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EBRS For Schools

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A N A C T I V E T H R E A T R E S P O N S E A N DI M M E D I A T E T R A U M A C A R ET R A I N I N G C O M P A N YEBRS FOR SCHOOLST H E O P T I O N S B A S E DA P P R O A C HThe Premiere Training in Active Threat Response

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What MakesBeacon Different? The lockdown and hide method is an attempt at a“one size fits all” solution to a complex problem. Thisantiquated response creates a passive mindset in staffand students that leaves them unprepared to act. Beacon Training Group's EBRS program doesn’t askteachers to resign themselves to passive defeat.Rather, Beacon provides the skills, knowledge, andtools needed to act should an active threat or masscasualty incident occur at your school.Recent events have shown theimportance of action over inaction.

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Your staff will be taught firsthand by instructors whohave real-life experience. Other companies may offer a"train-the-trainer" or virtual approaches to quicklyshare content, however, these programs hindereffective learning. Due to the critical nature of thistraining, Beacon will not sacrifice the quality of trainingwhen it comes to the safety of your students. Quality in TrainingW h o W eW h o W e A r e A r eWhat makes us uniqueis that we have broughton who havehelped us understandthe culture and climateof schools. This allows usto deliver our messageand training in the mosteffective way possible.All of the owners ofBeacon Trainingteachers Group are formerMarines and are currentlyserving on SWAT teamsthroughout the state ofIllinois. We understandviolent situations andhow to respond.

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This 8 hour course includes a history ofactive threat events and lessons learned,weapons identification/familiarization,response tactics, decision making,immediate trauma care, and much more. Upon completion, each participant willbe certified in EBRS and STOP THEBLEED®. Most importantly, participantsleave EBRS training feeling empoweredand confident that if an active threatevent should occur, they can keep theirstudents safe. The EBRS Course isDesigned forSchools Using a building block approach, your staff will first beintroduced to new concepts and principles in a classroomsetting where they will observe demonstrations. Then, they willbe given opportunities to practice new skills and thoughtprocesses in a controlled setting. Finally, they will be providedopportunities to test their skills and decision making withinreality-based training scenarios. with teachers in mind

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In the event of a life-threatening trauma atschool, no matter how quickly first respondersare called, teachers will always be the first onscene. Knowing this, Beacon will prepare yourfaculty & staff to recognize a majorhemorrhage and provide the tools, knowledge,and skill set to treat the injury and save a life.IMMEDIATETRAUMACARE

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This type of training providesteachers with a mechanism to dealwith a situation should one ariseeither from an active shooter orfrom an accident that severelyinjures a child as they wait for firstresponders to arrive."

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SecuritySecurityAssessmentAssessmentSecurity ProtocolsCurrent Policy Access ControlAlerting ProceduresResponse TechniquesPhysical security factors of thecampus & the surrounding area.In addition to EBRS training, BeaconTraining Group offers a written SecurityAssessment to assist administrators inidentifying strengths as well as potentialvulnerabilities of your campus and crisismanagement plans. The assessment willinclude an in-depth evaluation ofUpon completion, you will receive adetailed explanation of findings andrecommendations for enhancing yourschool's security measures.By Experienced Professionals WhoUnderstand Security & School CulturePROACTIVE MEASURESMITIGATE RISK PRACTICAL POLICYRECOMMENDATIONS

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Beacon Training Group’s licensed Educators havedeveloped a positive and effective Curriculum forteachers to implement after they have beentrained in EBRS . Children's Book: Recommended for grades preK-3. PowerPoint/Keynote: Recommended for grades 4-6.PowerPoint/Keynote: Recommended for grades 7-12.This curriculum includes materials of three lessonsavailable for purchase by your school or district toappropriately implement the EBRS Curriculum: EBRSEBRSCurriculumCurriculumUsing common language andprinciples, these lessons buildupon critical concepts in a naturaland age-appropriate manner yearto year, bringing a cohesiveimplementation of the EBRSresponse. This approachempowers students while theylearn in a safe and familiarenvironment.

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"This training was invaluableand empowering. While weall pray that a shooting willnot occur at our school, wemust be proactive inlearning how to best protectour students. BeaconTraining Group preparedme physically, mentally, andemotionally.”Testimonials"In my 15 years as a teacher, this is the firstprofessional development that taught mepractical ways I can keep my students safe."“As a parent, I find great comfort knowing that ourteachers are prepared for a crisis. The confidence andpower this training has given them is inspiring. I amforever grateful for the administration’s commitment tomy children and their safety.”-Dawn McInerney, Teacher-Heather Wasicki, Teacher-Chris Hadley, Parent

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Every itemchosen hasbeen testedand/orresearchedto ensure itis bothfunctionalandpracticalwhen usedto save alife.For Pricing or to Place an Order, Contact Andrew

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CPR/AED Certification Immediate Trauma Care EBRSCourses for Civilians Active Threat Training Command & Control RTF End User CourseMultiple Assault Counter TerrorismAction Capabilities End-UserImmediate Trauma CareCPR/AED CertificationCourses for First Responders

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CONTACT USBEACONTRAININGGROUPA N   A C T I V E   T H R E A T   R E S P O N S E&   I M M E D I A T E   T R A U M A   C A R ET R A I N I N G   C O M P A N Y+1(855)284-1078 iiininfo @ b e a c o n t r a i n i n g g r o u p . o r gP O   B o x   5 7 7F r a n k f o r t ,   I L ,   6 0 4 2 3 b e a c o n t r a i n i n g g r o u p . c o m