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EAG Toolkit

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EAG SOP + BEST PRACTICESMEETING MINUTES + ACTIVITY FORMSCHEDULING MEETINGS + AGENDAGROUP EMAIL CREATIONRECRUITMENT RESOURCESTable ofContentsClick directly on the section you'd like to read or tabthrough this resource page by page.To return to this Table of Contents, click on the in the corner of each page. EXPERIENCE TEAM INFORMATIONNEWSLETTERS + EAG EDUCATION SESSIONSENSEMBLE ACTIVE EAGS

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EAG SOP +Best PracticesINCREASING ASSOCIATE MORALE IMPROVING OPERATIONAL PROCESSES ESTABLISHING COMMUNITY OUTREACHThink about improving your workenvironment, offering support to eachother, and associate recognition.Contemplate changes to workflows foreffeciency, or any new tools or resourcesyou may need. Research and discuss ways that yourteam can impact the community andbecome involved.The EAG SOP and Best Practices will help to guide you asyou start your EAG. Rely on the three objectives listedbelow to inform the content of your meetings. Click on thelinks to the right to access the EAG SOP + Best Practices.EAG SOP BEST PRACTICES

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EAG DIRECTORYEnsembleActive EAGsYou are not alone! Our EAGs are found all over the country, and we want you to feel connected to one another. Clickon the link below to see our extensive EAG directory, andfeel free to connect with other EAG members at otherfacilities to share ideas or get inspiration!50+ 300+1350Active EAGs EAG MembersClients Facilities

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EAG EMAIL BOXAlthough it's not a requirement, having adedicated EAG email address can behelpful for associates on your team.Whenever they have suggestions orquestions, there's just one email addressto remember. It also helps you keep yourown work email inbox clear. Click on thelink to the right to access the instructionsfor requesting an Email for an EAG.Group EmailCreationTIP: The Experience Team works diligently to keep the EAG Directory updated andcurrent. If you change or add members, or create an EAG Email Address, please let usknow!

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Meetings AgendaDiscuss meeting times and locations withyour leaders. Make sure it's set up inadvance and works for the majority of theEAG members. Click on the link below toaccess the instructions for scheduling ameeting.An Agenda will ensure that important topicsare discussed, and will allow all EAGmembers to prepare ideas and questions inadvance. Click on the link below to accessthe Agenda Template.Scheduling Meetings+ AgendaSCHEDULING MEETINGS AGENDA TEMPLATE

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The Scribe of any EAG will keep a type-written record of all meetings. This willkeep the group on track and helpeveryone remember what's beenassigned to what member. Click on thelink above to access the instructionsfor recording meeting minutes.It's important to send out the meetingminutes to all EAG members afterthey've been completed. Click on thelink above to access the MeetingMinutes Template.The last step when recordingmeeting minutes is to submitthem to the Activity Form. Thisis a step you cannot overlook, asthis is how your EAG is audited,as well as chosen to spotlight inthe quarterly newsletter. Clickon the link above to access theActivity Form and instructions.Meeting Minutes +Activity FormRECORDING MINUTES DISTRIBUTING MINUTES ACTIVITY FORM1 2 3RECORDING MEETING MINUTESMEETING MINUTES TEMPLATEACTIVITY FORM

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FLYERRECRUITMENT GUIDEPEER INTERVIEW All the informationpotential EAGMembers might need!RecruitmentResourcesLooking to start an EAG at your facility, orexpand the one already in place? Here aresome resources you may find helpful. Clickon the links below to access.How to Interview a peerfor the EAG.

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The EAG Newsletter, "The Culture", isa quarterly publication. Click on thelinks below to see previous editions.EAG Education Sessions are held on aquarterly basis, covering topics thatcurrent EAGs have voted on. All EAGMembers are invited to attend! Click onthe links below to watch previoussessions.Newsletters+ EAGEducationSessionsNewlettersFIRST QUARTER 2022EAG EducationSessionsCOMMUNICATION + LISTENINGSECOND QUARTER 2022THIRD QUARTER 2022FOURTH QUARTER 2022FIRST QUARTER 2023SECOND QUARTER 2023BUILDING + SUSTAINING TRUSTSELF-ESTEEM + CONFIDENCEORGANIZATIONAL SKILLSEMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCECONFLICT MANAGEMENT

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ERIN HANCOCK DAN CONNORSWe are your resource for all things EAG related! If you have questions,ideas, or are in need of resources, please let us know.Experience TeamSUSAN MILLIGAN MARGOT BARRONExperience Director Experience Manager Experience Manager Operations CoordinatorExperienceTeam@EnsembleHP.comGERALD DUNLAPExperience Manager