment, cultivating donorrelationships to raise money for universityinitiatives. Currently a third-year law studentat UC Berkeley, studying legal frameworksthat shape the built environment, includingproperty law, urban planning, housingpolicy, and sustainable real estatedevelopment.Richard Kittle - Board MemberRichard is an aerial design artist and rigger,who has worked in the Bay Area Danceworld for 25 years, with many outstandingchoreographers including Kim Epifano,Amelia Rudolph, Suzanne Gallow, Jo Krieter,Jody Lomask and companies likeBandaloop and UpSwing. Richard has 45years of experience in the building trades—from bridges to boats, cars, homes and artpieces.12
As President of the Board of Epiphany DanceTheater, I welcome you once again to join mein reflecting on an extraordinary year. Thechallenges of providing unique and rewardingdance and educational programming duringCOVID has also presented EDT with newopportunities to reach audiences beyond theseats of a shuttered theater. We were able tosuccessfully bring the experience of liveperformance into the homes of audiencesacross the globe. As we look back on our 24th year, we bravelyadapted to new situations and continued toprovide community outreach andentertainment by making our work bothavailable in person and virtually. Weparticipated with our local school programsthrough online enrichment activities andexpanded how we communicate the physicalaspects of movement and engenderparticipation. Our creative efforts aroundaudience based programming allowed us tobeautifully capture live performances digitally,to edit them for audience enjoyment, and make them available for an extendedperiod of time, resulting in audience growthwhile fostering a COVID safe experience foreveryone to enjoy. We thank our continued listof funders, especially those who have beenwith us for many years, and those new to theEpiphany Dance Theater family. We strive to remain at the forefront of ourfunding partners missions as resources areallocated based on important social issues thatour work is sensitive to. We also thank themany individual donors that support the artthat has touched their hearts, expanded theirminds, brought joy to their lives, and enhancedtheir experience of community.We remain financially viable in these changingtimes, and with your support, we intend tocontinue to provide creative work that employsdance professionals, artists, and others as webuild a social network of equity and inclusivity.Our staff and board of directors, our dancers,musicians, and performers; as well as ourteachers, students, and audiences; reflect thehope and vision we have for a world where allpeople are treated with dignity and respect.Thank you for being a part of theEpiphany Dance Theater community.We continue with our fundamentalmission to serve a diverse audience basethrough socially relevant and thoughtprovoking material. Our SFTD conrenr has over 23,745impressions in 25 countries bynumerous lovers of the performingarts. This is only a part of what hasmade 2021 a year of specialaccomplishment. 13
Honestly, my family was still apprehensive about strolling through San Francisco. Theprior year we watched the magic of Trolly Dances unfold online from the safety our couchand were thrilled with the experience. Masked up, we ventured into the city and foundourselves so pleased with the level of dance, artistry and commitment produced andshared by Epiphany Dance Theater. This is why I donate my time as a board member tothis small, efficient and fiercely creative dance company. Epiphany connects people andcommunities in such unique and lasting ways through local programs like SF TrolleyDances and internationally with dance performance and stellar children's education. Iencourage you to give them a donation. If you want to know more, head to their websiteto get inspired. Thank you.14There are many accomplishments for Epiphany to celebrate in 2021. We stood against the2020 Covid crisis’ trajectory and were determined to sustain the longevity of our companywhile committing to deliver amazing shows for the world to see. The biggest San FranciscoTrolley Dances victory this year was widening our audience reach from a localizedcommunity to an unbelievable 25 countries. This was accomplished by creating a hybridpresentation option, streamed online and in-person self guided tour of the event instead ofour traditional in-person delivery. Not only was this a win to our brand presence andrecognition but to the other companies that participated in Trolley Dances. It was such asuccess that we believe this may be the way of the future given the restrictions of thepandemic. This delivery also increased our donation base, website visitation and socialmedia followers. Additionally, I’m extremely proud of the continuity and development ofEpiphany’s outreach to our youth. This year we expanded the program to 3 newpartnerships for year round programming. This program has not only enriched the lives ofthe students involved in the curriculum, it has also helped us reinvest in our future vision forthis aspect of the organization. Lastly, I’d like to thank the team at Epiphany - Kim, Jes, andKayla May for an amazing job well done this year. I’m extremely excited for the toolsimplemented into the organization, the voice they’ve created, and the trajectory that we aregoing as we welcome new members into our board and staff. I’m looking forward to 2022and all that Epiphany Dance Theater will bring.
2021 has redefined our next stepsforward, a catalyst for change. I havebeen lucky to participate fully in theprograms that Epiphany DanceTheater offers educating, curating,organizing, choreographing. Much ofit in person and yes… still someonline. Epiphany has had anotherincredible year of keeping thingsgoing on. When I saw audiences at SFTrolley Dances they were so happy tobe there. We have created a nomadic village viathe vein of the city. People know usand we know them. We continue ourlong partnerships with MUNI, YBCA,Urban Jazz Dance/Antione Hunter andthe Telluride Academy. We meet more artists,organizers and even somecorporations that trust usand open up new doorsthrough the city and evenInternationally. We have new internal systems inplace that make the motor ofEpiphany easier to navigate. TheEpiphany Team and board areincredible and their hard work anddedication is revealed in what wedo.15
It has been a thrilling three years withEpiphany in its journey of learning newtechnologies to reach a broader audience,developing updated evaluation metrics toquantify community-driven work, and growingdeeper into a practice of sustainability.Epiphany’s endeavors of going paperless,assessing the environmental impacts of publicperformance, and dancing further intoalignment with San Francisco’s sustainabilitygoals has been both monumental and fulfilling. EDT’s inaugural performance ecology workshopseries, allowed us to increase our educationalreach and programmatic revenue, working in anexploratory fashion with students aroundthemes found in Nature. It afforded newcollaborations with local organizationscommitted to the artistic development ofhistorically marginalized youth. We woveculture bearers into our curatorial process, adesign our Education & CommunicationsDirector was able to impressively scale over ashort time. It has been a pleasure to nurture theblossoming of possibility in Epiphany’s work,and with the closing of the year - pass the torchin anticipation of the organization's processing,integration, and continued transformation. In an era impacted by Covid, we've learned tolean into deep contemplation and to hold trustin the evolution of all things. Epiphany'supcoming leadership transitions offer newcapacity to step boldly into a 25th year. Withgratitude, we acknowledge the ongoing supportof the contributors who have helped sustainoperations, closing this term without deficit. Itis my hope that Epiphany's tenacity continuesto be realized as its strongest asset. I lookforward to supporting incoming ManagingDirector Zoe Klein as she is welcomed aboardthe Executive team. This year, we reduced paper wastewithin the organization by ~70%, cutour emissions through continuedremote operations and shifted web-based practices. We began to weave regenerative frameworksinto our art-making, reflecting on individualand collective ecological identities along theway. The Bay Area arts ecosystem is known bestfor its wild vibrancy. Epiphany’s dedication toplanting seeds within it for over two decadescontinues to bear rich fruit! The PETAL project, 17
Zoë Klein is a choreographer, visual artist, acrobat, lighting designer and activist in the Bay Area andmakes work about the importance of origin as an indigenous, international transracially adoptedperson, born in Colombia. She co-founded Paradizo Dance in NYC which toured 28 countries over 6continents, performed for NBA halftime shows and “So You Think You Can Dance.'' She was a topfinalist on "America's Got Talent,” and a leader in an international Latin Dance community. In 2014she founded Zoë Klein Productions and was nominated for an Isadora Duncan “Izzie” Dance Awardfor best ensemble 2018. Zoë has been Producing Director at CounterPulse, CommunicationsManager at Adoption Museum Project, Development Associate at Luna Dance Institute, andManaging Director of FLACC. Zoë has performed for Kim Epifano, Ramon Alayo, Rosy Simas, ZacchoDance Theater, Dancing Earth, and FLACC festivals. She is a proud new mama and continues to makework questioning ethics and policies around adoption and family separation.www.zoekleinproductions.com www.paradizodance.com18
Epiphany Dance Theater serves a wide range ofstudents, engaging youth of all socio-economicbackgrounds, as well as collegiate andprofessional dancers. We provide enrichmentand educational programs that employinterdisciplinary performance arts as tools forlearning, inquiry, skill building, communityengagement and cultural collaborations. Thisyear we implemented Prezi - a presentationplatform that created dynamic visuals for ourvirtual workshops. 19
20 Our 2021 Education Outreach efforts were provided year round The Epiphany Team facilitated workshops with returning schools and developed relationships for new partnerships SF Rec Park with Lawton Alternative The Nueva School OASIS School For Girls Thunder Theater in Telluride Co with Telluride Academy Mission Graduates through YBCA Bessie Carmichael Elementary through YBCA Grattan Elementary School Longfellow Elementary School Lawton Elementary School Chinese American International School Ruth Asawa School of the Arts American Conservatory Theater SFS Balboa High School El Cerrito High School
Kim spent July and August in Colorado with the TellurideAcademy rehearsing and performing the production of21
Ecological Identity in Dance WorkshopStudents were prompted through exploration of space with questions "Who was here before us?" and "How has our land changed over time?"Spearheaded by: Jes DeVille & Kayla May Paz Suarez 23
Strega Nona by Tomie DePaola adapted by Kim EpifanoAn hour workshop over Zoom with narrator Miss Kim.The students took part in telling the story with visualaids and props from home while embodying thecharacters from Strega Nona.“A story well told never gets old”24
Explore the Intersections of Embodiment and Environment Compare living systems to social systemsDevelop effective critical thinking, discussion skills, and creative expressionDevelop electronic-based research skills, digital storytelling Explore new artistic techniques using nature as inspirationLearning Objectives:A learning journey prompting students to draw inspiration from BayArea green spaces and the life that inhabits them. Participants usedthe performing arts to explore the ways our footprints impact theEarth, creating pathways for sustained environmental and bio-culturalstewardship within their own communities.How do you define "environment"?Performance, Ecology, Transforming Architecture, Landscapes & Life!Instructed by: Jes DeVille & Kayla May Paz Suarez25
The Art of Abstract StorytellingThis workshop will incorporate movement, body percussion,sound, drawing, sourcing, essence, guts, partnering,improvisation, distillation, imagery, vocalization, theater, text,self and world politics. We will take pencil/pen to large paper, aprocess of body mapping that reveals maybe what you did notknow was there, working independently and with the greatervillage of our class. A master class with Kim Epifano"You are at home in yourself"26
Kim taught a Storytelling dance and visualarts residency through YBCA as part of theirMission Graduates program. In this series,she bridged the gap between art and literacythrough theater, dance, and song!27
Miss Kim's Zoom-a-room! Where Kim taught storytelling-dance and visual arts with her residency through YBCA.29
Since 2007, Epiphany has offered Bay Area schools aneducational component of San Francisco Trolley Dances knownas Kids on Track, featuring in-school workshops, site-specificperformances, and interviews with professional dance-artists. 30
14 Total workshops260 Students served1st ever virtual KOT Tour!190 returned to in person tours82 virtual attendees31
"They enjoyed the idea of making dances outside. They were amazed at the far reaches dance can have and whatcan be done in the realm of dance and performance."32
Our top priority is always the HEALTH & SAFETY of our performers, staff & audience. While on site at any time,Epiphany Dance Theater staffwill ensure that the properprecautions are beingimplemented.5 - Sanitizing equipment will beprovided at each site forindividuals. Access to bathroomswill be available.3- Once you've answered ourscreening questions, we will takeyour temperature with a no contactthermometor. 4- Physical distancing must bepracticed at all times. Chalked/taped boundaries will beestablished to deter pedestrians onsite.1- Please arrive to your site withyour masks/face coverings on.They are to remain on at all times!2- Health screening and survey willoccur at the beginning of your call.* If you are not feeling well, pleasecontact EDT staff:415-647-1443 San Francisco's gradual re-opening has required patience,compassion, creativity, and calmas we all navigate safe protocolsfor SFTD to hit the streets. Wewere thrilled to finally share that2021's event was held both liveand online to accommodate allwho wish to join the fun, nearand far!33
https://linktr.ee/EpiphanyDanceTheaterAt every site we provided all the information atthe simple scan of the QR code linking to ourLinktree! Our audience was empowered to go ontheir own adventure! Real time responses between sites were crucial thisyear! With 2 new additions to our communicationsprotocol, our production team kept in touch viaSlack and Miro, equipping Site Coordinators with allthe tools necessary for a smooth tour experience! 34
Rising RhythmJoe Landini & DancersLa Mezcla37
Epiphany Dance TheaterBabatunji & CharmaineParangal Dance Company38
THEME SONG BY 39• Despite pandemicrestrictions, our eventsafely engaged ~2,000 livepatrons!• We contracted over 60 artists for theproduction of originalwork!
SFTD 2021 was filmed and edited by Aja Pilapil with support from ourEDT Team. Check out some moments from behind the scenes!40
Wished America would hold outdoor culturalperformances regularly as is done in Europe,which brings entire community together ofvarious generations to appreciate the arts. Check out what our audience had to say about this year's SFTD:Amazing collection ofperformances. We loved it. Andit was a good walk! We willdonate to keep it going (yayEpiphany!)Thank you for making such an inspirationalshow! Please continue to make more. I trulyenjoyed every single moment of it. I love howthe history telling was incorporated with thedance numbers. I learned a lot of new thingsabout the area I've been living in for 2decades! Thank you again!Great diversity and skilled dancers!! The city needs this program!!!Thank you so, so much for thisamazing endeavor! I wish there wasmore artistic events such as this in SF!It was brilliant & beautiful!41
"As part of La Mezcla, we often do site specificwork -- especially over the last year or so due tothe pandemic. It was nice to have a specificneighborhood as the source material for thewriting/dancing we ended up presenting."- Vanessa Sanchez42
"I enjoyed it so much. Thank you toeveryone that was a part of it. My heart ishappy. My soul is satisfied. Thank you!"44
"Thank you so, so much for thisamazing endeavor! I wish therewere more artistic events suchas this in SF! It was brilliant &beautiful!"45
202118th Annual 361 PHONE 20 TABLET 269 DESKTOP4623,745 IMPRESSIONS IN 25 COUNTRIES
1,084 as of Dec. 20211,064 Likes in Dec. 202047
867 FollowersInstagram 687 In Dec. 2020486,981 - Accounts reached6,179 1,255 613 302#SFTD2021#sitespecific#dance#SF#BayArea#artistsoninstagram
2020< 1818 - 3435 - 4445 - 5455 - 6465 +20212020 2021Less than $30,000$30,000 - $50,000more than $50,00049
Thanks to our amazing publicist John Hill, SFTD 2021 was a hugesuccess reaching audiences far and wide!50
PREMIERE Native Land, Native Hands with Antoine HunterPRESENT San Francisco Trolley Dances along the new T-lineSUSTAIN operations and prepare for the 25th anniversary 52
Featuring American Sign Language Dance, text, original music, andmultidisciplinary dance - Native Land, Native Hands will use the form ofsite-specific performance at four sculptures by Deaf artist Douglas Tildento explore the historic genocide, oppression, and racial injustice ofintersecting Deaf communities and communities of color. Photos by Kim Epifano53
55Photo contributions:Amani WadeKyle AdlerLucky Drive PhotosTristan CraneAndrew MoggRichard KittleLaura BurrusKim EpifanoJanesta EdmondsKayla May Paz SuarezJes DeVilleJessica Maria RecinosSally DavisJennifer PaullJames Hunter
2021 Annual Report Design & Preparation by:Paz Productions