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Echoes: Tales from Chromatic Expanse - Quickstart Guide

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TITLE Echoes Tales from Chromatic Expanse Quickstart Guide CREATED BY Dawid Tadel ART Placeholder art used I m looking for a talented artist to collaborate LAYOUT Dawid Tadel GAME ENGINE Unity of Opposites SPECIAL THANKS TO Marek wi cicki for development and testing Every dark wanderer who dared to dream and delve into the world of Chromatic Expanse CREDITS Inspired by Robert Plutchik s wheel of emotions and William Moulton Marston s DISC Model of Behavior SUPPORT The Quickstart Guide is available for free However you can show your support on Discord if you want to receive future updates and participate in shaping the system Let s develop the game together CLICK TO JOIN DISCORD KICKSTARTER Echoes isn t just a game it s the culmination of years of dreaming imagining and refining While this Quickstart is available for free the ultimate goal is to crowdfund a fully fleshed out rulebook with more abilities classes mechanics art and worldbuilding Let s fulfill this dream together CLICK TO GET LAUNCH NOTIFICATION VERSION Beta 1 3 1

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INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW GAME ENGINE Unity of opposites is a custom tabletop RPG game engine created for the purpose of designing Echoes Tales from Chromatic Expanse The engine uses two ten sided dice to represent the good the bad and the gray zones of behavior and emotions behind the player s decisions Harmony and Dissonance Echoes and Behaviors Buffs and Debuffs Fast and Slow weapons that s only some of the concepts you ll encounter in this system By combining behavior and emotions in every roll players can create rich nuanced characters who act and respond to their world in ways that are consistent with both their behavioral traits and emotional motivations This system encourages players to think more deeply about their character s actions and feelings adding depth to gameplay and making every roll of the dice a small piece of storytelling As long as a player continues to pass checks associated with a specific emotion they level up that emotion gaining temporary bonuses or special abilities related to it For instance repeatedly passing Anger related checks will enhance Anger driven abilities 4 However the moment you fail a check your emotional level immediately drops back to zero In the process the intense wave of emotions they ve been riding crashes down resulting in the acquisition of an Echo corruption The type of corruption they gain could be related to the emotion you were pushing This mechanic encourages players to weigh the potential benefits of pushing their emotions against the risks of failure and corruption It would create a lot of dramatic moments in the game where players must decide whether to push their luck or play it safe WHAT TO EXPECT The ruleset is of moderate complexity integrating psychological elements like emotions as primary character motivators Players make all dice rolls streamlining gameplay for both players and GMs A single roll determines hits and damage creating a faster strategic game Poor rolls empower the GM with Dissonance points The monochromatic art and emotion based mechanics reflect the game world Loot

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ing offers exciting risks while the outcome is scaled in four degrees Combat lacks a set initiative relying on tactics and Dissonance Points Simple stats bolster role playing with all equally crucial in social and combat scenarios Unconventional yet functional equipment enhances the narrative Characters blend behaviors emotions and identities for buffs The environment and monsters mirror these elements for debuffs adding depth to the world NEW TO RPGS Welcome If you re new to the world of tabletop roleplaying games TTRPGs there s an exciting journey ahead of you Roleplaying games are a shared storytelling experience where you and your friends create your own player characters PC and control their actions within a world shaped by the game master GM a person who runs the game and acts as the narrator referee and the minds behind every character you ll interact with that isn t controlled by another player mysterious and dangerous This TTRPG looks for a balance between combat oriented segments and more character focused segments exploring human or non human nature morality and the complexities of society WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY B Character sheet for each player Download it here B Seven ten sided dice four in one color and three in a different color Three dice are called Dissonance representing tens and three dice Harmony representing ones In further sections a ten sided die can be referred to as 1D10 or 5D10 where the first number determines the amount of dice A single ten sided die of any color called Equilibrium will be utilized by the Game Master GM to store Dissonance Points DP This particular TTRPG is a low fantasy survival setting That means it is a world that is often more grounded and gritty where magic is 5

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THE WORLD SETTING Welcome to the realm of The Chromatic Expanse a world where color and emotion intertwine in the most visceral and sometimes terrifying ways This world is initially devoid of color its lands and inhabitants appear as shades of grey creating a stark eerie landscape Here emotions are the essence of existence every feeling a human experiences leaves a physical trace of color called Echoes These Echoes vary in color and intensity representing the spectrum of human emotions Joy might emit bright yellows love could produce radiant reds melancholy might manifest as deep blues and fear could come across as harsh greys or blacks Stronger emotions create more vibrant and potent Echoes The inhabitants of this world have found ways to harness these Echoes extracting and distilling them into magical essences These essences are imbued dyed into clothing and weapons creating items with unique magical properties A cloak woven with the Echoes of tranquility might have a calming effect on those around it while a sword forged with the Echoes of rage could strike with terrifying force 6 However this powerful emotional energy has a dark side Those who experience extreme emotions risk transforming into Eldritch Echoes grotesque color imbued giant abominations that reflect the excess of their emotional states These transformations are a cautionary tale to all the inhabitants a grim reminder of the potential volatility of their own emotions Common folk call this transformation The Desolation while scientific groups refer to it as The Chromatic Fracture These horrors once humans who fell to their overwhelming feelings roam the desolate landscapes in a monstrous mockery of the emotion that birthed them Their dreadful presence and voracious appetites for more Echoes add a haunting layer of danger to the bleak landscape Survival is a constant battle not just against these beasts but also against one s overwhelming emotions Eldritch Echoes feed on the Echoes of the same emotion that created them drawn to individuals or places where such feelings are strong This can lead to a vicious cycle where a Beast of fear might incite terror in a village feeding off the resulting Echoes and growing even stronger

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Animals and plants feed on the Echoes around them taking on the properties of the emotion and changing over time These creatures form a unique and diverse ecosystem each with their own ways of harnessing and interacting with the Echoes Revenants are another form of monstrosity lurking in the wastelands Less powerful than Eldritch Echoes these demons still enlist fear and seem to feed on Echo energy to gain more size and power Perhaps the Revenants serve as guardians or regulators of the world s emotional balance or are simply another Eldrich creature their origin is currently to be discovered yet they are a much more common thread While Eldritch Echoes could threaten a city or even the whole world Revenants based on their size and consumed Echo are either easy to dispose of by a skilled adventurer or pose a threat to small villages Despite its inherent dangers many adventurers explore the Chromatic Expanse seeking out rare and powerful Echoes These Chroma seekers are part emotional explorers part survivalists learning to navigate their own emotional landscapes even as they traverse the physical world to wild tribes that celebrate emotional expression and live amidst a kaleidoscope of color It s a world where emotional intelligence is as important if not more so than physical strength This is a world of emotional survival horror where the greatest threat isn t just what s lurking in the darkness but what s lurking within the hearts of the people themselves Will they master their emotions and harness their power or be consumed by them and transformed into the very horrors they fear In the Chromatic Expanse the line between survival and transformation is as thin and shifting as the boundary between love and hate joy and despair In the Chromatic Expanse emotion is everything It shapes the world and its people driving them to incredible heights and terrifying depths The journey to understand and master these emotions defines their existence making life a vivid ever changing tapestry of color and feeling Societies within the Chromatic Expanse range from Willd collectives that train to control their emotions and limit their color emissions 7

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WORLD GEOGRAPHY Areas frequently experiencing specific emotions took on a permanent hue creating a visually diverse landscape War zones might be stained red with anger while places of worship could glow with serene blues of faith The intensity of the color could reflect the intensity of past events shaping the perception and significance of these areas CLIMATE With emotions being physical entities they could also influence the weather Cities dominated by happiness and joy might have brighter sunnier climates while areas of sorrow or fear might be perpetually overcast or prone to storms ELEMENTS In the monochromatic world of The Chromatic Expanse the elements much like everything else exist in shades of grey However their distinctive characteristics such as the crackle of a fire the flow of water the solidity of earth and the gust of wind make them distinguishable to the inhabitants of this world Given the lack of color inhabitants have developed heightened senses to perceive and understand their environment The elements are perceived not by their visual color but through their properties behaviors and the sensations they evoke Fire for instance would still crackle give off warmth and consume fuel even though its appearance would be in a spectrum of grey Water would be discernible by its fluidity and the way it reflects light Earth would be recognized by its solidity and texture and air by the way it moves and feels against the skin POLITICS Politics are influenced by emotional control and manipulation Leaders need to be masters of their emotions able to project the 8 desired Echoes to inspire their followers Emotional influence and the control of color could be a source of political power Politicians rarely wear colored clothing in public to hide their true intentions ECONOMICS The economy of The Chromatic Expanse is intricately tied to the extraction trade and usage of Lenses Emotions serve as the primary raw material and their conversion into Lenses varies in efficiency This conversion rate is a pivotal factor in the value of Lenses Established Lens Foundries are places where individuals can channel specific emotions to produce these crystalline artifacts While pure unadulterated emotions yield the most valuable Lenses achieving such intensity and genuineness is a challenge Some might resort to rare elixirs or advanced alchemy to enhance or replicate these emotional experiences The resulting Lens s market worth is often gauged by the purity and vibrancy of its hue Each faction within The Chromatic Expanse has honed its unique processes and techniques for Lens creation leading to varied conversion rates and risks associated with the minting process SOCIETY Society is stratified not just by wealth but also by emotional control Those able to regulate their emotions to avoid negative transformations would be seen as superior There might also be a division between those who believe in freely expressing emotions and those who believe in restraint The use of masks or other emotion hiding techniques is commonplace impacting social interactions and customs Only the extreme emotions and traumas lead to creating Eldritch Echoes it happens barely once a decade and usually results in devastating an area most of the everyday interactions form small pecks of Echo dust that disappear very quickly and are mostly invisible to the

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WORLD untrained eye THE AWAKENED Awakened are individuals who have undergone a transformation but managed to regain their human form In the past they experienced an emotion so powerful that it triggered their change yet they somehow maintained their humanity Now their connection to Echoes is stronger than ever However if they ever succumb to these intense emotions again they risk transforming into an even more powerful Eldritch Echo monstrosity What are conditions for awakening is currently unknown Though people speculate that it s either a genetic factor divine selection or a form of societal control The Awakened are seen as dangerous creating fear and suspicion They face discrimination or isolation and could even be considered outcasts in certain societies due to the potential threat they pose Some of the Awakened are hired for military reasons while others serve a number of critical roles based on their unique abilities Their power in comparison to the Eldritch Echoes is unknown though they have been seen dealing with various levels of Revenants RELIGION Religions could arise around different emotional philosophies Some might worship serenity promoting calm and peace while others might believe in the sanctity of all emotions even the dangerous ones There could be religious ceremonies designed to evoke specific emotions for their Echoes SCIENCE Scientific study focuses on understanding emotions and how to control harness and utilize them more effectively Scholars seek ways to prevent the transformation into Eldritch Echoes and explore how different 10 Echoes interact with each other Largest cities possess emotion detecting devices and militia hunt individuals producing strong Echoes before the Eldritch transformation can occur TECHNOLOGY Progress and tradition intertwine in the Chromatic Expanse Instruments like Spectrographs are essential for measuring Echoes potency Chroma Engines tapping into emotional energy have ushered industries into a new age of efficiency Dye Infusion a method for embedding Echo essences into objects has been refined with the introduction of Dye Infusers These machines guarantee precision in infusing Echoes The city s most notable technological feat is the Lumina Barrier a vast protective device against monsters The barrier s relentless Lens consumption necessitates hefty taxes ensuring protection at a notable economic price ARTS Art is deeply emotional with artists learning to evoke specific emotions in their audience to create the desired Echoes Literature music and visual arts are perceived not just through their content but through the emotional colors they generate Artists rarely have money to paint with color resorting to gray Echoes HISTORY Historical events are remembered not just for their facts but for their emotional impact Battles are known for the red of their rage or the black of their despair The reign of a beloved queen might be remembered in shades of joyful gold No realm is without its dark chapters The Chromatic Expanse has seen The Desolation Wars where inhabitants faced off against towering Eldritch Echoes While the battles

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might have subdued the Echo Cartels controlling emotion essence extraction and distribution keep the flames of conflict alive And lurking in obscurity is the menace of Chromatic Terrorism deliberate unleashing of volatile Echo combinations to sow chaos and fear LANGUAGE In this land of hues and shades emotions also frame communication The Hueborn elites employ Color Speech a silent communication style where Echo patterns become profound messages The Shadeless ever adapting use Echo Signs a sign language crafted to allow them to express their desires without color To span distances Tonal Whispers vibrating with Echoes ensure the sender s emotions and intentions are conveyed MORALITY AND ETHICS The ethical dilemmas of this world are as complex as its hues Chromatic Ethics debates ponder the moral grounds of Echo extraction and utilization While the Eldritch Echoes are seen by many as aberrations the Desolation Sympathizers argue for their acceptance Overlaying societal norms is the Color Caste System where hierarchies emerge based on one s ability to generate and modulate Echoes UNIQUE PHENOMENA The Chromatic Expanse is replete with wonders Emotion Storms where the skies pour colors mirror the collective emotions of its people There are the Achromatic Zones unique regions devoid of any emotional energy And for the weary traveler the Spectral Springs offer a reprieve waters tinged with Echoes promising a drink laden with fleeting emotions FACTIONS ed to maintaining the balance of emotions throughout The Chromatic Expanse They believe that emotions while powerful should be controlled and harnessed for the greater good Their training grounds known as the Luminary Sanctum is a place where members learn to extract and channel Echoes without succumbing to their power Lenses Their steadfast nature and dedication to controlling and harnessing emotions make them a prime candidate for a safer extraction process Their specialized training at the Luminary Sanctum would focus on precision ensuring minimal Echo produced However the expertise required for such a meticulous process would naturally come at a higher cost Purity Chance 60 Conversion Rate 6 1 CHROMA CABAL Leader Lysandra the Echo Enchantress Dwelling in the heart of the Echo Abyss the Chroma Cabal seeks dominance over The Chromatic Expanse Their goal is to control the production and distribution of Echoes ensuring that emotions and their resulting colors can be manipulated according to their whims Lysandra with her innate ability to corrupt Echoes leads her followers in their dark quest believing that the world can only achieve true order through emotional dictatorship Lenses Their desire to dominate the production and distribution of Echoes might have led them to develop more efficient methods of extraction offering a better conversion rate for players However given Lysandra s innate ability to corrupt Echoes this process may carry a higher risk of Echo gain Purity Chance 10 Conversion Rate 1 1 LUMINOUS ORDER Leader Selara the Echo Seer The Luminous Order is a steadfast and honorable group of warriors and mages dedicat11

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WORLD THE GRAYSCALE GUILD Leader Brevan the Neutral Sage The Grayscale Guild promotes the philosophy of emotional neutrality They contend that extreme emotions whether joyous or sorrowful bring instability to the world From their haven The Monochrome Monastery Brevan teaches techniques to cleanse oneself of colorful Echoes striving for a state of perfect emotional equilibrium Lenses Their philosophy of emotional neutrality might allow them to produce Lenses that are purer and more stable minimizing the risk of Echo Corruption However achieving such a state of emotional equilibrium is challenging thus increasing the fee Purity Chance 50 Conversion Rate 5 1 Lenses Their close brush with transformation into Eldritch Echoes might have endowed them with a unique but unstable insight into the nature of Echoes They could offer a better conversion rate as they re desperate to understand and potentially reverse their condition Still the fragmented nature of their emotional state means a heightened Echo Corruption risk Purity Chance 30 Conversion Rate 3 1 PRISM PROTECTORS ECHOWOOD ENCLAVE Leader Ilyana the Spectrum Sentinel Leader Talira the Nature Whisperer The Prism Protectors champion the idea that every emotion regardless of its nature is essential for the world s harmony They are the sworn enemies of the Grayscale Guild often clashing over their contrasting ideologies From their dazzling citadel the Rainbow Refuge Ilyana encourages the free expression of emotions viewing them as the world s true essence Positioned deep within the heart of the emotion infused Echowood Forest this faction believes that emotions are deeply intertwined with nature The trees plants and animals all resonate with Echoes and the Enclave s purpose is to ensure the symbiotic relationship between nature and emotions remains untainted Talira with her unique bond to the Echowood guides her followers in understanding and preserving this delicate balance Lenses Given their belief in the significance of every emotion they might not discriminate in their extraction process leading to a more efficient conversion However this inclusive approach could inadvertently introduce impurities leading to a slightly higher risk of Echo gain Purity Chance 20 Conversion Rate 2 1 THE FRACTURE FORSAKEN Leader Dorian the Shattered One Consisting of individuals who ve narrowly escaped transformation into Eldritch Ech12 oes the Fracture Forsaken seek a cure for their fragmented emotional state Residing in the Cracked Citadel a place echoing with the remnants of intense feelings Dorian leads with a hope of redemption yearning to find a way to reverse or halt the impending Chromatic Fracture Lenses With their intrinsic connection to nature and emotions they might have developed natural methods of extracting and purifying Echoes However the time and effort involved in maintaining the delicate balance might mean higher costs for their services Purity Chance 40 Conversion Rate 4 1

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CHARACTER CREATION This chapter will delve into the fundamental components of character creation Remember your character is more than just numbers on a sheet it s your voice in the game world a reflection of your creativity to create a three dimensional personality SUMMARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Select 1 Class Distribute 10 Behavior Points Note your Reflexes and Wound Treshold Choose your Emotional Harmony and Dissonance then record the starting Echo Stages and Echo Corruption Note 2 Identities Distribute 3 Ability Points Record 7 Lenses as your initial currency Generate 3 Common Items Select 1 Dream CLASSES The inhabitants survival hinges upon their adeptness in expressing manipulating and harnessing their emotions This has given rise to specialized classes individuals who have honed their relationship with their emotions to a razor s edge Each class represents a unique approach to interacting with 14 Echoes turning raw emotion into practical skills magical abilities and essential tools for survival Character Creation Select one of the classes note your Level 1 and stats Behavior based on your Class selection FIGHTER CRIMSON BERSERKER These fighters have trained to harness the Echoes of strong emotions such as anger or determination into their weapons imbuing them with deadly power Their attacks could cause effects that reflect the nature of the emotion infused like causing terror in their enemies or inspiring their allies B STR DMG 30 B DEX HIT 25 B WILL AR 20 B INT RES 25 B STAMINA 3 ROGUE SHADOW DANCER These rogues harness the Echoes of fear and sorrow to brew potions that mask your true intentions create illusions or cloak themselves in invisibility

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B STR HIT 25 B DEX DMG 30 B WILL RES 25 B INT AR 20 B STAMINA 2 MAGE CHROMA CASTER These powerful spellcasters use Echoes of various emotions to cast their spells The nature of the emotion used can affect the nature of the spell For instance a fireball spell cast with an Echo of anger might be more destructive while one cast with an Echo of joy might be more controlled but dazzlingly bright B STR AR 20 B DEX RES 25 B WILL HIT 25 B INT DMG 30 B STAMINA 1 Development Notes More classes coming in the corebook Spectrim Sentinel Hunt Revenants to extract their Echo essences and gain the ability to summon their spectral forms in battle turning the very essence of your adversaries against them Harmony Shaper Shape and direct the world s emotional energy flow When transforming with Wild Shape embody not only a creature s physical form but also its emotional essence Serenity Sage Strive for balance with Echoes of peace tranquility and equilibrium Forge barriers dispel emotional magic stun with a fist of fury and soothe with a touch of serenity Echo Weaver Weave tales and songs painting the world around you inspiring and manipulating emotions in others to produce specific Echoes for you and your allies to use Luminous Venguard Create protective auras and cast a radiant glow of various Echoes upon your allies and foes Soothe or provoke your adversaries BEHAVIOR Your Behavior determines how you navigate and interact with your surroundings and the Echoes within it As you traverse the monochromatic landscapes your behaviors will be your compass guiding your survival evolu15

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CHARACTER CREATION tion and ultimately your destiny Character Creation At the start you receive 10 Behavior Points Distribute these points among your four Behaviors as you prefer to customize your character s personality DOMINANT STRENGTH STR Strength is associated with confidence Characters with high strength often have the confidence to face physical challenges headon whether that s battling a monstrous creature or hauling heavy treasure out of a dungeon This confidence could also translate into emotional strength giving characters the courage to face their fears or stand up for what they believe in B Behavior Dominant driving deter mined domineering demanding B Positive Confidence a strong character often carries an assuredness and a willingness to confront challenges head on B Negative Arrogance sometimes strength can breed overconfidence leading to arrogance or underestimating challenges and opponents INFLUENTIAL DEXTERITY DEX Dexterity is associated with adaptability Characters with high dexterity are quick to react and can adjust to new situations with ease Whether they re picking a lock dodging an attack or balancing on a narrow ledge they can handle the unexpected This adaptability can help them stay calm under pressure and navigate tricky social situations B Behavior Influential inspiring innova tive impulsive irritating B Positive Adaptability dexterity allows characters to adjust quickly to new situations and think on their feet B Negative Impulsivity on the other hand those who rely heavily on their dexterity might make hasty decisions without fully considering the consequences 16 STEADY WILL WILL Will aligns with patience and perseverance Characters with high Will are used to routine and can wait for the right moment to act They don t give up easily and can stay focused on their goals even when faced with setbacks or distractions This can translate to emotional resilience in the face of adversity B Behavior Steady stable supportive slow sensitive B Positive Patience will characters often have the ability to wait for the right moment demonstrating great self control B Negative Inflexibility however too much Will can lead to rigidity or an inability to adapt to sudden changes or unforeseen circumstances making it difficult for the character to let go or accept defeat COMPLIANT INTELLIGENCE INT Intelligence is linked to curiosity Characters with high intelligence are driven by a desire to understand the world around them They are always asking questions seeking answers and exploring new ideas This intellectual curiosity can also lead them to be more open minded and accepting of different perspectives B Behavior Compliant careful correct calculating condescending B Positive Curiosity intelligent characters often have a thirst for knowledge showing interest and enthusiasm in learning B Negative Overthinking high intelligence can also lead to over analyzing situations or information paralysis causing stress and indecisiveness ECHO Every action check involves a compelling interplay between Echo and Behavior where Echo represents both the emotion and motivation of the character This intricate dance underscores the importance of not only your character s inherent capabilities but also the emotional forces guiding their

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CHARACTER CREATION actions The game features eight primary Echoes each representing a distinct emotion with Echo Stages ranging from 0 to 2 to indicate their intensity throughout the game These multi layered Echoes are open to interpretation allowing players to explore and express them in unique ways Below are examples of how these emotions might be understood but players are encouraged to develop their own interpretations and approaches JOY Characters motivated by joy are often generous and inspired seeking to uplift others or create moments of happiness Their drive goes beyond personal pleasure and they might feel a strong desire to share their joy with those around them However this can also lead to overextending themselves in an effort to spread joy sometimes forgetting to nurture their own happiness SADNESS Sadness can evoke deep grief or feelings of hopelessness Characters driven by sadness might withdraw or seek solace in comforting environments They may be motivated by a desire to heal but their sadness can also cause them to feel stuck in the past unable to move forward or see a way out of their despair FEAR Fear makes characters insecure and cautious constantly on the lookout for potential threats Their motivation is often rooted in a need for self preservation but this fear can also make them hesitant or overly defensive In some cases fear leads to paralysis where their insecurity prevents them from taking action or embracing change ANGER Anger can provoke a character into action often driven by a sense of injustice They might feel deeply provoked or vengeful seeking to right wrongs or stand up for themselves and others However their anger 18 can cloud their judgment causing them to act impulsively or stubbornly sometimes to their own detriment SURPRISE Characters motivated by surprise might feel betrayed or disappointed when their expectations aren t met Their natural curiosity and desire for novelty can make them eager for new experiences but when these experiences fall short they can feel let down This mix of excitement and disillusionment can drive them to constantly seek something new always chasing the next surprise DISGUST Disgust is not only about repulsion it can also be linked to feelings of envy or boredom Characters driven by disgust may feel repelled by others or by situations they deem beneath them yet this often stems from their own dissatisfaction Their judgmental nature or envy of those they feel superior to can drive them to change or eliminate what they find distasteful TRUST Trust motivates characters to seek calm reliable relationships grounded in loyalty and security However they may also feel a deep longing for connection and a fear of betrayal While they may form strong bonds this trust can also make them vulnerable to manipulation or cause them to overlook red flags in others due to their desire for peace and stability ANTICIPATION Characters motivated by anticipation are passionate and curious about what the future holds Their drive is often focused on potential possibilities pushing them toward new goals and experiences However their eagerness can sometimes make them restless or overly focused on future outcomes which may cause them to overlook the present or rush into situations without fully considering the consequences

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EMOTIONAL HARMONY DISSONANCE Character Creation Choose 1 Echo to represent your Emotional Harmony The stage for this Echo can never drop below 1 cross out the 0 field for this Echo Choose 1 Echo to represent your Emotional Dissonance The stage for this Echo can never exceed 1 cross out the 2 field for this Echo Set the starting Echo Stage for each Echo to 0 except for Emotional Harmony which starts at 1 Set the starting Echo Corruption EC level at 0 REFLEX Your character s Reflexes define their ability to endure sudden threats and navigate the challenges of this perilous world These essential defensive and offensive traits are the cornerstone of survival the crucial barrier between your existence and the unrelenting horrors of the monochromatic realm Whenever a rule refers to using a modifier it means you should use the tens digit of the value For example if your Damage value is 27 the modifier is 2 Character Creation Each Reflex is linked to a corresponding Behavior determined by your class Refer to your class details to identify which Behaviors are associated with the Reflexes ARMOR HIT DAMAGE and RESISTANCE Record these pairings and their values on your character sheet The values of Behaviors determine the values of their paired Reflexes Whenever you update a Behavior you must record the new value for the corresponding Reflex However updating a Reflex directly does not affect the value of its paired Behavior ARMOR AR Represents your resilience against physical damage including piercing slashing and bludgeoning When you take physical damage perform a Defense check using your AR value B Triumph No damage B Success Half damage B Setback Full damage B Disaster Double damage HIT HIT Determines your chance to hit a target Refer to Attack check rules for more details DAMAGE DMG Determines your damage bonus during an Attack check The damage bonus is derived from the damage modifier RESISTANCE RES Represents your resistance to magical and status based damage such as magic poison fire and lightning When you take this type of damage perform a Defense check using your RES value B Triumph No damage B Success Half damage B Setback Full damage B Disaster Double damage WOUND TRESHOLD WT STAMINA STA Character Creation Each PC has a stamina and wound threshold determined by the sum of their class bonus to stamina AR modifier and RES modifier Record the values for WT and STA These will be explained later in the Wounds section IDENTITY Identity helps you shape your character s background and understanding of specific 19

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CHARACTER CREATION topics The way you orient your character in the setting by selecting specific Identity also determine B Small Buffs and Debuffs you can get for your skill checks B Roleplaying opportunities B Miscellaneous items you can use Each identity combines an aspect an adjective such as Muscular or Cunning with an archetype a noun like Scoundrel or Scholar Together they form a distinct identity such as Muscular Scoundrel or Cunning Scholar Character Creation Start by creating 2 Identities You can either roll randomly using the list below or come up with your own ideas to create Identities that suit your character ASPECT 1 Muscular 11 Free spirited 2 Slender 12 Intimidating 3 Graceful 13 Disciplined 4 Empathetic 14 Thick skinned 5 Altruistic 15 Cunning 6 Business savvy 16 Rageful 7 Brutal 17 Fierce 8 Protective 18 Explosive 9 Passionate 19 Judgmental 10 Impulsive 20 Cynical ARCHETYPE 20 1 Leader 11 Outlaw 2 Scholar 12 Gladiator 3 Healer 13 Illusionist 4 Merchant 14 Survivor 5 Tribesman 15 Diplomat 6 Assassin 16 Alchemist 7 Sleuth 17 Avenger 8 Guardian 18 Martyr 9 Witch 19 Rebel 10 Nomad 20 Scoundrel DREAM At the beginning of each session during the Dream Phase each player may select one Dream they wish to realize during that session This can be chosen from either the general list your class specific list or an entirely new creation The selected Dream should be clearly declared to the GM and the other players Each player has a maximum of three active non realized Dreams When a Dream is realized it becomes part of your Identity To create your Dreams it s best to follow the same structure of combining an aspect with an archetype However experienced PCs may create Dreams using any structure they prefer Realize a Dream When performing any check in the game whether it s a Skill Support Defense or Attack check you may declare that you wish to realize one of your Dreams with this check The GM and other players must agree that the scene is suitable for the selected Dream and that the chosen Echo and Behavior align with it You can only attempt this once per session with no rerolls allowed You select Echo and Behavior as normal for this check If you succeed the Dream becomes part of your Identity You can then remove it from your Dream section and write it in the Identity section If you choose to use a Corrupted Echo to realize a Dream and succeed you can remove the Corruption and gain an Echo Gem of the related type For example if you used Anger for the check you ll receive an Anger Gem Refer to the crafting rules for more information on Echo Gems The GM may apply Buffs or Debuffs to the check based on the alignment of the scene and the player s thought process If a player has three active Dreams and wishes to add a new one during the Dream Phase they must replace one of their existing Dreams The replaced Dream is then removed from the player s active slots and

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the new Dream takes its place Non realized Dreams remain in the player s active slots between sessions They can be pursued in subsequent sessions until they are either realized or replaced TIP Players may suggest their own Dreams Ideally custom Dreams should align with the character s Echo Behavior and Identities Dreams can be kept secret from other players but must be shared with the GM for assessment Character Creation At the beginning of the first session select a single Dream based on your class from the list below A Dream follows the same structure as an Identity consisting of an aspect and an archetype The examples below provide recommended criteria such as Echo and Behavior to trigger a Dream and help you set the appropriate scene for attempting a Dream realization check However noting these down is not required FIGHTER CRIMSON BERSERKER Unquenchable Bloodlust In the heat of battle I crave dominance and revel in the fury of combat Echo Anger Behavior Dominant Criteria Seek out and engage in combat encounters with a dominant and aggressive demeanor displaying anger towards opponents Prioritize direct confrontation over alternative solutions whenever possible driven by your desire to dominate the battlefield Vowed Protector My allies safety is my utmost priority Echo Trust Behavior Compliant Criteria Prioritize the safety and well be ing of your allies in combat encounters displaying compliant obedience to their needs Actively intervene to protect vulnerable party members shield others from harm and prioritize teamwork and cooperation over personal glory all while trusting in the strength of your bonds with comrades Haunting Memories My past haunts me but I face it with a steady resolve seeking redemption amidst the sadness Echo Sadness Behavior Steady Criteria Demonstrate an ongoing struggle with past trauma or emotional turmoil related to your character s backstory with a steady and introspective demeanor This could manifest as moments of brooding emotional vulnerability or quiet contemplation particularly in situations reminiscent of their past experiences all while displaying a sadness that lingers beneath the surface ROGUE SHADOW DANCER Pathological Liar I am a master manipulator weaving lies and half truths effortlessly to achieve my goals Deception is my weapon and I wield it with precision to outsmart my foes and evade detection Echo Joy Behavior Influential Criteria Display joyous enthusiasm when employing deceit and manipulation to achieve your objectives Seek out opportunities to deceive others using charm and persuasion to influence situations to your advantage and avoid direct confrontation whenever possible 21

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CHARACTER CREATION Nocturnal Gaze My senses are honed to perfection allowing me to see and hear what others cannot In the darkness my vision pierces the shadows revealing hidden threats and opportunities alike Echo Anticipation Behavior Steady Criteria Demonstrate keen anticipation and alertness to your surroundings Actively seek out hidden dangers and opportunities relying on your heightened senses to detect threats and navigate shadowy environments with confidence and precision Silent Step Fear bends the wills of others and I exploit it to my advantage Echo Fear Behavior Compliant Criteria Leverage your own fears to understand and exploit the fears of others Adopt a compliant demeanor utilizing fear to coerce and intimidate others into submission Assert dominance over your adversaries through subtle manipulation and psychological warfare MAGE CHROMA CASTER Mischievous Trick With each incantation I unveil unexpected wonders that captivate and disorient leaving my enemies vulnerable to my will Echo Surprise Behavior Influential Criteria Embrace your impulsive nature using surprise as a catalyst for innovation in your magic Seek opportunities to create spells that dazzle and bewilder your enemies with unexpected displays of creativity and spontaneity 22 Guilt Ridden Manipulator Disgust churns within me as I commit to unspeakable deeds driven by guilt and desperation With each vile act I solidify my place in the villain s inner circle weaving a web of deceit to orchestrate their downfall Echo Disgust Behavior Dominant Criteria Grapple with feelings of disgust as you undertake reprehensible acts in pursuit of defeating a villain Embrace disgust and moral ambiguity to gain the villain s trust and access to vital information ensuring that you can ultimately bring about their downfall from within Unwavering Conviction I tread with unwavering certainty even when the path ahead is veiled in uncertainty Echo Trust Behavior Dominant Criteria Exhibit unyielding belief in your knowledge and expertise even when faced with ambiguity or contradictory information ABILITIES Leveling up grants players with special abilities Each ability has the following components B Name Each ability has a unique name B Number Each tree has its own set of abilities numbered 1 to 4 B Tree Each ability tree is associated with a specific percentage value ranging from 10 to 90 Players can only activate abilities and talents from a given tree if their Corruption level on the EC track meets or exceeds the tree s percentage requirement For example to activate any ability from the 30 tree a PC must have at least 30 Corruption B Requisite Any additional conditions

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required to use this ability B Description Explains how the ability functions including details such as bonus damage speed and range type B Talents Offer additional options to customize and enhance abilities Each talent also grants additional Behavior points equal to the Tree value For example each 30 talent grants 3 points to a specific Behavior As you level up you ll gain AP which are used to unlock new abilities and talents At level 1 you start with access to the 10 tree To unlock the next 30 tree you must first invest at least 2 AP in the preceding tree Unlocking a new ability or talent costs 1 AP To unlock a talent you must first unlock its corresponding ability There is no limit to the number of talents you can unlock for each ability FIGHTER CRIMSON BERSERKER 1 A B C TIP Focus on unlocking new abilities for versatility in combat but don t forget to include talents that enhance your Behaviors for non combat checks Development Notes Allow PCs to retrain abilities and talents during downtime but introduce a cost to reflect the effort involved Since abilities are tied to Behavior retraining them should represent meaningful personal growth PCs can unlock new abilities regardless of their current position on the EC track The EC track position only matters when a PC wants to activate an ability Behavior points gained from talents remain active at all times regardless of the PC s position on the EC track Remember before activating an ability a PC must pay a cost of 1 EC However there is no cost to acquire an ability other than AP Character Creation Spend 3 AP on your class abilities and talents Remember you need to spend at least 2 points in a single tree to unlock the next one Make sure to record all bonus Behavior points from the talents you select and then adjust the Reflexes accordingly 2 A B C 10 Rupture Type Melee fast Requisite Melee slashing weapon Description Attack a single target in range 0 dealing 2 bonus slashing damage Gain 40 chance to apply Affliction on Setback or better Talents 1 steady Increase Affliction chance to 80 if you re using a two handed slashing weapon 1 dominant Applying Affliction to a target already suffering from this status immediately resolves the Affliction damage without removing the condition 1 influential Your attacks against targets with Affliction have a 15 chance to apply Stun 10 Bash Type Melee slow Requisite Melee bludgeoning weapon Description Attack a single target in range 0 dealing 3 bonus bludgeoning damage Gain 40 chance to apply Stun on Setback or better Talents 1 influential Each time you attack with a bludgeoning weapon this turn increase the Stun chance of this ability by 20 1 steady Apply Protection to yourself or an ally in range 0 1 instead of applying Stun 1 compliant Dealing damage to a target with Stun has a 25 chance to heal one of your minor wounds 23

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CHARACTER CREATION 3 A B C 4 A B C 1 24 10 Charge Strike Type Melee fast Requisite Melee weapon Description Select a single target and gain 3 MP to move toward it If the target is within range 0 after moving perform a free attack against it You cannot end your movement in the same space where you started Talents 1 steady Increase the attack s damage by 1 for each space you moved 1 influential Requires a slashing weapon 40 chance to apply Affliction on Setback or better if you moved at least 1 space 1 dominant Requires a bludgeoning weapon 40 chance to apply Stun on Setback or better if you moved at least 1 space 10 Rampage Type Melee slow Requisite One handed melee weapon s Description Attack a single target in range 0 dealing 2 bonus damage Gain 40 chance to apply Weaken on Setback or better Talents 1 dominant Reaction if an enemy tries to leave your space make an Attack check On a passed check the target stays in your space 1 influential On Setback or better you can decide to push your targets to an adjacent space GM might call for an additional Attack check based on the target s size 1 steady You can target up to 2 enemies within range Bladestorm Type Melee fast Requisite Melee weapon Description Attack up to two targets in range 0 dealing 2 bonus damage A B C 2 A B C 3 30 A Talents 3 dominant Gain 30 chance to reset Bladestorm allowing you to perform it immediately for free 3 influential While being motivated by Surprise gain Empower if you hit at least 2 enemies with Bladestorm 3 dominant When using a slashing weapon you gain a 40 chance to apply the Bleed Affliction to all targets 30 War Cry Type Melee fast Description Perform a 60 Skill check On a passed check inflict Weaken on all enemies within range 0 1 Talents 3 influential While being motivated by Fear increase the Weaken chance by 10 for each target in range up to a maximum of 90 3 steady While being motivated by Trust on a passed check additionally grant Empower to all allies in range 3 dominant While being motivated by Anger on a passed check additionally push away all enemies by 1 space 30 Shield Thrust Type Melee slow Requisite Shield Description Attack a single target in range 0 dealing 1 bonus bludgeoning damage On a passed check push the target back by 1 space You also gain Protection on Setback or better Talents 3 influential While being motivat

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B C 4 A B C ed by Surprise increase the knockback distance to 3 on a passed check 3 steady While being motivated by Disgust the target also suffers slow on a passed check 3 steady You can perform an immediate movement action on a passed check 30 Tremor Type Ranged slow Requisite Melee bludgeoning weapon Description Attack up to three targets in a straight line in range 0 2 dealing 1 bonus bludgeoning damage Talents 3 compliant While being motivated by Disgust apply Weaken to all enemies hit 3 influential Gain 30 chance to apply Stun to all enemies 3 steady While being motivated by Anticipation regenerate 2 WT on a passed check 2 A B C 3 A ROGUE SHADOW DANCER 1 A B C 10 Vital Sting Type Melee fast Requisite One handed melee weapon s Description Attack up to 2 targets in range 0 Gain 30 chance to apply Weaken on Setback or better Talents 1 dominant You can attack up to 3 targets 1 compliant One handed ranged weapon s can be now used to activate this ability with 1 range 1 steady Killing a Weakened target grants you Protection B C 4 10 Phantom Step Type Melee slow Requisite One handed melee weapon s Description Instantly move to a space adjacent to a target in range 0 1 vanishing from your current location Upon reappearing immediately make an Attack check against the target dealing 1 bonus damage Talents 1 dominant Gain 1 range 1 compliant Remove slow or Immobilize from yourself on a passed check 1 influential Gain 40 chance to apply Weaken on Setback or better 10 Throwing Blade Type Ranged fast Requisite One handed range weapon s Description Attack up to two targets in range 0 1 Talents 1 steady You can attack up to 3 targets On a passed check there is a 20 chance to attack a 4th target 1 influential On a passed check you may spend an extra action fast to push your targets 1 space away If any target cannot be pushed due to an obstacle increase the degree of success for the Attack check against that target by 1 1 compliant Gain 40 chance of applying Affliction to all targets on a passed check 10 Piercing Shot Type Ranged slow Requisite Two handed range piercing weapon Description Attack a single target in range 0 2 dealing piercing damage Ignore target s AR 25

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CHARACTER CREATION A B C 1 A B C 2 A 26 Talents 1 dominant Gain 60 chance to apply Weaken on Setback or better 1 compliant Gain 1 range 1 influential Ignore the pointblank penalty Deal 1 damage if you use this ability against a target at range 2 30 Trap Type Melee slow Description Set a trap within range 0 When a target enters the area of the trap it s triggered make a 75 Skill check On a passed check inflict Poison Affliction to that target and all other enemies in range 0 1 Talents 3 influential When the trap is triggered by an enemy you have a 50 chance for the trap to remain undetected and reseted so that it can activate when another target enters the area 3 steady The trap now occupies 3 spaces instead of 1 but still activates only when a target enters a single space 3 steady When the trap is triggered and you pass the check apply Stun to the target B C 3 A B C 4 30 Ambush Type Melee fast Requisite One handed melee slashing or piercing weapon s Description Attack a single target in range 0 dealing 3 bonus bludgeoning or slashing damage If the target has not dealt damage to anyone during this scene increase the degree of success for the Attack check against that target by 1 Talents 3 influential You can use Ambush with one handed ranged slashing or piercing weapon s in range 0 2 A B Ignore the point blank penalty 3 dominant Apply Weaken on Setback or better 3 steady You can perform an immediate movement action on a passed check 30 Death Mark Type Ranged fast Description Select a single Horde in range 0 2 and make a Skill check On a passed check the Horde is marked for death If you attack the Horde marked for death during this turn kill double the enemies Talents 3 dominant While being motivated by Anger apply Weaken to the Horde 3 compliant While being motivated by Trust 50 chance to spread the mark to a single target within range when all enemies within the Horde are killed while the mark is still active 3 steady For each target killed in the Horde marked for death regain 1 WT 30 Summon Companion Type Melee or ranged slow Description You gain a personalized companion such as a spectral raven or shadowy wolf to assist you Upon gaining this ability you must choose your companion s type subject to the GM s discretion The companion is limited to basic support and cannot attack or speak You can activate this ability to grant yourself Empower as your companion thematically supports you in combat Talents 3 steady When activated the companion reveals hidden traps or enemies within range 0 3 3 influential When activated se

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C lect a single target and make an Attack check in range 0 2 On a passed check apply Weaken 3 steady When activated gain Protection in Sadness you have when making the Attack check 3 MAGE CHROMA CASTER 1 A B C 2 A B C 10 Rageflare Type Ranged fast Requisite Anger or any Echo 1 2 Description Attack a single target in range 0 2 dealing 1 bonus fire damage Gain 30 chance to apply Affliction on Setback or better Increase to 60 if you are motivated by Anger Talents 1 influential While being motivated by Joy on a passed check apply Stun 1 steady Once per combat scene instead of dealing damage you can consume it to remove one of your minor or serious wounds if the damage is higher than your WT 1 compliant Applying Affliction to a target already suffering from this status immediately resolves the Affliction damage without removing the condition 10 Sorrowfrost Type Melee slow Requisite Sadness or any Echo 1 2 Description Attack a single target in range 0 dealing 3 bonus frost damage Gain 30 chance to apply slow on Setback or better Increase to 60 if you are motivated by Sadness Talents 1 influential Deal half damage to all other targets within range 0 of the original target 1 dominant Instead of slow you may apply Immobilize 1 compliant Increase the slow chance by additional 10 for each level A B C 4 A B C 10 Shockwave Type Ranged fast Requisite Any Echo 0 1 Description Attack a single target in range 0 2 dealing 1 bonus lighting damage On Setback or better you can decide to push your target away to an adjacent space Talents 1 compliant You can pull your target closer instead of pushing it 1 steady If you are motivated by Surprise you can switch places with your target instead of pushing it 1 dominant Gain 1 range 10 Gustblade Type Ranged slow Requisite Anticipation or any Echo 1 2 Description Attack a single target in range 0 1 dealing 2 bonus lighting damage Gain 20 chance to gain Empower on Setback or better Increase to 40 if you are motivated by Anticipation Talents 1 steady Reaction if an enemy tries to enter your melee range make an Attack check On a passed check the target does not move into your space 1 influential Reaction On a passed defense check you take the damage as normal but you can also redirect the same amount of damage to another target within range 0 1 1 dominant You can attack up to 2 targets with 20 chance to attack up to 3 targets on a passed check Increase to 40 if you are motivated by Anticipation 27

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CHARACTER CREATION 1 A B C 2 A B C 30 Blink Type Ranged fast Description Disappear from your current space and reappear in a different space within range 0 3 that you can see Talents 3 steady Gain 1 range 3 steady Remove slow or Immobile before teleporting 3 influential Make an Attack check after teleporting On a passed check apply Weaken to all targets in range 0 1 30 Devour Magic Type Ranged slow Description Attack a single target within range 0 2 dealing 2 bonus arcane damage On a successful check consume a visible manifestation of an Echo on the target to increase the stage of one of your Echoes by 1 You cannot select an Echo that is already at its maximum stage Immediately restore WT equal to the current stage of the Echo you selected This effect does not trigger if you fail to increase the Echo s stage Talents 3 dominant 50 chance to apply Weaken 3 influential On a passed check gain Empower 3 steady On Setback the target s Echo violently backfires dealing the same damage to everyone in range 0 1 causing confusion among enemies However it deals no damage The mirror image dissipates at the start of your next turn or if it takes at least 1 damage A B C 4 A B C 3 28 30 Mirror Image Type Ranged fast Description Create a single illusory duplicate of yourself within range 0 1 The mirror image moves the same distance as you during a Movement action in any direction and attacks the same target as you Talents 3 steady When the mirror image dissipates it applies Slow to all enemies in range 3 dominant When the mirror image dissipates it explodes make an Attack check against all enemies in range 3 steady Gain Protection 30 Summon Companion Type Melee or ranged slow Description You gain a personalized magical companion such as a shimmering specter or a vibrant elemental spirit to assist you in your endeavors Upon gaining this ability you must choose your companion s type subject to the GM s discretion The companion can provide basic support but it cannot attack or speak You can activate this ability to grant yourself Empower as your companion enhances your magical prowess through its presence Talents 3 steady When activated the companion reveals hidden traps or enemies within range 0 3 3 influential When activated select a single target and make an Attack check in range 0 2 On a passed check apply Weaken 3 steady When activated gain Protection Development Notes The full version will include an Ability crafting system allowing players to create custom Abilities Additionally players will have the option to modify existing Abilities to better suit their playstyle or character development

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TIP Every action has the potential to become a memorable story moment When executing a regular weapon attack consider not just the technical aspects of the move but also how it reflects your character s behaviors and motivations This will create a more engaging narrative experience while adhering to the game s mechanics enhancing immersion and enjoyment To begin consider your weapon and its attributes its range the kind of damage it deals However a range 2 slashing attack could be more than a simple sword swipe It could be a cascading torrent of magical daggers summoned from thin air as long as it aligns with your character s behavior and the weapon s properties CURRENCY Behavior reflects your character s usual approach to situations and can be viewed as their modus operandi If your character is predominantly assertive STR perhaps they launch the weapon attack with a bellowing war cry If they are observant INT they may analyze their opponent s weak points before striking EQUIPMENT EQ Next introduce your character s Echo emotions These emotions can add depth to your actions and contribute significantly to your storytelling A character motivated by the Echo of Joy might attack with an enthusiastic flourish while a character driven by Fear may attack defensively hoping to drive their opponents away Additionally consider the Identities associated with your character as they provide a narrative framework to weave your weapon attacks seamlessly into the story For instance a character with the Fearful Blademaster Identity might execute a range 2 slashing attack by conjuring a whirlwind of spectral blades embodying their unique style and emotional resonance Remember while your descriptions enrich the narrative they don t change the game s core mechanics Your attack s effectiveness still depends on dice rolls and your character s attributes But by integrating behaviors and emotions into your descriptions you can ensure your character s actions align with their personality and current emotional state Keep in mind that your Game Master has the final say on whether your descriptions align with the game s narrative Always respect the collaborative storytelling process and ensure your creativity stays within the established boundaries of the game world Character Creation Record 7 Lenses as your initial currency Depending on your Identity GM may allow an additional 1D10 roll to increase your Lenses In Echoes the equipment your character carries isn t just a collection of statistics it s a part of your character s story their past their personality and their aspirations Each piece of gear represents not just a mechanical benefit but a tangible piece of the world your character interacts with The functionality of your equipment is determined by the rules but its form and its history come directly from you the player When you acquire a piece of equipment you ll receive its mechanical attributes type bonus etc as per the game rules But beyond that you re encouraged to envision what this item looks like what it represents how it came into your character s possession and what unique quirks it might have This is your chance to add flavor to your gear and to further invest your character in the world they inhabit For example if your character obtains a sword it s not just a sword Maybe it s a family heirloom passed down through generations Perhaps it s a blade your character forged themselves as a rite of passage or a trophy taken from a vanquished enemy Maybe it s made from an unusual material or has a unique design You may only equip one item of a specific type at a time weapon s shield helmet armor 29

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CHARACTER CREATION gloves pants boots accessory The only exception being the possibility to wield two weapons or to use a one handed weapon along with a shield Bonuses with the unique keyword do not stack You can only apply the highest version of that bonus from a single item Item quality determines the amount of bonues an item can have B Common 1 bonus B Magic 2 bonuses B Rare 3 bonuses B Epic 4 bonuses EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION FREE BONUS SLOT Once you acquire an item immediately record your current character level as the item s level and continue with the gameplay During downtime or when prompted by the GM identify the item Free bonus slots refer to missing bonuses from an item During equipment identification process if you can t meet the requirement for a bonus or you already have the same bonus you gain a free bonus slot instead 1 Roll 1D10 for the item s quality 2 Roll 1D10 for the item s type Roll an appropriate die for a sub type if any 3 Roll XD10 for the item s bonuses where X is the item s quality Roll an appropriate die for a sub type if any B Add 1 to the bonus based on item s level 2 rounded down e g lev 7 3 lev 4 2 B If you roll a bonus you already rolled the bonus will not apply to the item Gain a free bonus slot instead B If you fail to meet the requirement for a bonus the bonus will not apply Gain a free bonus slot instead 4 Record your results and choose which items to equip Character Creation Generate 3 common items ignore quality roll At least one of the items has to be a weapon with a sub type selected by the PC and a random bonus TIP Encourage players to create unique flavor and backstories for their items In future sessions they can explore these items further by crafting Dreams specific to them For example a player might envision the bloodthirsty edge of their battle axe infusing it with distinct qualities that enhance their character s narrative and eventually become a part of their Identity 30 ITEM QUALITY For example if you have an item of Rare quality you gain 3 bonus slots to fill If you fill only 1 of these slots you will have 2 remaining free bonus slots which you can use for crafting These free bonus slots can be filled by adding new bonuses or socketing an Echo Gem ECHO GEM Echo Gems resonate only with the owner s emotions and reflect their inner growth as such they cannot be used by anyone other than their creator Echo Gems grant you a once per session ability to increase or decrease the associated Echo Stage by 2 For example socketing a Joy Gem into a shield creates a Shield of Joy that can adjust Joy by 2 either increasing or decreasing it This does not grant XP or increase EC An item can only hold one Echo Gem Echo Gems work like any other bonuses with the following differences B They can only be obtained and used through the process of cleansing a Corrupted Echo Refer to the rules for dreams and removing corruption for more information B They cannot be rerolled via crafting B They can be removed unsocketed from an item through crafting and placed into any other item with a free bonus slot

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ECHO PIGMENT The art of dyeing one s equipment with Echo Pigments unlocks new talents and abilities Echo Pigment grants 1 AP which can only be spent on abilities and talents associated with the rolled tree Ignore the requirement to spend AP on the previous tree For example if you only have access to the 30 tree but gain 70 Echo Pigment you can still acquire a 70 ability However you must still unlock an ability before selecting a talent for it You will lose the extra AP and the associated rewards if the item is ever unequipped CRAFTING With the proper tools or identity you can salvage and destroy one piece of equipment to improve or modify other items The type of an item can never be changed through crafting Below is a list of crafting types and the steps involved Upgrade Item Quality B To upgrade an item salvage three items of the same quality as the target item B Increase the target item s quality by one tier e g Magic to Rare and make a decision if you d like to roll 1D10 to determine any new bonus for the upgraded item or keep a free bonus slot to socket an Echo Gem Existing bonuses remain unchanged B You can reroll a free bonus slot for a chance to fill it with a regular bonus Socket Echo Gem B To socket an Echo Gem pick any item with a free bonus slot and an available Echo Gem Unsocket Echo Gem B To unsocket an Echo Gem from a socketed item salvage one item of the same quality as the target item B The Echo Gem will be removed from the target item leaving a free bonus slot You can now socket the Echo Gem into another item with a free bonus slot SAMPLE CHARACTER SHEET On the following pages you ll find a loot table to generate starting equipment along with any future items as well as a level 1 sample character sheet pre filled with all the information from this section Use this as a reference when creating a new character to ensure you haven t missed any steps If you re having trouble with character creation check out the video tutorials available on YouTube Reroll Add a Bonus B To reroll a bonus or add a bonus to a free bonus slot salvage one item of the same quality as the target item B Select a single bonus from the target item and roll 1D10 for a new bonus B You can also decide to leave the bonus empty for socketing an Echo Gem B You cannot reroll Echo Gems 31

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LOOT TABLE ROLL QUALITY 0 Common 1 1 2 Common 1 3 4 0 Melee slashing 1 Melee bludgeoning 2 Melee piercing 3 Ranged slashing 4 Ranged bludgeoning 5 Ranged piercing 6 9 Select any Melee Ranged Two handed Weapon 1D10 0 Melee slashing 1 Melee bludgeoning 2 Melee piercing 3 Ranged slashing 4 Ranged bludgeoning 5 Ranged piercing 6 9 Select any BONUS Gain a free bonus slot X AR X HIT Common 1 Shield Raise Shield 1 slow gain 1 Big Buff for your next defense check until your next turn Helmet Magic 2 Armor X STR Magic 2 Gloves X DEX Magic 2 Pants X WILL Rare 3 Boots X INT 8 Rare 3 Accessory 9 Epic 4 Accessory Dream Spark Create a unique Dream related to that piece of equipment Requirement Rare quality or higher Echo Pigment 1D10 Unique Requirement Epic quality 5 6 7 32 Common 1 TYPE Melee Ranged One handed Weapon 1D10 X RES 0 6 1 AP to 10 tree 7 9 1 AP to 30 tree

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PLAYING THE GAME This section outlines the rules and guidelines for playing the game from explaining the mechanics of Attack checks to the impact of character motivations to the rules of combat and the consequences of character s actions Remember the goal is to create an enjoyable and engaging experience for all players The rules serve to facilitate this but at the end of the day fun and the collective enjoyment of the players should always take precedence Whenever the path ahead presents an obstacle the Game Master introduces an element of challenge This might be a test of skill a call to draw upon a unique ability or a defensive maneuver Regardless players must rise to the occasion responding to the Game Master s challenge by demonstrating their characters aptitude or grit It is through this dynamic interaction between the GM and the players that the shared story unfolds twists and turns EXPLORATION PHASE ACTION PHASE In the exploration phase the Game Master serves as the architect of the narrative painting vivid landscapes and intriguing scenarios Players inhabit this world through their characters articulating their desired actions in this vast tableau Time during this phase is an amorphous entity measured not in rounds or initiatives but rather in expansive hours The action phase is designed to structure and manage confrontations between players and enemies Each round of combat consists of every PC having a single turn In this phase time is measured in seconds Players act without a set initiative freely deciding their turn order After each PC s turn the GM can activate up to 2 enemies with the number and actions of these enemies influenced by the PC s action speed This process continues for each PC and once all have acted a new combat round begins As players traverse this narrative terrain they are encouraged to immerse themselves and shape the unfolding story Their actions are only limited by their imaginations and the boundaries of their characters capabilities 34 PCs typically initiate combat However if the threat to the PCs is significant the GM may have the enemies begin the combat In

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such cases the GM might either require a Dissonance Roll to determine starting Dissonance Points DP or set a specific DP value from the outset to signify the heightened threat level Combat in Echoes is envisioned as rapid ferocious and laden with thrilling sequences PCs confront vast arrays of enemies where even a solitary attack has the capacity to extinguish multiple threats culminating in a battlefield littered with a host of vanquished foes ACTIONS Every player gains two actions during their turn PCs have the liberty to articulate an extensive array of actions they wish to undertake subject to the approval of the Game Master To ascertain the outcome of many of these actions checks involving skills abilities or defense will be necessary as decided by the GM However it should be noted that certain specific actions are strictly confined to combat rounds The text contained within parentheses e g 1 denotes the requisite action cost and speed associated with executing the specific maneuver B Move 1 fast characters can move using their available movement points MP By default each PC starts with 2 MP per ac tion which can be enhanced through abilities and items Depending on the terrain type the GM may impose additional costs in actions or MP B Talk 0 1 fast convincing an enemy to lay down their weapons or delivering an important message to your allies to provide them a Buff can be a great advantage but also takes time Casual talk costs 0 but the kind that grants benefits costs 1 and can involve a skill check B Basic Attack 1 weapon speed this attack uses the weapon s speed and range B Ability 0 2 ability speed each ability requires a specific number of actions to activate typically one unless stated otherwise Additionally each ability has an EC condition ranging from 0 to 90 depending on the Ability Tree B Preparation 1 2 slow fast describe a reaction and condition for triggering it During your next turn you may activate your reaction as long as you meet the specified condition B Reaction 0 slow fast reaction abilities are free to use but can only be triggered when the specific reaction condition is met A PC can perform only one reaction per round which resets at the start of each new round B Cover 1 fast provides a Small Big Buff 35

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PLAYING THE GAME based on the type of cover determined at the GM s discretion COMBAT RESOLUTION Combat concludes when the conflict has been resolved This could occur when all enemies have been defeated have fled or when tensions have been resolved through other means In any case PCs transition back to the exploration phase WOUNDS Wounds are a type of negative Identity related to your character s physical well being which can result in small or big debuffs on checks STAMINA STA When you take damage subtract it from your Stamina first until it reaches 0 Any excess damage applies to your Wound Threshold Stamina resets after each combat scene WOUND TRESHOLD WT After STA is depleted compare the remaining damage to your WT to determine if you gain any wounds Wounds come in 2 types with a maximum of 4 total 2 of each type Minor Wound DMG exceeds the WT once Record a thematic minor wound identity on the character sheet For each minor wound receive a small debuff to physically demanding checks such as attacks Serious Wound DMG exceeds the WT more than once Record a thematic serious wound identity on the character sheet For each serious wound receive a big debuff to physically demanding checks such as attacks If you cannot acquire any more wounds of a specific type record a wound of the other type instead Example Rogue with WT set at 5 receives 8 DMG and has to note a minor wound In a different attack rogue receives 18 DMG Since the DMG exceeds the WT more than once this 36 inflicts a serious wound on the PC WOUND RECOVERY In the Chromatic Expanse healing extends beyond mere physical restoration it s about balancing one s Echoes as well Players can choose from two methods for this purpose Downtime Healing and Lens Infusion Downtime Healing During this healing phase characters remain vulnerable and should refrain from engaging in strenuous activities The good news is that the outcome is assured Minor Wound Regeneration A few hours to a day s rest is required The cost starts at 1 Shard Serious Wound Regeneration An extended period of rest spanning several days is essential The starting cost is 1 Lens Lens Infusion This method leverages the powerful energy within Lenses to provide a shot at immediate wound healing However the process comes with its own set of risks and necessitates the consumption of the player s Lenses It s crucial to note that this method can only be attempted once per session Decide on the number of buffs you wish to buy For minor wounds each buff is priced at 1 Shard while for serious wounds the cost is 1 Lens After selecting your wound type and purchasing the desired buffs you ll need to undertake a Luck check Triumph Heal up to 2 wounds Success Heal 1 wound Setback No changes occur Disaster Gain EC equal to your total wound count

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PLAYING THE GAME DEATH When your character sustains their 4th Corruption or 5th Wound they are considered dead and drop everything they hold Enemies behave differently once their Stacks or HP reach 0 they are considered dead DREAM PHASE Add to or subtract dice from your dice pool based on your Buffs or Debuffs described below determined by a variety of factors good and bad including weather status effects abilities talents identities etc Select the best worse results from all dice to form a number from 1 to 100 At the beginning of each session follow these steps 1 Recap the events of the previous session as a group 2 PCs identify all items from the previous session and may choose to sell any of them immediately 3 PCs select a new Dream for the session If you already have 3 Dreams you must replace one These dice are also interpreted by the Gamemaster for a variety of effects such as number of action points for activating monsters and events and damage Gamemaster doesn t roll any dice to make the gameplay snappier TIP Foster a collaborative atmosphere where PCs feel immersed in the world Encourage them to envision themselves gathered around a campfire collaboratively weaving the ongoing tale This mindset will help in planning and enriching the session Triumph is when a player rolls a Success and the values on both dice are identical Things go extremely well and the character gains extra effect LEVELING XP Once you gain any amount of Corruption on the EC track also mark 1 XP box Your EC track can go back and forth but your XP always goes up XP doesn t influence Corruption in any way Once you fill your XP track increase your level by 1 and reset your XP track to 0 As a reward for reaching a new level you gain 1 Ability Point AP to distribute however you choose The maximum level a PC can reach is 10 DICE The core roll is the 2d10 as percentile die roll two ten sided dice Dissonance tens die and Harmony ones die to form a number from 1 to 100 and compare it with your statistics For example if you have a 37 38 chance to hit you will need to roll 37 or less Treat a 00 roll as a Disaster equivalent to a score of 100 ROLLING EQUAL TO OR UNDER YOUR BEHAVIOR IS CONSIDERED PASSING A CHECK Success is when a player rolls equal to or below the value of the stat used for the roll Things go according to plan ROLLING ABOVE YOUR BEHAVIOR IS CONSIDERED FAILING A CHECK Setback is when a player rolls above the value of the stat used for the roll Things go well but with a complication reduced effect or a tough choice Disaster is when a player rolls a Setback and the values on both dice are identical Things go extremely bad and the character faces trouble or complications You might gain a wound accumulate EC or your weapon s speed might change to Slow ECHO BEHAVIOR Each time you roll the dice during a check whether it be for a skill ability defense or even facing the perilous brink of death you are required to make a fateful decision

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selecting both Echo and Behavior Within the vast spectrum of human emotions your character s Echo will represent their motivation aligning with one of the eight distinctive emotions Joy Sadness Anger Fear Trust Disgust Surprise or Anticipation This emotional state holds the key to influencing your character s abilities as every stage attained within a specific Echo grants you the coveted 1 Big Buff Success or Triumph on a check increases the selected Echo Stage by 1 Conversely failure resulting in Setback or Disaster increases your Echo Corruption by an amount equal to the current Echo Stage and resets the stage to 0 The more you draw upon and rely on a single Echo the greater the rewards it bestows but the precipice of a fall looms ever closer When any Echo reaches a value of 2 a price of 1 Echo must be paid before you can use the same emotion for a subsequent check again Nurture your character s unique persona by selecting a Echo and then set forth to determine the Behavior it encourages This decision shapes the very essence of the task at hand It establishes the value you must surpass with your dice roll and ultimately determines the outcome be it a Triumph Success Setback or Disaster The convergence of Echo and Behavior will define your character s journey and weave a tale that shall be remembered for ages to come IDENTITY Identities represent storytelling opportunities for PCs allowing players and the GM to enhance the narrative while affecting gameplay Players can use their Identities to apply Small Buffs or Small Debuffs to any check involving Behavior However Identities cannot be used for checks related to reflexes All Identities are neutral It is up to the GM and the player to decide whether an Identity provides a Small Buff or a Small Debuff PCs can even intentionally impose a Small Debuff on their check by framing the scene in a way that justifies it Rolling doubles on Harmony dice with a Small Debuff reduces EC by 1 and rolling triples reduce EC by 3 TIP The higher your EC the more incentive you have to embrace Small Debuffs to manage corruption Identities can be used as often or as little as the player chooses but their use must be narratively justified For example a player cannot use a fierce merchant Identity to gain a Small Buff or Debuff on a stealth roll unless they can creatively explain how the Identity influences their performance in that activity Additionally only one Identity may be applied to a single check Typically only Echoes grant Big Buffs However if an Identity aligns exceptionally well with the scene and the character s role in it the GM may allow a Small Buff to be converted into a single Big Buff This remains at the GM s discretion Other external sources such as status effects abilities wounds or environmental factors can grant temporary Identities These are not typically recorded on the character sheet and it is up to the GM to determine the type of Buff or Debuff they provide BUFFS DEBUFFS When performing any check players roll 2d10 by default and build their dice pool with Buffs and Debuffs granted by the GM which can influence the outcome Big Buffs and Debuffs modify the tens digit while Small Buffs and Debuffs modify the ones digit A maximum of 3 Buffs Debuffs of each type Small Big is allowed and Buffs and Debuffs of the same type cancel each other out Buffs grant players the ability to choose any die during a check emphasizing their strategic advantage Typically selecting the lowest die proves advantageous unless a specific ability benefits from a higher roll offering tactical nuances On the other hand Debuffs put the power in the Gamemaster s hands The GM chooses the die for the player during a check and their 39

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PLAYING THE GAME decision is often influenced by the desire to gain more Dissonance points and symbolize the dissonance present in the game world Choosing the highest die increases the risk of failing a check creating tension and challenges that test the player s resolve Example 1 2 Big Buffs and 1 Big Debuff will result in 1 Big Buff Example 2 PC rolling with 1 Big Buff and 2 Small Buff rolls 2 Dissonance dice 1 from normal and 3 Harmony Dice 2 from normal Let s say that the PC rolled 1 4 from Dissonance die and 4 5 8 from Harmony die To create the lowest result and succeed at the check the PC decides to select 1 and 4 to form the lowest number possible 14 Big Buffs Debuffs Dissonance Dice these modifiers have a more significant impact on the outcome of a check and they are denoted by altering the tens digit on the 2d10 roll They introduce an element of unpredictability and tension by altering the balance between passing or failing a check Small Buffs Debuffs Harmony Dice on the other hand these modifiers have a milder effect and they target the ones digit on the 2d10 roll They offer a subtle influence on the outcome fine tuning the result of a check and providing players with opportunities to enhance their chances of success Rolling doubles or triples with Small Debuffs also reduces EC as described in the Identity section CHECK TYPES SKILL CHECK Whenever you meet a significant challenge the Game Master GM might want to call for a check to see if your character can overcome it This could be anything from leaping over a deep chasm deceiving a suspicious guard deciphering an ancient riddle or resisting a powerful spell A check is a way to determine the outcome of uncertain actions in the game It introduces a degree of randomness and chal40 lenge making the game more engaging and unpredictable Here s how it goes 1 Identify the goal The first crucial step is to clearly define the action that the character wishes to undertake This could encompass a wide range of activities such as climbing a cliff deceiving a guard casting a spell or any other action befitting the game s context 2 Choose the relevant Echo Behavior The player collaborates with the GM to determine the most suitable Echo and Behavior for the action at hand Echo dictates the number of Big Buffs while Behavior sets the value the player must roll equal or under A unified Echo Behavior system applies to both combat and non combat situations For instance Strength may determine a character s ability to break down a door or serve as a measure of their dominance in an intimidation check For more details refer to the Echo Behavior and Identity sections 3 Build the dice pool Once the action is defined the player applies any Buffs relevant to the roll based on Echo Stage and Identity For instance having a Handy Craftsman Identity may facilitate a Small Buff for lockpicking The final decision on whether an Identity applies lies with the GM Players can have a maximum of 3 Small Big Buffs in total and they can only select a single Identity for a Behavior driven check Conversely the GM may apply Debuffs based on various factors such as the circumstances location enemies character capabilities and Identities For instance attempting to set something on fire while dangling on a rope may warrant up to 3 Small Big Debuffs 4 Perform the check The player rolls 2D10 and selects the most favorable value considering all Buffs and Debuffs applied Success is achieved if the double digit number is lower than or equal to the relevant Behavior For more details refer to the Dice section Optional once per check gain 1 EC to reroll a single die 5 Adjust Echo Stage EC When passing a check the selected Echo Stage for this check increases by 1 Conversely when

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failing a check the EC track rises by the value of the Echo Stage and subsequently the Echo Stage resets to 0 6 Describe the outcome The GM paints a vivid narrative of the action s outcome considering not only the roll s result but also the degree of success or failure and the specific circumstances surrounding the action B Triumph This is the best possible outcome for a character s action Not only does the character accomplish their intended goal but they do so in an exceptional manner that may yield additional benefits B Success The character successfully performs their intended action achieving their goal effectively but without any additional benefits that come with a Triumph B Setback The character achieves their goal but with a complication setback or lesser effect The character might succeed at the task but not as fully as they had hoped or their success might come with a cost B Disaster This is the worst possible outcome Not only does the character fail at their intended action but their failure results in a significantly negative consequence that complicates their situation SUPPORT CHECK A PC wishing to assist another PC may perform a support check functioning like a regular skill check but with these differences 1 Identify the PC and the action you want to support The GM might determine the required range between you and the supporting PC 2 Choose the relevant Echo Behavior 3 Build the dice pool 4 Perform the check 5 Adjust Echo Stage EC 6 Describe the outcome B Triumph 1 Big Buff for the action performed by the supporting PC B Success 1 Small Buff for the action performed by the supporting PC B Setback Nothing happens B Disaster 1 Big Debuff for the action performed by the supporting PC ATTACK CHECK Attack checks work almost identical to the skill checks but use Hit and Damage Reflexes instead of Behavior 1 Optional Gain 1 EC to use an Ability 2 Identify the goal targets 3 Optional select the equipped weapon for the attack 4 Choose the relevant Echo 5 Build the dice pool ignore Identities 6 Perform the check for your HIT Reflex check Each class uses a different Reflex check for their HIT 7 Optional Once per check gain 1 EC to reroll a single die 8 Calculate DMG Damage Modifier Weapon Die Ability Bonus if applicable B Weapon die C One hand Fast the highest die C Dual wield Fast the highest die C Two hand Slow dice sum C One hand with shield Slow the highest die 9 Apply damage B Triumph Double DMG B Success Full DMG B Setback Half DMG B Disaster No DMG 10 Adjust Echo Stage EC 11 Describe the outcome If your attack targets multiple enemies you still make a single check unless specified otherwise Non ability and non weapon attacks such as swinging a chair at someone work like Attack checks but don t increase EC Damage is calculated without the ability or weapon die bonuse unless specified otherwise by the GM However these attacks can serve as a perfect setup for gaining additional Buffs You might have noticed that in certain situations Setback can yield higher damage than a Success This is by design High rolls will grant the GM a substantial amount of Dissonance Points DP setting the stage for high stake scenes where a player s bold moves are met with formidable retaliation from the world 41

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PLAYING THE GAME DEFENSE CHECK Similarly to Attack checks Defense checks use Armor and Resistance Reflexes instead of Behavior When receiving any damage check for any matching resistance and reduce the damage by the value of that resistance Afterwards determine the damage type physical AR or magical RES select Echo as normal and make a check for your AR or RES Reflexes Triumph No DMG Success Half DMG Setback Full DMG Disaster Double DMG As a result your Luck increases and you gain access to new Abilities When you reach the end of the EC track Reset the EC track back to 0 then add a Corruption to one of the Echoes that best aligns with the current scene Typically this will be the Echo you used for your last check Corruption always affects two connected Echoes From now on using a Corrupted Echo will result in Big Debuffs instead of Big Buffs Fill in the diamond box at the bottom of the EC track This represents the EC track getting shorter with each new Corruption you gain potentially blocking access to higher level Abilities such as the 90 abilities if you gain 2 Corruptions However you will still retain the bonuses to Behavior provided by these Talents Just as PCs almost always deal some kind of damage to enemies the same applies to your foes so watch out as combat encounters can be deadly FORTUNE CHECK Occasionally the GM may request a PC to conduct a fortune check to decide the outcome of a random event This can be for example to determine the number of enemies in a group or to ascertain a 75 likelihood of stormy weather In such a roll PCs don t apply their Echoes Behaviors and Buffs unless specifically instructed by the GM Example GM describes the gathering dark clouds Given the notorious weather of this region there s a high likelihood of a storm Caelum can you make a fortune check to see if a storm is approaching With a 70 chance of a storm you ll want to roll a 70 or below to confirm its approach Caelum I rolled a 53 GM The winds intensify and rain begins to fall A storm is on its way You d best find shelter quickly ECHO CORRUPTION EC When you fail a check whether it s a Setback or Disaster your Corruption on the EC track increases by the current value of the Echo Stage you selected for that check Afterward the Echo Stage resets to 0 unless another effect prevents it 42 TIP If an enemy or location has a particularly strong Echo affinity that matches one of your Corrupted Echoes you gain an additional Big Debuff to any rolls made against that enemy or in that location

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REMOVING CORRUPTION You can remove a Corruption from both the Echo and the EC track even converting it into an Echo Gem that can be used in your equipment when you successfully realize a Dream while rolling for a Corrupted Echo THE CHROMATIC FRACTURE Upon receiving your third Corruption the Chromatic Fracture occurs Roll 1D10 B Result 0 8 You are transformed into an El dritch Echoe which the other players must face Your character is gone B Result 9 You become one of the Awakened Your Echo Corruption track is cleared but all Corruption remains As an Awakened you can activate Abilities from a 30 higher range than normal However if you ever receive a third Corruption again you will automatically transform into an Eldritch Echoe without needing to roll LUCK CHECK EC increases your Echo affinity increasing your Luck chance equal to the current position on the EC track At any point the GM can call for a Luck check to reward players with equipment information or additional benefits This check is similar to a Fortune check but instead of the GM proposing a value to beat the Luck check uses the player s current Luck value as the threshold Each PC selected for the Luck check rolls 2D10 and compares the result to their current Luck value from the EC B On a Success the PC might uncover valua ble items following the equipment identification rules or crucial details and hidden objects relevant to their current situation B On a Setback the PC may gain some useful but less significant information B A Disaster might result in an additional obstacle for the PCs to face WEAPONS available actions for enemies during a combat encounter FAST WEAPONS B Type One hand dual wield B Enemy Activation 1 enemy activates after your turn with 1 action B Damage bonus Highest die from the check SLOW WEAPONS B Type Two hand one hand with shield B Enemy Activation 1 enemy activates after your turn with 2 actions or 2 enemies activate after your turn with 1 action B Damage bonus The sum of both dice from the check for two handed the highest die for one handed with shield The speed of your weapon can influence the speed of certain abilities Most abilities use the weapon type to determine bonus damage In narrative terms this means you channel your abilities through the weapon itself Remember Your weapon is more than just a tool It s a part of your character s story The weapons in Echoes are intentionally vague A melee one handed weapon can be a harp a quill or a fan by imbuing it with a unique flavor you re not only making your character more interesting you re also making the world they inhabit feel more real and immersive DISTANCE B Engaged 0 spaces away B Close 1 space away B Nearby 2 spaces away B Far 3 spaces away BASIC ATTACK B Melee attacks have a range of 0 allowing you to target engaged enemies in your zone B Ranged attacks have a range of 0 1 allowing you to target engaged or close enemies Weapons are a special type of equipment that determine your damage and the number of 43

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PLAYING THE GAME ABILITY ATTACK B Ability attacks are different from basic attacks Each ability has either a melee or ranged type and some abilities may even allow using melee weapons Ranged abilities will still have the 0 distance penalty POINT BLANK PENALTY B Ability attacks differ from basic attacks Each ability specifies whether it is a melee or ranged ability Some ranged abilities may allow the use of melee weapons however they are still considered ranged abilities when determining the pointblank penalty MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS During each session a PC can simply state having a miscellaneous item and it s up to GM to decide whether this item is proper to the fiction of this PC s Class and Identity Sometimes GM may charge a price for such an item especially when it s not Class and Identity In this case GM determines the cost in Currency Dissonance Points Echo Stages or EC e g a dreadful picture might increase the stage of Fear Each session PCs can create a limited amount of times equal to their STR modifier e g 34 STR will grant a PC 3 miscellaneous items during a session This limit resets at the beginning of a new session Otherwise there s no listing items and spending rations as PCs are believed to fend for themselves and any determinants are represented by Debuffs e g GM may grant PC a negative Starving Identity which results in a Small Debuff for appropriate checks CONDITIONS Conditions are a type of Identity Each condition applied to an actor remains active until it is resolved or the actor s turn ends whichever occurs first Resolution might involve triggering the condition s effect or using an action as detailed in the specific 44 condition s description Conditions with the same effect but different names are cumulative An actor cannot be affected by two conditions with the same name The descriptions of conditions are deliberately left broad and open ended enabling you to infuse them with your own narrative flair and creativity This flexible approach invites you to weave your unique storytelling into the game EMPOWER e g blessed inspired focused B If applied to a PC Gain 1 Big Buff for your next attack B If applied to an enemy Reduce the cost of the next action by 1DP WEAKEN e g exhaustion malaise B If applied to a PC Gain 1 Big Debuff for the next defense check B If applied to an enemy Gain 1 Big Buff for the next attack against this enemy PROTECTION e g barrier aegis B If applied to a PC Gain 1 Big Buff for the next defense check If applied to an enemy Gain 1 Big Debuff for the next attack against this enemy SLOW e g snare lethargy B If applied to a PC Reduce the next movement action by 1 MP B If applied to an enemy Reduce the next movement action by 1 MP IMMOBILIZE e g petrify paralysis B If applied to a PC You can t move during the next activation An ally next to you can spend an action to remove the condition

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B If applied to an enemy You can t move during the next activation An ally next to you can activate to remove the condition ENDURANCE e g invulnerability resilience B An actor clears all conditions and cannot gain new conditions either positive or negative The first status effect applied to the actor either positive or negative removes endurance STUN e g daze shock B If applied to a PC You only have a single action during the next activation B If applied to an enemy The enemy cannot be activated during the next enemy phase AFFLICTION e g burn bleed poison B If applied to a PC Receive damage equal to your WT at the beginning of the next activation Cannot be prevented by AR RES B If applied to an enemy Receive damage equal to player s WT at the beginning of the next enemy phase Cannot be prevented by AR RES CURRENCY EXCHANGE In the vibrant world of the Chromatic Expanse Lenses stand as the main currency with each Lens being equivalent to a week s pay for the common folk However for smaller transactions or when precision in trade is necessary Shards are utilized One Lens is equivalent to seven Shards positioning them as a vital sub currency in the economic landscape For adventurers like you converting raw Echoes before they become corrupted into Lenses is vital To achieve this specialized establishments known as Lens Foundries must be sought out Here emotions undergo crystallization into the highly sought after Lenses However caution is advised the procedure is fraught with the risk of accruing Echo Corruption EC Distinct factions oversee these foundries each presenting their unique conversion rates and associated EC risks For a detailed understanding of these rates and potential pitfalls kindly refer to the Factions segment of this tome For instance while The Luminous Order may offer a more trustworthy conversion with diminished EC risk they do so at a premium In contrast the Chroma Cabal might propose a superior conversion rate albeit coupled with an elevated EC risk Given the exhaustive nature of the conversion both physically and emotionally it s permitted only once a month for adventurers Engaging in the procedure more often is typically prohibited However should a player uncover an opportunity to do so they ll incur a set of Big Debuffs the exact number being at the discretion of the GM The intricacies of the process remain enigmatic jealously guarded secrets of the ruling factions It s noteworthy that players must commit all their Echo Stages to the conversion resetting them to zero regardless of the outcome PURITY CHANCE The crystallization of emotions can lead to varied outcomes Triumph Reduce 3 EC gain Lenses Success Reduce 1 EC gain Lenses Setback Gain 1 EC gain Lenses Disaster Gain 3 EC gain Lenses Additionally no matter the result of the check you also gain Lenses equal to the faction s conversion rate and reset all of your Echo Stages to 0 without acquiring any EC Example Aleron seeks the services of an Echowood Enclave Foundry His Echo Stages are as follows Joy 2 Sadness 0 Anger 2 Fear 1 Disgust 1 Surprise 3 Anticipation 2 totaling 11 Echo Stages The druid at the Enclave offers a 4 1 conversion rate which would normally grant 2 Lenses However recognizing his genuine intent the druid adjusts his Echoes to 12 resulting in 3 Lenses The druid offers a 40 Purity Chance Aleron rolls a 73 resulting in a Setback which grants 1 EC and 3 Lenses reflecting the emotional toll of the conversion process 45

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GAMEMASTER RULES This section provides principles and guidelines specifically tailored for the Gamemaster While these rules aim to assist in creating a captivating narrative and ensuring a seamless gaming session it s essential to remember that the primary goal is to engage and entertain your players with their enjoyment at the core of each session WHO IS A GAME MASTER One player assumes the role of the Game Master GM acting as the narrator and referee of the game The GM prepares the game world and its inhabitants describes the outcomes of the players actions and interprets the rules As the GM you are responsible for managing the rules guiding the storytelling controlling the world enemies and NPCs and asking PCs to make specific checks to determine the progression and outcomes within the narrative If you re an experienced GM you have the flexibility to mix and match any of the rules presented here Feel free to choose the ones that best suit your game or adapt them to fit your group s unique playstyle 46 DISSONANCE POINTS DP In Echoes as the GM you do not roll dice Instead you accumulate Dissonance Points DP based on the value of the Dissonance Dice each time a PC makes a check Dissonance reflects emotional tension from conflicting Echoes The GM tracks DP using ten sided Equilibrium Dice ED with a maximum of 5 DP per player For example with 2 players the GM s maximum DP is 10 Once DP reaches the maximum the GM may spend all accumulated points on a single event DP does not reset between rounds and remains at the maximum until spent allowing the GM to hold onto it for strategic timing B Perform a Special Attack 1 DP Most enemies have one or more special attacks that can only be performed as an event B Increase Threat Level DP Increase all damage dealt by PCs and enemies by 1 until the end of the combat scene B Reactivate an Enemy DP Allow an enemy that has already acted during this round to be activated again This acti

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vation still adheres to the rules governing how many enemies can be activated per round Events will be marked with a symbol of DP to indicate they require maximum DP to be activated The number of actions an enemy must take to perform an action will be indicated by a 1 value Some actions such as Special Attack 1 may have both a DP and action cost such as 1 DP If no action cost is indicated it means the action costs 0 actions TIP Don t hesitate to create your own events for spending DP TIP Keep the DP hidden from the PCs to build tension or make them visible so the players can anticipate when a disaster might strike DICE INTERPRETATION Remember the GM doesn t roll for damage Instead enemy damage is determined using the most recent dice roll made by a PC typically from their defense check This roll along with several other relevant factors is used to calculate the total damage which is then compared to the PC s Stamina or Wound Threshold These factors include B The lowest die roll B The highest die roll B The sum of both dice rolls total roll B A specific die either Harmony or Dissonance B The current round number B The current number of enemies Horde ENEMY TYPES HORDE ENEMIES Both minion and elite enemies form groups Hordes with each Horde represented by a ten sided die Each Horde can comprise anywhere from 0 to 9 enemies For instance 3D10 with values of 3 6 and 7 indicates three separate enemy Hordes with 3 6 and 7 enemies in each Horde respectively Example Imagine 6 Rage Rumblers emerging from the shadows They could be depicted as a single 1D10 Horde with all 6 enemies or split into 2D10 signifying two distinct Hordes with 3 enemies in each The GM determines the representation and distribution of these enemies Horde enemies don t use HP Instead they have a Wound Threshold WT that players must exceed to kill an individual enemy within the group A single attack or ability can deal 47

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GAMEMASTER RULES enough damage to surpass the WT multiple times killing one enemy from the Horde for each instance However any excess damage doesn t carry over to the next enemy Example 1 If a PC deals 9 DMG to a group of 6 enemies with 2 WT they would eliminate 4 of enemies from this Horde because 9 exceeds the WT value 4 times The leftover 1 DMG is lost Example 2 When a PC inflicts 9 fire DMG on a group of 6 enemies each with 2 WT and fire 1 resistance only 3 enemies would be taken out The PC needs to overcome a total of 3 DMG for each enemy to bypass the fire resistance so no DMG is wasted Horde enemies may possess abilities that inflict additional damage based on their numbers If an ability specifies damage as Horde the damage is increased by the total count of enemies within that Horde For instance if there are 6 enemies in a Horde an ability with Horde would deal an additional 6 DMG When adding Horde enemies to your encounter you first determine the number of Hordes you wish to create Then for each Horde ask a PC to make a 1D10 fortune check The result of each roll dictates the number of enemies within the corresponding group You can always adjust the results based on conversations with PCs or in certain situations you may choose to roll yourself in secret The Wound Threshold WT of the horde enemy type is represented by a value in square brackets For example horde 2 means that this horde has a WT of 2 Employing this type of enemy representation can greatly amplify the sense of power experienced by your players They will revel in the thrill of leaving a sizable pile of vanquished foes in their wake Applying a Condition to a Horde affects all members within the Horde INDIVIDUAL ENEMIES Champion and boss enemies each have their unique and individual HP They come with a single HP bar and any damage dealt to them after considering armor or resistances directly reduces their HP Example If a PC deals 9 physical DMG to an individual enemy with 10 HP and 2 AR the enemy sustains 7 DMG 9 minus 2 for AR This leaves the enemy with 3 HP and 2 AR remaining The HP of the individual and boss enemy type is represented by a value in square brackets For example individual 10 means that this enemy has a HP of 10 This type of enemy is perfect for a greater challenge standing out as a champion among weaker foes or serving as a mini boss Development Notes Eldritch Echoes not covered in this beta version will be powerful bosses requiring DP to transition between different phases of combat COMBAT ROUND The combat round begins with the GM determining who goes first PCs or enemies The GM also decides if there are any starting Dissonance Points DP based on the threat level or asks one of the PCs to roll for it A combat round consists of PCs and the GM alternating their turns one after the other until each PC has acted once and the round ends PCs can freely decide the order in which they take their turns just as the GM decides the order for enemies as there is no fixed initiative order Other aspects of the combat round are detailed in the Playing the Game section of the rules ENEMY ACTIVATION IN COMBAT The GM can spend 1 or 2 actions after each PC s turn to activate enemies The 48

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number of available actions depends on the activation speed of the last PC who took a turn With 2 actions the GM can activate the same enemy twice to perform 2 actions or two different enemies to perform 1 action each MINION Most actions such as basic attacks or movement don t have a cost beyond 1 which will be noted next to the ability name Some actions especially special attacks are considered events and require spending DP ELITE While the same enemy can be acticated up to 2 times during the same turn the same enemy cannot be activated again during following turns until the next round Unless the GM spends DP on the Reactivate an Enemy event SPEED B Type Horde B Threat Low PCs can easily dispose of 3 hordes B Number of abilities 1 2 B Type Horde B Threat Moderate PCs can dispose of 2 hordes B Number of abilities 2 3 CHAMPION B Type Individual B Threat High More than 2 of these enemies can wipe out the party B Number of abilities 3 4 If a PC performs only fast actions during their turn the GM receives 1 action If at least one of the actions is slow the GM receives 2 actions for their next turn The speed of an action is primarily determined by the weapon s or ability s speed All non attack actions are typically considered fast unless specified otherwise by the GM BOSS PCs attacks that result in a Disaster are always considered slow regardless of the weapon s speed Enemies can possess innate resistances to certain damage types These resistances reduce the damage they receive from specific sources For example fire 2 means that the enemy reduces all incoming fire damage by 2 PASSIVE DISSONANCE POINTS If a PC s combat turn did not necessitate any dice roll actions the GM automatically receives 5 This type of turn is considered slow allowing the GM to gain 2 actions for enemies In Echoes combat is a swift and relentless dance urging PCs to engage in actions that require checks Otherwise the world seizes the opportunity to tip the scales in its favor ENEMY TIERS Enemies within the game are categorized by different tiers which affect their stats number of abilities and ability costs The same enemy can be assigned to different tiers scaling its overall strength accordingly B Type Individual B Threat Serious More than 1 of these most likely will wipe out the party B Number of abilities 3 RESISTANCE VULNERABILITY Enemies can possess innate vulnerabilities to certain damage types These vulnerabilities increase the damage they receive from specific sources For example fire 2 means that the enemy increases all incoming fire damage by 2 IMMUNITY Enemies can ignore all DMG from sources listed as their immunities 49

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STARTING ADVENTURE ECHOES OF JOY BATHED IN BLOOD The onboarding adventure has been crafted with novice players and Game Masters in mind It serves as a guided experience introducing fundamental gameplay mechanics fostering collaboration and weaving a narrative that s easy to grasp yet intriguing The aim is to ease players into the world of our game offering a structured setting where they can learn the ropes without feeling overwhelmed Remember while the adventure lays out a certain path creativity knows no bounds As the GM feel free to adapt expand or modify the journey to suit the tastes and preferences of your group Keep this section hidden from your players to avoid spoilers STRUCTURE This adventure is organized into three acts Each act includes descriptions of key locations NPCs events enemies and potential hazards that may feature in that part of the story This structure is designed to guide the 50 progression of the adventure and to provide the GM with the tools and materials needed to create a compelling and immersive experience for the players However this structure is not rigid or strictly linear The world of the adventure is dynamic and responsive with the potential for events to unfold in different ways based on the decisions and actions of the players As a GM it s recommended to familiarize yourself with the entirety of the adventure before beginning Start with the provided setup in Act 1 introducing the setting characters and initial circumstances to the players As the adventure progresses however you should allow the players actions and decisions to guide the direction of the story If the players seem lost or unsure of what to do next you can use the key events described in each act as a way to nudge them back on track or to introduce new plot developments If you find yourself in need of deciding how many horde enemies the PCs should face roll a 1D6 for a less challenging group of enemies or a 1D10 for a more difficult group Remember the ultimate goal is to create a fun engaging and memorable experience

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for everyone at the table Flexibility and creativity are key SYNOPSIS The once beloved Nora of Lament harbors a terrible secret As unsettling tales and inexplicable events plague the town heroes are summoned to unearth the truth The Countess s insidious plan to combine the blood of innocent maidens with the Echoes of trust and joy crafting an elixir promising eternal life But in a world where emotions become tangible as Echoes every step resonates with the passions of the past leading to a chilling revelation about the Countess s dark quest for beauty and power MEET THE CHARACTERS Frank the Gravedigger Description A grizzled middle aged man with deep set eyes that have seen many funerals over the years He s ruggedly built from a lifetime of hard work with hands roughened from handling both shovel and spade His clothing is simple but bears the stains of the earth he works with daily Purpose As the town s gravedigger Frank has intimate knowledge of the recent spate of deaths and is often the first to notice anything amiss about a burial He serves as an early informant to the players subtly guiding them towards the mysteries at play His role is pivotal in the opening scene highlighting the bizarre happenings with the ringing bells of the graves His first hand experiences and anecdotes about the dead provide clues and context throughout the adventure Identity Stoic Farmer Gossiping Townsfolk Nora Vermont the Countess Description An epitome of grace and beauty Nora is a tall slender woman in her mid 30s Her raven black hair cascades down her back 51

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ADVENTURE contrasting with her pale almost porcelain skin Her eyes a deep shade of blue hide secrets and ambitions She s always seen in the latest and most elaborate fashions signaling her status and wealth Purpose Initially introduced as a mourning sister Nora s character unfolds as the central antagonist As the story progresses it s revealed that she s desperately trying to concoct an elixir for eternal life using the power of Echoes Her transformation into the Bloodied Echo monster offers a climactic revelation and conflict Her character challenges the themes of vanity the obsession with youth and the lengths to which one will go to preserve power Identity Ambitious Aristocrat Mysterious Witch Bishop Klemens Description An elderly man with a balding head and a bushy white beard Klemens walks with a slight stoop His deep set eyes always behind round glasses radiate wisdom but also a hint of obsession As a man of the cloth he s always dressed in his religious vestments which bear symbols connecting to the Luminous Order Purpose Bishop Klemens serves as a primary red herring in the story His overt interest in the Countess combined with his presence at multiple crime scenes makes him a prime suspect However as the story progresses it becomes clear he has been trying to curtail the Countess s dark practices in his own misguided manner His connections with the lore of the Echoes also provide the players with crucial background information and context When Henry began to suspect something about Nora s activities he sought the Bishop s counsel trusting in the man s wisdom and spiritual guidance This led to private meetings between them To the townsfolk this clan 52 destine rendezvous suggested that Henry might have shared something critical with Klemens Identity Obsessive Protector Suspicious Priest Rogue Elexa Description Agile and sleek Elexa is a young woman in her late twenties with sharp cat like green eyes and short tousled auburn hair Clad in dark leather armor she moves with the grace of a panther Hidden within her garb are an assortment of throwing knives a testament to her skills Purpose Elexa a skilled rogue is essential in navigating the risks that the adventure presents Deeply connected to Lament s mysteries due to personal tragedy the discovery of one sister dead and the other missing keeps her anchored to the town Typically she d be journeying from one place to another on missions for the Chroma Cabal Yet the need for answers and possible revenge for her family s misfortune has made Lament her prolonged stay As an unconventional ally she often provides the team with crucial insights and warnings Identity Resourceful Fighter Suspicious Fraction Townsfolk Description The denizens of Lament lead simple lives their attire mostly devoid of vibrant colors reflecting a society where dyed Echo clothing is a mark of status and reserved for the higher echelons Instead their clothes are of muted shades monochromatic and threadbare in places Their expressions burdened by daily struggles further reinforce their humble status in this color graded society

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ADVENTURE Purpose The townsfolk offer a contrast to the more affluent members of Lament such as Lady Nora Vermont and her circle Their interactions provide context about the societal divide and how Echoes play into the status and dynamics of Lament By sharing rumors insights and tales of old they can guide mislead or aid the party on their quest Their subdued appearance and limited access to Echo enhanced attire serve as a stark reminder of the town s rigid hierarchy further motivating the party to unravel the mystery and potentially challenge the established order Identity Panicking Townsfolk Simpleminded Citizen Victims Families Description These are the immediate families of the young ladies who were mysteriously slain They are a representation of pain and sorrow with many displaying prominent Echoes of grief shades of deep blue and gray that permeate their being Dressed in mourning attire they are often seen at memorial sites churches or their homes holding onto keepsakes of their lost ones Purpose The families offer personal heartfelt insight into the lives of the victims adding depth and emotion to the party s investigation Conversations with them can shed light on the victims habits relationships and any oddities leading up to their deaths The depth of their Echoes especially of sorrow and loss serves as a grim reminder of the stakes They may also hold latent Echoes from their deceased family members providing crucial emotional memories or experiences that can aid in the investigation Some family members may be initially distrustful or hostile while others are desperate for answers their attitudes reflecting the larger town s opinion on the party s involvement Identity Grieving Family 54 READ THis TO THE PLAYERS The scene unfolds in a chapel at a cemetery where gravedigger Frank Nora Vermont the Countess Bishop Klemens and a rogue named Elexa discuss a series of murders particularly the latest victim Prince Henry Nora s brother The somber atmosphere is broken when a bell tied to a newly buried grave begins to ring violently To everyone s horror the dead start rising from their graves signaling a fight for the heroes ACT I WHISPERS IN LAMENT SYNOPSIS The players begin their investigation into the mysterious murders LOCATIONS Chapel Description In the center of the cemetery is Klemens Chapel a modest stone structure boasting tall Gothic windows The interior is dimly lit the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows on the walls adorned with religious iconography The chapel serves as a beacon of faith during these trying times but its tranquility also suggests secrets concealed within Hidden in the basement a library holds potential clues about the ritual awaiting discovery by the PCs Purpose This is the starting point for the adventurers where they re initially gathered and informed about the series of mysterious deaths Bishop Klemens uses this space for religious ceremonies and might often be found here Identity Sacred Chapel Dark Space Cemetery Description Located on the outskirts of Lament Town the cemetery is a vast expanse of gravestones statues and mausoleums An atmosphere of unease permeates the place particularly intensified at night when a thick fog envelops the area In the center stands a large stone Chapel with the

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bell tower historically used to signal if someone was mistakenly buried alive now it ominously rings when the undead rise Purpose The cemetery is a key location where players first face the supernatural threat The bell tower especially provides a focal point of tension signaling the awakening of the undead If PCs decide to dig up the corpse they discover it s missing and the only thing left is a single rose stained with red Echo Identity Dreadful Cemetery Cold Weather Enemies Risen Dead Grave Gobbler Hazards Stormy Weather Lament Town Description Nestled at the edge of a dense foreboding forest Lament Town is a seemingly quaint settlement shrouded in an air of melancholy Buildings made of aged stone and wood line narrow cobblestone streets The town s environment is monochromatic with structures streets and even the skies appearing in muted grays and whites Townsfolk drably dressed due to their lower status wander about their faces weary and void of much color Only a select few individuals representing the higher echelons of society wear clothing with hints of Echo colors making them stand out amongst the sea of gray Purpose Lament Town serves as the primary hub for the adventure where players can gather information rest and engage with the local community Its somber ambiance sets the tone for the mystery that unfolds Identity Melancholic Town Paranoid Mood EVENTS The Disturbed Dead At the chapel in Lament s cemetery gravedigger Frank noblewoman Nora Vermont Bishop Klemens and an unexpected guest Elexa discuss the recent murders plaguing the town notably the latest victim Nora s own brother Prince Henry As they speak a bell tied to a freshly dug grave rings out a chilling reminder of the town s losses Their dread mounts when the ringing grows more violent and the earth stirs heralding the gruesome rise of the undead Your solemn discussion dissolves into chaos as you prepare yourself for a confrontation with Risen Dead and Grave Gobbler The Echo Delivery A courier delivers a green Echo of envy to Nora a symbol of admiration and the town s respect The players will initially be confused by this gesture but will later realize it s a routine way for townsfolk to express their sentiments This may make PCs feel compassionate towards Nora as she tries to portrait herself as acting charitable towards townsfolk Discovery of the Elixir In the library of the chapel the heroes find references to an ancient ritual that involves merging the blood of the innocent with Echoes of trust and joy to grant eternal life This may lead PCs to suspect Klemens who was merely investigating the case As the PCs draw near to the book laden with clues they find themselves suddenly under assault by a menacing group of Resonants ENEMIES Risen Dead Description These grotesque creatures are the reanimated corpses of the dead brought back to life through dark and sinister magics Their bodies are often in various states of decay with some parts missing or replaced by crudely attached limbs from other bodies Their flesh is an unhealthy gray or greenish hue and their eyes glow with an eerie unnatural light Tier Minion Type horde 2 Identity Undead Enemy Colorful Eyes Immunity poison Vulnerability bludgeoning 2 joy 2 light 2 Resistance slashing 2 piercing 2 Actions 55

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ADVENTURE Movement 1 1 space with a surprising speed and agility making it a formidable opponent for any who dare disturb the rest of the deceased Basic Attack 1 Rotten claw Damage Lowest die horde Description Deal physical slashing damage and apply Affliction on a Setback or lower to a single target in range 0 Tier Champion Type individual 12 Identity Undead enemy fat abomination Immunity poison Vulnerability fire 1 slashing 1 Passive PCs make a Luck check immediately after defeating this enemy in combat Increase the Luck chance for this check by 20 this bonus does not stack Actions Special Attack 1 DP Vile vomit Damage Lowest die or horde Description Target all enemies within range 0 1 to deal poison damage Additionally apply Affliction on a Setback or lower Raise the Dead Immediately after the defense check add a number of enemies to the horde equal to the highest die result on the last defense check Grave Gobbler Description The Grave Gobbler is a terrifying amalgamation of the deceased cobbled together by dark magic It stands at an intimidating height its body grotesquely bloated and misshapen Its most striking feature is the massive crude stitch running down its swollen belly serving as a dark repository for objects it has consumed including potential loot for PCs The Grave Gobbler s eyes glow with an ominous light matching the hue of the echoes it was brought to life by It possesses a horrifying gaping maw that it uses to consume anything and anyone in its path Despite its monstrous appearance and alarming girth the Grave Gobbler moves Movement 1 3 spaces Basic Attack 1 Cadaverous jaw Damage Highest die Description Deal piercing damage to a single target in range 0 Special Attack 1 Belly bash Damage Lowest die Description Move 1 space and deal bludgeoning damage to everyone in range 0 1 Special Attack DP Graveyard projectile Damage Total roll Description Deal piercing damage to a single target in range 0 2 If the target PC passes the AR check they may catch the weapon and immediately perform a free Skill check to counterattack with the same projectile in range 0 2 Resonant Description Resonants are eerie remnants of the living imbued with their most potent emotions Their forms streaked with vibrant color represent the 56

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emotional essence dominating them in life These streaks pulse and shimmer creating an eerie luminescence in the monochromatic world of Echoes Their movements like phasing between life and death create ghostly after images They re a consequence of overwhelming emotions or dark magic becoming trapped between life and death Some haunt specific locations of emotional significance while others wander aimlessly drawn to the echoes of the living Tier Elite Type horde 3 Identity Ethereal enemy Immunity physical Vulnerability magic 6 Actions Movement 1 2 spaces Basic Attack 1 Ethereal slash Damage Lowest die or horde Description Deal slashing damage to a single target in range 0 Special Attack 1 Resonant shriek Damage Lowest die Description Deal magical shadow damage to everyone in range 0 1 Special Attack 1 DP Phantasmal shift Damage Highest die horde Description Gain Protection and deal magical shadow damage to a single target in range 0 HAZARDS Stormy Weather Description All range attack and Abilities receive 1 Big Debuff due to terrible weather conditions Identity Stormy Weather ACT II BENEATH THE VEIL SYNOPSIS The heroes delve deeper uncovering the involvement of Echoes in the murders and the Countess s quest for eternal beauty The clues point towards a ritual involving the blood of the innocent LOCATIONS Vermont s Garden Description Vermont s Gardens is an expansive tract of land surrounding Nora s mansion shrouded in an almost perpetual mist The high fence surrounding it is overgrown with sharp thorny vines that seem almost sentient in their unnerving stillness The garden is home to an array of exotic flora their vibrant hues seeming all the more vivid in the gray foggy backdrop The mists often distort sounds making it feel eerily quiet and the shadows cast in the garden make it easy to feel like you re being watched Purpose The Gardens serve as a defense for Nora s mansion acting as a natural deterrent for any unwanted guests For the players it provides an environmental challenge that they must navigate with its hidden paths and deceptive fog It s also where they ll encounter Resonants The Gardens also provide an atmospheric setting for some of the adventure s key events and encounters such as Klemens fall from the tree Identity Ominous Atmoshpere Isolated Place Overgrown Labyrinth Bloody Tracks Enemies Resonant Hazards Mist Garden Vines Vermont s Mansion Nora s Mansion Description Positioned atop a hill overlooking Lament Town the mansion looms large its towering spires and turrets etching a formidable silhouette against the sky But beyond its grandeur the mansion holds dark corners secret chambers and an undercurrent of dread Purpose The mansion is central to the adventure s latter stages Here players unravel 57

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ADVENTURE Countess Nora s dark secrets and face the main antagonist during the climax Its many rooms provide chances for exploration discovery and challenges Enemies Nightsworn ence of Resonants or other dangers until it s too late When PCs enter the fog they must perform a defense check RES with a 1 Big Debuff If they pass they discover Resonants lurking in the shadows and can initiate combat with the advantage of going first If all PCs fail the check the GM rolls an Equilibrium die and the Revenants attack first In either case the mist dissipates EVENTS Identity Magical Weather Identity Luxurious Mansion Ominous Atmoshpere Dark Path The journey to Nora s mansion is along a winding poorly lit path that is treacherously easy to lose in the dark of night Without a light source PCs would find the path to the mansion an exercise in futility With the moon shrouded by clouds the darkness seems almost alive swallowing all sound and sight Klemens Tree Fall As the players begin investigating Nora s garden they witness Bishop Klemens spying on Nora leading to an embarrassing fall from a tree in her garden This event adds to the suspicion surrounding him Is he stalking her or gathering evidence When questioned about his whereabouts during one of the murders Klemens is evasive He mentions a late night prayer session but no one can corroborate his alibi The Garden Awakening Only follow this event if the players have already discovered Nora to be the culprit The seemingly serene Vermont s Garden reveals its true nature as PCs venture deeper The shroud of mist thickens disorienting them The sharp vines that surround the garden seem to move guiding or hindering their path Suddenly the mist reveals hordes of Resonants and Garden Vines lying in wait They shimmer eerily in the monochromatic landscape adding a chilling menace to the ethereal beauty of the garden HAZARDS Mist Description The mist in the Gardens can easily cause the players to become lost or disoriented It can also conceal the pres58 Garden Vines Description These vines twisted by Echo s influence have become a living hazard Touching them can cause significant injury and maneuvering around them requires careful navigation Whenever a PC performs a movement action they must pass the DEX skill check or the action fails Alternatively a PC may expend an action using fire to irrevocably eradicate this hazard Identity Magical Nature ACT III JOY BATHED IN BLOOD SYNOPSIS The heroes confront the Countess leading to the revelation of her true intentions A final battle ensues as they attempt to stop her from completing her dark ritual LOCATIONS Mansion s Lobby Description The Mansion s Lobby is grandiose and intimidating the embodiment of Nora s wealth and status Its opulence can almost be overwhelming with high vaulted ceilings adorned with tasteful frescoes Gilded chandeliers cast an elegant glow over polished marble floors upon which stand antique furniture and valuable artifacts At the far end of the lobby is a grand staircase leading to the private chambers Purpose The lobby serves as the main entryway and a welcoming space for guests It is where Nora typically greets visitors The lavishness of the lobby is often used

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to impress and potentially intimidate guests subtly hinting at Nora s influence It can also be a hub for gathering clues about Nora and her lifestyle A perceptive eye may notice subtle details that are out of place offering hints towards the mansion s mysteries Identity Luxurious Lobby Mansion s Bathroom Description A pristine bathroom adorning the Vermont Mansion It s unusually large with elegant marble flooring and walls The dominating feature is an ornate bathtub its edges traced with intricate vine patterns leading towards a chalice symbol etched onto the floor The room has a slightly ominous air the clean surface disrupted only by this strange symbol Purpose This location holds a secret passage to a room beneath the mansion It s a pivotal spot for PCs to uncover the true nature of the mansion and its owner Identity Ominous Atmoshpere Bloody Tracks Hidden Passage Hazards Bathroom s Hidden Passage Mansion s Ballroom Description The Mansion s Ballroom is a spectacle of elegance and grandeur With a high domed ceiling mirrored walls and a gleaming marble floor it s a sight to behold Large windows draped in heavy velvet curtains offer a breathtaking view of the gardens Crystal chandeliers dangle from the ceiling casting prismatic light across the room At one end stands a stage with a grand piano untouched for years adding a touch of melancholy to the otherwise lively ambiance Purpose The Ballroom typically a space for grand parties and social events has a more sinister purpose under Nora s control She intends to use it as a stage for luring unsuspecting young maidens to their doom in a ritual sacrifice If the PCs haven t unveiled her true identity yet this could be their final opportunity to thwart her plans Identity Luxurious Mansion Large Space Big Windows EVENTS Entering the Mansion Daytime Event Courteous Reception The players upon their announced arrival are graciously received by Nora Vermont herself She guides them through the entrance hall and into the living room of the mansion Tea and food are served and the PCs notice that Nora carries out these tasks herself without any servants in sight On being asked about this Nora informs the players that she used to have a maid named Anna who left a few weeks ago supposedly relocating to the town Due to the tragedy of her brother Henry s death Nora admits she has not found a replacement as such matters were always handled by Henry Nighttime Event Unwelcome Intrusion At night the players must determine a way to enter Nora s mansion A direct approach like knocking on the door results in Nora answering However she displays agitation at this interruption and chastises the PCs for their lack of manners On the other hand the players might opt to sneak in If they encounter Nora too soon or attempt to question her she does everything in her power to prevent a confrontation and keep her true nature hidden However Nora s considerable strength cannot be entirely concealed especially if the PCs successfully attempt to force their way into the mansion when she opens the door Grand Ball at Lament If the PCs fail to identify Nora as the suspect she hosts a ball luring many innocent ladies who exhibit strong Echoes of positive emotions The heroes must navigate the social landscape save potential victims and confront Nora Echo Realm Confrontation As the ritual commences either during the Grand Ball event or by solving the Bathroom s Hidden Passage hazard reality bends pulling the heroes into a world dominated by the strongest Echoes Here they face their fears and past regrets The heroes face the Countess now almost transformed into an Eldritch horror She is accompanied by Nightsworns 59

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ADVENTURE maids and Elexa s sisters whose lives met cruel fates and have since transformed into twisted specters Players must disrupt the ritual stop her transformation and save the town ENEMIES Nightsworn Description Forged from the echoes of deep sorrow the Nightsworn are eternally bound to their vampiric masters Their torment weaves a tapestry from the loss of past joys and their envy of the living those who still bask in the sun s warmth draw breath and hold onto the hope of salvation a hope forever denied to the Nightsworn They move with a slow haunting grace emitting a chilling aura that stirs sadness and despair in the hearts of those nearby threatening to sap their will to fight Tier Minion Type horde 2 Identity Undead Enemy Old Ally Actions Movement 1 2 spaces or spend DP to move up to 6 spaces instead damage to a single target in range 0 2 The PC is compelled to use Sadness for this Defense check Bloody Countess Description Once an elegant and influential figure within her community Nora Vermont s insatiable thirst for power has transformed her into the monstrous Bloody Countess Her spectral form maintains a semblance of her former beauty albeit distorted by the malevolent energies that have consumed her Dressed in an opulent bloodstained gown Nora s visage is a haunting blend of sophistication and terror Her eyes radiate a chilling green light a testament to the envy that drove her down this abhorrent path In her spectral form she wields a sickle a twisted version of the same emblem her family has carried for generations Tier Champion Identity individual 35 Traits Obsessed Witch Persistent Enemy Resistances magic 1 Actions Movement 1 2 spaces Basic Attack 1 Shadow arrow Damage Lowest die Description Deal piercing damage to up to 2 targets within range 1 2 If attacking a single target deal horde shadow damage instead of the lowest die Special Attack DP Whispers of despair Damage Highest die or horde Description Deal magical shadow 60 Basic Attack 1 Scythe rend Damage Highest die Description Deal slashing damage to everyone in range 0 Basic Attack 1 Dark echo Description Gain 4 Special Attack DP Blood transfer

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Reaction After a PC in range 0 2 makes a defense check against your attack or ability that results in a Setback or lower heal HP equal to the highest die result from the defense check Special Attack DP Envious strike Damage Total roll Description Target a single PC within range 0 1 The affected PC must perform a RES defense check using Disgust as their Echo for this check On a Triumph the PC resists the effect of this ability Otherwise the PC is compelled to use their next basic attack against the PC performing the best in the fight The affected PC will move toward the target until they can perform this attack Other PCs within range 0 can spend 1 to remove the charm The charm automatically ends after a basic attack dealing more than 0 damage is performed HAZARDS Bathroom s Hidden Passage Description Players may discover a hidden passage in the bathroom Etched into the floor is the symbol of a chalice intertwined with vines leading to the bathtub To open the passage to the secret room beneath the bathtub any player must pour blood into it Identity Bloody Ritual Hidden Passage AFTERWORD thoughts on Author s Notes Bonds The idea of forming player bonds and social links is something I m particularly fond of as a fan of JRPGs I m exploring a system where players can develop bonds strengthening social links and sharing Echoes for additional benefits Ascendancy Classes Another idea I m exploring for a full game is a way for players to ascend their class in a thematically meaningful way tied to Echoes and Behavior Each class would have multiple ascension paths based on the state of their Behavior and Echoes For example imagine a Crimson Berserker who has learned to tame his Anger ascending to a Crimson Sage using his past fury as a source of deep wisdom and strategic insight Your input allows me to identify any areas that might be confusing or unbalanced and help improve the game I m grateful for your support and your feedback will help me continue to shape and refine our game Thank you for being a part of our growing community LICENSING Non Commercial Works Under CC BY NC SA 4 0 license users are free to share adapt and build upon the material However any usage must be strictly non commercial This means the content cannot be sold used to generate profit or utilized in any commercial setting without obtaining explicit permission Your thoughts ideas and suggestions are incredibly valuable to me as I strive to improve and evolve our game Whether you re a player or a GM I would love to hear about your experiences with our game any difficulties you faced and any ideas you might have Feedback Support Discord is a great place to connect with fellow players share feedback discuss strategies ask for advice and share your adventures Be sure to check the Author s Notes and Development Notes throughout the Quickstart Guide for ideas I d love to hear your 61

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