Break Free fromBreak Free fromWhat's HoldingWhat's HoldingYou BackYou BackFRAN STRICKLANDFRAN STRICKLANDA WORK BOOKLETA WORK BOOKLET
Congratulations on taking this first step towards unlocking yourtrue potential and propelling your business to new heights! Ifyou were a participant of our transformative webinar, we arethrilled to provide you with this work-booklet to complementyour learning journey. Inside these pages, you'll find valuable insights, helping youidentify the root causes of your stagnation and equipping youwith powerful strategies to break free.Dive deep into actionable exercises, empowering you to alignpersonal growth with business success, and translatingnewfound freedom into exceptional business results.Prepare to embark on a transformational experience, as youdiscover the keys to overcoming obstacles, unleashing yourcreativity, and achieving unparalleled success in both yourpersonal and professional life. IntroductionBreak Free from What's Holding You BackFlash Biz E-BookletCopyright 2023
For practical purposes, we divided this booklet into two sections. Section 1 is all aboutyour internal emotional and psychological landscape. Here we introduce the 4 D's ofBreaking Free.In section 2 we will offer practical actions you can take within your business, tosupport your human needs and to fuel your business' growth and performance.For certain, as we approach this important and transformative topic, we understandthat the journey to breaking free from stagnation and achieving business success isboth personal and professional.To optimize your experience, we recommend you set aside a special time anddedicate a notebook or pad to capture your insights and learnings as you go throughthe work-booklet. Now, embrace the process, and get ready to watch everything soar!Break Free from What's Holding You BackFlash Biz E-BookletCopyright 2023 What We Knowand Our Approach
Details occur on two levels. To begin, you delve deep into the root causes of yourstagnation. By examining past experiences, beliefs, and thought patterns in detail, youuncover valuable information about the psychological and emotional barriers thathave contributed to your current situation. Next, understanding these details enables you to confront and release any negativeinfluences, paving the way for personal growth and creating a more resilientfoundation to support your business's growth.DetailsDecisionDecision is about acknowledging and understanding the choices that have led to yourcurrent state of stagnation in business. By defining these pivotal decisions and theirconsequences, you gain valuable insights into the factors that may be hindering yourprogress. This self-awareness empowers you to make new and more empoweringdecisions, aligning your actions with your desired outcomes, and breaking free fromthe limitations that have held you back. Break Free from What's Holding You BackFlash Biz E-BookletCopyright 2023 Exploring YourInternal LandscapeThe 4 D's of Combatting Personal Stagnation:Decision, Details, Direction, Deliver
WHAT IS WHAT I WANTMy Decision & Why1. Start my own business, I can serve otherswith all my experience2. Take a course on selling so I serve peopleWhat Is Different?My Decision & Why1. Start my own business, No one will hire meat my age.What Happened & WhyGot a websiteAdded affiliatesBut no clients, no leads and not makingsales calls, don't know what I am doingBusy with lot of thingsCan't seem to say no to other thingsWas It What I Desired?I Would Like to Have HappenEverything I've done for website andaffiliatesMore clients or leadsMore balance among all my projectsSomeway to prioritizeFeel more comfortable when talkingabout my business and doing sales callsI feel less stressedI am accomplishing my dream, with saleand an incomeI am prioritizing the right activitiesI feel confident in selling and talking toprospectsNoBreak Free from What's Holding You BackFlash Biz E-BookletCopyright 2023 Decision & Details ExerciseOn a separate sheet of paper, set up two blocks of space to capture your thoughts.One block is labeled, What Is. The second block, titled What I want. See my examplebelow.At this step, think through some of the contributing factors which could be affectingyour situation.Once you feel you have thoroughly considered what is and what you want, you areready for the first D: DecisionUnlike what you may have done in the past, this time you are going to drive a stake inthe ground. Attach an emotional why to what it is you want. Decide that whatever it is you want isthe most essential in your life. Commit to yourself that every day, you will take one or several actions in support ofthis decision.
HOW ARE THINGS NOW THAT I AM LIVING MY DESIRED LIFE?My life is amazing. I wake up every morning, hearing the birds sing. The faint lightof morning filtering through the blinds of my bedroom. I feel relaxed and secure. Iam wrapped in this beautiful and colorful duvet feeling cool and cozy. I haveplenty of time for my morning routine. I have my agenda set for my sales callsand my work time in LinkedIn to grow my audience. I am so much moreconfident. I attract and close clients with ease and I am growing my groupcoaching so that I can help more people. I know I am living my purpose...Break Free from What's Holding You BackFlash Biz E-BookletCopyright 2023 Decision & Details ExerciseNow for the second D: DetailsOn a second sheet of paper, you expand upon what the what you would like to havehappen from the first sheet. This is going to be your vision. What is it like to be livingthe way you would like life to be?Write your story. Here is the start of mine.Notice how I cover the things that may be holding me back today. The things of whichI take ownership in Decision. We recommend you write your vision down, in whatever form you choose, narrativeor bullets. Whichever you do, try to attach a feeling to the visual of your new state ofliving.Writing down your vision allows you to review and feel everyday your new life.Now the last two D's: Direction and Deliver
As you understand the causes and begin to release negative patterns, you begin toclarify the "Direction" you want to take. The focus is to set a clear vision for yourbusiness and aligning it with your personal growth goals. By defining your purposeand direction, you equip yourself with a powerful compass that guides your actionsand decisions toward business success. It's about fostering a growth mindset andhaving a sense of direction that helps you overcome challenges and stay focused onyour journey to success. DirectionYou now concentrate on building a strong foundation for personal and businessgrowth. Armed with the self-awareness gained from the previous sections, you cannow focus on "Delivering" on your intentions and goals. This involves implementing practical strategies to cultivate personal growth,resilience, and emotional intelligence.By embracing your authentic self and continuously developing, you can better serveyour business and deliver exceptional results, ultimately watching your business soarto new heights. The next two pages show you how to apply these two D's.DeliverBreak Free from What's Holding You BackFlash Biz E-BookletCopyright 2023 Exploring YourInternal LandscapeThe 4 D's of Combatting Personal Stagnation:Decision, Details, Direction, Deliver
Break Free from What's Holding You BackFlash Biz E-BookletCopyright 2023 For most people, taking action is not the problem, it is what is going on inside of themthat is. To stay on track, the goals you set are your direction. How much, by when,how does it happen and what do you do. These are the elements of your goal asrelated to your new way of being.What is nice about this approach is that you can apply the Decision and Detailsconcepts to any action you deem to important to undertake in your business.On this page, we provide a checklist of actions you can take that integrate yourinternal needs with the realities of running your business. Applying Direction and DeliverDefine Your Target Audience: Clearly identify your ideal customers and understandtheir pain points and needs. This will help you tailoryour marketing and sales strategies to attract theright people.Implement Effective Marketing Strategies: Use a mix of digital marketing, content creation,social media, and email campaigns to reach yourtarget audience and generate leads.Optimize Your Sales Process: Streamline your sales funnel and ensure a smoothand efficient sales process. Train your sales team (ifapplicable) to be knowledgeable and persuasive.Focus on Customer Relationships:Prioritize building strong relationships with yourcustomers. Excellent customer service andpersonalized interactions can lead to loyal customersand referrals.Track and Analyze Data:Use analytics tools to monitor the performance ofyour marketing and sales efforts. This data-drivenapproach will help you make informed decisions andoptimize your strategies.Set Clear Goals and Objectives: Define specific and measurable goals for yourbusiness, such as revenue targets and leadgeneration numbers. Break these goals down intoactionable steps.Time Management and Delegation:To avoid feeling overwhelmed, prioritize tasks, anddelegate responsibilities where possible. This willallow you to focus on critical aspects of yourbusiness.Develop a Consistent Work Routine: Establish a daily and weekly routine to maintain aconsistent work pace. Consistency can help youavoid running hot and cold and maintain steadyprogress.Combat Procrastination:Identify the root causes of procrastination andimplement techniques to overcome it. Set deadlines,break tasks into smaller chunks, and celebrate smallwins to stay motivated.Embrace Challenges as Opportunities: Shift your perspective on challenges and view themas learning experiences. Develop problem-solvingskills and seek guidance from mentors or businesspeers.Invest in Personal and ProfessionalGrowth: Attend workshops, seminars, and webinars related toyour industry. Continuously learn and stay updatedon trends to stay ahead of the competition.Financial Management: Develop your financial understanding. Monitor yourbusiness's finances closely. Keep track of expenses,cash flow, and profits to ensure sustainable growth.Actions to Integrate Self and Business Success
Bonus:Keep Your Energy High and Yourself on Track Every night, before you go to bed, write down 6 actions you will undertake the nextday in support of your vision.Do not allow anything to block your efforts to complete those 6 actions. You will becloser to realizing your goal even if you are unable to check off every one that youlisted.Conclusion: Will This Work?You might be wondering if undergoing this process of applying the four D's can reallymake a difference.I personally can tell you, emphatically, YES!At the beginning of 2023, I assessed my progress in my business. I had started morethan two years ago putting together my dream, my brand. Yet I had no clientsin my core income stream.Then I went through a process with the aid of a coach who practices what sheteaches. Here is what changed:I became clear on what my Essential is: getting my business running, helpingother people, and being in the flow of circulating financial abundance by givingand being in receivership. two weeks of starting this process, I landed three paying clients andhave never looked back!I no longer have conflicts in deciding what I want to do versus doing what I donot want to do because I answer the question: how does what I want to dosupport achieving my vision.My enthusiasm, commitment, focus, and execution are off the charts.If you are serious about changing the trajectory of your life and business, you havean opportunity to bring together your own nature and the actions you take everydayin your business.Break Free from What's Holding You BackFlash Biz E-BookletCopyright 2023
Make sure you join our FREE Facebook group Scale Your Peakwith Fran and Verolead Biz Solutions.We bring expert insights to entrepreneurs and business ownerswho are ready to make more impact and returns by working ontheir businesses rather than just in their businesses.P.S. If you got value out of this guide, feel free to share it withfriends who would benefit from it. C L I C K H E R E T O J O I NBreak Free from What's Holding You BackFlash Biz E-BookletCopyright 2023