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Edgewood Newsletter FY25 Q2 + Ja

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Message “My Blue” Door-to-Door Transportation ExpandsService Area in EdgewoodTown of EdgewoodNewsletterIn October 2024, “My Blue” began providing limiteddoor-to-door bus service in a ten square-milearea of Edgewood. The initial service area largelycovered areas of Edgewood along NM 333 andEdgewood 7/NM 344 to Edgewood Middle School. The town requested a larger service area, and thismonth, the new expanded service area will go intoeffect to reach even more neighborhoods inEdgewood. Service is M-F, 7:30am-5:30pm. Getthe “My Blue” app and learn more at: of I-40 will now stretch from BartonRd/County Line Rd east to Williams Ranch Rd. andBassett Blvd. and north to Rory Rd. and El CieloAzul. South of I-40 will now include the Skyline Driveand Kennedy Rd. neighborhoods.www.Edgewood-NM.govQuarterly Update - Oct-Dec 2024 (FY25 Q2) + Jan 2025The NCRTD provides door-to-door transportation service in Edgewood, Monday-Friday from 7:30am-5:30pm.

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Commission VacancyAt the close of the November 26, 2024, regularmeeting, Sterling Donner (District 5) resigned hisseat on the town commission. He cited his desireto work on projects that would serve the broaderEast Mountain and Estancia Valley communities.Since that time through January 15, 2025, the TownClerk-Treasurer accepted letters of interest fromcommunity members who want to be consideredto fill the vacancy. At the January 28th regularcommission meeting, the Governing Body setinterview dates to meet with eight applicants.In accordance with NMSA 1978 3-14-9 and Town ofEdgewood policy, the Governing Body shallappoint a qualified elector to fill the unexpiredterm.FY25 Q2 P2 Town of Edgewood NewsletterQuarterly ReviewWelcome to Edgewood’s FY25 2nd QuarterReview. This update provides some highlightsof projects the governing body and staffworked on in Q2 and upcoming events andactivities for Q3.Edgewood’s Governing Body meets on the2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6pmat Town Hall. Commissioners welcome Inputfrom residents (contact town staff orcommissioners). Town Website: Stuff the Bus!(Top): In December, Edgewood Lions Club and NorthCentral Regional Transportation District teamed upwith Town of Edgewood to “Stuff the Bus” for EastMountain Food Pantry. (Bottom): The food drivecollected more than 1,500 items to help localfamilies during the holidays. NCRTD’s My Busprovides door-to-door on-call service in Edgewood.

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Government transparency can include publicmeetings, records access, and periodic updates.Requests for information can be addressed withthe town’s appointed staff (town manager, townclerk, police chief, or community liaison). While thetown works to provide answers and information, insome circumstances, such as an investigation orspecific privacy instances state statute limits whatthe town can release.RECORDS - Not all town records can be releasedupon request. The Inspection of Public Records Actprovides for the release of much information butalso includes exceptions that protect certain rightsto privacy and due process. The U.S. Constitution,under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments,requires due process which includes proceduraland substantive protections. Under New Mexicostate law, details of an active law enforcementinvestigation are protected. This guards againstinterference with an investigation and, if chargesare not filed, restricts the release of details of theinvestigation. An investigation is not to inform thepublic, but rather to determine if evidence supportsfilling charges by law enforcement. Due process is a cherished right in the U.S. and, generally, it takestime. The town respects these procedures.PUBLIC COMMENT - A public comment period isnot required by state statute, but Edgewoodoffers it as a way for citizens to bring suggestions,concerns or kudos to the Governing Body. Citizensshould understand, however, that publicly makingdamaging statements about someone or sharingprotected information could not only hinder aninvestigation but could open the speaker to civilor criminal charges of slander or obstruction. Ifcitizens have evidence of wrongdoing, report it tothe appropriate law enforcement agency. Reportevidence of undisclosed conflicts of interest tothe town manager or town clerk. NOTICE - The Town of Edgewood publishes itslegal notices in accordance with NMSA 3-17-3and 14-11-2, using the Santa Fe New Mexican,town hall posting board, and website. Statuterequires newspapers must print at least weeklyand have had 26 weeks of uninterrupteddistribution to qualify. The Independent does notmeet those state requirements.Understanding Transparency and the LawOnline nominations at: COW Awards (Communiity On theWay)recognize community volunteerswho go above and beyond to serve andbring positive energy to the Edgewoodcommunity. Nominations are being acceptedbetween Feb 1-13, to recognize hard-working volunteers. Nominate online: COW Awards potluck banquet will beheld on Feb. 27 at Estancia ValleyClassical Academy. COW Awardsoriginated in 2001, as a fun-filled night oflaughter and recognition. COW Awards Return inFeb. after long hiatusFY25 Q2 P3 Town of Edgewood Newsletter

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FY25 Q2 P4 Town of Edgewood NewsletterEdgewood Police Dept. Moves To New FacilityIn recent years, the town’s policedepartment has grownsignificantly to meet local needs.Now, with more than 20 officers,leadership, and administrativestaff, a new facility was needed. The town was able to lease anear-perfect facility at 21 Main St.- located along Cactus Rd.between the E. Frontage Rd. andChurch St.- just around thecorner from their former facility.Helping families and their furry friends, on February17 (from 10am-3pm) the Animal Shelter is offeringpet food, pet supplies, and straw for bedding (whilesupplies last). Available to Edgewood residents, firstcome, first served, at 16 Municipal Way.Edgewood’s Animal Shelter also supports AnimalControl by having a safe place for dogs and catswho may be lost or injured. The Shelter is open 7days per week from 9:00am-5:00pm. Animal Control contact numbers:Emergency: 911Dispatch for Services: (505) 428-3720Animal Shelter (9a-5p): (505) 926-9013Animal Shelter Hosts Pet Food & Supplies PantryOfficer Pablo Arreola was voted "Officer of the Year"by his peers at Edgewood PD. Chief Roger Jimenezshared with the Town Commission an incidentwhere Officer Arreola successfully stopped adangerous wrong-way driver on Route 66 to keepthe community safe. He also praised OfficerArreola for his dedication to detail to root outcriminal activity. We are grateful for Officer Arreolaand the many exceptional officers servingEdgewood.Officer of the Year

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Parks & Recreation DeptartmentFY25 Q2 P5 Town of Edgewood NewsletterEdgewood Community LibraryEdgewood’s Autumn-Winter Activities and ProgramsThe Parks & Recreation Department and Edgewood Community Library create special events, winterprogramming, and activities to bring lots of fun and opportunities to our town.First event to use the newHuston Bridge was theMHS Cross CountryInvitational MeetWeekly StorytimeWednesdaysEvents Coming Soon Feb-Apr 2025Blizzard of Books Winter Reading Programbiggest yet!For more details: Teaming up with SFCounty Volunteer Firefor Holiday Toy DriveMore than 1,000 peopleenjoyed Trunk or Treat.Thanks for all thecommunity membersand town departmentswho were “trunkers.”MonthlySaturdayMovieMatineesHoliday Ornament DecoratingEdgewood MS Art ExhibitLibary PumpkinCarving Event &your LbraryStaff at Trunk orTreatThe 1st Reindeer Runkicked off a day ofholiday festivitiesTwinkle Light Paradeled the way to theannual Edgewood TreeLighting at Venus Park

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FY25 Q2 P6 Town of Edgewood NewsletterCommunity Members Turn Out for Comp Planthroughout the process. The new ComprehensivePlan includes goals, objectives, and strategies toachieve the vision established by the community.To view the Comprehensive Plan, please go to: A Comprehensive Plan is a long-range vision forthe town. The plan is updated every five years,using a rolling 20-year future view of the town.Community input is an integral part of the process. A citizen committee will soon be formed toresearch ideas and funding options to potentiallydevelop a Memorial Garden area in Edgewood. In 2013-14, while building the town’s Animal Shelterand Police Station (now Edgewood’s MunicipalCourt), the town included the start of a memorialarea. A ramp connects to an adjacent area thatcould become a permaculture garden andreflective space.Residents experienced in landscape architecture,public art, and memorial planning areencouraged to contact: lburke@edgewood-nm.govCommission ConsidersMemorial GardenFourteen months in the making, Edgewood’s newComprehensive Plan has been completed and wasadopted by the Governing Body at the January 7,2025, regular meeting. The community’s input was critical to completingthe plan. Residents’ interests, concerns, and visionsfor Edgewood moving forward were identifiedthrough surveys, public meetings, and feedback ondraft versions of the plan. Town staff worked withprofessional consulting firm Consensus Planning Approximately 30 communitymembers attended the publicpresentation of the final draftComprehensive Plan in November.Consensus Planning, consultantshired by the town, prepared theComp Plan with input from thecommunity, staff, and using publicdata. Jackie Fishman, principle, gavean overview of the draft plan. It wasan opportunity for citizens to askquestions and offer additional inputbefore the plan went to the TownCommission.A small plaque placed at the site in 2023 recognizes “AllEdgewood Veterans who have served our Country soproudly.”

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FY25 Q2 P7 Town of Edgewood NewsletterQ2 Financial SummaryA summary of the town’s financial position was presented at the January 28th Commission meeting. Now atthe halfway point of the FY budget, town revenues are at 38% of budget and expenses are at 48% of budget. Itis noted that a number of annual expenses are paid during the first quarter each year which skews expenses. Staff DevelopmentThe Governing Body has made it a focusto get staffing levels up to address localexpectations. The process of adding tostaff will be gradual. During Q2 FY25: 5staff positions were filled (3 replacementand 2 new). Edgewood’s senior management workedon staffing projections and presented tothe Town Commission in December 2024a plan for FY25-FY27. A budget review offunding availability will soon help prioritizerecruitment efforts. Edgewood’s reputation as a “best place towork” is growing. We are recruiting highquality candidates, investing in employeetraining, and offering excellent benefitsand career paths. The result is top-notchhires to serve the Edgewood community.

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FY25 Q2 P8 Town of Edgewood NewsletterKeaty’s friendly and focused approach guided the town through its first steps, setting up anoperational framework, identifying priorities, and getting citizens involved as volunteers tomake things happen. Mayor Keaty led with enthusiasm and a genuine interest in bringinglocal control and services to Edgewood.“Dad always said, his greatest honor was working alongside so many wonderful people inEdgewood to incorporate the town,” said daughter Nancy Stone.Born in 1929, in St. Louis, Missouri, Keaty and his family moved to Albuquerque in 1968.Involved in the early days of computer programming in the 1950s and 60s, Keaty retired as a20-year computer programming instructor at TVI (now Central New Mexico CommunityCollege). He was the proud father of 11 children, 22 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren. Keaty and his late second wife, Celeste, resided in Edgewood during the 1990sand early 2000s before moving to Albuquerque.With great respect and a debt ofgratitude for his service, the Town ofEdgewood announced the passing offormer Mayor Lawrence (Larry) Keatyin late December. He was elected asEdgewood’s very first mayor, servingfrom Mar. 1999-Sep. 2000. Mayor Keatyhad recently been an honored guest atEdgewood's 25th Anniversary FoundersDay celebration in July 2024.During his term, he established thecommunity’s first town hall in twoformer classrooms of the OldEdgewood Schoolhouse. With a barebones budget and just the town clerkand himself, he did everything fromnavigating the detailed processes ofestablishing a municipality toanswering phones. Mayor Keatypresided over some rambunctiousearly meetings but always worked tograciously address the interests andconcerns of Edgewood’s small butvocal community.Edgewood Says Good-Bye to Town’s Very First MayorLawrence Keaty (1929-2024)

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FY25 Q2 P9 Town of Edgewood NewsletterMeeting on NM 344 & I-40In an October public meeting, consultants reviewedlong-range planning for Edgewood transportationneeds. State highways, such as NM 344, take yearsof planning and funds sourcing, The town is beingpro-active for future needs. Discussion includedexamples for widening NM 344 north of Dinkle Rd. tohandle traffic flow and safety concerns. Upgradesto Edgewood’s I-40 exit and possible future exitswere also discussed. Long-range planning andaction is necessary for Edgewood’s public safety.Roads and Maintenance Tackle Snow and Expand StaffsA series of November snowstorms hadEdgewood’s Road crews working continuouslyaround the clock for several days to keep roadsclear and passable. They repeatedly plowed andsalted main roads as the snow kept comingdown. Eventually, they were able to plowsecondary and neighborhood roads.Meanwhile, the Maintenance Department clearedsidewalks at all town facilities and along roads.They also worked to contain roof leaks and preventdamage to Library collections and Town Halloffices as the snow melted. The town leases thesebuildings from Moriarty Edgewood School District,therefore cannot make repairs to the roof. Roads and Maintenance have both recently addedto their staffs to keep up with growing communityexpectations. Both departments also support theWastewater Treatment facility when needed.Looking east on W. Hill Ranch Rd. themorning after November’s bigsnowstorm. Crews had cleared mostarterial roads in Edgewood andstarted on secondary roads. In true Edgewood fashion, neighborsalso helped neighbors during thestorm, pulling stuck vehicles out andhelping to plow driveways and privateroads.

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Upcoming Town EventsFY25 Q2 P10 Town of Edgewood NewsletterEveryWedFeb 6Feb 8 Feb 15Feb 22Mar 22Mar 25-29Apr 19Apr 19Apr 26Family Storytime (Library - 11:00am)Coffee with a Commissioner (PatrickMilligan @ From the Ashes ComesAmore, 9-11am)Build A Pal (Library - reservations reqd) Teen Masquerade Valentines Dance(Edgewood Middle School, 6-9pm)Family Movie Matinee (Library, 12-2pm)Family Movie Matinee (Library, 12-2pm)Scavenger Hunt (Library)Bunny Hop Run (Venus Park, 9am)Easter Egg Hunt (Venus Park, 1pm)Family Movie Matinee (Library, 12-2pm)Prepare for Fire DangersWildfires are a risk we face in New Mexico, andEdgewood is no exception. Risk increasesgreatly in Spring, Planning ahead and takingsteps to clear areas near your home areimportant. Edgewood is served by Santa FeCounty Fire Department and Santa Fe CountyOffice of Emergency Management. Anexplanation from the OEM website: “With dryer Winters and very little rains in the Southwestern United States wildfires are occurringmore often. Whether they are started by humanfactors or good old Mother Nature, they are part of a natural cycle that helps to maintain thehealth of our forest. Today, more than ever, people are moving intoremote areas to get away from the hustle and bustleof the city, but they are not addressing the dangersthat exist in these areas.When homes blend together with the wildland, atremendous wildfire danger can exist.”SF County Fire: County Office of Emergency Management: more details: Advisory BoardMeetingsParks & Rec (Town Hall, 6pm)Parks & Rec (Town Hall, 6pm)Library (Library, 6pm) Parks & Rec (Town Hall, 6pm)Feb 12Mar 12Mar 20 Apr 9Plan Ahead for Fire DangerSantaFeRSGGuide2017.pdf