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Edina Give and Go Impact Report

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Savethe DateA P R I L 2 5 , 2 0 2 5P I N S T R I P E S , E D I N AAPRIL 25, 2025PINSTRIPES, EDINAANNUAL GALAth

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Dear Edina Give and Go Supporters,As we reflect on the past year, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude foryour steadfast support. Your commitment has been instrumental in helping us achievesignificant milestones and serve the students of Edina Public Schools in meaningful ways.This year, we celebrated a major milestone—our 10th anniversary as a mission-alignedpartner with Edina Public Schools! Reaching this remarkable achievement would not havebeen possible without you, our most dedicated supporters. Together, we commemoratedthis special occasion with a night of celebration, where we truly felt the spirit of what itmeans to be a “Hornet.” Thank you for joining us in celebrating our sharedaccomplishments. At our 10th Anniversary Annual Event, we also honored our founders, Meg Rodriguez andIdith Almog, by establishing a scholarship fund in their names. This fund allowed us toprovide scholarships to every qualifying student who requested assistance this pastsummer. These scholarships—and the opportunities they create—are made possibleentirely through your generosity and belief in our mission.Looking ahead, we are filled with excitement about the future. With your continued support,we are eager to innovate and expand our services to better meet the evolving needs ofstudents in the Edina Public Schools community.Once again, thank you for being an essential part of our journey. Together, we are making alasting difference in the lives of Edina Public Schools students—and we couldn’t do itwithout you.With heartfelt gratitude, Stephanie Francis-Jones Executive DirectorDear Edina Give and Go Supporters,Months into my rst year in the role of Executive Director, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your steadfast support. Your commitment has been instrumental in helping us achieve signicant milestones and serve the students of Edina Public Schools in meaningful ways.This year, we celebrated a major milestone—our 10th anniversary as amission-aligned partner with Edina Public Schools! Reaching this remarkable achievement would not have been possible without you, our most dedicated supporters. Together, we commemorated this special occasion with a night of celebration, where we truly felt the spirit of what it means to be a “Hornet.” Thank you for joining us in celebrating our shared accomplishments. At our 10th Anniversary Celebration, we also honored our founders, Meg Rodriguez and Idith Almog, by establishing a scholarship fund in their names. This fund allowed us to provide scholarships to every qualifying student who requested assistance this past summer. These scholarships—and the opportunities they create—are made possible entirely through your generosity and belief in our mission.Looking ahead, we are lled with excitement about the future. With your continued support, we are eager to innovate and expand our services to better meet the evolving needs of students in the Edina Public Schools community.Once again, thank you for being an essential part of our journey. Together, we are making a lasting difference in the lives of Edina Public Schools students—and we couldn’t do it without you.With heartfelt gratitude,Stephanie Francis-Jones Executive Director

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Though there are numerous enrichment activities that students can engage in outside the school day (e.g. soccer, band, theater, or robotics), nancial barriers can make it nearly impossible to get involved.Edina Give and Go is committed to removing nancial barriers so all Edina Public Schools students can play, learn, belong, and succeed.10 YEARS OF GIVINGSince 2015, Edina Give and Go has responded to the growing student nancial need in our community by providing over $1.5 million so nearly 3,000 students could afford to sign up foreverything from soccer to drivers ed to music lessons.OUR MISSIONTo bring life and learning opportunities to Edina Public Schools students who are economically disadvantaged.We do this by removing nancial barriers that prevent these students from participating in the academic, arts, and athletic activities in our community.OUR STUDENTS20% of Edina Public Schools students live in economically disadvantaged households earning $62,400 or less for a family of four.20%1,700 K-12 students or 1 in 5

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ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPSAcademic scholarships helped students access tutoring, ACT prep, chess, college application bootcamps, drivers education, junior engineering classes, Minecraft camps, robotics, foreign language classes, summer credit recovery classes and many other activities.ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPSAthletic scholarships helped students take part in archery, basketball, gymnastics, hockey, ice skating, kung fu, skiing, soccer, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball and numerous other sports.ARTS SCHOLARSHIPSScholarships for the Arts helped students rent instruments for band and orchestra, take art studio classes, ballet class, cooking lessons, fun & funky jewelry making classes, hip-hop dance class, jazz band lessons, piano lessons, tap dance lessons and a variety of other classes.

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OUR HISTORYSince the beginning, our organization has been focused on unlocking opportunities for individual students to participate in activities. We’ve granted over $1.5 million dollars in the past 10 years to students who attend Edina Public Schools and are nancially disadvantaged. Each year we see familiar and new students who need support to participate in academic, arts and athletic opportunities. We believe in supporting students nancially and through innovative partnership with the school district and community.2015/16Granted $87,000• Launched student summer support in partnership with Edina Community Education2016/17Granted $75,000• Became independent 501c3• Named a mission-aligned school district partner Helped bring College • Possible to Edina High School2017/18Granted $125,000• Updated granting guidelines to $500 per student per year• Launched Instruments for All Initiative helping students with instrument rental and repair2018/19Granted $165,000• Launched scholarship pilot with Edina Early Learning Center• Increased student granting limits to $500 per school year and up to $500 per summer per qualied student 2019/20Granted $152,500• Connected 130 students with hotspots or internet access for online learning • Launched Gear Swap event2020/21Granted $237,234• Received the 2020 Edina Mayor’s Commendation for Service to Youth Award • Initiated offer of tutoring support during distance learning2021/22Granted $241,000• Sustained growth of over $200,000 in student granting • Exceeded over 570 strong donor base2022/23Granted $253,000• Received rst donation from former student recipient• Accomodated a 25% increase in student scholarships2023/24Granted $246,653• Celebrated 10 years of giving to Edina Public School students!• Achieved record high donations, volunteer participation, and dollars raised at 5th Annual Gear Swap

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SCHOLARSHIPS GRANTEDSTUDENTS SUPPORTED2015/16$87,0002016/17$75,0002017/18$125,0002018/19$165,0002019/20$152,5002020/21$237,2342022/23$253,0002023/24$246,6532021/22$241,0002015/16542016/171062017/181712018/194162019/209362020/218702022/237412023/247892021/22608

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Academics606Arts427Athletics287Elementary41.7%High35.3%Middle23%July 2023 - June 2024OUR IMPACTSCHOLARSHIPSGRANTED1,320 OPPORTUNITES UNLOCKED495 STUDENTS SUPPORTED

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Cornerstone DonorsErica & Thomas AllenburgJulie & Doug BakerAlex & Ted ChristiansonSarah & Richard HardyLisa & Jeff HarmeningDiane Lindquist & Jeff HuggettTrisha & Steven LondonKathleen & David MacLennanRebecca & John MasonMarcia Page & John HuepenbeckerMeg & Tony RodriguezAnn & Mark SchulzeSusan & Ken SeilerElena Brito Sifferlin & Mark SifferlinTheresa & Lyle WardCarol & Dan WolfeIanthe & Matt Zabel$5,000+anonymousCarla Vernon & Jason BowlesKate WarnerKelley & Jeff SiemonKristin & Dan MinottiLisa & Clayton MillerMary & Jeff Werbalowsky$1,500-$4,999Julie & James WohlfordCheryl AppeldornCathy CellaHeather & Brett EdelsonRusty GolsMichele HerringKatherine IltenCarolyn LeslieCarolyn McIntyreElinor MurarovaAllison & Dan OlfeltJennifer SamuelHilary SantoniLynn SchmittSandra SchreierMary & Meetul ShahGunjan SinhaJosie & Jason ToberAmy WareAlison FordAndrea & Quincy SmithDelphine Aubourg & David JonesHattie & Dave PriemHeather & Brett FenskeJacky & Paul JunekJenny & Vladas GriskeviciusK.C. Danzansky & Scott DillonLaura & Cory LukensRobin WenzelStephanie & Richard Francis-JonesThank you for supporting our mission and students.The generosity of community members makes our work possible.OUR DONORS AND SUPPORTERS

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$500-$1,499Sadia AliIdith AlmogDario AnselmoGregory AnsemsJen AugustsonHeidi & Ben AultMargo BauckMelissa BerningStacy BestNatalie ChengErin ChoudharyThomas ConnellKaren & Ray ContagJessica CookErin CoudharySharon DahlstromHilary DavidsonSandra DavisDave DentRapheal DeshotelRic DressenCheryl DulasJohn EngenJennifer FaethMeghan FalveySarah Finlayson & Lindley DeGarmoKaren & Peter GablerGreg GoodMary HarveySarina & Samir KhariwalaPhyllis KohlerJames Hovland & LaRae EllingsonTuAnh LePaul MaennerLorene MagneMary ManderfeldNatalie MartinNicole MeehanLaurie MillerSusan Moses-ZirkesRegina & Tom NevilleLarry OlsonGeorge PappajohnTeresa & Anand PataniBetsy PfeiferCarolyn PierceSheryl PrinceEde RiceMolly RiceMadeline RodriguezTony SatterthwaiteRachel SaturnJonathan ScollKelly & Barry StreitLynne & Jack SullivanAnn ThorntonNicole TuescherJulie WalterKatie WhiteAndy WolfeStephanie ZahrbockPeter Zambrano$250-$449Rebecca AbroeBrooke & Dominic AlloccoErik AndersonDan AromAdrienne & Efrem BermanAnne BildstenKatie ButtersJohanna CammasSpencer ChandlerMelissa CraigShawna & Ashok DhariwalAndrée DuboisJodie DvorkinLena EastmanRica EnriquezAnnelys FarrellEllen FensterLindsey FineThuy Anh FoxKatharine FrederickElizabeth GoodhueElizabeth GrahamLexi & Mitchell GranbergChristine HarrisonMargaret HolahanEmily HoppeCarolyn JacksonElizabeth Schulze KaplanTrisha KarkiCarol KastErika KingJennifer KleinjanAndrea KnollRebecca KriegerCarrie LambertThank you for supporting our mission and students.The generosity of community members makes our work possible.OUR DONORS AND SUPPORTERS

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Cathy LiebmanJohn LiethenKate LigonGerry LukaskaCatherine MacLennanAlice MannThomas J McConnellMaggie McCrackenWilliam MeltonLilli MisicMichelle & William MoserAngela MozeyPaul NelsonHeather NielsenTim O’NeillJon OlsenBarbara PappajohnAlex PhungMichael RodriguezNassim RossiTony RubinAnne SalmenJenny SaxtonMary Jane & Dave ShawAnna ShimanekChristina SmithSchele SmithErin TopleyPatricia VaurioKelly VickersAnn VitaleJoyce VogtSara VoigtsSusan WardMolly WolfeDr. Anne Marie LelandIn Memory of Angela FiolUp to $249Kate AgnewDivija AlluriDebra AltschulerCassandra M AndersonElizabeth AndersonEmily AndersonRonald AndersonSue AnkenyJoseph AnnareddyKristine ArnesonKristin BangasserJason BarberMichael BarnettJen BarrettHolly BauerLawrence BeckerRachel BedoSuzanne BedrosLuise BelisleShelley BelschnerElizabeth BennettJoni BennettAdrienne BermanStephanie BertucciMeira BesikofLaura BesteKevin BiegingAshley BiladeauLynette BiunnoLaura BoeroMary BoldischarSuzanne BordeauJennea BottsMelanie Boulay BeckerElizabeth BowenSusan BrinkmanKatie BrothersShawn BrovoldLeah BulverSarah BurgessValerie BurkeTiffany BushlandCynthia CalabreseIan CampbellSylvia CarlsonShannon CaseLindsey Chapman SextonLisa ChristiansonMark ChurchillSarah ClarkHillary ClayburghMegan ClemmonsAlan ColeAmy CollinsKelly Condit-ShresthaLaura ConlonKarri CopmanNoelle CorboPatricia CorcoranAnna CrabbEmily CramerMandi CraneDick and Suzie CrockettCarol CutshallNatalie DahlgrenKari DahlquistLaura DavisMarcie DeckerTodd DeMeritRobyn DheinPamela DiedrichThank you for supporting our mission and students.The generosity of community members makes our work possible.OUR DONORS AND SUPPORTERS

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Lou DiLorenzoCaroline DixonLong DoanLillian Martha Dolan ZiffSarah DorweilerShelley DoyleKevin DrakePatrick DreyerEllen DrydenKarin DunleavyKrista DusilBrandy EdmondsDaphne EdwardsNicholas EllisonJulie EmpeyLinda EnckAdrienne EngelCarol EngstromMike ErlandsonJennifer EsserDavid EyngornMonica FarrellColleen FeigeMeriwether FeltLaurie FettermanNicole FrederickKatie FriedlandPaula FuhrBrian FulmerChristine FungAllison GaddisAngela GadtkeElizabeth GainJessica GanleyTiffany GeiszSean GilbertsonBeth GissiblKatie GlaserWilliam GlenzAllison GlynnJon GoodRob GottschChris GraftAli GrantKristyne GrevNina GrothShruthi GuptaShelby HaasGwen HagenClare HahnemanKatie HalcrowBeau HammelRick HansenChristina HartMike HartTracy HartmannJennifer HassenstabJohn HaugenStephanie HawkinsonTeaya HayesTom HayhoeInna K HaysKerrie HeckerMary HeffelbowerNancy HegrenesErin HelblingGreg HildebrandMichael HobbsHannah HofferBeth HolgerKristin HollanderMonica HolmanLaurel HolschuhShannon HorsagerChelsea HortonStacy HorwitzDC HowlandSarah HromadaLinda HulbertKim HunnewellLaura HuntMatthew HussStefanie IqbalShanaya JanaWilliam JenkinsRandee JezVaishali JhaKatie & Sam JohnsrudSue JohnstonMonica JoyRick JulkowskiEd KaiserColette KastnerShannon KellerKevin KellySusan KellyPeter KennedyJanna KiefferNancy KillileaKiran KingsleyMolly KlotscheSarah KnappKate KnopickLaura KnutsonKatie KorthMichael KosiekLauren KraemerBalaji KrishnanThank you for supporting our mission and students.The generosity of community members makes our work possible.OUR DONORS AND SUPPORTERS

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Bruce KrupnickKelly M KrzyzekAnna KuklaKathy LaabsTeri LaFrenzGina LamancusaCarmen LammeierHeather LangKaren LarsonBrigid LaskeMatthew LauritaKaren LawrieAnita LeeBrandon LewNathaniel LindleyPeter LiptakJennie LoeferDrew & Natalie LongJulie LovaasChrista LucasAbby LugoShay LunsethMike LyonDeborah M NelsonMaggie MaclennanTim MadsenKaren MahoneyHarper MaiserMegan MarquardtKathryn MarshallAimee MartinezKathryn MatchinskyStephen MayMichael McCarthyEmily McChesneyElisabeth McCutcheonMarcella McIntyreMichelle MeekSarah & David MelanderBecky MelangAsher MillerKristi MillerMichele MillerRachel MillerSandra MilroyCara MinorAlison MirelezKathleen MonroeNick MontgomeryLaura MoretCaryl MorganLindsay MorganMayssa MouawadCourtney MuehlbauerJennifer MulheranAbnita MunankarmyAmy MurphyAshley MurphySusan MurphyAnne NaasIrene NahmTyler NasiedlakRoderick NeilKatharine NelsonLisa NelsonErin NewmanAllison NielsenBetsy & Bill NimmoAmanda NixAlice NixonAnita NixonMichael NorsengNikki O’GaraNora O’LearySarah Odde LynchDanielle OlochlainnAmy OlsonJackie OlsonKhalid OmarPablo OrozcoMarc OsborneMelissa PaddockSarah & Erik PaisleyMatthew PalazzoloJoan PalmquistWilliam PanningCaroline PappajohnVictoria Paprocki KentCarey PearsonTaylor PentelovitchLatrisha PetersenDanica PetersonRebecca PetersonScott PetersonKrista PhillipsChristopher PiephoMichelle PlattKarin PorterSam PorterLauren PradhanBen PremackRandy PriemBarbara PrinceNoah PruettEmily Pryor WintonMeher RahmanLisa Rapke HoffmanAnn RasmussenThank you for supporting our mission and students.The generosity of community members makes our work possible.OUR DONORS AND SUPPORTERS

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Eva RasmussenAngela ReichartKrin ReidKathryn RendlemanJesse RetzerAshley ReubendaleJennifer & Steven ReweyKirsten ReweyChrissy ReynoldsErika RileyPam RochlinTheresa RodriguezCaitlin RogersFernando RosaSheri RosenRebecca RossomBarb RothmeierSonya SailerChristina SandokPhil SanlippoKristi SarlesTracy SchaeferGenevieve SchafferJulie SchmidtErin SchultzNick SchultzAnn ScottNdeye SeckJulia SelleysKim SennSam SextonPatrick ShaneAnna ShimanekJessica ShortallNishant ShuklaForrest SimensonElaine SkrentnerCharles SmithsonAmy SonbuchnerKelsey SpanjersLisa Ann Sta MariaStacie StanleyJudith StarkNancy SteeleSarah SteinmanErica SternJennifer SternMelissa StevensonHelmut StieglerAlison StortzEmily StylesLauren SundickSapna SwaroopMegan SweeneyAimee SznewajsDaniel ThompsonLori ThompsonMark TonsoniRich TooleyAngie TrailerAlbert TsaiDeborah UhlemannLinsey UtzingerKelly Van StoneCiro VasquezSusan VaughnNancy VegaKelly VeitElizabeth ViolanteAnn VogtCurt WagnerLisa WalkerEmily WalserJohn WeigeltSandy WendelinConnie WildeMichael WilkeningLindsay WillNathan WohlMichelle WooLesley WoodburyAmanda WoodllShelly WrightNatalie WuAlison YeamenTenzing ZaidenHeather ZenkSuzanne ZieglerLeah ZimmermanAnita ZitarelliAshley ZuehlsMichael PretaskyMolly SchmidtSommer Serie & Kirk DarlingThank you for supporting our mission and students.The generosity of community members makes our work possible.OUR DONORS AND SUPPORTERS

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2024/25 Board MembersAlex Christianson, Co-ChairSarah Hardy, Co-ChairFarhiya AbdiDelphine AubourgJennifer EdeHeather FenskeAlison FordJenny GriskeviciusRamla HasanaliKris HoplinJacky JunekDr. Anne Marie LelandLaura Lukens Mike PretaskyHattie PriemElena Brito SifferlinAndrea SmithLynne SullivanNicole TuescherAnn VogtSarah Daugherty WellerRobin Wenzel2024/25 Student AmbassadorCouncil MembersClaire Watz, LeadSydney BethuneClaire BoylanLeah BurnhamClaire DamanDaniel FenskeCambrie FrenchLexi HanEmmy InderiedenKaden KimesSierra LawrowFiona McCrackenSavethe DateA P R I L 2 5 , 2 0 2 5P I N S T R I P E S , E D I N AAPRIL 25, 2025PINSTRIPES, EDINAANNUAL GALA

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5701 Normandale RoadRoom 163Edina, MN 55424You can make a tax-deductible contributionright from your phone:Open your phone’s camera1..Hover over the QR Code2.Click the link3.Learn more or contact us at:EdinaGiveandGo.orginfo@edinagiveandgo.org952-848-4483IMPACTREPORT2024WWW.EDINAGIVEANDGO.ORGth5701 Normandale RoadRoom 163Edina, MN 55424You can make a tax-deductible contributionright from your phone:Open your phone’s camera1..Hover over the QR Code2.Click the link3.Learn more or contact us at:EdinaGiveandGo.orginfo@edinagiveandgo.org952-848-44835701 Normandale RoadRoom 163Edina, MN 55424You can make a tax-deductible contributionright from your phone:Open your phone’s camera1..Hover over the QR Code2.Click the link3.Learn more or contact us at:EdinaGiveandGo.orginfo@edinagiveandgo.org952-848-44835701 Normandale RoadRoom 163Edina, MN 55424You can make a tax-deductible contributionright from your phone:Open your phone’s camera1..Hover over the QR Code2.Click the link3.Learn more or contact us at:EdinaGiveandGo.orginfo@edinagiveandgo.org952-848-4483