Dugdale Nutrition Bellman Mill Salthill Clitheroe BB7 1QW COMPANY HANDBOOK
C O N T E N T S Page No INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1 APPLICATION .................................................................................................................... 1 2 NEW EMPLOYEES ............................................................................................................. 1 3 FLEXIBILITY ....................................................................................................................... 1 ATTENDANCE .............................................................................................................................................. 2 4 WORKING HOURS ............................................................................................................ 2 5 TIME KEEPING ................................................................................................................... 2 6 LEAVE OF ABSENCE ......................................................................................................... 3 7 TIME OFF FOR DEPENDANTS ......................................................................................... 4 9 ABSENCE AND SICKNESS ............................................................................................... 4 10 ADVERSE WEATHER AND OTHER EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES ....................... 4 11 LAY OFF ............................................................................................................................. 5 12 REDUNDANCY ................................................................................................................... 5 13 ERRORS IN CALCULATION OF WAGES ......................................................................... 6 BENEFITS ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 14 HOLIDAYS AND HOLIDAY PAY ......................................................................................... 6 15 GROUP PERSONAL AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE ........................................................ 6 16 TRAINING POLICY ............................................................................................................. 7 17 TRAINING AND TIME OFF................................................................................................. 7 WORKING PRACTICES ............................................................................................................................... 8 18 DATA PROTECTION ........................................................................................................ 18 19 EMPLOYEE'S PROPERTY ............................................................................................... 10 20 RIGHT OF SEARCH ......................................................................................................... 10 21 SECURITY ........................................................................................................................ 11 22 WASHING AND REST ROOM FACILITIES ..................................................................... 11 23 INVENTIONS .................................................................................................................... 11 24 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ........................................................................................... 12 25 USE OF COMPANY COMPUTER EQUIPMENT .............................................................. 13 26 INTERNET ........................................................................................................................ 14 27 E-MAIL POLICY ................................................................................................................ 14 28 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION................................................................................... 16 29 ASSOCIATED WORK ....................................................................................................... 17 30 USE OF EMPLOYEES' MOTOR VEHICLES ON COMPANY BUSINESS ....................... 17 31 COMPANY MOTOR VEHICLES ....................................................................................... 17 32 MOBILE PHONES IN VEHICLES ................................................................................... 118 33 RETIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 19 34 SITE SAFETY ................................................................................................................... 19 HEALTH AND SAFETY .............................................................................................................................. 20 35 HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY ...................................................................................... 20 36 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ................................................................ 20 37 ACCIDENTS AT WORK ................................................................................................... 20 38 SMOKING ......................................................................................................................... 21 GENERAL RULES ...................................................................................................................................... 21 39 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE ......................................................................................... 21 40 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ............................................................................................. 25 41 GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................................ 26 42 MOBILE TELEPHONES ................................................................................................... 27 43 ANTI – BRIBERY POLICY ................................................................................................ 28 44 DISCLOSURE OF PUBLIC INTEREST MATTERS .......................................................... 28 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................ 29 45 ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS .................................................................................... 29 46 BREACH OF PROVISIONS .............................................................................................. 29 47 NOTICE BOARDS ............................................................................................................ 30 49 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT ................................................................................. 30
1 INTRODUCTION 1 APPLICATION 1.1 The purpose of this Handbook is to provide you with general information on conditions of employment, payment of wages and salaries, and welfare services operated by the Company. Thus, the Handbook will assist you in carrying out your obligations during you employment with the Company. 1.2 It should be read in conjunction with the Statement of Main Terms and Conditions of Employment issued to you as it is part of your "Terms of Employment". 1.3 May I take this opportunity of welcoming you to the Company and hope that your period of employment with us will be a long and pleasant one. 2 NEW EMPLOYEES 2.1 Your employment is subject to the statutory provisions in force from time to time and subject to compliance with the requirements summarised in this Handbook. 2.2 Unless stated otherwise in writing, your employment is subject to a 3 month trial period during which your performance and suitability will be assessed. During this period you will be entitled to the statutory minimum period of notice. 2.3 The Company reserves the right to obtain a medical report from their nominated medical officer either before engagement or at any time during the 13 week trial period as to your fitness to satisfactorily carry out the duties for which you are engaged (subject to the provisions of the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988). 2.4 New employees must hand in their income tax certificate (P45) to the wages office within 48 hours of commencing work. In some cases, previous employers make arrangements for forwarding these documents, in which case full details of these arrangements must be given to the Company Accountant. 2.5 The Company reserves the right to forego the Disciplinary Procedure during the trial period should a new employee not perform to the standard required. 3 FLEXIBILITY 3.1 As far as possible, work is planned to a basic routine, however, due to unforeseen circumstances and the nature of the trade, occasions arise when some degree of flexibility is necessary. Therefore, when it is required that you stagger starting and/or finishing times, meal or tea breaks, your fullest co-operation is expected.
2 ATTENDANCE 4 WORKING HOURS 4.1 The present working hours are as detailed in your Statement of Main Terms and Conditions of Employment. The Company reserves the right to re-arrange working hours in order to meet special conditions, subject to discussions with the personnel concerned. 4.2 The main details associated with Shift Working are listed in your Statement of Main Terms and Conditions of Employment. You may be required to work on Day Shift, Night Shift or any other Shift system that the occasion may demand. Such changes will be subject to normal discussion and agreement with the personnel concerned. 4.3 A variable lunch period is encouraged, to allow the Company to be manned during normal working hours and such arrangements will be made between you and your Manager. 4.4 Transfers (Temporary) 4.4.1 The Company may require an employee to transfer from one department to another, from one shift to another or from shift work to day work or vice versa. The Company reserves the right to transfer an employee at any time to another job or department as may be required for the efficient running of the works. Employees so transferred will receive their usual rate of pay, or the rate for the job, whichever is the higher, excepting that shift workers transferred to day work will cease to become entitled to their disturbance allowance. 4.5 Transfers (Permanent) 4.5.1 Should the Company require any transfer, as mentioned in 4.4, to become a permanent nature, then, after due notice to the employee concerned, the Company reserves the right to make such a transfer effective. 4.5.2 Any employee wishing to be considered for permanent transfer to another department or shift must, through his Foreman, make application to his Manager. 5 TIME KEEPING 5.1 Your existing employment contract specifies the number of hours you are expected to work for the company and your individual remuneration package has been set with a view to these hours being worked in order to
3 carry out your duties on behalf of the company. In addition, your daily “start” and “end” times are set in agreement with your line manager. Hence, in accordance with the Absence Standards Procedure(002), the company handbook, your own contract of employment and the expectations of the company, you must be “ready to commence” your working day at the “specified time”. Put plainly, you should be at your workstation no later than your daily start time and you are not expected to leave your workstation at the end of your working day until at least your specified end time. 5.2 If you arrive later than your specified start time or should you need to leave earlier than your appointed end time, then this must be either explained to or requested from your line manager. In most cases, it is expected that this time should be made up on the same working day or at an agreed later date. 5.3 The greatest importance is attached to punctuality and it is the employee's duty to be ready to commence work at the specified starting time. 5.4 Employees reporting for work between three and fifteen minutes late will be paid from the end of that fifteen minute period. Those who report for work between sixteen and thirty minutes late will be paid from the end of that half hour period. 5.5 Employees reporting for work more than thirty minutes late will only be allowed to start work at the Management's discretion. 5.6 Please refer to the Company’s Absence Standards (002) Procedure for further information in regards to lateness triggers. 6 LEAVE OF ABSENCE 6.1 If you wish to leave work during working hours, you must obtain permission from your immediate Supervisor. If you are required to record your working time you must clock off at the time of leaving work and, if appropriate, clock on at the time of returning to work. 6.2 When personal circumstances prevent you from attending work, you must notify your Manager within one hour of your normal starting time to discuss the reasons for the absence. The Manager may exercise discretion in authorising a specific period of absence with or without pay, or agree to annual holiday being taken at short notice to cover the absence required. Where the circumstances are of a private and confidential nature, such confidentiality will be respected. 6.3 Any appointments should be made outside working hours if possible, however, if you must attend during work time please ensure the
4 appointment is made for the end of the day to ensure minimum disruption to your work. 7 TIME OFF FOR DEPENDANTS Time Off For Dependants 7.1 All employees have the right to take a reasonable amount of unpaid time off during their working hours to deal with unexpected or sudden problems affecting their dependants and to make any necessary longer term arrangements for their care. For refer to the Family Friendly Handbook for full details. 8 ABSENCE AND SICKNESS Sick Pay Scheme 8.1 The Company operates a discretionary Sick Pay Scheme for employees as detailed in your Statement of Main Terms and Conditions of Employment. 8.2 The sick pay year is any twelve month period commencing from the first day of absence and all payments will be inclusive of any Statutory Sick Pay entitlement. 8.3 If you are absent due to injury/accident, you are required to notify the Company of any claim made against a third party. The Company reserves the right to expect repayment of any Company sick pay (or part thereof) which is the subject of a payment received from such a claim. This will not affect payments of SSP. The repayment should be made either as a lump sum or by deduction from wages by agreement. 8.4 It is a legal requirement of the SSP system that your absence and reasons for it are recorded and, therefore, no Company or Statutory Sick Pay can be made without this information. You should also note that Statutory Sick Pay and, therefore, the Company Scheme work on the principle that sickness starts on the day of notification, which should be the first day of absence. 8.5 Failure to notify the Company on the first day of absence and to satisfactorily complete a Self-Certification Form could result in payment from the Company’s Sick Pay Scheme, if relevant, and the Statutory Sick Pay Scheme, being withheld. 8.6 For further information regarding sickness absence, please refer to the Absence Policy (001) and /or The Absence Standard Procedure (002). 10 ADVERSE WEATHER AND OTHER EXCEPTIONAL CICUMSTANCES
5 10.1. If you are unable to attend work due to adverse weather or other exceptional circumstances, you will not be paid for any periods of non-attendance. You may request to take paid holidays or work additional hours at an alternative time to make up for the time you have been absent. The Company reserves the right to refuse such requests depending on the needs of the business. 11 LAY-OFF 11.1 The Company reserves the right to lay off any employee without pay where no work is available for whatever reason. 11.2 Should you be entitled to Guarantee Pay, the Company will make such payments. 11.3 During any period of lay off you must keep in daily contact with the Company and must be available for work if required. 11.4 Please note that “lay-off” is a term used to cover a period of difficulty for a Company regarding loss of major contract, workplace flooded etc., and is not to be used to cover poor production planning. If the need for “lay-off” ever occurred you would be notified verbally and in writing the period of “lay-off” and the reasons. 11.5 The benefits to the employee are:- 11.5.1 Continued employment with no break of service. 11.5.2 Ability to claim DSS benefit immediately. 11.5.3 No need to seek another position as still employed. 11.6 All benefits including holiday accruals continue during “lay-off” period. 12 REDUNDANCY 12.1 The Company hopes that it will not have to make redundancies but should there be a downturn of business or re-organisation, for whatever reason, that requires jobs to cease or diminish, then the Company reserves the right to select employees on the grounds of: 12.1.1 retaining necessary expertise/skills to allow the Company to continue operating efficiently; 12.1.2 retaining employees whose overall performance, attendance and behaviour is in keeping with the Company’s expectation.
6 12.2 If all of the above criteria are equal then the principle of “last in – first out” will be used. 12.3 A Director will explain the process of selection, consultation and the opportunity to question the decisions regarding redundancy. 12.4 If you are selected for redundancy (dismissal), you have the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or Trade Union Official at the final meeting. In the event that your dismissal is confirmed, you have the right to appeal against your selection. Your appeal must be lodged in writing with a Director by no later than 3 working days after you have been notified of your selection. You have the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or Trade Union Official at the appeal hearing. 13 ERRORS IN CALCULATION OF WAGES 13.1 Any error in the calculation of your wages with respect to the hours you have worked should be notified immediately to your Departmental Manager, and not the Accountant or Wages Office. BENEFITS 14 HOLIDAYS AND HOLIDAY PAY 14.1 The holiday year is from 1st July to 30th June the following year. 14.2 Your holiday entitlement is as stated in your Statement and Main Terms of Conditions of Employment given to you. 14.3 You will not qualify for payment for recognised Public Holidays if you fail to work either the normal working day immediately preceding or following the holiday, unless your absence is by prior arrangement or is due to sickness certified by a medical certificate. 14.4 Part of your holiday may be fixed by the Company, details of which will be given to you each year. 14.5 Please refer to the Company’s Annual Leave Policy (004) for further information. 15 GROUP PERSONAL AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE 15.1 The Company provides Personal Accident insurance cover and bears its associated costs whilst reserving the right to cancel the policy at its discretion. 15.1.1 Cover is provided 24 hours a day 365 days a year to residents of the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and the
7 Republic of Ireland although there are some restrictions and conditions which are available on request from the Directors. 15.1.2 The cover provides that in the event of an accident resulting in permanent disability, the loss of use of eyes or limbs, or death of an employee, a fixed sum will be payable from the Insurance Scheme. 16 TRAINING POLICY 16.1 It is the Company’s objective to ensure that every individual employee is trained so that he or she can make a significant contribution to the organisation and also in order to enable that individual to develop their personal skills so that they can continue with their own Personal Development Programme. 16.2 The Company will undertake an annual Training Needs Analysis which will be discussed with individual employees and designed to meet a specific need, probably one which has been identified as a result of Performance Appraisal meetings. 16.3 Whereas the Company will support professional and technical training for the benefit of the individual and the Company, we reserve the right to protect our investment in training by a recoupment of training costs should the individual employee leave our employment. 16.4 If an employee leaves within six months of completing a course, for which the Company has paid, the individual will be required to reimburse 100% of the costs paid by the Company. If the employee leaves after six months but before twelve months service subsequent to the course, the recoupment will be 50% of the costs borne by the Company. Once an employee has served twelve months or more after completion of the course, there will be no recoupment. 17 TRAINING AND TIME OFF General 17.1 The Company believes in the development of employees to achieve their optimum potential in their jobs as well as for future opportunities, where it is both in the interests of the Company and the individual. Therefore, where training is identified by the Company which would contribute to achieving such aims, this would be discussed and a training plan agreed. 17.2 Where such training has been identified by the Company as being necessary and appropriate and forms a key part of your development or improvement, then this would normally be funded and supported by the Company and any necessary time off from normal work would usually be paid. However, this would be at the discretion of the Company and would depend on the particular agreed course or training programme
8 17.3 You may wish to suggest some training which you believe would be beneficial to the Company and yourself and this should be discussed with your Manager, either as part of an appraisal process or at any other time. WORKING PRACTICES 18 DATA PROTECTION 18.1 The Company is fully committed to compliance with all legal requirements regarding data protection. The legislation applies to anyone processing personal data. It sets out principles which should be followed, and it also gives rights to those whose data is being processed. 18.2 To this end, the Company endorses fully and adheres to the eight principles of data protection as follows: data must be processed fairly and lawfully data must only be obtained for specified and lawful purposes data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive data must be accurate and up to date data must not be kept for longer than necessary data must be processed in accordance with the “data subject’s” (the individual’s) rights data must be securely kept data must not be transferred to any other country without adequate protection in place Employee’s Personal Data 18.3 Throughout employment and for as long as is necessary after the termination of your employment, the Company will need to process data about you. The kind of data that the Company will process includes: any references obtained during recruitment details of terms of employment payroll details tax and national insurance information details of job duties details of health and sickness absence records information about performance details of any disciplinary investigations and proceedings training records emergency contact details correspondence with the Company and other information that you have given the Company 18.4 The Company believes that those records used are consistent with the employment relationship between the Company and yourself, and with the data protection principles. The data the Company holds will be for management and administrative use only, but the Company may, from time to time, need to disclose some data it holds about you to relevant third
9 parties (e.g. where legally obliged to do so by HM Revenue & Customs or where requested to do so by yourself for the purpose of giving a reference). 18.5 In some cases, the Company may hold sensitive data, as defined by the legislation, about you. For example, this could be information about health, racial or ethnic origin, criminal convictions, trade union membership, or religious beliefs. This information may be processed not only to meet the Company's legal responsibilities but, for example, for purposes of personnel management and administration, suitability for employment, and to comply with equal opportunity legislation. Since the processing of this type of information could possibly cause concern or distress, you will be asked to give express consent, unless the Company has a specific legal requirement to process such data. 18.6 Subject to the requirements of the legislation, you may inspect and/or have a copy, of information in your own personnel file and/or other specified personal data and, if necessary, require corrections or deletions should such records be faulty. If you wish to do so you should make a written request to your line Manager. Data Security 18.7 You are responsible for ensuring that any personal data that you hold and/or process as part of your job role is stored securely. You should ensure that you are aware of any specific requirements to process and secure data in relation to your job role and function within the company. 18.8 You must ensure that personal data is not disclosed either orally or in writing, or via web pages, or by any other means, accidentally or otherwise, to any unauthorised third party. 18.9 You should note that unauthorised disclosure may result in action under the disciplinary procedure, which may include dismissal for gross misconduct. Personal data should be kept in a locked filing cabinet, drawer, or safe. Electronic data should be coded, encrypted, or password protected both on a local hard drive and on a network drive that is regularly backed up. If a copy is kept on removable storage media, that media must itself be kept in a locked filing cabinet, drawer, or safe. 18.10 When travelling with a device containing personal data, you must ensure both the device and data is password protected. The device should be kept secure and where possible it should be locked away out of sight i.e. in the boot of a car. You should avoid travelling with hard copies of personal data where there is secure electronic storage available. When it is essential to travel with hard copies of personal data this should be kept securely in a bag and where possible locked away out of sight i.e. in the boot of a car.
10 Data Breach 18.11 Should you become aware that company data has been compromised or that there has been a “data breach” you should report this to your line manager and / or the company’s Data Protection Officer without delay. 18.12 You should ensure that throughout the course of your employment that you follow all rules in relation to data processing as above. Upon leaving the company you should ensure that all and any data in your possession is returned to the company. You should not retain any confidential information or company data in any format or medium. 19 EMPLOYEE'S PROPERTY 19.1 The Company does not accept any liability for the loss of or damage to your property brought onto the Company's premises, whatever the cause, although investigations will be carried out on matters brought to the Company's notice. 19.2 Any personal tools or equipment brought onto the Company's premises or used on the Company's behalf, must comply with the relevant Health and Safety regulations regarding Electricity at Work - Portable Appliance Testing. Unless the Company is satisfied as regards their condition, authorisation will not be given for their use. It is the employees’ responsibility to ensure the safe working condition of such personal items. 19.3 In no circumstances can the Company accept any liability for damage to, or theft from cars, cycles, or any other vehicle brought onto the Company premises, whether the damage or theft occurs in an authorised parking place or not. Cars must only be parked on the car park and not around the buildings etc. 19.4 You are required to obtain permission from your Manager before bringing any vehicle into the buildings. 19.5 If you either lose or find property you should report the circumstances immediately to your Supervisor or Manager. 20 RIGHT OF SEARCH 20.1 To safeguard you and to ensure that there is no abuse with regard to the removal of Company property or equipment, the Company reserves the right to search any employee, or the contents of parcels or vehicles, entering or leaving the premises. The search, where possible, will be conducted by a person of the same sex in the presence of a third person of the same sex and you will be
11 encouraged to ensure that another independent witness is present if so required. 21 SECURITY 21.1 When unmanned, the works and site are maintained in a fully fenced and locked condition. However, the Company accepts no liability for damage to, or theft of, personal property whether in toilets, cloakrooms, lockers or elsewhere. 21.2 It is the duty of the last person leaving the site to lock the main gates, unless he has received specific instructions from his Manager to do otherwise. Therefore, if you wish to obtain entry to the works premises outside normal shift working hours, you must first seek the permission of your Manager, whether you are a key holder or not. 22 EATING MEALS DURING THE DAY/WASHING AND REST ROOM FACILITIES 22.1 Facilities are provided on site for washing, consumption of food and preparation of hot drinks. It is in the interest of every individual concerned that this area is kept particularly clean and tidy, and your co-operation in this would be appreciated by other employees as well as by the Company. 22.2 Applicable to Office Staff & employees starting work after 7am: Breakfasts should be consumed before you attend work. However, if you are unable to do this then, through an agreement with your line manager, you may be permitted to take breakfast at the workplace prior to commencing your work but this time must be made up later in the day. This would be by either taking a reduced lunch break or by working beyond your normal specified end time. 22.3 In general, most office staff have unpaid lunch breaks that are contracted to be no more than 30 minutes. Therefore, should you be unable to eat your lunch during this 30-minute period then, once again through an agreement with your line manager, you may be permitted to extend your lunch break. However, this will mean either starting your working day earlier or leaving later in order to make up the time. 23 INVENTIONS 23.1 The law relating to inventions is governed by the Patents Act 1977 as amended by the Copyright, Design & Patents Act 1988 and if you should make an invention then you are protected by a statutory scheme of compensation detailed in that Act. However, there are circumstances in which such an invention will be regarded as belonging to the Company:
12 23.1.1 if it was made in the course of your normal duties under such circumstances as an invention might reasonably be expected to result from these duties, 23.1.2 if it was made outside the course of your normal duties but during the performance of duties specifically assigned to you when an invention might reasonably be expected to result from these, 23.1.3 if it was made during the course of any of your duties and at the time you had a special obligation to further the Company's interests arising from the nature of such duties and your particular responsibilities. 23.2 If the invention was not made under any of these circumstances it is taken as between you and the Company to belong to you. If the invention properly belongs to someone other than you in the first place then none of the above rules affect that ownership. 24 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 24.1 You must acknowledge that in the course of your employment with Dugdale Nutrition you may have access to, acquire or gain, intellectual property, confidential knowledge or information: 24.1.1 with respect to formulae, secret processes, plans, devices, products, computer programmes and other intangible property, know-how and other data belonging or relating to Dugdale Nutrition or belonging to a customer or supplier of Dugdale Nutrition. 24.1.2 with respect to the identity of customers of Dugdale Nutrition and the identity of products, quantity and prices of the same, ordered by such customers. 24.2 You must further recognise and accept that all such intellectual property and information is the sole property of Dugdale Nutrition or its customer or supplier and you should treat such intellectual property and information as set out below: 24.3 You shall keep confidential all such intellectual property and knowledge or information described above and shall not divulge it to others, nor use it for your own private purpose. This obligation shall continue during and after your period of employment with Dugdale Nutrition. 24.4 Upon termination of your employment or at any time when the Company may request, you shall deliver Dugdale Nutrition all equipment, notes, memoranda, formulae, records, files, and other papers, tapes, discs or programmes and copies thereof in your custody relating to any such
13 intellectual property, knowledge or information described above to which you have had access or which you may have developed during the course of your employment. Dugdale Nutrition reserve the right to recover the cost of any non-returned items. 24.5 You shall not without the prior written permission of the Company after leaving the employment of Dugdale Nutrition for any reason, work for others, or on your own account, on any of the secret processes, formulae, programmes or data on which you may have worked or to which you have had access whilst in the employ of Dugdale Nutrition. 24.6 Any invention, formula, process, product, programme, idea, discovery, or improvement conceived or developed by you within the period of your employment, relating to any activity engaged in by Dugdale Nutrition shall be the sole and exclusive property and intellectual property of Dugdale Nutrition and you shall promptly communicate to Dugdale Nutrition full information with respect to any of the foregoing, conceived or developed by you. You shall execute and deliver all documents and do all other things as shall be deemed by Dugdale Nutrition to be necessary and proper to effect the assignment to Dugdale Nutrition of the sole and exclusive right, title and interest in and to all such inventions, formulae, processes, products, programmes, ideas, discoveries, improvements, patent applications and patents thereon. 24.7 You must understand, accept and agree that Dugdale Nutrition has no interest in and will not accept divulgence to it of any confidential knowledge or information which is the property of any previous employer or third party, not-withstanding any other paragraph of this Clause, you shall not communicate any such confidential knowledge or information to Dugdale Nutrition in order to use the same during the course of your employment 25 USE OF COMPANY COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 25.1 In order to control the use of the Company's computer equipment and reduce the risk of contamination, the following will apply: 25.1.1 The introduction of new software must first of all be checked and authorised by a senior member of the Company before general use will be permitted. 25.1.2 Only authorised staff should have access to the Company's computer equipment. 25.1.3 Only Company supplied, licensed and authorised software may be used on any of the Company's computer equipment. Only software that is used for approved business applications may be used. 25.1.4 No software may be brought on to or taken from the Company's premises without prior authorisation.
14 25.1.5 Company Hardware and Software may not be used for any personal use whatsoever. 25.2 Unauthorised access of the computer facility will result in disciplinary action. Unauthorised copying and/or removal will result in disciplinary action. Such actions could lead to dismissal. 26 INTERNET 26.1 The Internet has established itself as an important communication facility providing contact with professional and academic sources throughout the world. Where appropriate and duly authorised, staff are encouraged to make use of the Internet as part of their official professional activities. However, appropriate use of the internet at the workplace is permitted outside of your specified working hours e.g. during your lunch break. Attention must be paid to ensuring that published information has relevance to normal professional activities before material is released in Dugdale Nutritions name. Where personal views are expressed, a disclaimer stating that this is the case should be clearly added to all correspondence. 26.2 Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright must not be compromised when publishing on the Internet. 26.3 The availability and variety of information on the Internet has meant that it can be used to obtain material reasonably considered to be offensive. The use of the Internet to access and/or distribute any kind of offensive material or non-related employment issues will leave an individual liable to disciplinary action, which could lead to dismissal, including summary dismissal. 27 E-MAIL POLICY Policy 27.1 The use of the e-mail system is encouraged, as its appropriate use facilitates efficiency. Used correctly, it is a facility that is of assistance to employees. Its inappropriate use, however, causes many problems, including distractions, time wasting and legal claims. This policy sets out the Company’s position on the correct use of an e-mail system, where available Procedure Authorised Use
15 27.2 The e-mail system is available for communication on matters directly concerned with the legitimate business of this Company. Employees using the e-mail system should give particular attention to the following points: 27.2.1 All e-mails must comply with Company communication standards. 27.2.2 E-mail messages and copies should only be sent to those for whom they are particularly relevant. 27.2.3 E-mail should not be used as a substitute for face-to-face communication. “Flame-mails” (e-mails that are abusive) must not be sent. Hasty messages, sent without proper consideration, can upset, and cause concern or misunderstandings. 27.2.4 If e-mail is confidential, the user must ensure that the necessary steps are taken to protect confidentiality. In the first instance, the Company will be liable for infringing copyright or any defamatory information circulated either within the Company or to external users of the system, but will take appropriate civil and disciplinary action against the individual responsible. 27.2.5 Offers or contracts transmitted via e-mail are as legally binding on the Company as those sent on paper. 27.3 Any failure to observe these guidelines can result in disciplinary action, including summary dismissal. Unauthorised Use 27.4 The Company will not tolerate the use of the e-mail system for unofficial or inappropriate purposes, including: Any message that could constitute bullying, harassment or other detriment. Personal use, e.g. social invitations, personal messages, jokes, cartoons, chain letters or other private matters. On-line gambling. Accessing or transmitting pornography. Transmitting copyright information and/or any software available to the user. Posting confidential information about other employees, the Company or its customers or suppliers. 27.5 Unauthorised or inappropriate use of e-mail may result in disciplinary action which could include summary dismissal. Implementation of the Policy
16 27.6 Regular monitoring of the use of the internet and e-mail messages will be carried out on a random basis. Hard copies of e-mail messages will be used as evidence in disciplinary proceedings. All e-mail messages are retained within the company for a period of 2 years. 27.7 The Company will appoint an individual to be responsible for the e-mail system and advice on all aspects of the e-mail policy. 27.8 Unknown files or messages should never be introduced into the system without first being checked for viruses. 27.9 Training in the use of e-mail will be run regularly on an in-house basis. Managers are required to ensure that all new employees attend the training programme prior to using the e-mail system. 27.10 Employees who use a PC will be issued with a confidential password which will be changed at irregular intervals. Access to the e-mail system using another employee’s password without prior authorisation is likely to result in disciplinary action. 27.11 Critical information must not be stored solely within the e-mail system. Hard copies must be retained and it is the responsibility of the individual issuing the e-mail to ensure the hard copy is filed. If necessary, documents must be password protected. 27.12 Users are reminded that the mere deletion of a message or file may not fully eliminate it from the system. 27.13 Employees who have cause for complaint as a result of e-mail communications should raise the matter initially with their immediate manager and/or the e-mail manager. If appropriate, the complaint can then be raised through the Company’s grievance procedure. 28 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 28.1 You shall not directly or indirectly disclose to any unauthorised person any knowledge or information relating to the Company's business, or the business of any of the Company's customers without first obtaining permission in writing from the Company. 28.2 You will not use for your own purposes or profit, or for any purposes other than those of the Company, any information which you may acquire in relation to the Company's and/or its customers' business. 28.3 The rules concerning disclosure of information apply both during and after your employment with the Company. 28.4 Unauthorised access to Company information, whether computerised or manual, may lead to disciplinary action. In the case of computerised information "hacking" will be considered a dismissible offence.
17 28.5 At the time of leaving the Company, for whatever reason, you are required to return all products, documentation or any other information related to the Company and, if requested, confirm compliance of the same in writing. In addition, the Company reserves the right to request such information to be returned during the period of notice should the Company deem it possible that there could be a risk, intentional or otherwise, of Company/commercially sensitive information being made available to other parties. 29 ASSOCIATED WORK 29.1 You shall not be associated in any capacity with a business that carries out work of a similar type to the Company's, without the Company's prior written approval. 29.2 If you choose to take up additional employment outside your normal working hours, this shall be accepted by the Company subject to the provisions above, unless such additional employment is felt to have an adverse effect on the performance of your normal duties with the Company. 30 USE OF EMPLOYEES' MOTOR VEHICLES ON COMPANY BUSINESS 30.1 If you need to use your own car on Company business, you should only do so with the prior approval of your Manager, and you should ensure that the vehicle is appropriately insured, taxed and, where applicable has an up to date MOT certificate, and that you hold a current & valid driving licence. 30.2 Any travelling expenses incurred in undertaking Company duties in your own motor vehicle will be reimbursed by the Company, according to the number of miles travelled. 31 COMPANY MOTOR VEHICLES 31.1 If you are supplied with a Company vehicle for your sole use then relevant rules will be as listed in your Statement of Main Terms and Conditions of Employment. 31.2 The Company, however, reserves the right to have access to or have use of your car during normal working hours if no alternative/pool car is available. 31.3 If you are required to occasionally use a pool car or have the use of another employees car then the following rules will apply to you: 31.3.1 No employee is allowed to use a Company vehicle for ANY purpose unless prior permission has been given by a Manager. If such permission is not given then the vehicle and the driver
18 are not insured. Any person doing so without permission is subject to instant dismissal. 31.3.2 Only Company products/equipment and personal belongings may be carried in Company cars at any time. 31.3.3 You are required at all times to conform to any specific regulations which from time to time may be imposed by the Company in relation to Company motor cars. 31.3.4 All employees who drive a Company vehicle must comply with the rules of the Road Traffic Act and are personally responsible for all offences under the Act. 31.4 The Company encourages safe and considerate driving at all times and will not be responsible for payment of any speeding or parking fines relating to a Company vehicle. If legal action is to be taken against an employee, the Managing Director must be notified immediately. Disciplinary action may be taken if this instruction is not followed. 31.5 Employees who use Company vehicles, either allocated or pool, should take note that at no time should the vehicles be left unattended in a manner which will enable them to be accessed and used. Vehicles should at all times, when at rest and unattended, have the keys removed from the ignition and locked. Any persons found guilty of not adhering to these requirements will be disciplined. In the event that a vehicle is stolen or damaged as a result of this failure such action may be considered Gross Misconduct and subject to the normal disciplinary procedure. Dismissal could result. Insurance cover could be invalidated by the failure of any employee to adhere to the foregoing practice. 32 MOBILE PHONES IN VEHICLES 32.1 The Company policy on the use of mobile phones in vehicles, whether the vehicle is provided by the Company or is privately owned, is as follows: 32.1.1 The use of handheld phones is not permitted whilst driving*. This includes phones with microphones and earpieces. *Definition of driving – sitting at the wheel of the vehicle with the engine running/operational. 32.1.2 Handheld phones must only be used when the vehicle is properly parked and the engine switched off. This does not include the hard shoulder of the motorway, stationary at traffic lights, in a traffic jam or in slow moving traffic. 32.1.3 If you do not have a hands free car kit, the phone should be switched off or switched to your message service while driving and messages taken when you take a break in the journey.
19 32.1.4 If you have a hands free kit, it should conform to the Department of Transport guidelines. The phone should be placed in the cradle while driving and caution used in its use when driving. Keypad actions should be minimised by using pre-sets for most commonly used numbers. Dialling full numbers must be restricted to when the vehicle is stationary. 32.1.5 No mobile phone shall be used to accept calls unless the call can be received by the pressing of a single and easily accessible button in combination with the use of a hands-free kit. 32.1.6 To send and receive text messages, the vehicle should be properly parked as with handheld phones. 32.1.7 Employees and Managers should avoid calling staff when it is known or suspected that they may be driving. 32.1.8 The use of handheld mobile phones whilst driving is illegal and subject to ‘on the spot’ penalty fines. The Company will not accept any liability for any fixed penalty payments or fines as a result of staff being convicted. 32.1.9 Any staff who do not comply with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. 30.1.10 In vehicle distractions such as Sat Navs must be positioned safely, out of the way of airbags and not obstructing a driver’s vision. All destinations should be entered while the vehicle is stationery in a safe place. Planning a journey in advance can reduce the drivers’ reliance on the Sat Nav at dangerous times and will also prompt drivers to think about issues such as fatigue and the best time to do the journey. 33 RETIREMENTS 33.1 The Company does not operate a mandatory retirement age. However it recognises that employees may have their own retirement plans and actively encourages them to discuss these with their manager, to both assist the Company in planning its future staffing needs and to identify any steps that might assist both them and the Company in achieving a smooth transition. 34 SITE SAFETY
20 34.1 All new employees will be subject to a mandatory Health & Safety Induction which informs them of the Emergency Procedures in the event of an incident. This will be refreshed for existing employees following a significant change or within 5 years – whichever is the earliest. All employees must comply with all Workplace Safety Instructions & Procedures. HEALTH AND SAFETY 35 HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY 35.1 You must comply with the Company Health & Safety Policy and procedures as given at Induction and in other relevant instruction and training as provided. 36 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT 36.1 You must wear the relevant protective clothing and equipment provided where it has been identified that PPE is required. 36.2 All employees whose job necessitates some form of specialised clothing i.e. safety footwear, wet weather or thermal garments, are provided with the necessary equipment free of charge. 36.3 The Company provides overalls free of charge where necessary and ensures that overalls are regularly cleaned at no cost to you. 36.4 If you leave the Company you will be required to return your overalls prior to termination; failure to do so will result in the costs of the overalls being deducted from any monies outstanding to you at the time of termination. 36.5 Trainers are not permitted as appropriate footwear in any department unless an agreement has been put in place between employee and Line Manager. 37 ACCIDENTS AT WORK 37.1 If you have an accident causing injury at work you must: 37.1.1 Have the injury attended to without delay. 37.1.2 Report (or arrange for the report of) the accident to your Line Manager without delay.
21 37.2 If as a result of the injury you are absent from work then the normal "Sickness Reporting Procedure" should be followed. 37.3 Machines at which an accident has occurred MUST NOT be restarted without permission from your Supervisor or Manager. 37.4 The First Aid Boxes are maintained in the Control Room, Office Kitchen and Blend Shed. You should acquaint yourself with their location and the First Aiders, whose names are posted on the Notice Board. 38 SMOKING 38.1 Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) is prohibited inside or within the footprint of any building on site. 38.2 Employees wishing to smoke whilst on site may do so in the designated smoking points, ensuring that cigarette ends etc. are disposed of in a safe, tidy and hygienic manner. GENERAL RULES 39 DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE Aim 39.1 The Company requires rules and procedures to be complied with to ensure a good relationship between employees and their Managers. It is hoped that there will be no need to use the disciplinary procedure. However, should such action be deemed necessary, the procedure laid down below should allow all relevant issues to be fairly dealt with. Disciplinary action is initially at the discretion of the individual's immediate Manager. 39.2 Employees with less than two year's continuous service are not subject to this procedure. Misconduct - Disciplinary Offences - Gambling or taking bets on the works' premises is forbidden, unless prior authorisation from a Director has been granted. - Playing unsuitable or dangerous games on the works premises. - Leaving the works' premises without permission, unauthorised absence from immediate place of work, bad time keeping and/or absenteeism. - Bringing intoxicating liquor onto the works' premises without permission. - Soliciting the sale of any type of goods or services whatsoever, including the lending of money for personal gain. - Discharging personal refuse in Company skips. - Misuse of the Company’s E-Mail, Internet or internal mailing facilities.
22 - Persistent absenteeism or lateness - Poor effort or sub-standard work - Absence without authorisation - Failure to follow absence reporting procedures - Non-serious failure to comply with health and safety requirements - Misuse of Company equipment - Failure to comply with a reasonable management instruction - Incapacity through drink or drugs - Sleeping on the premises whilst on duty - Foul or abusive language - Abusive, objectionable or insulting behaviour - Disorderly conduct - Wilful or excessive wastage of Company time or materials - Damage to plant, equipment or material caused by carelessness - Misinterpretation of fact – lying The foregoing are examples of unacceptable behaviour covered by the disciplinary procedure below. This list is not exhaustive and any breach of discipline not listed will be dealt with by the Company at its own discretion. Letter of Concern 39.3 Where it is considered a breach of the Company’s standard, or misconduct is not sufficiently serious enough to merit a formal conduct hearing, an informal discussion between the line manager and the employee may be held. Some examples of this may be conduct, breach of the Company procedure and poor time keeping. 39.4 The manager will bring the incident to the employee’s attention and specify expected improvement. 39.5 Guidance and support may often be a more satisfactory method of resolving problems than a formal conduct hearing. This should be a discussion, with the objective of encouraging and assisting the employee to improve the situation, taking account of any points raised by the employee. 39.6 The employee should fully understand the outcome of any informal discussion and what is expected of them in the future. 39.7 A letter summarising the discussion (‘Letter of Concern’) will be issues and will remain on the employee’s record for a period of 6 months, and the expected corrective action will be given to the employee and placed on their personal file. First Written Warning 39.8 You will receive a letter detailing the reasons why you have been requested to attend a disciplinary meeting together with any supporting
23 documentation, advised of the time and date of the meeting and of the right to be accompanied. 39.9 The employee will be interviewed by the Manager concerned and given an opportunity to explain their case. 39.10 If a disciplinary warning is deemed to be necessary, a first written warning will be given and a record of this will be kept on the individual's personal file and will not be considered spent until 12 months has elapsed. 39.11 This warning will detail the reason, the expected improvements, the timescale within which the improvement should occur and the names of the persons present during the meeting and the consequences of failure to improve. Final Written Warning 39.12 You will receive a letter detailing the reasons why you have been requested to attend a disciplinary meeting together with any supporting documentation, advised of the time and date of the meeting and of the right to be accompanied. 39.13 The employee will be interviewed by the Manager concerned and given an opportunity to explain their case. 39.14 If a disciplinary warning is deemed to be necessary, a Final Written Warning will be given and a record of this will be kept on the individual's personal file and will not be considered spent until 12 months has elapsed and the consequences of failure to improve. Dismissal 39.15 You will receive a letter detailing the reasons why you have been requested to attend a disciplinary meeting together with any supporting documentation, advised of the time and date of the meeting and of the right to be accompanied. 39.16 The employee will be interviewed by the Manager concerned and given an opportunity to explain their case. 39.17 If further disciplinary action is deemed to be necessary notice of termination of employment may be served on the employee. Gross Misconduct 39.18 The following is a list of behaviour which is considered to constitute gross industrial misconduct for which the penalty would be dismissal without notice. - Disorderly conduct, assault, or behaviour prejudicial to the interests,
24 well-being and safety of yourself, the Company and its employees. - Gross insubordination or repeated refusal or failure to carry out legitimate instructions. - Unauthorised disclosure of confidential information about the Company's business. - Smoking in contravention of the Company Smoking Policy. - Theft, fraud or unauthorised removal of any kind of material from the Company's premises without your Manager's permission. - Malicious interference with or misuse of or damage to items of Company property. - Serious misuse of the Company’s E-Mail, Internet or internal mailing facilities - Theft of others' possessions whether belonging to the Company, employees, visitors or customers - Fraud, bribery or falsification of records - Fighting/Physical Assault - Gross immorality or indecent behaviour - Possessing and/or taking illegal drugs on Company premises - Consumption of alcohol on Company premises - Serious cases of non-compliance with health and safety instructions - Harassment or discrimination of any kind - Unauthorised release of Company/commercially sensitive information - Undertaking private work on Company premises without prior authorisation - Negligence or neglect of duty resulting in any loss which might expose the Company to a serious claim - The unauthorised release of technical, commercial, financial or other information which could lead to a competitor gaining commercial advantage - Solicitation and/or acceptance of money, gifts, services or other inducements without Company knowledge for personal gain or the gain of family or friends 39.19 In the event of an act of gross industrial misconduct, examples of which are given above the employee will be dismissed without notice and without issuing warnings as detailed in the disciplinary procedure. However, prior to the decision to dismiss the relevant Director will review all the facts and ensure that the employee is given the chance to explain their case and respond to any charges made. General 39.20 Forward notice, of no less than 24 hours, will be given of any Disciplinary Hearing. 39.21 The issues and agenda for such proceedings will be provided in writing.
25 39.22 Evidence and statements which are to be relied upon will be provided prior to the proceedings. 39.23 Disciplinary action will not be taken until the case has been carefully investigated. You must take reasonable steps to attend any meeting. 39.24 The outcome will be notified in writing to you and will confirm any action that is required. 39.25 The Company reserves the right to use or omit any step in the procedure should it consider it appropriate and also reserves the right to have a flexible yet fair standard of disciplining employees if required. 39.26 The Company reserves the right to suspend any employee with pay, normally for up to five working days to investigate an incident at any stage of the procedure, and without pay as a disciplinary measure as an alternative to dismissal, but at the Company’s discretion. 39.27 Employees have the right to be accompanied by a fellow employee or Trade Union Representative of their choice at any formal disciplinary/dismissal meeting. Right of Appeal 39.28 Employees have the right to appeal against any disciplinary/dismissal decision being made by the Company. 39.29 Any appeal should be put in writing within two days of confirmation of the disciplinary action and submitted to the appropriate Director. 39.30 Appeals should normally be submitted to a level of management senior to that which carried out the original disciplinary/dismissal decision. 39.31 In the absence of a Director to whom an appeal can be submitted, then the appeal should be lodged in writing to the HR Department within five working days of the date of receiving notice of termination of employment, or within a reasonable period thereafter. 40 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Aim 39.32 It is the policy of the Company to provide a good working atmosphere in which employees feel they are participating in meeting the objectives of the Company. From time to time differences may arise and the Company is anxious that employees should receive fair and just consideration and treatment and should have the right to appeal against any decision about which they are not happy including those under the Disciplinary/Dismissal Procedure. In other words, the
26 Company wishes to settle differences as quickly and as simply as possible. Stage 1 39.33 If you have any grievance(s) relating to your employment you should raise the matter in the first instance with your immediate Supervisor. Stage 2 39.34 You will then be invited to a meeting and must take all reasonable steps to attend. 39.35 The purpose of the meeting is to consider and try to resolve the grievance(s) you have set out in. 39.36 The outcome of the meeting will be confirmed to you in writing, as will your right of appeal. Stage 3 39.37 If you are not satisfied with the outcome at Stage 2, you will be given the right to an appeal meeting with a more senior Manager/Director who has not previously been involved in the procedure. 39.38 You will be expected to take all reasonable steps to attend the appeal meeting and have the same rights to accompaniment as applied at Stage 2. 39.39 The purpose of the appeal meeting is to consider and try to resolve the grievance(s) you have set out in writing. 39.40 The outcome of the appeal meeting will be confirmed to you in writing. This is the final stage in the procedure. Stage 4 39.41 If the matter remains unresolved independent arbitration may be sought at the request of either party. Such arbitration must be mutually acceptable. 39.42 At any step during the Grievance Procedure you have the right to be accompanied by a fellow employee or Trade Union Representative of your choice. 39.43 At each stage every effort will be made to resolve the grievance within 5 working days. 40 GENERAL RULES
27 The following general rules apply within the Company: 40.1 You are expected to be punctual at your place of work and lateness can result in disciplinary action. 40.2 You are not allowed to take materials or Company tools off the Company premises unless you have prior Management approval in writing. 40.3 The consumption of intoxicating liquor (without prior approval of the Management), or the taking of non-medically prescribed illegal drugs on the Company's premises is not permitted. If you are considered to be under the influence of drink or non-medically prescribed illegal drugs, you will be suspended from work without pay and will be subject to disciplinary action. 40.4 If you have brought any intoxicating liquor, without Management permission, or non-medically prescribed illegal drugs onto the Company's premises you will be subject to disciplinary action, which could lead to dismissal. 40.5 Private telephone calls are not normally accepted through the Company switchboard. However, permission to use the telephone may be given by your Supervisor or Manager. 40.6 You must not operate radios or portable cassettes, tape recorders or any other form of audio device without prior Management permission. Where such permission is given, the volume controls must be kept to an acceptable level so that the noise level does not annoy or disturb others working within the vicinity. 40.7 You are not allowed to gamble, bet or run sweepstakes etc., unless you have prior Management permission. 40.8 You should not place signs, bills or notices on the Company notice board without prior Management permission. In addition, you should not distribute pamphlets or propaganda material and you should not undertake the unauthorised sale of goods. 40.9 You must not make collections on the Company's premises without prior Management permission. 40.10 In the interests of security and safety, you should not bring friends or relatives beyond the Reception area without prior Management approval. 41 MOBILE TELEPHONES/COMPANY LANDLINES 41.1 The use of personal mobile phones during working hours is restricted to emergencies only. This is for both incoming and outgoing calls, text
28 messages, emails etc. To use your phone at any other time you must obtain your line manager’s authorisation, in advance. 41.2 Furthermore, any personal use of the company landline telephones must also be pre-authorised by your line manager. 41.3 If you are issued with a Company mobile telephone for the purposes of aiding communications during working hours, you must not use the phone in a Company vehicles unless that vehicle has been fitted with the appropriate “hands free” set. 41.4 The Company reserves the right to recover the cost of personal calls made on Company mobile telephones, where it considered the personal usage to be excessive. 42 ANTI – BRIBERY POLICY 42.1 The Company prohibits the offering, giving, solicitation or acceptance of a bribe of any kind to or from any person or organisation, by any employee, third party or agent acting on the Company’s behalf, in order to gain a contractual or commercial advantage for the Company or to gain any personal advantage, pecuniary or otherwise, for themselves or anyone connected with them. 43.2 Please refer to the Anti Bribery Policy (014) for further information. 43 `DISCLOSURE OF PUBLIC INTEREST MATTERS (WHISTLEBLOWING) 43.1 This procedure applies where you reasonably believe (and it is in the public interest) that one or more of the following matters is either happening, has taken place or is likely to happen in future: a criminal offence a breach of legal obligation a miscarriage of justice a danger to the health and safety of any individual damage to the environment deliberate attempt to conceal any of the above 43.2 If you reasonably believe that any of the above have happened, are happening or are likely to happen, you should in the first instance disclose such matters to your Line Manager immediately. 43.3 If it is not appropriate to raise the issues with your Line Manager you should raise the issue with a more senior member of management, or, if not possible, another member of management on the same level.
29 43.4 The Company will investigate such matters and you will be informed of the Company’s findings. 43.5 Wherever possible, your identity will remain confidential should you expressly wish this. 43.6 Should you raise a concern under this procedure that you genuinely believe to be in the public interest you will not under any circumstances be subjected to any form of detriment or disadvantage as a result of having raised your concern. 43.7 Failure to make such a disclosure by using the above procedure prior to making the disclosure to another person or organisation outside the Company could render you liable to disciplinary action, which may lead to your dismissal. 43.8 If any disclosure concerns information which you do not substantially believe to be true or is made in bad faith (for example in order to cause disruption within the Company), or indeed if the disclosure is made for personal gain, then you may become subject to action under the Disciplinary Procedure, which could include dismissal. 43.9 If you feel unable to follow or are dissatisfied with the outcome of this procedure you may raise your concerns with the relevant Prescribed Person designated by the Public Interest Disclosure (|Prescribed Persons) Order 1999 or any statute or statutory instrument which subsequently superseded this legislation. CONCLUSION 44 ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS 50.1 The provisions of this Handbook may be altered by the Company as occasion requires or as legislation demands. The Company reserves the right to review, revise or replace the contents of this Handbook and introduce new policies from time to time reflecting the changing needs of the business. Any legislative changes as are mandatory on the Company will be deemed to take effect as at the effective date of the legislation. However, the terms of any other proposed alteration or addition will be discussed as appropriate and confirmed in writing either as a general notice or individually 45 BREACH OF PROVISIONS 45.1 Any breach of these provisions or any misconduct not specifically mentioned herein may be dealt with by the disciplinary procedure. The
30 taking of disciplinary action by the Company does not preclude the possibility of action in Civil or Criminal Court, whether initiated by the Company, the individual or the Civil Authorities. 46 NOTICE BOARDS 46.1 It is your duty to read all notices on the official Notice Boards, and to comply with their requirements insofar as they relate to the Main Terms and Conditions of Employment. Alleged ignorance of any notice will not be accepted as an excuse for non-compliance. 47 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT 47.1 If you give notice to the Company to terminate your employment or you are given notice by the Company, it may be possible by mutual agreement to waive the formal periods of notice. 47.2 If you are given notice by the Company for whatever reason, your full entitlement to paid holiday will be calculated on a pro rata basis per completed month of service less any holiday entitlement taken during the holiday year plus holiday entitlement carried forward from the previous year. We hope that this Handbook helps you to understand the way in which the Company works and your role within it. However, if any of the above items should be unclear or you have any questions to raise, please do not hesitate to do so with your immediate Supervisor.