Fresh Citron Caviar Rose with Edible Gold
DeVerpoucke´s (DVK) was established in 2018 by Catia Verpoucke, who was the first Citron Caviar producer to exclusively develop the Citron Caviar with Edible Gold, in a Luxury Marble Box with 19.2 k Gold. DeVerpoucke´s comprehends a dedicated and exigent team that has been always in love with nature, science, fine cuisine and tradition. The citron caviar inspired DeVerpoucke´s in order to show the best of the fruit to the clients by caring on quality and on the fine exclusive design.It was love at first sight.When I saw the beautiful pearls popping out of the fruit with it´s beautiful colors and round shapes, I was immediately excited and stunned.Catia Verpoucke
DeVerpoucke´s is a Belgian exclusive producer of the citron caviar rose situated in the fields of Alentejo, Portugal.DeVerpoucke´s aims to serve international and national clients that master quality, fine taste and style.Every early morning, before the sun come up, every tree is visited one by one, and observed carefully like a piece of art. The excellent smell, taste and healthy growth inspire us to continue the high standard quality work.
DeVerpoucke´s (DVK) was established in 2018 by Catia Verpoucke, who was the first Citron Caviar producer to exclusively develop the Citron Caviar with Edible Gold, in a Luxury Marble Box with 19.2 k Gold. DeVerpoucke´s comprehends a dedicated and exigent team that has been always in love with nature, science, fine cuisine and tradition. The citron caviar inspired DeVerpoucke´s in order to show the best of the fruit to the clients by caring on quality and on the fine exclusive design.DVK aims to be one of the most valuable gourmet luxury brands in the World.DVK develops unique personalized ultra--premium luxury gourmet Citron Caviar products for our most exclusive customers.Exclusive and Timeless Gourmet with Glamour and Quality.
The ultimate rainbow of exclusive luxury tastes and sensations, defining gourmet and glamour for the finest and healthy moments.The creativity of the artisans, the knowledge of technology, sense of innovation, eye for detail, high level of quality and professionalism, and love for craftsmanship and gourmet, makes it possible to deliver the best of the Citron Caviar Rose with edible Gold.
Explore our unique cintron caviar rose collection. Every package is designed to be used during the citron caviar tasting experience. Every package containing the fresh citron caviar rose is handmade art in gold & marble. They have a unique design for every client and personalized with their own name.The aroma of the citron caviar rose already predicts the fine taste with multiple senses.DeVerpoucke´s make you travel in a rainbow of tastes and to enjoy your unique moments with the loved ones. This specific citron caviar rose is a superfood due to their unique nutritional value with high fiber content. At the same time DVK reconnects people values for a better World - DVK customers are supporting social and environment causes with every order they make
Explore our unique cintron caviar rose collection. Every package is designed to be used during the citron caviar tasting experience. Every package containing the fresh citron caviar rose is handmade art in gold & marble. They have a unique design for every client and personalized with their own name.The aroma of the citron caviar rose already predicts the fine taste with multiple senses.DeVerpoucke´s make you travel in a rainbow of tastes and to enjoy your unique moments with the loved ones. This specific citron caviar rose is a superfood due to their unique nutritional value with high fiber content. DeVerpoucke´s only produces maximum 50 boxes per year, with 125g of fresh citron caviar whole fruit, all of them different from each other.
DeVerpoucke´s are proud to satisfy the clients with a new rainbow of tastes that can combine with plenty of fine dishes. The most exigent clients will live memorable experiences either in business or with their loved ones.
DeVerpoucke´s want’s to join you in all the best finest moments.